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Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1068010
They were strangers when they met but circumstances would make them much more that.
A month sped by and Sadie was pushing herself to workaholic limits as she normally did. Family and friends liked to ride her about how she spent more time at the office than at home and would get on her case about her choice to have no real social life. Hence the reason she was not with a steady beau. She would wave it off saying that work advancement was more important than romance to her.

She’d not forgotten about Carlos. She would find herself thinking about him when she had a free moments or a man she saw had a physical quality that Carlos possessed. He had brought her pleasure so many times in the sixteen hours she had been with him. He had given her his phone number asking her to call him but she had thrown the number away. She simply couldn’t get into any complicated relationships right then.

He was great – gorgeous and from the few conversations they had between bouts of mind blowing sex very intelligent but he didn’t fit into her ‘plan’. He would sidetrack her from her ultimate goal. No list she made included a man in her life no matter how much she would have enjoyed it.

So when she woke up one morning sick and after having gone to doctor fearing she had gotten the flu that was beginning to spread through the office she was faced with the grim reality of why a man was no allowed in the picture. She was pregnant.

“There has to be some mistake. I mean…I don’t have a regular partner but my last partner wore condoms.” Sadie said looking at her doctor. The woman shrugged and pulled the small stool closer to Sadie to sit down.

“Just because your partner wore a condom doesn’t necessarily mean you are protected against pregnancy. Condoms are only work against pregnancy 97% of the time. If you were using some other form of birth control the chances are even less that you would get pregnant.” She said. Sadie looked at the woman as if she was speaking a foreign language.

“Shit.” She finally muttered when her brain had finally processed all the information. The doctor gave her an ‘I’m sorry this isn’t what you wanted to hear’ look and then began to pull brochures out of a drawer.

“Do you know what you plan on doing? Are you going to keep the baby or consider other options?” She asked. Sadie rolled her eyes up to the ceiling willing her self not to start crying. She couldn’t have an abortion she already knew that. Adoption seemed like the best course of action but could she carry the baby for nine months, deliver it then sign it away? It seemed so…cruel.

“I don’t know what to do!” Sadie helplessly blurted out. The dam broke and she began to cry. The doctor reached for some tissues and placed them in Sadie’s hand. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. What was she going to do? This pregnancy was threatening to ruin her lifes ambitions. This was completely changing everything that she has worked so hard for. Like so many people had said before: Having a baby changing everything.

“Well there’s no need to make a decision now. Here are a few things to read over. It’s all the options you have. Take your time. Make sure you come to a decision that suits you best. I’m not sure if you are still with the father but you might want to talk to him. In the end it’s your decision but some feedback from the other party might help.” Sadie’s eyes widened.

How the hell was she supposed to get in contact with Carlos? Was he even still in the city? She had met him at the bar but did he still frequent it? She couldn’t remember the name of the construction company he worked for not that she figured he still worked construction. Didn’t most construction workers loose their jobs when the weather became colder?

She left the doctor’s office in a state of shock. She managed to call her employer saying she didn’t feel well and that she was taking the day off completely. She got home and fell onto her couch staring up at the white ceiling.

This certainly hadn’t been a consideration when she was thinking of the pros and cons of sleeping with Carlos. But then did most people think about the possibility of getting pregnant when deciding to sleep with a man especially when a condom was certainly going to be used? She didn’t think so but then she was not everyone else.

She had to find Carlos. While she had never intended to see him again she felt it was right for him to know that she had gotten pregnant. It was only fair. She could only imagine if she was the man and had found out years later about a pregnancy and not being a part of it. She still wasn’t sure of her choice but she did know she had to try hard to find him. Maybe the best place would be to start at the bar.

* * * *

Carlos entered the bar with some friends. He had just finished a tiresome day dealing with his parents and right now there was nothing he wanted more than to kick back and relax with his friends, some alcohol and plenty of good looking women.

He couldn’t help his natural perusal of the bar whenever he got there. He was always hoping Sadie would show up there looking for him. He had pretty much chalked up their night to a one night stand but he had been certainly taken with that woman. She was very attractive and so receptive to some of the racier things he had done to her that night…and morning. She was certainly always in the back of his mind. Maybe he would run into her again.

“Carlos, how did it go with your parents? Did they cut you out of the will yet?” Carlos looked over at his friend Tony and flipped him off.

“No asshole. I’m their only child. I carry on the Veracruz legacy. “ he said. The table erupted into laughter. “They are on my case about getting married and having children.” Carlos went on. The laughter quickly switched to groans.

“Jesus man. What is it like once every month now they get on you about that?” Nick asked. Carlos shrugged. He would have to say yes it was but it was something that he pretty much ignored. His parents were traditional so he couldn’t necessarily blame them for the constant nagging about getting married. He was approaching thirty. His parents had been married for almost ten years when they were that age.

They were afraid he would end up a bachelor and they wanted to make sure that the Veracruz fortunes were dealt with before their time was over. They wanted him to give them a grandchild or even grandchildren so they could spoil them rotten. He couldn’t hate them their wanting to see this happen.

“Whatever. My dad has also expressed an interest in me taking over more the company. You losers wouldn’t be seeing me as much if I did.” Carlos said. They all voiced their opinions at once. A few opted for the more asinine comments of congratulating him on finally stepping up and being a real man while the others said it would be a huge social downfall. He laughed off all the comments.

Veracruz Planning was one of the largest development companies on the east coast. The business had started off small seven years ago when they had moved here from Mexico and now was larger than Carlos’ father had ever dreamed. They organized the sales of land, planning and building of undeveloped areas and turning them into whatever was needed: schools, shopping centers, business parks or even parking garages.

Carlos had gone to engineering school and had gotten his degrees in architecture as well so he could take over the empire his father had started. It was something he both loved and hated. The love of making something from nothing was what kept him interested in the business. It was the money that turned him off. He hated how people reacted to someone with money and he didn’t usually let on to others his family background. He kept it simple. He worked construction. Not necessary a lie.

“Okay fellas, here we go. Hot ladies coming in the door. Make your selection.” Tony piped. Carlos turned slightly in his chair to position his head and see the doorway behind him. He nearly fell out of his chair. She was there. Sadie was standing behind a couple of girls digging through her purse for something. She hadn’t spotted him yet.

“Mierda Santa!” He said quickly rising from his seat. His stomach had risen to his throat. Initially he wanted to hide but because she had fascinated him so much he had to talk to her. He walked over to the small group and stood there. The other girls noticed him right away and gave him a look he couldn’t place. Finally Sadie glanced up from her purse and saw.

“Carlos!” She cried and threw her arms around him burying her head into his neck. It was not the reaction he had been expecting but it was a pleasant reaction to say the least.

“Sadie, miel, how have you been?” He asked wrapping his arms around her. When she looked up at him he noticed her tears. He instantly became concerned and led her away from the group into a more private corner of the bar.

“Carlos I really didn't think I would find you and I...I need to talk to you so badly.” She said. He was on alert. Why was she looking for him?

“What is it Sadie?” He asked wiping her tears from her cheeks. The intense look in her face was causing him to slightly panic. He did the only thing he could think of and quickly kissed her lips.

She responded to his lips immediately and pushed her tongue into his mouth deepening the kiss. He bit back the groan that threatened to come out. She still caused him to immediately react to her sexually.

Carlos pressed his body tightly against hers pushing her firmly into the wall her back was against. She arched her back hoping to get a better connection to his own body. When they finally both needed air they slowly drew apart breathing heavily.

“Can we go someplace and talk. Not here. Maybe your place?” She asked so softly he almost didn't hear her over the sound of the music playing through the sound system. He nodded and told her to wait for him while he said his goodbyes to his friends. She nodded and he left her to join his friends.

“You are the fucking man. I swear I need to get an accent.” Tony said when Carlos walked up to the table. He waved it off and chuckled slightly.

“Listen guys. I gotta take off. That's...that's Sadie and we need to talk. So mind if I take off?” He asked draining his drink and setting the glass back down on the table. They all smirked and laughed.

“Get out of here you ass then we'll have a chance with the other chicks.” Nick said. Carlos said goodbye and then went to join Sadie at the front door. What the hell was so important?”

* * * *

She couldn't believe he was there. It was like...it was like he had some how known to be there that night, the night she was looking for him. Now as she stood once more in the familiar apartment of his she couldn't seem to find any words. He was sitting on the couch watching her pace the floor waiting for her to start talking she she had no idea where to begin.

“Sadie. Just tell me what's bothering you.” He finally said causing her to slightly jump from the unexpected break in silence.

She stopped pacing and turned to look at him. How would he react? Would he be upset? Happy? Would he tell her to have an abortion? She didn't think he would suggest the last since he was Catholic – that much she knew. She took a calming breath and suddenly her well planned out speech left her mind.

“Carlos I'm pregnant.”
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