Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1037456-Amery
by nonny
Rated: E · Other · Supernatural · #1037456
An angel shares the views and information about hell and the world she now rules.
A short piece from a very long one....."Amery"

Hell is what they called it....they the mortal being. I live among them and so I must, of course, understand their finite minds. Their definition of a complex, beautiful land in which I have lived in before many others. Hell is what they wrote on the parchment and Hell is what they spoke. Speaking like a virus across the world. To them, those who hold residence in the Hell they sell are evil. I, for one, am not evil (unless I misunderstand the meaning) and I am a permanent resident. Both worlds so apart that both have been misunderstood in the other. They are wrong in naming this land Hell. Our land, my land, is none other than "Amery". Although the two worlds, Heaven and Amery (Hell), shall hold all text as dominant there is another. Another that is truly what I believe the mortals shall call hell. But hell is not the name it posseses. It is Kamnance. An evil land which no being, mortal nor immortal, shall hope to endure. I am, of course, one to say that this world should've been destroyed perhaps many years ago....after all....I am the Angel "Jedith" who leads it...

You see my good friends (perhaps foes) I indeed rule the true hell in which many mistake as non existant. My ancestors ruled and as do I. I have tried really...do change my people...my demons..however, I am afraid that they are unchangeable to the level of evil. In the beginning I saw them as potentialy good angels as would any angel. But, as time raced on my expectations fell weary of any sort of good. I was ashamed but I was forced to leave them. This is the point in which my story begins......


I was about 14 years old and I began to notice special abilities of mine. I begin to see things that were indeed not there. I could move objects, alter minds. My parents sat me down one day and said these words:
"Son, we understand your confused and we're here to tell you that we have some answers. You see, when you were a little boy your grandparents died. Now, we know we told you that they died in a car accident but that is not the truth. In fact, it is nothing of the sort. But we will say this at the best of our ability...they were burned...by the Grim Ripper. In school they tell you that this creature collects souls but this is not the case. The Grim Ripper punishes those who fall in the perdicament of a deadly sin. There are seven in this world but in another there are much much more. Hundreds more. "

This came as a shock to me as to you perhaps. Normaly I would have not believed such a thing. However, with the abnormal (what is normal?) things I had been experiencing I somehow believed them.

With my mind made up I asked a very important question (as are all questions perhaps).
"Hundreds more; what do you mean hundreds more? "

They answered in hast, " Our dear boy that is something you must find out yourself. You see, you are the ruler of Kamnance..."

At this moment a black and horrid creature raised from the earth and flied throught the room like a wind. It stops and says these magestic words,
" Mi casa, no su casa."
(SPANISH for my house not yours)
Although they seemed normal one must understand that normal does not exist. These words enabled the Grim Ripper to appear from within the creature and as it did so it blew fire upon my parents and I did not see them agian. I understood nothing and heard nothing as I stood in the empty house. It was beyond my comprehension what lay ahead in my young journey.

Throughout the years I experienced more and more terror. At night I would be haunted by horrific fallen angels and lost souls. Every night I lay still, hoping they would soon leave me be. Until one day I was visited by the Devil himself begging me to come with him to his "Amery" (or hell as most said). Join me now he'd said or you will soon die. He told me of the horror throughout Amery and how many had been lost. He said it was my duty now that I had 18 years. I was now the ruler of the world my parents had once controlled. I was at a loss of words when I reached beneath the soil. Many cannot imagine what lie underneath their feet. What I saw at that moment and many others was the world written "Amery". I did not fully understand the situation but I would soon be very familiar with it's land. I began with death. You see, in order for me to be the permanent leader; the true leader I must go through the ritual. The ritual called "Julio". In the month of July I would begin.

In Amery it is said that in order to be leader one must show the ability to give up everything for one's land.

This is why my parents were killed. For me to lose most...but not all. I must now give up my life.

...I must leave you now with a cliff hanger...it is my duty as an author to ironicly leave you to to your thoughts...I will write more

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