Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1094114-Chance-Encounters
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Animal · #1094114
dialogue only for contest
Chance Encounters

“Say, watch where you’re going, buster!”

“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t see you there.”

“You didn’t see me? Good God, man, are you blind, or what?”

“No, I said I was sorry what more do you want from me?”

“Well for crying-out loud, man, I AM six feet tall! How could you not see me?”

“Well I didn’t expect to see a rabbit in the first place, this is after all, Time Square!”

“What? Rabbits can’t be in Times Square..., there's some kind of law?”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant, I just didn’t expect to see a rabbit is all. Especially not such a large rabbit.”

“You making some kind of comment? AM I FAT? ARE YOU IMPLYING I’M FAT?”

“No, sorry, I wasn’t making any kind of judgement at all. I just didn’t expect a large rabbit to be wandering around Times Square. You caught me by surprise.”

“Why? You got something against rabbits?”

“Noooo, that’s not it at all. Like I said, I just didn’t expect to see a rabbit, that’s all I’m saying. I’m making no judgements and have no prejudices!”

“You don’t know what the date is?”

“Why it’s April sixteenth, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is, and....?”

“And? What do you mean and?”

“That date doesn’t mean anything to you? This basket of eggs means nothing, rings no bells?”

“Why no, should it?”

“What’s your name, buster?”

“Abe, Abe Goldstein, why do you ask?”

“Ahhhhh, nevermind. Mister Goldstein, don’t you watch television, maybe see the sale flyers at the stores?”

“Well, yes I do, usually.”

“And yet, April sixteen doesn’t mean anything?”

“No, I can’t say as it does.”

“For crying out-loud man, I’m the damn Easter Bunny, you never heard of the Easter Bunny?”

“Ohhhh, that’s what you are?”

“Well yeah, duhhh sheesh even most Jewish people at least heard of me!”

“Well yes, I have heard of the Easter Bunny. We don’t celebrate the holiday, but yes, I know what Easter is.”

“Good thing you don’t celebrate it, someone as dumb as you would probably not get anything anyway.”

“I don’t think there is any call to get personal!”

“Oh, don’t get your panties in a knot. You started it when you called me fat!”

“I did not call you fat! I said you were large, not necessarily fat.”

“See, you did it again!”

“I did not call you fat! I didn’t call you anything! I just want to go home, please excuse me.”

“Yeah, that’s right, you jerk! Run away before I put the hurt on you, I know Karate!”

“Oh, nevermind, good day to you, sir!”

“Good Easter Day, you mean.”

“Yeah, yeah, good Easter Day. A psycho rabbit like you probably has crummy treats anyway!”

“You better watch your mouth, Abe, I could seriously put some hurt on you!”

“I said, good day, good Easter Day! Now leave me be, I need to go home.”

“Begone then! Silly damn humans, Easter is for kids! Easter Bunnies are anyway!”
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