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Second part of 'When Gods Return' |
Near Salt Lake City, deep underground in the vault of Granite Mountain another meeting was taking place. The all male group consisting of the twelve leaders of the Mormon Church, were watching a similar holographic figure, only this one was life size. They listened with rapt attention while the awesome figure, dressed in an all silver, one piece garment that covered hands and feet, leaving only the head and face bare, told them that they were the chosen ones. “You and your followers, those that have heard the words of Joseph Smith and understood the righteousness of these words, and who will now come to understand that the End Times are at hand as prophesied, are to be given the chance of eternal salvation without having to go through the portal of death.” The figure paused as though to give his unseen audience time to evaluate his words. “We, the followers of our beloved Marduk, once great Leader and King on ancient Earth, offer you, the followers of our chosen one, namely Joseph Smith, a chance for a new life on our home world of Eridu. A new Garden of Eden awaits the faithful, only this time nothing will be withheld from our children. Long life and knowledge will be yours. We ask only that you give absolute obedience to your one and true God, the kingship of which has been passed down through the ages and to which many of you are genetically linked. This is your chance to obtain your place in the divine hierarchy of trans-physical existence.” Again the figure paused and one voice asked aloud the question that had formed in all their minds, “Trans-physical? What does that mean?” Before anyone could answer the silver form continued his diatribe. “My name is Moroni, and I am he that appeared to our servant, young Joseph Smith. Now I am here amongst you once again to tell you your world is about to be destroyed. Your God wishes for those of you that are worthy to abandon this planet and to take your rightful place at his side. Not all will be judged worthy and no appeal will be heard. God’s word is final and binding. I will return with more instructions in one week.” *** A gentle knock on the door aroused Rachel from sleep that her racing mind had only just allowed itself to enjoy. She had taken herself to bed directly after the supper for which she had little appetite. The red numbers of the clock read only 00: 23. Brad slipped into the room as soon as she opened the door. “Up for a chat?” he asked after settling himself in the easy chair. Rachel nodded and slumped into the matching chair. She had a feeling that she was not going to like what she was about to hear, despite Brad’s flip question. “There’s been a development. As we thought, we are not the only ones to have received a holographic message. One was also sent to the head honchos of the LDS in Salt Lake.” Rachel looked at her companion and frowned slightly. “Perhaps it was Marduk’s group that sent the other Hologram. Perhaps they want to open another option.” “Such as?” “Such as taking those of the Mormon faith first or only those of the Mormon faith. Haven’t they been keeping genetic records for years? What was that all about anyway? Isn’t there supposed to be a safe place under Granite Mountain where all records are kept?” “I have heard of the records vault. But wouldn’t it be easier to have physically infiltrated the organization and let the hierarchy know what was going on?” “I don’t know,” she replied a little grumpily. “I haven’t exactly been privy to what the aliens are up too.” Brad chuckled and went to stand behind her chair. He began to massage her shoulders and slowly she relaxed under the gentle pressure. At this precise moment Rachel wanted nothing more than just forget this whole mess for a few hours. Sleep would be nice but perhaps sex would be better. She was quite sure that he had not come here after midnight just to talk. All the adrenaline that had been pumped through her system for the last week or so needed release. She reached for one of his hands and guided him so he was kneeling in front of her. He took the hint immediately and taking her face between his hands he leant forward to kiss her. She met his lips with a definitive agreement of action and from there the action proceeded until the release she sought took place and with a sigh she fell gently into a deep sleep. Brad stayed only long enough to make sure she would not wake before slipping from the room. *** Breakfast was served to the guests at eight and no one had much to say. The President was conspicuous in her absence and although Gabriel had been there to greet them, he had left quickly with no indication of what was to happen next. Lisa had stayed so close to Brad that Rachel had no opportunity to speak to him and for that she was grateful, as now she was very unsure of their relationship and how she should act towards the man turned lover. Brad had only nodded in her direction on entering the room, but she caught him gazing at her on more than one occasion, a faraway look in his eyes that Lisa also seemed to note, the slight frown on her otherwise attractive face giving her away. As soon as the remains of the meal had been cleared away and fresh coffee and tea provided, Marisol and Gabriel entered the room. Tension immediately colored the atmosphere and all thoughts of sex and a normal life were driven from Rachel’s mind as her father the hologram sprang into life once again. “No suitable planet has been found as yet for mankind. Even if one was found within the next few years it would probably not be close by and the problems of transportation are immense. Traveling long distances is not so much a problem for the Anunnaki who still have incredibly long life spans compared to human beings. Eridu still has habitable land available but not enough for three billion immigrants. Therefore our would-be saviors have devised another plan. I imagine you are all aware of the story of Noah’s Ark and how the animals were taken on board two by two. Of course, in reality this would not have been feasible. The Anunnaki even then had technology far beyond anything we had achieved before the calamitous events that set us back one hundred years. The animals that were taken on board the Ark were taken in their most basic form, as genetic material. I won’t go into the details as I don’t pretend to understand exactly how this was accomplished, but accomplished it was. You probably know where I’m going with this and it may seem like madness at the moment, but the only other alternative is the obliteration of the human race. In this way humanity will be saved once a suitable environment has been discovered” Brad turned off the recording at this point, but no one said anything to fill the vacuum that seemed to have invaded the room and pushed aside any logical thought. The General was not happy. After the initial shock wore off, he rose from his seat and began ranting and raving in mostly incomprehensible terms that seemed to contain quotes from the bible and assorted texts from his belief system. Gabriel led him from the room while the others stood or sat immobilized by the outburst of raw energy that had suddenly filled the vacuum. Lisa stood so quickly that her chair overturned and she fled wailing from the room. No one made a move to follow her. Rachel glanced up to see Brad’s eyes on her. They burned with an intensity that almost scared her and that she was unable to read at that moment. She turned to her companion only to see Mitch’s tears silently mirroring her own. Marisol had also risen and was standing with regal composure as though waiting for everyone else to come to their senses and resume the meeting. When she realized this was not about to happen anytime soon, she turned and left the room without a word. *** “It’s too much to take in,” Mitch said quietly reaching for Rachel’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “I almost want to say forget it. We’ve got fifty years before this disaster befalls us. Why should we worry? Our scientists will figure something out, I’m sure. And another part of me questions the motives of these so-called ‘saviors’. I mean really, what’s it to them if the whole human race perishes? It won’t affect their life any will it?” Rachel regarded her old skeptical friend with a slight smile. “Perhaps they feel responsible. After all, it was their meddling in the first place, for purely selfish reasons at that, which made us what we are today. If it hadn’t been for the genetic manipulations by the Anunnaki, we would still be wandering around practically naked, munching on grass and stuff, just another ape-like creature.” Mitch returned her gaze and seriously asked her, “And would that have been so bad? To leave us the way the Creator, I mean the real Creator, intended us to be?” “Why, Mitch, I didn’t realize you believed in a Creator. I thought you were more of a Pantheist, you know, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, return to the earth and that’s it.” “Yes, well, over the years I’ve decided that it would be more fun to continue than to dissolve into oblivion. Besides, what’s the use of all this philosophizing and religious debate if there isn’t some truth in there somewhere? We are too removed from the animals to be only that, another type of animal. I agree our body is animal like, but it’s what motivates us to debate and theorize that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. And if that’s the fault of the Anunnaki, then I suppose they do owe us. I appear to have talked myself around in a circle, haven’t I?” the man finished, looking a little sheepish. Rachel laughed out loud and that caused Brad to come out of his own dark reverie and walk to her side. He put his arm around her and gave her a quick hug. “What are you two so happy about?” he asked grinning. “I think Mitch has gotten religion and I feel like getting drunk to celebrate. Is it noon yet? Can you get us out of here for awhile or are we really prisoners?” she asked him only half seriously. Before he could answer, Lisa reentered the room, now under control but appearing very pale and slightly disheveled. She immediately went to Brad’s side and linked her arm through his. “Brad, I need to talk to you alone,” she said, looking up at him appealingly. “Please,” she added when he didn’t reply at once. After a couple of seconds he nodded at Rachel and Mitch saying, “Don’t go away, I’ll be right back. I think I can arrange something.” Lisa gave the other couple a curious look, before being ushered out of the room by Brad. “What do you want Lisa?” he asked her unceremoniously. She put a hand on his arm and came in close. “Brad, you know how I feel about you. Please don’t shut me out again. I feel like my life is falling apart and I need you to hold onto. We would be a great team Brad. I know I could make you happy--” Brad cut her off brusquely, “What makes you think I’m unhappy, Lisa? Nothing is going to happen to your life. You will continue to do your job and grow old and die eventually, but I’m afraid you’ll have to do it without me.” She stepped back from him as though he had physically slapped her. “But…” “Look,” he continued more gently, “I’m flattered that you find me so attractive and that you figure I could hold your life together for you, but you are the only one that can do that Lisa. I’m not and never have been attracted to you in the same way. It’s not something I can turn on just because you would like it that way. If I sound brutal I’m sorry, but in the past being subtle has never worked with you, so please, let it go. You’ll find someone eventually. You’re attractive, intelligent and sensuous. If you stopped looking at me you would see all those guys that fall all over themselves trying to get you to notice them. Okay? What’d you say Lisa?” She looked up at him as if seeing him for the first time. A single tear slid from one violet eye and disappeared under her chin. Wiping angrily at it, she turned on her heel and walked away without another word. He watched her disappear around the corner before returning to the conference room. “Come on, quick before anyone shows up. I know a way out of here and a great little bar that serves good food.” *** The President of the United States of America also wanted to escape. She would like nothing more than to hop on the Lear Jet, fly down to her secret hacienda in Mexico, open the biggest bottle of locally brewed Tequila she could find, and get rip roaring drunk and disorderly with her husband and friends and family surrounding her. But this was not to be. Gabriel was on the phone to Salt Lake arranging for a meeting with his friend Eileen Quincy. She was married to one of the twelve apostles of the Mormon Church and although normally what she was told never left the home, it was from her that Gabriel had received the information pertaining to the holographic visitor. He had known the woman ‘biblically’ many years before she married Granger and now he hoped to persuade her to reveal whatever other secrets she may become privy too, if she thought it was tantamount to the security of not only America, but the very church that was her life. Marisol was aware of the relationship her husband had had with the woman, but she did not feel threatened in any way by Gabriel’s actions. It was necessary to find out what if anything the Marduk faction had planned. The Mormon Church had risen to be one of the most popular religions since the catastrophic destruction that had swept the planet, killing off more than half the population. This was due in part to the rapid rebuilding of all Temples and places associated with the LDS. Many said Angels were sent by God from the planet He supposedly resided on, one that orbited the star known as Kolob, to aid in this rebuilding and restructuring. The President had made a mental note when Sam had mentioned that Eridu took around a thousand years to orbit its sun. She decided to do some research on Kolob and came across many references to its literal and symbolic meaning in reference books she found in the library. What struck her the most was Joseph Smith’s supposed translations from the Egyptian scrolls that had later been printed in the book ‘The Pearl of Great Price’. The part that caught her eye said, ‘Kolob governs all the planets which belong to the same order as the earth and is after the reckoning of the Lord's times, seasons and revolutions thereof. One revolution of Kolob is a day unto the Lord and one day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years on earth.’ Continuing her research, she also found out that Kolob was now viewed as the star or sun of a system in which God dwelled. She read: According to the literal interpretation, Kolob is an actual star in this universe that is near to the physical throne of God. This interpretation has significant formative impact on Mormon belief and criticism, leading to conceptions such as that the faithful will be made gods of planets in this universe, that God dwells within this universe rather than transcending it, and that the Biblical creation is a creation of the local earth, galaxy, or solar system rather than the entire known physical reality. Having been brought up a Catholic and therefore having a rather etheric and unformed idea of God at the best of times, the thought of a physical God rather intrigued the first woman President. “Now,” she said with a wicked grin to her husband after bringing him up to date on her research, “if only we could prove that God really is female…” He laughed out loud and catching her up in his arms, twirled her around before sitting them both down on the soft leather couch. All at once they needed to get rid of all the nervous energy that had invaded their bodies from the moment the holographic messenger had arrived in the form of Sam and the couch was the perfect place to do it. *** While Marisol and Gabriel were oblivious to what went on around them, Brad escorted Rachel and Mitch through a little used passageway that led to a side street. From there they walked through a light rain to the aforementioned bar. On entering the dimly lit and quiet establishment, the peace was broken when one, Fynn O’Connell, roared out a greeting. “Little early for you, m’lad, but then again, it’s bin awhile. Where’ve you bin hiding? Gonna introduce me to your friends, are you?” Rachel and Mitch shook hands with the giant of a man, whose accent denied any affiliation with any country, but whose name of course, gave him away as of Irish descent. A mop of silver hair flopped across his eyes that he continually swept aside with his left hand while he deftly poured Irish whisky into three glasses. “Well now, m’lad, what’chu bin up to? Saving the world from hormone related decisions made by our Presidentess I suppose. Good thing to. Don’t know how it ever happened. No offense miss.” Fynn added, glancing at Rachel with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “None taken Fynn. I expect you rather admire the lady despite your protests to the contrary.” Fynn grinned at her, but made no response. “So how long have you known Brad?” she asked. “Since law school,” he answered with a chuckle. “Don’t’cha look so surprised now. I’ve a head on me shoulders. Just decided that being a shark was’na for me. I like people way too much. Should’a bin a shrink, I get enough practice in this place, that’s for sure. That right m’lad? He knows, he’ll tell ya.” “Yeah Fynn, you’re as good a shrink as I’ve ever consulted. You’ve helped me out a number of times and I’m very grateful. It’s not to late to go back to school you know.” “What? And gi’ up me comfortable and highly profitable life in the heart of this wonderful country? Nah, I’ll die behind this bar, just you wait and see m’lad. When I gave up the bar for this bar, I knew it was the right choice. Ready for another?” he asked while pouring. “I need something to soak this up,” Mitch murmured to Rachel. She nodded and asked for a menu. Once settled in a booth they ordered lunch and went over what they had learnt. “Why do you think they contacted us so early on?” Brad asked. “Good question,” Mitch agreed. “You’d think they would wait until we could figure it out for ourselves and be more receptive to their proposal.” “It may have something to do with the planet Nibiru,” Rachel pointed out. “What do you mean?” Mitch asked. “Well, we know Nibiru is unstable now and not inhabited apart from the scientific team. They are obviously using it as a way station for travel between Earth and Eridu.” Brad was looking thoughtful, his brow furrowed in concentration. “I don’t think the Anunnaki need a way station anymore.” “Oh?” Mitch said, raising his eyebrows. “No. When the LDS were rebuilding and all the rumors were flying around that they had outside help as it were, I took time to look into it. I’d studied the Mormon religion some years before, and although I didn’t want to join the church, it made some sort of sense to me, especially linked with Sitchin’s and your father’s research, Rachel.” “I know what you mean,” she answered. “I also studied the religion and came to pretty much the same conclusion.” “Okay, you guys,” Mitch interjected. “If the Anunnaki and this Marduk character in particular are our ‘gods’ and I use that term loosely, do they have a God?” “Another good question and one we never found an answer for, though I seem to remember in the ‘Lost Book Of Enki’, reference being made to a Creator,” Rachel said. “So, Brad,” Mitch began, “did you see anyone that looked or acted like an alien or an Angel helping out the Mormons?” The man smiled, “Unfortunately no. I think it was more verbal help, through their leader I mean, rather than physical, though as the Anunnaki supposedly look like us, how would I or anyone else for that matter, know?” The food arrived then, and Fynn joined them, effectively squelching any more conversation along those lines. After lunch and promising Fynn they would return soon, they wandered the streets of Washington, D.C. The rain had stopped and the sun was rapidly drying out their world. They walked in companiable silence that was broken at last by the insistent ring of Brad’s phone. Checking the caller ID he pressed the receive button and brought the phone to his ear. “We have to go back,” was all he said. |