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I am going to write a story based on the Star Wars universe in this language hopefully. |
Dictionary The language of Amraya has a history as rich as the language itself. With much interaction with Yuuzhan Vong, Jawa, and Hutt’s, their language clearly reflects that. The language also shows the planet of Amraya. ( Vocabulary comes from many things. Mainly, all the Jawa, Huttese, and Yuuzhan Vong I can find, but also many elements of Turkish, Spanish, Armenian, Japanese, and some Spanish. However, most words are created. ) Phonemes Zh-'j', like french 'je', or jaja Vowels are simple a-like father e-like get i-like we, or bee, or pee :D o-like woah, or doe, or dough u-like moo! or true, or goo ae-ay ai-eye ei-ay oe-oh oi-oy ay-eye Pronouns I-Ano We-Tiri'a You-Zhi He-Aster They-Karish She-Siba Verb Conjugation Balar Present Ano Balas Tiri'a Bala'ra Zhi Balana Aster Bala'ka Karish Balash Siba Bala'ka Past Ano Balis Tiri'a Bali'ri Zhi Balani Aster Bali'ki Karish Balish Siba Bali'ki Act Of Doing Ano Balando Tiri'a Balando Zhi Balando Aster Balando Karish Balando Siba Balando Future Ano Balos Tiri'a Balo'ro Zhi Balano Aster Balo'ko Karish Balosh Siba Balo'ko Imperfect Ano Balus Tiri'a Balu'ru Zhi Balanu Aster Balu'ku Karish Balush Siba Balu'ku To say I am going to, Ano preteras a garder jin zha'lota, I am going to sing with my mother. Use Preterar, To Go. Then A, for to, then any verb in its infinitive. Or, you can use the future tense as well. To say to have to, It is similar. Ano balis a alelar jin zha'kokodo, I had to eat with my family. Make anything plural! If it ends in a vowel, like Ayo, add a 'se'. In two word words, like chan chan, add the se at the last, so Le chan chanse bazzokash vana no bokoli, The soldiers cooked a lot of bokoli. Ayose, ancestries. Le ayafase alelish balase, the clans ate meat :) Adjectives become adverbs with a friendly li at the end. Le chan chanse akkanish han hanli, the soldiers fought marvelously! To make any verb a noun, simply replace ar with anka Le lelo bazzoki'ki sooga che al'lelaka jin cheve'anka. The boy made food for his girlfriend with love. To show something being done to something, have lo. I was attracted by the ocean. Ano lo aksa'ka da le ambuno. Now, usually adjectives come before the noun, except when the possesive prefixes are used, which are: zha' se' su' ke' bac' al' In cases like this, for example zha'ambuno khotte, our pretty ocean, the adjective comes after. This does not occur when the possesive 'si suffix is used. That pattern would be like Ano'si kyo kyo uruse kathash koa jizhi! My fresh fruit is very tasty! Zha'uruse kyo kyo kathash koa jizhi works too! Its a matter of preference. However, sometimes 'si is mandatory. Like this: Mora: Achu, Molly! Kei katha'ka okka? Hey, Molly! What is up? Molly: Nyeta vana. Not much. Achu, lira'ana zho Roger'si del del katha'ka erenyando soka koth? Hey, do you know if Roger's pet is feeling more good? (In English we can sometimes say smarter or prettier, well, here we say soka (adjective), which means more ____. ) Mora: Aa, nyeta lira'as, kichi! Oh, I don't know, sorry! See? Now, you had to use Roger'si because the topic wasn't known. A-To(Ano vatevis a zha'edra, I talked to my sister ) Achuta-Hello! Achu-Hey Aganar-Farm Ai-Then Akkanar-To Fight ( Tiri'a atiku'u'ru che se'chan chanse, ateema tiri'a ayoka'a'ra , We used to cheer for our soldiers, now we mourn ) Aksar-To Attract ( Siba aksi'ki vana okoto jin ke'dandra, She attracted many men with her beauty ) Al’-Possessive ‘He’ prefix(al’sooga, his food); his Alelar-To Eat Aleypa-Evening; Night Ambuno-Ocean Amraya-Curse An-And(As in, Me bazzoke bokoli an edre’sta, I cooked bokoli and nuna!) Anyar-To Watch Angas-Blue Artemar-To Gather Ate yu-Courage( Le chan chanse balash vana no ate yu, the soldiers have a lot of courage ) Atear-To Hug Ateema-Now Atiku'ar-To Cheer, Praise Ay-There is, There are ( Ay vana vana vana okotose, There are many many many men ) Ayafa-Clan(Amraya’s People Are Very Clan-Oriented) Ayo-Ancestry Ayoka'ar-To Mourn Baba-A Day Bac’- Possessive ‘They’ prefix (bac’sooga, their food); their Bala-Meat Balar-To Have Bazzokar-To Cook Bazzokarrom-Cheff ( Le bazzokarrom bazzoki'ki soogase che le chan chanse ) Bok-Far Bok Bok-Book Boka-Red Bokoli-A Type Of Meal Bomloo’ar-To Remember Borar-To Wave Cha-Tea Chan Chan-Soldier Chanya-Water Chan'ar-To Swim Chanso-Thirsty Chans Chans-Famous Chavvar-To Drink Chawar-To Race Che-For Chekara-Friend Chempre-Brown Cheve-Love Cheve'ar-To Love ( Siba cheve'i'ki le okoto kei nyeta tondri'ki siba di volvo, She loved that man that could not love her in return ) Chiya-Chill Chiyar-To Chill ( Le bazzokarrom chiyi'ki le sooga ) Choto'a-Hotel Chul-Cold(Tu balano po chul, you have a cold) Da-By, ( Enja soogase lo bazzoki'ki da le chans chans bazzokarrom, Alejo le Kushan, These foods were cooked by the famous cheff, Alejo le Kushan ) Dalaga-Woman Dandra-Beauty Dayine-Again De De-Animal Del Del-Pet Del Delse, Pets Deimo-But Den-From Detra-Behind Di-In Dira-discussion, ( Tiri'a bali'ri po dira, We had a talk ) Dizhe-Monkey ( Zhi balana unti vana dizhese!!! You have so much cash!!! ) Dre Dre-Incredible, Unbelievable(Le edra katha'ka po dre dre oola) Dro-7 Dyo-5 Dyon-Sick ( Ano kathus dyon di le aleypa , I used to be sick in the night ) Dyonrrom-The Sick, Sick Person Dyoromse, sick ppl Ebara-Clothing Article, Ebarase clothes ( Ano jinjas di a ebarase di le hada, I dress into clothes in the morning ) Edra-Sister Edre-Sibling Edre’sta-Nuna Edro-Brother Enja-This, these ( Enja katha'ka niso! This is crap! ) Enjo-That ( Enjo edre'sta kathu'ku zha'de de hansona That nuna used to be my best animal) Ejera-Smoke Erar-To Shake Erenyar-To Feel Ganadar-To Continue ( Aster ganadi'ki a hampar le dyoromse, He continued to heal the sick ) Gardar-To Sing Geka'che-Series, Geka'chese, Series ( p ) Gendara-Computer Gethen-Dark Gocha-Lake Gocho-Arm, Gochose Arms Gora-Herb ( cha gora, herbal tea ) Gropar-To Dance Hada-Morning Hai-Yes Hai Hai-Fish Haikar-To Win Hampu-Medicine Hampar-To Heal Han Han-Marvelous Hansona-Best Hapane-Stunning, Radiant(Noticeably Regarding Those Of Hapes) Hay-Old(Aster katha'ka hay, he is old ) Hecho-Nasty, Irritible Heto-Through Ho-8 Hojo'ko-Machine, Hojo'kose machines Hojo'korom-Robot, Android, Hojo'koromse, androids Hoko-Vermin Hon'jo-Just ( Ano jon'jo balas a keezar po de de a haikar le inara, I just have to shoot one animal to win the contest ) Hunya-Enemy Hunyar-To Kill Hunye'ar-To Decompose Hunyo-Vacation Inara-Contest Isol-Wrong(Ano kathis isol, I was wrong ) Janjo-Vegetable, Janjose vegetables Janta-Because Jarde-Garden ( Tiri'a umki'ri heto le jarde di zha'edra'si loa'na, We walked through the garden in my sisters home ) Jawan-Vendor( Le jawanse venyash vana khotte gorase, The venders sell many pretty herbs ) Jeedai-Jedi(A Yuuzhan Vong Loanword, (( First Outsiders To The Planet Amraya Is From)) Ji-It ( Ano cheve'as ji! I love it! ) Jin-With Jina-Magician, Witch, Magic Person ( Tiri'a nyoku'ru kei siba kathi'ki po jina, deimo siba kathi'ki hon'jo po rento, we used to think she was a witch, but she was just a doctor ) Jinga-Lost Jinjar-To Dress Jizhi-Tasty! Jondonar-To Proved Jubinloo-City(As in Puru No Jubinloo, City Of The Orange, famous for it's taznan oranges ) Kancha-Light Kancho-Life Kancho'ar-To Live Kap-Around ( Aster zoni'ki kap le jubinloo che al'lo'ana, He looked around the city for his home ) Karangar-To Stand ( Siba karangi'ki di le thanta che kyo urizase, she stood in the room for three hours ) Kasa'ar-To See Katra-Master, as in owner(Le katra'si shag vati'ki lyo kayuse, the masters slave spoke six languages) Kayu-Language Ke’-Posessive ‘She’ prefix(ke’sooga, her food); her Keeza-Weapon Keezar-To Shoot Kei-That, What ( like Que ) Khotte-Pretty Kio-Yellow Kichi-Sorry! Kichi zay, formal Kisewa-10 Kise'war-To Shine Ko-2 Koa-Very Ko'ar-To Live Kokodo-Family Komer-Green Koshka-Half Koshna'ar-To Need Koth-Good Kotu-Bad Krikashar-To Write ( Aster crikasha'ka no dandra an cheve, he rights of beauty and love ) Kuli-Purple Kulitar-To Flirt Kutana'ar-To Put, To Place Kyo-3 Kyo Kyo-Fresh Laz'timar-To Pity, Feel Sorry For ( Karish laz'timush che le veiko okoto, deimo, aster jondoni'ki a kathar po shelbaa an hecho rrom, They used to feel sorry for the old man, but, he proved to be a miserable and nasty person.) Laz'tima-Pity Lazzara-Irresistable ( Adam katha'ka koa lazzara, Adam is very irresistable ) Le-The Lela-girl ( Siba katha'ka po yoven lela, She is a young girl ) Lelaka-Girlfriend Lelo-boy Leloko-Boyfriend Lira'ar-To Know Lire-Strict ( Ke'lota kathu'ku koa lire jin siba, Her mother used to be very strict with her ) Lo-The 'being done to' particle ( Le lela lo kuliti'ki da se'leloko, The girl was flirted to by her boyfriend ) Lo'ana-Home Lo'ano-Shelter Lopima-Star ( Le lopimase lyonash di le aleypa monara, The stars sparkle in the night sky ) Lota-Mother ( Tiri'a cheve'a'ra se'lota, We love our mom! ) Loto-Father ( Tiri'a nyeta cheve'a'ra se'loto, We do not love our dad ) Lyo-6 Lyonar-To Sparkle Lyosar-To Die ( Zha'lota veiko lyosi'ki pokri aleypa! My old mother died last night! ) Ma-As, While Makka Mei-Down ( Ano kutana'is le bok bok makka mei ne le olo, I put the book down on the table ) Marka-Land Matanar-To Smile( Ano matanas a le khotte rrom, i smiled to the pretty person ) Mayu-River Mayunar-To Draw Mayuta-Theater Middu-Intermediate Mika-Paper Mikremi-Restaurant ( Tiri'a toda nyoki'ri kei enja kathu'ku po koth mikremi, We all thought this was a good restaurant ) Mitar-To Steal Moarte-Death Monara-The Sky Muga-Hill Muto-Sad Natlar-To Offer Naya-Flower, Nayase flowers ( Tiri'a artemo'ro vana nayase che se'lota, We are going to gather many flowers for our mother ) Ne-On Nedun-Tear Nihonar-To Expect ( Ano nihonis a gardar jin le oolase, deimo ano balis a alelar jin zha'edra, I expected to sing with the performers, but I had to eat with my sister ) Niso-Crap, Exclamation like Damn or something No-Of, Le rrom no zha'parami'sus, the person of my planet, edre'sta no Tattooine, nuna of tattoine Nok Nok-Bitter ( Le veiko dalaga kathi'ki koa nok nok di le pokri babase no ke'kancho, The old woman was very bitter in the last days of her life. ) Nokar-To Decider Nota-A Laugh, Notase, laughs Notamar-To Laugh Nyankar-To Want ( Ano nyankas soka uruse!!! I want more fruit!!! ) Nyeta-No, Not Nyokar-To Think Nyoka'ar-To Play Olo-Table Oka-Dream Okar-To Dream Okka-Up Oko-Cold Oola-Performer, Ookwass-Where ( Ookwass katha'ka su'bala? Where is your meat? ) Org-Mountain' ( Ookwass katha'ka Montegra Org, where is montegra mountain ) Okoto-Man Pa-At Pagari-Tomorrow Panti-Pink Parami’sus-Planet Pata-Over Patka-Poor Perna-Education Plazha-Beach(Tiri'a nyoka'i'ri an ralidei'ri pa le plazha ne le hunyo We played and tanned at the beach on the vacation ) Po-1, also a(Me balos po edre’sta, or, I have a nuna) Pokri-Last Pon Chon-Advanced Ponar-To Smell Preterar-To Go Pura-Orange Puro-Fruit, Purose, Fruit plural Puru-Orange, the fruit Ralidad-Fantasy Ralidear-To Get Tan, Sunbathe( Siba ralidei'ki a voshtar ke'leloko che bac'shanazha pa le plazha, She sunbathed to impress her boyfriend for their party at the beach ) Ratakan-Yesterday Rento-Doctor Roko-terror -Rrom-Suffix to any word that can make it 'x person', like wirarom, fat person, or khotterom, pretty person Rrom-Person From Amraya’s World(As Of The Time This Is Typed, It Is Unnamed), Or A Person Se’-Possessive ‘Us’ prefix(se’sooga, our food); our Shag-Slave Shanayanka-Sleep Shanayar-To Sleep Shanazha-Party Shelar-To Make, Create Shelbaa-Miserable Shi'ru-Mind, Shi'ruse, Minds 'Si-possesive suffix, like 's in english ( Le tara'si uru katha'ka wass , the islands fruit is hot ) Sodes'ka-Really ( Zha'tara katha'ka koa khotte, My island is very pretty, Sodes'ka? Really? ) Soka-More Sooga-Food Su’-Possessive ‘You’ prefix(su’sooga, your food); your Taa Baa-Thank You! Tara-Island Thanta-Room ( Zhi balano po khotte thanta!!! You have a pretty room!! ) Thika-New Toda-All Toe-9 Ton ton-Sand Tondrar-To Be Able To, To Have Ability, To Can Tontha-Bread Toru'si-Sun, the sun, Toru'sise suns Tun-Space Tun'sha-Galaxy ( Tiri'a kancho'a'ra di se'tun'sha, we live in our galaxy ) Tuta-From Tyers-Truce Ubanya-Goodbye, Uba is a type of Seeya Uga-Grey Ugama-Bantha Ukuru-Final Umkar-To Walk Unki-Today Unti-So Upezzo-Market Uriza-An hour, che yo urizase, for four hours Uru-Fruit Utin'ar-To Scream, Shout Utinni-Wow, Battle cry, Alert to other jawas. Used by Rrom as an exclamation of anger, exclaiment, happiness, or 'woah'! Valka-Beginner; Basic Vana-A lot, many, much Vatevar- To Talk Veiko-Old Vein-About Venya-Between Venyar-To Sell Vethar- To Run Vionae-Violence Vionaeya-Violent ( Su'leloko katha'ka vionaeya jin zhi? Is your boyfriend violent with you?) Volvo-Return Voshtar-To Impress Waff'mla-Desert Waffei-Gust (Po waffei preteri'ki venya tiri'a man vatevu'ru vein se'wato, A gust went between us as we were talking about our year ) Wan'ye-Spectacle Wass-Hot Wato-Year Wazar-To Realize Wira-Fat(Aster katha'ka wira, he is fat) Ya-Yet Yaka-Rich Yo-4 Yona-Black Yoven-Young Yun-A god, Le Yunse, the gods Yunarrom-Priests and Priestesses of the Gods Yunchar-To Cry ( Le yunarromse yunchush a Le Yunse che soogase an yakase, The priests were crying to the gods for foods and riches ) Yura-White Za-So Zanar-To Look Zema-Skin Zeroka-Hair Zetro-Fun Zha’- Possessive ‘I, Me’ prefix(zha’sooga, my food); my Zhaelor-Truth, Real, adjective or noun Zhaelorar-To Tell The Truth((Zhi zhaelorini a su'shag, You told the truth to your slave ) Zhak-Enough! Enough ( Balas zhak edre'stase , I have enough ) Zheka-Wind Zho-If Zokar-To Make ( Karish zokish bac'ebara, they made their clothing article ) Zuluna-Age Example Sentences: I ran over the sand in the hot hot sun, because I was thirsty and needed water, but I saw a lot of batha walking, so I decided to make a shelter. Ano vethis pata le ton ton di le wass wass toru'si, janta kathis chanso an koshna'is chanya, deimo kasa'is vana ugama umkando, unti Ano nokis a shelar po lo'ano. Le lopimase kise'wash an lyonash di le khotte monara, an karish gropash an kulitash jin le Toru'si, di po han han wan'ye no kanchase. The stars shine and sparkle in the beautiful sky, and they dance and flirt with the sun, in a marvelous spectacle of lights. Aster venya'ka le uruse, deimo al'oka zhaelor katha'ka a gardar jin le khotte oolase di le yaka an yura mayutase. He sells the fruit, but his real dream is to sing with the beautiful performers in the rich and white theaters. |