Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1096541-The-Empty-House
Rated: E · Short Story · Home/Garden · #1096541
The house was empty, everything was removed.
         A police car was pulling out from the cul-de-sac as I was arriving.

         I entered the front door, and looked at the empty living room. The piano that sat in the corner was no longer there. The couch wasn’t there either. Everything was gone. Only ghostly out lines shown on the walls where pictures once were. I went into the bedrooms the waterbed was not there, the only thing left from it was a dark spot on the rug were it had been leaking. You could see where the dresser and night stands had left their impressions in the rug. And in the dinning room as in both the living room and bedroom everything was gone.

         I found my wife in the kitchen with one of the neighbors. “Did anything happen, I just saw the police leaving.”

         “Oh that was my husband, he just stopped by to meet you. He will be back later.” the neighbor said.

         “Honey, this is our next door neighbor, Sherri Welsh.” My wife said “ Can you believe everything is gone! We just closed on Thursday. The previous owners remove the rest of their belonging this morrning. Now our first house is all ours!”

Written for
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
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#896794 by Arakun the twisted raccoon
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