Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1039965-Children-A-Z
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1039965
A Poem About Children and thier quirks.
Abby didn't listen well
No surprise, when she fell
The alligators tummy swelled.

Brian bought a lollipop,
Licking it, he wouldn't stop
Even when, on the floor it dropped.

Cathy was a tattle tale
At keeping secrets, she did fail,
When she's around her friends all bail.

Davy hated taking a bath
Soap and Water?/! He would rather do math!
Whenever he walks he leaves a dirt path.

Emma loves to snack on sweets
She thinks she always needs a treat.
Sugar high, she's never in her seat.

Frankie's flunking every class
even lunch he wouldn't pass
He's too busy talking sass.

Gracie love's to whine and cry
She prefers to do this than give anything a try
When she does this her parents nerves begin to fry.

Henry is very crass
a potty mouth, he uses to harass.
When out in public, his mother feels like an ass!

Ivy is way too shy.
Always clinging to her mothers thigh.
Can't get her off, she's hard to pry.

Jacob doesn't like to share,
And is always pulling on your hair.
He's just a baby so we dont care.

Karen gives a big old pout
She gets her way, never doubt
Her parent's cave in at any amount.

Lee likes to kiss the girls
He learned young to make his tongue swirl.
Fat or skinny pretty or plain? He'll give it a whirl.

Milly makes big messes
And spills all over her dresses
At this her mother distresses

Nathan is a naughty boy
Breaking all his toys
Always gives him lots of joy.

Ophelia loves to make art
Crayola is dear to her heart
Walls or paper? It's hard to tell apart.

Peter picks his nose
His boogers to his mother he shows.
Before wiping them on her pany hose.

Queenie has many little quirks
Her soup she just has too slurp
Always followed with a giant burp!

Rusty doesn't want to read
To learning, he will not concede
At school he doesn't suceed.

Stacy is preoccupied with looks
Just doesn't give a fig, for books
Her goal is to get a rich man in her hooks.

Tommy likes to see what he can steal
Uses his pockets to conceal
When he gets caught, Mommy feels like a heel.

Unis uses other people things
She will borrow anything.
The trouble? she takes before asking.

Victor is a great big snob!
If you make minumum wage, he thinks your a slob.
Only with the upper class will he hobnob.

Wanda is a worry wart.
Always feeling out of sorts,
Looks to mom and dad for comfort.

Xavier never does his share,
Time for chores? He's hiding somewhere.
Which makes his mother pull out her hair.

Yvonne always plays pretend.
Imaginary are all her friends,
But to their death she will always defend.

Zachary loves to climb up trees,
He scales the branches with agility.
When he reaches the top he is amazed at what he sees.
© Copyright 2005 giggler (giggler630 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1039965-Children-A-Z