Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1083945-Inspiration-with-Art
by tasha
Rated: 18+ · Interview · Young Adult · #1083945
An interview I had with an upcoming artist in my Country, Guyana - Compton Babb
Inspiration with Art/The art speaks

`I see art as everything, the breath of life, the light, the darkness, the inner beauty, purity, as pure as canvas which has never been touched. Artists associate themselves with the things that are appealing and lovely to them.’ Artist Compton Babb

Following in the footsteps of famous Guyanese artist Carl Anderson, Compton Babb has found the true meaning of art. Anderson, who has gained a number of prizes in countries such as Italy and Malta, is also the mentor and role model for Compton Babb.

At a tender age Compton started depicting his feelings and thoughts into art. He attended Campbellville Secondary then went on to the Burrowes School of art. During the years he spent at secondary school he was never taught art but kept his faith in drawing.

Compton took part in the 2002 National Drawing Competition, but was not declared a winner. However, he noted that the competition gave him more encouragement to chase his dreams and search for his destiny.

"My parents were always behind me, they gave encouragement when it was most needed,” he said. In addition, he said, some of his father’s skill in sign art must have been passed down to him.

He has a knack for portraits and sketches. He described his work as “appealing.”

"I see art as everything, the breath of life, the light, the darkness, the inner beauty, purity, as pure as canvas which has never been touched. Artists associate themselves with the things that are appealing and lovely to them," he said.

"My drawings are very appealing to the eyes; (they) send a message, (they) relax the brain." Compton said art has helped him to appreciate the things around him, people and nature whereby he has gained respect for himself as an artist and a person.

"The first portrait I have ever painted was the one of my father which expresses the strength of manhood. The painting of the young woman in a vial represents a virgin in her happiness."

Apart from art, this multi-talented artist is also involved in basketball, puppetry, dancing and fabric paintings, which he says, are all his hobbies.

"My art is also exercised when I do fabric painting; I designed my own dress which most women find very seductive and alluring.

Young artist must chase after their goals. This means if not pursuing your dreams you would not satisfy your desire, your goal, and your dreams of becoming the best at what you want."

With a smile on his face he said that he loved seeing the facial expression of those who view his art. "People have gasped at my drawings expressing their true Guyanese language such as, 'fuh real, you do duh, you lie,’ This has made me feel even more useful and has encouraged me to pursue higher goals."

Compton stated that when drawing he enjoys the sound of soft music such as Jazz, Gospel, Soft, alternative, and romantic instrumental pieces. "It causes me to express myself better and I am able to compose my drawing with a clam state of mind. It also says who I am, someone cool, gifted and confident.”

The 23 year old has done a variety of art pieces for the wife of Venezuelan Ambassador and is currently working on one for the Ambassador of the United Nation and Chairman of Banks DIH Limited, Clifford Reis.

"He further stated that within the next ten years he hopes to have a solo or several exhibitions in Guyana and in the Caribbean. He has already started constructing his studio where he will be doing all his art work and promises his drawings will be even more exciting and appealing.

When asked if he was single, without hesitation Compton said, it was hard for him to find time for a girlfriend because most of his time is spent on his art but noted that he won't mind having one at the moment.
He further urged young ones to be ambitious.
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