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ch2 if the many chapters of Jesus of surburbia^^ enjoy |
Jesus of Surburbia Ch2, With my first dramatic day as a senior in Kingsly High School I headed back to my apartment my parents had brought me. Yes life was pretty good being away from your parents but of course I missed them.Shaking my head getting rid of such depressing thoughts. I stood by the stoplight waiting for the hectic traffic to come to a brief halt. I jumped in my half trance feeling a hand on my shoulder, turning around I looked up to see a grinning John. "Hey Izu thought id walk you home today so where do you live exactly?" he asked looking around. I pointed forward "About a mile ahead. Where do you exactly?" He grinned sheepishly and pointed eastwards "About a half a mile there." I frowned shaking my head "Nope not allowed. You go on your merry way home that way and ill go on my merry way this way." "No no i insist I take you home what kind of gentleman." He answered back a play frown on his face. "Well be a gentleman for me by going your own home please?" I pouted looking at him, putting on the cutest face I could do. Sighing in defeat he slumped his shoulders and nodded "Okay, okay...you win.for now" He remarked winking at me. Blushing alittle I could only manage a "Heh..." Shocked I felt another arm wrap around my shoulder "Yeah she's walking wit' this prince charming" Stepping back I looked up to see Jimmy looking down at me, a half smile on his face. "Uhh....w-wa?" John stepped in between Jimmy and I crossing his arms like some kind of bodyguard. "WHat makes you think i'll let you walk home with her?" Jimmy scoffed and shrugged "Now what makes you think I need your permission? Im a big boy now, and I can go wherever I want and whenever I want and I dont need you telling me otherwise okay jock?" Twisting his mouth up in a snarl John was about to lunge at him when Jimmy simply just walked past him and next to megrabbing my hand and leading me forward. I kept looking back and forth my gaze averting between Jimmy's back and John's silhouette which was getting smaller by the second until I saw him no more. Once we were out of the school's property Jimmy let go of my hand, his back still turned to me. I followed him for some reason my head lowered the whole time I looked like a child who had just gotten in trouble following his/her parent. "S-so do you live around here?" I piped up trying to break this miserable silence. Stopping he looked around his back still turned to me. "Yeah...." I laughed "What a coincedence! Me too so whats your apartment number?" He turned towards a beat up looking car on the side of the road "Car 666 hehe...." I was taken aback for a moment by his crude humor but I felt a deep sympathy for him...he had no home or anything..." He finally turned his head torwards me smirking "WHy the long face afraid you'll get possesed by the big bad goth boy?" He laughed at his own joke walking towards me. I shook my head "N-no h-hey! Thats not funny...I-i just wanted to..." I found myself struggling for words as he got closer to me, he was so close if I just took one more step id run into him... Taking a deep breath I gathered enough courage to say what no good little japenese girl would ever dare to do. "W-would youu like to stay in my aprtment I-I mean its pretty big so I guess y-you could stay if you want to, I mean that is if yo----" He placed a finger on my lips silencing me He smirked his eyes amused as they pierced into my own, those eyes...god i loved them. Did I just say that?! Not only did you invite him to your house but now your developing some attraction to him... America is doing something to you Izumi, and your liking it,so jsut dont think anymore...Stupid conscious...I heard that. "You talk to much...and yeah ill go to your place, just dont expect any rent money from me or any favors..." I shook my head "No,no I dont expect that from anyone just I would kill myself if I let you sleep in a car..." He looked at me for a second those damn eyes searching my eyes searching for something...He simply shrugged "Yeah whatever just show me where your place is." I nodded my head "Y-yeah almost forgot...follow me." I turned and walked into the building. I recieved many strange stares directed on my companion. We stepped into the elevator. During the ride our ears were soon filled with classical elevator music. I could hear Jimmy muttering curses making me giggle. "What?" He asked agitated. I waved my hand "Nothing nothing.... oh! Here we are lets go." Grumbling he replied "Yeah im not a kid...I dont need to listen to mommy" Ignoring his comment I took out my wallet I pulled out a card and swiped it through the swiper on the right side of the door. Grabbing the handle I opened the door and walked into my apartment. "Welcome to my hmble abode..." |