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by Rosada
Rated: GC · Chapter · Women's · #1072034
The first part of my second novel. Please R&R, thank you.
The car behind me started honking as the stoplight turned green but I didn’t hear it I was too absorbed in the radio announcement
“We’ll be right back after this, with an interview with actor Rob Urban who just got married over the weekend!”
As the announcer’s voice faded the car behind me blared its horn once more. I quickly pulled into the gas station on my right and put the car into park.
Did I really hear that right? Did he say Rob got remarried? Tears filled my eyes and then I started kicking myself.
Jesus! What’s wrong with you? Your divorce from him was final eighteen years ago. Did you think he’d stay single forever? You didn’t! My mind screamed. It was true I myself had remarried. But it was different hearing Rob had remarried. I had a mixture of anger and happiness.
He couldn’t get off the drugs long enough to take care of me or Anthony but he wants to play happy homemaker now? He hasn’t even seen the grandkids!
With shaking hands I reached into my purse and pulled out my cigarettes. I took a drag as the announcer came back on.

“Welcome back today we’re talking with actor Rob Urban. I guess the third time’s a charm? You got married to actress Sarah Jacobs over the weekend,” the announcer said.
“Yes we did. It was magnificent; we went to the Virgin Islands and had a wonderful time. Sarah is a wonderful person. I don’t think I would have made it through the last couple of years if it hadn’t been for her.”
Fresh tears came to my eyes as I listened to Rob’s smooth deep voice. The last time I had seen Rob was five years before when our son Anthony got married.
“You were married twice before, correct?” the announcer asked.
“Yes my first two marriages were failures. I was too into myself and the drugs and booze to make them work,” Rob answered.
“That’s for damn sure!” I said loudly. I turned the radio off and put my car back into drive.
I drove down Sunset Boulevard in a daze thinking about Rob and the four years I was married to him. I was nothing but a kid when I married him, I was only sixteen. Here I am getting ready to turn thirty-nine, I’ve got four kids, and my oldest is twenty-four with two little ones of his own and I’m wondering why Rob’s getting remarried is bothering me! I guess it’s because I feel cheated. I feel cheated that he couldn’t be a father to Anthony and a husband to me. I felt cheated because after awhile I became Rob’s punching bag. Am I bitter? No I don’t think that I’m bitter, after all I was a Hollywood wife and that’s what happens to Hollywood wives, we’re cheated out of a lot of things.

I was sixteen when I met Rob while I was waiting tables at a small dinner in north Los Angeles. At the time Rob was a hot commodity in Hollywood, cranking out at least a half dozen movies about every six months. So needless to say I knew who Rob was. When I saw him come in the door I hurried over to the waitress and begged her to put him in my section which thankfully was smoking. Mary was an older woman who just laughed and told me she would. I thanked her and hurried over to one of my other tables. I refilled their drinks and then hurried over to Rob’s table. I was trying not to giggle and jump up and down like a school girl but the one thing I couldn’t stop was my smile.
“Good evening Mr. Urban. What would you like to drink?”
Rob took a drag off his cigarette and smiled at me. “Coffee please, by the way you can call me Rob.”
I couldn’t stifle the giggle that came out of me.
“Regular or decaf?”
“Oh regular please.” Rob leaned over and looked at my nametag. “Rosie.”
I thought I was going to melt on the spot. I couldn’t say anything so I just nodded and smiled and went to get his coffee. My hands were shaking so bad I spilt the first cup.
“Damn it,” I muttered grabbing a towel to dry my hands off with.
“Here take a drag,” Mary said. She held out her cigarette for me to take.
Mary laughed. “No problem. Hell honey you think he’s the first celebrity to walk through them doors? I’ve had my fair share of ‘em. You just go over there and make him feel special without making a big scene. Ya never know, he might ask you out!”
I laughed. “And what could he possibly see in my fat ass?”
“Rosalie! Don’t talk about yourself like that! There are plenty of men that like bigger girls! Not every man likes the skin and bone and girls out here. Besides that he’s already looked over at you four times now!”
I blushed and quickly looked at him. And sure enough he smiled and waved at me. I grabbed his coffee and took it over to him.
“Here ya go. I’ll just give you a few minutes to look over the menu. Is there anything else I can do at the moment?” I flashed him my prettiest smile.
“No, thank you.”
A little disappointed I nodded and checked on my other two tables. Table 10 still didn’t know what they wanted and table 15 had just left. So I started clearing the table and grabbed my tip. Four guys and they had left me a whole two dollars.
Oh well two dollars I didn’t have ten minutes ago, I thought.
I refilled the drinks at table 10 and had just started over to Rob when my manager hollered at me.
“Rosalie, it’s ten o’clock. Off the floor Mary can’t take over your tables until Carrie gets here!”
“Aww come on Nick, I’ve only got two tables left,” I whined. Actually I didn’t give a damn about table 10!
“Gimme a break okay Rosie? You know you’ve got to be off the floor at ten o’clock. One it’s the law, second I promise your brother.”
“Ok yeah I know but I’m not in school so shouldn’t the ten o’clock thing be lifted and as far as my brother goes…”
“Rosie, get off the floor. I promised your brother I’d have you off the floor at ten and have you on your way home no later than eleven. Stick around collect your tips.”
I knew there was no point in arguing with Nicky so I went back to table 10 and told them that Mary would be taking over for me and then I went to Rob’s table.
“I’m sorry Mr. Urban…”
“Ought Rob, you make me feel old with the Mr. stuff,” he laughed.
“Ok Rob, Mary will be taking over for me. She’ll get you anything you need; it was a pleasure meeting you.”
“No thank you, it was my pleasure. Why don’t you sit and have a bit to eat with me?”
My smile widened and I know I blushed. “Oh I think that I can do that! My boss, he wouldn’t like that.”
Rob’s smiled from ear to ear. “Tell old Nicky to come over here.”
I didn’t know what to say so I just went and got Nicky and told him a customer wanted to speak with him and took him over to Rob’s table.
“Robbie you bastard! I didn’t know you where here!” Nicky said. He laughed and they shook hands.
“Well I was in the neighborhood and I thought that I would stop in.”
“What can I do ya for Robbie?”
“Well I was wondering if this beautiful young lady could join for me something to eat only she’s got this tight-ass boss who won’t let her sit with the customers.” Rob smiled and winked at me.
Nicky roared with laughter. “Sure she can, just get out of your apron first Rosalie.” I nodded and hurried into the back to take it off while Nicky and Rob made some small talk. When I came back out Mary gave me a knowing smile. I went over to Rob’s table and sat down. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Poor heavy-set little sixteen-year-old girls just didn’t get invited to sit down and eat with a celebrity. But here I was, a poor heavy-set sixteen year old little girl sitting down and eating with a celebrity. I didn’t have the slightest idea of what to say. I think Rob realized that and to this day I have to say thank you for that.
“So tell me about yourself Rosalie. How old are you?”
My heart froze. As soon as I told him I was sixteen it would be over before it had even begun.
“Eighteen,” I lied. And Rob just roared with laughter.
“Honey you must have forgotten, I’m an actor. I lie for a living. I don’t care if you’re under eighteen. It don’t mean anything to me. Really.”
I took a deep breath. “Sixteen.”
“I figured sixteen or so. Why are you working in a diner?”
“Basically my family needs the money.”
“You go to school or anything?”
“No I quit as soon as I turned sixteen. But I’m not stupid, I just hated school,” I added quickly.
Rob blew out a ring of smoke and nodded his head. “I can understand that I dropped out when I was seventeen. I did all kinds of work before I broke into movies. I’ve been a busboy and a waiter. Moved out of my parents’ house when I was seventeen too.”
Mary came over and asked what we wanted to eat. I didn’t think I could eat anything but I ordered cheese fries and Rob had a T-bone steak. We talked for probably an hour or so but I didn’t learn a lot about him. That would come later. I looked out the window. It was January and I was thankful that I was in California and not Indiana. I wouldn’t have wanted to walk the four blocks to my brother’s apartment otherwise. I had come to spend last summer with my brother while my parents were divorcing and had decided to stay in Los Angeles with my brother. It was better for all involved, I missed my mom and dad but money wise it was easier and I knew my brother was lonely being so far away from all of us. When Mary brought the check I dug into my pocket for my half of the bill.
“What are you doing?” Rob asked with a sly smile. “You’re not paying for it, this is my treat. Can I give you a ride home?”
“Oh no I can walk, it’s only four blocks.”
“Are you nuts? Walk at this time of night in Los Angeles? Where are you from again?”
“That definitely settles it! I’m driving you. Come on,” Rob smiled and stood up. I grabbed my purse and slid out of the booth. Rob put his and on the small of my back and led me to the cash register paid and we left. The ride to my brother’s apartment was pretty silent but what surprised me the most was as soon as we left the diner’s parking lot Rob took his right hand off the steering wheel and curled his fingers around mine. “Do you work tomorrow night?” Rob asked me.
“No I’m off.”
I felt Rob hold my hand a little tighter and rub his thumb over the back of my hand.
“Can I take you out tomorrow night then?”
I think I just about died right there on the spot. This gorgeous trim man wanted to take me out? I couldn’t believe it.
“What did you say?”
Rob laughed. “I asked you if I could take you out tomorrow night. Why, are you surprised that I want to take you out?”
“Well, yeah. Men like you don’t take girls like me out on dates.”
“And why is that?”
“Well for one I’m fat and two I’m fat!”
“Hey! Don’t say that! You’ve got curves in all the right places. Far as I’m concerned it’s just more to love.”
I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever said that to me before. Looking back at all the things that happened with Rob and me and all the times he hit me or used his words to hurt me he never once mentioned my weight.
“So?” Rob asked.
“Yes. I’d like that very much.”
“Good.” Rob smiled and all too soon he pulled in front my brother’s apartment building.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
“No thank you. Can I kiss you goodnight?”
Hell yeah! I thought. “Yes,” I whispered.
It was almost like if I said it too loud everything would pop, I would laying my bed and it all would have been a dream. But as Rob leaned in and put his hand on my cheek and our lips touched. I decided it was all a dream, a dream come true.
Rob said he would pick me up around seven or so the next night. As I went into the building I still couldn’t believe this was happening. It was almost as if I was watching it from outside my body, as corny as that might sound that’s what it felt like. I slid my key in the lock and hurried inside.
“Hey!” my brother Joey yelled. “I was getting worried about you.”
“Oh I actually met someone at the diner tonight. I’m going out with him tomorrow night.”
“Oh and who is he?”
“Rob Urban.”
“Rob Urban? As in the Rob Urban? No way!”
“Yes call and ask Nicky if you want to. I sat and had dinner with him.”
Joey’s eyes narrowed and took on a dark appearance. “Look I’m not gonna read you the big brother riot act but just watch yourself okay? Please Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew you were going on a date with him. The fact that he is eight years older than you would send Mom into a heart attack!”
I laughed and told him I would be careful. Joey was only ten years older than I was but we got along better that most siblings with that much of an age gap.
“All right well I’m out of here or I’ll be late for work. I’ll see you in the morning.”
I told him goodnight and locked the door behind him.
I went in and took a shower thinking how weird this all felt. I couldn’t believe that I was going on a date with an actor! As I dried off I studied my body in the mirror. I wasn’t that bad but I really didn’t like how I looked. I was heavy but not obese, I had nice curves with some extra meat on them. My emerald eyes complemented my dark red hair and porcelain skin. In my own way I really was beautiful but of course at sixteen I thought I was the ugly duckling. I didn’t think that there would be anything after the first date but went to sleep with high hopes and expectations.

The following morning I woke up with butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I was so nervous I was just sure that I was going to make a complete fool of myself. I took a shower and then checked my tip money for the week. I was averaging somewhere between forty-five and fifty dollars a night and I worked five nights a week so by the end of the week I had anywhere from two-hundred and twenty-five dollars to two-hundred and fifty dollars which wasn’t bad. That week I had a little less than two-twenty. So I took a hundred of it and went and got a new outfit and had my hair and nails done. I was trying to impress Rob but what I didn’t know was that I had already impressed him. I sat on pins and needles the whole day. I didn’t know where Rob was taking me so I bought a nice pair of black jeans and an ivory colored silk shirt. When Joey got up he teased the hell out of me.
“Wahoo fancy!” Joey said in a deep twangy voice.
“Oh shut up!”
“Ya know when he comes over to pick you up maybe I ought to wear a stained white shirt that’s a little too small. I won’t brush my hair and I’ll have a beer in each hand! Show him what kind of a family he’s getting into!”
“Joseph Earin don’t you dare embarrass me!”
Joey laughed loudly. “Don’t worry I won’t. I’ll already be at work I’m taking Jamie’s shift tonight.”
“Good!” I joked as I walked over to the sink to do the dishes.
“So is this thing serious?”
“Oh come on Joey! It’s just a date!”
“Yeah well ya never know. He might just marry you!”
I turned around stuck my tongue out at Joey. But my heart quickened with the thought just the same.
Joey laughed, finished the rest of his coffee and said he had some errands to run.
I wondered if my date had been with anyone else if I would have been as nervous as I was and figured probably not. Finally the clock moved closer and closer to seven. At six-thirty Rob called me to make sure everything was still on. I was so nervous that when I went to answer the phone I dropped it.

“Well hello there pretty angel, I just wanted to make sure we’re still on for tonight?” Rob asked.
“Of course,” I said excitedly.
Rob laughed. “Good I’ll be there in about fifteen, twenty minutes. Apartment nine right?”
“Good I’ll see you then bye.”

I think I sat there just holding the phone for a good three or four minutes! Then hurried into the bathroom to spray some perfume on and make sure I looked all right. Except for the slight blush of nervousness in my cheeks I think I looked great. Right on time Rob was at the door. I hurried to answer it. Silently screaming before I did so. When I opened the door Rob was leaning against the doorway smile and holding out a pink rose. Rob was wearing a very dark purple pair of pants and blazer with a black shirt. His short hair was spiked a little and he had on purple tinted glasses. Rob always did like a lot of color in hi clothes. And he really was that gorgeous dreamy type. Rob was close to six foot one and had big brown velvety puppy dog eyes. There wasn’t a spot of gray in his jet black hair that made his California tanned skin look darker than it really was. I have to admit that I looked pretty good next to him in my black pants, ivory shirt and silver high-heels.

“You look fantastic! This is for you,” Rob said. He handed me the rose and as I went to take it from him he took my hand, pulled me close and kissed me deeply.
“And that was for me,” Rob joked. We were inches apart and I had to fight back the urge to kiss him again. I smiled and thanked him.
“Would you like to come in for a few minutes while I put this in a vase?”
“Loved to.”
I smiled and moved so Rob could come in.
“Nice apartment.”
“Thanks, it’s good enough for me and my brother. Thank you again for the rose.”
“A rose for a beautiful rose,” Rob said bowing a little.
I chuckled and walked over to him. “Ready?” I asked.
Rob smiled wickedly at me. “More than you know.”
I turned off the lights and locked the door behind us. Rob was driving his black Lamborghini and showed me just how fast it could go! I was scared to death and figured that we would get pulled over any minute but we didn’t.

Rob took me to a quite little restaurant called D’ Amour. It was a beautiful little place with real roses on each table and starched white tablecloths. Classical music played softly in the background. There were a lot of pictures of fruit and food on the walls. I fell in love with it instantly.
As we were taken to our table several of the waitresses and waiters smiled and waved to Rob.
“Come here a lot?” I asked.
“Actually yes, I’ve been coming here for probably the last ten years or so. The food here is great. Speaking of food I hope you’re not one of those women who order water and a salad while I order something like a big ole’ T-bone!”
I blushed deeply and Rob laughed. “That’s what you were planning on doing wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” I admitted.
“Well don’t! Eat, drink and be merry!”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that one.
“Look Rob you’ve just got to understand that I am not happy or comfortable with my body and like I said last night men like you just don’t go out with girls like me.”
Rob looked at me. “Well I’m here and you’re here,” he said pointing to himself and then to me. “And we’re on a date so you’re whole theory goes right out the window! And what is wrong with your body. Like I told you, you’ve got curves in all the right places.”
Rob smiled at me from one corner of his mouth and leaned across the table and whispered, “Besides that you fill them jeans out perfectly. From the moment I set eyes on you tonight I wanted you.”
I know that my whole face went red because Rob roared with laughter and reached across the table to hold my hand. I couldn’t look him in the eyes. I didn’t know what to say! No one had ever told that I made them want me before! And how was I going to tell him that I was a virgin? Was it something that he could tell by looking into my eyes? In a way I wanted him to know and in a way I didn’t. I wanted him to think I was worldly and sophisticated not some mere child that didn’t even know what an orgasm felt like. Rob ordered a bottle of white wine and ordered us both manicotti which I had never had before. And it was wonderful! Rob and I talked some. We were both interested in the same things, art, and literature and horror movies. We both had the same expectations for marriage and family life. Before the night was over I knew that Rob was the man for me.
Rob invited me back to his house and yes I accepted. I didn’t know what in the hell I was doing but I said yes all the same. Rob smiled and held my hand as we drove to his house.

It was big two story Spanish style house with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The living room was huge and the first room you saw head on when you walked in was the kitchen. The kitchen was painted red with an apple boarder going around the whole room. Rob had a large cherry wood table with enough room for seven people. All the appliances were stainless steal, the tile that was covering the countertops and backsplash were also red and the cabinets were also cherry wood with a high gloss finish, while the floor was white marble.
The open living room was painted white with a black leather couch set. On both sides of the couch were cherry wood end tables with three beautiful crystal vases on each one. There were also two end tables on each side on the love seat and one next to the recliner. There was a fireplace on the west wall of the living room that Rob told me was an Arizona lava rock. Of course I had no idea what that meant but it was beautiful so I guess it didn’t matter. There was a massive rectangular glass-topped coffee table right in the middle of the room with a large blue oriental rug underneath it. The floor that was in the living to the bathroom and kitchen was a seal hardwood. There were two bathrooms downstairs. One was off the living room and the other was off the den. The den could be considered more an office or media room than anything thing else. All of Rob’s computer and music gadgets were in there. That was probably the plainest of all the rooms. It was painted white and was done in a dark beige carpet. There were only a few pictures that hung on the wall and they were mostly family and friends.
The staircase was a spiral with white carpet and a dark rosewood banister. As went through the tour of the house Rob pointed out and explained the different pieces of art that he colleted. My favorites were his many nude sculptures. Rob took me upstairs and showed me all the rooms of which two were guest rooms and except for the master bedroom the others were empty. When I asked Rob about it he just smiled and shrugged.
“Well I just moved in a little over a year ago and I haven’t decided what to do with the others yet. Maybe you can help me with that,” Rob joked.
I just blushed and smiled. Then Rob showed me the master bedroom it was beautiful. Rob had a kind size bed with blue silk sheets and a blue satin comforter. The floor was the same as the kitchen only it was blue swirled marble instead of white. Rob had a huge black entertainment center with a forty-inch TV, surround sound, CD player and a DVD player.
“Good God Rob this is a beautiful house! And so big, you fit my mom’s two bedroom house in here just on this floor!”
Rob laughed and pulled me close. “It’s also got a huge swimming pool outside. The back patio is where I do a lot of entertaining and have parties. Maybe some day soon you can help me host one of them.”
I couldn’t think and I couldn’t talk so I just nodded and Rob brought his lips to mine. Rob’s kisses were soft at first but turned firmer and longer with each passing second. I put my arms around Rob’s neck while his hands went to my waist and his lips went to my neck. Rob unbuttoned the first button on my shirt and I kind of froze. This was going really far really fast. I was scared that this was going to turn into a one night stand and I wasn’t sure I wanted to loose my virginity for that.
Rob stopped and pulled back a little bit.
“What’s wrong?”
I shifted my eyes from him and didn’t say anything. Like I said before I wanted him to think that I was this worldly sophisticated woman.
Rob smiled and tilted my face up so that we were looking into each others eyes.
“You’ve never done this before have you?”
I dropped my eyes again bit my lower lip and shook my head. Rob chuckled and then kissed me. We sat down on his bed.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Did you think that I would get mad or something?”
I kept the tears that were threatening to flow trapped tightly behind my eyes.
“No I just wanted to you think that I was…oh hell I don’t know what I wanted you to think!”
Rob laughed.
“It’s okay, it really is. You’re just not ready yet but given time you will be.”
I just looked at him I wanted to ask him if he meant that there would be another date but I didn’t need to ask him that because Rob pretty much read my mind.
“Did you think that I was just bringing you here for a one night stand?”
“I don’t know Rob. To be honest with you I don’t know a whole lot about this stuff. I’ve never had a real boyfriend before or anything else for that matter.”
“Then let me be your first. Let me be your first everything, boyfriend, lover, friend, everything.”
The look in Rob’s eyes was so strong that there was no way that I could resist him.
“Will you let me? Let me show you things you’ve only dreamed about? Take you to places that no one has ever taken you to before? Let me love you Rosalie, I already do you know. So will you let me?”
“Yes Rob I will. Can you give me time on some of the things?”
“Of course, I just want to make you happy Rosie. I’ll give you all the time you need.”
“Rob you’ve already made me happy, happier than you can imagine.”
Rob leaned in and kissed me again. After a few minutes Rob drove me home and promised to call me later the next day. Which he did, Rob and I saw each other for an entire week straight.
If I had to work then he would come in an hour before my shift was over and we’d go out as soon as I was off. I think it took that whole week for me to build my courage up. I had decided that no matter what happened I wanted Rob to be my first. So before our next date I went to a small lingerie store and bought a black baby-doll nightie with matching stockings and a sheer robe. I decided to leave the robe at home so that I could wear everything else under my clothes. Rob took me out to dinner and then we went dancing. When we left the club Rob asked me if I wanted to come back to his house for a drink and without missing a beat I said yes. I think Rob was a little surprised but he just smiled and drove us to his house. As soon as we got inside I excused myself and went into the bathroom while Rob fixed us a couple of drinks. I took off my clothes and slipped into a robe that Rob had hanging up.
My heart was going about a thousand miles a minute as I walked into the kitchen. Rob was pouring two glasses of white wine and when he looked up and saw me in his robe he smiled and looked at me like he wasn’t too sure what I was up to.
I gave him a shaky smile and motioned for him to come over to me. Rob came over and I took his hands in mine and placed them underneath the robe, onto my hips. Rob looked extremely surprised and happy. I then opened the robe all the way and looked away from Rob. I was so afraid that he wasn’t going to want to be with me.
Instead of saying anything Rob kissed me and then moved his lips to my neck.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes Rob I am. I want you to be my first…everything.”
Rob smiled and curled his fingers around mine as he led me to the bedroom.

If I had been nervous downstairs I was terrified once we got into the bedroom. Rob led me to the bed and then began to undress, never taking his eyes off me. When he was finished Rob crawled on the bed next to me and kissed and touch until neither one of us could hold back any longer. Rob took me to the highest of highs that night and as we laid next to each other catching our breathes he said four words that melted my heart.
“I love you Rosalie. I want you to know that and I hope you have the same feelings about me?” Rob’s voice was hopeful but there was a slight tone of desperation present too.
“Yes Rob I do love you. I still can’t believe that this is happening to me but yes I love you.”
“Hey I’ve got an idea, I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of days now, why don’t you move in here with me? It gets pretty lonely in this big house and that way you can be the first thing that I see every morning.”
I didn’t know what to say at first I of course I wanted to but I didn’t know how Joey and my mom were going to take it.
“What’s wrong? Is that a problem?” Rob paused, “It’s your brother isn’t?”
“Well I think that you ought to meet him before I move in. Would that be okay with you?”
“Anything you want Rosie. I told you all I want to do is make you happy!”
Rob smiled, pulled me closer to him and we both fell asleep. The next morning Rob took me back home. We figured that we would wait another week before I moved in.

However I had messed up good the night before. What I didn’t know what that Joey had called off from work and knew that I hadn’t even been home. Joey pounced the minute I walked in.
“Where in the hell were you? I was worried sick! I was just getting ready to call the police! Where were you?”
“All right I’m sorry! I was at Rob’s, we fell asleep.”
Joey glared at me. “Yeah well you could have called or something! And I so do not want to know the details!”
I almost laughed but thought better of it. Joey poured himself a cup of coffee and lit a cigarette.
“So things are really serious between you guys?”
I dug into my purse for my own cigarettes, after coming up empty I took one of Joey’s and lit it.
“Yeah Joey we are. Rob wants me to move in with him and I said yes.”
Joey just looked at me with blank eyes. “And I suppose it really isn’t going to matter what I say right? You’re gonna do it anyway! Man mom is going to kill me! You know that right?”
I took a drag off my cigarette and laughed.
“Great I’m gonna be killed and all you can do is laugh!”
“Well we don’t have to tell her, not right away.”
“Oh that reminds me call Mom.”
“You’re joking right?”
“No she called twice last night. Once before I got worried and once afterwards.”
“Oh Joey! You are such a terrible liar when it comes to Mom!”
“I know I’m sorry. You didn’t call you didn’t leave a note so how in the hell was I suppose to know that you were with Rob and not laying in a gutter somewhere?”
I lit another cigarette and called my mom.
“Well thank God you’re alive!” she yelled after I had said hello.
“Yeah I’m sorry. I went to a friend’s house last night and ended up falling asleep and forgot to call Joey,” I lied.
Joey just sat there and grinned at me. My mom really raked me over the coals for not calling. Joey and I both busted out laughing when I hung up. I didn’t know how I was going to tell her about Rob. But thankfully it was big brother to the rescue. Joey offered the be the sacrifice.
“I’ll tell Mom and I’ll take the heat for it, but you owe me big for this!”
I laughed and hugged him tight.
“Thanks Joey!”
Joey told me that he would call Mom in two days and give me time to get out of the apartment while she cooled down.
I quickly called Rob and got his answering machine so I told him to call me as soon as he could. I think that I was on cloud nine the whole day. Rob called me back two hours later.
“Hey baby what’s up?”
“Oh Rob I’m so excited. I can move in with you in about two days? Is that okay?”
“Hell yeah!”
I went on to explain to him what had happened with my mom and Joey and that Joey was going to tell her about it in two days. I also told Rob that I wanted him to come meet Joey.
“Well how about I take you guys to D’ Amour? This way I have witnesses if your brother tries to kill me,” Rob joked.
I laughed and told him that would be fine and we would meet him there at seven o’clock.

Joey complained about having to go somewhere fancy.
“It’s not really fancy per say. It’s more formal-casual,” I said.
“What in the fuck is formal-casual?” Joey asked.
“Oh I don’t know!” I said. I was starting to get frustrated with him. “It’s something Rob told me. It’s dressy but not formal dressy, okay?”
Joey pouted but said okay. With as excited and nervous as I was I’m surprised that I even remembered how to get to D’ Amour. I still to this day am not good with directions. When we pulled into the parking lot I spotted Rob leaning up against a bright red convertible smoking a cigarette. He smiled and waved to me.

“Be nice Joey,” I warned before we got out of the car.
“I’m always nice.”
I rolled my eyes at him and got out of the car. I kissed and hugged Rob then introduced them.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Joey. Rosalie has told me a lot about you,” Rob said shaking Joey’s hand.
“Likewise,” Joey said.
Rob held his smile. “Shall we?” he asked holding his arm out for me to take and we went inside. Our usual table was taken but we were still pretty close to where Rob and I had set on our first date. There was little to no conversation at dinner. I honestly don’t think that Joey and Rob ever really liked each other but I think that they tolerated one another for me.
There was a little chit-chat about Rob’s movies and that kind of thing. By the end of the evening I was ready to go home. It was a pain trying to keep the conversation flowing. I kissed Rob goodbye and he told me that he would be over the next day to help me get some of my things moved. I thanked him and told him I loved him.
Joey didn’t say two words to me the whole way home. Whenever I asked him something he just grunted a yes or a no. Looking back at first Joey’s attitude towards Rob was probably due to the fact that his baby sister was growing up and growing away from him.

When we got home I made a pot of coffee while Joey changed and then he came in to talk to me.
“Look Rosalie I’m not going to tell you what to do or anything like that but here’s the deal I am not sure about this guy but, but I know you’re going to do whatever you want no matter what I say so I’m going to shut up, tell you good luck and that if this whole deal isn’t what you thought it was going to be then you can come back here anytime. No matter what.”
“Thank you Joey and I do know that. But I’m going to be just fine.”
Joey nodded his head and told me he was going to bed. I sighed and wished that everyone could be happy. I knew that my mom wasn’t going to be easy to deal with. Joey had also told me that after he explained everything to Mom, he was going to tell her that I wouldn’t call until I knew she was okay with it and cooled down. But if I stuck by that it probably would have been a year or more before I talked to my mom again. Finally tired of thinking about all the negative stuff I went to bed and dreamed of Rob.
All of this was moving really, really fast. I had only known Rob for two weeks but here we were moving in together! I did wonder if I was making a mistake but pushed the thought out of my mind. Lots of people meet and know that they are for each other and get married a month later! So maybe I wasn’t wrong.

Rob was over bright and early the next morning, I hadn’t even gotten dressed yet I was still in my nightgown so I was horrified when I opened the door.
“Look here, not even a stitch of makeup on and she’s still the most beautiful woman in California!” Rob said smiling and holding his arms out to me. I laughed and hugged him.
“You want come coffee?” I asked.
“Yeah that’d be great, I take it black.”
Rob came into the kitchen and sat down while I poured his coffee. A lot of the time that we spent together was just normal. It wasn’t constantly filled with lovey dovey stuff. Rob and I were just comfortable with each other. There weren’t a lot of things to get. Just some of my pictures, clothes, and knick-knacks that kind of thing. Joey had already left for his morning shift so thankfully there wasn’t that to contend with. While Rob was taking some things down to the car I wrote a quick letter to Joey telling him that loved him and thanking him for everything. It was hard leaving the apartment. I mean it shouldn’t have been but it was. And it took a lot for me not to cry. I looked around at the apartment, took a deep breath and closed the door.

On the way back to Rob’s house he held my hand and told me all of the plans he had for us and it was fun to listen to him. Going from living with my brother to living with Rob was a big adjustment for me. And I don’t think I got completely comfortable until a month or so after I had moved in. We were now entering the third week of January and it had been a wonderful three weeks with Rob. We were both happy and truly in love, or at least I was.
Joey did call me two days later to tell me the conversation between him and Mom. I was in the kitchen making dinner when Rob brought me the phone.
“It’s your brother.”
“Thanks,” I said taking the phone. I didn’t notice it then but later on I did, whenever someone in my family called me I couldn’t have a private conversation with them. Rob had to be in the same room so he could hear what I was telling them.

“Hi Joey.”
“Hi I just got off the phone with Mom and you’re lucky that she’s a few thousand miles away.”
“Well if I can remember she said that you are so fucking dead when she sees you and you’re lucky that she doesn’t have enough money for a plane ticket out here because if she did she would knock the living shit out of you.”
I cringed and prayed that she wouldn’t be able to get out here.
“And what did you tell her?” I asked.
“Well after she wanted to know how I could be that fucking stupid and after she kicked your ass I was next, I told her that you are a big girl and can handle yourself. Then I told her it was better that I let you do it rather than you running away and us not seeing you until you turn eighteen.”
I smiled; Joey always knew what to say.
“And what did she say after that?”
“Well she calmed down a little and said that I was probably right. I told her that you would call her in a few days, as soon as you thought it was safe.”
“Thanks Joey I don’t know what I would do without you!”
“All right, all right don’t get mushy on me,” Joey laughed.
We talked for a few more minutes and then hung up.

“Well?” Rob asked.
“Well she’s pissed but she’ll get over it. I’ll call her in a couple of days.”
Rob smiled and kissed me on the top of my head. “Oh by the way, don’t make any plans for Friday night. I’ve got something planned,” Rob said winking at me.
“What are you up to?” I asked giving him a sly smile.
“You’ll see just remember no plans for Friday.”
I laughed and said okay wondering what on earth Rob could have planned. Rob acted strange for the rest of the week. Whenever I looked at him he would grin real wide and tell me how much he loved me. I couldn’t figure it out.
When Friday came Rob asked me if I would dress in the same outfit I had worn on our first date. I did and he wore his. Rob took me to D’ Amour and had reserved the same table we had sat at and ordered the exact same thing to eat and drink, but ordered an appetizer before hand, which we hadn’t done before. Rob winked at the waiter and I was still sitting there trying to figure out what he was up to.
Well when the waiter brought out the appetizer it was on a silver platter covered with a lid. He sat it down and left our table.
“Rosie I just want to tell you that I love you very much and you have made me very happy in the past couple of weeks. And I’ve got something to ask you.”
“And what is that?”
Rob grinned from ear to ear and took the lid off the platter. Sitting in the on the platter was a black velvet ring box. Rob set the lid down on the table and opened the box.
“Oh Rob!” I breathed.
Inside it was the most beautiful ring that I have ever seen! It was a large octagonal ruby with a cluster of four diamonds on the top, bottom, and each side.
“Will you let me make you happy for the rest of your life? Marry me Rosalie.”
I had started crying the minute Rob opened the box and still couldn’t stop.
“I love you Rosalie,” Rob whispered it came out almost like he was afraid that I was going to say no.
“Oh yes Rob of course I will marry you!” Rob jerked his head up and he had tears in his eyes.
“You will?”
“Of course Rob I love you!” Rob jumped up and took me into his tight embrace. We both cried and laughed a lot that night.
Now the only problem was my parents. Well actually my mom was going to be the problem; my dad would let me do whatever I wanted without questions.
I decided I would call my mom the next morning and boy oh boy was I dreading that call! After dinner Rob and I went home to have a our own celebration. I feel asleep feeling safe and happy. I had forgotten what being that happy felt like.

As soon as I got up the next morning I called my mom, if I got into it with my mom I didn’t want Rob to hear. Slowly and silently I got out of the bed and went downstairs. I turned on the coffee pot and lit a cigarette.
My mom picked up on the second ring. In my mind I had this image of her sitting by the phone just waiting for me to call.

“Hi Ma,” I said.
“Well it’s about time that you called! I just have one question for you, what in the fuck are you thinking? What is wrong with you? Moving in with a man you barely know! How can you do this? You are so lucky that I don’t fly out there and drag you back to Indiana!”
“Ma would you just calm down and listen to me please? I love Rob!”
“You sixteen what in the hell do you know about love?”
“More than you and daddy did!”
My mom was silent for a moment.
“That was harsh Rosalie. Why are you throwing your life away?”
“Mom I am not throwing my life away. We love each other. Rob asked me to marry him last night.”
I heard her sigh. “Does it matter what I say?”
“Not really.”
“Fine, fine. At least come to Indiana so I can meet him first.”
I had never heard my mom sound so defeated before and I must admit that I felt a little pang of guilt. My mom and I talked for probably another thirty minutes before saying I love you and hanging up. I ran up the stairs to tell Rob. He was so relieved that we celebrated before he went downstairs and made the travel arrangements. We were leaving the next day. Rob and I spent the rest of the day alternating between packing and celebrating. Everything was going so good and falling right into place. I felt the first flutter of butterflies start before I went to sleep.

I can still remember how nervous I was when we went back to Indiana so that Rob could meet my parents and get married. My mom and dad were waiting for us at the airport in Indy. Which that in itself was amazing since they practically hated each other. No one really said much of anything on the hour drive back to Terre Haute. Although my mother kept glaring at me in the review mirror. I think it was more directed towards Rob than it was at me. Rob held my hand the whole time and just smiled at both Mom and Dad like this was the most natural thing in the world. When we finally got to my mom’s house she and I went into her bedroom and my dad and Rob went into the kitchen.

“Well?” I asked her.
“He’s nice but Rosalie why are you throwing your life away on this man? For God’s sake your sixteen years old!”
“Ma you were sixteen when you married daddy.”
“Yeah and look where it got me Rosalie I want more for you than that. I love both you and your brother more than anything and I don’t regret either one of you but please think about this. You are sixteen there are so many things waiting for you in the world. Places and people and you’re going to give all of that up to marry him?”
“Ma there’s nothing else I really want to do; I don’t want to be a waitress for the rest of my life. And besides Ma doesn’t the fact that I love him mean anything to you. I know there must have been a time when you loved Daddy. Wasn’t there?”
“Yes Rosalie there was a time that I did love your father but that was before the booze and other women came into the picture.”
“Okay just think back to when you did love him okay? Ma I love you very much and I don’t want to go against you that is why I want you to sign the papers but if you won’t Rob and I can go to Mexico and get married without your permission.”
“I know that Rosalie but don’t threaten me. You’re a little girl wanting to play a grown up woman.”

I really think my mom had forgotten that I was old before my times. All the damn fights she and my dad had. All the screaming and yelling. But the last fight had been the worst. Dad was drunk and he and mom got into it something awful. Mom said something and Dad started pounding her. I had to call my mom’s brother to come and break it up. It ended with Dad being taken to jail and Mom going to the hospital to get ten stitches put in above her eye. Mom dropped the charges against Dad but they went their separate ways after that.
© Copyright 2006 Rosada (angelauthor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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