Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1127217-Crystal-Sukaa
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #1127217
This Story Is Long and Diffrent from the ordinary.
Crystal Sukaa

For unknown generations, it has been said that there exist a stone with crystal qualities. A stone that contains within itself an unimaginable power. A power of such greatness that is able to transform living organism into such a powerful being that the might of a sun must bow low to its strength. This is an event that has been witnessed to only once since its discovery. It occurred many generations ago when the kingdom of -------- of established. At that time, an ambitious man had stolen the secret sacred writings of an isolated group of a mysterious planet that worship and experiment with their holy stone they called Pocokia-anak, the giver of life's power, the blood of the universe.

It was rumored that because of an accidental exposure to the experimental chemistry and the raw Crystal Stones, he had possessed great and mysterious power. With this new found power, none was able to stand in the way of this cruel king's ambitious way. After just a short 100 years, he had established for himself a kingdom with no parallel at the time nor since. Although a well guarded secret, the king's efforts to mine all the rare Crystal Stone brought suspicion that this was the very source of his powers, a power that may be duplicated or fought against. A group of planets had been secretly planning to steal the secret writings and began to accumulate for themselves an impressive amount of supply of the Crystal Stones and fight for their freedom from this oppressive king. After many years, and many lives sufficient amount of the rare stone and a copy of the secret writings were obtained, but it came at the cost of so many live. Finally, the resources were hurried onto an inconspicuous planet. After ten years of secret experimentation, and the death a million lives to protect the location of this hidden laboratory, a weapon was finally constructed with which the tyrannical rule of this king could come to an end. This attack was also calculated to occur during one of the overconfident King's frequent scheduled visit to this planet.

After a few brief tests, the historic and during final grand stand battle had come to past. It was quickly decided that the full unhindered power of this powerful weapon was going to be used. The power of this great weapon was under estimated. because the released blast consumed the entire planet from where it was fire from as well as all the supply of the Crystal Scar Stones that were stored there, all the secret writing of the process to extract their great power and all of the experimentation that were done there. The destruction of half of the know supply of the Crystal Scar stone was matched only by the result of the effect of the released blast which was traveling through space, destroying all obstacles in its path. An unimaginable beam of fire that seemed to had been released from the mouth of an angry dragon, blindly pursuing it's sole objective, to consume the life of a king with powers reviling its own. Witnesses have testified that the blast was awe inspiring. A steak of fire that ran clear across the Galaxy, a Scar of inflamed angry Crystals in a mad rush for self inhalation was satisfied only with the complete destruction of it prey, the powerful king and the entire planet where the remaining Crystal Scars were stored.

With the complete destruction of their hidden master weapon, the destruction of all the know power crystals, and the death of the king, the remaining forces stopped fighting. Having no cause to continue with this war, it was decided that a truce, a period of peace and restoration should take place. The division among the planets of the Galaxy now became evident as the planets loyal to the fallen king were going to continue to serve the royal family, and the rebellious planets were going to crown their victorious leader as their king and follow him.

Peace - To many this is just a false mask, a ploy to undermine the the sincere efforts of some and plan for their destruction as they seek the impossible, to satisfy their desire for power. Their peace temporary obtained only after the agonizing screams of their enemies.

Peace - A desirable concept from which some would seek greatness, and prosperity for their loved one. Circumstances, however, make it necessary that to accomplish this, the terms of peace must be written with the moist blood of their enemies.

For one thousand year, the galaxy Kianok of the opposing dual kingdoms of ----------- and -------, have know this kind of 'peace'. Because the resources of both kingdoms have been severely taxed in the secret production of weapons, the uneasy truce that has existed for the past thousand year is about to escalate to a mad rush for WAR!. Although many have dreamed that peace will last for many thousands of years, the two royal monarchs who have secretly been developing uniquely powerful weapons based on the rare and mysterious powerful qualities of the Crystal stone called 'Poco,' or 'Crystal Sukaa."

Once thought to completely destroyed during the historical battle of king ----- , the stone like Crystal with its identifying Scar on its face, has been found in a minute amount on several planets 'admitted into the union,' or 'conquered' by these two rival kingdoms. These few and rare stones are considered to be a highly prized treasure. The history of this Crystal with their hidden power is a well know fact, and a prize aggressively sought after. Just rumors of a new discovery or of someone with special knowledge of unlocking their secret has send a opportunist groups with results often ending in the death of anyone denying their ability to control or their possession of these stones. These gang of thugs claim loyalty to no kingdoms, only themselves. However, any worthwhile discoveries and objects is bought by private parties who in turn sell these thing to their kingdom.

The kingdom of --- , has for many centuries commanded he loyalty of half of the galaxy. The good king has followed the kind practice of his ancestors in sharing his wealth, and technology with all of those that swear their loyalty to his royal family. While the opposing kingdom of ----, has for many centuries demanded the loyalty of the other half of the galaxy. The cruel king hs followed the evil practice of thealh, lies and deceit to accumulate for himself power and wealth, and the immediate response of death to any person, family, or the occupants of any planet desiring release from his cruel rule.

Recent denied discoveries by the unofficial experimentation of these ---------- kingdom, has revealed that the Crystal Scar stone has many capabilities. The youngest and last surviving member of the their royal family, -------- had recently manifested certain unusual capabilities. Scientist speculate that this is due to the exposure of the first crowned king, -------- to the historical explosion over one thousand years ago, and the royal family's continuos exposure to it since then. If this is true, then they question the possibility that since they cruel king ------ of the first war, was fully exposed to and controlled the Crystal Scar stone, it was very likely that his prodigy also possessed certain unique and dangerous abilities. This was a threat that they needed to confirm and be dealt with.Mirroring an identical concern, the kingdom --- , controlling the other half of the Galaxy, they expressed similar concerns. Their youngest and last surviving member of their royal families, had recently shown the ability to transform, to change the shape of the Crystal Scar stone.It was a mystery that these two great houses found itself with only a youth as a heir to inherit their thrown.

It was a mystery that the older children, both male and females died under suspicious circumstances. Because this situation weaken the position of the two rival royal families, it was kept under the most extreme of confidential secrets. No one knew for certain how his turn of events has occurred especially when these two kingdoms are at the brink of declaring war to each other. Rumors of war is often ignored because many refuse to accept their responsibilities in both its creation and later support of it. But a rumor of another kind has recently been heard echoing the darkened back alleys of feared slum areas and has also gone all the way up to the footsteps of the royal families. A frightful rumor that if it was true, it would spell the end of both of these two kingdoms.

It is rumored that there is a third kingdom. A kingdom that is responsible for the death of the elder children of both ruling royal families. A kingdom with a history that goes back to the first great cruel king --. A kingdom established by a man that actually betrayed the great king by revealing to his enemies the exact time and date the king was to arrive at the planet ------ to inspect to progress of the crystal Scar research. Because the consequences of this rumor being true would be so unimaginably horrible, both of these two kingdoms refused to believe it and regarded any and all report of it as unsubstantiated hear say and forbidden to be mentioned in their royal courts.

Rumors do not died easily. Especially when they are true.

To date, true peace has never been sustained. What is in place now is more of a barely tolerable agreement to tolerate each others existence. This unstable situation could not last indefinite because of the deep seated resentment and hatred for each others personal values and different view of the proper use of power. From this chaotic situation there has arisen opportunist who pirate secrets cargo, supplies, weapons, and information across the border lines from one kingdom and sold to the other kingdom. This has been very lucrative for the space pirates who have also divided themselves into two rival groups. While one side actively persuades the interest of the kingdom --, the other side aggressively persuades the interest of the kingdom ----. This, of course , is being carried out without the public acknowledgment that they are working for their respective kingdoms' interest.

Although both sides loudly and publicly claim to seek peace, it has progressively been more and more illusive because these pirates continue to escalate their activities in a steady and progressive manner, each attack being more bolder and daring than the last. The opposing kingdoms has both responded by giving their pirates more and more support and resources to increase their pirating against their enemy. For this reason, peace has continued to be illusive. This has been primarily due not to a lack of sincere efforts on the part of these two kingdoms, but because of the crafty secret efforts of these pirates. But this pirates also have a secret of their own, and that involves their loyalty to their king.

While it is true that their often boast about all the impressive booty that they have accumulated for their respective kingdoms that has hired them, this amount of treasure pales in comparison to the unaccounted amount that they have amassed for the possession of their one and only king whom they both secretly serve, the Pirate King -----. His ambitions too are like those of his forefathers, to rule everything, to have it all, to control and possess all of the powers contained in the Crystal Star. The rumors are true about a third kingdom, about this king's desire to destroy these two other king's, and about his ancestors betrayal that lead to the great kings' death. But there is yet still more about this king that the rumors have not informed the inquisitive and that is that the two rival pirate gangs whose battles has made it impossible for anyone to obtain peace are in fact being directed by this same person, their true king. The rumors have also been silent as to the fact that this pirate king as also been accumulating for himself an abundance supply of the Crystal Scar Stone, an amount rumored to be more than the combined resources of both of these other kingdoms and has been experimenting with them in order to unveil their hidden secrets of unimaginable power. The rumors cannot say these things because this king's brutality is unmatched by any other especially when it is directed towards those who betray him.

Because of the Past Events,And Of the Two Kingdoms on being on the brink of War
This has allowed them to be vulnerable to attacks directly From the Third Kingdom.

The present Story

The Man Who discovered the stone was named as Netherland Cyclone,His Wife Naomi Cyclone,And had two Children,and one coming on the way.

When studying the Stone it Demonic eye opend and Destroyed everything,and dissappeared..All was left was the Wife and the Captain and a couple of guards.

Dying the mother gave birth to her Last Child,Cyren Cyclone(the child had a wierd Tattaoo on his right arm.)

As Said The Stone that engulfed everything(This stone was made from the research of Netherland)had other purposes,They use the research for making smaller less versions of the sukaa stone, for the Troopers of the Third kingdom,and doing so they easily took over the two kingdoms.

Gehenna, the Planet of Death,Was a place where Failed Experiements were dumped.(they were inhabitants of the two kingdoms)

As for Cyren he was placed on Earth before his mother died.

Power..Is what the Third King wants,The Captain..He wants the Orginal Stone.
and he knows where it is

Cyren,Grown Has no idea whats going on,Bu he will,Because Earth is the Battlefield.

This has Been the Prelude to Crystal Sukaa Comic Series
Comic is coming soon.

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