Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1116973-Shakespeare---How-Well-Do-You-Remember
by Joy
Rated: E · Quiz · Reference · #1116973
Test your memory of Shakespeare's plays
          Shakespeare is one of the most noted and admired writers in the world. Those who love to take part in, attend, or read his plays may have an idea who's who in which play; however, most of us mix up the characters with plays. We also mix up who said what.

Here is a simple quiz to find out how well you can remember the answers to these questions.
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1. Shakespeare's Characters:
 In which play was Dr. Pinch, the schoolmaster?
       Richard III        
       Taming of the Shrew        
       A Midsummer Night's Dream        
       The Comedy of Errors        
       Love's Labour's Lost        
2. Shakespeare:
 Inside his last play Shakespeare is said to have bid farewell to his audience. "We are such stuff //as dreams made on, and our little life// is rounded with a sleep." What is the name of that play?
       The Tempest        
       The Winter's Tale        
       Henry VIII        
       Twelth Night        
       Troilus and Cressida        
3. Shakespeare's Characters:
 In which play did Queen Titania reign?
       The Merchant of Venice        
       A Midsummer Night's Dream        
       King Lear        
       The Merry Wives of Windsor        
       Much Ado about Nothing        
4. King Lear:
 Which one of the following is the setting for the opening scene in King Lear?
       Duke of Albany's Palace        
       Gloucester's Castle        
       The British Camp Near dover        
       Lear's Palace        
       The French Camp Near Dover        
5. Shakespeare's Characters:
 What was the son of Montague's name?
       Henry IV        
       Don Armado        
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