Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1113934-Tsunami
by vicky
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #1113934
its about the disaster caused by tsunami..!!
When the earth changed its face
All was left, was the debris of life
That once existed and thrived.
Unseen, unarmed, uncapped,
The mighty waves hit the earth
Yet the guilty never got a hunch
Too peaceful, too happy they were
Pondering of their short-stay
Their well-being was a mere pray
Unconscious of the might of destruction
They faced n they stayed
All was left was the debris of their grave
The mighty horror treated everyone the same
No crowns no jewels, no thrones
Lives lost
Hopes unborn
Beliefs thwarted
Logic ridiculed
Nature played it's course once again
All a human could do, was a little pray
A candle and a tray
In a mosque, or a church or a temple

Life not so alive, starved and deprived
Few left and saved by the godsend
If only i could do was to save them
If only we could do is to help them
Some decree we received
And we all stood for the uniform cause
Rich or poor
Colored or discolored
Mighty or weak
We all held the thought together
And gave them the chance to live again
The chance to breath again

Yet the disaster fierce, our help too vague
If only we could do more
We could share the happiness with the children who lost
Lost their childhood,
Lost their loved ones
Lost their innocence

If only we could help restore the beliefs
The faiths
The relief

Donate our thoughts to them
Share our love for them
And help them forget the mishap
The mishap that changed the lives of millions
Effected or unaffected
Destroyed or not destroyed
If only we could devote our portion of thanksgiving
If only we could donate the mere wealth
Which we have, material or immaterial

The feeling that we will have
Will be more sweeter than the holy water
The first drop of rain in the desserts

The more smiles we put on de faces
Of the grief
The more grains for their hunger
The more shelter for their uncovered existence
The more remedies for their well-being
For their sickness and pain

We might not achieve the world
We might not become saints
We might not be known among the most generous

But if only and only we donate for our self-existence
For self-spirit
For self -peace
For self-belief

We might not become the godsend
But we might become the people who helps the godsend
© Copyright 2006 vicky (vignesh28 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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