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I find these basic teachings in my life as to be the most momentous. |
And the Door Opened—A Viewer’s Guide By Greg Edwards Jesus once said many empowering affirmations! They are eternal teachings… Thus in close paraphrase: “Unless thy eye be single you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Prolonged focus and mindfulness) “Straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leads thereof.” (A primary development of momentum is necessary) “You must withdraw from the world in order to enter…” (Use vibratory tools to establish a clear and open receptive state) “Knock and the door shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find.” (Embrace the feelings for they will lead one to purification) “The Kingdom is within...AT HAND” (A there and then mentality will always fall short) “Once you put your hands on the plow shears (the single inner eye) you don’t look back.” (Worldly preoccupation) “You must not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.” (Go beyond analyzation) “Seek ye first the Kingdom…” (And you will be led to a perfection of harmony despite outward circumstances) “Know thyself and you shall know God.” (In the understanding of one’s self, one can become aware of that same essence in all things) His name is ‘I Am’ and there is no other. The us and them mentality gently dissipates. Freely given—freely received! (Being receptive to God’s grace allows one to enter into a graduated perception of many mansions) Remembrance is an ever-unique gift of the Spirit—evernew in its expression as our eternal Primordial State BUT WITH OUR FRUITS. (A Divine Eternal stature is the only Destiny) The wonderful essence is at hand! (To be trapped into illusive and evasive fantasy-based belief systems are a dilemma to overcome) Know that God’s presence is even in the least of God’s creatures. (And it is our divine responsibility to recognize this truth, and yet shake the dust off when in the presence of the unresponsive) |