Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1099434-Fear
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1099434
Another older poem!
The icy hand of fear holds me tightly, squeezing the life out of me
I beg for him to loosen his grip but he only laughs
He is my dark lover, my only friend
He says he loves me but he is a liar

Terror is his brother who comes to visit on occasion
Heartache is his cousin, partying on the weekends
They rule my life, they stifle me
They tell me I can't win, I can't live without them
They laugh as I cry and toss and turn through the night
They are as real as the dark memories hidden within my mind
They lurk beneath the surface, coming out at night to shriek
They are the ghosts of things thought gone and forgotten

But really only buried deep within the tomb called memory
Shadows lurking, waiting for me to crack under their pressure
I and only I can face them, yet Fear holds me back
Taunting me, tormenting, laughing at my pain

Healing tries to step in to save me, but she is too weak
They overpower her and drive her away
Fear is my master, I am his slave
Oh if only my knight in shining armor would come and slay this dragon
So healing can come in and embrace me
Hold me and comfort me as I cry
A knight with the sword of love, to slay Fear and Darkness, Terror and Pain

Hidden memories forced out in the light
But then I realize, that only I can kill the dragon
And I cry in my weakness, pitiful and alone
Sitting in darkness, this is my home

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