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We all should plant seeds in someone we love. |
I want to share something with you. I spoke with a young man about why we should come out to God’s house and worship with one another. He did not feel it was necessary to step into the church to worship when God is omnipresent. I explained to him how it makes a difference. The conversation went something like this… Young Woman- Hi, how are you. Did you go to church today? Young Man- Yeah, I went to Mount Pillow Rest Direct TV NFL Missionary Baptist Church this afternoon. Where Rev. Brian Urlacher is pastor. Young Woman - Boy, you are crazy. And who is Brian Urlacher? Young Man- You don’t know who he is. He is raw! He’s the rawest line backer. He plays for the Bears. Young Woman- Oh, I see. So you stayed home to watch the football game Woman. So was there a collection plate to go around? Young Man- Yeah, I get it on the 28th of every month and send it off on the first. Young Woman - What’s that? Young Man- My cable bill! Young Woman - You are really crazy, you know that? Young Man- I mean for real, why do you need to go to church every Sunday? I mean, I pray every now and again. I saw my church the other Sunday. Young Woman - So, you went to church, that is great? Young Man- No, I said I saw it. I was passing that way to go to a friend’s house. Young Woman- You know what? It makes all the difference in the world when you step inside. How do you feel about tithing? Young Man- I tithe. My mother pays my tithe every Sunday. Young Woman- How is that possible? Young Man- When she go to church she puts my tithes in for Young Woman. Young Woman- How are you tithing when she pulls it from her wallet and put it in an envelope for you. He begins to laugh. Then he gets serious and asks a question. Young Man- I mean, where does it say that you have to tithe? Does it really say that? Be honest. Does it really say that you have to take 10 percent of what you get and give it to the church? Young Woman- Yes, the bible speaks of tithing through the whole bible. In the book of Malachi, Chapter 3 Verse 8, it asks will a man rob God of tithes and offerings? Yes he would. You are proving it. Young Man- Okay, but why do we have to go to church? Isn’t he everywhere? Young Woman- Yes, he is. But let Young Woman ask you a question. Okay you are armed with different degrees, right? Young Man- Yeah. Young Woman- Okay think about this. Think of this scenario, church is like a school. We go there to learn about our Master and how to get through different trials and tribulations we have. But mainly, we go there to learn about our Master. We meet him at the designated time the leader of our flock chose with God. You bring your textbook, which is your bible. We read from it, then we’re taught about what we just read. Just like in school. Also, God is a jealous God. He does not want any other gods before him. But when you are at home watching football, you are doing exactly that. You go to school so there won’t be any distraction. When you went to school to get your degree, you appeared everyday for class giving the teacher your undivided attention. That’s the same treatment you should give God. How can you give him your undivided attention at home, when the phone rings, the game is on, your friends come over and bring drinks and cigarettes? But when you come to His house, there are no distractions. He wants your attention. The only way to give it to him is to come out and give your all. Come and give him your best. Young Man- Wow. Well why should we read the bible all the time if we could just listen to the pastor? Young Woman- Well, don’t you want to see if for yourself? Think of the bible as this. There is this girl you are truly in love with. Your dream is to make her happy and keep her happy. You wish you could learn everything there is to know about her. Her parents give you this manual. It in are descriptions on what makes her happy and unhappy. The history of her life is in there. Past relationships she had and etc. Her likes and dislikes. What she wants in a man. What her dreams and aspirations are. Anything you ever want to know about her is in there. Wouldn’t your read it from cover to cover? Young Man- Absolutely! Young Woman- In the bible you will find the same thing. God’s likes and dislikes. Everything he wants us to be. You will find his commandments that will lead us to reap our great rewards. Everything you every want to know about Him. If you love him like you say you do, you should be reading that book from cover to cover and retaining what you read so you can practice what you read just like you would with that girl. Young Man- Wow! That was the best answer I have ever received. I am going to church. I am serious. After hearing that, I am definitely going! Thank you. Well he didn’t go every Sunday but he began to see his christian walk differently. People can’t change overnight. But what makes the difference is having a seed planted in your soul. It’s our jobs as Christians to plant seeds and wait for the harvest. He uses us as vessels. God will water the seeds. And through our demonstrations and walks we can be the vessel he uses to water the seeds that are planted by our sisters and brothers in Christ. Have you planted a seed today? |