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I WONDER WHAT THIS IS. Oh, right, the next three chapters. |
Chapter 4: Me Is Mysterious Geno’s eyes fluttered open as he heard the tap from an unknown location. He slowly lifted his head off his wooden desk, yawned, and checked his clock. 6 AM. He must have fallen asleep after repairing his arm. Somehow, he managed to fool himself into believing he was just resting his eyes. He sluggishly stood up and stretched out his arm (the robotic arm didn’t require much stretching) when he heard the tapping noise again. Becoming aware that it was something hitting his window, he wandered over to it and opened it up, sticking his head out to find the source of the noise. “Geno! It would appear that we all fell asleep,” Zero shouted. “I didn’t fall asleep. I was just waiting for you guys. How should I know how long it takes to repair a robotic arm, or… Whatever you had to do, Zero” “Yeah, whatever, Torvald. I’ll be right down,” Geno yelled as he shut the window, put on his cape, and walked outside, grabbing a soda on the way out. “Alrighty. So. We need to find the Alpha headquarters. Anyone know how to do that?” “I bet it’s right in front of the Beta headquarters! Hahahahaha!!” “Torvald, your wit astounds me,” Zero replied. “Yeah, I know. I should totally be a comedian. Hey! Why did the chicken cross the road?!” “…Why?” “To bring us a note, apparently,” Torvald stated, pointing at the chicken approaching them. The chicken had a note apparently stapled to its back. “CLUCK,” the chicken remarked, flapping its wings. “…Why would a chicken have a note?” Zero asked. “How should I know? Maybe someone sent it to us,” replied Geno. “Maybe it’s a trap. Maybe it’s exploding paper,” Torvald pointed out. “Exploding paper?” “Yeah… Geez, don’t you guys watch Inspector Gadget?” “CLUCK. GET THIS STAPLE OUT OF ME DAMMIT.” “…Did the chicken just talk?” Zero asked, with good reason. “Uh… I vote we just take the note and ignore it,” Geno voted. Zero obliged, reaching down and removing the note (staple attached) from the chicken’s back. He read it aloud: Dear Ministry Of Dog-Finding, “Who the hell is the Ministry Of Dog-Finding?” “…Us? I guess?” “Whatever. Keep reading.” The Alpha headquarters is in a secret location. “Oh, really? This note-writer is a genius,” Geno remarked. “Do you want me to read this or not? Shut up.” In order to find it, your best bet is to head down to the Alpha bar- “Man, these Alpha guys are really good at coming up with names. I WONDER IF THEY SERVE ALPHA ALE AT THE ALPHA BAR.” “…” “Sorry.” -which is located in Twotown. You’ll have to go out the east exit of Oneville and travel ten miles on that road to get there. I’d recommend not doing this on foot due to the… Problem, there. It’s probably best if I don’t get into it. Just go by vehicle. Your friend, Me “You wrote that?” asked Geno. “No, it’s signed ‘Me’.” “Oh. That makes more sense. Or something.” “Yeah. Anyway, we should probably get going. And, since none of us have a car or a driver’s license, we should probably try to catch a ride with somebody.” “Ahh, I bet that was a lie. Me is just trying to scare us.” “…You’re trying to scare us?” Torvald asked. “NO. THE DAMNED LETTER WAS SIGNED ‘ME’.” “…Why did you sign the letter?” “…God dammit. Can we just go?” “I don’t know, I’m rather enjoying this,” Geno quipped. “I am going to slay you.” And, on that lovely note, the three were off to find a ride to Twotown. Chapter 5: They’re Finding A Dog “So… Anybody know how to get a ride?” Geno asked, to nobody in particular. “I KNOW HOW TO GET A RIDE ON YOUR MOTHER! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Torvald began dancing around, seemingly congratulating himself. “OOOOOOoooooOOOOOHHHHHhhhhhHHHHHHH!!!!!!” “What are you, retarded?” “Retarded like a fox, baby!” “…Baby?” “Yeah. It’s like an infant. I thought I was the dumb one here.” “Oh, trust me. You are.” “Hey, guys. As much fun as it is watching you two being idiots, we should probably get going. Y’know. The mission and whatnot?” Zero interrupted. “Right. Let’s head into town and see if we can catch a ride from somebody.” And, the Ministry Of Dog-Finding was off to town. After an uneventful walk down the street to the town-square, they decided to basically stand there until someone said, “Hey, want a ride? I’m going to Twotown, and there’s extra space in the back of my truck, next to my beautiful teen-aged daughter.” They waited for around five minutes, until a truck drove up. “Hey, want a ride?” asked the driver. “I’m going to Twotown, and there’s extra space in the back of my truck, next to my teen-aged daughter of average attractiveness.” “Sure, we’d love to-“ Zero said before he was cut off by Geno. “Whoah, whoah, whoah. That’s not what we agreed on.” “Dude, just shut up and get on the truck.” “Fine.” Geno’s voice dropped to a whisper. “But if she hits on me, I am personally blaming you. I am far too manly to be hit on by females of average attractiveness.” “Whatever.” Climbing onto the bed of the truck, Torvald, Geno, and Zero sat along the left side, while the teen-aged female of average attractiveness sat along the right. “Hello. And where might you gentlemen be going?” she asked. Geno whispered to Zero, “Dude, she’s totally hitting on me. I blame you.” “Shut up.” It was up to Torvald to respond to her inquiry. How could he possibly shrink their entire story down into a form simple enough that she could even begin to understand it? How could he encapsulate all of their experiences, goals, and desires? Would she think them mad for risking their lives in such a foolhardy way? Or would she be amazed at their bravery to save one of God’s creatures? “We’re finding a dog!” “Ooh, I wuv puppies!” Well, that was easy. Seems like I kind of made a huge deal out of nothing. It was almost as if I was attempting to raise your hopes, only to instantly dash them all to pieces. It seems as though the narration in this chapter has taken a frightening turn. Will it revert back to it’s old state, a state of not asking infinity questions every two seconds? Or will it continue to apparently have a life of its own and just basically steal the entire show? Only time will tell! “So, why are y’all going to Twotown to find a doggie?” Geno, again, whispered to Zero. “Dude. She just called me a dog. I’m not going to be able to take this much longer.” “Shut up.” Again, it was up to Torvald to field the young, averagely-attractive lady’s question. “Some bad guys stoled him from the Indian guy over there.” “Holy smokes! The Alpha Gang kidnapped Boing?!” Geno suddenly shouted. “Dude… You said that like four chapters ago. What the hell is wrong with you?” Zero asked. “…Chapters?” “What?” “You said it was four chapters ago. Our life is in chapters now?” “Shut up.” Geno slapped Zero, who then tackled Geno, and the two rolled around the bed of the truck, fighting, while Torvald and the young, averagely-attractive female continued their conversation. “So the Alpha Gang stole your puppy, huh? That’s too bad. You’re going to go beat them up, now, right?” “Oh, yes ma’am. We already beat up three of them. Y’see, they wanted us to give them some money, and they would give us back the pooch. But we didn’t want to, so we beat them up, instead. One of them hit me in the head with a briefcase, but I hitted him back. It was good times.” Meanwhile, Geno and Zero were busy wrestling each other. “C’MERE, YA BASTARD!” Geno said, attempting to punch Zero in the head, but missing and only knocking his turban off. “HEY! WATCH THE TURBAN!” Zero yelled, grabbing Geno’s throat. “I see. That sounds like quite a thing. So did all three of them have briefcases?” “Oh, no ma’am. One of them had a sword and the other had a machine gun or something.” “Good heavens! What did you do about them?” “JACKASS!” shouted Geno. “INFANT!” returned Zero. The two continued tumbling around the truck bed. “Oh, the other two guys, here, took care of them. I was busy hitting my guy in the head with his briefcase.” “Well, sounds like you all are on quite an adventure. It appears we are now in Twotown, so I suppose you’ll be leaving us now. I want you to have this before you go. It has always brought me luck in the past, and maybe it will do the same for you,” she said, taking off her silver necklace and handing it to Torvald. “Wow, thanks! I’ve never had anything so pretty!” Torvald put on the necklace and grinned widely. “Bye-bye, now!” the female of average attractiveness said, waving to Torvald as he kicked the Geno/Zero pile out the back of the truck, and jumped down himself. The truck sped away, and Torvald felt a pang of regret that he may never see her again. And he was right in feeling so, as he would never see her again. Not until chapter nine, anyway. Chapter 6: Thrown For A Loop Geno and Zero, having finished fighting, finally looked up at their surroundings and realized that they were in Twotown. “Holy crap, that was fast,” Geno said, shocked. “No, you two were just busy being nimrods,” Torvald replied. “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, we need to ask somebody where the Alpha Bar is.” Luckily the streets were quite busy, so Geno stopped a man walking by, and asked him where the Alpha Bar was. The man told Geno that it was a little ways out into the country, and that they had to travel through some forest to get there. Geno thanked him for his time, and the man tipped his hat and walked off. Little did he know that, later that night, he would spontaneously combust while watching the movie Gigantic, a three-hour borefest which looked like it might have some good parts, but was really just about some girls who eventually let the leading man, supposedly her true love, slip into the ocean. Whore. “The forest? We have to go through the forest now? Wow. That note was awfully non-specific,” Geno commented. “Yeah, well, if you want your dog back, we should probably get going.” And the three were off once again. After five minutes of walking the crowded streets of Twotown, they finally came to the end of the paved road, and met with the bare, dirt road which started at the edge of the forest. The forest, itself, was thick with trees of all kinds, and all were lush and leafy. Unfortunately, it appeared that a little ways in, it got rather dark and spooky. It was almost as if it were haunted. But, with no other choice, the Ministry Of Dog-Finding was on its way. They said nothing, simply observing their surroundings, until they were a little ways in. “Man. It sure is dark and spooky in here.” “Yeah. It’s almost as if it were haunted.” “But, since we have no other choice, here we go anyway.” What’d I tell ya? “So, Torvald, what was that girl like? I was a little busy beating up Zero, here.” “I believe you are mistaken, my dear friend. It was I who was doing the beating.” “No, it was you who was receiving the beating. Maybe your English still isn’t quite perfect yet.” Zero, in quite a huff, became silent for a while. As did the whole Ministry, for around ten minutes. Finally, Torvald broke the silence. “The girl was nice, by the way.” “What?” “You asked how the girl was. She was nice.” “Oh, right. Well, I guess she’d have to be, what with only being of average attractiveness, and all.” “I thought she was charming,” Zero threw in. “How would you know? You were busy having your ass kicked,” Geno quipped. “Shut up.” “Anyway, she also gave me this great necklace!” Torvald said, holding up the silver, horseshoe-shaped pendant on the end of it. “She said it would bring us good luck!” “Well, it’s definitely working so far. Here we are, wandering aimlessly through the forest. What marvelous luck!” Suddenly, Zero’s turban flew off his head, sticking to a tree on the right side of the road. “What the…” Zero walked over to retrieve his turban, and found that there was an arrow sticking out of it. “DAMNIT!” could be heard, being shouted from the left side of the road. Just then, Geno’s robotic arm jerked up in front of his face, and caught an arrow. “Well, what’s this?” Geno said with a smirk, cocking his arm back and releasing the arrow back to where it had come from. A small conversation was heard, beginning with a shriek of pain. “MY LEG!” “Dude, are you alright?!” “I HAVE AN ARROW STUCK IN MY LEG, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I’M ALRIGHT?! TAKE CARE OF THEM!” Then footsteps were heard, rapidly getting closer. One of the men was running toward them. He eventually appeared as a dark silhouette, and was soon standing in front of them. He was a huge man, definitely somewhere over seven feet tall, and rippling with muscles. His white, sleeveless shirt had the Alpha emblem on it. “They must have been waiting for us here,” Zero whispered to Geno. “How could they have known when we were coming? Surely they didn’t just sit out here all day.” Meanwhile, Torvald was grappling with the man, slowly being overpowered, despite his great strength. He was eventually tossed at the feet of Geno and Zero, out of breath. “Zero, can’t you do that wind thingy you did to stop those bullets earlier, but use it to knock him down?” Torvald asked. “No. It only works on small objects.” “Then I guess it’s up to me.” Geno said with an air of uncertainty. “But there’s not a very big chance of me landing a punch with my robotic arm before he grabs me. He’s pretty quick for his size.” “Hahahahaha! You are pathetic! The Ministry Of Dog-Finding, beaten by one, single man! Albeit a muscular and handsome man, if I do say so myself,” the Alpha laughed in his deep, haughty voice. “WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP CALLING US THE MINISTRY OF DOG-FINDING?” “It is of no importance! Now, which of you will be the first to die?!” shouted the man, flexing his left arm. Zero whispered to Geno and Torvald, who had stood up rather shakily. “Torvald. Throw Geno.” “What?!” Geno whispered, rather taken aback. The Alpha laughed while the three plotted. “Ah-hahahaha! Making a little plan, are we? Well, let’s have it, then!” The three, having finished discussing the matter, stood side-by-side. Torvald spontaneously grasped the back of Geno’s shirt, lifted him off the ground, spun around once, and hurled Geno as hard as he could at the Alpha. Geno, in the less-than-a-second he had between him and the Alpha, extended his robotic arm and positioned it. The Alpha, not having nearly enough time to react, received a skull-crushing blow to the face. However many muscles he had, a metal hand to the face was a metal hand to the face. He was on the ground, out like a light. Geno stumbled back to the others, rather dizzy from the whole thing. And the three continued through the forest. |