Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1111943-Praising-Gods-Names
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1111943
Hendecasyllabic spiritual poem.
Praising God’s Names

A rainbow’s arc spreads across the firmament,
voices raise, praise in a thousand dialects,
this paradigm of God’s ancient covenant;
light split into love’s primary colors bridge
the rift valleys that separate into sects
the species produced when matter and spirit
merged. Voices raise, praise, intone God’s trillion names;
glorify the mirrors of His attributes.

A rainbow’s arc spreads across Earth’s continents,
mystics dance, accompanied by castanets,
bells, tambourines, lutes, lyres, harps, dijeridus,
bagpipes, musical bows, reed flutes, talking drums …
echoes reverberate, voices glorify,
praise, unite, become a single symphony
proclaiming that there is not a spot on Earth
where one of God’s names has not been glorified.
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