Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1091405-SchoolworkIll-wear-a-rose-review
by Riina
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1091405
It's a story for my english lesson, so I would like to get a lot of reviews;)
I'll give you a little introduction before I start.
This short story is for an english lesson, and I've decided to do my best, so I would really like if someone would correct my misspelling, gramma, and so on... And of course give some reviews about the storyline ;)
This is the text that I was given by the teacher. Then I was to continue the story.

John Blanchard stood at Grand Central Station studying the crowds. People leaving, people arriving, people waiting, like himself, to meet someone.
He was looking for the girl he loved but whose face he did not know, the girl wearing a rose. He had become interested in her a year ago when they began chatting on the web. He liked the things she wrote, and the way she wrote them. They got to know each other through their regular chats. A romance war starting. John asked her to scan in a photograph of herself, but she always refused. She felt that if he really loved her, her appearance wasn't important.
Now his job had brought him to New York and they had arranged to meet at 7 pm at Grand Central Station.
"You'll recognize me," she had written, "by the red rose I'll be wearing on my jacket." So now here he was, looking for a girl whose heart he loved, but whose face he had never seen...

This is where I begin to write...

The seconds passed slowly and turned into minutes, which didn't seem to pass at all. He had arrived early, hoping, that Annie would be as excited as himself to meet. But now it was ten minutes since she should have been here. He had walked casually round in the hall, and watched the busy people hurrying back and forth like ants. Well, he just had to wait. The noise filled his head, to him, it sounded like a million voices saying: She's not coming. She's not coming! He shook his head, trying to keep the voices out, and took a look at his watch one more time. He just couldn't understand why she wasn't here. Of course, she could have had problems with her car, or her train could have been late, or... or... he didn't know.
His attention was caught by a neon sign down the hall. It's pale green light shimmered throug the crowd, it said: Internet cafe. Maybe she would be in there. When he thought of it, it was the only reasonable place she could be, he couldn't understand why he hadn't thought of it before. He pushed through the crowds apologizing to the people he bumped into. The closer he came to the cafe, the faster he moved. He was certain that she would be there. Where else could she be?
He rushed through the doors, and inside the small cafe. It was almost empty, only a few computeres where used. He took a quick glance around. Two kids, not more than 14 or 15 years old: not Annie. An old woman: not Annie. A bald man around Johns age, wearing a black leather jacket: definitely not Annie. The only person left, was the man behind the counter. John couldn't understand it. He had been so shure that she would be here. Certain, that this was the place to find her! He turned around, the only thing he wanted now, was to leave.
And then, there she was. She stood with the back against him, and looked at some computer magazines in the farest corner of the cafe. It could only be her. She had never told him anything about her looks, but he had always thought of her as a brunette, tall and elegant. And that was exactly what this woman was. Even when she just stood there casually reading a magazine, she ooked like a million bucks.
Suddenly he became nervous. She had been exactly as he had thought her to be, but what if she didnøt think the same of him? The only compliment he had ever got, was that he looked "cute with that tousled hair falling down in to his eyes." Of course, it was better than nothing, bu "cute", isn't the word you want to be described with. He shook his head, and took a deep breath. It was now or never...

...to be continiued *Pthb*
© Copyright 2006 Riina (mara at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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