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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1100773
A romantic vampire story with a surprising ending

Phil the Vampire

Phil was upset, no, he was beyond upset, he was hopping mad. Loud noises had awoken him. Noises like he had never heard them before. Part of the noises reminded him of music, but it went beyond music, disturbing, loud.

No one had dared to disturb his house in years, now there were intruders. With a deep sigh he got up and slowly opened the door that led to the stairs. The noise grew louder. He could hear human voices and laughter. He hesitated and grabbed his cloak from the hook by the door. Slowly he approached the stairs. One step at a time he climbed up. His face even paler than usually, chalk white, his lips blood red, his hair pitch black accenturated the whiteness of his face. The closer he got to the basement door, the more he could separate the noises. Laughter, feet stomping the floor, music without grace. He wondered if Benjamin was playing a trick on him. There was only one way to find out. Quietly he turned the knob and opened the door, just wide enough to have a peek. Humans, everywhere, swirling through the room in what must have been a dance. Their faces painted with loud colors. This definitly was not one of Benjamińs pranks. It was an outrage none the less. No one had dared to get close to his home in dekades. Phil realized that he could not chase them away, if it would have been five or ten, he would have driven them away, scared them out of their mind, ensuring that they would never return. But it must have been twenty of them, if not more. His rage grew as he realized that he could do nothing about this invasion of his home, that there was no way to get rid of the intruders.

While he was starring with red eyes at the unwelcome bunch of humans suddenly all the noise stopped, the feet stopped dancing.

„What, in God́s name, do you think you are doing here? Cańt I just leave you guys alone for a minute!" Phil gringed at the words a womańs voice shouted into the crowd. He strained to look through the crowd, but could not yet see who the woman was that spoke those words.

„Out, all of you, get out and dońt you dare to come back here!" the womańs voice shouted. Slowly the crowd parted, mumbling unfriendly words and headed for the door. Now two young boys and a woman were alone in the middle of the room. The boys could have been no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, both blond with fair skin. Facing them stood the woman who had interrupted the party, looking very angry. Her hair was just as blond and her skin very fair, just like the boy's. For just a brief moment he thought that she too was one of night's creatures. But then their scent carried over to him and he could tell that they were humans with warm blood flowing in their venes.

„Dońt you two have any respect for precious things? This castle is hundreds of years old. It has seen good times and bad times but I doubt that it has ever seen disrespectful kids like you two. Have you already forgotten the tragedy that has happened here two-hundred years ago?"

Phil opened the door a little more. Was she talking about him? Was she talking about his tragic life? She had his fullest attention.

„Sorry Claire, we didńt mean to make you upset. We just thought it would be the perfect place for a party." One of the boys said.

„Will you tell us about the man who lived here again, please?" The other boy said.

„Yes, sure, come over here, lets sit close to the fire place." The woman answered and led the boys to the open fire place.

Quickly Phil transformed into a wolf and slowly walked over to the small family. He did not want to miss a word she would say.

„Claire, a wolf! Get the gun, quickly!" One of the boys cried out.

„Sssh, yoúll scare him. Maybe this is his home. Stay calm, I dońt think he wants to harm us." Claire looked at the wolf with soft brown eyes. Phil was confused, did she not know that a lonely wolf was dangerous? Slowly he kept walking toward her. He had not fed on humans in a hundred years, usually small animals were his prey. But this was a rare opportunaty, maybe he would change his habbits tonight and feed on fresh humans. Now he was just inches away from her, sniffing the scent of her perfume, a tingle went through his body. She reached for him, startled he jumped out of the way.

„Dońt be scared, come here boy, come on, we wońt harm you. Come on, that́s it, that́s a good boy." She was talking to him in a soothing, almost hypnotizing voice. She seemed to believe that she was posing a threat to him, instead of him being the predator. Confused and almost hypnotized he came closer and allowed her to touch him. Her soft touch made him shudder. He wanted to run, but could not move, all he could was stand there, while she caressed his fur.

„See boys, he is harmless. In a little while, when he is not scared anymore, we can give him some water and some food. Isńt he beautiful?"

„Now tell us the story!" One of the boys reminded her.

„A long time ago, more than two-hundred years ago, a happy family was living inside this castle. The people in the town loved them, they were beautiful, loving, caring people. Knights with honor to the end. One day a traveling man came by late at night. Being the good folks the family were, they let him in and invited him to spend the night. He stayed up until dawn and then he disappeared to go to sleep. He was not seen again until sunset the next day. It went on like that for a few days. Then, one morning , the lady of the house could not be found. It was two days later that she showed back up right after sunset. Her already pale skin was chalk white, she was dressed in a beautiful gown. When asked where had she been, she would not answer, just smile dreamingly. She still was as beautiful as ever, which is why no one really questioned her changed behavior. It was two weeks before their son was to be married to a lovely young lady from a neighboring town.

Finally, one morning the master of the house had disappeared as well, as had the traveling stranger, without a trace. Still yet the family did not cancel the wedding. The lady of the house did not seem to mind that her husband had gone away, but she never came out of her rooms in the day time, only at night and she seemed to be not well, she was weak and refused to take any food at all.

The young bride arrived with her staff of maids and butlers. They too disappeared, one by one. With each disappearing person, the lady of the house seemed to gain strength. Then, one night, the young bride was fleeing this old building dressed only in her night gown.. She found refuge in the town and told a horrible story. She told the town folks that she had seen the lady of the house feeding on her son, biting his throat and that then she had been chased by her. From then on the place was known as the lair of vampires. According to the old tales, the vampire was killed and burned eighty years later, but it is suspected that her son was still alive and feeding on traveling strangers as they come by." She finished.

Without meaning to Phil issued a soft howl, being reminded of his familýs tragic end. Benjamin had been the name of the stranger who had caused his family to become vampires. The woman stroked his fur. He could smell her fresh flesh, he could imagine the taste of it.

„But of course, there are no such things as vampires. Who really was killed eighty years later no one knows for sure, but probably some relative. So, and now let's get ready for bed." The woman got up from her seat, very slow as if not to scare him. She went to a cabinet and got two bowls out. She filled one of them with water, the other with left overs from their meal. The bowls in hand she stooped down and softly called him. Being curious he came closer. He sniffed the bowl with water and then the bowl with the left overs. Then he wrinkled his nose and turned away from the bowls.

"Well, have it your way, buddy. I'll leave the bowls in front of the door for you, come on, time for you to go, come on, you can't stay here!" the woman told him and held the front door open. Phil looked at her in surprise. How dared she to tell him that he could not stay! Mortals, all the same, they come and want to take over!

"Oh Claire, can't we let him stay? Please!" one of the boys begged.

"No! I am not yet insane enough to have a wild animal stay inside the house while we are sleeping. Out! Go on, be a good doggie and get out of here!" she insisted. Phil decided to show her all his pretty teeth and growled.

"See, this is why he can not stay here! If you behave, you can come back tomorrow, now go on!" there was an impatient edge in her voice and Phil decided that he would go out the door and come back later, when they all were asleep. On the way out the door he stopped again and growled at her, very low though, not to scare her, just to impress her a little. Then the door was slammed shut behind him. He went between the trees and waited a moment to be sure no one was watching, then he changed into his human form. Pulling the sleeves on his shirt straight he slowly walked back toward the castle and knocked on the door. After a moment the small window in the door was opened and he could see the woman’s eyes.

"Good evening. I've seen light in the old castle and was wondering. May I ask who you are and what you are doing here?" he asked.

"And, who would want to know?" she answered. She did not seem intimidated or scared. He already opened his mouth to introduce himself, when he remembered that she knew about his family's history. Quickly he thought of another name that would protect his identity.

"Ffffrank, Frank, I'm a neighbor" he said. The door opened slowly and she stood in the door frame, a welcoming smile on her face.

"Hello Frank, I am Clair Stanley. We just arrived today" she introduced herself.

"Welcome to our wonderful town! Nice to meet you," he replied, feeling even more drawn to her now than a few moments ago when he was a wolf. Something about her gave him an odd feeling.

"Oh, please, come in," she said and stepped aside so he could enter. She led him to the corner by the fireplace.

"Would you like some wine?" she offered and went to get him a glass. She returned and filled his glass with dark red wine and then filled hers and sat down on the chair across from him. She smiled and the light of the fire played in her hair. He was drawn to her, felt as if she had a purpose in his existence, as if she was meant to be there all along. Under his stare she blushed, smiled and looked straight at him. After a moment a puzzled expression came over her face.

"Your eyes, they seem to be red," she said.

"Oh, aham, yes, it looks like it, sometimes. A condition I have developed with the years, very light sensitive. Actually my eyes are brown, just seem red at times," he quickly explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" she replied, sounding as if she could already feel pain he might experience.

"No, not really. I have been treating them." She nodded and took a sip of her wine.

"So, Miss Claire, what is it that brings you here into this peaceful, but lonely place?" he finally asked her, hoping to guide her attention away from his eyes.

"I'm almost tempted to say faith. We lost my parents and my husband in an accident and I thought that it would be good for my brothers and for me to get away for a while. I wanted to write about old castles for a long time and this seemed to be the best medicine for all of us." she explained. While she was talking he saw tears coming into her eyes.

"I am sorry for your loss. I too lost all the ones I loved, a long time ago. I know how painful it can be to be left behind. But, at least you have got brothers, that should help," he tried to comfort her. She smiled, suppressing the tears that were welling.

"I guess it does. Still, it hurts so much and the boys are hurting too," she admitted.

"It will get better, in time" he promised. Then they sat silent in front of the fire, watching the logs being caressed by the flames.

"Why this castle?" he finally broke the silence.

"I'm not sure. It was as if something was calling me to this one, as if there was a need for me to start here," she paused and chewed on her lip for a moment, "it sounds crazy, don't it?"

"No, not really. Maybe it was faith calling you," he replied and started to wonder...

"Well, it is late and I have to do a lot of research tomorrow. I don't want to be rude, but..." she said apologizing.

"Yes, you are right. It is late already and I better be going," he got up and put his glass down. Then, following and inspiration he stopped and turned toward her. "I have a friend who might scare you by appearance, but he is quiet harmless, if you run into him, don't be alarmed, he won't harm you."

"I don't understand?" she asked.

"He is a wolf, but absolutely tame. I let him roam as he pleases because I know that he will not cause any harm to anyone." he explained.

"Oh, I've met him. He was indeed very tame, until I sent him outside, then he growled at me, but he left." she replied with a relieved smile.

"Don't worry if he growls, he does not mean anything by it, it is a wolf's thing. He just thinks that he owns everything around here and no one has been in this castle in a very, very long time. Now good-night, lady Claire. I hope we meet again," he bowed and went for the door.

"If you are from around here, maybe you can help me, if it is not asking for too much," she quickly called after him.

"It would be my pleasure. Shall I return tomorrow to go over your results from your research?" he offered and bowed again.

"That would be nice."

"I will see you tomorrow night then." He went out the door and she stared after him. Finally she went to the door and locked it. A feeling of not being all alone anymore came over her, a feeling of being home. With a smile she went to bed. It was the first smile that was not put on for her brothers in a long, long time. Suddenly she really looked forward to the next day.

Phil stood outside the building behind the trees. He knew that the young woman and her brothers had not explored the castle yet. They probably had not gotten any further than the small building in which they logged. It had been the quarters for the staff, a long, long time ago. More than ever before he was aware of his loneliness. There were no others like him, at least not on this continent. She had been the first human being he had talked to in almost two hundred years. With a deep sigh he turned into the wolf and went for some small prey, a rabbit or a fox would satisfy his need, maybe a squirrel for desert.

He slept all day long, dreaming about the time when he was still human, about the time when he was anxiously awaiting the arrival of his bride, the beautiful young woman with the fair skin, the deep blue eyes and the blond hair. How he had loved her! How they had loved each other, it would have lasted for ever, he was sure for still now he felt the love for her inside. Then the dream changed, he was dreaming of the fire, the heat, the viciousness with which the fire eat through everything in its way, he could hear them scream and he could not reach them, could not save them.

When he finally woke up he was not relieved that he had escaped the dream and with it the fire. Guilt was nagging him. Not for the first time he was painfully aware that he had not lost his heart and soul when he had been turned into a vampire. He wondered if his mother indeed had lost hers. He sat there in the cooling darkness, in the protected chambers below the castle, pondering over the past, until he heard the voices of the mortals above him.

He left his hideout through the secret passage way and came out in the woods behind the castle. He walked through the shadows of the trees until he could see the light in the small cottage were they had settled in. Watching the light for a moment he remembered how he, as a human, had loved to come home to the light, to his parents' loving arms. Then he thought how his mother had changed after she had been infected, how all the love had left her together with her soul. Why was it that he had kept his? Finally he decided to cast those thoughts away, changed into the shape of a wolf and went to the cottage.

The door was ajar and he stuck his head through the door. He saw them in front of him by the dining table. The two boys were sitting down and the woman was serving them with food. Then she sat down herself and started a prayer. Quickly he left and ran through the woods as far away from the cottage as he could. Exhausted he laid down by an old tree that had not grown any fresh leaves in years. His heart was beating fast and hard. He had not heard words of prayer in a long time, knowing that it would hurt him, he had stayed away from churches and other holy grounds, dodging people who had a certain holiness about them.

Now, as he lay there he noticed that he was not hurt, only scared. Quickly he changed into his human form and checked his body, making sure that there was no real damage. Still, no pain, no damage, nothing missing. Slowly he walked back to the castle, wondering...

He watched them through the window, sitting by the fire, playing cards. A beautiful picture. He suddenly wished that he could be a part of them, sit there with them and play and talk with them. Before he realized what he was doing, his hand was knocking on the door. The young woman looked up and came to open the door.

"Good evening, I was hoping that you would stop bye," she greeted him and held the door open for him to come inside.

They sat down by the fire and she introduced him to her brothers.

"Darius and Tavano, this is my friend Frank, he is one of our neighbors. Frank, those are my brothers." she fetched a glass for him and filled it with red wine.

"Very pleased to meet you. How do you like it here? How do you like my home?" he asked and took a sip of the wine.

"Your home?" Tavano the younger brother asked.

"Well, I mean the town and the land, you know, where I grew up," Frank quickly answered.

"It's cool. Not a lot going on here, but it's alright. The castle is awesome! We've went through the real castle today and it is just so cool!" Darius told him, his blue eyes shining.

"Yes, it is really wonderful. Did you know that it even had a chapel? Just imagine, the people who lived here so long ago had their own little chapel!" Claire fell in.

"Yes, it must have quiet nice, back then. But a lot of the original castle burned down and never was restored. Very sad." Phil replied and stared into the flames that were licking the wood in the fireplace. He remembered the chapel well. It used to be one of his favorite places of his childhood. Often he had longed to go there, to get on his knees and pray, as he had done in his mortal days. He remembered Pater Ruben with his grey hair and his small, brown eyes, always squinting because he could barely see anything. Often the Pater had prayed with him, helped him to admit to the little sins of his childhood. He remembered, how the chapel had already been decorated for his wedding, for the day when he would lead his lovely bride to the altar, the day that never came.

"Frank, are you alright?" Claire asked and put her soft hand on his arm. Startled he looked up, his arm felt as if she had struck him with fire.

"I'm fine, yes, I'm sorry, I was jsut thinking about how wonderful this castle used to be in the old days, before the fire," he replied and slowly pulled his arm away from her, wondering how her touch could be so intense."

"Yes, it must have been. Too bad neither one of us will ever really know," she agreed and poured more wine in his glass.

"We could go to the chapel and clean it up. It is still fully intact, even the altar is there and some holy water is left too." Tavano suggested.

"Well, I doubt that it is indeed holy water, probably more likely rainwater that is seeping through the roof," Phil smiled.

"But, even if, just being there, in the halter, does that not make it holy water?" Darius agreed with his brother.

"I guess that could be. But I would think that it would need to be blessed by a holy man of some sort," Phil agreed with the boys and could feel chills along his spine.

"Well, holy water or not, we sure are not going to clean up the chapel tonight. You two better go to bed, it is late and we will have another early morning tomorrow," Claire interupted the conversation.

"More research?" Phil asked.

"Yes, actually that's something I wanted to talk about with you. Maybe you can help me a little, being from here and all" Claire replied.

The boys got up and put their glasses into the sink. Then they waved good-night and left the two of them alone. Claire went to a small desk in the far corner and retrieved a file. She brought it to the little coffetable in front of the fireplace and opened it.

"Look at all the good stuff I found today, here, drawings of the castle, the way it used to be. Even this little cottage was part of it!" she pointed out on a black and white drawing. Phil leaned closer and looked at it, feeling his heart beating faster. His castle, his home, as it used to be. Almost double the size it was now, surrounded by acres of field and forest.

"Isn't it beautiful" Claire whispered and Phil only nodded.

"Well, let me tell you what I found out today! This castle was standing here almost one hundred years before a fire destroyed more than half of it, can you imagine? It never was rebuilt after the fire. There were no heirs and the towns people were spooked, believing that the entire family had turned into vampires, so they stayed as far away as they could. Even today they don't like to talk about it or even come close to it. Can you believe it, almost two-hundred years later they still think that it is haunted by ghosts or vampires. Of course your little friend the wolf is not helping things." she told him and then paused for a sip of wine. Phil watched her and studied the smoothness of her face, the deep blue of her eyes. Her skin was so pale and fair, it almost seemed translucent. His bride had had the same intense blue eyes, the same soft lips, the same blond, almost white hair.

"You are staring at me," Claire noticed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I did not mean to. You just somehow remind me of someone that I knew a long, long time ago," he apologized.

"Actually, there is something else that I found today and I just have to show it to you!" Claire said with excitment and sorted through the thick file until she found two more drawings.

"It is the most amazing thing, ever. You will really have to see it for yourself to believe it. I still can't believe it and I did actually find it and looked at it a hundred times!" she put the first drawing in front of him and looked at him. His breath got caught, his heart almost stopped. His hand that was holding the glass with wine started shaking. In front of him was a black-and-white drawing of him and Isabelle, his young bride. A young artist had done it in the garden by the chapel. It was supposed to be a surprise for the bride's mother on their wedding day.

"It is unbelievable, isn't it? If I would not know any better, I would say someone drew you and me," Clair exclaimed. Phil only nodded his head. Isabelle, right here in front of him, so young and strong. Then he looked at Claire, the splitting image of the woman on the painting. He knew that he had not changed in the last two-hundred years. Anxiously his mind was working on an explanation for Claire, one that would be logical enough for her to believe that he was not a vampire. But before his mind could even start the task, Claire pulled out the second copies of a drawing, or rather a painting, in soft colors. Phil and Isabelle by the river, sitting in the tall grass, having a picknick.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Claire interrupted his thoughts. Surprised he looked up.

"Yes, that is what it must be. Reincarnation. I don't know how else to explain it." Phil quickly agreed.

"You know, the story about the castle and the people who turned into vampires and burned to death in the flames was sad enough as it was, but now, looking at those people, the people that look just like you and me, it is almost breaking my heart," Claire said, her voice almost low enough to be a whisper.

"It was a long time ago, Claire. No one has ever cried a tear for them. The poor beautiful woman died lonely on a broken heart," he said and gently took her hand. It felt hot to him, as if it was burning. Surprised he pulled back and looked at his palm, it looked just like always, it only felt hot.

"Well, it is late and I better get going. You will have to get some sleep too, so you can start out early in the morning" he said and bowed.

"Will you be back tomorrow, so I can show you what else I have found?" she asked as she walked him to the door.

"If you wish, it will be my pleasure," Phil assured her and bowed again. Slowly he walked through the woods, feeling her eyes on his back. He did not dare for a long time to change into a wolf. Even when his sensitive ears heard the door being shut and locked behind him, when he was sure that he could not be seen from the house, he still walked as a man.

The memories haunted him, memories of his mortal life, his hopes and dreams. His hopes of a happy life with Isabelle, his dreams of them having their own family with children that would grow up and find a love of their own and give them grand children. He had lost so much when the stranger had come and changed them. Over the last one-hundred and eighty years he had often dwelled on his loneliness, cursed the stranger that had caused it. So often he had wished that he could go back into the chapel, get on his knees and pray, for forgivness and for an end to his misery.

Isabelle had fled the castle in terror, his father had died at his mother's hand and all the others that had ever meant anything in his life had perished in the fire. But by then they had not been his friends and loved ones, they had been vampires, monsters like himself. All he had lost in the fire had been their company, not their friendship and love, for they had lost all love and their soul the moment they had been changed. Again he wondered, why he had not lost his soul, why he could still feel love and pitty, sadness and joy. Most he wondered, why he still could feel the pain of losing Isabelle. His heart heavy, he returned to his hidden chambers in the castle, having lost all desire for the hunt. He crawled into the coffin and shut the lid, almost starting to pray, he fell asleep.

When the sun set the next day he got up and went outside. Before he went to the cottage, he took a detour through the spacious grounds of the castle to finally find himself in front of the chapel. He had not been here in so long and still he remembered every detail about it. The fire had not touched it, but a human hand must have, for all the shrub was cut and no weeds were blocking the way. Along the entrance white roses were climbing along the doorframe and candle light was seeping through the windows into the garden. He felt drawn to the peaceful building that had been his sanctuary in his childhood. How often has he sat there, talking to the pater and listening to stories the pater told him from the bible. The Pater had stayed in the chapel until the very end, until the fire had destroyed everything else. A smile came to his face at the memories and for a moment he was at peace with the world and his faith. A new strength surged through him and he came to a decision, he knew now what he had to do to escape his awful faith as an imortal. Lighthearted he let his steps take him to the cottage.

Warm light quelled out the windows, leading his way to the door. He took a deep breath and knocked. Tavano opened the door, his blond hair shining like a halo.

"Good evening Frank. Nice of you to come bye. You are just in time for dinner, come on in," the boy said and smiled welcoming. From the table Darius looked up and smiled.

"Hello, I hope you’ve had a blessed day. I know that we did. We cleaned up the chapel and the garden around it. After we have dinner you have to come and see it!" he announced. Phil cringed for a brief moment and then reminded himself that, after all he had made his peace, as far as this is possible for a vampire, with, well Him and the chapel. Claire was standing by the stove, filling plates with food.

"Come on, sit down, Frank. We have plenty food to share!" she encouraged him. The aroma of the food reminded him of his mortal days, when Marie, his parents’ cook, had prepared meals for them. He used to sit in the castle’s uge kitchen, on a little stool close to the stove and wait for her to offer him bits to taste. His favorite time had been in the fall months, when she was cooking and baking to have plenty meals stored for the cold days. He remembered her friendly brown eyes, the gentle smile that seemed to be fixed to her face, he was plump shape, hidden behind a white apron. Marie, just like father Ruben, had been a beloved friend, always ready to issue helpful advice, first for Phil the child and then for Phil the young man. Marie had stayed in the chapel with Pater Ruben after Benjamin had come into the castle. She had warned Phil’s parents that something was not right about the stranger. Poor Marie, she had died by his mother’s hands. Phil had found her after she had been attacked. She had whispered to him to run for safety while he could and then begged him to send the Pater, so he would end her mortal life and spare her from being one of the monsters. She had died at the Pater’s hands, with a prayer on her lips. The memory made him sad and he sat down at the table. Claire put a plate with food and a glass of wine in front of him and smiled.

"Eat up! There is more, if you are still hungry" she said and put a plate in front of Darius. Phil had not tasted food in almost two-hundred years, he was not sure if it would not harm him. Careful he poked up a morsel with his fork and put it in his mouth. It tasted delicious, better than any squirel or rabbit blood ever could. Which made him wonder what was wrong with him. For two centuries all he ever wanted was to kill the thirst, never the hunger.

"It tasted great, really!" he complimented Claire and for just one moment he thought that a bright light was embracing her.

"Thank you. But now you must drink some wine, or you will miss out on the real taste!" she replied and watched him as he took the glass and brought it to his lips.

"May God bless all of us who feed on this table:" Darius said and picked up his glass with wine. His brother Tavano picked up his and Claire picked up hers. Toasting toward him they sipped their wine. Phil felt a hot, but not unpleasant sensation going through his body and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Are you alright?" Claire asked from across the table. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Yes, I’m fine. I think I have not felt like this in a very long time, no need to worry" he assured her and took another bite off his plate and another sip of wine.

While the boys cleaned up the table after dinner, Claire and Phil took their glasses to the fireplace, where she had her file waiting.

She opened the folder and pulled out a few sheets of paper.

"Here, this is what I have found out today, it is amazing!" she handed him the papers and he looked at them for a moment. The sheets were filled with neat letters in and old fashion handwriting.

"Those are reports about the son of the family that died in the fire, after they supposedly had been turned into vampires, the word is they had been seen wandering those woods and fields at night. What do you think, did he survive the fire? Or was he a ghost or just peoples imagination?" she asked him.

"Maybe he did survive?" Phil answered.

"So, what about the vampire story? Why do you think the people in town came up with that story?" she asked.

He looked up at her, sensing that she might know more than he had thought. Her face expression had not changed, she still had her friendly smile on her lips and in her eyes. But he noticed that she looked paler than ever, as if she was disolving into thin air. A fear clutched his heart, fear that she would just vanish, be gone for ever, just like Isabelle. He reached for her hand and when he touched it, it seemed hot again, but not as burning as the day before.

"You look very pale. Are you alright?" he asked.

"I’m fine. And by the time the night is over, I hope to be teriffic," she answered and gave him the warmest smile he had seen in two-hundred years.

"You know, there are many reports of the lady of the house being a vampire and killing the towns people, but none about the son killing anyone. Isn’t that odd?" she continued, pointing out a section on the report she had handed him.

"I don’t think he really killed people, I think he prefered to feed on animals:" Phil explained.

"Why? Would that not be very unsusual? If they really were vampires, or believed to be, would he not, want too, hunt people?"

"Maybe somehow he never lost his soul?" Phil offered.

"Yes, maybe," she agreed.

"We are done! Are you guys ready to go and check out what we did to the chapel?" Darius announced.

Claire looked at him and took his hands in hers.

"Are you ready to go to the chapel?" she asked, her voice so low, he could barely hear her.

"I am ready." He answered and looked straight into her eyes. Suddenly it seemed as if all the goodness of the world was inside those eyes, as if peace and freedom, love and eternal life was deep inside those eyes, waiting for someone to claim them. She took his hand and led him through the back door into the yard. With every step her hand grew hotter, as if a deep fire was about to seer into his hand, but he did not shake her off, he held on tight. After they rounded the building he could see the chapel. A wonderful light came out of the windows and the open door, a soft, calming light, like hundreds of candles burning.

"How do you like it?" Tavano asked.

"It is beautiful. You have worked a miracle!" Phil answered.

"Wait until you see the inside!" Darius claimed.

Phil’s heart was beating wildly in his chest. A longing to go inside and see the beauty of the chapel burned through him, a longing to go inside and find peace, a longing, greater than the thirst or the last two-hundred years.

"Wait! I have to tell you something!" He stopped them from going inside. All three of them turned toward him.

"Let’s sit for a moment," Phil suggested and gestured at the old marble benches in front of the chapel. They sat down, Claire right next to him, not letting go of his hand.

"I am not who you think I am." Phil started and then looked at their faces, expecting them to change their expression, but they still smiled at him.

"My name is not Frank. My name is Phil and I have lived here for more than two-hundred years, please don’t be alarmed, I will not hurt you" he started and did not dare to look at them. He noticed that Claire still held his hand tight.

"We know Phil. We are not afraid, however and we came to take you home" Claire said and her voice seemed to come from everywhere. Slowly Phil looked at her, not fully understanding what she was saying. She nodded her head and smiled.

"You know? You came to...I don’t understand," Phil stuttered.

The night grew bright, as if daylight was coming early, but a softer, more soothing light.

"We are not who you think we are either" Claire continued and stood up. Darius and Tavano came to her side. The light seemed to embrace them and at the same time it seemed to come from within them.

"We know, who you are and all the pain you’ve suffered for two centuries.. You have nothing to fear, we are here to help." He looked from her to her brothers, all shining bright with an inner light, which made it appear that they were not standing in front of him, but floating above the ground.

"Who are you? How could you possible help me?" he said and slowly got to his feet.

"I am Isabelle, your lost love. Lost in human life, but never lost in eternaty," Claire said softly.

Tears were slowly finding their way out of his eyes and along his face, hot, searing tears but still bringing more relief than pain.

"You are Isabelle! But, how...?" he whispered.

"Love, our love and the love of God made it possible" she answered. Unsure of what he was experienceing he looked around, not able to see anything but the three figures in the middle of the light.

"Your brothers...?" he asked.

"We are here to help, both of you" Darius said. On his left the door of the Chapel opened and a man and a woman were coming out, surrounded and yet filled out by the same magical light as Isabelle and her brothers. Phil stared at them in disbelieve and took two steps back.

"Pater? Marie?" he asked, not sure if his voice had not failed him.

"Yes, son, we came to help as well." Pater Ruben answered.

"We don’t mean any harm dear, have no fear" Marie told him.

"God has seen your struggle in those years and He has seen your yearning for peace, forgivness and eternal sleep. This is why we are here, to save your soul," Tavano explained.

"Your love to Isabelle and your friends was stronger than the curse, your love and faith for Him was stronger than the temptation to forget about Him and turn into a soulless monster. You held on to your soul, to the love, to faith, the best you could. He could see you coming to this chapel, he could see your yearning to go inside. We all prayed for your soul every day and finally He has sent us to bring you home." Darius said calmly.

"Are you, ...Angels?" Phil asked in wonder.

"Yes, we are, sent here to lift the curse and take you home" Marie said softly and held out one hand for him to take.

Hesitantly he reached for her hand. Before he touched her, he turned to look at Isabelle. She nodded her head to encourage him and came toward him. When she was close enough she held out her hand as well. He looked over his shoulder to Darius and Tavano, who now wore their halos, shining bright. They smiled at him and also nodded their heads.

"Don’t be afraid, son, we won’t harm you, we are here to take you home with us" Pater Ruben said.

"Will I see you...there?" Phil asked worried.

"Yes. And your father is already waiting for you, too." Pater Ruben answered.

"What about my mother?" Phil wondered.

"I am sorry, she will not be there for a while yet." Pater Ruben confirmed his worries.

"I am ready." Phil simply said, took the hands that were offered to him and went inside the chapel with his escort. For a short moment the bright light blinded him and put fear in his heart. Then, slowly, he became one with the light, as did his companions. They built a circle, holding hands and when Phil noticed that he became more and more one with the light, he smiled, the happiest smile that had ever shown on his face. With that, Phil was on his way home...

By Birgit and Roger Pratcher

© September 2005

© Copyright 2006 Roger and Birgit Pratcher (rbpratcher at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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