Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1128316-Dreams-of-a-Dreamer
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Drama · #1128316
Mia now out of high school wants her friends to come with her to L.A
OKAY This story is mostly taken place in L.A Where Mia wants her friends dreams and hers to come true
please add as many twists as you like

Rule: HAVE FUN , make it funny, and don't curse every five seconds

I will skip you unless you tell me why your unavallible at the time. Email me if your going out of town so I know to skip you with out waiting for you to make an addition.

Sry This is long

include bio with the following;

Name:Mia ChenchWork



Personality:Spunky,hates to be alone,funny,lovely voice

Apperance:Skinny with straight brown har past shoulders.

Other :Dream is to become a singer.
Mia when she was young lost both her parents and her big sister took custody but Mia was always alone cause Sarah her sister was never around. So most of the time she is out side walken her dog for company and thinking.or without her dog just to think.
A Non-Existent User
Name:Linsdey Shockton

Age: 18 1/2


Personality: Can be quite rebellious at times and is the life of the party. Has a quite side but she rarley shows it. Gets highly emotional at times and is a big crybaby at sad movies.

Apperance:Is about 5'5 and has jet black hair with purple streaks that's so long she can sit on it. Suprisingly hates the color black for clothing and usualy wears dark colors ranging from navy blue to magenta.Dark brown eyes that are almost black.

Other: Moved to the area around third grade and for a while her only friend was Mia but now has a whole group of them. Hopes to suprisingly be a famous chef and travel around the world doing cooking tricks on different TV shows.
Name:Alyssa Calloway

Age: 19

Gender: female

Personality: fun to be with, always dragging people to go to places, daredevil (ex she would jump off the cliff into water without any thought)very outgoing, flirtatious, trustworthy, very sporty

Appearance: 5"7 with medium length blonde straight hair, hazel eyes, atheletic body, tan looking skin

Other: she moved from France in 9th grade. Met Mia and Linsdey by accident (bumped into them in hall and they asked her to eat lunch with them), she knows a good portion of english but has trouble from time to time with words. She has always wanted to be a famous soccer player in the international women's soccer league
Name: Gabriella Vanity

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Gabriella (nicknamed Bell), is a vain, shallow girl who has the sharp, rough personality of Scarlett O'Hara. She loves to turn a boy's head and watch him fawn after her, with no intention of ever ending his torture. Bell's family is from LA, and Bell is an aspiring model/actress who has a hardass mother for an agent. Bell loves to go to parties (as she tons of friends and beauxs) and she can drink and dance all night. Because of reputation, Bell is allowed in any nightclub in LA, and even knows the bouncers by name. Bell also has some famous friends-it is a known fact that Bell can get any actor in LA to buy her and her friends all the drinks they want. Bell does not like children and is not very close to family. However, she is very close to her friends-and even though she acts bitchy on the outside, she would do anything for them. Bell has genuine courage and spirit-she just sometimes uses them wrongly.

Appearance: Bell is very tall and thin-with the body of a model (think, too skinny-no boobs.) She has a very dark complexion and long beautiful wavy brown hair that is her trademark. She has emerald green eyes with an inner rim of hazel, and freckles across the bridge of her nose on her otherwise flawless dark skin. Bell is always wearing designer clothes, shoes, purses, and accessories-and gets most of her things free from her modeling company or as job perks. She gets her friends whatever they want.

Other: Bell went through a rebellious faze in high school, where she refused to talk to any of the other preppy girls. During this time, she hardly talked to anyone-and only met Mia after she decided to open back up a little. After meeting Mia and becoming friends, she met Lindsay and Alyssa together. The four of them decided to go to a nightclub one night (even though not all of the friends are into that sort of thing) and had such a great time that now they all are inseperable. Bell is especially close with Alyssa.

"Guys I know this is pretty sudden but will you go to L.A with me I really want to fufill my dreams of becoming a singer." Mia looked at her friends who all had diffrent rections.

Alyssa looked shocked but ready to just go out the door and go there.

Lindsey Was shocked and looked nervous about it.

Gabrielle just smiled witch said she had an idea.

"well?" I asked.
"L.A?" I said
"Where's L.A? Is that the hot place with the, ce qui est ce mot je recherche, is it ce-llle-bry-tees? that I keep on hearing about?" I said once again

Mia looked at me thinking I was some crazy person not knowing where L.A was.

"any big soccer teams tere? You know as well as I do that soccer et moi equals love. By all means if you tree are going ten je veut aller"

Bell looked at Alyssa with a smirk meaning she was just about to say something interesting.....

**side note: if you don't understand any french that my character says just ask me about it**
Bell looked at her friends with incredulty.

"Oh, my dear Alyssa." Bell put an arm around her friend and pulled her new sunglasses through off of her eyes. "Not only are there celebrities-there are the finest looking boys you've ever seen."

Mia laughed. "Of course that's all she'd be thinking about."

Bell shrugged. "Do you want to hear my idea or not?"

"Yeah, we want to hear it," Lindsey said, slapping Mia lightly so she would stop laughing.

"Well, if we're going to LA, we might as well make a little contest out of it."

"Contest?" Alyssa asked, confused.

Mia smirked. "We're not making a contest out of anything, Bell! We're going to LA to party, sunbathe, "make our dreams come true"..." Mia used a bit of sarcastic tone for her last speculation.

"Fine, if you're chicken...." Bell teased.

"What did you have in mind?"

Bell leaned forward, bringing her Marc Jacobs purse to the front of her chest. "We all have things we want to accomplish, and well my mother's just bought a beach house. We'll just stay in it during the summer right? Well-you all know my agent's out in Orange County..."

Mia groaned. "Okay miss rich bitch, could you please just cut to the contest part?"

Bell laughed. "Fine, fine. What I was getting to...a little bet. Whoever becomes the most successful by the end of the summer can take the others out for spring break vacation next year."

"Successful, as in money?" Lindsey asked. She and Mia looked at each other.

"No, no," Bell said. "That would be no contest! I meant more of everything combined. Fame, love life, fun, new friends, etc."

Bell looked at her fingernails in a bored fashion, but her eyes sparkled.

"I don't know..." Alyssa said.

"L.A.'s got soccer babe. Lots of soccer. And singing for my little Mia, and tons of cooking shows for the lovely Lindsey..." Belle was waving her car keys in the other's faces. "And...we can drive the Lexus..."

"We're in..." the ohers chorused.
"You guys are the best!" Mia chirped walking out of the door leaving her friends behind.

walking down the street she thought about what bell said "LOVE" she would love it if she found a guy that was well...suited for her. She reached her house and screamed " Hello L.A!"
A Non-Existent User
Trisha was so excited. Maybe for once things would go her way. She could become famous, find love and maybe even live life the way she wanted to. She had kept a lot of things from the girls throughout the years. She knew that some day some of those secrets would come out but she also knew there was those that wouldn't.

The five of them had agreed to leave on Saturday, two days from now. Even though she had time it made Trisha feel better if she started packing now.

Although she was very excited she would miss a couple things like all her other friends and her boyfriend well more like ex because he hadn't called her since school let out. But that was besides the point.

As Trisha flopped down on to her bed and drifted off to sleep she thought of all the wonderful times that lay ahead. This was sure to be an intresting summer.
*side note: sorry this is long...I had a bunch of ideas to write and I couldn't stop hehe*

Alyssa woke up very early on that Saturday, excited about the big trip that the five gal pals where going to take. After she packed, showered and ate a big breakfast, she began walking towards Bell's house, the meeting place where all the girls where going to start their L.A journey. While walking down the street, she began thinking about the trip to L.A. She thought about how the girls where going to react to the new change from living in a small town of 500 people to going to a big city like L.A. While she was thinking about what was going to happen in L.A and how she was going to be that big soccer star she suddenly....*CRASH*

Alyssa opened her eyes and to her dismay, a gorgeous male was standing over her. He had big brown eyes and black short hair. Alyssa began dreaming about him and her walking down the street, holding hands and laughing. When she finally snapped out of it she was lifted to her feet by him.
"Are you okay Miss?" said the man
Dreamily Alyssa said "ouuuii"
Alyssa looked at her watch and noticed that she was late to meet the other girls.
"oh crap....bonjour I'm Alyssa I would love to talk to you more right now boot I am late to go to L.A aurevoir" Alyssa said while running down the street. The man yelled back "I'm Joseph! NICE TO MEET YOU!!"
When Alyssa arrived at Bell's house, Mia, Linsdey and Bell gave Alyssa the where in the world have you been look. Alyssa looked at them all and said with a pouty look "Quoi? I met a cute boy"
"A cute boy boy huh?" Mia laughed "What did he look like?"

"Well, he was tall with brown eyes and short black hair. He was gourgous!" Alyssa smiled.

"He sounds alright." Belle muttered as she sat down and took a cup filled with tea from the table.

Mia gave Belle a look. "He sounds HOT to me. Congrats Ally!"

"Mia, what did I say about calling me that. Alyssa looked at her crossley but she just smiled knowing she would never stop calling her that.

"At least I don't call you that in public." Mia again started smiling then started to pace.

"Uh oh, whats on your mind Mia!?!" Trisha finally spoke.

I then started to cry " I lost the plane tickets, I'm so soo sorry!"

Lindsey taking in the converstation got on her knees and hugged Mia. "It's okay...It's okay" She calmed Mia while sending the other girls "help" looks.
A Non-Existent User
*To Kat who's Trisha lol?Getting confused again?*

"Wait!" Linsdey cried suddenly. "Remember yesterday, we were talking and the phone rang so you put the tickets on the counter."

Mia coming to her senses chirpped in "And later that day I threw the mail there and then took the whole pile over and put it in my room."

"But," Bell started, Last night was that big storm and remember you were telling us that you left your window open so your room blew apart.

"that means that the tickets are some where in your room!" said Alyssa suddenly.

The four girls dashed into Mia's room and started to dig through her room when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, screamed Mia running to answer the door. When Mia opened the door there standing there was a guy holding a boquet of flowers.

"Is there a Linsdey Shockton here? he asked politley.

"Yeah hold on," Mia said. "Linsdey a guy is here for you," Mia screamed over her shoulder.

"Oh no said the guy, I'm not here for her I'm just delivering these for a friend."

Before Mia could reply He thrust the boquet into Mia's arms and took off. Mia shut the door and made her way back to the others.

"What did he want?" Linsdey asked.

"To give you these," said Mia handing Linsdey the flowers.

"Hey there's a card," said Alyssa. "Read it.

By this time the four girls were standing in a circle.

Linsdey opened the card and read: Roses are red, violets are blue, my heart beats only for you. Love, your secret admierer.

Linsdey in shock dropped the card and started screaming jumping up and down in excitment.

"Looks like we have a mystery on our hands," said Belle.
"Mystery?" I said confusingly if that is a word. "How are we going to find some guy out of the millions of men out there?"

"There there Ally cat, us women always find a way." Belle said.

Mia then said "What are we going to do though? Look for this "mistery man" or L.A? What if the guy is in L.A? What if someone is playing a joke? What if it's some stalker? What if.."

Lindsey says "MIA! stop the what if's! It could be any guy around here, but that's besides the point" Lindsey then looks at the time, "Here's a what if Mia, what if we don't get into that van outside drive to the airport, get our bags checked and get on the plane in time?"

"Why did you ask that Lindsey?" says Mia

With that all four girls start to dash towards the van.
Belle was sitting next to Lindsey on the plane. Although her friend wasn't paying any attention to her (probably still thinking of the mysterious present), Belle was having a good time flirting with the man sitting on the other side of her.

"Of course, when we get to LA, I'll have to look you up! Do you have a pen on you? I would love to write down your number...."

Belle was only being nice. The man was much too old for her, mid-twenties at the least. However, she was delighted that her man-handling had already started taking a turn for the better. While all the other girls loved to delve into deep relationships and true love, Belle preferred the loser art of dating many people at one time, and only becoming remotely attatched to them at the most. It was going to be no different in LA-in fact, there were many single boys looking for a good time. Belle was sure that her vacation time in LA would be wonderful.

As the man quoted his number to Belle, Lindsey pretended to read a book.

"Okay, Linds..what's up?" Belle whispered into her friends ear. "You've been on that same page for about thirty minutes." When Lindsey didn't answer, Belle laughed.

"Oh Linds. You're gonna have to be a little more open then that when we get to LA." Belle gave her friend a playful kiss on the cheek (playing up her girlyness for the man who was eavesdropping.) "Don't worry, you'll find out who that guy is."

And with that, Belle put pulled out a magazine tried to find a new party dress suitable for her first night in LA.
*Sorry in rush so it's short*

Mia sat on the plane fidgeting alot.

"Miss, would you please stop moving your hitting the back of my chair?" It was a man about a year younger but very cute."Sorry!" I blushed as he sat down.

Alyssa tapped my shoulder from the seat next to me.
"Are you okay Mia?"

"Fine..just fine." I replyed

"I know you better then this. Something is wrong , what is it?

"I'm just nervous..." My words trailed off as the plane flew over another peice of land.
A Non-Existent User
Linsdey had gotten seperated from the others while boarding and now seemed to be in what looked like the "first class" She knew the didn't have first class tickets but she found an empty seat so she sat down.

The seats were very comfortable and the head rest was really squishy.

About an hour into the flight a food tray came out with all kinds of goddies to choose from!

Just as Lindsey was finishing her snack she heard a voice over the intercom say "Please fasten your seatbelts, we have to make an emergancy landing due to severe thuder storms."

"oh great" Linsdey thought.

Now all she had to do was find the others.

"Calm down Mia, it's only a thunderstorm, they're just landing the plane for nothing serious will happen" said Bell.
Mia then looked at Bell in a way that said you better be right.

While trying to land the plane, the plane began to shake furiously from the turbulance in the air and once the plane landed Bell noticed that Lindsey was no where in sight.

"Where's Lindsey Ally?" Bell asked me

Bell and Mia both looked at me as if I where nuts. "Did you say left or right Ally?" said Mia

"I think she's up there" I said while sobbing.

*note: here's the translations: Soq le bleu is a slang saying where it's like in the english language OH MY GOD, De ce temp maintenant(from now on), Je veut conduirai ou prendrai un bateau ou fait de natation ou quelque chose (I want to drive or take a boat or swim or something) Pas d'avions pour moi (no more planes for me)
" I don't want to die!!!!!!!" Mia screeched at the top of her lungs.while running up front to where Lindsey was sitting and listening to music.

Mia shook her.

" What? What is it Mia?" Lindsey looked at her curiously.

" Emergency landing....." Mia's voice was cut of with the sound of the speaker.
" Ladies and GentleDudes! please put on your seat belts so we can land.

Mia sat down next to her friend as they mouthed "GentleDudes" while laughing.

As they got off the plane Belle, Mia, Ally, Lindsey went to get something to eat when Belle was called for a phone call.
Belle looked at her phone and began rolling her eyes.
"Out of all the times to call me....Hello? oh hi Jason...yes we made it....no I don't miss you...Come on Jason I don't like you that way....All I said was that I only wanted to be friends with you.....No we didn't have a moment...that was all in your head....goodbye Jason!" Belle said on the phone

"Who in the world was that?" said Lindsey

"Remember that geeky guy from Chemistry class...well his name is Jason and ever since I told Alan to bug off after he poured that liquid all over Jason, Jason still thinks we had a moment and thinks I like him in that way" said Belle with a disgust kind of look upon her face

"Anyway, we're finally here girls! WE ARE IN L.A...I think....we did land in L.A for the emergency landing didn't we?" said Mia
Ally looks behind Mia where a sign that says "Welcome to Los Angeles...lost and found is to your left"

While pointing at the sign and jumping up and down Ally says "MON DIEU WE'RE IN LOS ANGELES!!!"
Belle was excited, but tried to hide her sparkling eyes beneath sunglasses. She wanted to look dignified and proud-not like a little teenager getting a gift.

"Well girls, what should we do first?" she asked, as the girls strutted down the side street next to Belle's mother's house. They had already dropped their bags off in their respective rooms-but since the maid, Maria, hadn't yet had time to clean their rooms, they weren't allowed to stay and rest up.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry," said Lindsey.

"Yeah, me too," Belle responded. "There's a wonderful little Italian place right around the corner three blocks from here. We can walk and maybe get a nice little mozzerella salad..."

"Oui," said Ally, "Though I think I will skip ze salad....I'm thinking more pizza..."

Belle laughed. The real reason she wanted to go to the Italian place was because it was on one of the busiest streets in LA. She loved sitting at the outside tables and watching passersby as she sipped daintily on a tonic water. She knew her friends would love the hustle and bustle too.

" Wow tis place rocks! I'm with All I'm thinken PIZZA." Mia smiled and looked thew the menu.

" Hey, look over there." Mia pointed." Isn't that Kat from school?"

*sry guys this short I'm out of my town and state with a slow....labtop so I have no time but I could fit time to writ this but now I g2g*
"What is she doing here?" said Lindsey
"Beats me, probably trying to impress people like she always tries to, but never succeeds" said Belle

The waiter then puts a large pepperoni pizza on the table and Ally begins digging in right away.

With her mouth full she says "What? I'm starving!"

"Oh Ally, you can be so crazy" said Mia
At gun point from Kat Mia, Ally, Belle,Lindsey all die cause the ambulence didn't get there in time.

*This campfire will be extingushed COOL LOL*

The End!

© Copyright 2006 Kat- filming, Glam-BACK, Mindy, GoldenHopeisWorkinHard!, (known as GROUP).
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