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This was created for a theatre class. There is also a short story version. |
NARRATOR: As we start this scene, we find Dillon Hunt, the young, alluring newcomer to Witman Inc., caught between the likeness of Carla Witman, the owner of this here thriving company, and Carla’s daughter, Cassandra, a young impressionable girl of 22, who is looking for new job experiences in her mother’s company. Dillon is using his charm to get his way out of his work as Carla falls pray to his tricks. Cassandra gets her first meeting with Dillon and finds that he isn’t everything he makes himself out to be. While Sandra, Carla’s secretary, watches all of the characters fall prey to their personal weaknesses right before her disapproving eyes. (Dillon enters through door at stage right. Slowly closes the door, locks it, than turns to face Carla at desk.) DILLON: Hello Ms. Witman. (Dillon leans against the door as he talks.) May I ask what gives me reason to be in such a wonderful presence this afternoon? (Carla still remains focused on typing/writing on the laptop/papers, but the typing/writing begins to slow down. Dillon coughs loudly as if to draw her attention.) CARLA: (Casually looks up from her work. Looks at Dillon from over the rims of her glasses and flashes a quick smile in his direction, that quickly fades) No need for the compliments Dillon. I merely called you into my office to ask you if you were busy tonight or can your wonderful presence not make it? (Carla says line sarcastically and sits back in her chair. Crosses her arms. Dillon walks casually over to Carla’s desk and leans on top of the desk bringing his face a little closer to hers. Both characters should make strong eye contact for a moment) DILLON: (slyly) Well, now that you mention it…(Dillon purses his lips and looks up at the ceiling as if he is thinking about something intently) CARLA: (Carla gets up from the chair and walks around in front of the desk to stand next to Dillon. She leans her back against it and places her hands on the edge of the desk. Her tone is less stern and more relaxed) Seriously Dillon, would you say about 8:30 tonight? I can’t get off work any earlier than that because I have a meeting with a shareholder at 7, but I know that meeting won’t end on time, so… (Voice trails off as if what she is saying has become to overwhelming) (Dillon turns around into same position as Carla, but turns head so as to make strong eye contact with Carla) DILLON: (Says with a false sense of seniority, and a small seductive tone) And I am as serious as can be Carla. I mean really serious. (Stops a moment to think about what he says. Switches to a nervous and unsettled/uncomfortable tone) I can call you Carla now, can’t I? (Carla begins to interrupt, but Dillon cuts her off and he continues. His tone has now come back to his usual overly-confident one) I suppose I can, considering last weekend… (Laughs to himself and than becomes serious again, though he still is teasing Carla. Uses a mocking tone as he says line) Now, back to being serious. I’m really not quite sure if I can make it this evening considering the mile high stack of paperwork that just happened to be thrown on my desk this afternoon. (Carla looks taken aback, but quickly turns to face Dillon and a small smile creeps on her face. She abruptly turns and saunters back behind her desk. Picking up the phone, Carla begins punching numbers in the punch pad on the phone. Dillon turns and plops his body into the seat in front of the desk putting his feet on the top of the desk) CARLA: (On the phone, Carla talks with a stern, powerful, and forceful voice) Mary… yes… I need you to get Tom to go and pick up the filing on Dillon’s desk and take care of it for tomorrow… yes I know that Mary… no, I will be too busy tomorrow to do that at 4, but you can switch it to 2:30... Are we done? Thank you Mary. (Begins to put receiver down, but then quickly puts it back to her ear) Wait! Don’t forget to get me that book for Cassie, o.k.? Again, thank you Mary. (Carla hangs up the phone receiver and sits down in her seat. Turns to face Dillon and with a seductive tone, begins to talk to Dillon again) So, how about that date? I think 8:30 sounds great, don’t you? DILLON: (Laughing a little to himself. Gets up and turns to go to the door) I like 9:00 too. MARY: (Mary enters from door stage right. Bumps into Dillon and almost drops the filing that is in her arms. She sees Dillon and rolls her eyes. Dillon looks just as annoyed with Mary's presence) Oh, hello Dillon. (Turns from Dillon to look at Carla. Has a small smile on her face) I’m sorry to interrupt you Ms. Witman, but your daughter Cassie is here to see you. She has been waiting for a couple of minutes. Should I let her in? NARRATOR: Mary Gibson , Carla’s personal secretary, is a woman in her mid 50’s with wispy gray hair and slightly wrinkled skin. Mary often wears sweaters and skirts and keeps her glasses either around her neck or on her face. Though at times Mary may seem a bit quiet, she is a very gracious woman and takes pride in her job as Carla’s personal secretary. She is a loyal friend to Carla and offers support whenever and wherever it is needed, though she is constantly watching Carla and her actions with disapproving eyes. (Sandra steps outside into the hall and beckons for someone to come in) CARLA: Yes, Sandra. Bring her in. (Sighs) MARY: Come on in dear. (Cassie slowly enters with her books and Dillon’s face changes from a look of annoyance to a look of intrigue as he measures Cassie. Mary turns to Cassandra) Can I get you anything? (Cassandra turns to Mary) NARRATOR: Cassandra, known by most as Cassie, is a young student at Thompson College, who is just recovering from a break-up with her high school sweetheart. Cassandra is usually very active and buoyant, however, her recent heartbreak has brought out her timid side that seems to creep up more and more around men. She has turned to her mother for support the last couple of weeks, as both women are coming to their senses about their love lives and personal mistakes. Cassandra has built a very strong bond with her mother, which was also partially due to her father’s mishaps and mistakes in her parent’s previous marriage, and Cassandra can now be seen constantly at her mother’s side and aid. CASSANDRA: No thank you Mary, I’m fine for right now. Besides, I think my mom was going to take me out later. (Mary then turns to Carla’s direction) MARY: Ms. Witman, can I get you anything? (Dillon smiles and steps in front of Mary to get to Cassie before she can take another step into the office, while at the same time, cutting off Carla’s reply) DILLON: (With a tone of interest in his voice and a bright smile on his face) Hi there Cassie! I’m Dillon. I work with your mother. So nice to finally meet you. (Dillon reaches his hand out for Cassie to shake it) CASSANDRA: (Unsure of herself and the current situation, Cassandra fidgets and looks uncomfortable as she talks to Dillon. Slowly reaches out to shake Dillon‘s hand) Um… hi there Dillon. Nice to meet you too, I think. (Cassie says with uncertainty and a bit of embarrassment in her voice. Dillon gives a hearty laugh and smiles even brighter at her) (Dillon turns to Carla with a look of overdramatic happiness, but gives Carla a look of confusion with her eyes) DILLON: Carla, how come you never introduced me to your daughter? (Point with both hands towards Cassie) She is a fine young woman. (Dillon turns to Cassandra and looks her up and down.) Who wouldn’t want to meet someone as radiant as her? (Smiles slyly) (Cassandra has on a look of embarrassment as Carla walks from behind the desk with an annoyed look on her face. She grabs Dillon by his arm and begins to drag him towards the door. Sandra steps back towards Carla’s desk with a disappointing look on her face. Sandra writes something down on her notepad and shakes her head disapprovingly) CARLA: (Sarcastically) And that Dillon, is the exact reason why. (Carla walks over to Dillon and begins to pull on his arm) Dillon, I think you have some more work to do, so could you get right to it? (Carla says with a deeply annoyed tone and pulling becomes more forceful. Cassandra steps out of the way) PLEASE! DILLON: (Snapping out of his gaze looking at Cassandra, he turns to Carla with a dumfounded look on his face. His movements are still very small and gradual) Oh, um… yeah, sure I can. (Stuttering) It was really nice to meet you Cassie, (Rephrasing) I mean, Cassandra. I hope we can see each other again. MARY: (Taking Dillon by his hear, Mary leads him out of the door stage right) Let’s go Cassanova. (Dillon slowly walks out the door as Mary helps him along. Carla fixes her suite and turns to Cassandra. She gives Cassandra a small smile and walks towards her to give her a hug. Carla’s movements are stiff as Cassandra’s movements are very welcoming and warm) CASSANDRA: Wow, that guy put on quite a show for us huh? (Laughs to herself) I have never seen a man so lost for words and so talkative at the same time in my whole life! It was truly entertaining. (Smiles to herself) (Carla goes to sit behind her desk. She walks very stiffly and her tone is very neutral) CARLA: Yeah, well, he is a very interesting worker, (mumbling to herself) and a very unique man. CASSANDRA: (Questioningly) So, what was he doing in here? I thought you were supposed to have a meeting before you talked to me? (Carla’s eyes begin to wander and she becomes fidgety. Coughs a couple of times as if she is clearing her throat. Looks at her papers and checks her phone for messages) CARLA: Well, that meeting got canceled. (Fiddling with the papers on her desk and trying to change the subject. She seems very focused on her work as she says the line) Anyways, how was your day? CASSANDRA: (Sarcastically) Well, I could say that meeting Dillon was really the high point. (Cassandra rolls her eyes and goes into a puff. Cassandra plops into the chair with a disappointing look on her face. Carla sits back down in her chair and crosses her hands over her chest) CARLA: (Questioningly) Now, why would you say that? CASSANDRA: Well, dad… (voice trails off) (Carla cuts her off and face becomes angry. Her voice becomes louder and her shoulders tighten) CARLA: Well, with your father around, it could make even your wedding day the worst day of your life. (Going off on tyrant) I mean, he couldn’t make his own daughter’s graduation because he was busy having lunch with his (mockingly) secretary and then lying to me about it, and then he missed… (Cassandra trying to stop the vent before it gets any farther. Cassandra cuts her off right at the end of the line) CASSANDRA: Hey, um… I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m really hungry. Could we get something to eat? (Cassandra rubs her tummy) (Carla looks at her in a angered way, but then her face relaxes. She goes around to the back of Cassandra’s chair and tugs at her shirt) CARLA: Come on, lets go. (Lets out a sigh) I guess my ranting isn’t as fun for you to watch anymore huh? (Laughs a little and Cassandra gives out a large HUH) Before we go, I have to give you this book I bought you. I think you’ll love it! (Opening the door and yelling out) Sandra! Do you have the book? SANDRA: (Voice from hall) Yes, Ms. Witman! Right away! (Carla and Cassandra exit through the door) |