Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1111215-Truth-of-faith
by kylas
Rated: E · Article · Philosophy · #1111215
Just another look into religion and why people should search out there own
I've come to realise that one of the problems in this world is that of religion. Yet that very problem can be the greatest asset we hold. The reason I believe that it causes so much strife is due to the fact that so many people are not really happy with the religion they have "chosen". There for they attack other religions and people who hold them? I shall go into some points that led me to this conclusion.

First of all Christianity. I know it may seem like I attack them but this is not intentional Its just that other than my own faith I know more of theirs due to being brought up in a Christian community.
Ok so the point. We all hold the same stereotype, That image of some preacher standing on his soapbox and sing out to people how they are all going to hell unless we repent and love Jesus. Now these people are of course fanatics. It is these fanatics that have caused so much trouble through out history for all religion. Just a thought for all those who know a little about religion especially Christianity, and I mean little is enough. Go up to one of these people and start asking questions. Talk to them for a moment and you will soon discover that they know very little of there so called chosen religion. I always found it interesting to see how quickly people will stop shouting about things they don't really know when they are challenged. This of course is the biggest problem with fanatics, in that they only read a small part or hear something about their religion and they then take it to extremes.

To bring my points further, How about Muslims. Maybe a touchy subject but then again not really. We have heard so much about these people of late. They’re in the news a lot recently. Apparently they are all fanatics about they're religion and go to so much trouble to force it on others. Like the whole thing with America. Now that you have thought about that, do you know any Muslims? I do, and I think people will be interested to know that in fact it is only a small part of that community that shows these extreme acts. Yes ones again the fanatics are bringing out these great stereotypes. In fact most of the Muslim community hate what this small sector have done. They are just as annoyed as any American, and why not the religion that they stick to so strongly is being ridiculed by a few fanatics who don't understand half of the true faith and go out "enforcing" the parts they have read into wrong.

A less harmful one now. Less about fanatics and more about stereotypes. Now when think of Buddhists, Yes that same image comes to mind with everybody, The shaved head man in an orange robe sitting in the lotus position meditating. Ok so this stereotype isn't completely out there but its not the only part of Buddhists. In reality hundreds of people are completely normal. Go to work everyday, wear normal clothes and raise families just like us. Yet they are in fact Buddhist. It is merely the Buddhist monks who dress like this just like a Christian priest or Jewish Rabbi. Though our stereotypes take us away from them and make us believe that we could never be a part of that religion.

This is where my real point through out all of this comes. My belief is that everyone in this world should take some time to actively seek out their religion. Three points, first of all, If the religion you have been brought up in does not feel right, then it is not for you. Second, do not judge and decided what religion you think you belong from the stereotypes and things we hear about in the news as these are generally brought around by those wonderful fanatics who of course make great news. Finally, I really do think everyone should do this, don’t just give up and settle with what you have been raised on or even worse give up completely and have no faith what so ever. Unless of course that something more scientific is right for you then go right a head. I know that it is worth the effort. I know this because I have done it and it did take a while. In fact I stumbled across my religion quite by accident. I have always held the same beliefs since I was a small child but never been able to put a name to it. I found out I was a pagan eventually and then discovered more specific pagan beliefs to follow what I have always known. I think if every one was to spend a little time doing proper research and maybe asking others about their beliefs then everyone would eventually find the religion that truly calls out to them. Then this world would be a much happier place indeed.

I thank you for taking the time to read this. I really do hope it has brought you something to think about. I would love to hear anything you have to share on the subject as I always love talking about religion and other people’s views. Thanks again.

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