Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1107241-Bugs1--Bush-0
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1107241
A sci-fi short done in a slightly different way.

Bugs 1- Bush 0

Spring! Spring at last. A time for what used to be rebirth and rejoicing. No longer thus though.
Sadly, Spring, as we older soldiers remember it, passed away at about the same time Jeb Bush took over the White House from his insane brother, George W., and tried to solve the Alien problem.

Not as in a mexican problem but as in a bug type Alien problem. They came from out of nowhere and everywhere, below ground and in the air.
They struck all of the Earth, first with a magnetic pulse and then with a weapon that converted OUR air to what They could breath.
As a Freedom Fighter squirreled away in an old nuke silo located in the Rockies it means a time to open the silo for those so few days that the aliens cannot exist or disturb the fragile eco system that still exists here on earth.
So few trees are left that the air is slowly turning to a carbon dioxide- based system...just what the aliens ordered, a toxic soup mix that leaves the earth we once walked on a lethal chocolate soup mix.
It makes everything a chocolate covered slop that they slide around on without any viable means of holding on.
This may be the last spring the Earth will have. And to think that all these changes are happening because of an insane George W Bush.

With temps ranging from 20 degrees to 60 degrees in the spring, the aliens cannot tolerate the surface and return to the safety of their hovels made from their outgrown shells as they pupate into adults.
That’s when we can still attack them and at least try to make up some ground we lost to them when George W.tried to nuke them and had it backfire on his ass. The Aliens killed almost everyone related to a Bush and made George W. lose what sanity he had....
I guess I would too if I had to watch an alien take one of your friends or relatives, snatch you up and munch down on you.

We also found out that their DNA was being strung in with ours so in about another 10 years we will all be the same. That is if we do not do something to reverse the effects real quick.
We have found that the simple laser from a CD/DVD player blinds them and keeps them from pupating as quickly and softens the outer shell,as close to a defect that has been found as of yet.

We also found that the pupa state is when they are at their weakest so that has become our “bug smashing time”.
However they are grouped tightly together so it is almost impossible to get at “them” until spring time. We use a wireless system of communication so they cannot detect us until too late and then it’s time to get back at the nasties.. And lastly, we have found success of a sorts with a generic defect found within them, however we as Freedom Fighters must give up our human form and become as one with them to introduce this “virus”just as we introduced viruses to the Native Americans and killed them.

Well, the weather is right and I have been injected with the virus so I have got to get out of here and into one of the hovels before I “change” over to their form. Wish me and all the other Freedom Fighters luck, if we don’t succeed it will be the end.

Imagine, all because of an insane Bush, the world is now controlled by nothing but over sized, giant, Alien Cockroaches. And we are the ones now living below grounds where the vermin used to run.
There's some kind of sick joke in there somewhere but I've really got to go, I am starting to "bug out".
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