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a comic script I wrote for the company I work for. |
DESCRIPTIONS-- Clara----- Mid-twenties, long red hair, green eyes, pale skin, medium height, slender but busty with a nice butt(I am thinking like a J-lo booty). Andre----- Late thirties, close hair, brown eyes, brown skin, slightly taller than Clara, broad shoulders and chest, slim waist, only a slight mustache and faint sou patch. Victim----- Tall, thin white man with a blonde crew cut. He wears a grey jacket and a thick chain with a charm that says "player".(i am thinking Eminem-type). Feel free to put him in a grey do rag and a white baseball cap. DESTINED TO BE WITHOUT BY KITTY TOWNSEND PAGE ONE TITLE PANEL (should resemble a piece of notebook paper with the following written on it in blue ink} You seem so desolate, so sad and depressed I know you need comforting, lay your head on my breast And learn to trust me though we have just met I promise you consolation and that you can forget... your problems Don't worry about the tears in my eyes Deafen your ears to the sounds of my sighs No, hush, don't say anything, there's no point in lying You don't love me and wouldn't give your blood if I were dying What is my name? It's not important and you don't need to know We should both remain nameless, to make it easier for you to go Tonight I will be whoever you want me to be To make you let me comfort you annonymously. (Note: you might consider showing a man's hands holding the page) PANEL 2 Andre and Clara are in her bed. She is propped up against a pile of pillows, wearing a tanktop he is leaning against her breast (he is laying betweeen her thighs and facing us.) they are covered by a blanket. Andre is reading the poem. Clara: So... what do you think? Andre:It's really good... PANEL 3 Andre hands the paper over his shoulder to Clara and shifts postion slightly so he can look back at her. Andre:...but also very sad. Clara: Such is the story of my life. PAGE 2 PANEL 1 Clara puts the paper on her bedside table. Andre is still looking up at her. Andre: What makes you say that? PANEL 2 Clara tilts her head to the side and ponders this. Clara: I guess it's just... I feel like all my life, I've been the one giving and loving and nurturing everyone around me... i want to be the one receiving for once. PANEL 3 Andre is still looking at her, except now he looks angry. Andre: What are you talking about woman? I spend time with you, keep you satisfied, and I treat you lovingly, don't I? PANEL 4 Clara puts her arms lightly around his neck and smiles. Clara: You have and you do, but there is a difference between treating someone lovingly, loving them, and being in love with them. It just seems like being in love is something I am destined to be without. PANEL 5 Andre gets up angrily, leaving Clara looking after him. Andre: Why do you always have to complicate things? Damn! Why can't we just chill and be friends like we've been doing? PAGE 3 PANEL 1 Andre is pulling his jeans on, Clara is on her knees on the bed, reaching out as though to detain him. Clara: I never said that, Andre, I just meant... Andre: I told you from the jump off that I am not looking for a relationship. PANEL 2 Andre picks up his shirt off of the bedside table. Clara is still on her knees, with her hand on his shirt as though trying to keep him from putting it on. Clara: Who's talking about us being in a relationship? I just want to feel loved... not necessarily be in it. PANEL 3 Andre succeeds in pulling the shirt away from Clara, and is stepping into his sandals as he reaches fro the doorknob. Tears are forming in Clara's eyes now. Andre: Look, Clara, I think what we both need is some space. Clara: But Andre... Andre: We can't do this any more. You're catching feelings and that's not cool, we already discussed this. Goodbye. PANEL 4 He opens the door and steps through. Clara has begun to weep. Footer:...and then he was gone, like all the others before him. He never even looked back. My mind was flooded with remembrances of all the previous moments, just as this, when I had been abandoned and left to cry alone. Always I would be the one to be hurt.... PANEL 5 Close up of Clara, there are still tears in her eyes, but she looks angry now. Caption: NEVER AGAIN! PAGE 4 PANEL 1 Show Clara pulling a very sexy black dress out of her closet. Caption: All my life, men had taken pleasure from my pain. I thought it was about time I got some pleasure out of them. PANEL 2 Show Clara looking in a mirror. Her hair is done in a sexy style and she wears heavy eye makeup. She is wearing the black dress.( an evil smile would be nice) Caption: I would feed on their fear and their pain, for, after all, pain is love, is it not? PANEL 3 A car is pulling into a dark parking lot in front of a decrepit warehouse. Header: It was so easy to lure my first victim to this forgotten area of town, but once inside, he expressed some concerns about the warehouse. Victim: I still don't see why we couldn't go to a hotel. Clara: What I have in mind would get too loud for a hotel. PANEL 4 Inside the warehouse, Clara is leading the victim into a vault-style room. He is looking over his shoulder, nervously. Victim: Are you sure we won't be found in here? Clara: Trust me. PANEL 5 Clara and the victim are now facing each other, she is sliding his jacket down off of his shoulders as she kisses his neck. PAGE 5 PANEL 1 Close shot of Clara's hair from behind as she reaches for a knife that is cleverly disguised as a hair pin with a rose at the hilt(the decorative part). The victim's eyes are closed as if in pleasure. Caption: It was so easy, and he didn't even see it coming. PANEL 2 Clara rams the knife up into the middle of his chest. A look of shock and horror is on his face. Caption: The look on his face stirred something inside me... someting dark and delicious. PANEL 3 Clara is seen,still inside the warehouse, shoving his body into his car. Caption: As he faded away into lifelessness, I took his keys and drove his car inside the warehouse through one of the cargo ports that wasn't locked. I then put his limp body in the driver's seat... PANEL 4 Wide view of Clara walking away from the car, which is now engulfed in flame. Caption: ... then I set the whole thing on fire, and walked away. The Dark Beast within me purred. PAGE 6 View of Clara's desk on which we see scattered news clippings of her recent crimes. They should have headlines like "Suicide or foul play?" and "police are baffled by latest death" " Maffia kingpin Wyclef Emerand says 'it wasn't me'." We should be able to see one of her hands and the corner of a sheet of paper she is writing on. PAGE 7 PANEL 1 Show Clara back in her home at her desk. Her hair is pulled back in a sloppy bun, and she is wearing a tanktop with shorts. She is writing something that we can not see. Caption: It has been a week since Andre left me, and I have killed 3 men, and then burned them in their cars in various abandoned buildings around the city. PANEL 2 Clara is in the same postion as before, but the view is slightly closer, and she is looking up now, as though listening to something. There is a knock at her door. Caption: The odd thing is, I don't feel the slightest bit of remorse. PANEL 3 Clara opens the door and Andre is standing there with flowers and a teddy bear. Andre: Clara, please don't slam the door in my face. I just wanted to come by and tell you I am sorry for trippin' on you like that. PANEL 4 Clara pulls him inside the room and pushes the door closed behind him. Andre: I am so sorry I broke your heart. If you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd like another chance. PAGE 8 PANEL 1 Andre and Clara are standing in the middle of her living room. She is reaching up as though to scratch her head. Andre: I hope there are no hard feelings, baby. Clara: Of course not, sweety. PANEL 2 Clara and Andre embrace. The view is from behind his back. We see the knife in her hand, poised as if to strike. She is smiling evily. Clara: All is forgiven. PANEL 3 Close shot of the paper Clara was writing on at her desk. The page is splattered with blood. On the page is written the following: Necessity drives me to seek them out; These men with no taste for love. For I feed upon the essence of their lives I hunger for their black souls' blood. |