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A man faces death with a chance to live |
Game Show Kevin Campbell, Criminal Lawyer, Womanizer, drunk, on heavens reject list. 3/8 King George Street McMahons Point, Mr. Campbell’s destination. Cruising the wet roads on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Mr. Campbell was driving his most favorite object, a BMW Z4. It would be fitting that he felt love towards an inanimate object such as his automobile, more so than towards his own mother who carried him in her whom for nine months and then raised him for nineteen years. 2. Traveling no more than twenty kilometers an hour over the prescribed limit of eighty kilometers an hour, Mr. Campbell pretended not to see the alternate flashing of blue and red lights in his rearview mirror. Its well known that all high class criminal lawyers don’t have to obey the rules of lesser mortals. After a length of time Mr. Kevin Campbell pulled over to the side of the road. Reaching into the fine leather glove box he removed a pre-organized bribe of a substanional amount of dollars. When the police officer arrived at the window Mr. Campbell made an insulting attempt to break the ice of a bribe by inquiring about irrelevant material that concerned the police officer. Being the upstanding officer of the law that our Mr. Koslowski is, ignored the irrelevance of the question and proceeded to ask for Mr. Campbell’s license, which Mr. Campbell more than willingly handover with the seductive green of his bribe. Mr. Kozlowski returned Mr. Campbell’s license, accompanied with the bribe and a ticket for exceeding the prescribed speed limit in a motor vehicle and attempting to bribe a police officer. These actions from Mr. Kozlowski were greeted by verbal abuse from Mr. Campbell before speeding away. 3. WOW! Mr. Campbell, you had better slow down or you might get hurt. What do you say folks, should we bring Mr. Kevin Campbell down? 4. Kevin opened his eyes to a bright white light shinning in his eyes. He could see nothing else even when he tried to shade his eyes with his hand. In the distance he could hear the soft melody of what could only be described as harps. It seemed the only thing to do, so Kevin asked the bright light, “Am I in heaven?” The light disappeared and was replaced by darkness. It seemed to come from all-around him, numerous people laughing in that stereotypical way they do on television. Another light came on like a spot light that shone on a podium where a man wearing an eighties style purple suit and bore a cheesy grin stood in triumph, “Not yet Kev, may I call you Kev?” he spoke like an overexcited game show host. Kevin, for the first time in his life felt what fear was like. A feeling in his stomach like he wanted to vomit and the chill that runs up your arms. All he could manage was a stutter, “Who are you?” “Well Kev, some might call me Memento Mori, The Boat Man or even the Carrier of Souls but you would know me best,” The man in the eighties style purple suit lent over the top of the podium, “The Grim Reaper! Me, I proffer Angus.” More lights came on to reveal an applauding audience. “And this is your chance to go to Heaven,” a lowed cheer came the audience, “or Hell.” A grown and then laugh came from the audience. “All you have to do Kev is answer truthfully three simple questions and you win! Its that’s easy. But if you loose, you’re doomed for all eternity of molten rock, fire and brimstone and my personnel favorite, the pit of despair! I’m only joking, but not really.” Kevin had no answer for the harbourer of death. “Well I take that as you agree.” Angus had the look of a cheesy game show host. The slick backed black hair and constant grin. “Question number one,” He always spoke with great enthusiasm,”Ten years ago you stole your mother’s jewelry, which I might add belonged to her mother, and sold it so you could go to college, become a successful lawyer and yet you still haven’t even spoken to her. True or False Kev?” Mr. Campbell thought about what he just heard but gave no answer to the man of death. “Come on Kev. True or false? True or false?” Angus was laughing as he wound up the crowd of the damned performing a little Irish jig. He knew what he had done ten years ago but still did not regret what he had done. A man has to do what a man has to do. Ten years of wealth seemed to justify the loss of a mother. A stuttered “I…. I did… dddd… did what I had to too.” A disappointed look swept over The Boat Mans enthusiastic face. “Kevin Kevin Kevin. So you are saying that you stole from your mother to become a lawyer with fame and power in the process of loosing your family?” Why was he so scared of this beast? He did not regret anything he had done. A sense of confidence filled him. “Yes.” Throwing a hand full of reading cards in the air, Angus yelled allowed, “ITS TRUE!” The crowed burst out in cheers and whistles. Kevin stood straighter and began fixing his tie and shirt, to look more presentable. Things seemed to be going well. Although the threat of Hell was offered, the crowed seemed to applaud his responses. Two more questions and he would be on his way to Heaven. “Question number two. Is it true that you pushed your boss, George Takinaghi, off that building and then said it was his ex-wife who was given the death penalty?” The crowed was deafly silent in anticipation of Kevin Campbell’s answer. “Wait! Before you answer Kev let me take this call.” A ridiculously large yellow phone appeared on a podium next the Grim Reaper and began ringing. After a few “Mmmms” and “Ohhhs” Angus spoke to the crowd, “Do we want to hear what Mrs. Takinaghi has to say?” A loud cheer came from the crowd. “I was arrested on the night of my ex husbands murder in front of my family and told I was guilty of killing him. Two months later I was sentenced too death by lethal injection. But as it would happen I found my self up hear in Heaven, it’s a very lovely place.” “And where were you at the time of George’s murder?” The crowed hung of Angus’s every word. “At home with my children making dinner.” “Wow. That’s cold Kev.” The crowed agreed with the Reaper. “It’s all totally true. I killed him and framed her, it wasn’t hard.” The crowd rawd with applause and cheers. Getting into Heaven seemed easy, all you had to do was answer the truth. “Well Kev, one more question to go. Question number three. You’re a lousy excuse for a human being.” Kevin was bewildered by the Reapers comment. Maybe he wasn’t winning. “You break almost every law that you’re supposed to uphold. Lie, cheat and even murder. My question is this, why should I not send you straight to the fires of hell?” Kevin couldn’t think. What possible explanation could he give? It would seem he had no alternative but to plead for a second chance and promise that he would change. Falling to his knees Kevin pleaded like a scared school girl that was about to get in trouble, unbefitting of a man of his stature. Amazing what the threat of eternal dam nation could do for the soul. “Well well. It seems that even the mighty can grovel.” The smug grin on Angus’s face was gone. “You ask me for another chance. You say that you’ll change.” Tiers rolled down Kevin’s face. “Being the kind fellow that I am, ill give you that second chance.” Kevin looked up at the Reaper, tears swelling in his eyes. “You have fourteen days to change your ways or your end will your beginning in hell!” 5. On the fifteenth day, Kevin Campbell woke to find Angus sitting quietly in a chair at the foot of his bed. The Reaper asked only why he had not changed, all Kevin answered him with was that if a man changes who he is then he ceases to be who he is. Not even if he knows his fate can a man change who and what he is. We are who we are and go where we must go. The Reaper, although he acknowledged that Kevin had discovered what life was about, he two had to do what he was meant to do. The Messenger of Death. |