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by Craig
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fantasy · #1085221
An epic-poetic tale of betrayal, death, love, redemption, and creation (part two)
The Pillars of Third Earth

Upon this throne my careful eye does take note
So do not think my inaction speaks of ignorance
Instead, leave my intention to my own devices
When destruction somehow always breeds creation

Pawns and pieces assume places across the board
The madman and the hero, brothers until the end
The psychopath and the daydreamer, crossed lovers
The distraction and the mother, bringers of life

The final days of my purposefully flawed design
Play before me like an intricate Greek tragedy
And in the end, new life will unite two worlds
But not before one flawed heart is sacrificed

I remain adamant in my reasoning for suffering
But this ancient soul does take pity upon you
I offer you my angels in your nightmare battles
Do take their hands and I'll wait for you here

Red Stained New York Hero

Darkened sky once was blue here
Polluted by eons of your own sins
They’ve taken to turning the tide
Against their master, their maker

Oh, scream to your God in vain
When it was you He favored most
You run for cover, I won’t cower
And among the throng I will stand

When my battled skin conceives red
I know I’m still living but I feel dead

Stroll through devastated streets
Under the overpass, crying alone
A little girl mourns the day’s loss
One more mother dead and gone

So this is what my lust has done
Mass hysteria and bloody bodies
Families torn apart by my hands
But I’ll fix this and be your savior

When my battled skin conceives red
I know I’m still living but I feel dead

Father, can I win this last stand?
Mother, did I get in way too far?
I’ve lost them all to this design
Our little house on Dyne Street
Has seen the fall of a bloodline

Now I remain…

And one by one, I will begin

I’ll be the death of a psychopath

And then I’ll be the death of a god


Darker still, the days are winding down
Summers of innocence I’ve left behind
Through this sordidness no call comes
Death’s cold embrace touches them all

I’d give up so much to give resignation
But redemption wills my body forward
Grasping, pulling, tugging to nobility
But is it a more selfish cause I pursue?

Restless even more, I strain my steps
Are my intentions really this sincere?
Is it these pitiful souls I seek to save?
Or is it my own salvation that I desire?

Exploring the depths of my conscience
Plunges my thoughts deep in madness
Please, Mom, deliver me from my evils
Hum a soft lullaby like before you knew

I’m too scared to ponder my own motive
Consider all I’ve known is distance faint
Without so much as a second thought
My mind was made and I left her behind

So why is it I still question my intention?
Maybe it’s the assurance I haven’t failed
The possibility I can still make it better
A hope that the design is still in motion

Please, Mom, deliver me from my evils
Hum a soft lullaby like before you knew
Before you knew the distraction I am
And give me the strength to carry on


Over spilling water, you go toe to toe
Wind takes his hair across aged eyes
And on this barren concrete walkway
You’ll take the steps to an even end

He’ll smile to you like your father did
But you know the malice in his head
While motioning arms offer an invite
The ulterior motive is wholly justified

A crusade to exterminate selfish lives
Denizens of first earth should beware
Though his militia has now disbanded
His devotion to revenge is still intact

Prepare your epitaph tired old Waker
You could’ve been something so great
Instead an epiphany rots in your mind
Set in stone by those diseased voices

Tears cling across my lashes
But murder runs in my family

You will fear my father’s name
Know the name from my blood

When my pistol’s chambers run empty
Determined fisticuffs are all that I have
As clenched knuckles batter your brains
I’ve been followed and my head is next

Girls in arm, the Hunters patiently wait
The daydreamer casts a silent prayer
Her stare begs you to end his life now
So the final blow comes into his temple

Tears cling across my lashes
But murder runs in my family

You will fear my father’s name
Know the name from my blood

In a moment, the realization sinks in
What hell has marked these worlds?!
His life nearly extinguished from body
He smiles and says, “Wait for a song”


Your brother’s dead, came the news

The surface skin, no visible reaction
But tremors build in his heart below
A deafening wail that cracks the air
With a powerful collapse to his knees
He begs a question of the messenger

Just who the hell are you to say this?

I’ve gone through hell and back, girl
But when you let me go, I lost it all
This end falls in your jurisdiction too
It was your hips wrapped up in mine
Your breath danced across my neck

In a moment of ecstasy, we gave in

Though this is our final curtain call
Scream to her the faults she ignores
The sky shuddered on our command
And filled the clouds with a darkness
Only divine hands could have colored

Is it only the design that makes us real?

To the question comes an audible yes!
Shifting to the foreground apparently
It seems their presence was forgotten
The Hunters poised for holy vindication
And a firearm marked for Jacob’s face

From the skies comes a terrible crash!

The very thing that has stolen our hope
Run from these sins like all lost dreams
But I embrace their devious intentions
And in your escape they will destroy you
Tear through your chest and spill blood

Oh dear God, the apocalypse has come

Though nightmares killed your Hunters
No such consideration is offered to you
When the heavens break glorious light
Angels descend to combat earthly sins
Do take their hands as they proclaim:

Godspeed to third earth, young man!

Deus Ex Machina

Battle hymns settle this final score
So angels play their harps on this day
Celestial beings, draw your strings
And release the shafts of your bows

An epic scope sweeps across the skies
What futile and lazy effort He brings us!
Much too late, armadas of light and dark

Forgive me, I’ve forgotten my goodbyes
My sound-sonic body takes its place
Swiftly to a final world among the stars
Your shape now grows smaller below

Could you admit you’d miss my kisses?
This wonder robs me from my futures
So God damn you, all you zealous sheep!

I’m what you couldn’t stop!
And I’m what you can’t endure!
Never again so you assume the worst
One more time I’ll appear in your life

A rise to the vibrations of mankind
My mortal flesh gives cacophonic form
To the infernal cries plaguing the night

Under these golden skies of a third earth
Perhaps this journey can finally find its end
Hard to imagine the genesis of a design
Was seen through its paces in these halls

At the conclusion of my imperialistic march
These eyes will take in your terrible majesty
But you’ll listen and not write off this favor

Far from grace, your worlds fell on my word
Twisted and sickening the smile on your lips
My scraped knuckles may not look like much
But a solid knock will take it off your face!

So here we stand, a mere boy and his creator
Striking blood in all my innocent intentions
Give me truth and spare your defiant gospel

I’m what you couldn’t stop!
And I’m what you can’t endure!
Never again so you assume the worst
One more time I’ll appear in your life

A rise to the vibrations of mankind
My mortal flesh gives cacophonic form
To the infernal cries plaguing the night

Dear boy, this debate grows unnecessary
Flaws beyond my own control it seems
But still within the confines of my reality
Your self serving attitude is just a farce

You’d think that I can’t pass judgment?
This change was long before your time
A riddle told at dinner parties to entice
The inverted answer is close at hand

Hold on to the maybes in your head
It’s all you could have in the end times
To my own credit, I’m not short sighted
Perfect and simple sweet is the solution

I’ve given it some time, let it ferment
This alcoholic creation reaches limits
Like a child born from drunken sex
Desperation besets any test of morality

I’ve taken hold of all that I have wanted
The audacity it takes for you to scold me
Condemn the power in my first six days
The deaths were not in vain, so fear not

A place for everything the old saying goes
Two flaws collective both of man’s earths
The daydreamer to ignite this apocalypse
And a distraction to serve as horsemen

Your seed has taken root and now it grows
Conceived in a torrid moment of ignorance
The life in the mother’s womb is your own
A child born to solicit a sound beginning

Take note of my son’s demise eons ago
Now one of these faults must play martyr
But if you will, it’s your decision to make
The death of a flaw will unite my worlds

All along this was your masterminded intention?
Don’t you think a hint could have been possible?
You leave yet another burden on my shoulders?

These revelations are terrifying…
Yet more blood stains my hands…
You bastard!

No one ever told us!

A Fate Less Beautiful

Upon my return to familiar surface
I never felt so calm and concise
Particles weave around my body
Tiny trails of pale light slow my fall
From heaven’s kingdom, third earth
As the second earth’s prodigal son
When these holographic lights shift
The last of the blue orbs dissolve
And the iridescent winds give way
My form stands in the storm’s eye
Settled into a body heavy concrete

You might mistake me as angelic

But I’ve been delivered from divinity
Not holding any of its qualities myself
Murder or suicide is what’s on my mind

Head titled to one side, inquisitively so
I wonder just how you could write me off
You were from the streets of indifference
And I from the rolling hills of compassion
Lost in the splendor of our divided love

So maybe you’ll ask for my forgiveness
And I’d be foolish to hold it against you
As silly as it may sound, I’ll give a smile
Ever so slightly, but still, it’s not forced
I’ll accept your last-minutes apologies

Composure ill-kept and a tainted smirk
To a wrinkled nose with squinted eyes
The tears well up to fall from your chin

One more “I love you” might be in order

When I laid awake wishing I was so much more
Rest assured this wasn’t what I was asking for
You’ve waited for a song
But you’ve heard it all along
These are the lyrics to my dark descent

And so I’ve committed myself
To this fate less beautiful
Dry your salt-stained cheeks
Because, my dear Kari
I will love you until
My beating heart says stop

Remember the first night we met in the park
We laughed for what seems like half of forever
And ever since our lives danced arm-in-arm

Old photo albums curl at the page edges
Our yellowed memories will repeat again
Take the time relish the days behind us
Because they’ve collapsed under the weight
Of the days we were forced to play saviors

The scariest part is that we had to grow up
Before we even knew what growing up was
Now a new beginning grows inside of you
This child is the first born of one new world
I beg you to offer him the name Wrenhaven
And this ultimate sacrifice may not be an end

Given choices, the easiest route is always wrong
This is why I’ll spare you, Kristin, our daydreamer
Your role was not designated by your own accord
And I willingly participated knowing my outcome

As I was told, for God’s Design to come full circle
The flaw of one earth must draw one last breath

When I laid awake wishing I was so much more
Rest assured this wasn’t what I was asking for
You’ve waited for a song
But you’ve heard it all along
These are the lyrics to my dark descent

And so I’ve committed myself
To this fate less beautiful
Dry your salt-stained cheeks
Because, my dear Kari
I will love you until
My beating heart says stop

The angels overhead alleviate the last nightmares
And the synthesis of one world from two is in effect
No more burden, no more paradise and no more veil
Just the designs and intricacies we will give ourselves
So with this grand sweeping motion-blurred finale
I’ll bury this ethereal blade into my heaving chest
Anxious fingers and trembling lips, bloodied regrets
Streaked faces drowned-out in pallets of grainy colors
Failing lungs and I take in these sights one last time

And so I’ve committed myself
To this fate less beautiful
Dry your salt-stained cheeks
Because, my dear Kari
I will love you until
My beating heart says stop

I swear to God
I will love you until
My beating heart says...
© Copyright 2006 Craig (tvandlust at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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