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Part 2.Conclusion. A romance that occurs very suddenly and also gradually. Reviews needed. |
Chapter 4 I went to visit my aunt Bremer a few days after the party at the Jensen’s. Aunt Bremer was my father’s sister. She was a matronly woman who looked good for her years. She believed in clean living, early nights and even earlier mornings. Aunt Bremer was pleased to have me drop by unexpectedly and invited me to tea. I hadn’t seen my aunt in several years but she hadn’t changed a bit. We had a good conversation over tea and she asked me a favor. She wanted a new piece of art to hang above the mantle in the sitting room and wanted me to investigate a gallery that had just opened. The gallery was getting good reviews but she wasn’t sure about those reviews. The people making them didn’t have the best taste in art or anything else for that matter. I agreed to visit the gallery as it was near a bookshop that I planned on stopping in at. I wanted information. I wanted to know if she knew about the young woman I met at the party. She said that all she knew was that there was a rumor that she was illegitimate and that the family kept her shut up in the house most of the time. I left there with the feeling I would never get to see the young Miss Jensen again. A few days after I visited my aunt, I decided to visit the gallery and the bookstore. I choose to visit the gallery first. Some nagging feeling said that I should go here first because it wasn’t going to be a good experience. As I was walking to the door, a young woman stepped out and tripped. On what I do not know. I caught her arm to prevent her fall and had the shock of my life. It was Miss. Jensen. I couldn’t believe my luck. She looked up at me and a look of shock passed across her face. I expressed my shock at getting to see her again and invited her to walk to the bookstore with me. She said that she would enjoy a walk but that her father wouldn’t approve. She then told me that we might have a chance if her sister could go along with us. At that moment, her father walked out and apologized for anything that his daughter may have done wrong. I could tell that he didn’t hold his daughter in high esteem. Miss Jensen asked her father if they could go for a walk if her sister Charlene could go along. Her father looked like he didn’t know what to say and went back inside to ask his daughter if she would go for a walk. I think he would ask her to steal all of the attention away from her sister. He seemed like a man that would do that. It was not long before the other Miss. Jensen appeared at the door willing to take a walk. The women and I walked the short distance to the store. What I wanted was to be alone with Miss. Sarah, but I did not see that happening, but maybe I could get her alone in the bookstore. While we walked, I asked niceties about how they were and what books they liked to read. I was pleased that Miss Sarah Jensen liked the same kinds of books that I liked, mysteries and intellectual documents. I was curious so I asked who was the older of the two and had to laugh with them when they laughed and told me that that was something they wouldn’t say. At the bookshop Mr. Ingles, the proprietor, greeted us and showed Miss. Charlene Jensen to the romances while I led the other sister to the mysteries. She said that she would not believe that I enjoyed mysteries, that I looked too much like an intellectual man. I replied that I enjoy both and that I like people to think me a more serious fellow. Then I told her that friends of mine called me James. I was starting to think of her as a friend even though we had met only briefly. I think part of me wanted more than a friendship even then. We were looking at the books when I heard a gasp from besides me. I looked around to see if something was wrong then asked her if she was all right. She replied that she had just found a book that she had been trying to find for quite a while. I couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. Her whole face lit up when she smiled looked beautiful. About that time, Miss. Charlene Jensen appeared around the corner and said that we should leave soon. When I offered to pay for their items, I was quickly and forcefully turned down. I was shocked. These two were women like no other that I had met lately. Walking back to the gallery, I escorted Miss Sarah Jensen by the arm and Miss Charlene Jensen followed behind. The shock on their parent’s faces when they saw us was quite comical. I do not know what they were shocked about; they were both their daughters. I was not happy with their reaction and insulted their taste when it came to art. I could not understand how they could treat one daughter better than they could treat another. I said that I hoped to see them at my aunt Bremer’s party later on in the week. I expressed my pleasure at being able to spend time with both women. I bowed over Miss Charlene’s hand but felt compelled to kiss the back of Miss. Sarah’s hand. I bowed to the rest of the family and walked towards the gallery. Almost at the door, I heard Miss Sarah Jensen answer my earlier question; she was the younger of the two sisters. I had been told correct the gallery was quite bad and it smelled poorly. I would not recommend that place to anyone. I don’t think that the gallery was open for more than a year. The rest of the night I could not get Miss Sarah off my mind. I kept seeing her face lit up with excitement and hearing throatiness of her laugh. I hoped that I would be seeing her at my aunt’s that coming Thursday. I kept thinking about the time I was able to spend with her, that I nearly forgot about my appointment with the lawyer set for the next day. I was not looking forward to this appointment. I had asked my lawyers look over my father’s will to see if there were any loopholes that would say that I didn’t have to get married. The look on John’s face when I walked in told me everything I needed to know; there were no loopholes. His words confirmed my assumption. I didn’t know what I would do. I was so distressed by the news I decided to walk to my father’s place, it was a short walk and I needed to clear my head. I began going through the list of women that I had met recently in my head. All I could picture with these women were a blur of colors and vacant smiles and dull chatter. Then my mind switched to the Jensen’s. My mind cleared and I heard laughter and saw a beaming face. I decided right then, as I walked up the steps into the house, what I had to do. I couldn’t help but smile. Chapter 5 It started the moment I walked through he door. The first thing I saw was Charlene rushing up the stairs in tears and the anger in my parent’s faces. “Sarah Christine, we need to talk, now!” Was what my father said in barely contained anger as soon as he saw me. I handed my outer clothes to one of the maids who was standing there, and prepared myself for what was surely to come, another lecture about my place within this family. I followed my father into the sitting room. My mother, her face red, stared at me as I walked in. I did not know if she was going to cry or if she was going to yell, what I got was a tense, “I hope you are happy with yourself,” and a look that said that I was an awful person that she didn’t want anything to do with. It wasn’t the first time that I got that look. My father took over from there, “I want you to sit and I want you to truthfully answer our questions. What was your purpose in going shopping with Mr. Wilson?” I could see where this was already going to go and it didn’t look good for me. “He asked me if I wanted to walk with him and I was agreeable to it. I thought that you would be more willing to let me go if Charlene was with us.” “Did you or did you not want all of the attention to yourself and not let Mr. Wilson get to know your sister?” My father continued. When I replied that that was not my intention. I got the worst of what was coming from my mother. “Why you little liar. How can you tell such lies? Now I know why we stopped letting you go out with us more often; you want all of the attention to yourself. And you wanted all of the attention of that poor Mr. Wilson, never even giving your sister a chance with him. I mean what were you thinking? That he would want you over her. Why look at you, you are a shame to my image. I can’t believe I have you as a daughter. I wonder why I was cursed. You will not be going out with us again and I want you to stay in your room unless we call for you. Do you understand? Now go. And remember to apologize to your sister for what you did, ruining her prospects.” I got stiffly to my feet and walked slowly out of the room. I would not let them see me cry. I was able to stay composed as I walked up the stairs and gave my apology through the door of Charlene’s room since she would not open the door. I lost all of my will as soon as I closed my door. I dropped into a chair since my legs could not support me anymore. They had always showed their displeasure with my actions before but never to this extent. I knew that my existence was hard on my father. He really didn’t know if I was his, even though my mother insisted that I was. But for all of that he treated me pretty well. I wasn’t expecting this at all. I didn’t know if I wanted to cry or if I wanted to scream. I was so disoriented. When my sobbing had let up, I felt empty and I wanted to hide. I did not know what to do. What little freedom that I did have was just taken away from me. I walked to the window and saw the book I had bought on my bed. Charlene had taken it for me so I wouldn’t have to carry it home. I lit a candle, picked up my newest book, and walked up to my private sanctuary. I didn’t even want to chance having to talk to anyone for a long time. I tried to read but the book was now a bittersweet memory of a good time but hard consequences. I could hear Maddie downstairs in my room, probably leaving me some dinner, but I wasn’t hungry. I sat in my favorite chair for an hour before I fell asleep staring at my wall of books. Chapter 6 I looked forward to my aunt’s party all week long. As the day drew near, I had my plan set. I would get to know the Jensen’s, they would get to know me, and when I asked for their daughter’s hand in marriage, they would happily agree. Things didn’t happen as I had hoped they would. First, the Miss Jensen that I was hoping to speak with was not there. When I inquired after her, Mrs. Jensen gave me a look that said she was not pleased with my question and told me that her daughter was feeling under the weather. Later that evening, Miss. Charlene asked me for a dance, I, of course, agreed. Once on the dance floor, she told me what had happened. She told me that because of my actions of giving more attention to her sister, her sister was confined to the house and was not even supposed to leave her room. Maddie, their housekeeper had even said that she was worried for her sister. She wasn’t eating and no one had seen or heard from her for several days. Charlene implored, “I am so worried. I don’t know what to do. My parents won’t listen to me. I have a plan but I need your help. Will you help me?” Curious about what she wanted me to do but not willing to do just anything I replied, “If what you say is agreeable to me I will help you.” I said as another song began. "I was thinking that if you focused more attention on me, my parents might let my sister come along when I visit your aunt for tea on Sunday. She invited me this evening. Do you think it might work? Are you willing to help?” I didn’t think that her idea was a bad and said that I would follow her plan, and just tell me what she wanted me to do. She said to finish the dance and then go sit somewhere quiet so that we could talk. She did not care what I wanted to talk about; she wanted it to look like we were in a deep conversation. Following her idea, we found a place away from the crowd and sat down to talk. I asked her to tell me more about her sister. What she had to say I already had heard but one thing that she did say different was that her sister smiled more around me than with any one else. After about an hour of conversation, I kissed her hand while her parents watched and went to talk with my aunt. I thought that maybe I invite myself to tea on Sunday. Chapter 7 I was alone in my room the whole night while my parents and sisters were at the party at Mrs. Bremer’s house. Well, except when I went down and ate dinner with the servants and when my family came home. Charlene came to my door and asked to talk to me. When I opened my door, she sprang in and gave me a tight hug. “I think I found a way to get you out of this house! Lady Bremer invited me over to tea on Sunday and I asked if you could attend with me. I know that Mr. Wilson’s planning to be there and he’s helping me with this plan. I decided that I want to make mother and father think that he is more interested in me now that you weren’t at the party. I think they are going to let you go.” She stopped when there was a knock on my door. “Sarah open the door we need to speak.” It was my mother. She wasn't happy to see Charlene. “Charlene, what are you doing up here? I thought you would be tired from all of the dancing and would be getting ready for bed. Well, that’s not important. Sarah, you will be going with your sister on Sunday for tea with Mrs. Bremer. Good night to you both.” My mother left and I closed the door behind her. “I knew that would work.” Charlene congratulated herself on a job well done and left to seek her bed. I couldn’t sleep however. I was excited to be able to leave the house and able to see James. ………………………………………………. On Sunday morning I was ready early to have tea with my aunt and hopefully both Miss Jensen’s. If she was there, I was going to ask her a question and hope that the answer was to my liking. As eleven o’clock approached, I was at my aunt’s waiting impatiently. It was not long before the two Miss Jensen’s appeared at my aunt’s door. I was relieved that the plan worked and that Miss Sarah was with her sister. My aunt seemed pleased as well. During tea, I waited impatiently for a time to be able to invite Miss Sarah to view my aunt’s extensive library. I was so impatient and so nervous I only spoke when spoken to and often did not hear the question asked. When tea was over and we all settled into the parlor, I asked if it would be all right to show Miss Jensen the library. Of course, it was and I offered my hand to Miss Sarah to help her rise. When she was standing, I tucked her hand into the crook of my arm and led her up the stairs to the library. Part way down the hall I said that I had a question to ask her once we reached the library. “Oh really, what is it?” she said I said that she would have to wait to find out. And proceeded into the library. When her shock wore off from seeing such a grand space filled books I asked her to sit down. Once she was seated in front of the cold fireplace, I sat next to her on the edge of the chair. “There is something I would like to ask you and would like you to consider your answer carefully. I have been thinking lately about marriage.” I paused to gauge her reaction. And what I read there was puzzlement so I continued, “ I have been thinking about marriage and there is really only one lady that I am interested in, you. I would like you to marry me. I believe that we could grow to love one another in time. I know that this is very sudden and we hardly know each other, but please consider my offer and your answer.” I was relieved. I was able to ask my question and didn’t falter at all. I anxiously awaited any reaction from her. ………………………………………………. The day started perfectly. I was excited to be able to finally leave the house and see Mr. Wilson. We arrived at our destination a little early but that didn’t seem to bother Mrs. Bremer at all. Mr. Wilson was there of course but his manner puzzled me. He seemed distracted. Over tea, he hardly joined in on the conversation and usually did not hear the things being asked of him. After tea, I thought it strange that he wanted to show me his aunt’s library but I went along with what he wanted and let him lead me up the stairs. He said he had something to ask me but when I asked he wouldn’t tell me. I was amazed at how many books were in that one room. The room was covered on all four walls with shelves filled with books. It required a ladder to reach the topmost shelves. It was remarkable. He led me to a chair and asked me to sit. He seemed nervous. I couldn’t see why he was nervous. He never acted like this during our brief encounters before so I thought that something was wrong. He began speaking, then he said something that sent my stomach to fluttering, and I could hear my heart beat in my ears. He asked me to marry him. I couldn’t believe it! Did I hear him right? He wanted to marry me. Only me. When he finished speaking I just sat there, I didn’t know what to do. He said to consider my answer but I already knew what that was, I just needed time to absorb the shock. I sat there a moment to gain composure, took a deep breath and gave my answer. ………………………………………………. She sat there a few moments and I thought that I had offended her in some way then she took a deep breath and looked my in the eye and told me her answer, “My answer is yes. I will marry you.” Then she smiled and her whole face lit up. We decided that dealing with her parents was going to be the hard part of this arrangement. ………………………………………………. My answer, as you know, was yes. my parents were mad that he asked me of all my siblings to marry him but they eventually agreed to the ceremony, especially when Mrs. Bremer intervened. We had a small service at the family church and, as you two know, that is the story of how your father and I met and got married nearly six years ago. Now it is time for bed. Your father will have already gotten your sister to sleep. Good Night, my darling boy. I love you. ………………………………………………. Your mother said yes but her parents were not happy that I had asked her and not Charlene or one of her other sisters. After they had a conversation with Aunt Bremer, they consented to let us get married. So again, I have told you how your mother and I met and got married in a small church service. That was six years ago. Now young lady it’s time for bed. Good Night, I love you little girl. ………………………………………………. The husband and wife met in the hallway out side the bedrooms of two sleeping children. “So what story did Catherine want you to tell tonight?” the woman asked the man. “The usual one, about how we met and got married, how about Devin. What did he want to hear?” The same the woman answered looking up at her husband and leaning in for his kiss. |