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by Alex
Rated: · Other · Other · #1086025
I'm not done with this story yet okay?

So I am unbelievably bored today! Usually my days at Lakeview are fun and amazing! My teachers Mr. Hereda and Mrs. Gabel make 6th grade awesome. But today was different and could almost change my whole life! I was bored of packing! I know I can’t believe it either but my parents are making me move along with my 4 brothers and 1 sister. My mom said to me this morning that we were moving out of our condo and into a mansion in Tennessee, because my dad got a new job that paid like a million dollars a month. He was going to be an actor! I would be getting my own room and everything same with my brothers and sister. I mean I’m really excited but I hate packing and I hate having to make new friends! Lauren and Alex are so sad we all cried together. CJ tried cheering us up he is so funny it helped me but not Lauren and Alex. That day when I got home I wrote a really, really long letter and put it on my bed because there was a family moving in with 2 girls my age. I decided if I’m leaving Stow, Ohio I’m never going to forget my friends and I’m going to send each and every one of my friends a letter of my journey every week.

Chapter one

OK. I am writing my first letter to Lauren, on our first class plane trip. I wrote in my favorite blue pen.

Dear Lauren,
Hey, girl what’s up? I am so bored this plane trip is completely too long for my tastes. Anyway my mom and dad agreed that all of my friends can come up for the whole summer! And you all get to stay in our house! (Trust me there is enough room.) So I hope you’re excited like I am. We are going to have so much fun this summer! Swimming and running and playing soccer! Well I got to write letters to all of our friends so write soon!!!
Love your coolest friend,

That was only my first letter. I wrote for the next hour and then we landed right in Nashville, Tennessee. I jumped up and woke my mom and dad up. They got our stuff and we called the rent-a-car place and they brought the car. While we were driving to our house we saw a whole and I mean a whole bunch of mansions. I thought “I wonder if I’ll meet any friends tomorrow.”
“We’re here everyone get out of here and check out the backyard.” My dad said to us. I ran out to the yard as fast I could. It was HUGE I couldn’t believe it! There was a huge soccer field, a monster tree house, and a track course, volleyball and basketball court! I was screaming as I ran in the house to find my dad. I stuck one foot in the house and froze. It was bigger then what it looked like on the outside. “Hey do you like the backyard?” my dad said.
“Completely! You are so the best!”
“Go find your room your sister Whitney is already up there. And let me tell you a secret, the room at the end of the hall is your new office, the room next to it is the biggest room and connects to your office. Catch it before your sister.” I ran up two flights of beautiful stairs and down the hall to my office. It was so cool it had a computer and laptop my dad had put in when he came down here a month ago. It had everything I dreamed about. Then I walked in to my bedroom it was half the size of our old condo. It had a big canopy bed and a sitting window with glittery blue curtains. I fainted for about 2 hours. When my dad came up to check on me, when he saw me on the ground he carried me to the bathroom, put me in the bathtub turned on the cold water, and watched wake up soaking wet and freezing. He laughed gave me a towel and told me to take a shower and then unpack my bags.
After my shower I felt so relaxed, I walked back into my room and got out my soccer shorts and a spaghetti strapped shirt. I unpacked my bags, when I was done I ran down the hall yelling at my sister and brothers to put on shorts so we could go play soccer. They did and as we all ran downstairs my mom yelled at David my brother that was 1 year younger than Simon and I. “David what are you doing? You can’t go outside you’ll get sick.”
“Please mom I promise I won’t get sick.”
“You can’t help it if you get sick.” Now it was my turn.
“Mom please let Ryan play. Just once.”
“OK, I guess but only today.” We all ran out side. Playing soccer was our favorite. But Whitney now that she is getting older, but still isn’t 12 like me and Simon, is turning into a major girly girl. So she pretty much does not like soccer and all the other sports. “I so can’t wait till summer. It is like so close.” I yelled to Whitney.
“Alex, summer is in like 3 months!”
“So! Your just jealous dad's making you, Jake, Ryan and David wait till next year.”
“No I’m not!”
“Yeah you are! And you’re jealous that Simon’s friends are cute and you’re a year younger than us.”
“OK fine, you win!” And Whitney stomped back to the house. Simon and I laughed.
“Are you serious?! You think Andy, Brian and CJ are cute?!”
“Well not CJ and Brian they are just my friends.” We laughed again.
Later after we finished playing soccer, we went to our rooms took another shower in our private bathrooms and put on our pjs. (We all have our own bathroom.) Whitney Simon and I went down stairs and watched "High School Musical". It was so boring. Whitney liked it and started singing! Simon and I laughed. She is so terrible at singing. My mom made us go to bed when it was over. I couldn’t believe tomorrow I am going to a new school and would have to make all new friends! I was going to have a really, really bad day, I knew it. As I lay in bed staring at my ceiling, my mom came in to see if I was asleep. She saw I was up and asked “Why are you still awake, Summer Renee Hashlamoun?”
“I can’t go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a terrible day!”
“No it won’t. Now go to bed!” I tried and tried. Finally around 2:00 I fell asleep.

Chapter 2

At 6:00am my mom woke me up. Even though I was only in 6th grade, I put makeup on. My mom had bought a whole bunch because she said when my dad came down and brought my school record to my new school he had seen a whole bunch of girls wearing makeup, so my mom didn’t want me to not fit in. While I was putting makeup on my mom came in with the hottest outfit I had ever seen! “Honey, this is your VERY early birthday present.”
“Thank you so much mom!” I ran over and hugged her. I put on the outfit and then did my hair really cute.
“You look adorable!” my mom and dad said. I said thanks and ran to catch up with my brothers.
“Are mom and dad seriously letting you wear makeup?”
“Yeah. I really hate it, it makes me feel dirty!” They laughed. Then Jake, Ryan and David went to their elementary school and Whitney went with us since she is in 5th grade. “Wow, this is the biggest school I’ve ever seen!” Whitney and I said.
“You two are so stupid. But I guess this is a pretty big school.” We walked to our lockers.
“Dad said he got lockers for us that were next to each other.” Simon said.
“Good, I’m so nervous!” We got our stuff and walked to our classrooms and found a seat. There were 3 girls that looked really popular and they were walking straight toward me!
“Um, Hi. That is my seat. Can you please move?!!”
“Yeah, but then where will I sit?”
“You can sit next to me.” So I moved.
“Are you new? What’s your name? Mine is Faye Grace.”
“Yeah I’m new. My name is Summer Hashlamoun. Nice to meet you Faye.”
“Yeah, you too. Anyway, I’m popular; if you want to be popular forget about it! You have to be really rich!”
“I am rich; my dad owns the biggest mansion In Nashville Tennessee.”
“You have to be kidding! No one lives there!”
“I do. We moved in 1 day ago.”
“Tell me what it looks like.”
“Well, in the backyard there’s…”
“Hello? I know what is in the backyard; I live like right behind the house!”
“On the inside, we have a monster kitchen, with a 64” flat screen TV in the living room. There are 10 bedrooms.”
“Well if you live there, me and my friends are going to stop by after school.”
“How about you and your friends come home with me in my limo.”
“OK. I guess you can hang with me today. If you get that new boy 2 seats ahead of you to ask me out.”
“OK, I’ll do it after class.”
When the bell rang I was so happy. I ran to Simon and told him that Faye, the most popular girl in the school, wanted him to ask her out. He said Ok. We walked over to Faye and her friends.
“Hi. My name is Simon. I was wondering if you would want to go bowling with me this weekend.”
“Sure. What’s your last name? And are you rich?”
“I live in the biggest mansion in Nashville. My last name is Hashlamoun.”
“Summer! You didn’t tell me he was your brother!”
“Sorry but I got him to ask you out. Didn’t I?”
“Yeah. So I guess you can hang out with us. Simon, follow me, I’ll show you to your NEW friends.” Simon followed Faye to the popular guys table. “Hey boys! This is Summer and Simon. They are new. Simon’s my boyfriend.”
“Awwwww! How cute Faye got a boyfriend. Did she bribe you?” Ryan asked.
“No.” Simon answered.
“Come on sit.” Nick said. “So how do you know Summer? She’s pretty hot!” Nick said to everyone.
“Uhhh… Summer is my sister.”
“Oops! Sorry man we didn’t know.” They all said.
“That OK even a lot of my friends think she is hot. Do any of you play more sports then just football?”
“Yeah Ryan and I play football, soccer, baseball, and basketball.” Nick said.
“Then you two can fight for my sister. She is way into soccer, basketball and baseball. Not softball.”
“Sweet, all the girls here are boring, all they want to do is shop! They all hate sports. They only watch the football games because they think football players are hot.” Steven said.
“My sister likes to shop. And she hates shopping for shoes unless she’s shopping for cleats.”
“Awesome!” They all said.
“But you all have some competition. Almost all of my friends at my hometown like her. And she likes them a little too.”
“And how is that competition for us?” Brandon said
“Because every other year including this year Summer and my friends get to come down for the summer.”
“Oh, But I mean we still have like 2 months until summer, so we have enough time.” Ryan said
“Here is some advice, Summer will go out with anyone that is nice, likes to play sports, and that is funny, and she has a problem with saying no.”
“Why?” Nick asked.
“Because she feels that she will hurt their feelings.”
“OK.” Well, do you think we could swim and hang at your house tonight?” Steven asked.
“Yeah, I’ll call my parents once school gets out.” After school Simon and I stood together calling their parents. While the phone was ringing, Simon said,
“Well Summer you managed to get me a girlfriend and made me popular again in one day! And you also managed to get all the guys crushing on you. You are going to have to swim because I’m sure our friends are going to want to swim.”
“I know.”
“Mom is going to be mad.”
“I know!!” I called mom and dad they both said yes. When we got out of the limo, we all ran to our rooms. Faye and her friends changed into their bikinis. I went into the bathroom last to change into my brand new lime green and blue bikini grandma had bought me for my moving away present. I got changed got a towel and ran to catch up with my friends that were half way down the stairs.
“Hey, hot bikini!” Katie said, one of Faye’s friends. Everyone agreed. We went out side and jumped in the pool.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about living here.”
“It’s OK.” Then all of a sudden there was a huge splash! We all screamed. Simon, Ryan, Nick, Steven, and Brandon had jumped in all at once!
“Simon!! What are you doing?” Faye and I yelled, Katie, Mariah and Ashley started laughing.
“Hey! We’re getting ready for the cannon ball contest! Wanna play?” Simon asked.
“Sure I’ll play!” I got up and got out of the pool with all the guys.
“Hey you girls are the judges!" Simon said to Faye and her other friends.
“OK.” They said back. Simon was first. He made a monster splash. Faye gave him a 9. Then it was Nick’s turn. He made an even bigger splash. Faye gave him a 10. Ryan was up he jumped really high. He made a wave a little smaller then Ryan’s. So Faye gave him a 9.5. Next was my turn. I pounded my feet against the diving bored and jumped. I made a monster splash! Everyone cheered. Faye gave me a 12. Then Steven and Brandon went, they both got 10 put together! Ha-ha!!! After that we all started talking. I was talking to Nick and Ryan. They are so funny!!!
“Hey, get this. If Barbie is so popular then why do we have to buy her friends?” Nick said. I laughed so hard, they started laughing at me! I’m actually kind of happy we moved. The only guys I know that are as funny as Nick and Ryan are CJ and Bryan from back in Ohio.
“You guys are so awesome! I can’t wait till this summer!”
“Why?” Nick asked.
“Because then you’ll get to meet all my friends.”
“But wouldn’t you be jealous if they liked us?” Ryan said
“Never mind, Ryan is going nuts.” Nick said.
“I’m not nuts!” Ryan said.
“Good! But if one of you is tell me. Because if one of you are nuts then I’d want to know incase one of you ask me out.”
“What?” Everyone in the pool said.
“Never mind. I’m going nuts!” Ryan, Nick and I started laughing. Everyone was confused.
“Kids! It’s time to go home! But if you all want, you can stay for a barbeque. And invite your parents!” My dad yelled to us from the house.
“Thanks, Mr. H.!” Nick and Faye yelled. Everyone that wanted to stay called their parents. Katie and Ashley had to go home. Faye and Ryan’s family came along with Nick’s and Mariah’s families’. We had a bon fire and ate hot dogs. It was so much fun. I was now the most popular girl in the school!
“So… Summ? Having fun?” Steven asked.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Your dad is so cool!!” Faye and Ryan said walking over to us.
“I know! He gave me an office that connects to my room! Know one else in the house knows about it!”
“Girl, Your room is huge!” Faye said laughing. “It’s like quadruple the size of my room!”
“You wanna sleep over this weekend?” I asked Faye.
“Duhh! I’ll go ask my mom.” Faye ran over to her parents, and then came back. “They said yes!”
“Cool!” We went back in the pool till it was time for everyone to leave.
“Sis, did you invite Faye over?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Because I invited Nick, Ryan, and Brandon to sleep over. Tomorrow I’m inviting Steven.”
“That’s a lot of people! Mom and dad have been so nice since we moved! I can’t wait till summer!”
“Why? Because my friends are coming down?”
“No! Because then all my friends can meet Ryan and Nick and my other friends”
“You like Ryan and Nick!!!”
“As friends.”
“Sure!” Mom and dad called us in. We all went to bed. I was the happiest of everyone in this house. And I knew tomorrow was going to be the best! So I thought.

Chapter 3

When I got up I went to my closet to get my really cute miniskirt and a strapless pink and blue top, since here we are allowed to wear them. I put on my outfit, forgot to put on makeup and went down stairs where my mom and dad were yelling at Whitney.
“Whitney, why did you get a detention? It was only the first day of school!”
“I was late to my first class. Because I got lost, I told the principal but he said I was late, took me to the classroom and told the teacher to give me a detention.”
“I’m going to have to call in sick. I’m going to school with you!” mom said to Whitney.
“What’s up?” I said.
“Nothing! Eat your breakfast I’m taking all of you to school. Well I mean you, Simon and Whitney.”
“OK,” I ate my breakfast then ran out to the car. Bringing a denim jacket along that matched my denim miniskirt. Mom, Whitney and Simon came out and got in the car.
As soon as we arrived, Simon and I jumped out of the car and ran to our lockers. Faye came over to us.
“Hey, Simon! And Summer.” She said. “Oh yeah cute outfit!”
“Thanks!” I said very happily.
“Hey.” Said Simon. Simon went to class.
“I have awesome news! Steven and Brandon like you!” Faye said.
“Awesome!” I said sarcastically.
“Oh you don’t like them? Do you like Nick or Ryan?!”
“No! They are my friends.”
“Good, but if you did, you know you would never have a chance with them?”
“Because you’re new. And not that pretty. No offense.”
“None taken.” That made me mad! But of course I knew I didn’t have a chance, and that I wasn't pretty. Faye and I walked to class. I was so glad today was Friday. Faye, Nick, Ryan, Brandon and Steven were all sleeping over! I plan on playing soccer, basketball and swimming.
Later when Faye and I were sitting in the hot tub, something hit me in the head.
“I’ll be right back.” I said getting out and walking inside. I saw Nick and Ryan.
“What was that for?”
“Well I wanted to know if you would want to go play soccer with all of us.” Nick said.
“Sure. But why didn’t you just come up to me?”
“Because Faye won’t, and Nick wanted to ask you something.” Ryan said.
“Well I wanted to know if you’d go out with me.”
“Sure.” I ran back to Faye looking really happy. “Faye do you want to go play soccer?”
“No! I’ll watch.”
“OK.” I ran back up to my room and put on shorts and a t-shirt. When I was going downstairs Simon ran into me.
“Did Nick ask you out?”
“Did you say no?”
“Crud! Go tell him no! Because Brandon dared him to ask you out.”
“No he didn’t!” I ran out side to the field, Simon followed me. Here were the teams: Nick, Ryan, me and Brandon, Steven, Simon. Ryan and Steven started running with me toward the goal. Well, Steven was trying to take the ball from me so I passed it. Then Ryan and Steven said,
“You should have said no to Nick!”
“Because, Brandon dared him to ask you out, he doesn’t really like you!” Ryan said.
“Oh…” Ryan passed the ball back and I shot for the goal and made it. We all cheered because we won the game. Then I ran back to the pool where Faye was tanning.
“Hey, did you win?”
“Yeah.” I was feeling really weird. Did I like Nick? Or do I like Ryan or Steven? I am all confused.
“Come on let’s go get the guys and watch a movie in your room. Is that OK with you?”
“Yeah, But why not in the living room?”
“Because your room is bigger. I’ll go get the guys!” Faye ran to the soccer field. I mean walked not ran. I went to my room and put on my tank top and my pjs shorts that I never worn because it wasn’t warm, but today, it was hot!
About 5 minutes later, Faye came and told me they wanted to watch it in the basement.
“Oh yeah, Ryan wanted me to tell you to say no. Whatever that meant. Anyway I’m going to put on my pajamas." Faye was wearing almost the same exact thing I was wearing! I guess it doesn’t matter. We got like 4 pillows and 2 blankets and went down stairs. Nick laid on the love seat, I sat/laid on the couch with Faye, Ryan and Steven sat on the other couch with Brandon and Simon. We watched "The Ring." I was like freaking out every 2 seconds and spilling popcorn everywhere, I fell off the couch too and after that decided to stay on the floor. Everyone kept laughing. Then everyone else sat on the floor with me. I sat next to Nick and Faye. The weird thing was Ryan and Steven kept looking at Nick like OhMiGosh I’m going to hurt you when we all leave tomorrow, kind of look. It was scary. I screamed. Everyone laughed and Nick hugged me laughing really hard. Then I heard
“Nick.” Ryan said. Nick got up and went upstairs.
“Why did you hug her?”
“Uhhh… I don’t know she’s my girlfriend!”
“Stop! You don’t even like her!”
“How do you know?! And for your information, I do like her!”
“Yeah, right!” They came back in this time sitting far away from each other.
I went up and turned off the TV when the movie was over.
“Hey I have and idea!” Nick said.
“What?” Ryan said kind of mad sounding.
“All of us should sleep in the basement! Faye and Summer and Simon can sleep on the couches and the rest of us can sleep on the floor.”
“OK, I guess.” Faye said.
“Yeah, that would be cool!” I said. We all went back upstairs and got all of the extra pillows and blankets, ran back downstairs and put all the blankets and pillows out on the floor. Nick and Ryan ended up lying by my couch. We turned on Mtv. Then Faye changed the channel to Disney and we sort of watched "High School Musical." Simon and Brandon started telling scary stories. For this Nick sat on the couch with me, he was starting to weird me out. I think he was trying to make either Faye or Ryan jealous for some reason. Who cares? I mean I don’t!
“This isn’t scary, but I want to say this. There’s a brunette a red head, and a blonde. They were walking through a barn when they heard something out side. The red head jumped in the stable with the horses. The brunette jumped in the cow's stable. And the blonde jumped in a potato sack. The man came in. He walked over to the horses, the red head said neigh, neigh! He walked over to the cows and the brunette said moo, moo! Then he walked over to the potato sack and the blonde said potato!” Ryan said. We all laughed so hard! Ryan was hilarious!
“Kids time to get ready to go to bed.” Dad yelled from upstairs.
“We are ready dad!” I yelled back. Then we started watching Mtv. I fell asleep on Nick. I was so tired! About twenty minutes later everyone else fell asleep.
“Mmmm… I can’t believe I fell asleep!” I said to Nick who was watching Mtv waiting for me to wake up.
“Finally you woke up. I was getting worried; everyone else is outside in the pool.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up? You didn’t have to wait for me.”
“I wanted to. I wouldn’t just stand up and go upstairs and let you wake up without anyone down here!”
“Awwwww Thanks! That’ so sweet!” I said thinking wow that was weird. We both went upstairs to put our bathing suits on. Then we raced back down to the pool laughing. This time Ryan looked like he was going to hurt Nick super bad! I dived in the pool and swam over to Faye.
“You fell asleep on Nick! I can’t believe he didn’t move!”
“Well, yesterday he asked me out!”
“That is so sweet half the girls in my group don’t have any boyfriends and definitely not any of the popular boys!” We all started playing pool volleyball, which was really fun! Faye and I laughed so hard. Later Faye and I called all of our friends to come over and go bowling with us and the guys. They all said they could.
“Summer, Katie is going to freak!”
“She likes Nick! You can’t tell anyone!”
“OK. Should I break up with him?”
“NO! Let her get jealous! Yeah you might get in a fight but it’ll teach her that she can’t get everything she wants!”
“OK.” So we all left the pool. Faye and I ran to my room and found the hottest outfit. It was a pink splatter tank top and a knit waist drop miniskirt. It was so hot! I walked down the stairs with Faye following behind me.
“Whoa! Young lady you are not wearing that to a bowling alley!” dad said.
“Oh, honey she’s growing up let her wear what she wants to.” Mom said to dad.
“Thanks mom.” We ran out the door to the limo where everyone was waiting for us.
“Whoa!! Your parents are letting you wear that!” Katie said.
“Yeah, it’s not like I’m wearing underwear!” I got in the limo where all the guys were. I scooted over by Nick and he put his arm over my shoulders. Katie gave him an evil stare. When we got to the bowling alley Nick and Ryan pushed everyone out of the way to get the door. Ryan was saying to Nick as they walked up to the alley how much he was flirting with me and how he couldn’t believe that he really liked me. When we were all inside we went to the counter to get 2 lanes. Simon decided to make up teams. Our teams were Simon, Faye, Steven, Ashley, and Brandon. My team was Nick, Ryan, Katie, and Mariah, and me. We were having so much fun. My team won! Nick and I were so happy.
Later when everyone was gone except for Simon and I, we all played Monopoly. That was fun. I went upstairs to take a shower, when I noticed a note on the mirror. It was from Nick! It said:

Dear Summer,
This isn’t working. I only asked you out because of a dare and I didn’t expect you to say yes. I’m really sorry. The good thing is Ryan likes you.
Your friend/ ex-boyfriend

I can’t believe everyone was telling the truth! I got in the shower and turned it really cold. When I got out I was Litterly blue! I got my towel and ran to my closet to get a sweater and pj pants. I turned my T.V. on and got in bed. I finally fell asleep with all the hateful thoughts of Nick in my head.

Chapter 4

“Beep Beep!” My alarm clock blared. I got up and turned it off. It was Thursday a week and 4 days after the letter Nick gave me. I was pretty much over him. Everyone was asking me what I was mad about. I never told them. Nick knew though. It was Thursday. Tomorrow was Faye’s birthday. She was so excited she was turning 13. I had helped her plan the perfect birthday party. She invited everyone except Ryan, Brandon, and Steven.
“Why aren’t you inviting them?” I asked Faye once we got to school.
“Because they aren’t cool enough.” Faye answered me again.
“They are all really good friends with my brother and Nick.”
“Oh, well” Faye and I walked to class. “Nick dumped you. And you thought you would loose your popularity if people knew. Is that true?” Faye read off a piece of paper in her locker.
“NO WAY, is that true! I didn’t tell anyone because we weren’t actually going out.”
“Right, hopefully this message hasn’t gotten far.” We found our seats in class and sat down. Today was supposed to be extra boring because 2 new kids were coming to our school.
“Hello! Are you 2 the new students?” Mrs. Hendricks asked. I looked up from my social studies book. There were 2 boys standing there really cute boys.
“There are 2 empty seats right by Summer. Summer please raise your hand.” I raised my hand the guys walked toward the empty seats behind me.
“Yo, you must be rich cause that outfit is tight!” 1 of the boys said. “My name is Billy in case your wondering. And that’s my brother Danny who thinks he’s funny but is far from it in my opinion.” At the end of class I got Faye and we ran slowly to our lockers.
“Those guys are so hot!” Faye said watching the guys walk out of the room. Simon and Nick went up to them.
“Hey, you already have a boyfriend.” I said.
“I can break up with him.” I can’t believe she just said that. She is a complete brat!
© Copyright 2006 Alex (famfriend4110 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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