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An Article talks about the voice over ip service and top voip providers |
Overview: This report is after only 2 weeks research. It talks about the Voice Over Ip. In fact I was interested in getting some VOIP provider that can offer me totally free calls. So, I decided to make special research in this area, as it is an important area. Again, I can say that this is an introductory work, and future research can be done Out of my work I got to the following conclusions. • Top Voip providers are Globe7, Yahoo Voice, Voip.com, Voip.net, MutualPhone , Speak2Phone, poivY, Voipcheap.com, VoipDiscount, VoIPJet, VoIPGate, CallontheNet, Xeloq, Internetcalls, MyWebCalls, SparVoip, Quazzle, ViaTalk, Teliax, Best2Call, Voxee, Gafachi, VoIPCheap, Babble, Yak World City, Axvoice, Galaxy, Easy4Dial, VoIP Buster, VoipExCO, WebPhone, RingoClub, Talquer, VoIP Stunt, SunRocket, Skypho, Vbuzzer, Talafone, SIP Discount, Skype, Telcan, Lingo, freespeech, LunaPhone, Globalinx, Packet8, Rubicon, Axxeso, Nettelephone, StanaPhone, NetAppel, Click4NetPhone, Broadvoice, Voipfone, ITP, Easy Dial , Easy Dial, GloPhone, Voiceral, Vozonline, Brujula, SipTalk, Globaltel, VoiceEclipse, RocketVoiP, SpectraVoice, Digilinea, DialPad, Onyx-concept, ZingoTel, TerraCall, SipPhone, AT&T, Astratel, AdvanceCall, MeritCall, WordPhones, Dual Talk, Vonage, BlueFace, RhinoBell, Everywhere, Wengo, SnapTel, SunriseVoice, Sip2Go, Zero27.net, Broadtalk, DingoTel, PeopleCall, TerraSip, Totalcall, Dus.net, Phoneopia, Wazatel, FaktorTel, Call2SIP, sipkom, On4, iConnecthere, Lorcom Vpass, Inphonex You can go through these VOIP providers sites to have a look on the VOIP services they provide. I went through some of them only, to get idea about how they provide their services. • It was hard to get VOIP provider that give free VOIP service. Maximum what I concluded until this moment, 1- Globe7 offer free 1$ (they say 100 min) upon registration, and it can be recharged if you tell some friend about Globe7. Some providers offer free 5 min or more upon registration. 2- There are some VOIP providers that offer free calls to some European countries and US and Canada. These include: Voipbuster.com, Voipcheap.co.uk, Netapple.fr, Voipstunt.com, Sparvoip.de, Sipdiscount.com, Webcalldirect, Internetcalls, poivY. When I tested one of these sites in the work (in MTIT), It worked fine first day, but after that I felt that the proxy or firewall configuration may be changed , so the program was not able to make connection to the gateway server . From my home (no firewall) I can make call to wherever I like. Same apply to other softphone software. So, the stuff in the center that are responsible for the firewall shall try to solve the problem. 3- There are some VOIP providers give the possibility to make free calls to some countries only, like to US only as with Lorcom Vpass . 4- For information, there are some web-based VOIP provider (making calls from their site), like Jaha and nikotel and Webcalldirect. I tried to test them to get rid from our firewall problem, but could not succeed. . 5- I noted that the site PhoneHog give you calling card that can be recharged when you visit some sites, but their access number is in us only. 6- I attached some explanation about the what is VOIP obtained from some site in the net. 7- I attached something about what is written in inPhonex, SIPphone and VOIP Cheap, about their VOIP services, as an example to see how things work. 8- I attached also something about what is written in eFax. Conclusion: In conclusion, I hardly suggest that the VOIP services are implemented in our Computer Center, at least initially by subscribing to one of the existing plans of an VOIP provider, as it will save us a lot of money for international calls. Full book exist in www.lulu.com/content/332066 |