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by HMC
Rated: · Book · Other · #1054288
Ha, listen to(er.. read) HMC's words about her writing or even just her life. HOW FUN!
Alrighty, here's my writing blog. I'll post things about my stories, mostly "Feline Princess". You know, little messages like "Oh, sorry guys, no new installments this week because my dog sneezed this morning."

Yeah, expect procrastination from me. I'm very sorry. I'm terrible with deadlines.

By the way, any comments you'd like to make are alright with me!
I love logging in and seeing that I have new comments!
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July 20, 2006 at 4:21pm
July 20, 2006 at 4:21pm
"Feline Princess" is going to have to leave. I need an upgraded account to keep going on it (since it has gotten too long). I'm still writing it on my computer and maybe I'll bring it back in the future when I have enough money and time to upgrade my account. Sorry everyone, not that anyone really cares. So.. I guess it's just short stories...

HMC *Reading*
May 31, 2006 at 3:29pm
May 31, 2006 at 3:29pm
Vacation all I ever wanted, vacation have to get away!

Sorry for breaking out in song, but I wanted to tell you not to expect me to update for a while. I'll be gone working on my tan in Hawaii, I really need it!

I can't wait. My fingers and my mind will get a little break (although I expect I might still get a little writing done while I'm there, in my notebook, not on here). Who knows, maybe Hawaii will be my inspiration, I could finish my novel while I'm there! Though I doubt it, I'm so very lazy and I procrastinate too much.

Almost tan,
HMC *Reading*
May 10, 2006 at 3:15pm
May 10, 2006 at 3:15pm
Almost done with the actual story (the one in the notebook) but I'm not even halfway complete with typing it up. I've just had more inspiration these days, more actual writing--less typing.

Okay, bye!

HMC *Reading*
March 29, 2006 at 7:57pm
March 29, 2006 at 7:57pm
I've started writing again. I've found this secret, hidden time in my day. There's these few hours that I have completely free and I just now discovered them! So, I'm getting large pieces at a time of the story typed up. Congrats to me! You know, reviews help me keep going too *gives everyone reading without reviewing The Eye*.

Okay! Just wanted to tell you! I'm so glad I cleaned out my day, I found all this free space! A little spring cleaning does a person good.

I just hope that writing doesn't have to compete with the jacuzzi tub that I have. So much stress lately, a nice soaking helps. I'm trying to keep this special "Writing Time" as just that, "Writing Time", and not, you know, "Jacuzzi Time". Heh!

Suprised and Hopeless
HMC *Reading*
February 9, 2006 at 3:16pm
February 9, 2006 at 3:16pm
Aww! It keeps getting more and more complicated and intricate in my head. The story has so many new turns now, wow. I'm kind of amazed at how far my idea has stretched and... changed! The bad part? I haven't written any of it down! I know I'll remember all this stuff (I've even sketched pictures of future characters and written their descriptions. I need to find time to write (though I have time to write this, but not my story... hmm, interesting) SEE YA!

Constant Lies,
HMC *Reading*
February 5, 2006 at 12:56pm
February 5, 2006 at 12:56pm
The date went well. What a relief. So, I'm not sure what the after effect will be. Will I write more? Or less? Hmmm. I know I can't write today, I've just got a little time before I'm going to the movies. Godda catch everything up with my friends, it's the law. Sorry, have fun, uh, waiting (though there is noone who'd actually want to wait for me so that they can read more).

HMC *Reading*
January 26, 2006 at 5:11pm
January 26, 2006 at 5:11pm
Yeah, I've got a date and I'm so nervous that I might actually write a lot to make myself feel better... or I might NOT write because of the whole, I can't concentrate on one thing for more than a few seconds, thing. Then, afterwards, I might write a lot because I'm so depressed, or maybe because I'm so happy. I might write a little though because I'm too depressed to get out of bed, or so happy that I'm never home. How difficult, I sound like a flippant high schooler or something.

HMC *Reading*
January 23, 2006 at 7:52am
January 23, 2006 at 7:52am
Doesn't it suck when you get to a point where you really want to write but you don't have time? I was hoping my first real stopping point would be when I needed to write more (rather than just copy it from a notebook) but my luck doesn't seem too good, I have a ton more chapters before I can start writing the rest (not even halfway finished) I keep on adding more to the notebook, I don't think I'll ever finish! Eh heh.

See? Now I've got to go! See ya!

In a Hurry,
HMC *Reading*

(BTW, I've named my nameless story, Feline Princess. Don't make fun!)
January 10, 2006 at 5:43pm
January 10, 2006 at 5:43pm
Wow, it's been awhile since I actually read over my reviews and such. After I finished reading the ones given to me, I read the ones I've given to others. I must be a stalker or something (no really, I'm not, so don't be frightened). I've given three reviews to one author (at least it was about three different stories), I feel like a stalker, I'm frightened. But I guess it isn't really my fault that this author is really amazing and inspires me (it's not like I've ONLY read those stories or anything), maybe I should lay off the reviews for awhile, heh heh. Um, well, I dont want you people to fear me, so I'm just here to tell everyone that I'm not a stalker or anything! Okay, see ya.

Secretly Stalking You,
HMC *Reading*
January 9, 2006 at 3:13pm
January 9, 2006 at 3:13pm
Although it may not look like it, I've made some success. I've written a large portion of Sparkling Emotions Part II so don't worry! Although you can't see it, progress is being made, so worry not! Yay! I actually have some of the main plot written, FINALLY! Yes, but... sorry you can't see it yet! Eh heh, just keep patient!

HMC *Reading*

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