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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1062401
Finding love in the Wild West.
Dear Seamus,

I sit here today, and as I do I think of when you were with us those many years. It would seem that your departure from us has brought many troubles to the land that your Father owned. Because after his death, I was the only one around. And not being able to own the land, being a woman, the government took the land and I was forced to move out. After this I obtained the land back.
The instance in which this occurred was rather interesting because it seemed at the time that I would marry Charles Braxton the Lawyer. So I packed my bags and prepared to be married. But before the marriage Charles’s father called him east for business. And I was forced to move off the land and in with Cousin Mary and her husband Jonathon.
While I was living with Mary and Jonathon a man passed through the town. He was a tall man with long handsome features. I was at Muller’s Store buying some things for Mary when I first saw him. He seemed to walk with a slight jump and even a skip. I was intrigued to see such a tall and huge man walking this way. And so asked Mr. Muller if he knew the man, Mr. Muller told me he did not. So I decided to see where the man was going. I bought my merchandise and went outside, looking around the street, I saw the man going into the Bank, so I followed and entered shortly after he did. He walked to the back and went into the manager’s office. I walked over to Sam the old clerk since he was thee only other person around and asked him if he knew the man. Sam did know the man and told me that his name was William Renton. Sam then told me that Mr. Renton had come in that morning asking about some land south of the town and whether it was for sale. Mr. Johnson the manager had told him to come back later, after Mr. Johnson had found out about the land. While Sam told me this a Man came into deposit some money. And while Sam and him were talking I sat down near the door. While Sam was finalizing the papers the man pulled out a gun and pointed directly at Sam. The man then instructed Sam and I to get together on the wall opposite of the safe. As we did this we walked past Mr. Johnson’s office and Sam tapped it with his foot. Then we settled at the wall the man grabbed the money out of the safe and put into the inside of his coat the still looking at us he walked backwards toward the door. Then we he got almost to the door he turned suddenly.
But before he could turn all the way around he was flying back as if he had been kicked by a mule. I looked and saw Mr. Renton standing there over the thief. It turned out that Mr. Johnson had been alerted by Sam’s tap and went to the window of his office and saw the whole scene. He told Mr. Renton and Mr. Renton went out the back way and around to the front. William had gotten there at about the same time the thief did and decided to not let the man get a chance at using his gun. Soon after the thud of the thief’s head hit the ground Mr. Johnson rushed out of his office and over to us. He asked me if I was alright and I said I thought I was. But just as I had said that my eyes began to close and I sunk to the floor.
When I awoke I jumped up and looked around I was lying on a bed in a hotel room with Mr. Renton sitting at the other side of the room reading a book. I asked him how long I had been asleep and he said simply “too long.” I looked at my hands and they were pale white. I looked up and saw Mr. Renton get up and walk outside. Shortly there after he came back in with Cousin Mary and Cousin John. Cousin Mary sat down on the bed and held my hand. She then touched my fore head. She got up and walked over to John and Mr. Renton they spoke in hushed tones. The only thing I could make out was John saying can it get worse. And then Mr. Renton went over to me and sat down on the bed. He told me that he was a doctor from Georgia and had been visiting a rich friend one day when he met a man. He said this man was working as a foreman on his friend’s ranch. Mr. Renton and the man became good friends. The man told Mr. Renton of where he was from and how beautiful it was. Mr. Renton was so intrigued with the man’s stories that he decided to go west and buy some land for him and his friend. Mr. Renton had then gotten his matters in order and left the following week with only what his friend had told him as a guide. I was puzzled as to why Mr. Renton had told me this, I suppose it was to calm me down. Mr. Renton then told me of how he thought that I was much better now and that I could go home. I was confused as to why I was being treated as such a child when I was to be married soon.

When I arrived home Mary told me to get in bed and go to sleep. I protested that it was only noon and that I was not a child. But Mary just calmly told me to go to bed for my sake. I decided there was no protesting that would convince “Iron” Mary and I went to bed. I awoke the next day and went down to lobby and then out to the restaurant. I went in and saw Mr. Renton eating a large breakfast and reading the newspaper. I went up to my room above the dining room and managed to freshen my self up. Then I almost ran down stairs and sat at Mr. Renton’s table. He put down his newspaper and greeted me. We began to talk and get acquainted. It seems he had lost his wife about a year ago and wanted a new life. I was intrigued by his stories and found myself imagining me in them. As he talked I looked at him he had been so kind to me the day before and I hadn’t thanked him properly. When he finished with his present story I told him I would like to have him over at Mary’s and John’s for dinner. He agreed and we had a wonderful time that evening. Seamus I am glad to tell you that night William and I realized that we are in love. William told me of how you were the friend that sent him here. And then after a few months of courtship He asked me to marry him. It was about this time that Charles came home to find me engaged to William. To say the least Charles was not happy with this and decided to move east permanently. Seamus please come home now I am longing to see you.


P.S. Seamus I am expecting your nephew in a few months.

1264 words
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