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Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1045478
Tragic coming out story of a suburban American teen.
Running in Circles
A play by Nolan Pitlick

Ryan: Classic All-American boy; quarterback of the football team, captain of the baseball team, would never dream of being seen without his letterman’s jacket. Of course he’s dating the most beautiful girl in the school (explained later). Ryan is however, a closet homosexual and we see this expressed in numerous ways throughout the play.

Lance: Loaner who fits in with nobody. Always seems to have someone to talk to, but nobody to connect with. Lance is the kind of guy that all the girls want to be friends with but nothing more. Not particularly good looking, but not exactly ugly either. Very intelligent but doesn’t attempt to apply himself for fear of standing out with a certain crowd. Lance is the only one that will really come to understand Ryan’s sexuality, even before Ryan does.

Michelle: Ryan’s All-American girlfriend; extremely beautiful, captain of the cheerleading squad, very into herself. Michelle doesn’t understand Ryan and is only dating him for the simple fact that he is popular. There’s not a whole lot to Michelle, she is just kind of there.

Laura: Michelle’s best friend, and fellow member of the cheerleading squad. Laura is much more complex than Michelle. She’s only a cheerleader because her parents are living vicariously through her and want her to be as popular as possible. Laura is more into school, and making a better life for herself beyond high school. She’s extremely down to earth and kind to others, great friends with Lance. Laura is really in love with Ryan, but Ryan doesn’t notice the feelings beside his like of talking “girl talk” with her. Ryan does however feel he can talk more with Laura than with Michelle.

Michael: Plays a very small role, only used for foreshadowing in the first two acts. Really comes into play in the third act when Ryan starts realizing who he really is. Michael is a homosexual who is very open and flamboyant. Ryan always puts him down in front of his friends, but seems to have a close relationship when nobody else is around. Michael is another one who knows about who Ryan really is. Michael sees a lot of himself in Ryan. Michael was a member of the football team his freshman and part of his sophomore when he realized he was gay.

Act I
Scene I

Slowly bring lights to full. Scene is a crowded stage with a full wall of lockers stage left. Ryan and Laura and standing together at the only open locker in the center of the stage. The bell rings and all the students scatter, many of them filing into the classroom stage right of the lockers. Ryan and Michelle stay at the locker and lights are killed around them, leaving bright lights on Ryan and Michelle.

(Standing upstage from Ryan, holding a stack of books in the crook of her left arm. Wearing only the preppiest of clothes and way over doing it with the make-up and hair.) What the hell was with you last night Ryan?!

(Standing with his back to the audience, and never actually looking at them. He has a black backpack on over his letter jacket. As he speaks with Michelle he proceeds to take his backpack off and remove his books shoving them into his locker. His letter jacket is never removed). Look Michelle, I don’t want to talk about it. (Angrily jamming 2 books into the top of the locker).

Fine!! Whatever Ryan, just act like it didn’t happen. You know what? I don’t really care anymore. You can be a real asshole sometimes Ryan, you know that?

(Shoving a few more books into the locker). Maybe so Michelle, but like I said, I’m not talking about this with you. At least not now anyways. (slams his locker and walks with authority into the classroom stage right).

Arrrh!! Fine Ryan. (Shakes her head and storms off and exits stage left).

Scene II
Lights come up in the classroom where desks are arranged in rows, facing the audience and Mr. Larson’s desk is facing away from audience. Mr. Larson is however not in the room and Ryan and Jim are sitting at the front stage left of the room. The other kids are seated in the desks. Mr. Larson enters the room and a hush falls over the class. He begins lecturing stage right of his desk.

Mr. Larson:
(Speaks in a very monotone voice.) As we talked about yesterday class the Civil War was not started only because of slavery. (lights begin to dim and the teacher begins to soften his voice until the lights are totally dark and the teacher is silent.)

(Lights never dim on Ryan and Jim.)

(Begins talking only once the teacher has fallen silent and the lights have been fully dimmed). Dude, Michelle has really been pissing me off lately. I think I’m about ready to drop her.

Shit dude if you drop her send her my way. Your girlfriend is so fucking hot dude. Of course she’s not nearly as hot as your mom, but still very doable.

I know, and my Mom doesn’t bite like yours insists on doing every time I’m with her. But yeah, I’m finally starting to realize that Michelle might be a bit of a bitch.

Wow, you just figured this out now? I mean don’t get me wrong I’d still gladly fuck her.

Jim you’d fuck anything with a set of tits, and a pussy.

I don’t set my standards that high man. What the hell could piss you off so much as to want to dump her? It can’t be that she’s a bitch because she’s been a bitch long before you started dating her.

I’m a free spirit, that’s my whole problem.

I think your only problem is that you’re a fucking HOMO!

Fuck you! Just go ask your mom, she knows I’m not gay.

Well you’re not going to drop her before prom though are you?

I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.

Wow, you’re really serious about this. Well if you do dump her before
prom you better do it pretty soon so she can find another date. Namely

You don’t have a chance in hell of getting Michelle.

Bullshit dude! I’m a suave fucker.

Whatever you say Jim. You think Mr. Larson has any idea that not a single student stays awake during his lectures, and if they do they sure as shit don’t listen? (As Ryan is saying this the lights in the classroom start to come up and Mr. Larson becomes audible. The other students in the class all have their heads down on the desks.)

(The bell rings and all the students quickly file out of the room and exit into the locker bank, stage left of the classroom. Lights blackout in the classroom and are brought to full in the locker section. Students open the lockers and starting taking books out of their bags. Ryan exits stage left)

Scene III
(Michelle enters the stage from stage left with a tray of food and has a seat at the picnic table far upstage left. Ryan soon returns from stage left having a seat next to Michelle at the table. Students finish up at their lockers slamming them as they exit stage left and right. Lights blackout for lockers but stay full over the picnic table with Michelle and Ryan.)

Look Michelle we really need to talk.

That’s the only thing you’ve said in the past few days that I actually agreed with.

That’s what I’m talking about Michelle. I’m getting a little sick of your shit. You’re always putting me down for no reason.

I put you down Ryan? What about me? It’s always about you isn’t it?

How have I ever put you down Michelle? I’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted and done nothing but support you in everything you’ve ever done.

Whatever Ryan. (picking up her food and eating as she speaks) What about the time I had cheerleading tryouts and you weren’t even there? Where was your support then Ryan?

(Hitting the table and nearly standing up.) Christ Michelle! I had my own tryouts that day for football. I sat and watched all those cheerleading videos with you the night before. I really don’t know about you sometimes Michelle.

And what about last night Ryan? What kind of guy would say no to having sex with me? I told Laura about that and she was like way surprised.

I told you Michelle, I don’t want to have sex yet. I don’t think we’re ready and I know I’m not ready.

That is the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard. No normal guy would turn me down for sex.

I guess I’m just not normal then Michelle. (pause) So are we still going to dinner at Homer’s?

I guess you aren’t normal. Yeah, I’ll meet you there round 7.

Fine, I’ll see you there Michelle. (pause) Later.

Bye Ryan.

(Ryan slaps the picnic table as he stands and exits stage right, leaving his tray on the table. Michelle quickly gets up, grabs her try, and exits stage left.)

Scene IV
Classroom comes back up from blackout and the kids are all seated in their desks. There is one seat open in the front, DS in front of Laura. The teacher begins his lecture and Ryan quickly walks in late taking his seat in the front next to Laura.

(Looking at Ryan as he enters the room and sits. He looks at Ryan for awhile before speaking.) Nice of you to join us Mr. Bear. (Looks back at the rest of the class and continues to lecture.)

Lights fade in the classroom to blackout except over Ryan and Laura.

(Smiling and forward towards Ryan with a certain love in her eye.) Hey Ryan. How’s your day going?

(Somewhat out of breath and seemingly disinterested. And not looking back.) I don’t really want to talk about it right now Laura. (Looking back up at the teacher and scribbling notes in a notebook.)

(Leaning back for a brief moment then quickly leaning forward again .) I know why you did it.

(Turning head only slightly to the side, with an angry tone.) Did what?

Said no to Michelle last night.

Yeah? Well so do I so let’s forget about it.

I just wanted you to know that I think it was really cool of you, most guys aren’t like that.

Yeah, well I wish Michelle felt the same way.

Ryan there’s something you have to realize about Michelle…… All she cares about is her image and she wants to stay at least two years ahead of the rest of the girls here.

(Spinning to face Laura.) What the hell does that mean?

I guess what I’m trying to say is that she wants to do what she feels the cool crowd is doing, and in her mind the cool crowd is the popular girls in college. (Sarcastically) And what does TV tell us the popular girls are doing in college?

What are they doing Laura?

They’re all having sex with the football players and drinking like fish.

Michelle doesn’t drink.

That’s because she knows if her parents ever found out they would kill her. Which is stupid because having sex could cause her a lot more problems.

Gee thanks for the lecture Mom. I really don’t know why I turned her down for sex, it’s not like I’m a bible beater and think it’s wrong to have pre-marital sex.

It’s ok Ryan you just weren’t ready and that’s perfectly normal. It’s not like you’re gay.

Ryan: (Sheepishly)
Ha, yeah.

So what do you think you’re going to do? She’s really blowing this thing way out of proportion. Personally I think you need to just give her some time and she’ll be fine.

I don’t know if she’ll be fine or not. Oddly enough this was really important for her. God! Most guys would give their left nut to be dating a girl as gorgeous as Michelle. And then have her ask you for sex?

Yeah well you’re not most guys Ryan. Face it, most guys are assholes.

Well gee thanks Laura. I think I’ll be fine. We’re gonna hang tonight and I’m sure it’ll be fine by then. (smiling)

There’s the happy Ryan I know, with that cute smile and everything.

Wow, you’re retarded Laura. You coming with us to Homer’s tonight?

Unfortunately I have no other friends and therefore am forced to go out with you two losers…. So yes, I’ll be there.

Oh Laura you’re so witty and funny…. Funny like testicular cancer.

(Lights begin to come up in the classroom as teacher recites his lines).

Teacher: (Looking towards Ryan and Laura)
Would you two like to share that conversation with the rest of the class?

Ryan: Laura:
No sir. No sir.

Then let’s try to keep the chatter a little lower. Believe it or not some of the students in this room would like to continue on to a higher form of education.

(As soon as he finishes saying this the bell rings and the students start to shuffle out of the room.)

Have a good weekend kids, and remember test next Tuesday.

(Lights come up in the hallway and blackout in classroom.)

Scene V
(Ryan walks over to his locker and opens it. As he’s putting books in Lance walks into the scene stage right of Ryan.)

Hey Mike what’s up buddy?

(Seeing Ryan and stopping as he starts talking.) Oh hi Ryan, not too much. What are you up to?

Getting the hell out of here as fast as possible. I had a shitty week.

I hear that.

What are your plans for tonight?

I don’t really have any, probably do some homework or something.

You’re a rock star Lance.

Don’t you know it.

You should come out with Laura, Michelle and I. We’re gonna go out to Homer’s and be cool.

I just might join you then.

(As Lance is finishing this line Michael walks in from stage left and crosses the stage giving Ryan the eye.)

(Ryan walks behind Michael mimicking his gay walk and limp wrist)

(Walking back towards Lance.) Wow, that kid loves the cock.

Dude, why do you always gotta rip that kid?
Oh come on, he begs for remarks. Anybody who dresses like that and gives themselves a lisp deserves to be torn down.

Whatever dude. So what time are you going out there tonight?

Oh, 7-ish

You want to talk about gay… (Imitating with a lisp) Oh 7-ish.

Fuck you dipshit. So I’ll see you tonight then?

Yeah I should be there.

Sweet, now I’m getting the hell out of this place.

I’m with you.

The two of them exit stage left along with the rest of the class as the lights blackout.


Act II
Scene I
Curtain raises to show23 booths and a dance floor. There are a group of kids standing around and dancing. One of the booths is occupied and one SR is empty. Ryan is the first one to walk through the door SL and take a seat at the booth. He has his letter jacket on and as soon as he sits down he looks down and fidgets with the salt and other things on the table.
Laura walks in from SL and takes a seat across from Ryan. The lights fade down around everything except the table where they are seated. The kids dancing slowly stop dancing and the music is faded down. After the lights black out around the dance floor the kids exit SR.

(As Laura sits down he sees her and raises his head excitedly with a big smile.) Hey there hot stuff. Glad you could make it.

Like I said, I have no other friends. Where’s everybody else.

I’m not sure, they should be here soon.

Are you feeling better about Michelle, or are you still pissed off?

Ryan: (Looking down)
I guess I’m cool now.

You guess?

There’s not much I can do about it now. I can’t really break up with her this close to prom, and we’re both out of here next year so that’ll make it easier after prom.

Wow, remind me not to go to prom with you two. You’re going to be miserable.

It’s not like I hate her. And besides (looking up and smiling) I’m too much fun to be miserable at prom.

Laura: (smiling)
This is true.

Michelle and Lance walk in together SL. Michelle sits next to Laura and Lance takes a seat next to Ryan.
Ryan: (glaring at Michelle)
What, you don’t even want to sit next to me?

I thought it would be better for conversations sake if I sat across from you.

Whatever Michelle

Lance: (Butting in)
So Michelle how do you think you did on Mr. Bennett’s lit test?

Michelle: (Still staring at Ryan)
I don’t think I did too bad. He’s such an ass though.

Yeah no shit. Who gives a rat’s ass about the deeper meaning to the works of Hemmingway?

(Finally looking away from Michelle) I think all you need to know about him is that he was a big fag.

You really need to drop the homophobic tendencies there buddy. I mean you’re going to be in college next year and god only knows how many gays you’re going to run into there.

I’m far from a homophobe Lance. Speaking of Homophobes did you hear about that shit that’s going on in Maryland with the gay marriages?

Yeah. I mean what the fuck is that? I can’t believe our society is going to start accepting, no, not accepting, allowing gay marriages.

That was my first thought, then I figured what the hell is wrong with it. Who are we to say two people in love can’t be married?

It’s not natural Ryan. It’s not right. Two men or two women should not be together, let alone married. I mean it’s in the bible. Although I’m a little more accepting of the two women thing.

Holy shit Lance! Now who’s the homophobe?

I think both of you need to drop some of your puritan backgrounds of the 1600’s and become a little more progressive. I mean come on guys, we don’t wear black garbs and buckled hats anymore. And Lance don’t even start in with the bible. The most hypocritical written work ever produced. I don’t think it holds much water in this instance considering the whole Maryland thing is a legal issue that is to be decided in the US courts and not in the house of god. And the US courts have a little thing known as separation of church and state, so I see no reason to outlaw it. I don’t remember the founding fathers saying, “genders of the same shall not bed together.”

Whoa, didn’t know you felt so strongly on the topic, but thank you for that eye opening explanation on US history and the legal system. I’ll have to remember that during Mr. Segner’s next history exam.

Ass. I was just saying.

Oop, now I’ve done it. I’m an ass. (Laughing with Lance).

(Very serious and angry) It’s not that funny Ryan because you really are an ass.

Whoa, what the hell crawled up your ass?

Michelle: (Raising her voice)
Nothing crawled up my ass Ryan. I’m just getting sick of your shit.

And what shit might that be Michelle?

Oh please Ryan, you’re just a prick, deal with it. I’m sure Lance and Laura can back me up on this.

I think I’ll stay out of this one.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. In fact, Lance would you like to dance?

I’d love to-

(Looking at Lance and Laura) Bullshit! You two are staying here. (Looking back at Michelle) I think they need to stay here, what do you think (sarcastically) sweetie?

Fine by me.

So I’m an ass because I like to have a little fun with my friends? Is that it?

Oh come on Ryan you know damn well that’s not what it is.

Then what is it Michelle? I’m a little confused and would love for you to fill me in on why I’m an asshole.

You’re so immature Ryan, you only think about yourself. It’s ridiculous how much you put Ryan first, Ryan comes before everybody in Ryan’s world, even his girlfriend.

That’s brilliant Michelle. So that’s what makes me an asshole. I think about myself more than you. Well, maybe I should think about us for a minute then, that’s putting you right up there with me. I really wanted to do this when we were in private and after the prom, but what the hell. I guess there’s no better time than the present to get this off my chest. I’ve been stewing over it for some time now. Michelle (beat) I don’t really think we should see each other anymore.

Michelle: (Shocked)
You are not doing this to me. Not now anyways.

Deal with it sister, we’re done.

You are such an ass. This is what I was talking about Ryan. See again, no consideration for me, only what’s best for Ryan. Do you even care about the fact that now I won’t be able to find a date for the prom? Do you know what this will do to my image?

You’re kidding me right? That’s what you’re most worried about right now? How you’re going to look to all your friends at prom without a date? You are quite possibly the most shallow inconsiderate person I have ever had the privilege of meeting. Funny, I wasn’t even going to do it until after school was out, and that was because I didn’t think we could handle a long distance relationship. Then you bring this shit into it, me being an asshole, the whole sex situation. No, this definitely the right thing to do. I guess I should be thanking you sweetie.

Arrrgh!! (Michelle gets up and walks towards the door SL. Turning back to face Ryan after a few steps.) I can’t believe you would stoop to this level Ryan. I knew you were an asshole, but this just took it to a new level. I can’t believe, oh my god. (Michelle storms off crying and exits SL.)

(Laura gets up looking back at Ryan with an almost sorry look and then hurries after Michelle)

(Lance is just dumbstruck and stares at Ryan.)

Ryan: (Loud and agitated)
What the fuck are you looking at?

I can’t believe you just did that.

Yeah well I did so get over it. In fact, get the fuck out of here. I really don’t want to see anybody right now.

Whatever. I’ll talk to you later.

Yeah whatever.

(Lance gets up grabbing his jacket that is beside him and exits SL.)

Scene II
Ryan sits with his head in his hands. Michael enters alone and sits at the table across from Ryan. Michael picks up a menu and begins reading it as Ryan lifts his head and notices Michael. After some thought Ryan stands up and sits across from Michael.)

(Looks up at Ryan a little taken back)
Michelle and I just broke up, I don’t even know how it happened or why I did it.

(Sarcastically surprised) What? No hey fag, or, what’s up homo?

(Confused) What are you talking about?

Every time I see you Ryan that’s all I get, that and a lot of laughing.

I’m just kidding when I do that shit, you know that Michael.

Do I Ryan?
Oh man, I thought you did Michael. I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, I’d never do it on purpose.

Whatever Ryan: Ever since you became Mr. I’m a big football player jock, you’ve become too busy impressing the other jocks to remember real friends.

Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the days back in Junior High. Those were some damn fun times, just the two of us hangin’ out. (Getting happy and excited) Remember when we were at your pool that day and your Mom’s friend was over, oh what’s her name?

(Happy) Mrs Jerkich

(Pointing at Michael) Yeah that’s it. Her top fell off, man she had some great tits, I must have jerked off to that image for six months after that.

That was funny, but I didn’t do any jerking off to it.

How could you not?

Let’s think about that one.

You knew that early?

I had a pretty good idea.

Wow, that’s interesting.

(Disgusted) Don’t worry I never looked at you in that way.

(Realizing what he has said) Oh no, that’s not what I mean.

What did you mean then?
Never mind.

Ok (beat) so what happened between you and Michelle. I thought you two were the perfect happy couple.

So did I. I guess Michelle has just been a bitch lately, and it just got to be too much.

Well I guess you can’t stay with someone if you no longer want to put up with their attitude.

Oh man I don’t know, maybe that’s not it at all. Maybe there’s more to it.

What else might it be Ryan?

You know I don’t really know anymore Michael, I guess it’s just one of those things. I really can’t put my finger on it. I ah, I just don’t know.
Don’t you?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Nothing, I was just probing a little deeper to see if maybe there was more there that you don’t want to say.

Oh fuck, I don’t know. Who knows, maybe there is. I don’t know.

Well I think that’s something you need to figure out Ryan. If you think there’s something more than there probably is.

(Softly. Hanging his head slightly.) Yeah. (Lifting his head back up and picking his voice up to normal.) Look Michael I really am sorry about all the gay jokes and all that other stuff. It’s just. I. Well-

It’s ok Ryan, I understand, and apology accepted.

Thanks Michael. I should really get going though. I got a lot of shit to think about. (Standing up, grabbing his jacket and walking a few steps towards the door and looking back at Michael, pausing as he looks up at him.) Thanks again Michael. (Exits SL)

(Michael just looks up at Ryan and smiles.)
Fade to black.


Lights come up on a school gymnasium decorated for prom. Groups of kids are dancing to the music and Ryan is talking inaudibly to Lance at the punch table DSR. We see Michelle walk in with a newly introduced character. As soon as she walks in Ryan looks up and notices her. She has her head held high. Michael is USC and notices Michelle as well. We see Laura walk away from her date and walk over towards Michelle. Music starts to fade down and lights come up a bit.

Laura pulls Michelle aside (as lights darken on everybody but them) and tries to figure out what she is doing there with this guy

(Angry) I realize you and Ryan are no longer together but do you really think it was a good idea to come to prom with (disgusted, nodding in his direction) him?

God what’s you’re problem Laura? I really don’t care, this is my senior prom and there’s no way that I’m going to let Ryan. or anyone else ruin it.

Don’t let him ruin it, but at least have some respect for him. You two were dating for almost four years. Don’t you think you should take some time off from guys?
Time off? Please Laura, I’m in my prime, I can’t just take time off.

You just don’t get it do you Michelle?

Get what? What are you talking about Laura?

Maybe someday you’ll grow up enough to realize that there are more important things in life than your senior prom, or what guy you happen to be with this week.

God, you’re such a Mom Laura.

You know what Michelle? You really are way too into Michelle, and what’s best for her. You’re going to one day open your eyes Michelle and realize all you’ve missed and ruined.

What’s that supposed to mean? I don’t think I’ve ruined anything, in fact, I thing I’ve made things better.

Wow, there’s no getting through to you is there? You just don’t hear anything anybody has to say unless it’s complimenting Michelle.

I heard you loud and clear Laura, I heard you and understood you. I also understand that our friendship is over.

Ya know what? I think that’s probably a good idea, have a great life Michelle. I hope you’re able to wake up one day and set your priorities straight, and I hope that day isn’t too late for you.

Yeah sounds good to me Laura. Have a good life. (Michelle storms off back towards her date as Laura does the same.)

Music comes up as both Michelle and Laura walk back to dates. Once they reach their dates another person steps up to mic USC with a card in his hand tapping the microphone.

Announcer: (nervously)
(Tapping microphone) Excuse me, um excuse me, could I please have your attention. (music finally goes down and people at prom look up to announcer) Thank, thank you. Ok, I have hear (holding card above his head) the results for this years prom king and queen. (pause) Ok, here we go. (Nervously opens and fumbles with card) This years prom king and queen are, well this is no surprise, Ryan Bear and Michelle Ebenit. (Applause from prom) Congratulations you two, if you two could come to the center of the dance floor this next dance will be for you.

Spotlight comes up center stage and Ryan walks over. Michelle hesitantly leaves her date smiling back at him, and slowly walks to Ryan. Music comes up slightly and they begin to dance. Ryan is smiling and Michelle has a look of anger to her. There is silence for a few seconds as they dance.

Well congratulations there prom queen.

Yeah same to you Ryan.
I never imagined our final dance would be like this. Did you?

Michelle: (uninterested)
Nope, can’t say that I did.

I saw you found another date. That’s good, I was hoping you’d have enough time to find one.

Sure ya were Ryan.

No really I was. I’m happy for you. I’m not thrilled that he’s a White Bear boy, but what are ya gonna do?

You’re kidding me right?

No I’m not, I really am happy for you. I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past few nights and I’ve learned a lot about myself, and life in general.

you’re weird Ryan.

Yeah maybe, but what’s normal? (music stops and they quit dancing and they start to part slowly.) Good luck with all you chose to do, you’ll be great at whatever it is.

(Confused) Um thanks? (Walks back to date)

Ryan smiles and watches Michelle as she walks back to her date. Ryan then quickly walks over to where Michael is standing at the punch bowl.

Congratulations on being prom king Ryan, that’s pretty cool.

(quickly and excitedly) Oh thanks Michael. So I took some of your advice and I’ve been doing some thinking over the past few days.

That’s great, but I don’t remember giving any real advice.

Sure ya did. You said there was probably more to it and that I needed to figure out what that was.

No, you said that you thought there was more to it and I told you that if you thought that then it may very well be true, but whatever. It’s good you did some thinking, it’s always good to rationalize things after an event like that.

Yeah, well I figured out that the more to it part of it was that I’m gay.

(Almost choking on the punch) What?

Yeah, I know that’s it. It’s always been there I was just way too afraid to let it out. Ya know what I mean, there was no way I could be gay. I mean I was the quarterback for Christ’s sake.

That’s great that you think you might be gay Ryan and that you’re willing to accept it, but this isn’t just something that one day you can wake up and decide.

No it’s not I agree. But I’ve thought long and hard about this, and I know that’s what it is. I mean come on, I didn’t want to have sex with Michelle, I dress way better than most of the girls in this school, and I Funny Girl is my favorite all time movie.

That’s all fine and dandy Ryan, but you realize those are all just clichés and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gay.

Oh I know that Michael. I mean that’s not all, those were just the obvious things that I felt comfortable throwing out there at this point in time. There’s other things though too.

Well Ryan, this is a huge step, and it means you’re in for a lot of changes. You have to be totally ready for those changes. People are going to look at you in a whole different way, a lot of people you thought were your friends you’re going to realize aren’t true friends. It’s a huge change.

I know, I don’t think I’m ready to come out to everybody just yet. I mean my parents are going to kill me. It’s all going to take some time, but I know I’ll be ready in time. I just had to tell somebody though, it was killing me inside, and I knew you’d understand.

Oh I do Ryan, and I think it’s really cool that you were able to do this. I actually feel honored that I was the first person you told. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Just don’t wait to long to tell everybody, it’s not going to help anybody keeping it in.

I know, thanks Michael. I’m probably going to need you a lot in the next few months. I hope you’re ready to help me out when I need you.

Hey, what are friends for right?

Michael and Ryan smile at each other and then embrace.

You are a true friend too Michael.

Lights fade on Michael and Ryan while still in an embrace and lights come up on Michelle and her date. Michelle stands staring in the direction of Ryan and Michael, mouth wide open. As the lights come up on Michelle the music comes up. We see Michelle whispering to her date who then looks over with a look of disgust at Michael and Ryan, who have still not broken the embrace. Lights become bright SL as Michelle’s date talks to a couple other guys at prom, all of them looking over at Ryan and Michael with disgust, one of these guys is Lance. They all nod their heads after Michelle’s date has finished talking to them. Music starts to fade down in order for conversation to be audible. Michelle’s date walks back over to Michelle as lights fade SL leaving only Michelle and her date lit.

What was that all about?

Oh nothing, I was just getting to know some of the guys here. I mean I’ve gone four years with hating them, I figure it’s time I get to know them.

Are you sure that’s all?

Date: (angry)
Yeah it is. What the hell do you care anyways? Just forget about it.
Lights fade on the two of them and come back up on Michael and Ryan.

Well Michael I should really get going. There’s not much reason for me to stick around here anymore. I’ll see ya in class on Monday then?

You better believe it.

Thanks again for all your help, and thanks in advance for all the help you’re going to have to give me.

Don’t mention it, that’s what I’m here for.

Both of them laugh and then hug one last time. A band of lights come up creating a carpet for Ryan as he leaves the prom. Ryan pauses outside looking up at the sky. Michelle’s date watches Ryan leave and then looks at the guys he spoke with early nodding towards the door. They all follow him out and meet up with Ryan.

(Unknowingly looking around at all the guys standing in front of him) Oh hey guys. Did ya come out to have a smoke or sneak in a few drinks before Mr. Larson sees?

Not exactly Ryan. We saw ya talkin’ with that fag earlier. Seems you two had a lot to say to each other.

Who Michael? Yeah we go way back, it was nice catching up with him.

You make it a habit of hugging homos?

Ryan: (Defensive)
We’re just friends, nothing more.

Looked to me like you were a little more than just friends, looks to me like you might be one of them queers yourself.

Look, why the hell did you guys come out here in the first place?
I’ll tell ya why. Because none of us want any ass fuckers to be hanging around with us, or to have seen us nude in the locker room. Isn’t that right?

(all the guys agree)

Even you too huh Lance?

Fuck you Ryan

Michelle’s date and two other guys begin pounding on Ryan. Ryan can do nothing but scream and take the blows, as they start to go in at Ryan the music comes up loud. Lance doesn’t do anything but watch as his friend is beaten badly and lay on the ground. Michelle’s date looks up at Lance.

Don’t you want in on this? I mean this fucker stared at your dick in the locker room, probably imagining it up his ass.

Lance shakes his head a little.

Suite yourself, but I’ll get a few more blows in there for ya.

Michelle’s date kneels and punches Ryan two more times in the face before standing up and spitting on him. All the guys stand around and look at Ryan’s squirming body. The guys who beat Ryan start to run away, but stop to look back at Lance who is still standing there staring.

Are you coming or what? You’re gonna get busted for this ya know?

(Barely audible from the beating) Lance, please help me, call 911.

Lance continues to look at Ryan then runs up to him kicking him a few times in the ribs, Ryan makes a moaning sound, then Lance makes one last kick to Ryan’s head and Ryan goes limp. Lance stands briefly looking down at Ryan then runs to catch up with the others as they all run off stage. Lights stay on Ryan for a few moments before fading to black.


© Copyright 2005 John Cash (nolan413 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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