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A fanfiction of the Darren Shan saga, Alice/Vancha. |
1 I enter the main caverns of Vampire Mountain and look around in awe, after so many months of constant travelling; we’ve finally reached our long-awaited destination. Debbie stands by me, also looking at the mighty hall with speculation; she takes a short gasp of breath. “Its, it’s so big!” I nod silently, taking a glance around hopefully, to see if I can spot anyone familiar, but all I can see are several male vampires looking at us with curious expressions. I then realize – they obviously aren’t used to two, soaked-through-to-the-soul-from-bloody-rain humans, one with dark, damp hair and tanned skin, the other looking pale and slightly downcast (and in need of a hair dye too, but lets forget the finer details), standing in their domain, rain dripping off them to form puddles on the stone floors of the halls. I look on uncertainly at the vampires; they wouldn’t attack us, would they? At this thought, my hand automatically flies to my automatic, that’s resting in my pocket. I run a finger down the shiny edge of the pistol, though I’m hoping I’m not going to have to use it any time soon. A young vampire with burgundy hair notices the black gun by my side, and instantly strides up to me, meeting my gaze with cold eyes. “What do you want?” He has a short knife tucked in his belt, it catches the light from a plant that grows along the walls, dimly lighting the cavern. I glance down at his sword, and then take a hasty look back into his cool eyes, which are trying to glare me out. I don’t want to look like a wimp, I’m certainly not one. “I want to speak to the Princes.” I reply, in an icy tone which is colder than the look he gives me. He laughed loudly, as if I’d cracked some joke, Debbie gave me a bewildered expression, she didn’t get it either. I turned my gaze back to the vampire, who was still cackling. Oh yeah, very funny. Hilarious. “And what is so funny about that?” Debbie asked, her voice wasn’t cold, it was puzzled. She stared at the vampire as he gave her a smirk. “You’re humans; you think the princes would want anything to do with you?” I glared at him once more, but I knew I’d gone too far. He pulled out his sword threateningly, his eyes holding a glint of battle lust. I backed away, holding my hands up defensively; I didn’t particularly expect that our visit would turn out like this. I had a more mental image of the vampires welcoming us with open arms, praising Debbie and I for our amazing idea. “Up for a fight, human?” He sneered at me, spinning his sword in front of my eyes; I couldn’t see anything apart from a silvery blur. He moved towards me, his sword protectively in front of his cold face. I was about to pull my gun reluctantly from my belt, when a figure came out of nowhere, hurtling into the vampire and knocking him down in a blur of green and red. He held the vampire on the floor, snatched his weapon and threw it across the floor, and brought him up roughly by the neck. “Now, what do you say to the humans?” He said, sarcasm plastered over his face. The vampire spat in my direction, pulled himself free of the mans rough grip, and strode off, to find someone to rant at. The vampire turned to us with a serious expression, which dissolved into sheer delight as he saw who we were. “Alice, Debbie!” He ran towards us and gave us both tight hugs, I was sure he’d cut off my blood supply. “Vancha!” I said gasping for breath, he’d not only cut off my blood supply but also nearly choked me, what a lovely welcome. He grinned slyly at us, then linked arms with Debbie and I and steered us off into the direction of another hall. We walked past several caverns, our way lit by the strange green plant which spread out over the roof and walls of the tunnel like ivy vines. “Here are your caverns, ladies!” I blinked, how the hell did he know we were coming? He noticed my puzzlement and gave a wink, accompanied by a grin. “We were sent a telepathic message; it was great to hear you were both coming.” Another grin. One question, what the heck is teledoodah messaging? “Don’t know what you’re talking about Vancha.” It was my turn to give a grin, Debbie sighed and muttered something unintelligible, walking off towards her sleeping cavern. “Night Debs!” I yelled after her, she turned and smiled, then carried on walking. I began to proceed to my sleeping cavern, when Vancha spoke. “You don’t want anyone to keep you warm?” He was smirking, it was quite irritating with this whole smirk-smirk-wink-wink-they’re-girls-what-do-they-know? attitude. Debbie turned round again, and gave a huff, “I told you last time you stuck up green haired idiot, I’d rather share a bed with an orang-utan!” she grinned and disappeared into the interior of her cavern. “I was actually talking to you.” He said coyly. “Vancha!” I gave him a swipe over the head, and he ducked as he saw how ticked off I was. Boy, if only I had an orangu-bloody-tan now. I marched off into the direction of my cavern with as much dignity as possible, nearly slamming into the wall next to the door. “Watch out for the walls Alice!” Vancha was still standing there, with an amused expression. “ARGH!” I walked inside and flopped myself down on my hammock, I heard Vancha’s footsteps walk off in the direction of the hall of Klehdon Lurt. I put my hands to my warm face, this was going to be a long stay… Warm face? Why was I blushing? |