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When death comes for you, only dying can save you. |
I ONLY WANT YOU Written by Jesse J Burton CREDIT SEQUENCE: CUTS back and forth to three guys loading a car up for camping, and text credits. MUSIC - “PAINT IT BLACK” (new version). FADE OUT after movie title: END CREDIT SEQUENCE: FADE IN: EXT. SECONDARY COUNTRY ROAD, NO TRAFFIC (CREDIT SEQUENCE) - AFTERNOON Camera shows road from LOW ANGLE, “Paradise City” can be heard coming from an oncoming car (MUSIC FADES IN) Camera PANS to follow car. Sign “Welcome to Oakwood Family Campground” comes into view in left side of shot as the car drives on. (MUSIC FADES OUT) CUT TO NEXT SCENE EXT. OAKWOOD CAMPGROUND – DAY Car pulls into scene, three guys are singing along to the radio (still playing “Paradise City”) Car is loaded with camping supplies and alcohol. Driver side door opens, Hayden gets out first breathing in the fresh air, doors open on other side of car, other two exit. HAYDEN Smell that fresh air! This is just what you need buddy boy, get your mind off that ex of yours. MICHAEL Whatever. Let’s unpack and get setup before it starts to get dark out. Camera CUTS to other side of car showing Scott getting out of the back SCOTT Yeah (grabbing stuff out of the back seat) Hayden walks around the car carrying a cooler. HAYDEN I mean it, you are going to have a blast out here, nothing gets your mind off women better then being out here in the woods, out here were there are no wo… (stops mid-sentence with eyes wide open) CUTS to scene of girls campsite across from the car, One girl (SHELLY) is bent down taking a beer out of a cooler, she looks back towards Hayden as though sensing him looking at her. She stands up and smiles. DREAM SEQUENCE (SLOW-MOTION) MUSIC – “ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM” BY THE EVERLEY BROTHERS Girl (SHELLY), standing, waves her hair in a playful way, then smiles and looks at him smilling covering her smile with her hand as though shy. CUTS to Hayden, water being dumped on him waves his head in same fashion, smiles and covers his mouth the same way. CUTS to Hayden and girl (SHELLY) running toward each other arms out-reached meet in center screen she jumps into his arms he spins her around DISSOLVES first person view of girl (SHELLY) spinning in Haydens arms, smilling. DISSOLVE out of dream sequence. Scott and Michael are throwing a cooler full of water on Hayden who is obviously lost in his own world. HAYDEN (Squirming) AHHHH CUTS to first girl (SHELLY) laughing, girl (ARINNA EVIL) in background stares at the boys with an evil seductive smile. Third Girl (LAURA) is setting up a camp stove. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. LAKESIDE – DUSK Scene opens to MICHAEL swimming up to shore. He walks onto land and reaches for his towel but it’s gone. ZOOM out to show ARIANNA holding it. MICHAEL looks at her. CUTS to ARIANNA holding the towel ARIANNA (holding the towel out to MICHAEL) Looking for this? MICHAEL (taking the towel) Yeah, thanks. ARIANNA My names Arianna, whats yours? CUT to MICHAEL MICHAEL (drying himself off) Michael CUT to side shot of MICHAEL and ARIANNA ARIANNA (seductive grin on face) Very nice to meet you Michael. MICHAEL Yeah you too. CUT to opposite side shot behind MICHAEL, ARIANNA turns and walks away. ARIANNA (pauses to look back over her shoulder) Don’t be shy you hear. CUT to MICHAEL still holding the towel, looking in the direction of ARIANNA. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. GUYS CAMPSITE – EARLY NIGHT Scene opens to guys sitting around the campfire roasting marshmellow’s HAYDEN (holding flashlight to face) Every morning she woke up drenched in sweat with the eerie feeling as though someone had been in her room… watching her sleep. This continued every day for one week and then stopped CUTS to close up of Hayden HAYDEN (trailing off at the end) She began to feel comfortable sleeping again. Several months passed and she had almost forgotten about it when she woke up one morning to find a note beside her head. held in place by a dagger. She held in her scream until she read the note…. “I’m still watching you” (silence) CUTS back to WIDE shot of guys around fire. Three girls approach from behind Hayden. SHELLY grabs Haydens shoulders and scares him. Everyone laughs. Hayden jumps up and playfully chases her around the group, she screams when he gets up, when he catches up to her he pretends to shover her, then puts his arm around her. HAYDEN And what are you fine ladies up to tonight? CUT to ARIANNA standing across the fire from MICHAEL ARIANNA (staring at MICHAEL) We came to hear your scary stories. CUT to ARIANNA from across the fire ARIANNA (staring into the flames) We like scary stories…..don’t we girls CUT back to wide shot of group. LAURA And we were wondering what you boys were doing tonight? Are you here to parrrrtaayy with the big girls? HAYDEN We sure are! Aren’t we boys? SCOTT I guess we could use a little partying? What you say Mike? CUT to MICHAEL sitting off by himself poking at the fire with his marshmallow stick. MICHAEL (looking at ARIANNA) Yeah sure I guess, I will be right there, you guys go ahead, I’ll put the fire out. CUT to GIRLS, HAYDEN and SCOTT SHELLY AND LAURA (linking arms with ARIANNA in the middle screaming randomly and running off together) WHOOOOHOOO LETS GO!! PARTY!!! HAYDEN chases after the girls putting his arm around SHELLY, ARIANNA looks back over her shoulder CUT to close up of ARIANNA CUT to SCOTT walking over to MICHAEL SCOTT (sitting beside MICHAEL) You alright? MICHAEL Yeah I am fine…. Thanks, I will be right there, you go have fun I gotta take a piss. SCOTT Alright, but if you aren’t over there in five I am coming to get you, this weekend is for you remember! And you are going to have fun whether you like it or not. MICHAEL Yeah I know SCOTT And stop thinking about her! MICHAEL (slight smile) That obvious eh? SCOTT Yes! CUT to wide shot of fire, SCOTT gets up and starts walking in the direction of the girls campsite. MICHAEL (looking towards SCOTT) Hey Scott SCOTT (turns back) Yeah? MICHAEL Thanks. SCOTT (smiles) Hurry up! SCOTT turns back and keeps walking. MICHAEL gets up and reaches for a bucket of water by the fire. He pours the water on the fire then sets the bucket down and walks back into the trees behind their tent. CUTS to ABOVE WAIST SIDE SHOT of MICHAEL walking up to tree getting ready to pee. As he relieves himself he sees a sort of flash, very obscured (it is a clip of ARIANNA holding a shotgun to his face but is blurred beyond recognition). It startles him but he doesn’t think much of it. CUTS to shot behind MICHAEL’S back. He finishes going to the bathroom and starts back towards the campsite. CUTS to OVERSHOULDER shot of ARIANNA looking at MICHAEL as he heads toward their campsite. MICHAEL looks up and notices her. CUTS to wide shot of group, HAYDEN and SCOTT are drinking with SHELLY and LAURA around the fire. MICHAEL and ARIANNA look at each other. MICHAEL approaches the group. CUTS to OPPOSITE SIDE shot of ARIANNA and MICHAEL. ARIANNA (sadistically) Hi Michael MICHAEL (looking down) Hi Arianna, how are you? CUTS closer in from slight angle behind ARIANNA’S right Shoulder. ARIANNA (lifting MICHAEL’S chin with her finger) Well I am just fine hon, but you look rather down, somthin toublin you? MICHAEL (looking into her eyes) I’m just not very happy right now (his eyes drop again) CUTS to Close up of ARIANNA from behind MICHAEL’S LEFT shoulder. ARIANNA (still has her finger on his chin brings her face in close and pulls his eyes to hers) Well were just going to have to do something about that then now won’t we? CUTS to shot of MICHAEL and ARIANNA and the GROUP behind them. ARIANNA (takes MICHAEL’S hand lifts it above her head and turns guiding him toward the fire.) CUTS to OPPOSITE side of fire looking toward ARIANNA and MICHAEL’S approach. The group notices her pulling him off and starts to make fun of them. GROUP (random oooh’s and aaah’s) OOOOHHH look at them, Michaels gonna get some tonight… Were you guys off to???? Etc. CUTS to CLOSE UP of HAYDEN and SHELLY HAYDEN (with arms around shelly, looks at her, she looks back) So when are we going to go to the trees? (they both laugh) CUTS to MICHAEL and ARIANNA in the woods, ARIANNA is now pulling MICHAEL playfully. She faces him and pulls his arm with two hands. ARIANNA (pulling his arm) Come on! Don’t be scared! I want to show you something! MICHAEL (pulling back, but not very hard) Where are we going? CUTS to shot looking at ARIANNA from slightly towards MICHAEL’S LEFT SHOULDER ARIANNA (pulling herself around a small tree and looking at him from the other side, still holding his hand) It’s a surprise silly! CUTS to behind ARIANNA looking back at both of them, she pulls him around the tree and walks toward the camera. ARIANNA Trust me! MICHAEL goes along with her. CUTS to WIDE shot looking at MICHAEL and ARIANNA as she pulls him into a small clearing. MICHAEL looks around. CUTS to CLOSE UP of MICHAEL and ARIANNA. ARIANNA (holding both of MICHAEL’S hands. MICHAEL begins to speak and she raises her finger up to his lips.) Shhhh……close your eyes MICHAEL (tries to speak) ARIANNA (pushes gently on his lips then runs her fingers down over his eyes) Shhhh…… ARIANNA places her hands on his side and leans in to kiss him, softly at first then slightly more aggressive. CUTS to wide shot from behind ARIANNA’S RIGHT shoulder. Camera then pans around crossing behind a tree as they kiss, when the camera comes past the tree ARIANNA is gone. CUTS to close up of MICHAEL who opens his eyes in surprise, he looks around confused. CUTS to wide shot of MICHAEL alone in the clearing. MICHAEL (confused and looking around) Arianna?.... Arianna? Where’d you go? HEY!! (hears something behind him and looks) CUTS to WIDE EYE LEVEL shot from the front of MICHAEL’S RIGHT shoulder. MICHAEL turns around to check out the noise. CUTS to close up from location of noise, LOW SHOT PANS UP to see ARIANNA standing behind MICHAEL’S RIGHT shoulder with her head slightly down obscured by her hair. ARIANNA (looks up) Booo! CUTS to shot from behind MICHAEL as he turns to see that she is not there anymore. MICHAEL (scared) HEY! This isn’t funny!! QUICK CUT as MICHAEL turns back looking from behind his shoulder. ARIANNA is standing right behind him with a shotgun to his face. MICHAEL jumps CUT to looking down the barrel into ARIANNA’S face. ARIANNA (holding the gun ready to fire) I ONLY WANT YOU (synthesized whisper voice) SOUND OF GUN SHOT and screen CUTS to WHITE. CUTS to side shot of MICHAEL standing in woods peeing. MICHAEL gasps loudly like a reverse scream. He is breathing heavy and sweat is beading off his forehead. CUTS to face shot of MICHAEL trying to regain his bearings. CUTS to rest of the group partying at the campfire. Various other people have joined the party now. HAYDEN has his arm around SHELLY, SCOTT is talking to LAURA. CUTS to ARIANNA standing where she was when MICHAEL approached the campsite before. MICHAEL drives up fast in the car slams on the breaks. Everyone looks at him. HAYDEN begins to head over towards him. CUTS to MICHAEL getting out of the car and walking around towards the fire. He sees ARIANNA standing where she had been before. CUTS to slow motion first person view from MICHAEL’S eyes looking at ARIANNA who follows the camera as he walks by. CUTS to shot of HAYDEN walking up to MICHAEL just as he passes ARIANNA. HAYDEN (angry) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?? MICHAEL (tries to walk past him) Get in the car Hayden! CUT to front side view of MICHAEL walking past HAYDEN HAYDEN (grabbing MICHAEL’S arm and turning him in his direction) What do you mean get in the car? Where the hell do you think we are going? MICHAEL (looking at HAYDEN) Just get in the car! CUT to MICHAEL. He just stares HAYDEN down. MICHAEL GET IN THE CAR! CUT to HAYDEN HAYDEN (shoving MICHAEL as he lets go) This is bull shit! CUTS to view from behind car. HAYDEN walks toward the car drunk. MICHAEL Looks toward SCOTT. MICHAEL Scott, Let’s go. CUTS to view of MICHAEL standing across from ARIANNA who is looking at him Evilly. SCOTT pass between them looking at MICHAEL. SCOTT (confused) Mike whats wrong? MICHAEL doesn’t answer but only ushers him along. MICHAEL stares at ARIANNA for a moment longer then turns back to the car. She watches him as he goes. CUTS to wide shot of MICHAEL getting in the car looking back once more at ARIANNA who is still looking at him. He gets in and drives off. HAYDEN (yelling and waving out the window) We’ll be back ladies! FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT. COUNTRY ROAD – NIGHT CAMERA looks down at car as it drives by and follows. CUT to inside car. Looking at HAYDEN in the front passenger seat. HAYDEN (angry) WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID YOU SEE THOSE GIRLS? What could possibly be more important then hanging out with those hotties? CUT to MICHAEL driving. MICHAEL (thinking about what to say, shaking his head.) I…….. You wouldn’t understand…… You wouldn’t….. You wouldn’t believe me even if I did tell you. CUT to HAYDEN. HAYDEN Try me, I’m drunk I will chances are I will believe you. CUT to SCOTT. SCOTT (concerned) Are you alright Mike? What happened? CUT to MICHAEL. MICHAEL Your gonna think I am crazy. CUT to HAYDEN. HAYDEN I already DO think your crazy! Just tell the stupid story! CUT to MICHAEL. MICHAEL (reluctantly) Alright, I saw…….I saw…Arianna she (looks over to HAYDEN) CUT to HAYDEN in passenger seat head smashed into the dash and dead. (SHOT GUN SOUND on CUT) CUT to MICHAEL who was obviously startled. SCOTT (concerned from back seat) Mike whats wrong? CUT to HAYDEN HAYDEN Yeah man, what is wrong with you, you look scared shitless! CUT to MICHAEL and HAYDEN from back seat, opposite side of SCOTT. MICHAEL (breathing heavy) What the hell is going on??? CUT to rearview mirror, MICHAEL looks in. CUT to SCOTT in back seat. The side of his head is covered in blood and he is obviously dead (SHOT GUN SOUND on CUT) CUT to HAYDEN HAYDEN WOULD YOU JUST TELL US WHAT THE HELL HAS MADE YOU SUCH AN IDIOT ALL OF A SUDDEN!! CUT to SCOTT SCOTT Yeah come on Mike it’s not funny. CUT to MICHAEL who is looking back and down. He turns his head to look back to the road CUT to view of road, ARIANNA is standing with the shotgun pointed right at him. He swerves. CUT to BLACK SOUND of CAR CRASH FADE IN: EXT. SITE OF CRASH ON SIDE OF ROAD, CAR HAS HIT A TREE – NIGHT Camera MOVES in to driver side window. MICHAEL slowly lifts his head from the steering wheel, he has blood dripping from his forehead, he wipes it. Looking in the window the camera shows HAYDEN dead as he was in the vision, and SCOTT in the back also dead as he was in the vision. CUT to wide shot MICHAEL gets out. Crying and shaking he crawls out of the car and leans against the side with his head in his lap. ARIANNA walks into scene. MICHAEL looks up. CUT to MICHAEL’S view of ARIANNA holding the shot gun down to his face. ARIANNA (aiming shotgun) Your friends didn’t have to die. CUT to White with SHOT GUN SOUND FADE TO BLACK: END CREDITS: |