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This is part of the Imperial universe. A series of superhero stories I'm doing |
War Eagle: The hero puppet The year is 1965 and it's the height of the Vietnam Conflict. Young military prodigy Wallace Johnson, only 18 and already Sfc, led a mission into a supposedly deserted Vietcong camp. Unbeknown to him it was an ambush and the mission was an overwhelming failure. The government offered Wallace a chance to redeem himself by participating in Project: SteelShield. Upon reading the briefing Wallace said to his superior, "Sir, if I may speak freely this seems like a routine performance enhancer test Sir." The officer replied, "On the contrary son, this is far more important than you'll realize. Now be sure that you report to the allotted destination at 0100 tomorrow." "Sir, yes sir," Wallace said as he saluted and the officer walked off. "0100, this must be important," he thought to himself. In a convoy leaving the camp, the officer is asked by a man in a white coat, "So General Lee, are you sure this Johnson kid is right for the project?" The general answered, "Of course I'm sure you think I'd go through the trouble of setting up that ambush if I wasn't. Johnson's perfect." . The next morning Johnson went to the designated area and waited. "What is this place and why did they want me to come here?" he wondered. After a minute of waiting, Wallace heard the loud humming of a helicopter approaching. Before he know it masked soldiers in dark camo swarmed him, then a tall blonde man in a suit approached while Wallace was bound. "Sergeant First class Johnson, stand at ease," said the man in a smooth soulless voice right before he injected Wallace with a tranquilizer. After a while Wallace awoke to find that he has been blindfolded and restrained. "Sir Johnson is already awoke," said a soldier. A familiar soulless voice chimed in, "Already huh. I guess there's a good reason they want you for this project Johnson. Don't worry we're not going to give you another sedative but I'm afraid we're going to have to keep you blindfolded." After regaining the feeling in his mouth Wallace says, "What the hell is this, who are you people?" Wallace could hear someone beating a cigarette box against they're hand. "Consider this an initiation you're about to become a part of something huge. And as far who we are you'll find out in time. In fact we're almost to our destination" While Wallace attempted to figure a way out of his restraints the aircraft landed. Within minutes Wallace was being pulled from the aircraft and through long hall. After a series of halls and elevators, Wallace was brought to a laboratory. The bright lights pained his eyes as the blindfold was yanked off. The soulless man approached Wallace, "I'm sorry for the cloak and dagger Johnson but we can't be too careful with our location. By the way I'm Agent Green and I'll be one of the major operators for this project." After pretending to fumble around for a sec Wallace manage to grab Green and put him in a choke hold. "Tell me what the hell this is all about now!" The agent, after motioning away the soldiers that were ready to pounce, coughed out," Its Project: SteelShield, you volunteered for it." Wallace let him go and said, "Okay what exactly is SteelShield?" After catching his breath Green says,"It's the future. It's our chance to make a super soldier and your chance to be a hero. We had to drug and blindfold you because in the past some of our test hopefuls would escape and steal things from the lab. We had to be careful." "Fine, what do I have to do now?" Wallace asked. Agent Green handed Wallace some files and said, "right now just a standard physical. Then a couple of tests" Realizing that he was in no position to defy, Wallace agreed and followed Agent Green. Over the next couple of hours Wallace underwent varies physical tests and blood tests and was taken to a dark cold room to wait. Soon a spotlight is cast upon him and a voice through an intercom instructs him to change into a hospital gown in the nearby changing room then come back and lay down on the operating table. As soon as he laid down straps ejected from the bottom of the table and bound his chest, arms, and legs tightly. "Hey what the hell is this? Let me loose now!" yelled Wallace. The over the intercom Agent Greens voice chimed in, "calm down Wallace this is just part of the procedure you won't feel a thing. In a second we shall administer a sedative that will put you to sleep." Before Wallace could give a response a needle sprang from under the table and stuck him in the neck. In seconds, his yells and protests gave way and he fell asleep. "Finally, he's out. Now we can get this operation underway. You ready, Reinhurst?" said Green. A short, grey haired stout man answered with a thick german accent, "yes i'm ready. Are you sure about this monkey? What makes him so special?" Green chuckled and shook his head before he said, "well, first the antomy and physiology of black people shows that they're more adaptable to the changes the experiment would bring. Also this "monkey" as you call him is one of the best stratagest we have." The doctor gave a look of contempt and a nod of acknowledgement. "All right, cut on the ligts and send in the handlers," Green ordered while peering in Wallace through thick glass window. After the lights in the operating room came on, Reinhurst gave some commands in german through an intercom. In moments two men in thick orange bio-suits walked in and begin connecting medium sized tubes in to various holes in the walls and floor. They then place a large clear shield aroud Wallace and the table he's laying on and bolt it to the floor. Afrter connecting the tubes to the shield they leave. Green looks at a couple of charts and says, "all right the room is air pressurized. administer the DNA." |