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this is chapter one to my novel night of the yeti |
Parked down a trail by the lake well hidden from veiw of the main road, was a white nineteen-sixty-five mustang. Inside Carl Bogdanowitz and Paula Davis two of overton's newest graduates, were busy doing what most young couples spent all their spare time doing on a hot starlit texas summer night. Things were getting pretty steamed up between the pair when suddenly Paula pushed Carl away from her and sat up in the seat. "What's wrong, to much man for ya to handle?' Carl asked teasingly, pulling her back down in the carseat. Only to have her push him away again, much more aggressively this time. "Stop it!' Paula snapped irratably, as she buttoned up her blouse. "Come on. You know you like it," Carl joked again tugging at her arm. Paula slapped his hand. "Stop it. I'm serious." "What's wrong? You were just fine a minute ago." he replied, now pissed off. "It's just," Paula started, then stopped. "Never mind. It's stupid and you'de just laugh at me." "No I won't. Come on tell me," Carl said coaxingly. Hoping to hurry and get the little interuption over with so that they could get back to business. His hormones were raging and being bounced around like a rollercoaster ride. "Promise you won't laugh?" "I promise. Now tell me already." "Well it's just that I feel like something is watching us." "Is that all?' laughed Carl. "You promised you wouldn't laugh." Paula replied childishly, pulling away to her side of the car. "I'm sorry babe, but you made it sound like it was something major. Look, we're in the woods right? And what's in the woods? Animals. Well their just as curious about us as we are them. So ofcourse we're being watched. Carl was hoping that his explanation would ease her mind and they could get back to the fun. He pushed her back down into the seat . A few minutes later she was pushing him away again. "Damn! NOw what? he cursed. "I'm sorry Carl. But I just can't do this. I can't shake this awful feeling that something is out here. Please go check it out,' she pleaded. "Alright ! Quit whining," Carl replied doing up his jeans. "Damn!'' he cursed again, hitting his head as got out of the car. "The things I go through just to get a quickie from you." He slammed the cardoor behind him. "Don't be like that," Paula whined again. Carl lit a cigarette and glanced around. He didn't see a thing, inwhich he had not expected to in the first place. But if he wanted to get what he was after, he had to play Paula's hero and act as if he were really checking things out. Paula sat quietly watching as Carl slowly made his way into the woods. The night quickly engulfed him taking him from her sight. Now that she thought about it she did feel a little foolish about the way she was behaving. But she really did have the feeling that they were being watched and that something terrible was about to happen. Like a sixth sense was warning her. Telling her to run, that danger was nearby. It was kind of like the feeling you get when you're walking down a dark abondoned street late at night. Suddenly you get the errie feeling that someone or something is fllowing you. Stalking you. The adrenalin starts to flow through your veins like ice water, causing chills to run down your spine. Your heart starts to pound faster and faster. Harder and harder. Untill you feel as though it will burst at any moment. You can feel the scream on the tip of your tounge just waiting to burst forth. Yet knowing that when the time comes, no sound will escape your lips. You want to run but don't for fear it will cause them to snatch you up all the sooner. You can feel thier outstretched icey fingers now just inches away. Comming closer and closer..... Suddenly there was a loud thump on the top of the car that jolted Paula out of her train of thought. "Carl. Is that you ?" There was no answer. "Carl damn it ! Enough's enough. Quit goofing around !" Carl jumped up outside the window beside Paula, howling like a wolf. A sick wolf at that. Paula was so startled that she choked on her own scream. "Screw You !' she shouted angrily. She was so embarassed that she could feel the blood rushing to her face. Carl got back into the car laughing hystericaly. "Man I wish I had a camera. If you could have seen the look on your face. I could have won on America's Funniest Home Video !" He couldn't stop laughing. Paula didn't see the humor in any of it. "Don't you ever do that to me again creep ! Why do you always have to clown around ?" "Oh well. It was worth it," he exclaimed, still laughing. "See baby. I told you the only boogeyman in these woods is me. Now let's get back to it," he said pushing her down in the seat one last time. A couple of minutes later Carl got out of the car to try and cool off. The night air was hot and stickey, yet still felt much better than the suffocating air that filled the car. He lit a cigarette and leaned back against the car, watching the smoke swirl up into the star filled sky. Carl's thoughts were quickly dispersed as a loud crunching sound came from a thicket that was just a couple of yards ahead of him. At first he shrugged it off. He figured it was just a coon or possum rummaging around for something to eat. After all, he was out in the middle of nowhere. Then the sound grew louder. Much louder. This time sounding more like trees were being knocked down. His curiosity peaked, he flicked his cigarette to the ground and headed towards the thicket. "Hey! Where are you going ?" Paula called out to him. "Right over here. I think I hear a deer. Just be quiet and sit tight." "Don't leave me here. Let's just get out of here," Paula insisted. "It's alright. I'll be right back. Quit being such a baby." "Alright. Just remember what my grandma used to say. Curiosity killed the cat,' she called out behind him. Carl ignored her and made his way through the thick brush. There was a clearing just on the other side of it, and the sound was comming from a clump of trees just beyond the clearing. Quietly he krept throgh the trees, trying not to scare away whatever was there. As he pulled back a heavy pine branch that was blocking his veiw, he was swiftly snatched up off the ground by a pair of enormous hair covered hands. As the beast gripped him tightly by the head, dangling his body several feet above the ground, and he looked into the creature's bloodshot yellow-green sickened eyes, Carl Bogdanowitz knew that this would be the last thing he would ever see alive again. Before he could scream to warn Paula of the oncomming danger his throat was ripped open. His screams came out in gurgling gasping spasms that were never heard. Then the beast crushed his head like a grape, squirting blood and brains all over the beast's brown matted fur. The beast dropped Carl's body to the ground,where it quivered and shook one last time. Then Carl's body laid limp and void on the lakeshore. Paula sat in the hot car and waited for what seemed like hours to her. the ebony darkness that surounded her, seemed to have grown even blacker. As she realized just how alone she was, she grew impatient. Carl !' she called out. There was no answer. "Come on. I"ve got to get home or my dad will skin me alive !'" Still no reply. Paula waited awhile longer and when there was still no sign of Carl she yelled angrily out into the darkness. "Come on jerk, or I'm walking home !' Knowing that she was only bluffing. There was noway in hell that she was walking home through the woods alone at night. She would just drive off and leave him, but the moron had taken the keys with him. "Damn you Carl ! I hope you stay out there untill you rot !" She blew the car horn, knowing that if anything would hurry Carl that would. Carl couldn't stand for anyone to blow his car horn. Especially if it were to rush himself. Still no response. Angrily she hit the horn again. "This one's for you !" she shouted out again. Paula hit the horn over and over. Finally she laid on the horn not letting up at all, sending out one long shrill flow of noise. "Take that you Jerk!" The beast let out a blood curdling howl. The tormenting sound that filled the air, sent pain wrenching through it's gargantuan body. In a fit of rage and agony the beast sent it's gigantic fists smashing down on the car hood. Crushing the heavy metal as if it were only made of tin. Fear slithered into Paula's mind like a large black snake,wrapping itself around her. Squeezing, making it impossible to breathe. Paula flipped on the headlights and gasped in disbelief at the sight that stood before her. This was something she had always believed only existed in hooror films or her own worst nightmares. Frantically she scrambled out of the carseat and down into the floorboard, where she curled up like a young child huddling under the bed covers as they hide from the ever famous Boogeyman. "Oh god," she cried. "I don't want to die ! I don't want to die ! Please make it go away God. Please God. Please!' The beast smashed the windsheild,sending slivers of glass slicing into Paula's spine. She could smell it's rancid breath as saliva drooled from it's mouth and dripped down onto her face. Paula's mind could no longer deal with this new found terror and she slipped off into total darkness as she fainted. She never felt a thing as the beast reached in through the broken windsheild, snatching her up like a ragdoll and ripped her body intwo. Then the beast hurled her torn body through the air. Her upper torso one way and her lower half the other. Her upper torso hit a large tree with a loud thump. Then slowly slid to the ground, leaving a trail of blood and intestines. Paula's precious life blood trickled over the fallen leaves and moss. Turning their bright forest green color to a dull crimson red. The woods grew silent once more. Not even a cricket dared to make a sound. |