Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1094211-Letters-From-Pa
Rated: E · Fiction · Death · #1094211
These letters from a father to a daughter will touch your heart
The last memory I ever had of my Pa, was me and Mama waving goodbye to him, as he set off down the long road. My dog, Captain, by my side, and Mama's eyes full of tears. No one would tell me why he was leavin'. I really don't care to know, as long as those letters from Pa keep commin',everything will be alright...

November 12, 1924.
My dearest Elaina. I cannot tell you where I am, but I can tell you that I miss you. I've been gone a year now, and I'm hopen' that Ma has taught you to read by now. I'm hopin' to see you at Christmas time, but by the looks of the snow, it might be a difficult journey. Now, I want you to take real good care of your baby brother, Jimmy, for me. Give him a big hug. Say daddy loves him. Take good care of Ma and Captain too. I love ya, and I miss ya.

December 25, 1924.
My dearest Elaina, Merry Christmas! I'm sorry that I couldn't make it down there. I tried, but my presence was far too much needed. I hope that you like the feather I sent you. Money is scarce, so I couldn't buy you anything. I found the feather, and its beauty reminded me of you, so I had to send it to you. I hope you keep it forever. How are things at home? I hope your taking good care of Jimmy and helping Ma around the farm. Give that old mutt of ours a big squeeze for me. Send the family my love. I love ya, and I miss ya.

January 9, 1925.
My dearest Elaina. Happy New Years! I hope your learning lots from that school your going to. Maybe you can write to me now. Draw your old Pa some pretty pictures. Have Ma send them my way. I sure am hopin' to hear from you. Send the family my blessings. I love ya, and I miss ya.

February 18, 1925.
My dearest Elaina. Happy Birthday! I can't believe you are 9 now! I got your letter, I miss you too. And I love that picture you drew for me. I keep it under my pillow at night, so I can dream of ya. I'm so proud of you. I love ya, and I miss ya.

The letters kept comming like this for many years untill I read the one I would dread the rest of my life...

April 28, 1950.
My dearest Elaina. For many years I have sent you letters, but have never told you where I am. Well, I thought it was bout time you knew that I was fighting in the war for all these years. I told Ma to keep it a secret from you and Jimmy, because I didn't want you to worry. I'm hurt, Elaina, hurt real bad. Doctor says I don't got very much longer, maybe a few days. Your gonna be getting married to that young man pretty soon, and I just wanted to say how sorry I am that I won't be there to walk you down that aisle. And I'm sure you'll be having little children of your own soon.I want them to know how much of a hero their grandpa was, and that I am sorry that I was not there to see them when they are born. Tell them I love them. I love ya, and I miss ya.
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