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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Mystery · #1086398
I got my book started, but I have a long way before its done.

It was raining outside and shivers ran down Melanie’s spine as she looked outside her living room window. By the colors shown from the night down at St. Bernard Avenue she felt weak and sick to her stomach. So much was racing through her mind that she barely noticed someone was standing right beside her. Hearing foot steps from behind.

“I knew it was a matter of time before you would find me.”

Brad shrugged. “It wouldn’t be amusing if I gave you a notice of when I’d come back. After knowing me for so long I thought you’d figured out that my favorite game of all time is cat and mouse.”

“No, I don’t think you can hurt me anymore. After all that I went through in order to forget you I will not let that wall crumble down simultaneously while I’m being tempted.”

“If I had power over you and knowing that I still do. What makes you think I can’t take you to a place of pleasure, full of ecstasy?”

Slowly he pulls out the pocket knife he secretly had under his sleeve and held it by her neck. “If you let me back into your life I can promise you with my life nothing will be denied to you and you’ll be living like a queen. And I your handsome king, loving you all the way. That’s the way it should’ve been since the beginning. All for that guy Adrian. You destroyed the love that was once between us!”

Angrily Melanie fought back the tears forming in her light hazel eyes, but no matter how hard she tried they just came streaming down her face burning hot and fresh. Before she had time to say anything she last remembers hearing the animal like cry of Brad’s voice.

Chapter 1

Each person is molded through what they have experienced in life and uses that as their mentor. No matter how gruesome and terrifying that moment is there will always be something from that event that remains in their conscious and unconscious mind.

Especially in their sleep, haunting them at the least anticipated timing. Never has Melanie looked more gorgeous in her sleep. Now all that will come to an end for, I, Brad have come back for her........

“Noooo!!!” Screaming at the top of her lungs Melanie heard her voice echoing and she awoke from her sleep. “It was only a nightmare and none of it is real anymore. The car accident with Brad two years ago......Lord I thought I had put this behind me. Why is this resurfacing now? Why me? Of all things, damn it!”

Getting off her bed she noticed the nightgown was soaked in sweat. Looking at the clock on the wall, in a bright red crimson color it stated that it was 3 AM.

“Maybe I should take a hot, long, scented candle bath.... and I don’t have to be at work until 9 AM. Hopefully this should restore the calm and peace in mind that I had, before this unpleasant feeling took over during my sleep.”

Afterwards she headed towards the kitchen and began brewing a pot of coffee to tranquilize her nerves down. At the sip of the warm liquid easing into her mouth, she inhaled the steam coming out from the cup.

By then it was already 7 AM and strangely someone phoned her. On the third ring she picked up the receiver.


“Hey. Mel it’s me Adrian.”

A flood of relief sank into her and a part of her was saying thank god. At least her day wasn’t going to be that bad.

“Hi, honey. Is everything ok? During these hours of the day you rarely call, unless if it’s an emergency.”

Chuckling, “Yes, sweetie. Don’t worry everything is fine over here. Listen the real reason why I called was to remind you of the dinner party we are going to be attending today at 8:30 in La Crosse.”

“Oh Adrian, my head maybe in the clouds sometimes but it’s not permanent.” With a sarcastic tone he couldn’t miss and before she knew it, Melanie blamed herself for lashing out at him like that. Even if it was unintentional and it’s not his fault that she had that horrible dream.

“I’m sorry honey; I didn’t mean that in a bad way. Its just that today didn’t start off in the right foot....and” before she could finish he asked: “Well now it’s my turn to ask is everything okay with you?”

A pause.

“Of course”.

Knowing her Adrian didn’t sound so convinced and decided not to push her further to see what triggered that, until she wasn’t going to tell him what was bothering her. He decided to play it safe.

“Well you know where to locate me if you need anything and don’t hesitate to call me if you feel like talking about it, ok?” in such a tender voice that made Melanie want to kick herself.

“I will and take care. I love you.”

“That’s more like the Melanie I know and I love you too. I’ll pick you up around 7 tonight. Take care and stay out of trouble.”

With that taken care of she went into her room and changed out of her bath robe into appropriate attire for work. Since no client would hire a person who seemed unfit to solve their dilemma in family issues.

She calls her friend, Jenna, who also works with her in Miranda’s Law Firm located thirty minutes from her home.

“Jenna, it’s me, Mel.”

“Hi, Mel. How are things with Adrian going?”

“Aside from being in shock that I found the man of my dreams I’d say I’m doing great. How about you?”

“Apart from filing a divorce file against my husband I am doing fine. How may I honor your call at such an early timing?”

“I hope you are ready because I’m going to head out early from my house and pick you up in about fifteen minutes.”

“Lucky for me I never leave things for the last minute. So you can pick me up right now if you want and if I may ask how come we are going to work so early today.”

“Let’s just say I had another one of those unwelcoming memories haunt me in my sleep, again.”

“Ok, we will discuss that when you get here. Be careful and don’t rush through traffic.”

Upon entering the crime scene located at the end of St. Bernard Street, Adrian was absorbing every detail he could get his hands on. It wasn’t a pretty or attractive site, but he has seen worse. The only thing different from this case was the man’s two floor sea green apartment was as desolate as the dessert with no furniture or electrical appliances in sight.

Right at that moment the forensics team arrived and Morgan informed them on what they had so far on the victim and perpetrator.

“So far from what we have is he was killed around the early hours of almost morning time. Body was merely covered in bruises and cuts, had no ID what so ever and even though his wallet is still here it looks like someone is trying to cover his whereabouts from being discovered.”

In a pensive tone Adrian asked him: “Well what position was his body angled at when he was killed? Because looking at the patterns of blood it doesn’t match the position he’s in right now.”

“Well we are assuming he was standing at a 65 degrees angle, but if we stumble across anything else we miscalculated we’ll notify you A.S.A.P.”

“Thanks Morgan.”

“Sure, Detective Moore.”

As Adrian and his partner, Beck, came out of the apartment officer Swanson approached them.

“Detectives this might interest you. We found someone who said they saw a guy named Miller come out of his apartment around 2 AM.”

Moore and Beck were looking at each other with the same thought in their mind- what would someone being doing out here at two in the morning?”

Before Moore could say anything Beck asked: “What is this witness name?”

“Brian Miller.”

Even though the murder case on Tarantino was a dead end Adrian found that something just wasn’t right. He’s been working for the NYPD for almost five years and has learned to trust his gut feelings.

“Beck, run one more background check on this suspect Miller. Something about his record bugs me.”

“Sure Moore, anything else you want me to do?”

“No, that’s it for now. If anyone needs me tell them to page me at my beeper. I’m heading back to town to see if I can dig up more on this Tarantino guy.”

“Partner, one more thing.”

“Sure, what is it.”

“You owe me a beer and I’m taking care of the paperwork so tomorrow you’re paying for the bill at Monte’s Cafe.”

“I knew it was too good to be true that you wouldn’t wine about the paperwork.”

With a smirk on his face and a sarcastic tone: “Adrian why don’t you play hide and go fuck yourself.”

Just as Melanie was walking up to her front door Jenna held it open and greeted her inside. Then she asked in an almost mother tone: “Are you sure everything is ok. I mean when I heard you talking on the phone you sounded a little different, like distracted or distant.”

“I’m feeling better now, compared to the wreck that I was when I was awaken by my own screaming at three in the morning.”

“Oh dear. Mel does this have to do with Brad?”

As much as she hated the fact that it did have something to do with him she lied to Jenna.

“ No, I just had a nightmare about the car accident. It was just unexpected and sudden for me to think about that. I don’t know why though. I’m fine.”

“You sure?”


“Well ok in that case let’s start heading to work and I swear if Andrew, that new employee, starts hitting on me again I’ll send him straight to the hospital. The last thing I want to deal with right now is the son of a bitch male species.”

By the time they were in the cozy, yet humungous, office people were buzzing around like worker bees. Trying to get as much work done as possible and remembering that dinner party she had to attend tonight, she couldn’t afford to have her head in the clouds.

Half way through her pile of work Mr. Spencer, her boss, informed her through a memo that a meeting was being assembled and held in twenty minutes. Her presence was obligatory since she was one of his smartest employees in the firm.

Without a choice she went to the meeting held in the coffee room. To her surprise those people that were in the room were assigned a case. Before she even realized she spaced out Mr. Spenser was asking her: “Melanie, do you have any questions? Melanie, are you alright?”

Her answer was barely audible but she managed to say yes.

“This meeting is now adjourned and no one is to discuss anything related to this meeting to anyone out of this law office. Understand?”

Everyone nodded in union.

By the time the meeting was over Jenna was already waiting outside for her and they headed out to the nearest place to eat lunch.

While they were waiting for their meal to be delivered to their table she noticed Melanie was acting unusual.

“How was the meeting?”

“Same old boring thing, except that these people that were recruited for this meeting is engaged in some important case. To make things even better I’m part of it and I think the boss believes that I’m losing my marbles.”

“Melanie I’m beginning to really worry about you....I haven’t seen you like this.....not after the incident with Brad.....what’s going on with you?”

“Shit, I hate it when you are right.” Sighs.

“Yes something is bothering me because today I woke up having the worst nightmare I could ever have which was the accident that took place two years ago with Brad on our way back to the Bay.”

In a sincere tone like a mother she asked: “Does Adrian know about any of this? I mean if at all that you are getting these, what words can we use....vibes about that incident?”

With a guilty look in her eyes Melanie admitted she didn’t tell Adrian anything, yet. That would soon change since she couldn’t hide this forever. Nor did she want to.

Chapter 2

“Finally I got out of that city dump of Row Arc’s Prison Facility and now I must locate my sweetheart Melanie Sutton. For she must have been worried to death about me since in two weeks our wedding is to be taking place at her father’s ranch.”

As he crossed the curved path of the woods and bent down to have a drink of fresh water yonder by the lake. He couldn’t stop thinking that he was free at last. All he had to do was play his cards correctly and in a logical sequence.

“Well first things first I need to get rid of this orange suit and name tag. Or else they will know where I’ve been and send me back there. I don’t want them to know anything at all, because aftermath only what is done counts not what was thought.”

Once he got tired of walking and found it safe to let his guard down Brad paid one of his buddy that owed him many favors.

By that time it was already 7 AM and Dan was dead asleep, knocked out for like five hours now since he couldn’t find a job. He was damned that after all these stack of newspapers where building up he still wasn’t employed.

The door bell rang and he didn’t feel like getting up. He preferred to stay on his warm and sanctioned bed than to deal with the hang over he woke up with. After several, insisting rings he said: “Alright, I’m going.”

Door bell kept ringing three more times before he was half way through.

“Hold your horses; I’m right there by the door.”

When the door was ajar he completely froze and taking that as a welcome in, Brad patted him on the back.

“How’s my old friend doing?”

Trying to get a hold of himself he said stammering: “I’-m I’m doing ok. Aside from not being able to find a job life is just peachy. Say what brings you around here?”

“I need you to repay me all those other favors I did for you back in our days. If you catch my drift you know.” With a fastidious expression that was mocking his superiority.

Seeing this Dan knew it would be very tedious to please him and knowing what he had done for him in the past he decided it was fair to repay him back. After all trafficking and selling him drugs for his own business was risky and not cheap either.

“Sure, what is the favor?”

“I’m on a little visit so I might not be staying long. Brother to brother would you risk yourself for an important mission for me?”

“Brad, how much are we talking about here?”

“About 10k, if you are willing to do it that is.”

“What is it that I have to accomplish?”

“You should know me better than that Danny.”

Sure he knew him well and sometimes wished he didn’t because knowledge is a dangerous tool if used in the wrong hands or an unmoral way.

“You know that I don’t say what is involved in this mission unless if you accept the deal first. It’s always been like that, even back in those good old days.”

“Fine, I accept the deal. So what is it that I must do?”

“Aren’t you surprised that I came knocking at your door?” In such a disbelief and alarmed tone.

“Its going to be all over the news and spending two years of your life locked up in there in isolation I’m not amazed you’re here to ask for my help on revenge. Plus for the time being I need cash to pay off my mortgage as well.”

“Buy a galloon of gasoline and a lighter if you don’t have one that is, surgical gloves, face masks, and an exacto knife.”

“Are we going into some type of surgery here Brad?”

“No don’t you worry about that. Its way better than that.” With such a murderous tone in his voice and the cold hearted fire glowing through his dark little eyes.

Staring at him as if he were a maniac on the loose.

“Later on I have another odd job for you, if you are successful at this one. You might like it as long as you make no mistakes. And I mean none what so ever.”

“Got it.”

“In the mean while I’m going to go look for a place that I can live in for the time being. I’ll be back and leave you a note by the table side listing my current address later on in the afternoon.”

He went in the kitchen and came back out with his cookie pot and pulled out his spare key. Giving it to Brad and then left him instructions on how where he could find the things that he needed.

“If anyone asks who you are just say you’re my long lost cousin from New Jersey.”


“Jenna, what do you think. Let’s say someone’s been dating for about two years and then without further notice the guy pops the question to marry him. What would you do if it were the case?”

As the question began sinking in her mind she was showing signs of joy and happiness for her friend. “Did Adrian propose to you already?!?”

Laughing as if it were a joke. “No, not yet but I meant if it were to happen. Like the unexpected happened and I feel weird. How should I explain it, its more...”

Since she was having such a hard time coming out and saying it Jenna decided to help her and finish her sentence. “You got laid.”

In such simple terms that Melanie just looked at her in a manner that Jenna stated: “Don’t stare at me like that because that gives me the idea that its not what you had in mind.”

“Well it is what I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t find the right word.”

“Don’t keep me here waiting for ages Mel. Come on spill it.”

This talk made her remember all those girly sleepovers she attended when she was younger and suddenly after two years for once she was actually very excited about something that had taken place.

And this little happening planned or not came out to brighten her life more than anything she’s worked so hard for. Only thing was she still couldn’t believe it and her friend told her: “Believe it sister, it’s all real.” Then with a very dramatical look and sound on her
voice: “Oh my, my little girl is growing up into a woman.”

“Oh hush Jenna, you’re making me sound like if I was a nun my whole life until I met Adrian.”

“You forgot the word saint as well.” Mocking her that she was such a goody to- shoe.

“Seems like its back to work for us.”

“Sometimes I wished lunch was a little longer, like to day.”

“I still can’t find it possible that you were such an angel back then. Now look at you. A perfectly growing woman who’s committing herself on behalf of love. I see sin everywhere I look.”

Chapter 3

On his way back to the NYPD office he caught dozens of women’s glances and attention since its not common to see a 28 year old male, built with a six pack, nice tan, slim figure whose 5’9, weighs 175 lbs. with deep blue sea colored eyes and black hair.

Once he entered the building his partner, Beck, looked at him.

“How was the scavenger hunt downtown?” knowing that it would lead to a dead end he had this satisfying expression in asking him what he already knew.

“I’m guessing right now that it’s one of those days that you decide to be a wiseass and to make you even happier I thought I found the witness but he disappeared all of the sudden.”

Suddenly his factious side diminished. “Are you positive that one clue vanished from the map so quick?”

“I agree that no one can just disappear like that and so far he’s the only one that saw what happened or he could be the killer.”

“I ran that background check that you wanted on Miller and well surprisingly he has a long record. Possession of drugs in the first degree. Charged on second degree of rape on Charlotte Dover. Sentenced in jail for six years in possession of fire arms and attacking an officer at Row Arc’s Prison Facility. Shall I continue?”

“Hmmm....how old is he again?”

“Entering his early thirties.”

“Then again I could be wrong. Let’s review the facts at the crime scene over once more. In case if we missed anything.”

Beck rolls back with his comfortable chair and reaches for the files and evidence that they have so far on the death of Anthony Tarantino. “Death was between from three to four in the morning and had bruises all over his body. Mostly cuts on his abdominal area and holy shit-they castrated him with a pocket knife.”

“How did he get the other cuts on his body?”

“Small cuts that couldn’t have done much damage except sting a bit. Judging by that it was just to torture him in my point of view.”

“Was there anything out of the ordinary about the crime scene?”

“Not that I am aware of and they said there was a size 12 or 13 shoe print outside of his front door. But the print isn’t that clear since the rain smudged it and well to have a better idea you should ask Chuck.”

“I’ll take my chances in finding clues on my own.”

“Ok, sure keep being a stubborn ass and we won’t have a clue to anything at all Moore. Alright I’ll go and ask Chuck to see if he remembers anything. If it were possible for men to have a period I’d say you were on yours today buddy.”

It was six o’clock by the time Melanie arrived home and she was so tired that moving her body was a burden.

Remembering she had promised Adrian in going with him to the dinner party tonight she hopped into the shower and half way through she thought she heard someone in her house. But then dismissed the idea since it was absurd and maybe it was just her nerves playing tricks on her.

Twenty minutes later she came out of her steaming bathroom and looked in her closet to see what she should wear tonight. She thought about picking the V blue satin collared dress that was cut in half at the back. Then decided that it was much too revealing.

“After all, this is a dinner party at a formal restaurant Melanie.” Reminding herself that again before she wore something out of the occasion.

“Let’s see which one should I choose?” Pondering out loud and finally she slipped into her summery, floral orange pinkish peach dress with a flower on the left side. Inspecting carefully her image on the mirror. Not bad looking for someone who is 5’4 and weighs 125, light hazel eyes with dark brown hair, and a complexion of fair creamy light skin.

Then she heard a soft thud on the door closing and she turned around looking straight at the door fearing the worst.

“Oh please, dear God don’t let it be who I think it is....please oh please..” in a very low and frightened voice.

While she starts walking towards where she heard the noise a pair of hands grabbed her from behind surprising her and she let out a loud shriek.

“Holy crap!” Adrian you scared the shit out of me. Don’t you ever ever do that again! It’s going to give me a heart attack someday.”

With a relieved tone and smiling with delight, “What brings you around here because it’s barely even close to being 6:30.”

Takes a walk around her and evaluates her from head to toe. “Well I couldn’t help myself....... and if I many say so you look sexy as hell.”

“Oh Adrian, you are full of it today aren’t you?”

He pulled her against his body and she could smell the scent of masculinity within him even though he hasn’t taken a shower yet due to his stench of sweat. Suddenly before she could open her mouth he kissed her pushing his tongue in and the feeling of need was surging through both of their bodies.

Slowly pulling away. “You son of a gun.” With a very satisfied smile.

“Darling sometimes I can see why I let you win in a majority of arguments because with the way you turn me on there’s just no way out of it.”

“I don’t think...” and being one step ahead of her he kissed her once again with more passion this time. She felt as if she was going to melt in his mouth and let him mold her into his comfort.

Still entwined together and kissing deeply, little by little he worked his way up to her dress and unbuttoned it by unclipping the hook located on the back of the flower. As quick as you could snap your fingers her dress came off.

“Adrian I don’t think this is right and its 6:45 already. Maybe this would be better at .....”

Cutting her off once again.

“Shhhh...let us get carried away by the rhythm of our heart and need for each other.”

Nuzzling down her neck in a soft murmur “I love you so much.”

She began unzipping his pants and felt his boner in the middle of her stomach. He looked at her and couldn’t believe how beautiful she was underneath it all and he was aching to make her his. Unaware that he lost track of reality he felt a hand on his shaft and without another warning she began flooding him with pleasure.

The animal inside him was unleashed and in a flash he carried her to bed and he pulled off his shirt. Melanie couldn’t believe all that was taking place now and wanted to enjoy every moment of it while she could.

Before he penetrated her she wanted him to make her a promise.

“Adrian, promise me you’ll never leave me.”

“Even if I went insane I’d never leave you.”

As more heat was passed on between them he slowly entered her and she couldn’t believe how much endorphins could be released in an instant. Never had she felt like this before and if he kept working the way he did she would explode. Ecstasy filling her through each movement and her breathing became heavier and heavier with each stroke.

Dan didn’t know what to do all he knew was he had to get away from it all. Especially the police and hopefully Brad wouldn’t be angry at him for making a mistake on the timing of Tarantino’s death.

“Crud, how do I always end up getting into a mess like this? Man I really need to get a real job...”

Feeling lonely and cold he began searching for the nearest hotel around and call Brad tomorrow in the morning to see what his next order is.

“Mmm...sweetie what time is it?” in an out of breath voice.

Grumbling, “Its uhh, damn it, I can’t see. Its 7:32”

Straightening herself up with the greatest effort she yanked the covers off. And turned the facet on in the bathroom’s sink to clean herself up.

Still in bed Adrian observed how swiftly she moved and damn was he one lucky son of a bitch. Knowing that he knew he could never leave her until death do them apart.

Suddenly his cell phone rang and looking at it the call was from Beck.

“Hi Adrian.”

“Anything wrong Beck?”

“Not really, I’m just here waiting for you and your girlfriend to arrive. Where the hell are you by buddy?”

“In bed and soon out of it.”

“Now I understand why you were so touchy today in the office.”

With annoyance in his voice, “Don’t worry we’ll be there soon.”

“Who was that?”

“Beck, wondering why we are taking so long.”

“Well get out of bed and get dressed up again. I don’t think you want to arrive there nude and have the ladies make fun of your member. Since its flat at the moment.” In such a teasing way that he made a note to get her back tonight.

“Brad, its me Dan. Open up.”

Gradually the door opens and Brad stands there with a cup of wine half way drank.

“Did you finish off Tarantino like I asked you to?”

“Yes I did, but.....”

“But what?”

Looking around nervously. “I sord of made a mistake on the timing that I was walking by on the neighborhood.....”

“How off were you?”

Noting the calmness of his voice he relaxed a bit and said: “An hour.”

“I don’t want anymore mistakes, do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

Takes the cup offered to him with freshly poured wine in and drinks it slowly. Knowing all too well that there was a catch he was on his toes. After another ten minutes of talking and planning things out he left his home and headed out to the NYPD office.

So many people were greeting Melanie that she couldn’t believe they all knew her. She barely knew them by their names since she’s only seen them once or twice, but very content that her boyfriend spoke about her to everyone.

“My, my, how lovely you look tonight Ms. Sutton.” Beck stated it in a mocking way of how Adrian usually said it with a huge smirk on his face.

“Hey partner, I see you came prepared tonight.”

“Of course. Why woulnd’t I?” moving his brows in such a cynical way that they couldn’t help but join the laughter and fun of that night.

“Do you know why we all got invited here tonight by the chief?”

“No clue whatsoever.”

“I hope its nothing bad.”

“Genius, why would we be here dressed so formal if it’s to listen to bad news?”

“I’ll get you back for all these wiseass remarks Michael.”

“And I’ll be waiting.”

At the exact moment Chief Wilmer gave a speech on how much of a great job they have done in the NYPD.

“As you all know it’s been an honor having each one of you in my squad showing hard work and heroicness in saving other people’s lives. I hope to see this good work continue throughout the years and that team work is all about helping one another out.”

“Well while he keeps giving his speech I’m going to get some punch. Want some Adrian?”

Chief’s voice is now the background while Beck tries to find a way to amuse himself.

Silencing him he said: “No not right now, maybe later.”

“Suit yourself.”

“Therefore I believe you guys have earned this little get together I prepared for you tonight and enjoy yourselves tonight.”

“Ah, here’s the man I want to see. How are you doing Detective Moore?”

“I’m doing very good and you Chief?”

“Never been better. And who is this young lady if I may ask?”

“Chief this is my girlfriend, Melanie. Melanie, Chief.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you Chief.”

“Adrian has spoken so much about you and in person your better looking than I had anticipated. Keep a leash on him will you. And enjoy the party.”

“Thank you Chief. Yes I will keep that in mind.” Giggling with such a serious expression on her face Adrian just couldn’t help himself.

He left laughing to mingle with the rest of his co-workers and friends.

Making sure that no one saw him or was around the perimeter of the NYPD office he broke in by the exit door. Where he disarmed the alarm that would’ve gone off when the door was broken. He wasn’t sure what he was searching for, all he knew was that Brad didn’t want anymore harmatias. For his own sake he just began destroying files and data bases. Mostly random since he didn’t want to tip them off that his main target was none other than Adrian Moore.

After walking about twenty minutes or so he began executing what he came down there to do. Which was to burn the office down, but not completely.

“After this I really need to find a real job because this just isn’t working out.....” as he kept mumbling he didn’t notice who was behind him. Until everything went black out cold, slowly things just seemed fuzzy and heavy in his mind.

“You know Dan I tried giving you a chance but I can’t afford to have mistakes on this if I want to get Melanie back. I guess it’s true what they say. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.”

With the galloon of gasoline he had on his hand he started pouring it around different offices and inside it, but when he walked into Detective Moore’s he saw a picture of his beautiful Melanie on his desk.

Holing the picture in his arm he began caressing it as if she was present in person.

“Melanie, why did you do this to me? Why did you leave me!” in such an enraged tone that he threw the picture frame on the wall, shattering the glass instantly.

“I loved you so much and missed you during these two years...where are you?!? If you aren’t mine you won’t be with Adrian either...or anyone else. You are mine and only mine.”

Before he lit the match he said one last thing to Dan.

“Good night Dan. I’ll be seeing you in hell.”

Melanie looked at her watch and told Adrian she had to go home if she was going to wake up tomorrow morning.

“Come on Adrian it’s almost midnight and I have to be at work an hour earlier than usual to discuss with my boss something about the up coming case of some law suit.”

“Alright, alright I’ll take you home. Let me just tell the Chief we are leaving and then we’ll continue our pending talk.”

“Adrian, what...”

Once more he left before she could finish her sentence.

Groaning, “Men.”

On the way to her house the ride was pretty silent except for the change of Adrian having another boner in the car.

There was full moon tonight and its light was gleaming in through the window of the driver’s seat. Enhancing his male figure more, leaving her breathless like when she was trying her dress on for the party.

Although he did carry the look of a hard ass and tough macho man he was just as fragile and human as any other man. Only that there was something especially unique about him that made her over come her fear on men.

Instantly her mind flashed back on Brad and it made her very queasy, giving her this pale color on her skin. She decided to push that away because he couldn’t hurt her at least for now. That’s when she decided to break the silence.

“Did you have a good time?”

“Why wouldn’t I when have the loveliest woman by my side?”

“That’s why I fell in love with this hunk of a man.” With a huge grin from ear to ear.

“You know sweetheart you keep up with that I’m going to stop the car and screw you right here right now in the middle of the road. Think twice about it before you keep tempting...” Adding more enthusiasm and a gleam of joy showed in his eyes. “Then again that’d be nice since I could use some help here.” Staring down at his member.

“Oh you little pervert.”

Staring at Melanie’s condo made him think about all the good times he had with her and suddenly a pair of headlights came into view, belonging to a blue corvette. Not wanting to expose himself or giving anyone the knowledge that he was there loitering and an escape from prison he ran deeper into the dark night.

“I’ll be back for you my love. I promise.”

The second Melanie stepped out of the car she felt those shivers return to her and she could barely stand on her own. Noting that she was pale again Adrian became concerned.

“Are you sure you are alright?”

Taking her a moment to realize he was asking her something.

“Yes, I am. Don’t worry its normal. Must be the premenstrual warning or I caught a virus.”

“I should take you to see a doc...”

As if on cue his cell phone rang and it was his Chief calling. Surprisingly he answered it immediately.

“Adrian I need you to get here A.S.A.P. Seems like someone burned parts of the NYPD office.”

“Yes Chief. I’m on my way.”

Being more aware now Melanie was able to pull herself together and ask: “Is everything alright?”

“Someone burned the NYPD office.”

“Oh my goodness.”

“Yeah I have to be on my way. Love you and I’ll be back tonight.”

With that he drove away and Melanie went into her house. Scared that Brad was keeping his vow of coming back for her someday she was very afraid that something could happen to Adrian.

While heading towards the bathroom the phone rang and she rushed to pick it up.

Panting, “Hello.”

“Hey Mel.”

“Oh, hi Jenna. How are you?”

“I don’t know how to put this but you might want to turn the TV on.”

Her stomach began doing all kinds of flips and it felt as if she was sea sick. Knowing by the way Jenna sounded Melanie knew it was nothing good.

“Chief, how bad is it?”

“Not that bad, but still damage was done. Mostly on the computers in the middle wing and some on the right. Strange thing, yours is the one with less damage but has the biggest mess of them all put together.”

Not understanding where this was going to he seemed perplexed and confused like a rat lost in a maze.

It seems as if the Chief understood is confusion and told him: “Your things were thrown all over the place and ransacked. Like that person couldn’t find what they were searching for.”

“I don’t think I have any enemies and frankly since it wasn’t just my office that was burned a little it looks like if it was a prank of some sort.”

“Let’s hope so, but in the mean while how is the case on Tarantino’s death going so far?”

“Well, its..”

“Sorry for interrupting you guys, but Chief this is worth looking at.” Stated Officer Perez.

Following him and into the building they saw how much damage there was. It had the color of a smoked brown gray and paint peeling off the wall, papers strayed everywhere like confetti, some computers burned to a crisp, etc.

Right across Rick’s office was a body of a man lying face down and almost unrecognizable due to the fact that he blended in well with what was burned.

“Holy shit.” Was the first thing Adrian could think about as he was able to smell the human flesh on him scorched.

“Perez. Was there any ID on him or a clue as to what he was doing here in the first place?”

“No Chief. He came in through the exit door by cutting the screen open and meticulously with extreme care he managed to disarm the alarm system for that half wing.”

“Have the forensics fax over their findings and anything to my office as soon as possible and Adrian I’m putting you in charge of this case too. So call up Beck and tell him to report here and help you out. Might be connected to Tarantino’s death, either way start working.”

“Yes Chief.”

Adrian began marking Beck’s number into his and remembered he told Melanie he’d be back tonight.

“Hey sweetie, are you feeling better?”

“Yes.” Which was a lie because she could barely tell the difference between right and left right now, but she didn’t want him to worry more than he had to.

“I called to check up on you and that I don’t think I’ll be able to stop by because I just got assigned another case. Sorry and I love you.”

Shortly he hung up.

Melanie felt disoriented just right at the same time the TV announcer said: “A convict from Row Arc’s Prison Facility escaped two days ago and police are warning every and anyone who comes across him. Now here is Monique Cajon, which more live news of this coverage in New York City.”

“Hi Jorge as we speak these police officers are trying to track down this man who some how managed to escape its top security guard. And here standing on my right is Officer Demark explaining to us the dangers of this man.”

“I advise each person in this town and city to be very cautious about going out after 6 in the afternoon. Make sure not to be alone after those hours and if you’ve seen this man, whose picture I am showing right now. Please contact the NYPD immediately, we assure you your name and information will be kept confidential.”

Melanie’s worst fear has been confirmed and now she had no idea what her next move should be. The real reason she moved here was to bury her past and never have to remember it but now it’s like a trip down memory lane all over again.

“This can’t be true. Sure that picture the officer was holding has some similarities that Brad has but it’s impossible to have escaped just like that.”

As she kept on trying to convince herself that it wasn’t Brad the officer in the scene said: “This suspects name is Brad Shawl who’s in his middle thirties, a little lighter than the color tan, is about 5’6 weighs about 162 lbs, and has a brunette hair color. If any of you have any whereabouts of this subject notify us by calling 587-6932. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Not being able to stand it any longer she turned off the TV and began rocking in a fatal position.

“This can’t be true. This is a nightmare like the one I had yesterday. When I open my eyes again I’ll find myself waking up from my bed.”

Slowly she opened her eyes and with a panicked feeling she knew it was all real. He was going to do exactly what he had promised her the day they arrested him in front of her eyes.

Those same words still haunt her and as she silently said them out loud it formed- I’ll be back for you. I promise you I will my love.

Without another warning all those thoughts started flooding through her mind and she lost track of time. Each of them reopening scars and fear shot through her spine once more and she knew Brad could feel it. She hated that he knew she is a bit scared of how things will turn out.

Forgetting that she didn’t hang up the phone yet she heard Jenna screaming her name out on the phone.

“Melanie..are you there? Melanie!! Melanie can you hear me?!??”

Picking up the phone to her ear she answered: “He’s come back for me.”

Sleeping so well and dreaming away Beck couldn’t believe someone was calling him. Groaning he picked up his vibrating Motorola cell phone in a gruff voice he greeted the caller.

“Do you know what time you’re calling me? This better be more than good Adrian.”

“Well get your sleeping ass up we have another case to solve, so by the time you arrive here you better be more than awake.”

“Alright, alright I’m out of bed. What’s so important about this case that we have to handle it now?”

“Someone or they burned the NYPD office and were looking for something that they couldn’t find. Probably after rummaging through so many offices that person got tired and frustrated so they burned the office. Not much damage was done, except destroying the computers and stuff like that.”

“Ahh, shit. I’ll be there in ten. You still haven’t answered my question.”

“What question?”

“About what time is it right now?”

“It’s about three in the morning.”

“See you there in ten.”

© Copyright 2006 FallenAngel788 (fallenangel788 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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