Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1060656-Obession
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1060656
How far will Alex DeMarco go to get the beautiful Kaylee Winters?
by: Lauren M. Tyler

Chapter 1

Kaylee Winters left the Sunday morning mass as
soon as it was over. She wasn't feeling well and rushed straight home. Her father, Alfred Winters, was the Preacher of the church and would scold her for not staying afterward but she's been feeling ill all morning.
When she got home she ran upstairs and changed out of her Sunday clothes. She was just finishing dressing when the phone rang. She ran into her parents bedroom and answered it.

"Hello, Winters residence," she said.
"Hi, wanna talk?" said a male voice from the other end of the line.
"Who's this?" Kaylee asked.
"Let's just say I'm a friend," the voice said. "I've watched you for quite some time, Kaylee, and I like what I see."
"How do you know my name? Who is this?" Kaylee said, sounding frightened.
"Shh, relax. I ain't gonna hurt, my love, I just wanted to talk," the voice said.
"Look, mister, I don't know who you are or what you want but I'm not interested," Kaylee said in a sharp tone before she hung up.

"Some guys are jerks," she told herself as she walked to the door.
The phone rang again. Startled, Kaylee turned around, her hand still on the doorknob.
Slowly she made her way back to the bedside table and answered the phone.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Don't hang up again or you'll be sorry," said an angry voice.
Kaylee gasped as she recgonized the voice. "What do you want?"
"Like I said before, I just wanna talk, Kaylee," he replied. "But now it's too late. Tell your father I enjoyed his sermon."
The caller hung up. Kaylee hung up as tears swelled up in her eyes. The man attend her church. It could be someone she knew. Just then she heard a car pull up the driveway. She walked toward the window and saw her family getting out of the minivan. Relief swept over her as she ran downstairs.

Kaylee reached the bottom of the stairs just as her father came in.
"Kaylee, you are suppose to stay after the sermon to greet the people. Are you feeling well?"
Mr. Winters asked, as he held the door open for the rest of the family.
Kaylee shook her head. "I had a headache, daddy. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
Her mother walked in with her baby brother, Jerry in arms, followed by her sister.
Mr. Winters laughed. "Well, if you have a headache there nothing I can do. Have you taken a Tylenol?"
"No, but I will," Kaylee said.
"Kaylee, can you please put the baby to bed while I start lunch?" Mrs. Winters said, handing her the baby.
"Sure, Momma," Kaylee replied. She took the baby and headed upstairs.
After she had tuck the baby in his crib Kaylee went into the kitchen to help her momma make lunch.
"Kaylee, James was asking for you after mass," her older sister, Mary told her.
"Did he say what he wanted?" Kaylee asked, as she sat down opposite her sister, who was cutting some tomatoes.
Mary shook her head. "No, but he said he will call you later. Here cut some tomatoes," mary said, sliding a few tomatoes and a knife across the table.
"Are we having company?" Kaylee asked, eyeing the amount of chicken her mother was coating.
"Your father invited the new members of the church to lunch," Mrs. Winters said, as she dip some chicken in the coating.
"Where is daddy?" Kaylee asked, slicing another tomatoe.
"He's in his study," replied Mrs. Winters.
"Can I be excused?" asked Kaylee.

Kaylee knocked softly on the big oak door that led to her father's study.
"Come in."
She opened the door and walked in. Her father by the window with his back to her.
"Daddy, are you busy?" she asked as she walked over to him.
Mr. Winters turned around and smiled when he saw Kaylee. "No, what's on your mind?" He motioned for her to sit in the big overstuffed armchair that Kaylee loved to snuggle in and read.
Kaylee sat down and sighed. "Daddy, I got a really creepy call today. It scared me," she said.
Mr. Winters frowned. "A creepy call? What do you mean?"
Kaylee cleared her throat. "It was a guy's voice and he said he's been watching me and he liked what he saw," she stopped and looked at her father. "He also said to tell you he liked your sermon this morning."
"My sermon?" Mr. Winters got up and begane to pace. "You think he attends my church?"
Kaylee nodded. "The idea that he's been spying on me kinda creeps me out."
Mr. Winter heaved a deep sighed. "Well, don't worry about, Kaylee, I'll get to the bottom of this," he said. Kayle got up and they both walked towards the door. "If you get another call, let me know, okay," he told her they walked into the living room.
"Okay, daddy."

That night Kaylee couldn't sleep. She kept remembering the call she got. She had told James, her best friend, but he told her it was probably just a prank call. Before going to bed she had made sure all the doors and windows in the house were locked. She tried to get some sleep but to no avil. Finally at the crack of dawn she got out of bed and showered. She put her school uniform and brushed her hair. She shouldered her book bag and went downstairs.

Kaylee spend the whole morning trying to put a face to the voice but couldn't. Around six her dad came downstairs.
"You're up early. Want something to eat?" he asked, going into the kitchen.
"No, I'll grab something at school," she said, going after him.
She watched him pour himself a cup of coffee. "Want me to make you some toast?" she asked.
Mr. Winters shook his head. "Nah, but go see if the paper boy already came by."
Kaylee left the kitchen. She unlocked the front door and walked out into the front porch. The paper was lying neatly on the porch swing. Kaylee grabbed it and went inside.
"Here you go, dad," she said, handing Mr. Winters the paper.
"Thanks, sweetheart." Mr. Winters took the paper and unfolded it. A small envelope fell onto the table. Mr. Winter picked up the envelope.
"Oh. Here, this belong to you, Kaylee," he said, handing her the envelope.
Kaylee took the envelope from her father's extended hand. In bright red letter it said: "Kaylee, my love"
Kaylee let out a small gasp.
Mr. Winters looked up from his paper. "You okay, honey?"
Kaylee nodded. "Yeah. I'll be outside waiting for the bus. Bye, daddy."

Kaylee sat down on the corner curb waiting for the school bus. She looked at the envelope in her lap. Should I open it? she wondered, What can happened? She finally decided to open it.
With trembling fingers she opened the envelope and pulled out a slip of paper. She carefully unfolded it.
"Kaylee, my love, I was broken hearted that you didn't want to talk to be yesterday but not as much as I was when you locked you're window. I had gotten used to watching you sleep. But I want you to know I am not mad at you, on the contrary, I hope you like my surprise I have in store for you. You'll see what I mean. Till we meet, your friend.
P.S.- I love the dress you're wearing."
Kaylee suddenly looked up. She was sure she heard someone behind the bushes. She looked around but she saw no one. She saw the bus coming. She stuffed the letter into book bag. When the bus driver opened the door Kaylee quickly got in. She sat in the last seat near the back door.
As the bus sped off she turned around. In the exact spot where she had been stood a young man, waving at her. He had a baseball hat that covered his face but Kaylee could see he was smiling.

All through her morning classes Kaylee kept looking over her shoulder as if expecting someone to jump out at her. She nearly jumped off her desk when James had touched her hand. James noticed her odd behavior and questioned her about it during lunch hour.
"What's going on, Kay?" he asked her, opening his soft drink.
"I got a letter this morning," she said, unwrapping her sandwich, "from the same guy that called me."
"A letter? What did it say?"
Kaylee bend down and extracted a slip of paper from her left boot. She tossed it at James.
He caught it and unfolded it.
Kaylee ate in silence as James read the letter. She saw his expression change as soon as he finished the letter. Instead of the goofy grin he always had his expression was somber.
"Whoa, you weren't kidding. This guy's a psycho," he told her.
"You think he was there when I was changing this morning?" she asked. "How else would he know I was wearing a dress?"
James chugged the remainder of his drink before answering. "Maybe he was just guessing. After all, it's almost summer and most girls are wearing dresses."
Kaylee finished her sandwich and tossed the wrapper into the trash bin nearby.
"I don't think so. I saw a guy when I got on the bus and I think it was him," she told James.
"I'll walk you home today, okay?" James said as they left the cafeteria. "I don't want to give that freak a chance to do something."

On the way home Kaylee and James stopped by their favorite hang out, Joe's Cafe. The sat in their usual booth near the door.
"What can I get you?" said Shelly the waitress.
"A rootbeer float for me," Kaylee said, handing her the menu.
"I'll have the same," James said.
Shelly left them just as a group of football players came in.
"You scared?" James asked a while later as they sipped their rootbeer floats.
"Yeah. I hate not knowing what he's gonna do," she said.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be with you all the time," James said, flashing his usual grin.
Shelly came to their table.
"Kaylee, this guy asked me to give you this," Shelly said, handing her a piece of paper.
"What guy?" James demanded as he grabbed the paper out of her hand.
"Some guy that was out by the dumpster. Said he was a friend," Shelly replied before she left.
"What does it say?" Kaylee asked, her eyes glued to the paper.
James read the letter in a hushed whisper. "My love, the surprise is nearly ready. Please wear the dress I have left for you in your bedroom. Till our eyes meet, your friend." James crumpled up the note in his hand. "Is this guy for real?"
Kaylee began to cry. "He's been in my room," she said.
James reached over the table and held her hand in his. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, all right?"
Kaylee nodded. "Maybe we should tell someone that can help me," she sniffed.
"Your dad. He knows about this guy, right?"James asked. When Kaylee nodded he continued. "Maybe he found something. Let's ask him."
"Okay, let's go."

Chapter 2

"Damn. I forgot I have an appointment today, Kay," James said when they reached Kaylee's house.
"Oh. Anything seriously wrong?" Kaylee asked, turning the key in the lock.
"Nah, just a check up. My mom's waiting for me," James said. "Can we talk to your dad later?"
"Sure. See ya at school," Kaylee said, going inside.
Kaylee shut the door and locked it. She headed for the kitchen, dropping her book bag on the sofa.
"Hello? Anyone home?" she yelled.
She reached the kitchen expecting to see her mom but the kitchen was empty. She spotted the red note attached to the fridge almost instantly.
"Went to church bake sale. Be back at five. Dad's working late, Mom."
"Great," Kaylee said, crumpling up the note and tossing it at the trash bin.
She opened the fridge and grabbed a soft drink and went upstairs. She opened her bedroom door and walked in, looking around.
She saw a white box on her bed. She walked over and picked it up. She removed the red bow and opened the box.
Inside was a short black dress with a single red rose. Kaylee shuddered at the thought of the guy inside her room. She left the room with the box and dress. Outside she tossed it in the garbage can. When she walked in the house the phone began to ring. Kaylee gasped and stared at the phone. Should I pick it up? It could be him. She walked to the kitchen and picked up the phone.
"I take it you didn't like my dress," said the now familiar voice.
Kaylee began to cry softly. "Please leave me alone," she pleaded.
"Hush, baby. We belong together. It's our destiny and you can fight it," he said. "Tell your friend, James, not to walk you home anymore."
Kaylee sniffed. "What? Are you following me?"
He laughed. "Yes. I make sure someone doesn't harm you. You can say I'm your guardian angel."
"You're no angel. Your a pyscho who should be locked up," Kaylee said angrily. "Leave me alone. I don't know you and I don't want to."
She waited for the response but instead she heard the phone disconnect. Seconds later she heard someone knocking at the front door. She walked to the door.
"Hello?" she said when she opened the door.
No one was there. She stepped onto the threshold and looked up and down the street. When she didn't see anyone she went back inside. She closed the door and locked it.
"Good idea. Someone might get in," a voice whispered in her ear.
Kaylee quickly turned around and found herself face to face with the guy she had seen that same morning. He was still wearing the same red baseball. She tried to run but he grabbed her by the upper arms.
"No!" he exclaimed, "Let's take a ride."
"No, let me go!" Kaylee screamed as she fought to get out of his strong grip.
He tightened his hold on her and dragged her through the kitchen and out the back door.
"Help! Help me!" Kaylee yelled.
"Shut up!" he said, covering her mouth with his hand.
Kaylee bit him as hard as she could. She could taste the blood in her mouth.
"Shit!" he cried, "don't ever do that!" He slapped her as hard as he could.
Kaylee was knocked out by the force and she fell to the ground.
"Kaylee, you okay?" he asked, crouching down beside her. He touched her cheek where it was bright red.
Kaylee groaned and opened her eyes. She saw the guy's face hoavering over her. She screamed and pushed him down. She quickly got up and ran.
"Come back here!" he yelled, running after her. He caught up with her and grabbed her from behind.
"Let me go! Help!" Kaylee screamed, flinging her arms around and kicking.
He wrestled her to his car, a black SUV. He shoved her into the back seat and climbed in after her. Kaylee fought him, trying to get out.
"Stop it! Don't make me hurt you!" he cried.
Kaylee stopped screaming and swinging her arms. She looked at him, tears streaming down her face.
"I don't want to hurt. So, stop screaming, okay?" he asked.
Kaylee lounged at him, scratching his face and neck.
"Let me out of here!"
He pushed her back and reached for a small bottle under the seat. Kaylee came back at him but he was ready. He grabbed her arms and turned her over. He held her tight with her back to him. With one hand still holding Kaylee, he ripped off her shirt. Then he unscrewed the bottle and lathered the shirt with its contents. He put the soaking wet shirt over her nostrils. After a dew second Kaylee slumped over his arm. He gently laid her down. Then he got out and went around the car. He made sure no one was watching before he zoomed out of the driveway.

Alex DeMarco was sitting in the armchair, talking on the phone when he heard Kaylee stirring from her sleep.
"Hey, I'll call you later, okay?" he said, before he hung up.
He walked over to the sofa and knelt down beside her. He stroked her hair gently.
She opened her eyes, squinting against the light.
She sat up and looked around. She saw Alex sitting near her. She whimpered like a wounded animal and began to cry.
"Don't cry, Kaylee. It'll be all right," Alex said.
"Please let me go," Kaylee whimpered.
Alex stood up and began to pace. He rubbed his chin, as he often did when he was nervous.
"Look, Kaylee, we belong together. It was just a matter of time before we were together," he said.
He knelt in front of her and held her hand for a second before Kaylee moved it. "I'm not letting you go, okay? So just chill."
He got up and walked to the kitchen. Kaylee heard some pots being bang around. She looked around trying to see anything that might tell her where she was. She could see out the window but all she saw was trees.
"You hungry?" Alex called from the kitchen.
Kaylee didn't respond. She saw the front the door was only a few feet away. She calculated how long it would take her to reached the door before he noticed.
"Don't even think about it. You'll get lost out there in the woods," Alex said, as if reading her thought.
He came back into living room carry a tray. He set it down in the table between the sofa and armchair.
"You want a sandwich?" Alex asked. "You might as well eat. There's no point in starving yourself because it won't work," he told her when she turned her head.
Kaylee didn't say anything. She continued to look out the window. Alex grabbed himself a sandwich and sat down on the armchair.
While he ate he gazed intently at Kaylee. He didn't believe she was there with him. He had dream that when they met it would be speacial, that Kaylee would love and respect him instead of hate and fear him. Still, he knew that she would soon change her mind about him. Until then he just had to show her the kind, nice guy he was instead of the kidnapper she saw now.
"Well, it'll be dark soon, maybe you want to get clean up," he said after a few minutes.
"Go to hell," Kaylee said, not looking at him.
"Suit yourself, darling. You can sleep in the bedroom," he said, pointing at the door to the right. "And don't try anything stupid."
Kaylee looked at him with pure hate in her eyes before she scrambled into the bedroom and closed the door.
"There's a few clothes in the drawer!" Alex shouted after her.

In the living room Alex was laying on the sofa, thinking of the beautiful women that was in his bedroom right now. He been convinced that Kaylee and him were meant for each other since he first laid eyes on her.
She was a cheerleader at the football game he went, though he never liked the sport. He had gone with his cousin, Mike, who had a girl in the squad.
All through out the game Alex had watched her. She wasn't any ordinary girl. At seventeen she had the body of a twenty-two year with all the right curves in all the right places. She had long blond hair and blue eyes.
With every passing minute he fell under her spell and by the time the game had ended he knew that Kaylee was meant to be his.
Soon after that he made it his mission to find out everything he could about her. He followed her everywhere she went and even went to her church. It wasn't long before he was sneaking in to her bedroom just to watch her sleep.

Kaylee didn't sleep that night, thinking that at any moment the guy in the living would come barging in the room and having his way with her.
She sat on the bed, hugging her knees and praying that somehow she can escape from this nightmare.
As dawn approched sleep overcame her and she drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Early next morning Alex woke up by the sound of someone knocking on the front door. He got up and walked to the door. When he opened it he saw his cousin standing there, with a McDonalds bag.
"Brought some breakfast," he said, pushing past Alex.
"What are you doing here, man?" Alex asked, closing the door and following him to the kitchen.
"I have some news," Mike said. He handing Alex the bag and sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.
"What's going on?" Alex asked, unwrapping his breakfast.
"You were seen, man. Some old lady saw you," Mike told him.
Alex dropped his biscuit. "What? What old lady?" he demanded.
Mike shook his head. "The lady from across the street," he said. "You have to ditch the truck. She got your license plate number."
"Damn. Are you sure?" Alex asked.
"Yeah. Kaylee's parents have put up a reward, Alex. You better do something. Quick," Mike said.
"What about the police? What do they know?" Alex wanted to know.
Mike sighed. "All they know was that a few days before Kaylee was kidnapped she had a stalker," he said. "Some James guys said you would go in her room and leave her creepy letters."
"That bastard. What should I do?" he asked Mike.
"Maybe you should just let her go," Mike suggested.
"No," Alex said flatly. "She stays with me. I'll figure something out."
"Well, I have the keys to my parents cabin up north," offered Mike.
"Yeah? What about your parents?"
"They don't use it anymore. Not since the accident," Mike said quitely.
Alex looked at him. "I'm sorry, Mike. I forgot."
Mike's older brother had been killed in a hunting accident a few years back. His uncle's gun had gone off and hit David in the head.
"Forget about. Here's the keys," he said, reaching into his jean pocket for his key chain. He seperated the key and tossed it at Alex. "Remember the fuse box is by the back door."
"Thanks, Mike."
Alex walked Mike to the door. "Don't tell anyone. No matter what, okay?" he told him.
"Don't worry, man. I got your back. Take care," Mike replied.
He gave him a quick hug before walking to his car.

After that Alex headed for the bathroom for a quick shower. While he stood under the showerhead, water running down his face he thought of his next move. One thing he was sure of was Kaylee. She wasn't leaving him for any reason. He thought of past friends that lived near by that might lend a hand and only one name came to mind, Jason Johansen. He had been Alex's cellmate last year and they had stayed in touch after being relased. He got out of the shower and dressed at top speed. Then he walked over to the bedroom door, knowing that it would be locked. It was. He chuckled as he got out the key.
Inside he found Kaylee laying fast asleep on the bed. She hadn't put on the clothes he had offered her, as he knew she wouldn't. She only had her bra on. He couldn't help noticing her round vast breasts.
"Kaylee?" he whispered.
Kaylee stirred but didn't wake up. Alex bend over her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. He made sure he locked the door again before he left. He made sure all windows and the back door was locked before he went to town.

Kaylee woke up and scanned the room. The door was still locked. She strolled over to the drawer and opened it. As Alex had said there was a few clothes inside. She put on a T-shirt with the Mexican flag as the logo and slipped it over her head. She sauntered out of the room, expecting to see Alex in the sofa but it was empty. She walked over to the kitchen but it was also empty. She went to the bathroom and saw a note attached to the mirror.
"There's clean towels at the bottom shelf and fresh fruit in the fridge. Be back later, love, and don't try anything."
She tossed the note away. She eyes the towels and decided it couldn't hurt to wash her hair.

Meanwhile Alex was having a hard time finding Jason's house. His aunt had said it was just down the street from her house. But it turned out to be two streets down and hidden by trees and overgrown weeds.
He made his way to the front door and knocked. After a few minutes a woman wearing only a tank top and underwear answered the door.
"Yeah?" she snapped.
"Is Jason here?" Alex replied.
"Jason!" she called over her shoulder. "Come in," she told Alex.
Alex followed her into a small living room and sat down on the sofa.
"What?" Jason yelled at the woman as he came into view.
The woman pointed at Alex. Jason grinned and extended his hand.
"Alex, man! How are you?" he exclaimed, shaking his hand. "Long time no see. This is my girl, Mya," he introduced the woman.
"Hey," Alex said, shaking her hand.
"Babe, go grab us a couple of beers," Jason ordered.
"Okay." The Mya left.
"Sit down. What's up?"
Alex sighed. "Jay, man, I'm trouble and I need your help."
"Yeah, anything, Alex, just ask."
Mya came back with a few beers and set them down on the center table.
"It's kinda private," Alex muttered.
"Mya, go back to the bedroom and put some clothes on," Jason declared. After Mya left her asked, "So, what kind of trouble?"
Alex told him the whole story in just a matter of minutes. "Now, I need a car," he concluded.
"A car? Is that all?" Jason blurted. "I got an old camero out back, all it need is new brakes."
"Is that all? No problem. I know somebody who can fix it cheap."
Jason shook his head. "I'll do it for free. I just need the parts."
Alex stood up to leave. "How long will it take?"
"If you get me the part today, it'll be ready by tonight," Jason told him, walking him out.
"Okay, well, how about I leave you the money and you buy the part?" Alex suggested.
Alex gave handed him a few bills. "Thanks, man. I owe you."

After Kaylee was done washing her hair she combed it with a broken comb she found in one of the drawers. She sat down on the sofa and thought about the man that had kidnapped her. She had to admited to herself that he was very handsome.He had a well toned, muscular body. He was tall and his skin was the color of cinnamon. But what she found most alluring of all were his eyes. They were like chocolate, intoxicating and irrisistable. She scolded herself for having those thoughts given the situation she was in. She debated whether she should stay in the house or leave. She knew that the man would have to remorse for hurting her if she was caught escaping as he'd proven that when he attacked her. What if he rapes me or worse, kills me? she thought. As soon as the thought occured to her she stood up and walked to the kitchen. She knew that the front door was probably locked but maybe he had forgotten the back door. It was locked. Damn, she thought, leaving the kitchen. She grabbed the table lamp from the living room and sped to the bathroom. It was the only room that had a window without bars on it. She threw the lamp at the window as hard as she could, turning her face to shield herself from the shards that flew everywhere. She hoisted herself through the window, not even finching when she cut her hands on the reaminding glass on the window sill. Once outside she ran down the driveway without even glancing back.

Kaylee had walked most of the morning. The house where she had been kept had long since disappeared from view. She continued walking at a slower pacing due to the searing pain on her side. Suddenly she heard a car comming around the curve. Panic swept over her. She hurried into the woods, hiding herself amongst the trees. She saw a black SUV sped by. She sighed with relief, glad she was spotted. She waited a few seconds before continuing her journey. She thought it safer to walk through the woods instead of the road.

Alex parked the truck and grabbed the grocery bags. He unlocked the front door and headed to the kitchen.
"Kaylee? You awake yet?" he called, setting the bags on the table.
Thinking she was still asleep he put the food away before checking in on her.
He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked louder but still no response.
"Kaylee?" he yelled, unlocking the door. He pushed the door opened and the first thing he saw was the empty bed. "Shit."
He ran into the bathroom, hoping she was there. He opened the bathroom door. He saw the broken window at first glance. Swearing he rushed outside calling out her name.
"She can't have gone that far," he told himself as he got into the truck.
He drove down the road slowly, hoping he would spot her before she found a ride.

Kaylee walked on, pushing low branches aside. Where the hell am I? she wondered. Thinking she would never get home, she sat down on a big tree trunk. Fat tears began sliding down her cheek though she tried to hold them back. After a few seconds she stop trying and began to sob.
"Why me?" she asked out loud to no one in particular.
"It can't be that bad," answered a voice.
Kaylee whipped around. A tall heavyset man wearing overalls stood there with an axe.
"You're problems can't be all that bad," he repeated.
"Yeah, they are," Kaylee said softly.
"Well, why don't you come to my house and my wife can make you some tea?" the man offered. "Do you need anything?" he asked when Kaylee didn't answer.
"I need a phone."
"I got one. Come on, my house ain't that far," the man said, motioning her to follow him.
Kaylee quickly got up and followed the man, thinking she was doing the right thing. It's better than staying here, she convinced herself.

Chapter 3

"What's the axe for?" Kaylee asked the man as they made their way to his cabin.
"Oh, I was cutting some wood," he replied. "My name is Arnie, by the way," he extended his hand.
"I'm Kaylee," she said, shaking his hand.
After a few minutes of silence Arnie pointed ahead. "That's it."
Kaylee saw what he was pointing at. It was a small cabin surrounded by trees. It looked old and uncared for. The roof was missing a piece and the windows were all sporting a thick layer of dust.
"Come on in," Arnie said, pushing the door opened.
"Thanks. Uh, where's the phone?" she asked.
"Oh, it's in the bedroom, right through there," Arnie told her.
"Thanks. I'll just be a minute."
"Take your time. I'll tell my wife to make some tea," he said before left for the kitchen.

Alex was already reaching the city limits and he still hadn't seen Kaylee. He wondered is she might have gotten lost in the woods. Then he remembered about the cabin in the woods. The man that had lived there had long been dead. Maybe Kaylee has stumbled upon it and decided to hid out there for the night, he thought. He doubled back, pushing on the gas pedal.

"Kaylee, thank god you're alive!" cried Mrs. Winters, "Where are you, Kay? Are you hurt?"
"Mom, I have no idea where I am. I don't recognize anything," sobbed Kaylee. "I'm in a cabin in some woods."
"Is there anybody there with you?" Mrs. Winters questioned.
"The owner of the cabin. His name is Arnie," Kaylee said. She heard the line disconnect. "Hello? Mom, are you still there?"
"Ooops, my bad," Arnie snickered, a wild look in his eyes.
Kaylee turned around and saw Arnie blocking the doorway, holding the ripped phone line up.
"What are you doing?" she demanded when he began walking towards her.
"I just wanna have some fun. It's been a long time," he mumbled, as he unbuckled his belt.
Kaylee made an attempt to walk around him but he grabbed her by the waist and threw her on the bed.
"Please, don't!" Kaylee begged.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt," Arnie replied. He withdrew a kitchen knife from the waistline of his jean. "You'll like it, I promise," he laughed, waving the knife in front of him.
Kaylee scampered of the bed and tried, unsuccessfully to dodge him. He grabbed her by her hair and threw on the ground. Kaylee whimpered. Arnie laughed out loud.
"You teases are alike," he shouted as he kicked her on her side. When Kaylee cried out he kicked her again. "You just like making men go crazy, don't ya?" he sneered. He picked her up by her hair.
"Fuck you," Kaylee sobbed. She spit on his face.
Arnie just smiled as he wiped the spit off his face.
"You're a fiesty bitch, ain't ya?" he screamed at her. "Well, I'll show you what I do with bitces like that."
He threw her against the wall. Kaylee groaned as her back came in contact with the wall. She slumped down to the floor and tried to crawl away. Arnie sprinted to the closet and rummaged around until he found rope he used to tie logs together. He turned around and saw that Kaylee was already reaching the door.
"Get back here, whore!" he yelled with rage. He hurried after her.
Kaylee opened the door and bolted to the woods. She could hear Anrie yelling at her. He sounded close by.
"Where you off to?" Arnie said, catching up to her. He shoved her to the ground. He grabbed her hand and tied them with the rope. Kaylee twisted and turned, trying to get out from under him but to no avil.
"Get off me! Piece of shit!" she yelled.
Arnie smiled. "I'd treat a man with a knife alot better if I were you," he teased. He withdrew the knife. "Time to get the party started."
He ran the blade down Kaylee's cheek, making his way to her breasts. He ripped off the shirt and laughed with glee.
"Help! Somebody! Please!" Kaylee screamed.
Arnie tightened his hold on her arms. He started kissing her neck.
Kaylee began to cry. "Please, stop! Stop it!" she begged.
"You'll enjoy it, teases always do," he muttered. He pressed his lip against hers. Kaylee bit down as hard as she could.
"Ahhh! Fucking bitch!" he yelled as he lifted his head up. He put his hand to his lip and saw that he was bleeding. He slapped Kaylee hard across the face.
"You have to pay for that!" he told her. He slapped her again and again until he got tired.
Kaylee groaned. She could feel the blood run down her nose and lips. Arnie stood up, looking down on her. He cussed at her and then began kicking her. Kaylee tried to shield herself but didn't have any strengh left.

Alex reached the cabin's hidden entrance. He left the car running and walked through the bushes that hid the entrance from view. He saw the cabin ahead. He saw that the door was ajar. He walked in.
"Kaylee? You in here?" he called. "I'm not gonna hurt."
He walked into the kitchen. He saw empty beer can scattered all over the floor. Something isn't right, he thought. He went out the back door.
"Kaylee? he yelled, walking along the edge of the woods. "Kaylee?"
He suddenly stopped calling out her name. He heard something in the trees. He slowly made his way into the woods. He hadn't walked more then a few paces when he spotted Kaylee lying on the ground, her face all bloody and bruised up.
He ran to her and knelt down. He lifted her head up.
"Can you hear me?" he asked. He wiped off the blood of her lips with his hand.
Kaylee finched with pain at the the touch of his hand. Her eyes fluttered as they tried to stay opened. Suddenly her eyes opened wide with terror.
"Look out!" she screamed.
Alex spun around just as Arnie raised the knife over his head. He tried to duck but Arnie was too quick. He brought down the knife and sliced it into Alex's face. Blood poured from the deep cut that ran down from his left temple and ended below his chin. Alex cried out in pain.
"Son of bitch!" Alex yelled as he threw himself on Arnie.
Arnie pushed him back and picked up the knife that had slipped out of his hand.
"Come on!" he egged on. "Give me your best shot!"
Alex lunged at him, swinging punches aimlessly. Arnie ducked his punched. He felt Arnie's knife slice into his stomache. Arnie pushed to the ground and pulled out his knife. Alex put his hand over his wound as he stifled a groaned. Somewhere from above him he heard Arnie laugh.
He turned his head and saw Kaylee lying next to him. She turned and look right him, her eyes pleading him to help her. He saw silent tears run down her cheeks. Memories flashed in his mind, memories he tried so long to forget. Before he knew what he was doing he was standing up. He saw Arnie bending over Kaylee, unzipping her pant.
"What the hell?" he exclaimed when he saw Alex standing over him.
Before he had time to reach for his knife Alex kicked him hard in the face. Arnie fell backwards. Alex jumped on top of him and started banging his head on the ground. Arnie tried to fight him off but Alex just kept banging his head against the ground. Alex spotted a big rock nearby. He got off Arnie and walked over to the rock. He lifted the rock over his head and looked down at Arnie.
"Come on, man! Don't do this!" he begged.
"You shouldn't have touched her!" Alex screamed at hime before he hit him with the rock. Arnie's legs twitched. Alex hit him again and again until Arnie didn't move. He tossed the bloody rock aside. He swayed on his feet before he drop to the ground.

Alex sat up and looked around, trying to remember where he was. He squinted against the darkness and saw Kaylee laying a few paces away from him. Next to him was Arnie's cold dead body. He looked away before he began to throw up. He took a couple of deep breaths and forced himself to get up. He walked over to Kaylee and saw that her face was now covered in dried blood.
Alex knelt down besides her. He took off his shirt and put it on her. Kaylee stirred and opened her eyes.
"What happened?" she mumbled.
"I took care of him. Let me help you up," he replied, helping her to her feet. "Can you stand on your own?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I think so."
She saw Arnie laying on the ground. She looked at Alex and fear began to run through her.
"Don't be scared, Kaylee. He had it coming," he told her.
He held her hand as they walked out of the woods.
"The truck's over there," Alex said, pointing to the left.
Kaylee had already walked a few feet when she realized that Alex wasn't holding her hand anymore. She turned around and saw him laying on the floor. She ran towards him. She turned him on his back. His eyes were closed but he was still breathing.
"What should I do?" she asked herself. Then she saw the deep stab wound that was still bleeding. "God, no wonder he fainted," said.
She ripped off one of the armholes of the shirt and used it to stop the wound from bleeding.
Deciding on impulse that she was going to stay with him, she grabbed both his arms and tried to stand him up. He was too heavy for her and they both fell to the ground. I should get some help, she though. She ran through the tree that was blocking the entrance to the cabin. She saw the truck parked just off the road. She check to see if maybe he ahd a cellphone but he didn't. Just then she saw some headlights coming around the curve. She ran to the side of the stree.
"Hey! Hey! Please help!" she yelled, jumping up and down.
The black camero stopped and lowered his window.
"What happend? You get a flat tire?" the man asked.
"No, there's a guy out back and he's hurt," she told him.
The guy in the camero parked the car to the shoulder of the road. He got off and walked over to Kaylee.
"Hey, who's truck is this?" the guy asked. He looked at. "It looks familiar."
"It belongs to a guy named," she started but stopped in mid-sentenced. She didn't even know the guy's name.
"What's you name?" the guy asked her.
"Uh, Kaylee," she replied.
"Your Alex's girl?" he said.
"I don't, uh, don't know who that is. But, please there's a guy hurt back there," she stuttered.
"Okay, let's go."

Alex was lying on the sofa while Kaylee was pacing back and forth besides him. The man that had helped him had left to get help almost an hour ago. Where is he? she asked herself for the fifth time. She waited all afternoon before she heard a car pull up in the driveway. She quickly strode to the living room window. She saw a man and an older women get out.
"How is he doing?" the man asked as soon as he walked in the house.
"I don't know. Not good, I guess," Kaylee said.
"Oh, this is aunt Rose," the man said, introducing the older women, "she's a nurse."
"Hiya doing, honey?" Rose said, shaking hands. "Has he been out cold all this time?"
"Yeah, he woke up a few minutes ago and muttered something but then he dozed off again," she replied.
"Okay, move aside. Let me check his wounds," Rose said, stepping forward.
"What happened?" the man asked Kaylee.
"He stopped the man back there from uh, from raping me," Kaylee said, as tears started flowing down her cheek.
"It's okay, Honey," Rose said, walking over to her. "He's gonna be fine. Just needs a few stitches and he'll be as new."
"Can you do that, Aunt Rose?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, not as good as a doctor but it'll do," Rose replied.
"Good. What do you need?" Jason asked.

Kaylee never left Alex's side when Rose stitched him up. Afterwards Jason had left to take Rose home, promising to be back later to check in on Alex. While Alex dozed off in the couch, Kaylee went to the kitchen. She found some fresh fruit and a can of Coke. She sat down and began to eat her lunch.

Alex opened his eyes and squinted against the darkeness that surrounded him. After getting used to the dark he saw Kaylee fast asleep in the armchair opposite him.
"Kaylee?" he called, sitting up.
Kaylee stirred and saw Alex sitting up. She threw he blanket down and rushed towards him.
"Lay back down," she told him, gently pushing him back down. "Rose said not to force yourself too much. Your still healing," she told him.
He smiled. "I thought for sure you wouldn't be here when I woke," he said.
Kaylee looked into his eyes. "I thought of leaving," she said. "But I couldn't. Not after what you did for me." She smiled at him.
Alex reached for her hand and intwined it with his. "I'd do it again if I had to just to see you smile at me instead of cursing me."
Kaylee let her hand fall to her side. "My staying here doesn't change anything."
Alex nodded. "I know. I'm not chaning anything either," he said.
Kaylee stared at him. "If I stay, I'll still be your prisoner?"
Alex looked at her for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah."
Kaylee didn't say anything. She got up and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Alex was just waking up when he saw Jason coming in the house, followed by Mya.
"Hey, man, how you feeling?" he asked, sitting in the armchair. Mya sat on his lap.
"Like shit, man," replied Alex. "Who's Rose?"
"What?" Jason said, surprised by the question.
"Kaylee mentioned a girl named Rose," Alex explained.
"Oh," Jason said, "that's Mya's aunt. She stitched you up."
They sat in silence for a few seconds before Mya broke the silence.
"Where's the bathroom?" she asked.
"It's through that door," Alex said, pointing behind him.
After Mya had closed the bathroom door, Alex leaned closer to Jason.
"Did Kaylee say anything to you while I was passed out?" he asked.
"Nah. She was worried, though," Jason said, grinning. "I'm guessing she starting to fall for that Latin lover charm you got."
Alex laughed. "I doubt it, man. We talked yesterday and I haven't seen her come out of the room since then."
"Is this the room?" Jason said, walking over to the bedroom door.
Jason knocked softly. "Kaylee?" he called. When he didn't get an answer he pushed the door open and saw Kaylee lying on the mattress. Jason's eyes immidiately fell on the the bloody sheets. He ran to her and saw that she had slit her wrists.
"Call an ambulence! Hurry!" he yelled over his shoulder.
"What's going on?" Mya asked from the doorway. She saw the blood and stifled a scream with her hands. "What happend, Jason?"
"Call an ambulence! Now!"
Mya ran back to the living room. "Where's your phone?" she asked Alex.
Alex thought of where he had hidden the phone the morning he had left. "It's uh, under the sink, I think," he said.
Mya ran to the kitchen. Alex struggled to get to his feet but at last managed to do it. He slowly made his way to the bedroom. He saw Jason trying to stop the bleeding.
"What happened?" he asked, walking to Kaylee's side.
"She slit her wrist," Jason answered. "She's still alive but we need an ambulence."

At the hospital no one would give out information on Kaylee's condition. Alex tried to talk to the doctor, claiming he was her husband. Jason and Mya left to the cafeteria for some coffee, leaving Alex alone in the waiting room.
Finally, after a few more minutes the doctor came out to speak with Alex.
"Are you Kaylee's family?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm her husband," Alex said, getting to his feet, "Is she all right?"
"Yes, she'll be fine. The slits weren't that deep so that's probably why she didn't lose alot of blood," the doctor said.
"When can she leave?" Alex asked, anxious to get away from public places.
"Well, she can leave in a few hours but I'd prefer she stay the night. I can arrange to have a counslor came talk to her about her suicide attempt."
"We have to be on the road soon, and it wasn't a suicide attempt," Alex quickly said. "It was an accident."
"That may be but just to be on the save side, maybe she should talk to someone," the doctor insisted.
"No, thank you. We really have to be going. So, When can she leave exactly?"
The doctor was quiet for a minute before answering. "I'll prepare the papers. It's be a few minutes."
"Thank you." Alex sat back down.

© Copyright 2006 L.M. Delgado (shyangel_19 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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