Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1061429-The-Forbidden-Children
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1061429
A young elf wandered through the forest barely making a sound with her tiny feet.
A young elf wandered through the forest barely making a sound with her tiny feet. Trees stood so tall that they seemed to scrape the sky. The leaves were beginning to change, beginning to show many different shades of brown, red, and orange. The elf wore a blood red tunic fitted nicely to her small frame and breeches the color of bark only reaching to her ankles. Her given name was Leetah. Often, she would spend time in the deeper part of the forest away from her village. She was on the short side for an elf, and had straw colored hair. Her muddy brown eyes seemed to shimmer when she smiled. Even with everything she had, she was not happy. How could anyone be happy if anyone had to carry her secret?
Leetah uninterrupted continued walking, enjoying the earthly smell that was in the air. Leaves fallen from many autumns carpeted the forest floor. Animals scurried here and there. Leetah's muddy brown eyes glimpsed a strange sight in the forest. A small plume of smoke had appeared a ways down in the forest in front of her. 'What can that be? Well if anything nothing good can come from it.' Following the sight, Leetah soon came upon a cottage burnt to its foundation. A charred mess left in the middle of the square was all Leetah could see. A few beams of wood remained most of them burnt black. 'Is there any hope? What can come from a fire' Leetah wondered. Examining the ruins, Leetah heard a small, but audible groan. She flinched 'what could that be' and turned around. Her eyes saw what looked to be a young elf sitting awkwardly on the ground. Walking up to the boy, Leetah began to take a closer look at him. He was half starved by the way his skin was drawn tightly over his bones. He sat up straight facing Leetah. His blue green eyes met her muddy brown ones. Feeling a few warm tears slide down her cheeks 'the poor child, what did he go through? He's lucky be alive and he seems to be uninjured.’ The boy wore no shirt and against his chest was a pendant hung roughly around his neck.
'The pendant what could that mean? It seems to be emitting some kind of magic as if to protect the boy.' Leetah drawn towards it, reached out to touch it. The boy did not move to stop her as the smoothness and warmth of the stone met her fingertips. Without noticing, Leetah lifted the pendant from around the boy’s neck. As soon as he did the deed, a great change came over the boy. Tiny wings seemed to grow from his back. The feathers that made up his wings were brown like an eagle. Leetah fell back 'the boy is an avariel this isn't good, this is the worst thing he could be or anyone could be for that matter... They were one of the races involved in The War of The Three Races. An incident had been the cause of many deaths in the war and the avariels got the blame for it. After the war ended the avariel king by force from the other races signed a treaty that caused every member of that race to leave the world. To where, no one knew.
Long after the war, it had turned in to a legend to be told to the young. Avariels themselves had long been thought of as myth, but the hatred for them was still there. Avariels were described as elves with wings that had hollow bones as birds do, and ran faster than elves do. 'His wings aren't bat like though. Strange, it must one of the things that were mixed with fantasy. Most likely to scare the young ones in to listening.' Leetah shook her head. She quickly placed the pendant back around the boy’s neck. He reverted to the form that Leetah had first seen him in. ‘The pendant must be a concealment charm to protect the boy. Where did it come from? He cannot possibly be responsible for what his ancestors done. He is so young so innocent. If I leave him here, he will surely die. The wind gently played with the boy’s hair. The sun was beginning to sink behind the trees. “Little one,” Leetah started, the boy looked at her with wonder in his eyes “What is your name?”
“I don’t know,” he said with a raspy voice. He placed a hand on Leetah’s knee.
“Do you know where your parents are?” Leetah continued, with hope in her eyes for some kind of answer.
“No,” the boy said his eyes beginning to fill with tears. Leetah brought the boy in to her embrace and rocked him back and forth, as if he were a baby.
“It will be okay,” she cooed “You can come and live with me in my village. I will be your mom. Shhh…”
The boy without a word, looked up at Leetah, and nodded. Smiling, Leetah stood up and placed the boy on his feet. Taking his hands in hers, they began to make their way towards the village. Where he would grow up, learn useful skills, and have friends. As they walked, 'I cannot just call him Little One his whole life. What should his name be? Wait, I know, Sydor, like my father. I think he would have loved him. It suits the boy.’ She smiled and laughed to herself. The boy looked up at her “Little one, would you like your name to be Sydor?” Leetah asked gently.
“Yes,” the boy finally named laughed. The smile lit up his whole face and seemed to be happy for the first time in a long time.

Many years had gone by since that day. Sydor had grown never knowing much about his past. He had become tall much taller than Leetah. He had his short, stocky blonde hair constantly falling in to his eyes. His sweet blue green eyes were than only thing that suggested that he wasn’t Leetah’s son. He wore a leafy green tunic that Leetah had made him as well are breeches to match. Once he was, old enough he had twin swords fashioned just for him and sheaths to match which he had made and attached to his belt. It was easier for him to have them right there.
Sydor’s best friend, Amolas was always there for him. They constantly caused trouble when they were together especially when they were young. As they got older, they did it less and less, but occasionally though they did something and the elders of the village would less than impressed. Amolas was a bit taller than Sydor and had a bit more muscle to him than Sydor. He had shoulder length black as night hair. His eyes were a mossy green and a sweet a smile to go with them.
He hid the secret that he was an avariel from everyone, except for Leetah. He had learned his dark secret. At the time, Sydor had only been at the village for a few years. He had always wondered why Leetah told him to never take his pendant off. Therefore, Sydor hid from the sight of the village and took his pendant off for the first time. He felt strange not able to think about what was happening. He heard his leaf green tunic rip and at once felt wings at his back. Looking in a puddle near his feet, he saw that his wings were a dark brown, with a bit of white at the tips. At that moment, he fell back and covered his face “No, no, this cannot be, I’m not what I think I am. Why would I be an avariel? I hate them, avariels are meant to be hated!” Tears slipped from his eyes staining cheeks. ‘Was Leetah trying to hide who I was from everyone including me? Was she trying to protect me? What would I have said if I had known? Well anyway I know now.’
Sydor placed the pendant slowly around his neck. His wings vanished within a moment. Shuddering he almost wished his wings were back ‘Why does it have to be this why, but it is the only why to be safe,’ he thought wisely.
Sydor ran home “Leetah, I know what I really am!”
“What are you talking about,” Leetah answered, feigning ignorance.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I took my pendant off…” Sydor said not able to finish, because Leetah put a hand over his mouth and pulled him in to their hut.
“Sydor, what did I tell you about taking your pendant off?” She scolded, removing her hand.
Sydor stared at the ground his stocky blonde hair falling in to his eyes “I’m sorry, but help it. My curiosity just took over.”
‘Well, I guess I couldn’t hide it from you forever,” Leetah began tucking Sydor’s hair behind his ears. “I guess you can assume that I am not really your mother…” Leetah finished, covering her face with her hand.
“It doesn’t matter,” Sydor, said looking directly in to her eyes. “You are the one who is taking care of me and raising me. That makes you my mother just as much. So how did I come to be here?”
“Well, I guess you were still too young to remember. It was years ago and I was just wandering through the forest. I saw smoke and wondered what it could mean. I found the source quickly and I found you a lot younger than you are now. You were starved, otherwise you were unharmed, and there weren’t even cinders on your skin.”
“Did you find that strange,” Sydor said interrupting her.
“Yes, and Sydor please don’t interrupt its not polite. It did a little anyway. Well I saw the pendant around your neck and without thinking took it from you. Without it on, wings appeared at your back. I panicked, you changing especially without warning, can scare a person. Avariels are hated even thought they are considered myth and the…” Leetah trailed off as if she knew more,
“What do you mean?” Sydor asked with curiosity and childish grin.
“Sydor, that’s enough storytelling for one day, go off and play with Amolas and remember tell no one. This is our little secret.” Leetah said in a motherly tone.
“Fine,” Sydor said and ran off. She watched as he ran off ‘my little one is growing up. I just hope not to fast.’
It was a nice cool autumn day, almost like the day Leetah had found Sydor. The leaves had begun to turn even more colors than before. The village itself was just as beautiful as the forest around it. It was small, but blended and coexisted with nature as best as the elves could manage. Tree houses hidden by the elves in the surrounding trees, even if they were pointed out to someone, he or she still would not be able to see them. Only the keen eyes of an elf would be able to pick them out of leaves. The elves liked to keep their fingers busy and were constantly refining their skill in their favorite pastime. It was a busy place with much activity. Sydor was usually bored especially when he couldn’t find Amolas. This was when he found the excuse to walk down a well-worn path leading away from the village.
“This is more like it,” Sydor said to himself. He took that right turns on the path, a well-kept secret of his. It lead to his own hideout, secluded clearing nearer to the outskirts of the forest. ‘I am so glad no one knows about this place,’ he thought to himself as hey say the familiar sight of the clearing. ‘Now for some peace,’ Sydor thought as he took his shirt off and removed his pendant. He felt his wings once more folded against his back. ‘This is more like it,’ He unfurled his wings, his wingspan so much larger then when he was younger ‘at least here I’m free.’
“I’m so free; I wish I could just fly away. The sun feels so good on my wings,” Sydor called out his hands in the air. An autumn breeze began to play with the brown feathers that made up his wings. There almost seemed a musical sound as the wind passed through his feathers. “I guess at least here, I can be myself and not lie to his best friend’s face. Though it’s for my own good.” He said aloud to himself. A resounding snap of twig broke the peacefulness of the clearing. Sydor quickly put his pendant back around his neck. ‘What was that?’ His blue green eyes soon fell on a doe at the edge of the clearing.
“Eilonwy,” Sydor scowled.
“Awwww… how’d you know it was me?” The doe complained.
“Well you would be the only doe who doesn’t run away at the slightest noise or movement. You’re not exactly good at that,” Sydor explained as he watched the doe form in front of him, replaced by that of a young elf. She wasn’t very tall yet, not even reaching Sydor’s waist yet. Black hair reached to the middle of her back like a waterfall and large brown eyes that seemed to fill up her face. Eilonwy had the uncanny ability of shape shifting, an uncommon talent even among the elves.
“Eilonwy you cannot follow me here. You are putting us in danger,” Sydor scolded.
“But, I wanted to see your wings again!” Eilonwy said while she crossed her arms and stamped her foot for emphasis even though there was no sound.
Eilonwy was too young to know many myths or legends and hated really learned much about avariels. She had found out, Sydor’s secret one day by following him to his clearing. She watched in awe as Sydor removed his pendant and it seemed to her that wings grew from his back. Eyes wide she gasped, loud enough that Sydor heard. Drawing his swords, Sydor looked around ‘who or what made that noise?’ Surely, enough he spotted Eilonwy and she began to cry. “Shh… it’s okay,” he said wrapping his arms around her and rocked her back and forth. Her tears soon stopped “Your wings are pretty. Why do you have wings? I’ve never seen them before. Are elves supposed to have wings?”
Sydor shook his head in wonder ‘the young are so innocent,’ he thought. “Eilonwy, elves are not supposed to have wings, and I’m not an elf. I’m an avariel, winged elves if you will. You cannot tell anyone, I could be killed and please don’t ask why, you will learn soon enough.”
“I promise not to tell anyone. I just wish I had wings like yours and my own not some I create from shape shifting,” Eilonwy answered sounding wiser for the moment.
“Well maybe someday,” Sydor whispered hoping to please her….
After that day, Eilonwy would follow Sydor not every day, but it happened often enough. “Its time we returned to the village,” Sydor explained, putting his tunic on. “Before your mother begins to wonder where you are.”
“I guess so,” Eilonwy said with a scowl.
“Come on,” Sydor said, almost dragging the reluctant and scowling Eilonwy, they began to walk the long way back to the village. ‘It’s hard to imagine her growing up. The way she acts,’ Sydor thought watching her going slow as possible, dragging her feet across the ground.
Finally, they reached the village, but the familiar sight was not there. Several avariels were attacking the village, without mercy, beating back the elven warriors from the village. Distraught and a voice full of anger Sydor spoke to Eilonwy “Get as far away from the village as possible! No questions! Just go!”
Without so much as a word, Eilonwy changed into a small swallow and tore right away from the sight of the village. Once he was assured that she was safe, Sydor drew his swords, with a long consistent sound ‘this isn’t going to be easy, but its time to show my skills with two swords,’ he thought and let out a war cry that pierced through the trees causing many birds to flee in fright.
The sound of Sydor’s cry stopped many elves and avariels in their tracks. As he ran out on to the battlefield that is village had become, he pulled out his swords signaling the beginning of his fight. Sydor ran up to an avariel, one of his own kind. ‘This is when I become a warrior and a murder at the same time,’ he thought. The particular avariel wielded a mace. This made it difficult for Sydor to fight with swords. He ducked and darted as the avariel swung at him. Not wanting to feel the bite of the mace, Sydor soon found an opening in the avariel’s defense and plunged one of his swords deep into the chest of his opponent. His mouth opened in a wordless scream and fell to the ground with a sickening thud. The avariel died surrounded by a pool of blood. ‘This is the life of a warrior to kill, but of my kind no less… what am I?’ He thought. ‘This is too much to handle. No more thought, I just need to finish what I started.
Amolas watched Sydor, as he and the rest of the archers began to loose a rain of arrows against the avariels in the air. “Sydor be careful,” he called out as he watched his friend get stabbed in the leg with a dagger. Sydor let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground. The avariel jumped on top of him. Aiming for Sydor’s throat, he struck. Amolas looked away ‘Sydor don’t die…’ The avariel barely missed, catching the dagger on the chain of Sydor’s pendant instead. When the avariel brought the dagger towards himself, the chain snapped. Sydor did even know what happened. He kicked the avariel off himself and before the avariel could recover himself, Sydor killed him with both swords.
A gasp escaped Amolas ‘no, no… this cannot be! Sydor cannot be an avariel! How can he be what I hate most? The best friend I’ve ever had…’ A few tears rolled down his cheeks. Brown feathery wings stood out like an eyesore on Sydor’s back. It was at that moment when the remaining avariels rose up in to the air, much to the confusion of the elves. Sydor stood for only a moment longer, then to fell to his knees, and than fell flat. Everyone surrounded him. Leetah let out a cry and tried to get to Sydor. She was stopped and was met with stares of anger. “How could you?” an elf began.
“Sydor should be killed now!” another elf yelled and was answered with shouts of agreement.
“How could you, is what I should be asking you!” Leetah cried, her eyes swimming with tears. “He saved the village! You want him dead, just because, just because, he’s an avariel!” She hiccupped and was close to sobbing.
“Leetah, you cannot be serious, he could be trouble. How can he not be what his races is? A bunch of filthy backstabbing murders!” An elder said putting a hand on her shoulder to quiet her.
“But, Sydor isn’t! He was raised here as an elf. He hasn’t done anything to prove that claim. Hasn’t he proven that he is trustworthy?” Amolas said coming from nowhere. “Sydor is my best friend. Hasn’t he proven his worth?” he finished.
“Fine, he can live, but things aren’t going to be easy for him anymore. He has broken the trust of a lot of the villagers here,” the elder explained to Amolas. “Avalon take Sydor and the rest of the wounded to your hut. Have your apprentices help you round them up and everyone else start cleaning this mess up,” The oldest of the elders said with finality.
Sydor woke with a start. ‘Where am I?’ He thought.
“I’m glad to see that you’re awake,” a voice from the corner started
“What’s going on? What happened? Where am I?” Sydor questioned his voice full of panic. ‘Why am I in so much pain?”
“Calm down child. Too many questions,” Avalon the old medicine elf emerged from the shadows. “You blacked out after the fight. You lost a lot of blood. In fact, you are lucky to be alive. You should know where you are.”
Sydor sat up and winced ‘where’s my pendant, its not here.’ He brought his hand to his neck “Where is pendant? Where’d it go?”
“Its right here,” Avalon began, holding up the pendant the chain broken. “It was found after next to the body of an avariel. It’s believed that he was the one that broke the chain.”
Sydor’s brain locked ‘that would mean? That everyone in the village knows my secret! This isn’t good. Why am I alive?’ Noticing the panicked look on his face, Avalon spoke “You were brave out there, Sydor. You protected our village from complete destruction. Even though you are an avariel, the village agreed to let you stay here as long as you wish. However it has been met with much distaste and opposition.” ‘She makes sound like I don’t live in the village and that I am an outsider.’ “It’s not going to be easy for you. Well don’t plan to go anywhere anytime soon. You are going to stay with me here until your wounds are fully healed,” she finished.
Sydor noticed for the first time the warmth of his on his back. ‘They’re even bandaged just like the rest of me. What am I going to do when I leave?’
A few months later, Sydor had fully recovered and Avalon finally let him out. He placed his newly mended pendant around his neck. As he walked out, he was met with whispers, stares, and lack of trust from the villager. ‘Is this all the thanks I get? I need to do something. Do I stay and face condemning the villagers or leave and start a new life somewhere far from here. I need to meditate on this.’
Sydor walked slowly to his clearing and made sure that Eilonwy did not follow him. He half smiled when he saw the clearing before him, ‘I may never see this place again. I hope Eilonwy uses it for something…’ He sat down in the middle of the clearing, crossed his legs, and sighed. ‘What should I do?’ he asks again ‘Leetah wants me to stay, I know she does just because of the way she acts lately, but I don’t think I can suffer for her sake. Granted she raised me, but I am old enough to make my own decisions, and to take care of myself. I just cannot take another day of this judgment. I must leave. Since the villagers’ trust is gone, there is nothing left for me here. I need to go and find some answers about my real family and myself.’
Sydor’s mind was resolved, and would not be changed once he decided to do something; he stuck to that decision like a mule that would no budge. Therefore, as Sydor walked around the village he hid his intentions as he asked for supplies from different elves. Some of them guessed and thought good riddance and others just gave him what he needed without question.
Amolas noticed what Sydor was doing. ‘What is he up to?’ he thought his black hair plastered to the back of his neck with sweat. ‘Same old Sydor, he’s leaving on a journey. I better follow him to make sure...’ As Sydor walked around, Amolas followed him as quietly as, only an elf can. Oblivious Sydor finished gathering what he felt was needed. At that moment, Amolas rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. He was grinning ‘I’m not going to let Sydor have all the fun. If he is going to have an adventure, I am coming along. Just as we planned when we were kids, I wonder what happened.’
Amolas caught up in his memories, did not notice that Sydor had slipped away. When he did, Amolas meandered around the village ‘have to get what Sydor missed…’
Sydor quickly packed everything in a few tight bundles and hid them. He sat in the middle of the hut where Leetah had raised him. ‘It’s hard to believe I may never see this place again.’ He sighed as Leetah walked.
“Sydor what are you doing on the floor?” She asked.
“Just thinking that’s all,” Sydor said with smile. ‘If there is one thing I know I am going to miss her. It will be dark soon.’
“Sydor we need to talk,” Leetah began on the verge of tears. Sydor turned around and faced her. “I’m sorry,” she wept, “this is my entire fault.”
Sydor embraced her “You could not of have foreseen this. This is my burden not yours.”
“Sydor, my child,” she cupped Sydor’s face in her hand. So gentle that he could barely feel her fingers against his cheeks. “You will always be my little one,” she whispered, “I will love you no matter what you decide to do.” Tears began to slowly stain her cheeks. Sydor closed his eyes ‘This may be the last time I will talk to her and see her. This is painful. I love her so much. I wish that I didn’t have to put her in so much pain. I wish I could back and show her everyday that I love her.’ “I love you mother,” Sydor whispered tears also staining his cheeks. He held her tight and kissed her on the forehead.
At nightfall, Sydor took on last glance at Leetah. “I’ll miss you,” he said quietly and walked out with his bundles. ‘Will anyone miss me? Will anyone try to find me? Heck will anyone care?’ He thought silently to himself and smiled. ‘Is that Amolas waiting for me? Sydor pull yourself together you are imaging things,’ but it was Amolas waiting for him, arms folded, and his foot was impatiently tapping the ground silently. Sydor stood there confused. “Did you think I would let you leave and all the fun. This is what we had always wanted to do. Go off and have adventure?” Amolas said with sly grin.
“This isn’t what you think it is, Amolas. I am leaving because I no longer belong here not to have adventure. I need to find out whom I really am, where I come from. This kind of journey isn’t going to effortless, with a given destination. This may be the last time we see this village. Is that what you want? I could die or you. I don’t want anything like that to happen to you. Are you sure you want to come?” Sydor yelled.
‘It doesn’t make a difference to me. Sydor I am going with you. Nothing you say will change my mind. You know me, stubborn as mule just like you,” Amolas laughed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. “Let’s get a move on before its daylight. My pack is tied to a tree a few feet back.
Sydor smiled “I half hoped you would say that. Fine you can come, but there is no turning back.” Amolas nodded at Sydor’s now grave face.
“I will do my best to help you. I do not hate you for who you are. Most elves have a deep hatred for avariels. You know that is goes back for centuries. You’re lucky, you weren’t killed on the spot or left to die. You got a reprieve because Leetah begged for your life,” Amolas answered.
“Thank you, Amolas. What we need to do now is to make tracks. I do not want anyone to follow us. Some may think I am traitor and my leaving may confirm it. I love this village and it pains me more that you will ever know that I have to leave it.” Sydor finished his face was full of pain. After that the two friends made their way out of the village as fast as they could manage. A small blackbird followed them quietly on the wing…
Snow crunched underneath her feet as Melody pulled her cloak tighter around herself, against the ever-increasing blow of the wind. Griffin a young wolf looked up at her whimpering. “It’s okay, it’s not much further,” she said placing sympathetic had on the wolf’s white head. Soon two figures came into view. They lay still on the snow ground. The wind tussled Melody’s hair trying to pull it free from where she had tucked it behind her human ears. “I wonder if they are alive?” she said to Griffin. She took a closer look at the elf closer to her. To make sure that he was alive, she placed a hand on his chest. Melody could feel the reassuring beat of a strong heart against her fingers. ‘At least one of them is alive. Will the other be as lucky? They both seem to be wounded.’ She carefully placed him in the sled that was harnessed to Griffin. Melody moved to the second elf in the snow and did as before. She again felt a strong beat against her fingers. She took him in to her arms and stepped on to the back of the sled. Letting out a low whistle, Melody signaled to Griffin that she as ready to leave.
Amolas felt so warm “Where am I?” He asked to no one in particular. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up quickly, immediately regretting that he had even moved. Wincing he began to take in his situation. From where he was sitting, he could see a small wooden chair and a few chairs to match around it. A small number of possessions were hung on the wall. An old sword, a bow and some arrows, and a picture or two and there was a fireplace to one side apparently keeping the entire cottage warm. Sitting in front of it, was a young women leaning against a rather large wolf. ‘Did this person save us?’ He thought to himself. Another quick look around he noticed with relief, that Sydor was lying in a makeshift bed not to far away from the one the he himself was lying in. ‘At least we both made it. I don’t want to fail…’
Melody turned her head when she heard some movement. She noticed that one of her ‘guests’ were awake. Giving Griffin a thankful pat, she slowly got to her feet. “I see that you are awake,” she said stating the obvious “I would assume that you are hungry.”
Amolas looked at her not speaking. Melody stood about medium height, had blue eyes and long straight brown hair, and wore simple clothes. ‘She is beautiful.’ He thought and nodded his head. Melody walked over to the fire. A pot hung above it was simmering and got a bowl of stew for him. The different smells of the vegetables mixed making a pleasant aroma. She handed the bowl to him without a word. It was beautifully carved in an elvish style. “Where did you get this?” Amolas asked, “Only a friend of an elf could have one of these.”
“That’s because my father was friends with one,” Melody answered.
“What do you mean was?”
“He and my mother have been…” she trailed off “Why am I telling you any of this?”
Amolas closed his eyes and shook his head “I do not know, but how is Sydor,” Amolas said hoping to distract her.
“Oh you mean him. He’s in pretty bad shape, but he should pull through.” As Melody was distracted, Amolas took a closer look at the bowl in his hands ‘Father what have you been doing’ Amolas thought quietly.
“Where were you two doing this far south in Namia?” Melody asked.
“We got lost,” Amolas said.
“Really,” Melody answered unconvinced.
“Yeah we were trying to head east, but that storm hit….” Amolas trailed off
“You two are at least a few weeks off from heading in the right direction. I know the way, but only as far as Hogmanay. After that I can’t do much more for you,” Melody finished.
“What? Why are you so willing to show us the way?” Amolas asked his face full of confusion.
“I have my reasons. There are a few people I need to speak with, that are on the way and since you need to go in the direction I guess you two can come along,” Melody answered. She had her reasons why she didn’t want Amolas to know her motives. It was always safer to travel in groups. If she did not it would most likely be killed.
“I think that would be just fine then,” Amolas finished with a note of relief.
“Where did you say you were from?”
“I didn’t say. Why?”
“Just wondering”
“That’s quite north from here. I think my father used to visit there from time to time, but I’m not sure.”
“I think I may have a distant memory of a human visiting our village, but of course that was before…”
“Before what?”
“Never mind, I don’t think it’s the right time to talk about it."
"His fever broke hours ago. I do not know why he does not wake," Melody explained in a manner where you could not tell whether she cared or not. Amolas out his hand on his buddy's arm "Sydor please wake up." However, they did not know that he could not.
All Sydor could hear was the wind howling through the trees
"The past was once our future and future will become our past.
Three forbidden children and two unlike
Will band together to change this world forever
Good or bad time will only tell."
Sydor felt foggy as if he were in a dream. He saw an avariel woman crying, "I cannot leave him. He will die. My only child," she drew the tiny avariel by her side in to her arms "I love my son and you should too, Takumi you are his father."
Takumi stood tall and imposing looking stern at his wife and son, in half pity and disgust "You know he is forbidden. We will both be killed along with him if we protect him. Aerie we have to leave him," He said his wings twitching at his back with an annoyed manner.
Aerie nodded solemnly kissed her young son on the forehead. She laid him on the floor of the tiny cottage they were in and began to sing to the little child a soft lullaby in tongue unknown to Sydor. Soon one could see the rise, fall of his chest, and hear his quiet even breathing; Takumi nodded his head to Aerie "Its time."
Takumi grasped Aerie's hand firmly in his and his white feathered wings moved and both him and Aerie ascended toward the night sky before either could change their mind.
"Sydor wake up," he heard someone call.
"Come on don't give up on us..."
Sydor opened his eyes at first everything was clouded and all he could make out was two blurs standing over him. Soon his vision began to clear and he could make out Amolas's and a young women's face. He lifted his hand up and gently traced her check with the tip of his finger. "I think he's going to be okay," Amolas said with a laugh.
Sydor sat next to Amolas with his feet propped up on Melody’s table leaning back in his chair. “So what’s next?” He asked.
“Well, Melody has agreed to help us for the time being. She knows this area,” Amolas answered with an air of satisfaction.
“Yes, but only that much and nothing more. I have better things to do than leading stray elves around,” Melody said coming in to the conversation, “It will take a few weeks, but I cannot do much for you since you haven’t told me what you two are doing around Namia and where you are planning to go.”
“Well, that’s a good question and I would like to ask a few of my own, but I will refrain at the moment. Your questions will be answered. Though one of our answers could put you in danger,” Amolas answered not betraying anything,
“Fine,” Melody said hiding her emotion as well. Sydor smiled as the two talked, lost in his thoughts only half listening to them. ‘Who is she really?’ he thought ‘I wonder what she would say if she knew my secret, but there’s no way, I can admit my secret to her. It could mean my death and Amolas’s.’
“We should leave in the morning,” Melody announced “and Griffin is coming with us. He can prove useful to us.”
“That’s fine with me. What about you Sydor are you up to it?” Amolas asked.
“Sydor blinked “Um, sure yeah. I’m feeling a lot better…” He said quickly.
“Well get some rest you two, because you’re going to need all the energy you can get. Night,” Melody called after them.
Sunlight streamed in from the well-kept windows. Forcefully waking Melody and she began making preparations. It reminded her of her mother when she got her father for a trip, but that all changed one day.
She had been nine at the time. A rough knock shook the door. Melody saw her mom wince. “Melody, come here,” she called. She walked timidly up to her mother “What is it?” she whispered. Her mother closed her eyes “Honey, stay under your bed and do not come out no matter what happens.”
“Honey just promise me.”
“I promise,” she answered as her father opened the door…
“Melody,” Amolas said snapping her back to the present “How’s everything coming along?”
“Just fine,” though her face did not look it. Amolas raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing.
“What time are we leaving?” Sydor asked appearing out of nowhere letting out a small yawn.
“Around midday,” Melody answered quickly recovering herself. She continued packing things in a few small bundles that she felt was needed. “I don’t know much about what elves eat, but what I have, will have to do until we get to the first town.”
“That’s fine, but if worse comes to worse, Sydor and I can get what we need from the forest,” Amolas answered Melody.
Soon enough Griffin’s sled was packed and he was harnessed to it. Melody stared at her home the snow began to fall gently around her and she pulled her cloak closer around herself. She wondered if she was ever going to see it again. However, she knew she was only going to be gone for a short time, but her heart told her otherwise. “Hey Mel, let’s get a move on,” Amolas said.
“Never call me that! Only my father was allowed to call me that,” Melody yelled with than a touch of anger in it. Griffin whimpered and shifted uncomfortably as the wind played gently with his pale gray fur. Sydor put a gentle hand on the wolf’s head and he quieted. After recovering himself Amolas spoke, “Alright I won’t call you that again. Let’s go while we still have some daylight.”
Melody nodded her head without expression and let out a whistle letting Griffin know, as before that it was time to go.
As the group walked, Sydor saw trees so wide that ten men could touch fingertip to fingertip and not reach all the way around them. The leaves were a blood red that sent a few chills down his back. “I’ve never seen trees like these before,” he commented as much to himself as to the others.
“I’m not surprised these trees have no name and only grow here. There is a legend that these trees are older than the elves themselves,” Melody answered.
“Oh,” a small blackbird began to chirp as it sat bobbing on a small branch. Sydor studied it for only a moment, before it flew off. “Come on, Sydor we don’t have the time to stand gawking at birds,” Amolas called as Melody got ahead of Sydor.
“Coming,” he yelled after them and began to run.
“He can run quite fast,” Melody, commented to Amolas as they stood watching.
“Yeah, a….” he trailed of for a moment. Melody raised an eyebrow. “I mean Sydor used to win all the running competitions at our village.”
Sydor caught up to them and smiled “Still got it,” he laughed. Melody rolled her eyes, “We should reach town by nightfall. There’s an inn there we can stay for the night.”
The inn was an old run down building on the outskirts of the town. The sign read The Megaldo Inn, in peeling letters. Melody opened the door with a welcoming chorus of bells. Sydor and Amolas followed suit behind her. Inside the air was smoky with long forgotten tobacco pipes and cigars. A surprisingly young man stood behind a counter to one side of the room. While on the other side was a fireplace with a small fire in it. There was a few couches and armchairs squished around it. Melody walked over to the counter. “Joeirk, haven’t seen you around lately and now you have a job here? By the way how’s your father?”
“Well, I should same to you. My father died a few years back. Supposedly it was an accident, but I know why just like you’re…” Joirk didn’t get to finish because Melody placed a firm hand on is mouth,
“I don’t want those two to know,” Melody whispered pointing to Sydor and Amolas. “So don’t say anything about my family. I’m going to take my hand away now and I’m sorry about your father he was a good man.” Melody did as she said she would and Joirk gave her an embarrassed smile, “Sorry about that, I’ll watch what I say from now on,” Joirk said.
Melody rolled her eyes “Yeah, when pigs fly.”
“I can arrange that,” he laughed “Anyway, father left me the inn and I’ve been running it ever since.”
“Well, I bet your father would have been proud. Hey can I have two rooms?”
“Sorry, Melody, I only have one room left,” he started “but its one of my bigger rooms. So it has a side room, but it will at least it will give you some privacy,” Joirk quickly added.
Melody glared at him “Fine, it’s only for one night. Do you want me to pay now or in the morning?”
“Naw, it’s on me. You know I would never ask you for money. Its number 20 and it’s the last door on the left.
“I wonder what her problem is.” Sydor said quietly to Amolas.
“It doesn’t matter. We have our secrets and she has hers. Leave her alone for now. Look she is calling us over,” Amolas pointed out.
“Alright our room is #20, last door on the left,” Melody explained.
“I thought you were getting two rooms,” Sydor said.
“Joirk didn’t have enough rooms.”
“Oh, well what about Griffin?”
“He can fend for himself.”
Room 20’s door creaked open. There were two moth eaten beds to one side of the room and a well-worn desk and chair to match on the other side. Above the desk hung, a beautiful painting that contrasted against the room, but it gave it a charm. “I’ll sleep on the floor,” Sydor announced.
“Thank you,” Melody whispered so quietly that he didn’t even hear her. ‘They have no idea, no idea at all.’
“Hey, Melody, are you feeling alright?” Amolas asked with a touch of concern in his voice.
“Fine, fine,” Melody answered though it didn’t convince him.
“If you’re sure, let’s go back down and see if there is anything worth finding out,” Amolas said. The three of them walked to the inn’s parlor. There were a few men sitting at a table playing cards. Quietly grunting to themselves as they decided how to place their bets.
Sydor turned he attention to the armchairs crowded around the small fire in the fireplace. In one of them, there was what looked like a young elf about Sydor’s age. Sydor could tell because human’s can never tell an elf’s age, but an elf can usually guess. The elf’s eyes were a deep brown almost black showing that he knew his place. Short stocky brown hair that looked like it needed a good washing. He wore a plain cloak clasped at his throat and a tunic with a complicated design done in gold thread. His breeches were a black as cool matching his boots.
“The name’s Dameon in case you were wondering. You keep quite the company there young lady,” he said coolly and sat back and waited.
“Well, I see you keep none yourself,” Melody retorted.
“Sorry about Melody she’s not in a good mood,” Amolas began “I’d leave her alone if I were you,” Amolas as an aside. “I’m Amolas by the way and my friend here Sydor,” He finally finished pointing to Sydor.
Sydor put his hand out and Dameon gave him a hearty handshake in reply. His brown eyes spied a pendant hung around Sydor’s neck and it looked as if it were trying to hide in the fold of his tunic. “That’s a pretty nice pendant you got there. How’d you happen by it?” Dameon asked hoping to learn more than he let on.
“Well, I’ve had it as long as…” Sydor stopped short as Amolas elbowed him in the side making it look as if it were accident. “Hey are you a fool or a good imitation or one? We don’t know him or his motives. Talking about your pendant could betray you’re secret if the right person is listening,” Amolas whispered so quietly that Sydor had to strain to hear him.
“Sorry,” he said as much to himself as Dameon or Amolas.
“That’s fine; I have a pendant as well. I don’t like to talk about it either,” Dameon said with a smile. He knew all he needed to know. “Hey where’d you say you’re headed?”
“We didn’t and why do you ask?” Melody narrowed her eyes asked. She sat cross-legged on the couch that was facing Dameon, sipping ale from a goblet that Joirk had given her.
“Well I was heading east and I don’t know the area very well. Therefore, I was hoping to join a group of travelers heading in my direction. You know someone who may know their way around.” Dameon explained. He was ready for anything.
Melody glared at him because she knew there was nothing she could do “Well, it just so happens we are going in that direction. You can come with us, but any funny business you will meet your death by my hands and no one else’s.”
“Death threats not. I thought that kind of thing was beneath you. Well is there anything I should know before I turn in for the night,” Dameon said.
Melody looked more annoyed than before “We leave in the morning, if you aren’t ready when we are then, we will leave without you.”
Dameon gave her a reassuring smile “Anything for you,”
“I’m going to bed,” Sydor said hoping to lighten the tension he knew was growing. He didn’t enjoy the feeling of apprehension he was getting from the whole situation. ‘Who’s Dameon anyway and what does he know?’ Sydor thought.
“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all night,” Amolas commented “Let’s all turn in,"
Dameon nodded his head, without a single word got up, and walked away, his cloak billowing out from behind him. Once he was inside his room, he took his cloak off and smiled flashing surprisingly white teeth. He eased his tunic off revealing rows of daggers in bands criss-crossed against his chest. A pendant not unlike Sydor’s, hung against his bare chest. He removed the bands and laid them with his tunic and cloak.
Dameon sighed and removed his pendant. Pale gray wings peppered with white and gray appeared at his back. Pale streaks of blonde appeared in his stocky brown hair. His eyes glowed as if there was a fire in them. Dameon closed his eyes and clasped his hand together, his index fingers extended. Whispering he began to chant in a long forgotten language.
"What is it Dameon?" a voice said from nowhere "It'd better be good, you disturbed me."
"I've found the first of the three my lord," Dameon answered.
"Excellent, but you better find the others and soon."
"Yes, my lord," Dameon said cutting off the connection. He fell to his knees exhausted 'what am I getting in to?' he thought.
“Sydor is everything alright?” Amolas asked.
“I just miss Leetah that’s all,” Sydor, answered with a sigh. It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was truth enough. ‘Why do I even bother? Am I really going to accomplish anything? I’m just lying to everyone. I don’t know what they would do if they find out. I’m already a murder of my own kind no less.’ He thought his mind full of doubt.
“Yeah, I miss the village. Well get some sleep. You’ll probably feel better in the morning.”
Sydor lay on the floor uncomfortably with a scratchy blanket and his arms for his pillow. He looked at his friends with sleep in his eyes. ‘What am I going to?’ Soon enough he fell asleep.
Melody lay on her bed unable to sleep. Haunted by her past…
“I promise,” she said to her father opened the door.
“Melody quick,” her mother called. Obeying her mother, she dove under the bed.
Melody heard heavy booted feet stamp the floor. Her eyes were closed in fright, but she could not block out the screams of her mother…
Melody shuddered ‘why is this coming back to me now, I thought I put this behind me.’
Amolas woke, opening his eyes slowly. He could see Sydor sprawled out on the floor his blanket on the other side of the room. A few rays of sunlight were streaming in through single window in the room. Closing his eyes, Amolas shook his head ‘same old Sydor’ “mmmm…” Melody murmured in her sleep. ‘I wonder what’s going to happen, especially with Dameon is with us now. I don’t think I can trust him…’
“Amolas!” Melody yelled. Without out a thought he jumped out of his bed and ran to her side. “Help!” she called out. Her eyes were still closed; her brown hair was fanned out around her head. Her brow was beaded with sweat. Amolas put his hands on her shoulders and shook her gently “Melody wake up! You’re having a bad dream!” Amolas exclaimed. Sydor was now up and standing and staring at his two friends in distress “Sydor go fine Joirk!” Sydor was out the door,
“Amolas, please help!” Melody let out. Slowly, but surely Melody’s eyes opened clouded in fear. “What, happened?”
“It seemed to me that you had a nightmare.” Amolas answered quietly.
“But, it was so real. Terrible winged things were yelling at me to give up and to tell them were you two were.”
“You didn’t tell them anything did you?
“No, I refused and started screaming for you, because they were starting to get violent. I received a few blows with the flat of their swords.” Melody held out her arm and there were a few black and blue marks starting to appear on her skin.
Amolas’s eyes widened “Whatever happened we need to take it and any threat seriously. You’ve changed since we first met.”
“What do you mean,” Melody asked focusing on the latter comment.
“You just have that all.”
Melody stared at Amolas for only a moment. “Don’t you think we should wake Sydor?” she said changing the subject.
“Why? He already left.”
“He left to go find Joeirk.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Sydor and Joeirk walked in to the room. Sydor stood with no shirt on, his pendant lay gently against his bare chest. Joeirk, like Sydor wore no shirt, gently laid his eyes on Melody, and smiled with relief.
“Oh it could have been a lot worse,” Joirk commented after being filled in with what had happened.
“You could have been killed. Someone really wants to know where we are.” Amolas added.
“What we need to do is keep moving,” Sydor announced.
“The question is who wants to find us and why. What is important about you two?” Melody pondered.
“Well, it’s about this and what it hides.” Sydor began pointing to his pendant. ‘I have to tell them.’
“Wait a sec…” Joirk said. He peered in to the hall and closed the door with a rough snap. Closing his eyes, he put his fingers on the door and whispered something unintelligible. “So we aren’t overheard by the wrong ears,” he said answering the confusion on the others faces.
“I thought magic was an art lost to humans.” Sydor asked.
“Well, a few of us can still use that art.” Joirk started, “But it’s highly looked down upon and is punishable by death in some cases. I’ll explain later. Sydor please continue.”
“One moment,” Amolas butted in, taking Sydor by the arm and leading him in to the side room. “Do you think it wise to be telling them, let alone showing them, you’re secret?”
“I know it may seem foolish, but what’s the point of lying to them. They’ll find out eventually. At least Melody would. It might as well me now. You never know it may be useful.” Sydor answered, “Though it might end the end, cause my death, I’ll be happier this way.” ‘At least it’s my choice’
“It may not just mean your own death, but the death of Melody and I, even Joirk’s.
“Being with them can easily result in the same thing.”
Both Sydor and Amolas stormed out of the side room and back in to the main room. “Okay explain the pendant.” Joirk demanded.
“It has a concealment charm that protects me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Watch…” Sydor put both hands on the chain the pendant hung from and pulled it over his. I immediately he shuddered and eagle brown wings seemed to grow from his back. Something strange took place a streak or two of brown appeared in his blonde hair and his eyes changed to a deep green. “This is my true form…”

With that, Sydor fell to his knees ‘what have you done?’ He heard a voice say. “I am a fool,” Sydor cried out and before anyone could stop him ripped open the door and ran out. Joirk made a move towards the door, a floorboard squeaked in protest “We won’t catch him that way,” Amolas told them.
“What do you mean?” Joirk asked. A bemused expression crossed his face. “Can he really fly?”
“Not that I know of, but he can easily outrun us all,” Amolas answered his voice solemn and quiet. Melody sat there quietly not knowing what to think. “Then what do we do?” She finally her voice cracked nervously.
“We will go after him if he does not come back. Give him some time think. I just hope he does come back.” Amolas said in hopes to comfort Melody.
“So, they do exist. I truly thought that avariels were a myth from the war.” Joirk said in amazement.
“Why are they hated? We are all taught to hate them. For what? No one today really knows that. Most believe the war is just a child’s tale. Nothing more, but everyone hates avariels all the same.” Melody said from nowhere.
Amolas and Joirk looked at her for a moment not knowing what to say in response. “No one knows. Maybe…” Amolas trailed off for a moment.
“Do you know where there could be a temple?”
“Not anywhere close by. Hogmanay has a temple, but that is all I know.” Melody answered. “Why?”
“Well, they may have records of the war hidden in the archives and from public eye. Melody is there a way to get to the archives without trouble.”
“I have it covered.” Melody gave Joirk a look that told “don’t you dare say anything.”
“Good, do not say anything to Dameon about Sydor and if he asks. Tell him that he went for a walk to clear his head.”
Melody and Joirk nodded. “That reminds me I should get back to work. Been neglecting the customers and breakfast has not been made yet. Well come done when you’re ready.” Joirk said and quickly left the room.
Melody and Amolas looked at each other not knowing what to say. Melody pulled out a brush and began the long even strokes that brushed her hair. Amolas found his clothes and hid in the side room and changed. ‘Too much as happened. Sydor please come back to us. I hope the temples archives will reveal something about your past if not, what happened to the avariels.’
“Amolas, thank you,” Melody said from the other side of the door.
“Why what did I do?” Melody smiled and did not answer his question. Amolas opened the door and his eyes met hers. Amolas stared at her, she seemed different as if she was a whole new person. She leaned closer and she closed her eyes and Amolas did the same. A floorboard creaked and the two flinched. “What are you two doing?” Dameon asked. He stood leaning against the doorframe. “If I’m not ready you are going leave me behind. Well look at you two. It seems that you are not ready and I am. Where’s Sydor by the way.’
Amolas scowled “None of your business what we were doing and Sydor took a walk to clear his head and should get back soon. How about leaving us to getting packed,” Amolas said with bitterness in his voice.
“Fine,” Dameon said ‘Those liars. I had better go look for him. Those fools would never be able to catch him.’ “Hmmph…” Dameon said as he walked towards the door. “Well, I think that’s a good idea. I think I will take a walk myself. Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” he said with a laugh and walked out.
“What’s with him?” Melody asked.
“I don’t really know, but I think he knows more than he is letting on.”
“What if he finds Sydor?”
“We’d better go after him.” Amolas said with a touch of concern in his voice. He pulled on his boots and grabbed his bow. Melody raised an eyebrow at him because of this wondering what he was up to. Amolas looked up and smiled “Just in case I have to kill him or anyone else who sees too much for their own good.”
Melody nodded and looked down at the floor. There sitting near the window was Sydor’s pendant. Without a word to Amolas, she walked over and with a quick movement of her hand picked it up. Then Melody jumped up and followed Amolas out the door.
“What am I going to do?” Sydor asked himself. “I’m better off without them.”
He crouched on a branch of an old oak, high above the ground. The wind played with the lush green leaves and his warm brown wings back and forth. “What’s next?” CRACK! Sydor’s senses snapped to full alert. A quick scan told him there was nothing there, but he knew better. “Come out or I will kill you.” His hand instinctively went to the hilt of one of his swords.
“I’m right here,” a voice called.
“Here,” Dameon answered as he stepped out of the shadow of the tree.
“I thought that I would have a word with you.”
“What kind of word?”
“’Why don’t you come down from there and we’ll talk about it.” Sydor cringed ‘he cannot see my wings. I could only guess what he would do if he found out…’
“Guess I will have to come to you.” Dameon yelled up the tree. Sydor closed his eyes and did not answer. Soon he heard the sound of wing beats ‘What could that be…this doesn’t make sense.’
“Miss me?” Dameon asked. Sydor opened his eyes to see him on the branch beside him. “How did you get up here?”
“Easy I flew,” Dameon, answered a sly grin crossed his face. This time Sydor fell out of the tree. Panicking Dameon jumped out of the tree and snapped open his wings. He banked to the right and caught Sydor in his arms. Pulling his wings in, he made a smooth landing. “You...you’re an avariels?”
“Put me down.” Without a word, Dameon dumped Sydor on the ground. He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his pendant. He placed it around his neck and his wings vanished as if they had never been there.
“Sydor!” Amolas cried out. He had his bow at the ready. “What are you doing here?”
“I just saved your friend’s life and this is the thanks I get? Gee you know how to make a guy feel welcome,” Dameon retorted.
“Just leave Sydor out of it,” Melody added. She stood next to Amolas, in the shadow of the old oak tree.
“I just want to be alone,” Sydor yelled out. He sprinted away. He dissipated into the ever-growing shadows. “Damn it, Sydor,” Amolas yelled out. He grabbed Melody by the hand “We have to catch up to him. Before he does something he will regret,” and went after him.
Dameon watched as the two ran off. ‘Those fools will never catch him that way.’ He pulled his pendant off. Snapped out his wings and rose into the air. “This is much quicker.” He laughed.

Sydor ran ignoring the branches wiping at him from all directions. ‘My little child’ “What was that?” he said to no one. ‘Sleep without worry…’ He looked around nervously. “Who is saying that?” ‘I will stand watch…’ “Why can’t I get this out of my head?” ‘I love you my little child,’ “Stop it!” Sydor cried falling to his knees.
“Sydor,” Melody called out.
“Damn it Sydor you can’t run off like that.” Amolas called.
‘No matter where you are…’ Sydor clutched his head. “That’s it” and stepped right off the edge of a cliff. ‘I am going to die…Sydor I will be the wind beneath your wings…’
© Copyright 2006 Midnight Cobra (elvengal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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