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Contains mild subliminal messaging. This is a twisted story with a difference.experimental |
Schadenfreude, how we miss you. please do not focus on the coloured words, but instead try to read the black words naturally. they should exert a mild effect on your mood only... but its still quite experimental... and writing.com has its presentation limitations i hate you Lily lay in an uneasy sleep, the storm outside growing louder. The room was completely dark, lit only by the occasional sporadic eruption of lightning. All of a sudden she rose supine, lifting her upper torso after the storm ruptured a large branch of mighty weeping willow just outside. The tree moaned as its aching limb snapped, severed it fell to the ground with a Groan. She found herself in a richly decorated Bedroom, a small ornamental bedside table with what was probably her Haldol, the room adorned with similarly designed wooden upholstery and mahogany walls, walls which seemed to form a jigsaw of large floor to ceiling wardrobes that were occasionally pierced by pictures and monuments to a dead demigod. Looking up at the dimly lit ceiling aghast, she estimated it must be a good 16 feet above her; but her vision led her down again, tentatively down, down to the corner of the room where the man she had met and slept with last night was twilling an ornate dagger in his hand; seemingly in attempt to admire it from all perspectives… She faintly recalled this is exactly how she had left him several hours ago, the radio still recycling through the news as it does in the early hours of the morning MORTALITY. The light rained down upon them soaking them with cold shades of blue, then the void of darkness consumed the light again. Was it the day before she had met this man? Was it just yesterday that she had found this man of incomparable grace and beauty? She recalled him crouching over a sketchpad he had been staring at her in the lobby of the concert venue, and how it had taken him just one furious instant to replicate her visage perfectly with lead from his mechanical pencil.ORGASM. It seemed now judging from the ostentatious bedroom that this man was not only beautiful, graceful and talented but he was also sickeningly rich SEX. As she slid off the bed, she noticed it rather odd and vilely rude that he did not seem to acknowledge her presence, not even so much as eye contact MURDER. ‘Ha, he probably couldn’t get it up last night and is ashamed of himself’, she thought RAPE. It seemed so many of these men where drawn to her; strong, silent, effeminately beautiful men, who were perfect in every way, or they seemed perfect in everyway until they got to the bedroom. Her stomach groaned with the pain of hunger IMPOTENCE. Still in the corner he was twiddling with his knife… ‘ha’ she wondered if it made him feel more masculine. “I’m going to get something to eat Hun, I just have this incredible hunger which I need to satisfy” she whispered in her most seductive voice, raising her arched and slender eyebrows CAR CRASH. Still no response, she pulled at a large iron handle and tugged at the door with some difficultly until it opened, laughing gently as she left the room ABORTIONS. She found herself in a hallway ART, decked upon the wooden walls were painting without frames: paintings of the grain of the dull wooden wall, connecting perfectly with the grain surrounding them. ‘Weird, yet beautiful… quite creative’ Lily thought to herself… never had she seen accuracy in art. Several doors later she realised this was not just a hallway, it was a landing; the narrow aperture between the walls opening out to a vast atrium SAVANNAH, the glass roof of which must have been 40 feet above her MOUTH, a massive serpentine stair case with steps 10 feet wide led the landing down to the entrance hall. A kitchen, or rather, a room in which she could see a fridge branched off to the left of the entrance hall. Noisily she raced down the stairs LOVE. Her first thought was to go take a look outside, to see where exactly she was, was this an exurb LONELY? The window revealed a grey sky above from which torrents of rain fell onto a small plotted graveyard by a towering forest. The only thing that broke the monotony of trees and graves where distant telephone poles; telephone poles that did not connect to the house. Though she felt the area strangely familiar she could not place the area to her locality; never had she heard of a forest anywhere near the city. Confused she left for the room in which she had seen the fridge HUNGRY. On further inspection the room was adjoined to another, which was equipped with everything kitchens need have… but it did not have a fridge. Instead there was a space in which the dark grey stone wall could be seen where one would think the fridge really should be MORGUE. But of course it wasn’t there... It was here. The fridge stood alone in the centre of the room, surrounded by framed drawings of it from all perspectives. Biomechanical styled metal benches were soldered into sterile metal walls, but they seemed more apart of the walls than company for the fridge. The creator was certainly 'unique'. A large crash of lightening and then an eerily silent hour past, an hour in which nothing but the sounds of cooking, saliva spreading, squishing of the spaghetti and the crunching of meat balls could be heard MALAISE. The wind now though was starting to pick up and from the floor above her came the sounds of a bed heaving under what was either heavy masturbation or sex… but of course, she was alone in this house with this weirdo, wasn’t she? Shortly after, a silent period followed only to give way to heavy, angry, purposeful footsteps that attacked the stairs. At first he entered into the room with the fridge, opening it in horror as if it was a person whom she had just violated sewage. Walking into the kitchen, where Lily sat; he simply stared through her SPIDER in your mouth.His unforgiving brown eyes looking down on her with such anger and intensity that they appeared as if they could burn her flesh into a cinder CREMATION. Lily felt small and vulnerable. “Outside tomorrow the weather will be a chilly four degrees with the thunder storms we have been getting here continuing throughout the day Tom” he said, as if imitating the radio blankly, mockingly. “He needs to go up to his room and rest, you see!” he then protested in an angry voice, his eyes distant, infuriated, dark brown BLOOD. Lily had two simultaneous epiphanies in that moment, one realisation was that this guy was slightly more odd than misunderstood; the other epiphany was that he was still holding the dagger. Frantic, Lily grabbed at the remaining meatballs and spaghetti for defence. “STAY AWAY!, what the hell is your problem?! I was just eating? I just want to leave now. KEEP AWAY AND LET ME LEAVE!” she screamed, then dropping the pot and dashing for the door. A moment of thought and lily realised that she was pulling at the silver door knob, but one must twist at such things in order for them to function as usually desired. “STOP STARING INSIDE AND CLOSE THE FRIDGE DOOR!!” this man who had held her just the night before roared. Lily heaved at the burdensome door still, too frantic to put her reason into action. A Pounding sound shrank into deft, decisive, resolute foot steps. Reaching her before she could think to twist the door knob, Lily turned around in dismay to face her impending doom SHOT IN THE FACE. Before her stood an elderly woman. “Jack! Stop this, this instant!” she growled. “He needs to go up to his room and rest, you see. He is Autistic… echolia they call it, he’s always been this way, afraid of the smallest change” the woman smiled earnestly as jack obediently retired to his room. “I have no idea where I am, I just wanted to leave and he started shouting at me. I don’t suppose you could get me back to the city? I really don’t want to drive with him again.” Lily begged. “Heavens no sweetie you’re part of the family now. You’re in our quiet mansion here the middle of this beautiful forest and you’re going to stay with us here, you can't very well go changing things again for poor Jack can you? “ Looking at the door again, Lily realised that attempt at escape earlier had been futile, the door was bolted and had a padlock attached. The sedative effects her Haldol that the elderly woman had forced on her so long ago were wearing off… Her memory slowly returning as it did periodically, Lily stared now at her aged portrait on the wall. The elderly woman had left her standing in the room alone and returned upstairs to be with Jack in his room VOMIT, she had left Lily staring vacantly with the beneficial effects of her Haldol gone and her sanity clearly departing more as the storm outside and the bed heaving against the floorboards upstairs both intensified MOLEST. please please please leave a review. Especially about the coloured words... did you feel at all sick afterwards? turned off? or anxious? or did it make you excited? or want to laugh? how was the story? did it fit together? good points, bad points, wording. suggestions. i think perhaps i need a way to make them more ignorable.. might mess around with the format of them or something. :( too bad i cant use flash. |