Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1024528-Mind-Over-Matter
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1024528
It is a story about a boy who has the powers to move things mentally.
Ricardo Sánchez 10/11/05
Mind Over Matter

“Mom!” Keno yelled. “Mom, I’m thirsty. Could you bring me a drink?” Keno had gone to bed without a drink. It was a hot Sunday morning, and the sun was shining in through the window.
“Alright, Keno, here’s some juice.” replied his mother. She then came up the stairs, carrying a glass of apple juice.
“Can’t you call it up mentally, or something? She asked.
“You know my range isn’t that far. Besides, it’ll give me a headache if I try it.”
Keno always had his powers, but they weren’t fully developed yet.
“Whatever you say, honey. Just keep on experimenting with them, and maybe you’ll find that you can move things from a longer distance,” she said.
“Mom, you don’t get it. I have to be able to see the objects before I can move them. How many times have I told you this?” he replied. Keno was born with the power to move things telepathically. He could only move the things he could see. Keno’s mother left the room, and Keno drank peacefully in bed. He looked up at the picture of his father on the wall. He remembered what his father told him before he died. “You have a special gift, Keno. You have to develop it, and use it. Use it for good, and use it to help others.” Keno and his family were the only ones that knew about his gift. They didn’t know about it until recently. They did know, however, that if anyone else knew, scientists and the government would want to get involved, study him, and run tests on him, so they kept it a secret. He didn’t want to be anyone’s guinea pig.

Without moving himself, Keno moved the covers over him some more. He looked over at the window, and it shut on its own. Then, the curtains closed by themselves, so the sun wouldn’t get in. The room was enveloped in darkness. Keno slept some more, and woke up at noon.
He got up, went downstairs and looked at the pots and pans. They began heating up. The refrigerator door swung open, and eggs flew out. They cracked open above the pan. Mother then came through the door.
“So I see you’re making your own breakfast. That’s a first. For a 15 year-old, you should already be making your own breakfast.” she chuckled. “Now tell me, how do you get the pan to fry the eggs for you? What exactly do you do?” she asked.
“Uh, well all I do is think of eggs being fried, and it just happens. One way or another.” Keno replied. He ate, and then went into the living room. As he lay on the sofa, he looked out the window. He saw a man look back at him, then walk away. The man seemed strange. He was dressed in black, and had dark sun glasses on. He looked very mysterious and out of place.

Keno watched television for most of the day, and began to feel lonely. It was a feeling he knew well since his father’s death. It had been four years since his death, and Keno could feel his father’s presence leaving him slowly.

He remembered that horrible night. They had been driving home from the football game that night, and it was snowing. They were on the highway and the roads were very slippery. His father, his mother, and he were all talking about the game, when the car on the opposite side of the road just swerved and slid, crashing right into them. Keno’s father had gotten the most impact and was severely injured. It was a hit and run. After the crash, the driver of the other car became scared, and just drove away.

Keno and his mother were all alone. Keno pushed his door open. His head was throbbing. Shaken, he and his mother climbed out of the car. The driver’s door was smashed in. They grabbed a rock and used it to break open the window. They frantically pulled his father out. There was blood dripping down his face and nose. They laid him on the ground. They began to shake him violently. Then, Keno’s mother quickly dug out her cell phone. She called an ambulance. They were in the middle of nowhere. Keno knelt beside his father. That was when his father told him about using his “gift.” His final words were “I love you…goodbye.” By the time the ambulance got there, it was too late. A sudden feeling stuck them both. It was a feeling of unexplainable sorrow. Keno felt as if his body was getting torn up inside. He had just lost his father --- his hero --- the one man he had loved most in the world --- gone forever. He couldn’t imagine a life without his father. He looked one last time at the lifeless body that once held his father, then ran to his mother and buried his head in her chest. That night, they both cried and cried and cried. He felt responsible for his father’s death. If only I had seen the car swerve a few seconds before…I could have stopped the car with my powers…and saved Daddy. It’s all my fault. He thought. Since then he felt that he had to fulfill his father’s last words, do good with his powers.

As Keno lay on the couch, he thought about the man he had seen earlier. Who could he have been and why was he there? What was he doing staring through his window? He flipped through the channels, until he came upon a Science Channel. It was about people with special abilities. Keno imagined himself being on that show, being considered “special.” He soon fell asleep on the couch. He had a terrible nightmare. He was being grabbed violently by some men, and stuffed into the back of a limousine. He was then knocked unconscious. He awoke lying on an operating table, a mask over his mouth. He could see doctors standing over him with all sorts of instruments in their hands.

He could hear them say “He is very special indeed. Let’s find out how he does it. Thanks for your work, Tony.” “No problem. Just gimme my money and I’ll leave,” he heard another voice say. Then Keno panicked, and shot up from the table. He had no shirt on, and there were wires all over him. He pulled them off, and then ran for the door. His legs were numb. He easily fell to the ground. A doctor ran over to him and injected him with some liquid, and then Keno passed out.

Keno woke up in a cold sweat. “Mom!” he called. It was still light out. He had been asleep for three hours.
“What, honey? What happened?” she asked.
“I just had a horrible dream,” Keno replied.
“What kind of dream? Tell me about it,” she said. And at that point, Keno’s mind went blank. He couldn’t remember anything about his dream.
“I-, I-, I can’t remember. I just know it was bad,” he said, confused.
“Honey, are you alright? How are you feeling? Go back to sleep, or watch some TV.”
“Whatever. I’ll just watch TV,” he mumbled. And just as his mother left the room, he remembered the whole dream again. Almost as if the memory came back to him. He noticed that it was whenever he was about to tell someone about it, he would forget. Once that person left, he would remember again. Keno was afraid to go back to sleep. He did not want to have that dream again. He thought about it as he watched TV. What could the dream mean? Is it a vision? Is it the future? Can I see the future? Is it a warning? From who? Will this really happen to me? What do I do? He thought.

The next day in school, Keno was sitting in class, but he was bored. He stared thoughtlessly out the window. Suddenly, he saw the same man, dressed in black, looking in at him through the window. The man then quickly turned and walked away. Is that the same guy from before? No, it can’t be. It’s just some guy. It’s nobody…Maybe it was. Keno thought. The man was still dressed in black, and wore the same dark sunglasses. The man got into his car, and drove away. Should I say anything? Tell anyone? Maybe I shouldn’t. They’ll think I’m crazy. No one will believe me. So Keno said nothing.

Once school ended, he decided to walk home with someone. He walked with his friend, Tony. As they walked home, they talked about their classes.

“So what did you get on the History test?” Keno asked.
“I got an 85. That’s way better than what I thought I’d get. I didn’t really study.” Tony relied.
“I got a 91. The last four questions where hard. I got them all wrong. The rest were easy. The extra credit was pretty har---” Keno looked behind him, and saw the mysterious man dressed in black. He was about thirty yards behind them. He was following them. Keno began to walk faster.

“Hey, man. What’s the matter? Why’d you stop?” Tony asked. Should I tell him? Maybe I should. This could be dangerous. Keno thought.

“Tony, listen up,” he said quietly. “I’ve seen this guy lately. This weird guy, dressed in all black. I’ve seen looking at me through windows. I’ve seen him at my house, and looking at me from outside our classroom. I’m scared. I think this guy is stalking me. And don’t look now, but I’m pretty sure this guy is following us right now.” Keno said. Tony just looked at Keno quietly. He looked a bit nervous.

“Are you sure? I think you’re seeing things. Was it the exact same guy?” Tony asked nervously. He then slowly looked behind him. “What guy? There’s no one there.” he said.

“The guy wearing black.” Keno said. “You don’t see him? He’s right there.”
“There’s no one there,” Tony said. Keno looked behind him. The man was gone.
“What? Where’d he go? He was just there a minute ago, following us, I swear.”
“Yeah, right, Keno. Real funny. You actually had me scared for a second. I’m not falling for that one again.” Tony said.
“No, I’m serious. The guy was just there. Why would I lie? C’mon, man you gotta believe me,” Keno said.
“Yeah, whatever you say. You’re so dumb.” Tiny replied, dumbly. He won’t believe me. Keno thought. The guy was just there. I know it. He must have left when he saw me looking at him.
“Well, we’re here,” Tony said as they reached Keno’s house. “See ya tomorrow, Keno.”
“Alright, cool. Bye… and be careful walking home.” Keno said.
“Okay, sure.” Tony said mockingly. “I’ll watch out for the guy dressed in black.”
“Hey, I’m serious. I really did see him.” Keno said back, seriously.
“Whatever you say. I gotta go, bye.” Tony said.
“Bye,” Keno replied. He watched as Tony walked down the street.

Keno entered his house, and shut the door mentally. His mother was in the living room watching TV.
“Hey, kiddo. How was your day?” she said as he walked in.
“It was fine. Just another day. Math, English…you know the rest. So what’s for dinner?”
“I don’t know. What do you want?” she asked.
“You didn’t make dinner yet?!” he asked loudly.
“Well, no. I figured you could pick out dinner, and then you could make it using your powers. It should be quick right?” she asked lazily.
“Yeah, I guess. Let’s have spaghetti and meatballs. Okay with you?” he replied.
“Sure, why not,” she said. Keno went into the kitchen, and returned a minute later.
“They’re being made right now,” he said.

That night, Keno sat in his room, thinking about the mysterious man. Who is he? What is he doing here? What kind of guy is he? Is he working for anyone? Could he be a serial killer? Is he just some guy? WHY IS HE STALKING ME?! Is he out there right now? He lifted up the shade on the window, mentally. There was a strange gray car out across the street. Its windows were dark. It then turned on and quickly sped away. That must have been him. Every time I see him, he always leaves. Something is definitely not right about this. Keno thought. When he slept, he had the same dream as before. He saw the doctors standing over him. They were ready to do something. Keno got up, ripped all of the tubes and wires off of him, and ran out the door. This time his legs weren’t numb. “GET HIM!” somebody yelled. People stared at him while he ran down the hallway. He finally reached the main entrance. Outside was nothing but woods. He ran faster and faster into the woods. He came to a road, and ran down it. He could hear the footsteps of the men behind him. They were gaining on him. He came to a big street at the edge of the woods. He had never seen this street before. He did not know where he was. He crossed the street. He came to the nearest house, and then banged on the door. As he waited on the doorstep, he looked back at the woods. The men were nowhere to be found.

“Hello, can I help you?” and middle-aged man said.
“Yes! Yes! I need your help. Can I come in? My life is in danger” Keno yelled.
“Okay, okay. Come on in,” the man said, friendlily, but confused.

Keno then woke up from the dream. He was sweating. He was breathing heavily. He calmed down once he realized he was in his own house. Oh my God! I’m definitely telling Mom about this. This has gone too far. I gotta tell somebody. Will this really happen to me? He wondered. He fell back asleep. He slept peacefully this time. The next morning, Keno got up, and told his mother everything. About the dream, about the mysterious man, everything.

“I think you should stay home today with me, honey. I’ll have to call the police. This is serious. I don’t wan t anything at all to happen to my baby boy,” she said nervously. She then picked up the phone and dialed 911. She talked with them for about ten minutes, the got off the phone.

“They’re gonna send somebody over. That person’s gonna investigate undercover, and will keep an eye out for anybody strange. You better not be lying about any of this. This is serious. I’m not joking at all. I wouldn’t have called anyone if I didn’t think this was serious,” she said sternly.
“Mom, I’m definitely not joking. I wouldn’t lie about any of this,” Keno replied seriously. Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.
“That must be the detective,” Keno’s mother said, and walked over to the door. She opened it, and greeted the man. He heard a deep voice “Hello, ma’am.”
“Keno?! Keno, the man is here. Come say hello,” she said. Keno went to the door. His heart stopped when he saw the man. The man the police sent was the mysterious man, except he was dressed in a police uniform. Oh my God! It’s him! What do I do?! Do I say anything?! Do I keep quiet? Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!
“Hello,” Keno managed to say. I’ll stay quiet and see what happens. He can’t do anything anyway, Mom’s here. The man smiled at him.
“Hey, buddy. My name is Detective Sharp. I’ll be keeping an eye out for you.” he said.
“Make yourself at home, Mr. Sharp. I have to go to work today. Thank you for staying with Keno. I’ll be back at six. Bye honey, I love you! Be safe.” she said as she walked out the door. No! No! No! What are you doing, Mom?! This guy will definitely kidnap me! What do I do?! This is his chance to grab me! Keno thought.
“So little fella, what’s been goin’ on?” he asked.
“Nothing. Just a little nervous,” Keno replied.
“Okay… I’ll go get us some drinks,” and he left the room. Keno’s heart was pounding. He didn’t know what to do. He began to sweat. The man came back holding two cups of apple juice. He gave one to Keno. Keno stared at the man suspiciously. The man drank his juice slowly. Keno then carefully drank his. The man just looked at him. Keno began to feel dizzy. He suddenly got a terrible headache.

“Sweet dreams, Special One,” the man said. And Keno passed out.

When Keno woke up he was on an operating table. He was dizzy. He could see the doctors staring down on him. His dream had become a terrible reality! Keno realized this instantly. He sat up, ripped of all the wires and tubes, and ran out the door. The men began chasing him. Once he was outside in the woods, he knew where to go, since it was from his dream. He ran and ran and ran and ran. The men were right behind him. He came to the road, followed it, and came to the big, unfamiliar road. He crossed it, and was once again at the doorstep of the friendly man from the dream.

“Hello, can I help you?” and middle-aged man said.
“Yes! Yes! I need your help. Can I come in? My life is in danger” Keno yelled.
“Okay, okay. Come on in,” the man said, friendlily, but confused.

Keno stepped into the man’s house. They went into the living room, and explained the whole situation. “Call the Police, Sir! Please! This is serious!” Keno yelled.
“Calm down, kid. You’re safe with me. Where did you say you lived? Was it in Springfield?” Keno nodded. “Well, we’re in a town called Devens. It’s just a few miles north of Springfield. I’m calling the police right now.” the man said trying to ease Keno‘s nervousness.
“Thank you very much, sir,” Keno was in tears now. He was so frightened. “I also need to call my mom, sir,” Keno said. The man called the police, explained everything to them, and then Keno called his mother. She was scared as well. She rushed over to the man’s house. The police and Keno’s mother arrived just about at the same time. Keno ran over to his mother in tears.
“Sir, ma’am, I am Officer Henry. I have many men with me. What is the situation?” he asked. The man explained Keno’s story. Keno suddenly felt a headache. He sat down on the couch. When the man was done explaining the story the officer asked Keno, “So, the men that abducted you are in these woods right now?” he asked
“Yes,” Keno said in pain.
“Well, we’ll send several officers to search the woods,” and the officer went outside. Keno’s headache got worse. He began clutching his head.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” she asked.
“I-I-I don’t know. I just keep seeing things.” he replied.
“What do you see?” she asked him.
“I see the men and doctors that kidnapped me. They’re packing their things, and fleeing the woods. The policemen won’t get to them in time. They’ll get away.” he said.
“Honey, the police will catch them.” she said. I have to do something. Keno thought. I can see them. Images of them leaving the building in the woods flashed in Keno’s head. I don’t know what’s going on. Why am I seeing these images? The men ran out of the woods. They ran to their cars. I can’t let them get away. The men’s cars wouldn’t start. Keno could see them running back into the woods, in the other direction. Then, an image of the policeman flashed in Keno’s mind. The men kept running. The policeman were too far behind. FREEZE!! Keno thought. Keno saw an image of the men and doctors suddenly freezing in their tracks, struggling to move but unable to. The police caught up and captured the men.
Keno could not understand had happened. Why did the men stop? Did I do that?
“Ma’am, my men found an empty building, but caught all of the men responsible for your son’s abduction. They described the men as ‘stuck’ and ‘standing still.’ Well anyway, the men were caught ma’am and they are going to prison. I will contact you in a couple of hours. I have to talk to the Sheriff. An officer will escort you home. Trust me ma’am he’s good cop. Good-bye.” he left the house. Keno’s headache stopped. His mother went over to him and hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.
“It’s over, honey, it’s over. Are you okay?” she asked him.
“Mom, I feel better now. I know why I got the headache,” Keno said. Keno’s mother was crying now. She was in shock. She went to the man.
“Thank you very much for you’re hospitality. I am very sorry you had to see this. Thank you, good-bye,” she said.
“It was nothing, really. It’s okay,” he replied. Keno and his mother left the house and were escorted home.

Keno’s dreams were visions of the future, and he had to go through it in real life. In his fear, Keno inadvertently developed his powers, and was able to control the fleeing men by freezing them, giving the officers chasing after them a chance to catch up and arrest them. The detective sent to watch Keno was the same man who had been stalking Keno. This man was a dirty cop. He had been sent to spy on Keno, and kidnap him so he could be tested on secretly. He was taken to a hidden building in the woods to be tested on, and the escaped. The police found the building empty, but found the men standing still just ahead, struggling against thin air, unable to move. Keno went home.
© Copyright 2005 Laquisha Jackson (laquisha50 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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