Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1048113-Neverwinter-The-Abrath-Lore-pt-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1048113
The story of a man who will face his own demons to save the land of Neverwinter.
Prologe: A Man with a Long Past

For as long as I could remember their where many heroes in our troubled lands. Some of them managed to make a name for themselves, some would just fade from existence. For many centuries our fair world was plagued by demons and fowl creatures of the sort. Its been many decades since the last war between the demons and man official, but to this day many fight small groups of demons. Since I was a young boy, I thought I was destined for greatness. I ventured to the forests and plains of this world looking for the chance to become famous like the heroes of the old kingdom. Now I look back on those days in spite. I was an arrogant fool in my youth, but to this day I still follow that only because of what an old women said to me many years ago. “You might not look it now, but you will someday lead a band of heroes into the Tarin Desert many miles from any know person to defeat a growing evil”. I may not of believe in what that old bag said, but I still continue onward into the unknown in search of a greater destiny then what awaits me in the end. In a way you could say I’m running from my own ghosts, my own demons that haunt me in my sleep. It was long after I met the old teller that I came a crossed a young boy, little more then 13 years old begging on the corner. Who would of guessed what was in store for me when I gave him that bag of fruit.

Chapter 1: When Days of Old Come to Light

It was that one day that changed my fate. It was years ago back when I was still looked in my twenties. I was still a great man; strong and ruthless to my enemies, but gentle and kind to my peers. I was arrogant, for that I paid the price. I was cursed with a long life. I would for all eternity watch the ones I loved and my own fame fade from existence till the universe finally ends. Each time I would be mortally wounded I would find myself trapped between the worlds of heaven and hell, to be forsaken by the Gods of both worlds. In a way it was a blessing. In my many years of life I helped many people, either to the path of light in the heavens or to darkness hell. I fought many of demons, both mine and others. Trying to free the person from themselves.

On that day I found myself wondering into a large city by the name of Neverwinter. The beautiful city that was once a small farmers village, now is a melting pot of all the lands to the farthest corners of the world. I missed the old days of small cities everywhere, but what can you do. Time is what controls everyone even the gods don’t control it. Well maybe they can I don’t know. It has been some time since the Wailing Death and most other problems in the city, but nothing is as it appears. Many of years infact, over 200000 years to be precise. In this time more and more people populate the city of Neverwinter. Over 50 thousand years ago came the creatures from the East. The Antromorphs, a half human, half animal creation. In this time they have been accepted into the world and flourish at anything they do. Unlike most other, but the great elves, Antros for short have long lives. The oldest I’ve meet was well over in the thousands. They grow up just like a regular human child till in the early 20’s. Then they age VERY slowly. Well I think I might be trailing from the main point, but it is really interesting to know.

Back to the point. I was just strolling into the city when I met with a dear friend named Cheriba. A really young, and really small monk. By that I mean she was still young for her species. She was about 9 or 10. She was a short one with a large appetite. She never really gain much weight, but that’s because she used most of the energy to perform healing and other things monks do. To tell you the truth I don’t have a damned clue what monks do. Only because I’m not a monk. Now back to the story. Well I actually knew here entire family from far back as Cheriba’s great great great great grandfather so many years ago. He was a great ma..ur..Antro. She came up to me with a basket and a leg of lamb in her fore-paw. I was glad to see her because she was suppose to follow in her families foot steps and follow me through the ages. Well I though she was ready, but I wanted to wait. “Uncle!! What are you doing here?” She smiled at me and I looked down at her with a small smile striking across my face, “Just came to visit everyone. How’s you father doing do you know?” She smiles at me then gabs my hand, “He’s still in the old shop by the temple. Let’s go Uncle!”

As she pulls me by my arm, about pulling it off we pass a young boy around the age of 13. I stop in a dead halt as I rummaged in my pack and pull out a small bag. The boy still sitting their as I approached when I got almost to the point that I was right on top of him he looked up at me, “Sir, do you have anything to spare? Food, money, anything?” I smiled at him and handed him the bag of fruit to him and patted him on the head, “If you are really hungry you might want more then just a little bag of fruit. Follow me and we can get you and the little women in the shadow there some food.” The boy looks up at me and smiles and motions to the little girl, younger then he to come. I smiled at them both and motioned them to follow, “You planned to rob me of anything I had, but I’ll let it slide,” I smile at everyone and laugh, “Lets get some food.”

Chapter 2: A Waltz with the Fates (part I)

“Haha!! You old rat, how are you?” an older looking anthromorpic cat yells as I stood in the doorway. I smiled as the kids ran past into the house, “I known that’s my daughter, but you children? Who’s the lucky lady?” He says as he hits me in the arm. Again I smile as we sit near the fireplace, “No they are not mine, but you know that you old fool!” I punch him back as he begin to talk more formal.

We both relax for several secounds before I press into the main problem. "Edham, I have a bad feeling about the world. Something is amiss. I know you and you can feel change to the simplest of things." Edham looks up from the fire and stares with his black eyes. His eyes looked as if they could perice a man's soul. He then spoke to me in a hard cold voice, "The winds have moved, they are blowing in something fowl. Something is coming, an evil of great powers." Edham smiles and laughs as he puts his hand over his forehead, "Well, nothing you can handle my friend the strong and young immortal!" I smile and laught with him, but he doesn't understand the complexity of it.

This new danger is the fates doing. The fates say the world will be plungged into the abyss by an overwelming force. I was scared for the frist time in my long life, but I didn't want him to worry too much. Then as we talked, Edham's wife,Denise walked into the room with the children and laid down a mond of food at the table next to us, "Why, I didn't know you had children too?" she said to me playfully as she motioned for us to come before the children eat it all. I smiled at her and looked toward Edham, "We will finish our talk later." He nods his head and we both join the others at the table.

Later that night, both Edham and I sat down by the fire and began again.......

(Part II is on the way, unless no one likes the story)
© Copyright 2005 Jason Alexander Rite (andweeeeee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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