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Vampire romance story I wrote when I was 15 about the loss of innocence
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Chapter 1 Alexandra Kavanof (ALEX) felt her self falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. She tried to grab hold of something, anything to keep her from falling but she felt mud slimy and wet on her hands. She carried on falling until she felt more mud beneath her. Alex dragged her self up and noticed that the mud was black instead of brown. The mud was like a prison around her holding her fast. She saw a light in front of her and began to pull herself through the mud towards it. Her dark blonde hair, which was now black, fell down in front of her face, although it was only up to her chin, as she struggled in vain through the mud. As she got closer to the light she could see a hand reaching out for her. She struggled hard and grabbed onto the hand. A strong arm pulled her up out of the mud and she came to face young boy who looked about sixteen years old. He was tall and well-built with dark clothes and dark hair. She couldn't quite make out his face but she could see his eyes. They were a bright violet and had such an incredible depth to them. She could see that so much was hidden behind those eyes just like with her. The boy took her into the light and led her through a great, oak door. On the other side of the door was a small, night club. The club was coated in red and black colours and had a very gothic atmosphere with slow, hypnotic music drowning out voices. The people there seemed different from normal people. They were all dressed in dark clothes and their eyes were deep and hungry, like the eyes of an animal waiting for their prey. Many of them paid no attention to her. Alex looked down at her clothes and found that she was no longer covered in mud and was now wearing a clingy black dress. She had no idea how this had come to be. The boy whispered "I'll be right back" and disappeared from her sight. A blonde haired stranger came towards her. She couldn't help noticing his eyes. They were such a dark, deep green and seemed to flash as he smiled. Again she couldn't see his face and she couldn't help looking at his eyes. Then suddenly she realized that they were her eyes. This boy had eyes that were the same as hers. The boy smiled at her and asked her to dance. She didn't know why but she accepted but she did. As the boy danced with her she was entranced by his eyes. She couldn't stop staring at them and then she noticed his teeth. There was something strange about them but she couldn't figure out what. There was some inhuman quality about the boy and she could sense the hunger he felt. He felt such hunger it was almost painful. Alex began to back away and turned to run but came to face a wall. The boy grabbed her from behind and held her fast. He began to move her neck to one side and his teeth seemed to be growing into two sharp fangs and getting closer towards her. Then the boy bit her so incredibly fast. She felt a sharp pain in her neck. "So then what happened?” asked Rebecca stirring her milkshake with her straw. "Nothing... I woke up with a jump and my mum shouted at me to get up”, replied Alex. "So how long have you been having this dream for now?" "About two weeks now. Each time I get a little bit further". Rebecca glanced out of the diner window obviously losing interest in Alex's recurring dream. Alex looked at her curious to know her thoughts. Rebecca had blonde wavy hair and dark blue eyes. She was much quieter and more sensible than most of Alex's other friends. She was much more open minded than most people and down to earth which was what Alex liked about her. At least she didn't treat Alex like a nutcase because she had a weird imagination. "Well I think that you've just been watching too much TV…” replied Rebecca looking back at Alex. “…And you've been reading a book about vampires haven't you. That could have something to do with it.” "Yeah I suppose. But why do I keep having the same dream?" Rebecca shrugged and Alex began to think. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop thinking about the blonde boy and his eyes. She could still see them and every time she looked at herself in the mirror she thought of him. "You shouldn't worry about it anyway. It’s probably nothing,” said her other friend Samantha. Sam had black hair tied back and smoky blue eyes. She was totally in love a boy called Paul and was constantly kissing him and doing other things on Alex's settee. "By the way Sam you owe me about a grand for using my settee and Paul owes me the same,” said Alex grinning. "We're not that bad,” replied Sam smiling. "Oh Yeah, I've seen what you get up to on that settee." "You should do that stuff behind closed doors,” said Rebecca joining in on the conversation. Alex grinned even more. She needed humour to keep her from thinking about her dream. She tried not to think about her dream that day and focused on wondering about the new boy in town that her friend Carrol had seen. She had heard that he was quite sexy. A few days later Alex's dream hadn't changed. Usually there was a bit more to the dream each time but that wasn't happening anymore. The dream always stayed the same. She was in school in her tutor room one day talking to her friends Melanie and Carrol. Melanie had curly black hair and grey, blue eyes and always spoke her mind. Carrol had long brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a very outgoing girl. Suddenly a boy Alex had never seen before walked in the room. He had an almost feline look about him and his eyes shone brightly. He was tall and quite muscular. Alex looked at him curiously as he came into the room. There was something strangely familiar about him. The way he walked, the way his black hair fell over his face and his eyes were so familiar. He seems different from other boys thought Alex. The boy stood next to a grey haired man in his forties and a girl with fiery red hair. She was obviously the boy’s sister as the resemblance between them was remarkable. They both had piercing blue eyes and Alex seemed to sense that neither of them was normal teenagers. "You can come in and sit down”, said Alex's red head tutor pushing her glasses up. “You’re the twins aren't you?" Twins! No wonder they look so alike thought Alex. "They're called Warren and Jeannie Nixon and they're sixteen,” said the grey haired man whose eyes seemed to flash green. The twins walked over to an empty desk at the back of the room and sat down quietly. Usually when someone new came some of the more popular people in the room would go over and talk to them but no one did this time. Everyone was giving them strange looks as if they couldn't figure out what was different about the twins. Alex sensed strongly that someone was staring at her and turned around to find Warren staring at her. He turned away and she looked at the man stood in the doorway. As the man looked into her eyes his expression turned from smiling to raising his eyebrows. Alex could sense how surprised he was. But what had surprised him? The man glanced at the twins who were now looking at him and then rushed off down the corridor. Alex just stared out of the door after him still confused by his strange looks. She noticed Jeannie looking at her with hostile eyes so she turned around still being able to sense that Jeannie was looking at her. "That new girl’s gives you funny look”, said Melanie turning around from the table in front of Alex and glaring at Jeannie. “You know it's rude to stare!" Melanie said to the girl loudly. "Just leave it Melanie,” mumbled Alex nervously. When Jeannie and Warren had walked over to their seats they had reminded her of wild animals such as lions and tigers. They seemed to walk like predators not making a sound and Alex could tell that they were tough. She didn't want Melanie to anger the new girl. She had the feeling the girl would put Melanie in hospital without a second thought. Jeannie was in Alex's first lesson (French) and she started making friends with Alex's cousin Sally. Sally had long black hair and bright blue eyes. Jeannie was shocked when Sally came over to find out what work the class was supposed to be doing, surprised someone like her would talk to someone like Alex. When Sally returned to her place Alex heard her tell Jeannie that she was Alex's cousin. Jeannie looked as though she had been hit by a bomb. Alex began to picture a bomb under her chair ticking away and then blowing up. She had a vision of Jeannie exploding into tiny pieces and then forced the image out of head. She was forever imagining things like that. At break Alex stood with her friends in the concrete yard thinking rather than talking non-stop as she usually would. Her friends presumed that she was day-dreaming like she sometimes did. Warren was across the yard arguing with Jeannie. Alex had a vision of the twins as children dressed in the same outfits, looking completely identical. Alex didn't notice Warren coming towards the group as she was too busy thinking. "There's that fit new boy Warren,” said `Sam` grinning. "Ouch I bet he's coming to ask me out,” said Hazel excitedly. Hazel had straight blonde hair, light green eyes and was quite small. She always presumed every lad she met fancied her and told everyone every five seconds when one did. When she went out with a lad he was all she would talk about and everyone would get sick of hearing his name. Warren walked right past everyone else in the group and straight up to Alex. "Hi," he said smiling. "Hi," replied Alex feeling nervous and trying not to shake. "I'm Warren as you might know and I came to ask you if you would help me find my way around. I wasn't going to bother asking but it took me about twenty minutes to find my French class this morning." Alex smiled at him and he smiled back. He had a very innocent smile. Like the kind young children have before they are exposed to the painful and cruel, real world. "I'm Alex. I doubt if your sister would like that. She doesn't seem to like me. But I suppose I could help you until you know you way around a bit better. "Great," said Warren smiling again.” Just ignore Jeannie. She doesn't like anyone I like." Alex smiled feeling embarrassed then asked him what room he was in for Science. She found that he was in her class. Hazel didn't seem too pleased by the fact that he had completely ignored her. "So who was that man with you in tutor? Was he your dad?" “No I'm an orphan. My parents died when I was ten. He's my uncle Charlie. He fostered me." At that moment Alex saw pain behind his eyes. Alex could see that so much was hidden behind those clear eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry." Alex felt a strange attraction to Warren which was more than just physical. She had lost her dad when she was younger but he hadn't died. She had never known her dad because he abandoned her mum when she was a baby. She had always wondered who he was. All she knew was that her dads eyes had been dark green, his hair had been light brown and his name had been Jack. Alex's mum had been completely different and had brown eyes and dark brown hair. She had refused to tell Alex anything about her dad claiming that she couldn't remember .Alex didn't dare to argue with her. She had been given a photo of her dad which she kept under her pillow. She didn't know where she had inherited her blonde hair or her imagination from and had never found anyone that had understood her. The bell rang and she and Warren began to walk to Science class. They stayed at the back of Alex's friends out of the way and talked. "So are you seeing anyone? Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Warren sounding very nervous. "No. Not at the moment." Alex had never walked with a lad to class before. She was inexperienced when it came to boys. She would have liked a boyfriend but the one's she fancied always turned out to be arrogant or only after one thing. She had refused to have sex with the boys she had gone out with before and was a virgin. She hadn't found anyone that she really liked yet and sometimes felt lonely but otherwise she was all that interested in boys yet. "Then the boys around here must either be blind or stupid." Alex blushed, thanked him for his compliment and they walked into their science class together. She spent the whole lesson thinking about him and his gorgeous blue eyes. It wasn't like her to do this but she had never met anyone like him. She had only spoken to him once and she already knew he was different. She had seen so much in his eyes when he had told her about his parents. Chapter 2 That day at dinnertime when Alex was sitting at a table in a small room with her friends she began to have a vision. But unlike all the other times she couldn't control it or stop it. This wasn't coming from her imagination so where was it coming from? Alex saw Warren and Jeannie when they were children watching helplessly as their parents were killed. She saw that their parents were stabbed brutally. Alex couldn't see what they were stabbed with .She presumed it was a knife. She saw Jeannie scream and start to cry while Warren hugged her not having a clue what to do. Charlie was stood next to children and was looking over at the bodies with such hatred and anger in his eyes. Then she pictured a man standing over the bodies. She knew he had killed them. She couldn't see his face but she could see that the man had brown hair and his eyes were...his eyes were...like Alex's. The man had dark green eyes like Alex but they looked a bit greener than hers. His face suddenly became clearer and she recognised who the man was. Alex realised that to her horror her own father had killed Warren and Jeannie's parents. Her dad was a murderer and Warren, Jeannie and Charlie had all seen him when they had looked at her. But maybe they don't know I'm related… she thought, or maybe they know it was nothing to do with me. Alex was trying to find some hope to cling onto, something to make everything seem okay again. Maybe this is all in my head or I'm just going crazy she thought trying to convince her self it wasn't real. Alex tried to shake the thought from her head but she couldn't. She felt a terrible sadness as she realised that she was going to have to find out if Warren’s parents really were stabbed. But how…? She would have to find a way to find out, no matter how hard it would be. She needed to know if her vision was true. "What's up Al? You look like you're in shock," said Carrol. I am in shock thought Alex. My dad might be a killer. Alex kept hearing the words KILLER and MURDERER in her mind over and over again. She couldn't stop thinking about her vision. What if it was true and she grew up to be like him? What if she became a killer? What if her grotesque imagination would drive her insane one day and make her kill? She kept having visions of herself murdering people and laughing about it .Alex got up and rushed up some stairs to the toilets just so she could be alone. She washed her face trying to snap out of having the terrible visions. When she looked up and saw herself in the mirror she saw how her dad had looked in her vision with his twisted grin and evil eyes. She jumped back in fright and then saw in the mirror that Jeannie was behind her looking astonished. "What's wrong with you? Are you so ugly that you scare yourself?" asked Jeannie sarcastically. Alex didn't answer back and Jeannie looked at her in confusion. Usually Alex would have told her to get lost but she couldn't do it now that she knew why she was being nasty to her. She didn't blame her for acting that way. Alex would have acted the same way if it had happened to her. Jeannie now looked extremely surprised. "Really what's wrong?" she asked out of curiosity. "Nothing, it's just..." Alex didn't know what to tell her. “…Never mind." Alex walked out of the toilets as quickly as possible feeling dazed and confused. She had no one that she could talk to about this. She felt too ashamed to tell anyone. As she was walking back down the stairs she realised that this had happened not long after talking to Warren. That meant that either she was psychic and had got the vision from his mind or she had imagined it all because she knew his parents had died. She had been thinking of having a dad when she had spoken to Warren. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw Warren standing there. God what is it with these twins? They're everywhere thought Alex. "Hi. You told me to meet you in tutor but I wanted to come and have a chat with you", he said smiling. He's probably pretending to like me so that he can get close enough to carry out his revenge she thought. He might think I know where my dad is and torture me for information on his whereabouts or he might have gone crazy seeing my face and want to kill me. "Well I was just wondering if you would like to walk home with me. Because I found out from your friend Melanie where you live and it's not far from where I live." "Well..." If I get close enough to him I can find out the truth about my dad she thought. "Yes okay. I'll meet you at the side of this block." After dinner in tutor Alex noticed that Warren and Jeannie were arguing unaware of Alex's good hearing. She isn't like him. She's nothing like him," whispered Warren. "She looks exactly like him. She's probably just trying to trick you into believing that she's a good guy," replied Jeannie quietly. "She doesn't even know her dad. He abandoned her." How the hell does he know about that thought Alex? He would have to be psychic to find out that because no one I know would just tell him. "She could have made that up." "I don't think so." Alex knew at that moment that the twins knew something about her dad. She still needed to find out more about her dad and what Warren and Jeannie knew about him. For the rest of the day Alex thought only of her vision and how much she looked like her dad. In computer class she spent most of her time talking to Warren hoping that he would say something that would tell her something more about her dad. Later that day when she was walking home with Warren and some friends she found out something that surprised her from her friend Sam. "Hey Al! There was a blonde boy asking about you at dinnertime at the school gates. He looked like a lot like you. He was wearing sunglasses!" "In this weather? Did he say who he was?" asked Alex in confusion. "No. He just asked me what you're like and if you walk home. I presumed he was a cousin of yours or something. The weird thing was he asked me if I you ever had visions or strange feelings?" Warren looked as if he knew something Alex didn't. Alex tried to find something to say to stop Warren from being suspicious. "That'll be my cousin Brian. He's on drugs but he's harmless so pay no attention to him. You should just ignore him and he'll go away." Warren looked at her suspiciously. Alex just looked away from him trying not to make it obvious that she was lying. Sometimes she was a terrible liar because she felt so guilty about lying. "So I was wondering if you would help me with my English homework," said Warren. "Sure why don't we do the homework at your house?" A look of panic swept across his face. Alex had said that to see his reaction. Maybe he was afraid of what Jeannie might do to her. "I'm not allowed to have any girls in the house. I would hang out with Jeannie's friends but they think I'm weird." He's making excuses and trying to change the subject thought Alex. He's definitely hiding something. "Okay then you can come to my house." Alex told him where her house was and what time he should be there then didn't talk anymore about it. She was much quieter than usual as she walked home as she was too busy thinking. All that she imagined now was her father's evil face after he slaughtered Warren and Jeannie's parents. She still wondered who the boy was that had spoken to Sally and why he was asking about her. That night when Alex was in her small, cosy sea blue room with Warren, she kept thinking about asking him about her dad. She had no idea what to say. She couldn't exactly turn around and say `Did my dad kill your parents? Because I had a vision that he did! "Warren. Do you believe in supernatural stuff?" she asked nervously. Warren looked at her obviously not expecting her question. "I believe in some supernatural stuff." "Do you, um believe in psychics?" Warren looked quite surprised and answered "Yes". "D…did, um...did my dad ever…. God how do I ask this? Did he murder your parents?" Alex was being very forward but she couldn't stand keeping her vision to herself anymore. She needed to know. Warren seemed to be in shock. "H... how did you know that?" he stammered. "Oh God so it's true. My dad's a killer. He kills…He murders innocent people." Alex felt like crying .Every daydream she'd ever had about her dad. Every hope of finding him and of him becoming a part of the family had just been shattered .Her dad was evil. "How did you find out?" "I think I'm psychic because I had a vision today. Oh God you must hate me. You and Jeannie and Charlie must see him every time you look at me." Alex was pacing about her room and was half-hysterical. She felt such pain it was unbearable. "I think you should sit down Alex. You're getting hysterical." "Of course I'm hysterical. I've just found out that my dad's an evil lunatic and he looks exactly like me. I think you would be hysterical too." "Come on Alex. Sit down." Alex sat down and buried her face in her arms. She kept rocking back and forward. Then she looked up at Warren. "I'm so sorry for what he did. You must be here to carry out your revenge. You and Jeannie and Charlie mustn't be able to even look at me." "I'm not here to get revenge on you and I don't have any trouble looking at you. I don't think you look like him at all because you don't look evil." "What if one day I go crazy and become a killer like him. I already have his eyes maybe I'm crazy like him." Warren sat down and put his arm around her. She was shaking and nearly crying. He tried to comfort her. "Alex, listen to me. You are nothing like your dad. I know that. Jeannie and Charlie are just looking for someone to blame. You don't deserve to be punished for what your dad did. That's what I was arguing with Jeannie about. As for your eyes they maybe the same colour but they aren't alike. His eyes were evil but yours are beautiful." Alex found his words reassuring and she looked at him gratefully. "Thank you. I really am sorry," she whispered. "Now come on we should get this homework done before it gets too late." Alex smiled and they started doing their homework. She did everything she could to stop herself from thinking about her dad and that night her dream got a little bit longer. Alex was lead into the club again by the boy with the violet eyes. Once in there she looked at all the people and saw their hungry eyes again. Then the blonde boy with the same eyes as her came up to her and they danced again. The boy seemed to hypnotise her. This time when he bit her, the other boy returned and pulled him off. Alex felt dizzy and weak and fell to the floor. She could see that other boy had fangs too and was furious. The two boys began to fight then every thing went black and Alex woke up. Every night that week Alex helped Warren with his homework and every night they talked. Alex found out everything about Alex's parents and their deaths. On Friday night Warren came over to her house unexpectedly. "Hiya. I thought you would be out. It is a Friday." "I don't feel up to going out this weekend." "Well aren't you going to invite me in?" he said cheekily. Alex looked about outside and saw that it was a clear night. "Why don't we go outside and sit on a wall or something. I could do with some fresh air," she said still looking at the sky. They walked around for a while and sat down on a small wall. Alex looked up at the sky which was lit up by the pale, silvery moon. It was a cold night and the wind blew vigorously. The lamplights shone rays of life down onto the dark streets. "Why do you keep staring at that really bright star?" asked Warren looking right at Alex for a change. "That's the North Star. My mum used to say that my grandma looks down on me from that star. It's really a planet. It's a nice night tonight" Warren smiled at her and looked up at the sky. "You seem different at night," said Warren still looking at her. "Maybe it's because I'm more myself. I've always loved the night. Have you ever noticed...?" Alex stopped short. "What?" "Never mind... You wouldn't understand." "Please, tell me." Alex turned and looked at Warren then spoke glancing at the sky every now and then. "Have you ever noticed that the night feels more magical, as if there are forces out there that we have no idea exist? I know it must sound crazy but I always feel that way at night." Warren looked at her in amazement. "That doesn't sound crazy. It makes perfect sense. What else do you feel?" "Well I've always had this really strong feeling that I don't belong here. I've always felt like there's something important I'm meant to do and somewhere else I'm meant to be. I've always feel like there's something missing from my life." Alex felt embarrassed. "Most people just think I'm weird or that I'm just imagining it all." "I don't think you are. Maybe you are destined to be somewhere and to do something. Maybe a person is missing from your life rather than a thing." Alex looked at him and then realised that he understood, that he had the same feelings as her. "You feel the same don't you?" said Alex. Warren nodded and Alex continued. "I've never met anyone who understood before." "I've never met anyone as amazing as you before," he whispered moving closer towards her. Warren leaned forward and kissed her. Alex tried not to kiss him back knowing that Jeannie and Charlie would be furious with them but she couldn't help it. She felt such incredible passion as they kissed and ran her fingers through his hair. She knew that she couldn't fight this. She liked him and the way he made her feel too much to stop. She didn't care anymore what Jeannie and Charlie thought about her because she wanted Warren. They couldn't possibly imagine how much she wanted him or how great it felt to kiss someone who understood her love for the night. "That was incredible," whispered Warren who was still very close. "Well I try," replied Alex grinning. Warren grinned back at her. Suddenly Alex remembered why she didn't want to kiss him to before. "Warren. What about Jeannie and Charlie? They won't allow this. I know for a fact that Jeannie doesn't like me." Warren's smile vanished as he realised that she was right. Charlie would never allow him to go out with Alex because of who her dad was. "They don't have to find out." Alex started to grin knowing what he had in mind. "That could be fun." Alex put her arms around him and smiled seductively. "It isn't a good idea to kiss here. My house isn't far away. What if we get caught?" "Getting caught is half the fun. If they find out you can make something up. Tell them you're trying to find out how much I know about my dad." "Even though I spent a week trying to convince them that you know nothing." "Tell them that you've started listening to what Jeannie says." Warren smiled at her and Alex started to grin again. She grabbed his shirt, pulled him towards her and then kissed him again. They spent most of the weekend in Alex's house kissing. On Saturday Warren’s friend Nathan knocked on her door. He had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Is Warren here?" he asked in a deep voice. Before Alex could answer Warren rushed to the door. "It's okay Al. He's my best mate Nathan and he knows about us. He won't tell Jeannie." Alex invited him in and he sat down. "I came to tell you that Red, I mean Jeannie's getting suspicious .She noticed that you were in a better mood than usual and started asking me if you had a new girlfriend. I told her that I didn't know you hadn’t said anything to me. "When did you tell Nathan about us?" asked Alex. "I called for him before I went home last night. I had to tell someone about us." Alex smiled at him. "If she asks you can just tell her that you're happy because you're getting close enough to find out information about my loony dad," she suggested. "It's true really because you found out what I know about my dad and we are getting close." Warren grinned as he thought of what she meant by close. Things had been getting pretty steamy between although they hadn't slept together, yet. "I like this girl. Smart and beautiful,” said Nathan smiling at Warren. "No wonder you're hanging onto this one. She's really something." Alex blushed. She wasn't used to compliments from boys. Then Alex realised something. "Warren. We can't keep this a secret forever. Someone's bound to figure out that we're going out sooner or later. It's not right to lie to your twin. She might feel hurt when she finds out." "I know but I'm hoping that if we keep it a secret for a while longer Jeannie might not get as mad. She's a little emotional just now." Alex felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew it wasn't right for Warren to lie to his sister but she didn't want to stop seeing him. Warren leaned forward and caressed her cheek with his hand. "Alex. Even if Jeannie and Charlie find out they have no right to tell me who I can go out with. You aren't even a bit like your dad and I won't let them punish you because of him. I definitely won't stop seeing you because of them." Alex smiled at him and he kissed her gently on the lips. "Wow. You really are different from your dad. He never felt guilty about anything," said Nathan. Later that night Alex and Warren were sat kissing on Alex's bed when suddenly Warren felt an incredibly sharp pain in his stomach. He held his stomach in pure agony as if someone had stabbed him. Alex was terrified and didn't know what was wrong with him. "What's wrong Warren? Tell me what's wrong with you." "If I show you something don't scream or get scared, "he mumbled still clutching his stomach. Alex was now really confused. Show her what? Warren turned to face her and Alex was shocked to see that he had fangs. His eyes were now violet instead of blue and his skin was deathly pale. "You're a...You're a vampire. This can't be real. Is this a joke?" "It's real. Charlie gives me plasma so that I don't need to feed. Vampires lack plasma in their blood which carries oxygen. I must need more but I don't think I could make it to my house just now." "I can't believe this." "Well believe it. I wouldn't make something like this up. Nathan's one and Jeannie's one but Charlie's half human. Your dad's a vampire which makes you half a vampire. Honestly I wouldn't lie to you." Warren doubled over as the pain got worse. "What'll happen if you don't get plasma?" "I'll be dead in a couple of minutes or seriously dangerous." Alex rushed out of her house and over to Warren's house. "Alex! Where are you going? Alex! Alex....!"Warren shouted after her. Alex ran up to Warren's house and banged on the door. Charlie opened it up and looked shocked to see her. "Charlie. It's Warren. He needs... er... damn what it has called. Plasma! He needs plasma." "Where is he?" "He’s... he’s ...in my room." Charlie raised his eyebrows in surprise and then ran into the house to get something. He came out with a small bag in his hands and Alex led him to her house. Warren was rolling around on the floor in pain. Charlie grabbed a needle out of his bag and injected it into Warren. Warren's appearance changed back to normal and Alex was shaking. "I can't believe he's a vampire. Vampires really exist. Why can he go into the sunlight then?" asked Alex still confused by what had happened. "Vampires can't feed or show their fangs in sunlight but they can still go out in the daylight. You are thinking of what myths say about vampires. They are however immortal unless someone puts a stake through their heart, sets them on fire or cuts off their head," said Charlie. "By the way, what is he doing in your bedroom or even in your house?" "Um... He was… asking me about my dad." Charlie looked into her eyes and Alex tried not to look guilty. "You're a terrible liar Kavanof. Do you know what your dad did to my brother?" said Charlie angrily. "Well yes. I'm really sorry. I never even knew my dad and now I don't want to." "Leave her alone. She's nothing like her dad," said Warren trying to get up. "Are you okay?" asked Alex helping him up. "Yes thanks to you. You're a real hero." Alex blushed and smiled. "You two are going out aren't you!" said Charlie." I hope you know what you're doing Warren. Her dad killed your parents." "Look. I only recently found out about my dad and I am really sorry for what he did. I'm really sorry that I remind you of him. If it was up to me I would look like my mum. But I don't even know my dad. He abandoned me and my mum just after I was born." "I promise you Charlie. She is not like Kavanof. She just saved my life." Charlie looked at Alex and the pain in her eyes then smiled wryly. "Okay if you trust her then I will trust her too. But you had better not tell Jeannie that you're going out. She would be furious. So what have you found out?" "Nothing Alex only knew about her dad because she had a vision. She didn't know anything else." "What about her brother?" Alex felt a wave of shock sweep over her. "What? What brother? I didn't know I had a brother. Warren why didn't you tell me I had a brother?" "I presumed you knew. People normally know that they have a big brother." "A big brother! That could be what's missing from my life. That could be why I feel so empty sometimes," said Alex looking away from Warren and Charlie. "The bad news is he is a bad as your dad," said Warren putting his hands on her shoulders. "I knew it was something hereditary. I'm going to go crazy and become a killer like them. It's in my genes. My imagination will probably turn me into a psychopath I have the same eyes as a murderer. "Alex's eyes were wet. Warren caressed her cheek again. Alex felt tingly every time he did that. "Alex. How many times do I have to tell you that you're not like him before you actually believe it? The Kavanof's would never act like you. It would ruin their reputation and your eyes aren't evil." "Here am me babbling on about myself when you've lost your parents to this maniac," said Alex blinking away her tears. Warren just smiled at her like he always did. Charlie was staring at Alex but at least he didn't look at her like she was evil anymore. "Now I see what Warren sees," said Charlie making Alex feel very confused. "You are the complete opposite of Jacques and Anthony John Kavanof. I know now that you have nothing to do with your father’s actions. Alex smiled feebly at him and wiped her eyes. She didn't see that much of Warren the next week. She presumed that he had been busy. He seemed very distant when she did see him and she wondered what was going on with him. Chapter 3 Alex hurried along the streets as fast as she could. She was shaking with fear and wanted to get back inside her house. It was day time and she had been in the shop when a blonde boy with sunglasses had come in. He had smiled at her like a cat would smile at a rat. She didn't know why but he scared her. There was something about him that made her want to run away from him. All her instincts were screaming at her to get away from him. Alex had rushed out of the shop and the boy had followed her. Then as she ran up the street he disappeared. As she ran two hands came out of an alleyway and grabbed onto her. It was the boy who had been in the shop. She didn't know how he had gotten there so fast .He held her by the neck and whispered in her ear in a deep, coarse voice. "Why did you run away from me? I find you after all these years and you don't even say hello. I'm taking you home right now." "Who are you?" "I'm AJ Kavanof. I’m your big brother." Alex saw a slight chance of getting away. "Prove it." AJ was taken aback by this. He loosened his grip. "Okay I'll prove it." AJ held onto her with only one hand and used the other to take of his sunglasses .She guessed that he had eyes like her. "I can't see you with my back to you," said Alex trying hard not to tremble. AJ let her turn around letting go of her for a moment but Alex didn't wait around to see his face. She ran as fast as she could to Warren’s house which was closer than her house and knocked loudly on the door. Jeannie answered it. "What do you want?" snapped Jeannie. "Please you've got to help me. My brother's after me." Jeannie looked at her and Alex was afraid that she wouldn't let her in. She looked down the street and saw that AJ was still running towards her. "Please. Help me." Suddenly Warren shouted "Who is it?" from a different room. "It's a Kavanof," replied Jeannie with hate burning in her eyes. Warren ran to the door and saw that Alex was scared. He pulled her inside and took her into the back room. There was a T.V, a settee and a comfy looking chair in the room. Charlie was s at on the chair reading a book. He was startled to see Alex. "Why have you brought her in her?" asked Jeannie angrily. Warren ignored her and told Alex to sit down. He sat next to her and held her hands. "What's wrong? What's scared you so much? "He asked. "My brother AJ, he followed me from the shop and I ran away from him. Then I turned around and he was gone. He grabbed me into an alleyway and told me he was going to take me home. But he meant that he was going to take me to my dad. I told him to prove he was my brother and he let go of me to take his sunglasses off. Then I ran and he chased me." "Its okay Alex," said Warren." I won't let him take you." Warren put his arm around her much to Jeannie's disgust. "Warren she looks just like the murderer who killed our family. How can you even look at her?" shouted Jeannie. Alex buried her head in her hands and blinked away her tears. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her. Warren seemed to be furious at Jeannie's remark. His jaw stiffened and he bit on his lip trying not to get too angry. "She doesn't look like him that much because she isn't evil. She has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserve to be punished for his crimes. Do you think it's easy for her? She has trouble looking in the mirror because of him, because she knows what you see when you look at her." "Warren! She's a Kavanof! Her dad killed our parents! Her brother made Cara into a vampire! You lost your girlfriend because of her family, "argued Jeannie. "As far as I'm concerned they're not my family." Alex felt a lump in her throat." Two weeks ago I didn't even know about them and now I want nothing to do with those monsters." "That's tough because I'm taking you home to dad. He wants you to become part of our vampire family," said a voice. AJ walked into the room and now Alex got a really good look at him .He looked almost exactly like her except that he was much paler, much taller and his eyes were slightly greener. His eyes weren't quite as deep as hers. "Leave me alone!" yelled Alex. "I don't want to go anywhere near your or your dad. You’re a monster." "The Nixons are vampires too." "Yeah but they aren't like you. They aren't monsters." AJ looked at her then at Warren. His face hardened and his eyes flashed brightly. Alex could tell that he was angry although he didn't show it that well. "I know about you and the Nixon boy. I saw you kissing. I would have ripped his throat out then but I thought that I should get him when he was alone." "What? You've been seeing her! But she's a Kavanof!" said Jeannie who seemed disgusted at the thought of Alex and Warren going out. "And now I will kill you, Nixon." AJ ran towards Warren with his fangs showing and Alex was terrified .But then something inside of her took over. "Get away from him!" roared Alex. She ran towards AJ and knocked him down on the floor. He struggled but she held him down. She put one hand on his throat and told him not to move. "Listen up AJ If you ever hurt Warren I swear to you that I will rip your throat out!" Alex dragged him up off the floor and he sped out of the front door like a hurricane. Everyone in the room stood staring at her. Alex didn't have a clue where her sudden strength had come from. She usually had trouble opening a jar of marmalade. Now she felt weak and her legs collapsed beneath her. Warren caught her and held her up. "Warren what the hell just happened to me? I feel really weak and dizzy." "She seems to be going through some sort of change. She's becoming half vampire," said Charlie. "I went through the same thing. AJ was made into a full one by Kavanof when he was a child. It was likely triggered by your anger and your nerves" "I can't believe that you did that for Warren," said Jeannie. "You saved his life." "Again," added Warren smiling. "She got Charlie when I needed plasma before." "I knew it. I'm going to be like them. I'm going to become a monster," sobbed Alex. "No you're not. I won't let that happen to you." "You know I will. That's why I haven't seen you much this week isn't it?" Warren looked at her and smiled again. "Is that what you think? I have been avoiding you because I thought that you would want to break up with me." "Why would I want to do that?" replied Alex looking confused. "Because I'm a vampire." Alex laughed and felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She grabbed Warren and dragged him into the kitchen. She moved very close to him and could feel his warmth. "Warren. I don't care if you're a vampire. In case you didn't notice some of my family are vampires, except they're bad vampires." Warren smiled at her and kissed her once quickly on the lips. "I'm so happy to hear you say that. I thought that you didn't like me any more because you seemed very distant after you found out about me." Alex looked down a moment. "I... was just wondering if you had ever, you know...” "Killed?" said Warren. Alex nodded and said "Have you?" Warren shook his head and replied. "Never, I've fed off people but never killed and I’ve never seriously injured anyone through feeding." Alex felt incredibly relieved and kissed him properly. She didn't want to let go but Jeannie and Charlie interrupted. They all went back into the back room and sat down. Jeannie was looking at Alex in a different way than before. She no longer saw Alex as a killer but as the girl who had saved her brother’s life. Jeannie was still mad about one thing though. "Why did you lie to me?" she asked angrily Charlie and Warren angrily. "I told them that they shouldn't lie to you but they wouldn't listen," said Alex. "Typical. You two always leave me out of everything, "grumbled Jeannie. "I know how you feel. My cousins used to leave me out all of the time. But I can understand why they did it. I was so shy when I was younger that I wouldn't even talk that much." "You were shy?" said Warren in surprise." You definitely aren't shy anymore. I saw you screaming your head off at a boy the other day at school just because he started teasing you." Alex grinned at this and Jeannie suddenly grinned as well. Alex felt a lot better but was scared. Her dad was obviously after her and AJ would try to take her to him. They would make her into a monster if she let them. That night she wouldn't let Warren come in her house or kiss her. "Not now," she told him. "I need to be alone." Warren had just nodded and hugged her. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow," he said in a deep, husky voice before leaving. That night before she had her recurring dream she had two different dreams First of all she dreamt of her dad. She saw his evil eyes flash as he killed Warren's parents. She saw every person he had ever killed and the grotesque ways in which he did it. She woke up with a jump as she heard him say her name. Alex looked at her watch. It was the middle of the night. She lay back down; shaking with fear and then eventually fell asleep. As she felt herself drift off she began to see Warren's eyes and smile. She dreamt of his lips pressed on hers, his deep, sexy voice whispering sweet words in her ear and the gorgeous smell of his aftershave. She felt the warmth of his muscular body as he held her and the tingly, sensation on her cheek as he caressed it. She never wanted to wake up from this dream. Then suddenly she began to have her recurring dream again. The only difference in her dream was that she danced closely with the boy with violet eyes before he disappeared. When she woke up she could still see, feel and smell Warren. Alex had never felt that way about a boy before. But Warren wasn't really a normal boy. No wonder he had felt the same way about the night as her. Vampires were creatures of the night. I must get my love of the night from the vampire in me thought Alex. I wonder if that's where my imagination comes from. The next day was Saturday and she went to Warrens feeling refreshed after dreaming about him. If she closed her eyes she could still see his gorgeous face and his caring eyes. Jeannie answered the door and let her in. "He's in the shower but he won't be long," said Jeannie smiling at her. Alex sat down and Warren rushed down the stairs with his hair all wet and spiky. Alex thought that he looked sexy with his hair wet. "Hi. Are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern. "I'm fine. I'm actually feeling a lot better," replied Alex. "Good. I was worried about you. You've had a lot to deal with recently." Alex smiled at him. He made her feel special and important. "I'm fine. Did I tell you about my recurring dream?" Warren shook his head and Alex told him everything about it right down to the smallest detail. "Wow. I think you're definitely psychic. "What do you mean?" asked Alex in confusion. "Well it has a meaning. The blonde boy is AJ and he's trying to take you away. The other boy is me trying to stop him. The bit where you're falling into mud represents you falling into darkness and getting trapped by your problems." Alex was surprised at all this. "How do you know all this?" "I have a book on dreams. They're very important to vampires because some are psychic." Alex had never realised how intelligent Warren was. He wasn't as smart as Alex at schoolwork but he was clever in other ways. Alex had not told any of her friends about her and Warren. Chapter 4 A few months passed and Alex never saw AJ in that time. She got used to being with Warren and continued to dream about him. In her recurring dream Alex kissed the boy with violet eyes who she knew was Warren. She got to know Jeannie and Charlie more and they were used to Alex being in their house. Jeannie was becoming one of her best friends. She was confident with a great sense of humour and was never boring to be around. Alex and Warren's relationship was becoming more serious every day. The more she got to know about Warren the more she liked him. One night at the beginning of their two-week break from Alex and Warren went for a walk. There was no moon and no stars were visible. "You like being out at night don't you?" asked Warren. "Yes. I'm what you could call a night person. It's my favourite time." Warren held her hand as they walked. "I like the night too," he whispered. Alex and Warren took a shortcut through an alleyway and were walking very quickly. Suddenly a huge vampire appeared in front of them with about four other vampires. Warren and Alex turned to run the other way but they were surrounded. Like animals in a cage thought Alex. She trembled with fear and held onto Warren. The vampires attacked Warren and one of them tried to grab her but Alex was much faster than the vampire had suspected. Warren tried in vain to fight the vampires but there were too many. "Alex runs! Get help!" Alex didn't want to leave him but some of the vampires were looking at her with hungry eyes so she ran. The adrenalin was pumping through her body as she raced through the streets. Down town she thought, it's safer there. Alex ran to the centre of the town and into a dark bus shelter. Two of the vampires walked past but they didn't look like vampires anymore. They looked like people. "Damn she got away. I'll have a look around. You can go and tell the others to take the Nixon boy to the Rox," said one of them. Alex stayed completely still and held her breath. She hoped that this vampire didn't have very strong powers otherwise he would be able to hear her heart pounding or smell her perfume. Alex waited until the vampire was gone and then ran to Warren's house to tell Charlie and Jeannie. "The Rox is a nightclub for vampires. It's underground," said Charlie. "Your dad owns it but he almost never goes there. He owns all the vampire nightclubs and most vampires are afraid of him. The men will keep Warren until they get paid. Jeannie can go and get him back. Alex frowned and thought hard. She was terrified of vampires but she had to do something. So she said that she would go too. "No way. You would never pass for a vampire. You don't even dress like one," Jeannie answered. The concept of vampires dressing a certain way seemed absurd to Alex. "I've got to do something!”Alex shouted. Jeannie and Charlie glanced at each other. "Alright you can come but you'll have to borrow one of my dresses," replied Jeannie quietly. "It's just a good thing that you already walk like a vampire and you have those eyes." Alex said nothing at this but felt a sick feeling in her gut as she followed Jeannie’s orders. Jeannie dressed Alex in a long blood-red dress and put her make up on. Alex was surprised at how gothic she looked in the mirror. Jeannie wore a short black dress. "Now remember Alex you have to act confident." "Warren isn't confident." Jeannie glanced at her and smiled. "Well, Warren isn't exactly a regular vampire. I mean he's innocent and he's never killed anyone." Alex thought about this for a moment. Warren was different to other vampires and Alex was different to other humans. "Have you ever killed?" asked Alex. For a few seconds Jeannie looked ashamed of herself. Then her face stiffened and she looked away from Alex. She looked a lot like Warren when she frowned and she had the same smile as him when she smiled. "I killed a few vampires that attacked Warren." Alex looked at her and realised how selfish she had been when she had first found out about her dad. Jeannie and Warren had grown up in this world of darkness. Alex had just been thrown into it. "It must be hard to live with all of your pain. You're very strong." Jeannie smiled at her. "So are you." "So Alex. Exactly how do feel about Warren?" Alex blushed and mumbled "Well...er..." "Do you care about him?" Alex blushed even more and her face began to look the colour of a beetroot. "Do you love him?" "I don't know him that well yet." "You've learnt more about him in a couple of months than I have in sixteen years." Alex smiled and felt a little less nervous but deep down in her gut she was still worried sick for Warren. She kept imagining the gruesome things that could have happened to him. She half expected to find him as a rotting corpse. No she thought. He's not dead. "You're not like the other Kavanof's," said Jeannie suddenly. "You're more like Warren, innocent and... imaginative." Alex looked up at her in surprise. "You... You're... You're psychic aren't you? You just saw my mind didn't you?" Jeannie nodded and replied." Warren will be fine. He always is." Alex began to look at some of the books in Jeannie's room and Jeannie looked at her deep in thought. She doesn't think less of me even though she knows I'm a killer thought Jeannie. What an unusual girl she is. Jeannie had felt very nervous about telling Alex that she had killed. Jeannie had been afraid of her screaming, running away from her or giving her the disgusted look other humans had given her when they found out. In a way Jeannie envied her and Warren. They were both so innocent but they were both capable of afflicting pain on people. Jeannie was afraid for Alex because she knew that there was a fire inside of her that blazed angrily. Jeannie was afraid of Alex losing her innocence. Warren had nearly killed someone before and it had almost destroyed his personality but for Alex it would be much worse. She had grown up in a society were killers were seen as monsters and where it was not socially acceptable to be so violent. It’s up to me to make sure she stays innocent thought Jeannie. I won’t let her go through what I did. When they were both completely ready Jeannie led Alex to a dark, creepy graveyard and into a small church. Jeannie pushed in one of the stones on the wall and a secret passage way opened. "It's looks kind of small and cramped in there,” whispered Alex beginning to shake. "You're not claustrophobic are you?" Alex nodded. "I'm only a bit claustrophobic. I’ll manage." Jeannie looked at her with a new respect and started off down the small passageway. Alex began to shiver with fear and grabbed onto Jeannie for fear of getting left behind. "Its okay,” said Jeannie quietly.” I’m not going to let anything happen to you. It’s only a short tunnel." "Why are you protecting me?" Jeannie hesitated to answer then replied nervously. "Because Warren likes you and you've always been nice to me." Alex smiled and they carried on silently. Soon they came to a huge oak door. Alex recognised it from her dream and they realised that as AJ was in her dream he could be in the club. She forced the thought out of her head and followed Jeannie through the door. On the other side was the small, hypnotic nightclub that she had seen in her dream. I hope you know what you're doing Jeannie thought Alex. Alex lifted her head up high and pretended to act confident. Jeannie greeted some of the vampires and walked over to a door in the shadows that was barely visible. "Stay out here and act like a vampire,” whispered Jeannie. As Alex waited Nathan came over to her and asked her why she was there. Alex explained and asked him if he would stick around until Jeannie returned. A few minutes later Jeannie came out of the door with Warren who looked a bit rough. He had obviously been beaten up a bit. "Why is she here?” he asked looking at Alex.” It’s dangerous here." "I told her that but she wouldn't change her mind,” replied Jeannie. Warren stared at her for a moment and gazed into her eyes lovingly. "You look really beautiful and I bet you are a good dancer” he whispered in her ear. “Would you like to dance with me sometime?" Alex nodded and they left the club. She was still a bit shaken up after going into the nightclub but she didn't tell anyone how scared she had been. When they got back to Warren's they sat down and Alex noticed that his forehead was bleeding. "Are you okay,” asked Alex while touching his face. "Yeah. I'll just go and wash the cut and then it will be gone by tomorrow." Alex grinned and replied. "It's okay for some isn't it? Most people would have to go to the hospital for stitches but no not you. You heal overnight." Warren went to wash his cut and then came back a minute later. Charlie seemed to be thinking of something. "I think that we should call in the S.S: the Slayer Society." "Why would they help us?” asked Jeannie.” We’re their enemies..." "…Because Alex is still half-human and innocent. They will want to keep her like that so they will help protect her." "Okay Jeannie we'll go and talk to the slayers and Alex and Warren can stay here.” Charlie turned towards Alex. “Will you tell Warren where we've gone?" Alex nodded feeling weak and helpless. She had to rely on other people to save her. She didn't like being powerless and being guarded but she had no other choice. Warren came in after they left and she told him about Jeannie and Charlie. Warren kept smiling at her which made Alex feel a little light-headed for some strange reason. What’s happening to me she thought? "How about that dance?” asked Warren?” We’re alone so we might as well dance now." Alex nodded. Warren dimmed the lights and put a CD on. It was called `Wonderful Tonight’. Warren took Alex by the hand and pulled her closer towards him. They danced to the slow, romantic song and kept moving closer towards each other. Warren had his arms around her waist and she put her arms around him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and forgot for a few minutes that she had any problems at all. Warren kissed her forehead tenderly. "Most people think that darkness is bad,” whispered Alex.” But it isn't. People can hide in darkness. I can hide in darkness." Warren looked down at her. "Hide? What do you have to hide?" "What I am. What my dad is. My feelings." Warren kissed her and held her more tightly. "Then let's hide together." They danced for a while listening to the slow songs on the album. They wanted the moment to last and held each other like they were the only two people in the world. Meanwhile Charlie had convinced the head slayer Kestrel to go accompanied by some other slayers to meet Alex. Kestrel had black hair with a hint of red in and emerald green eyes. She reminded Charlie of a panther, usually quiet but very dangerous. "This had better not be a trick Nixon,” snapped Kestrel. They were just outside Warren's house. "I mean it sounds a bit far-fetched” she continued as Charlie opened the door. “A good, innocent... Kavanof..." Kestrel was now facing Alex and Warren who were dancing and kissing. Alex noticed her and blushed in embarassment. Warren turned the CD player off and undimmed the lights. Kestrel was shocked to see them. "A Kavanof and a Nixon... together!" Kestrel stammered. "If you think that's surprising you should get to know Alex. She's nothing like the other Kavanof's," said Jeannie smiling at Alex and Warren who were now both blushing. “She’s innocent." Warren took Alex's hand as if to show them that they were an item. "But your families are enemies. Her dad murdered your parents and she looks just like him. How can you stand it?” asked Kestrel.” She looks like just like Jack and AJ Kavanof." "No she doesn’t!” said Warren and Jeannie both at the same time. Alex felt the sickness in her stomach that she always felt when people mentioned that she looked like her father. Warren seemed to sense this and squeezed her hand gently. Kestrel just looked at Alex and the Nixon's as if analysing the situation. "Anyway”, said Jeannie in a hostile voice.” She saved my brother's life from AJ and she doesn't want anything to do with her father's side of the family." Alex felt less alone with Warren and Jeannie around. She didn't want to leave the Nixon's house. It was the only place that she felt safe. She asked Warren if she could sleep there and then rang up her mum to ask her if it was alright. She told her mum that she would be sleeping in Jeannie's room knowing that she wouldn't be allowed to if she found out that she would really be sleeping in Warren's room. Jeannie seemed quite surprised that she was staying over. Kestrel just took it all in, observing the situation. "I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed now,” whispered Warren in her ear later that night as Charlie and Kestrel talked. "Me too." Alex and Warren crept up the stairs as Jeannie was in bed asleep and they didn't want to wake her up. Alex wore a nightie of Jeannie's and Warren wore boxer shorts. They got into bed and Alex laid her head on Warren’s chest. She felt so safe and secure. "Alex,” he whispered.” I know it hurts you when people talk about your dad and AJ. I'm sorry you feel like that. "That's not important." "Yeah. What's important is keeping you safe." Alex didn't mind feeling helpless around Warren. "I feel weak when I hear everyone talking about protecting me. They think I'm like a little kid, helpless and venerable." "No they don’t. Jeannie and Charlie think you're very brave." "Really?" Warren kissed her forehead and whispered. “Really." They both fell fast asleep. That night Alex dreamt of Warren again and then began to see something different. She could sense Warren's mind and his dreams. She saw what he saw. There was a teenage girl with long mousy brown hair, tanned skin and hazel eyes. She and Warren were holding hands and Alex sensed that he loved the girl. AJ appeared and kidnapped the girl. Alex could feel the fear that ran through Warren, the thoughts that plagued him. "Cara!" she heard Warren scream. The dream continued to get more intense as AJ and Warren fought like wild animals over Cara. Warren was winning and had AJ pinned when Cara pulled him away. This was a very different Cara with sharp fangs, eyes as green as a cats and a twisted grin on her pale face. She felt Warren's sorrow and pain as he saw Cara. AJ had turned her into a monster Chapter 5 The next day was Saturday and Alex was still at Warren’s. They were watching TV and laughing. When an advert came on they started play fighting on the settee. Alex felt a lot more relaxed now having stayed the night with Warren. They were so busy fighting that they didn't notice that someone was at the door and Jeannie answered it. It was Rebecca, Sam, Paul and Vicky who had long brown hair, brown eyes and a quiet mumbled voice. Alex’s mum had given them Warren's address when they had called for Alex much to their astonishment. Alex hadn't told any of her friends about Warren. "Alex is in the living room. You can just go in,” said Jeannie inviting them in. as her friends walked in Alex had Warren pinned down on the settee although she suspected he had purposely let her pin him down. Alex’s friends looked at her in surprise as she giggled and said "Ha I pinned ya." "What are you two doing!” exclaimed Sam. Alex jumped up off the settee suddenly, feeling very embarrassed. Warren didn't seem to care. "Um...we were just... play fighting,” she said quickly.” Isn’t that right Warren?" Warren was now busy watching T.V again."What? Oh yeah. We were just messing around." "How long have you two been going out?” asked Rebecca who seemed hurt at not knowing. "A few months now." "Oh and when were you planning on telling us?” asked Sam. Alex shrugged and then Warren stood up. He greeted them all and then sat back down again. Alex’s friends stayed for a while and kept asking questions like. “Have ya done it yet?" Later that day Warren had to go to talk to the S.S so Alex went out with her mates stopping off home first. All Alex could think about was Warren and AJ. What would it be like to have a brother? What would AJ be like if he wasn't a vampire? Some of her friends noticed that she was acting strange. "So how did you and Warren become so close?” asked Sam sitting on a wall next to Paul. "I helped him with his homework a couple of times. We got talking and became friends. Then we kind of took it from there." "What's he like. I’ve seen him around school but I've never even talked to him,” said Sam inquisitively. Alex smiled thinking of him.” He’s really nice and understanding. He’s a good listener." "He'd have to be to go out with you,” said Vicky jokingly. Alex just ignored her smiling as she remembered their dance. Everytime she heard a certain song she thought of Warren. "You really like this lad don't you,” said Rebecca. Alex nodded thinking deeply about just how much she did like him. "If I tell you something you can't mention it to anyone,” said Alex in a low voice. "What is it?” they all said at once. "I think I might be falling for him. I can't stop thinking about him. Last night I stayed over at his house and we didn't get up to anything but I slept in his bed." "You did! That’s great,” exclaimed Sam.” I’m very happy for you." Alex just smiled even more and thought more about Warren. Suddenly AJ appeared grinning at her. Her friends looked at him in shock as he grabbed hold of Alex. "I'm taking you home to dad,” he snarled.” And then sis I'm going after your boyfriend." Alex began to feel scared again.” I won't be like you and dad AJ.I won't be a monster. "You've no choice. It’s your birthright." Five more vampires appeared and stopped any of Alex's friends from running away. "Let my friends go,” shouted Alex. "Like your other friends they've seen too much." What other friends? thought Alex. "Melanie and Carrol I think they're called. They saw me feed off someone so I had to capture them. Put up a real fight did Carrol, she kicked me in the privates,” growled AJ. "This can't be real,” said Sam getting a bit hysterical.” Vampires aren't real." "Don't believe everything you hear honey. Alex is half vampire and Warren and Jeannie are vamps as well. In fact, our families are mortal enemies. I have a regular Romeo and Juliet on my hands except that it's the Kavanof's and the Nixons not the Montague's and Capulets. Well let's go Al. Daddy's waiting for you." AJ and the other vampires hauled them all away to the Rox and put them in a small, red room. It was very cold and damp. There was an awful musty smell. There AJ and the other vampires tied them up and then left them. "So you're a vampire,” snapped Melanie who was tied up in the corner with Carrol. "I'm sorry about this. It’s my dads fault. He’s an evil vampire so I'm half vampire. AJ and my dad want to make me a full vampire." Alex sat and explained everything to them. When she had finished everyone sat in silence. AJ came back in another carrying Warren who was unconscious. Alex looked up in surprise as she saw him. "Look who followed us. It’s your boyfriend. You know what Al, I don't think he likes Me." "Well maybe it's because of what you did to Cara." "Did he tell you that?" Alex refused to answer and watched as they tied Warren up. She needed to go over to him and see if he was alright but she couldn't. AJ came over and grabbed her by the throat. "Now it's time to make you into a real Kavanof." Alex screamed as he moved her head to one side and sank his sharp, pointed teeth into her flesh. She felt a sharp pain in her neck and screamed even louder. The pain was too much. Her body ached in agony and Alex desperately prayed for it too go away, AJ drained much of her blood and sounded like a wild animal gnawing at its prey. Her friends watched helplessly as he slashed his wrist and forced his blood into Alex's mouth. She craved for it and had to let it slide down her throat. She felt a new kind of energy but at the same time she felt very dizzy and light-headed. Alex fell to the floor and felt agony take over her body. The pain was almost unbearable as her body mutated. Her skin grew paler and she gained strength, speed, agility and extraordinary senses. Her eyes stayed the same but would flash pure green whenever she grew angry. She would never grow older much slower than humans and it would take a lot to kill her unless killed in the right way. Everything was spinning around and darkness grew upon her. Then she blacked out. Warren was waking up at that moment and panicked as soon as he saw her. He gathered his strength and broke the rope that bound him then rushed over to Alex. He held her in his arms and tears streamed down his cheeks as he saw the transformation. "AJ...! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER! YOU HAVE CARA ISN'T THAT ENOUGH?" AJ just laughed at him. "Of course it isn't enough, Alex is my sister. She has to be one of us." Warren felt a rage swell inside him and began to have trouble breathing properly. He looked at AJ with hatred burning in his eyes then he started to mutate into a vampire like he had done before. Suddenly he pounced on AJ and fought ferociously with him. Warren’s anger was greater and he overpowered AJ. Then he pulled a wooden stake from his pocket and held it over AJ’s black heart. "I hate you for taking Cara away from me. I hate you for changing Alex. I loved her. You’re going to pay for what you've done." Warren raised the stake and was just about to strike when he was pulled off by Alex: a bigger, stronger Alex. He had a strong feeling of de ja vu when he saw her. It was happening all over again. "Kill me then. I don't care. Nothing matters anymore." Alex just stared at him for a minute. “Warren what are you saying? I don't want to kill you." AJ and Warren both looked confused. "Well why did you stop me from killing AJ?" "…because you're not a killer. It would break both mine and Jeannie's hearts if you killed anyone." Warren hugged her in relief and a tear rolled down his cheek again. "I thought I'd lost you. I thought you would be evil." "So did I. Why aren't I?" Suddenly they both realised why. They just looked at each other and nodded. AJ dragged himself up and was about to attack them when Alex punched him in the face and knocked him out. "I'm impressed,” said Warren. Alex looked at him in confusion. She was still a bit fuzzy and felt weak again. She, Warren and the others crept slowly out of the club after being untied. They all piled into Warren's house and Melanie who wasn't as shaken up as the others explained what happened. "Wow and I thought I had problems,” said Kestrel who was there. "How do we know that's she's not faking it?” asked Charlie. Jeannie was being unusually quiet. Alex would have thought that she would be the first one to suspect something. "I think we can trust her,” Jeannie replied. "We can't be sure. It’s impossible for someone to be innocent when they've been made a vampire by a Kavanof, its worse when they already are a Kavanof," added Charlie. Alex and Warren looked at each other wondering if they should speak up or not. Charlie noticed this and demanded they tell him. "What are you hiding? What do you know?" Alex signalled for Warren to tell him. "Well last night Alex got hungry so we went and made a sandwich. It was just after midnight. When I was cutting a tomato I cut my hand and Alex suddenly felt dizzy again. She kind of grabbed my hand and started to drink my blood. I was shocked and tried to make her stop but she was suddenly very strong and I couldn't get her off. She drank quite a lot and I collapsed. Alex then realised what she had been doing and pulled away. She carried me upstairs and apologised. If I wasn't a vampire I would have died." "She drank your blood!” exclaimed Jeannie. "She carried you upstairs!” said Paul. "She stayed over!” Melanie said in surprise.” Did you sleep with her?" "No. We didn't get up to anything,” mumbled Warren nervously. Alex didn't say anything as she remembered what it was like to drink Warren’s blood. It had tasted sweet and pure unlike AJ’s. She hadn't liked the taste of AJ’s blood but she had needed it. She had felt Warrens blood running through hers. It was so full of life and energy. It hadn't made her a vampire because he hadn't drunk her blood. It hadn’t been an exchange. It had felt so passionate to drink from Warren. Later that day when all of her friends had left Alex went home. She found her mum sitting in the living room and thinking about something. "Alex. Martin wants to take me away for the rest of the holidays." Martin was her mum's boyfriend who she had been going out with for a year now. He was argumentative, never serious and always joked around. "Are you going to go?” asked Alex. "I can't leave you here on your own for that long." Alex suddenly thought of an idea. "Well you could leave me a list of things I'd have to do, some money and let Jeannie stay over while you're away. I could ring her now and you could see if it's alright with her uncle Charlie." "Are you sure you can cope on your own for a while?" Alex answered "course I can" and rang Jeannie up to arrange it all. What her mum didn't know was that Warren was going to stay over not Jeannie. Alex arranged everything and her mum left with Martin the next morning. That day Alex fell asleep on the couch and dreamt of something. She saw AJ and Warren fighting and realised that she was remembering what had happened the night she had been turned into a vampire. “I hate you for changing Alex," she heard Warren say as he held AJ."I loved her.” Alex kept hearing those three words over and over again. Warren loved her. Alex was extremely surprised. She didn't realise before that Warren was in love with her. But did she love Warren back. Alex didn't know how exactly she felt about him. When she woke up Jeannie was in her living room watching T.V. "I hope you didn't mind me just coming in but you didn't answer when I knocked,” said Jeannie still looking at the T.V. "It's okay. I don't mind." Alex was still shocked by her flashback and Jeannie noticed this. "Are you alright? You're looking a bit weird apart from being a vampire now I mean." Alex tried to answer yeah I'm fine but all she could say was” Warren loves me." Jeannie looked as shocked as Alex felt. "Did he tell you that he loves you?" "No but he told AJ just before he tried to kill him. All my friends must have heard him. Why didn't they mention it? Maybe they thought I knew." "But do you love him?" Alex paused and tried to think of an answer but it wasn't as simple as yes or no. "I don't know. I’m going to talk to him tonight and see if my vision was right. Please don't mention it until I've spoken to him." Jeannie promised that she wouldn't tell and they talked for a long time. Alex told Jeannie that she did care for him but she wasn't sure if she loved him. "Alex, I want to ask you something,” Jeannie said not looking directly at her. "Go on." "When you found out that I was a killer you didn't seem disgusted or treat me any differently. Why not?" Alex smiled at her. "Well I realise that you probably punish yourself enough for whatever you've done. Anyway who am I to judge you? I don't even know you that well." Jeannie was now really confused. "But I judged you when I first saw you." "That's understandable after what my dad did?" There was a brief silence. "How did you find out about that? Did Warren tell you?" "No. I have visions and dreams. I’ve seen many things that my father has done and how much he enjoyed them. It almost makes me sick to think about it. I mean, he takes so much pleasure in doing such terrible things to people." Jeannie smiled and hugged her suddenly. "What was that for?” asked Alex. "…for being you. Never change Alex." Alex smiled and Jeannie left. That night Warren came over to stay the night and went. Alex and Warren were lying on the couch when she decided to talk to him. "Warren, you know I care about you, don't you?" Warren nodded. "And you know that I like being with you right?" "Alex what is this about? What are you trying to say?" "I thought I heard you say something yesterday.” Alex took a deep breath. "Do you love me?" Her heart pounded as she waited for an answer. What if I'm wrong she thought? What if I was just dreaming? What if he doesn't love me? "Alex I...do love you. I love you" "Well..." Warren looked her straight in the eyes and nervously asked. “Do you love me?" "Well. I don't really...” Alex was going to say I don't really know but Warren thought she was saying no. Alex was trying hard not to hurt his feelings. "..Its okay,” he interrupted sounding miserable.” I understand. How could anyone love me being what I am? It's just I thought that you...." It was breaking Alex's heart to hear Warren sound so unhappy. "...I love you," she blurted out surprised at herself. "You do? I thought you didn't," exclaimed Warren smiling excitedly and hugging her. "Yes I love you,” said Alex again. She wasn't sure before but now she knew. She loved Warren so much. She needed him. That night, as Warren lay besides her sleeping, Alex began to dream again. She dreamt of the same thick, black mud that she had seen before. This time it was alive and grabbed at her. Alex kept screaming for Warren as the mud tried to swallow her but he wasn't there. Suddenly his hand appeared from out of nowhere and she grabbed onto it with her right hand trying in vain to pull herself out of the mud. The mud, she realised was her dark side trying to take over and Warren couldn't help her escape from it. Two more hands appeared and they held onto her tightly. Alex was hauled up by Warren and the other hands and dragged out of the darkness. Alex looked up at who the other hands belonged to and saw that one was Jeannie. Her hair was wild and looked like fire and her blue eyes sparkled like stars in the sky. The other belonged to a young girl who looked like Alex. Jeannie smiled at Alex and whispered something in her ear.” You’re not a killer,” Alex heard her say. Alex awoke with a jump still hearing the words from her dream echoing around inside her head. What did the dream mean? Does it mean that Jeannie is the only one who can help me stay innocent she thought and who was that girl? Warren was sleeping beside her. She kissed him on the cheek and got up to watch T.V.A little while later Warren came downstairs and leaned over the back of the big, armchair. He came and sat next to her and they started kissing passionately. But this time they started to go a bit further. They were holding onto each other tightly and Alex started to lift Warren’s shirt over his head. Warren began to unbutton her nightshirt. Alex panicked and pulled away. "I'm not ready for this,” she whispered.” Not yet. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." "It's okay. We shouldn't get up to anything now anyway. I haven't got any protection." Alex looked at him and smiled nervously "Maybe you should get some. Just in case…" Warren didn't say anything. Alex got the feeling that he was disappointed. "Just because I won’t go all the way doesn't mean I won't do other things," Alex whispered with a seductive smile on her face. Warren grinned back at her and they carried on kissing. It felt so right to be with him. Alex had never felt like she belonged anywhere before and neither had Warren. But when they were together they forgot about it, forgot about everything. The next day Warren went out with his vampire friends, Charlie injected Alex with plasma and Kestrel visited Alex at her house. Alex was surprised to see her. "Hi didn't expect to see you again now that I'm a full vampire." Alex invited her in and she sat down quietly. Alex started fidgeting nervously. "Well the S.S has decided to help you anyway. The last thing we want is for you to become like your father. We couldn't handle another Kavanof." Alex looked away from her feeling ashamed at the thought of being like her father. "I'm sorry, have I offended you?” asked Kestrel. "It's just that I don't like being referred to as another Kavanof." Kestrel looked at her in wonder. What a strange girl she thought. Kestrel looked around at the photos of Alex when she was younger and wondered what she knew about her father. "Do you know your dad?" "No. He abandoned me and my mum when I was a baby. I’ve never met him. I didn't even know that I had a brother." "Then how did you find out that your dad is a vampire?" Alex paused. The very word vampire made her feel like a circus freak, made her feel abnormal. "I think I might be psychic. I had a recurring dream and then I saw a vision of my dad killing Warren and Jeannie's parents. Then I dreamt about all the murders my dad has done." "Well there have been a lot of psychic Kavanof's in the past. Alex felt very tense. Everything was out of control. She really despised being compared to the rest of the Kavanof's. "So, Alex you know what your dad has done. How do you feel about that?" Something inside Alex snapped. She was sick of hearing about her dad. She’d had enough. "Will you shut up about my dad!” she yelled furiously.” How do you think I feel! I look like him! I look like a murderer! He killed the parents of someone I love and I look like him!" Alex realised what she had just said. "You love Warren?” Kestrel was astonished.” Does he love you?" Alex answered yes and Kestrel just smiled broadly. "I can't believe it. A Kavanof and a Nixon in love..." "I can't either,” mumbled Alex. Kestrel stopped talking about her dad and talked to her about Warren. She asked Alex how long they had been going out, when they first kissed and other things. Then she said goodbye quickly and left. Chapter 6 That night Warren came over. Alex was lying in his arms when something flashed in her mind. Images of her running through some woods raced through her mind. I have to get outside she thought. There was an aching inside her, emptiness. Tonight she would fill some of that emptiness. "What's wrong Alex?” asked Warren. Alex didn't answer. She just thought about running away. She didn't know why but she had to get away from this place. It was too cramped. She needed fresh air, needed to feel the wind against her face and needed to be free. Alex jumped up suddenly and ran out of the house. She knew that Warren was running after her but she didn't look back. Her destiny was calling her from far away. As she sped through the small town Warren struggled to keep up. He ran as fast and hard as he could but Alex's newfound determination kept her running. She raced away easily and didn't stop until she reached the nearest woods, which was Sunny Hurst Woods. The town she lived in was built in a valley so it wasn't too far away. Why am I here? Alex was wondering what had led her there as listened to the whispering of the leaves. The woods would usually scare her at her night. The trees would usually loom over her and the branches would grab at her. But now she found it peaceful. The woods were once a popular place to go but twelve years before someone had been murdered there and no one had gone since then very much. Alex was confused as to why she was there. She had no reason to be there but something had called her from this forest. Alex could feel a presence behind her and turned around. She gasped as she saw a figure that looked exactly like her but with light green eyes and blonder hair. The girl looked like a spirit. "Don't be afraid”, she said in light voice. When she spoke she sounded like the leaves rustling, like the sound of nature itself. "Wh... Who are you?” asked Alex who was now terrified. "I'm Ally and I'm going to show you something. Sit down." Alex obediently sat on a log. Ally disappeared before her eyes and Alex felt her spirit enter her body. Alex began to see something in her mind. She felt as if she was Ally. Ally was just a week old baby when it happened. She was taken from her mother by the wicked man with deep, dark eyes. The man had kept her for ten years looking after her and acting like he cared. But she knew that he didn’t. She wasn't like other children. She was smarter. The man already had a young boy with whom she played games with. She loved the boy very much. One day the wicked man took her out to the woods to play. She had always loved the woods. She loved listening to the leaves and watching the squirrels run about. The man told her to sit down on a log and she did. In an instant he was tearing at her throat. Ally felt an agonising pain. Then the man tried to make her drink his blood but she knew better than to do that. She wouldn't be like him. She would rather die. No matter how much she craved it she wouldn't drink. The man just got angry and threw her down to the ground. "You'll be sorry,” whispered Ally. “I swear that I'll get my revenge on you." The man laughed and watched as her life drained out of her. She thought of one person as she died her twin. The one she didn't remember but knew she had. The man had told her that her twin sister would be coming soon. Ally knew that she must protect her twin. It was too late for the boy she loved. He couldn't be saved but her twin could. "Oh my God,” said Alex. “I’m your twin sister. That little boy was AJ and the wicked man was my dad. I can't believe that I have a twin sister. I always knew that something was missing from my life. I always knew…" Alex could sense that Ally’s presence was still inside her. Ally’s spirit felt so strong, so in control. Ally seemed to be everything Alex wasn't. I'm going to stay with you until the day you die said Ally in her strange whispery voice. But I'm a vampire thought Alex. I won’t die. Alex could sense that Ally was laughing and was curious as to why. Even vampires die eventually said Ally. It would be boring if they didn't. Alex was a little confused. How could a ghost help her? I can show you how to get a great power whispered Ally. How? asked Alex. Ally took control of Alex and they ran through the woods. Trees raced past and the wind blew through Alex's hair. Alex didn't stop running until they reached a clearing in the woods. It began to rain hard and the ground became slimy and wet. Alex started digging in the mud although she wasn't sure what she was looking for. The thick, dark mud reminded her of her recurring dream which seemed to be always in the back of her mind. Her soaking wet hair fell down in front of her face as she scrambled around in the mud. She slipped as she dug and fell flat on her face. She was now absolutely coated in mud but still she dug. As she dug something red caught her eye. She delved further into the mud and unearthed a bright red crystal. Is this what I'm looking for thought Alex? YES! Alex picked up the crystal and began to study it. As she touched the crystal it began to glow brightly. Whatever you do don't let go, whispered Ally. As Alex held the crystal she could feel its power, so pure, so full of energy. It was pouring into her. The power was running through her veins and giving her a new kind of strength. For the first time in her life she felt powerful. For the first time in her life she felt complete. The next morning Alex awoke from a bed of leaves. She was caked in mud and got up feeling very different. She felt powerful. Alex began to walk home when Ally spoke to her. Alex, try to use your power. Just imagine you're home and you will be. Alex closed her eyes and began to form an image in her mind. When she opened her eyes she was in front of her house. When she walked in the front door Warren, Jeannie, Charlie and Kestrel were there looking worried. Warren looked scruffy for once, like he hadn't slept. God knows what I look like she thought Alex. Everyone stared at her in horror as she walked into the living room and all started talking at once. "What happened?" "Are you okay?" "Why did you run off?" She said nothing. She looked relieved that he wasn't hurt or mad at her for running away but he was clearly a little rattled. "Are you alright," he asked her. "Yeah. I'm going to get a shower,” mumbled Ally speaking through Alex. Jeannie began to whine at her. “Alex you disappear for a night and walk in looking like you've been rolling around in mud and that's all you say!" "I don't have to explain anything to you,” said Ally quietly. Ally why did you speak to her like that…? thought Alex. …Because she's interfering answered Ally. Alex turned around and walked upstairs. Warren followed her to the bathroom and prevented her from entering. "Alex what's with you? Why are you acting so weird” Warren said aggressively, his voice getting louder and louder as he became more and more angry. "Because I can do what I like!" "We were worried about you!" "So! You shouldn't have worried about me I can take care of myself!" "What’s wrong with you? You aren’t usually like this!" Ally stamped her foot impatiently. She was in complete control of Alex's body. She was angry at how everyone treated Alex like she needed babysitting. She didn't have to answer to them. "Can you move please? I want to get a shower and you're in the way." "Gladly,” mumbled Warren angrily. Ally please tries to be polite. I would be polite if people stopped annoying me. Why does he care so much where you've been anyway? …Because he loves me. Ally didn't speak from then on and Alex had a chance to speak but it was too late, Warren had already stormed off down the stairs. "Warren wait! I didn't mean it! Warren!" Warren walked out of her house slamming the door as he went. Alex felt very ashamed of herself for letting Ally speak to him in such a rough manner and angry at Ally. But it wasn't really Ally's fault thought Alex. After all Ally isn't the one in love with him. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were in love with him. If I had known I wouldn't have spoken to him like that. I’m so sorry Alex. It's okay. I should have told you before anyway. Later that day when Alex was in her house, Warren came by and he was still very angry. "Warren?" "Can I come in?” he asked. He came in and sat down on the settee as far away from Alex as possible. He was in a very bad mood. "Well?" "Well what? asked Alex confused. "Aren't you going to tell me what's going on? Why have you suddenly turned moody and selfish?" I'm not selfish! Ally wasn't too pleased with his remark. "Is it because you're a vampire? Is it because you don't really love me? Is that it? Did you just pretend to like me so that you could get information out of me and now you want to get rid of me?" "No, that's not it."` If we wanted to get rid of him we'd do it by putting a stake through his heart. ALLY! I was just joking around. I wouldn't touch your boyfriend. "Will you listen to what I'm saying!” shouted Warren. "What?” Alex had forgotten that they were in the middle of a conversation. It was hard trying to listen to two people at the same time. "There's no use talking to you. It’s just a waste of time,” Warren moaned getting up and putting his coat back on. "Warren. I’m sorry. I’ve just got a lot to deal with just now." "And I haven’t. I’m risking losing the rest of my family by going out with you. If my aunties and cousins find out about us they would disown me, Jeannie and Charlie. God knows what Uncle Dave would say if he found out that I was in love with a Kavanof. He hates the Kavanof’s more than any other Nixon." NIXON Ally exclaimed. He’s a Nixon! This is perfect. You dad must hate this. Alex didn't understand why Ally was so pleased about this. Don't you get it Alex? The only time Dad ever slips up is when he's mad! He makes mistakes when he’s worked up. It’s just difficult to get him worked up. "I thought that you were worth the risk, that you were different from your family. Obviously I was wrong. I’m leaving. Call me when you get over yourself." DON’T LET HIM LEAVE shouted Ally! How can I stop him? Ally took over and grabbed Warren. "Let go of me!" he shouted enraged. Ally showed Alex what to do. She put her hands on the sides of Warrens face and opened his mind. She showed him what had happened the night before when she had discovered Ally. It was a rush of energy as the information transferred into his brain and when Alex pulled away she nearly collapsed with exhaustion. It completely drained her. She badly needed to rest. Warren carried her to the settee and lay her down gently. "Alex?" he asked worriedly. "It’s okay. I just tired myself out." "That was incredible,” said Warren.” Now I understand why you acted so different. It was Ally talking." "Yeah. She doesn't like people making her feel weak. She does whatever she wants and doesn't let anyone get in the way except me." Warren was deep in thought. He was fascinated by the thought of Alex having the spirit of her twin sister around and having magic. He didn't even know that ghosts and magic existed. He had never really believed it before. "Can I talk to Ally?” asked Warren. Alex nodded and let Ally take over. "What is it lover boy?" she quipped. "Hi, I was just going to say that you don't need to worry about me ever hurting Alex. I love her and I would never do anything to hurt her." "I know that." "I just thought that you might disapprove with me being a Nixon." Ally grinned. "Warren this relationship is probably the only chance we have of beating my dad He hates the Nixons. It’s perfect." "What about AJ?" asked Warren. This boy’s quite smart thought Ally. Yes he Alex replied somewhere in the echo of her mind. "Well you see AJ cared about me. He knew me for ten years and my dad has probably told him a lot of lies about my death. I can get him to turn against Dad." Warren grinned. "Good idea. Turn them against each other." "But first we have to bring me back to life. I can't cope with living in Alex. Her mind is too complex and everyone treats her like a baby." “How are we going to bring you back, Ally?” "Warren, if we spill some of your blood over my dead body I will be a vampire but not like Dad and AJ. Then I can help.” Ally suddenly went silent and left Alex's body to leave them alone. Alex didn’t know where she went but she felt in control again. "Ally? Are you still in there?" "No Warren. It’s just me Alex." Alex hugged him relieved that she hadn't lost him. When she looked up she gazed into Warren's eyes. He kissed her softly and touched her face tenderly. "I really am sorry for how Ally treated you this morning,” whispered Alex. "Forget about it. That wasn't you." Alex felt secure again and rested her head on Warrens shoulder. She could hardly believe that she had nearly lost him. "How long do we have to dig for?” asked Warren wiping the sweat off his forehead? "As long as it takes, now keep digging,” replied Alex. They were both in Sunny Hurst Woods looking for Ally's body. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was burning them with its hot rays. "Please can we take a break?” whined Warren.” We’ve been digging all day and I'm thirsty." "Oh, alright. You can go to the nearest shop and get a drink or something." Warren dropped his spade and kissed Alex on the cheek. "Be back in a minute.” Warren walked off whistling and Alex carried on digging. When Warren came back she was still working hard. "You should take a break a break for a while. I got you an ice-cream and some pop." Alex dropped her spade and Warren handed her an ice-cream. "Thanks Warren." "It's a pleasure. Anyway there was an ice-cream van just around the corner." They sat down on a log eating ice-cream and Warren placed two bottles of pop onto the floor. "I meant thanks for helping me out. You didn't have to help me. I know Ally appreciates it too." "Like I said, it’s a pleasure,” replied Warren smiling. Alex smiled back. Why did he always know just what to say? "Right let’s get back to work. It’s getting dark." They stood up and jumped back into the hole they had dug. They picked up their spades and carried on digging. "Tell me again why you can't use magic to do this,” said Warren throwing a spadeful of dirt over his shoulder. "I told you. I’m not strong enough to do that sort of sorcery yet. After last night I won't be able to do any magic for a while." A few hours later when the pale moon was the only light visible. Alex hit something hard with her spade. "I've found something!” she exclaimed. Alex got down on her hands and knees and began to dig around in the dirt. She started to uncover a skeleton. Alex and Warren dug excitedly and unearthed an entire skeleton. "What now?” asked Warren? "Did you bring a sample of blood?" Warren nodded and pulled a plastic container filled with blood out of his pocket. He took the lid off and handed it to Alex. "I'm surprised you have any blood left. Charlie seems to take a lot of blood from you. "Well this isn't my blood. It’s Jeannie’s. Will that do?" "Yeah. That's fine." Alex poured the blood slowly over the skeleton making sure that it went on every bone. She chanted as she did this in words Warren could barely recognise. The ground began to tremble beneath them. Ally's skeleton seemed to be changing. First it formed internal organs and pale skin, and then it had facial features. Next came hair and lastly it had eyes. Ally was alive again. Alex and Warren gasped as Ally opened her eyes and stood up. "Ally! You’re alive! exclaimed Alex. "Of course I am,” replied Ally folding her arms. Ally was taller than Alex with thick wild blonde hair that was very long. She had emerald green eyes and was built like a model. She stood proud and strong before them. "We should go and tell the S.S and those friends of yours about me,” said Ally smiling. When she smiled she reminded Alex of a cat. Confident, dangerous and wild… "How can we explain this?” asked Warren. "We'll find a way,” replied Ally.” But first let’s go for some food. I haven't eaten in years and I'm famished." "Great idea!” said Warren grinning.” I’m starving." "You never stop eating!” said Alex smiling. Ally put her arms around them and gave them both a mischievous grin. "Now that I'm around you two are going to have some real fun." Later that night all three of them stumbled into Alex's house which was in darkness. They were all giddy having been to several nightclubs and drank lots of alcohol. Usually Alex wouldn't have dreamed of going to a nightclub. She didn't think that she would get in. Ally however had walked straight up to the clubs cool as a cucumber and flirted with the doormen. They got in right away. They weren’t even asked for ID. As they crept in Alex bumped into a cupboard and someone switched the living room light on. Charlie and Kestrel were sitting on the settee looking very angry. Jeannie was stood by the light switch. "Oh, hi there. What are you doing here?” asked Alex. She couldn't seem to speak properly, walk properly or even see properly. Everything was blurry. "We've been waiting for you two,” said Charlie sternly.” It’s four o’clock in the morning." Warren and Alex turned around to see where Ally was. Two? There were three of them a second ago. Ally was in the porch out of the others sight. She signalled to Alex and Warren so that they wouldn't tell the others that she was there. "Where have you been?” asked Jeannie.” We were worried sick about you." "Er...out,” said Alex. "We've been out on the town. `Massive', `Utopia', `BarJava' `Savannah'. You name any nightclub and we've been there tonight”, said Warren giggling. God he's drunker than I am thought Alex. "You've been to nightclubs!” shouted Charlie. "Why didn't you take me with you?” Jeannie whined. Charlie glared at her. "What he meant to say that you shouldn't be going to nightclubs and drinking at your age," Kestrel interrupted. "Drinking! You’ve been drinking." Jeannie laughed at this remark. "Well duh. They didn't go there just to dance and it's so obvious. Just look at them,” she said pointing at them. “Warren can't stop giggling, Alex is slurring her words and neither of them can even see straight." Kestrel and Charlie started lecturing them about how dangerous and stupid they were. They kept saying things like” You should know better" and "You could have got into some serious trouble." Finally Ally got tired of listening and stepped into the living room making Jeannie, Charlie and Kestrel gasp. "Oh please. Can’t you let them have even a bit of a life?” she said putting her hands on her hips. "Who are you?” asked Jeannie staring at her in amazement. "I'm Alex's twin, Ally." Everyone started talking at once asking her a lot of questions. "Hey...stop it. I’ll explain everything as soon as I get Romeo and Juliet to bed,” said Ally putting her arms around Alex and Warren again. After Ally explained everything Charlie started pestering her about going to a nightclub. "Excuse me. You think that I am leading them astray. Listen up Charlie you may be able to boss Alex and Warren around but you can't tell me what to do. I lived with the most evil vampire in the world for ten years and even he couldn't control me. He had to kill me." The next morning Alex woke up with a banging headache. Warren was still asleep next to her. She crawled out of bed and walked downstairs holding her head. She looked around for some painkillers. "Oh hi, how are you feeling today?” asked Ally who was sprawled across the settee watching T.V." "Just fantastic," mumbled Alex.” Wait a minute. Did you tell Charlie and the others about you or did I dream that?" "I told them. I wasn't going to but they kept hassling you and Warren. I wasn't going to let them get away with that. By the way where's Warren? Is he still in bed?" Alex nodded. Then a loud bang came from upstairs. "Not any more,” said Alex grinning. Later that day when they were all in Warren's house, Alex and Warren were getting sick of having no privacy. They desperately wanted some time alone. Everyone was following them around trying to protect them. When Ally went to the shop and the others were upstairs looking for weapons to use against Alex's dad Warren thought of an idea. "Quick. While everyone's gone we can sneak out,” he whispered. "Where will we go?” asked Alex. "I know somewhere we can go." "We can't just leave without telling anyone." Warren grabbed a pen and quickly wrote a note on the notepad that was kept by the phone. Warren took Alex by the hand and they quickly sneaked out. They ran down the street and were soon well away from their houses. When Ally got back from the shop she found everyone crowded around the phone. "What's going on?” she asked. "Warren and Alex have run off together for tonight. They wrote that they want to spend some time together,” said Charlie handing her Warren's note. Ally smiled and mumbled. “Nice going Warren. She needed some time away from these people." Alex and Warren ran to Sunny Hurst Woods and spent the rest of the day together. Alex couldn't remember a time when she had been happier. That night when Warren was asleep Alex was awoken by the sound of a twig breaking. Usually she wouldn't wake up but this time she did. She stood up and looked around. "I'm over here Alex,” whispered a deep voice from further in the woods. Alex walked over to where the voice was coming from and saw a tall man with his back to her. "Who are you?" The man turned around and Alex gasped as she saw his face. "What's wrong? Don’t you recognise your own father?” said the man grinning. "Dad!" "I've come to take you home." All Alex saw in his eyes was cruelty. His smile was full of madness and his face reflected a cruel and calculating individual. How could Alex have ever thought that she looked like him? How could anyone ever think that they looked similar? He was pure evil. "I won't go with you. You’ll have to drag me away by my hair." "That can be arranged Alex." Alex slowly shuffled further away from him. He grabbed her and shook her roughly. "Why do you like these people? What have they ever done for you? Do you think that any humans care about you? Do you think that the Slayers really care about you? Once they have used you to get rid of me they'll kill you and your boyfriend." He said the word humans with such disgust that Alex knew how much he hated them straight away. "Do you really believe that they really think that you're a good person? They just think that you're a freak. They want to get rid of you like they got rid of my parents. They didn't care that my parents didn't want to be vampires. They just cared about using them to get to other vampires. Do you know what they did when they no longer needed them? They rammed a stake through my dad's heart and cut off my mums head right in front of me." Alex realised then at that moment that he hadn't always been evil. He had become that way because he hated humans and would do anything to kill them. They were his obsession and his enemy for life. "Why did you kill Warren and Jeannie's parents? They were vampires…” asked Alex nervously. "…Because they always got in the way. They tried to stop me from killing so I had to get rid of them. I warned them. I didn't enjoy killing them because they were vampires but they left me with no choice. They tried to stop me from killing the slayers who killed my parents. But nothing would stop me from killing those witches." "What witches?" "Kestrel and Raven." Alex gasped. So that's why Kestrel knew her family so well. Alex couldn't believe that Kestrel was a witch. She had read about witches but she doubted what she had read was truly accurate. "What did you do to them?" "I found a spell that took their powers away. Next I killed Raven who had staked my dad. AJ killed her sister Kestrel for me. He went after her and cut off her head just as she cut off my mums head." Alarm bells went in Alex’s head. Kestrel wasn’t dead. Why would AJ say he killed her. "What spell did you use?" "I stored their magic in a crystal along with the magic of thousands of other witches." "Where's the crystal?" "That would be telling. Let’s just say that it's safe." "Why do you enjoy killing?" Alex's dad, Jacques smirked. "Every time I kill I pretend that my victim is those two slayers. If I kill it takes away the visions of my parent’s death for a while." "Did you ever love my mum?" Jack calmed down when she said that. "At one time I did but when she found out what I was she freaked out and tried to kill me so I hypnotised her and erased most of her memory of me." For just a moment Jack seemed to be human with emotions and feelings like everyone else. But then he grinned his evil grin again. "Well that's enough family history. Now let's go." "No!" "I'm taking you home and that's that." "Wait. I’ve got an idea,” Alex said trying her best to act as crazy as her dad. "What?" "These people have come to trust me. I can get close to them. Find out their weaknesses. Find out what they've got planned." Jack scoffed at this. "I don't care what pathetic plans they have. All I came for was you." Jack tried to drag her away but she protested. "But they'll have a secret weapon to use against you! They have something you don’t know about." Jack stopped and let go of her. "Keep talking." "They talked about using someone called Ally against you, whoever that is." Jack raised his eyes in surprise at that name. He looked shocked. "Ally was your twin. She was wild and tried to get in the way of my plans. Warren's dad, that Nixon killed her. If they brought her back AJ might side with them." "Not if I hang around them for a while and find out what their plans are. I can maybe help stop them without them noticing." "What do you mean? Are you going to turn on them at the last minute?" Alex nodded and Jack grinned again. "That's my girl,” he said.” What about that Nixon boy? AJ says you're in love with him." "Well I'm not. I just used him to get information about you." "Well aren't you a clever girl?" In a second he was gone from her sight. Alex had said the only thing she could to stop him from taking her away but in doing so she had given him a chance to prepare to deal with Ally. What Alex didn't realise was that Warren was behind her and he had heard the whole conversation. "I knew it,” he said appearing from behind a tree. Alex turned around in surprise. "Warren, I...I didn't see you there." "Everyone warned me that the Kavanof's were no good. But I didn't listen to them. I thought that you were different." "But, Warren!" "You're just like Jack and AJ. You're nothing but a devious, selfish bitch. I hate you" Alex felt like someone had stabbed her through the heart. "Warren. You don't understand,” she sobbed. "Oh I understand alright. You're just using me." Tears slid down Alex's face. I’m going to lose him she thought. "And stop crying. Stop trying to get me to feel sorry for you. Alex couldn't bear this icy side of Warren's nature. Warren was about to leave when Alex shouted. "I only said that to my dad so that he wouldn't take me with him!" "I don't believe you!" Alex felt a rage swelling up inside her. He doesn't trust me she thought. "Fine then if you don't believe me! See if I care!” shouted Alex. "I've never betrayed you! I’m sick of being punished for my dad's crimes! I didn't ask his daughter. I didn't want to become a vampire and I never would have imagined that I'd fall in love with one either. I never did anything to deserve being treated like this! When I dreamed of having adventures I never dreamed that it would be like this." Warren was shocked at Alex's angry outburst. He wasn't used to her being so angry and aggressive. Alex stormed off leaving a surprised Warren behind. "Alex! I’m sorry! Alex comes back!" It was too late; Alex had already disappeared from sight. What have I done thought Warren? Why am I always so quick to turn on her? Alex stayed in the forest that night away from everyone. She felt angry and resentful. A bitter cold had frozen her heart and left her feeling isolated and alone. This is the way it has to be she thought, the way it's always been. I am now and always will be alone because I'm different. I don't fit in anywhere. I’m not like my mum, I’m not like my dad and I'm not like my friends. I’m too unusual for humans and too soft for vampires. My own boyfriend doesn't even trust me. This part of the forest is the only place that I'm safe. Alex was in a small rundown chapel in the forest. It was made of white marble and was hidden by trees that had overgrown. It was in a small pit in the woods. She had found it quite by accident. Alex had been running away after the argument with Warren and had tripped over a thick tree root. After she landed flat on her face she looked up and saw the small chapel peeking out at her from behind some trees. She jumped quickly into the pit and searched for an entrance. Once inside the ancient chapel she sat down on a bench and cried until her tears had all dried up. She spent the night there cold and alone curled up on the hard wooden bench. That night as she slept a vision came to her. She saw what looked like Jack but thousands of years back in time. He was part of a tribe and was surrounded by black natives wearing animal skins and holding wooden spears. He was surrounded by thirty dead wildcats, all different colours and sizes. The natives had a strange way of talking but Alex could understand it. They were putting a curse on Jack “In your future generations,” bellowed the leader of the tribe. “I place a curse that every two hundredth child born from the blood of the unholy one will be punished with a curse starting before their sixteenth year. They will be punished for your crimes until one of them can redeem the family and lift the curse. Chapter 7 The next day she woke up early. She hadn't slept well and had a sore back from sleeping on the bench. She devoted most of her morning to making traps around the chapel. She wanted to make sure that no one except her could get inside. She didn't think much of her vision and presumed that it was nothing. Once all of her traps were in place Alex decided that she would have to go home sometime. She was beginning to wish that she hadn't got spare keys to her house cut for Warren and Charlie. All she wanted now was to defeat her dad and leave all of the vampires and slayers behind her. After I beat my dad I'll have nothing to do with any of those people she thought bitterly. I’ll have to pretend to be interested in their lives to keep my dad from kidnapping me but after I'm done I never want to see Warren or any of them ever again. She arrived home later that day and Warren, Jeannie and Charlie were there. Ally wasn’t. Alex marched up to them and asked for her keys back. "Alex don't you think that we should keep at least one key in case of an emergency?” asked Charlie. "No I don't and I also don't appreciate you people barging into my home whenever you feel like it." Warren and Charlie handed over the keys that she had given them without saying another word about it. "Alex, can I speak to you for a minute?” asked Warren quietly.” Alone." "Whatever you want to say you can say in front of everyone." "Alex, I’m sorry for what I said. I love you." Alex felt a rage burning inside of her. If you loved me you would have believed me! "Oh well then that makes it all better,” said Alex sarcastically. "Don't be like that Alex." "What do you want me to say Warren? That I'll forget what you said and go back to the way things were! Well I can't forget it! It’s over! You’ve messed everything up!" "But I love you,” said Warren.” I don't want to lose you." He was almost in tears but Alex didn't let that soften her. "It doesn't matter what you want! It all comes down to one thing! You don't trust me! You think that I'm going to be like my dad and turn on you. Do you know what it feels like when you think you're going to turn into a monster and then you find out that someone you love thinks that too? Do you know how much that hurt me?" Warren looked so ashamed of himself that it hurt Alex to look at him then she realised that she was softening up and tried not to. "I never meant to hurt you Alex." "Well it's too late,” she said coldly.” You broke my heart and I don't want to risk feeling like that again." Warren looked up at her and saw the resentment in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Alex,” he said softly. He walked quickly out of the front door with his head down and didn't look at anyone. Everyone was staring at Alex. "Alex, are you okay?” asked Jeannie putting her hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex pulled away and spoke to everyone. She didn't even notice Ally enter the house. "Now let's get this straight. I am only speaking to you people because I need your help to defeat my dad and once the job is done I never want to see any of you ever again. I was fine before I met you lot. I had a normal life before and when my dad has been defeated I'm going to forget all of you and go back to being the weird girl. I preferred that to being the helpless daughter of Jack Kavanof’s don't want your pity, I don't want your protection and I don't want anyone to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Now please can you all leave me alone and give me some peace and quiet for a change. My school holiday may have been ruined but there's still chance that I could pick up what's left of my life." "Well you're finally standing up for yourself,” said Ally. Alex looked at her and smiled. Ally was the one person who truly cared about Alex's feelings. Everyone left and Ally and Alex sat down to watch T.V. "Is lover boy coming over later?” asked Ally grinning. "No. I broke up with him." "Why the hell did you do that?" "You go out with him then!" Ally stayed quiet for a moment. "What happened?" "He doesn't trust me." Ally moved over to where Alex was sitting and hugged her spontaneously. "Stop that Ally. I’m okay." "Sure you are Alex. Whatever you say." “Really, I’m fine Ally." "Alex, you just broke up with the first real boyfriend you ever had. It hurts more with your first love." "Really and what would you know about love?" Ally went quiet and looked at her with a sad look in her face. "I loved AJ. He's my brother and I was very close to him. Since I've been gone he's turned into a monster. That breaks my heart." "Ally, I’m scared of being like dad." "You'll never be like dad." "Even Warren thought that I would be like him." "Well I don't and Jeannie doesn't either." Alex looked up at her in confusion. Jeannie had never said much to Alex about what she thought. "Jeannie suspected me from the very beginning." "She doesn't suspect you now. She told me that you were the nicest friend she ever had and that you're nothing like the other Kavanof's." Alex smiled. Jeannie’s approval meant a lot to her. That night she took Ally to the chapel in the forest were they talked all night? She also took a blanket and pillow with her. Alex felt less alone than usual. All of her life she had felt like a big part of her was missing. Ally was one part of her that had been missing and Jeannie was another part. But still Alex didn't feel complete. She was missing something else or maybe someone else. The next night when Alex and Ally were fast asleep in Alex's house they both started to have the same dream. They saw Warren, Jeannie and Kestrel at Warren's house in the living room. Also there was a big group of adults and a teenage boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. One of the adults was very tall and looked very strong. He was the oldest in the room and had thick white hair and a white beard. Alex and Ally sensed that they were members of the Nixon family and that he was the head of them. "I hear you're in a bit of trouble with the Kavanof's boy,” said the man. "Is that why you're here Dave?" asked Jeannie. "Yeah. We came to help out." Warren looked very tired and miserable. Dave seemed to notice this. "My God what's wrong with you Warren? You're not still upset about Cara are you boy?" Warren shook his head. "No I don't care about Cara anymore." Dave looked surprised. How could he not care about Cara anymore? About a year ago he would have died for her. Now he didn't care? Alex and Ally sensed another presence in the house. A tall figure was in the kitchen. It was AJ! He was carrying something in his hands and was going to throw it at Warren! Alex and Ally both jumped up and Alex ran straight away to Warren’s. Ally was too dazed to run after her at first. She wasn't used to having visions while she was asleep. Alex burst into Warren's house and saw that AJ was standing over Warren with a stake. The Nixons clearly recognised a Kavanof when they saw one. "Anyone moves and Romeo here gets it!” shouted AJ "AJ. Please let him goes!” shouted Kestrel. "Sorry I can't do that babe,” he snarled. Alex stood in the porch out of sight not knowing what to do. Even though he had broken her heart she still loved Warren and couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him. Warren was a bit dazed. He had been hit over the head with a vase and there was bits of it scattered about the floor. "Now Romeo, tell me where's Juliet?” said AJ smirking. "I don't know." "You must know. I don't believe all that crap she told my dad about her using you for information. I saw how worried she was when I had you in the Rox. Either she cares about you or she's a brilliant actress. Now tell me where she is!" "I don't know. She...she dumped me." AJ started to laugh. "So she's finally seen sense. Tell me Warren what was her excuse for dumping you?" Warren seemed uncomfortable telling him. Dave and the Nixons were very confused. They only knew Jack and AJ Kavanof. "I heard her talking to Jack and accused her of being like him." AJ laughed even more. "You are a moron. She's acts too human to be like him. Well it's been nice chatting to you but now it's time for you to die I think." "You have to kill us first!” shouted Dave. Alex knew that even the Nixons weren't strong enough to beat AJ. They would all be killed. AJ raised the stake and was about to strike when Alex ran into the living room. "No......!" Alex dived on AJ and knocked him over. He pushed her off and they both scrambled to get up. "Who are you?” asked Dave. "I'm Alex, Jack Kavanof's daughter." "Then why are you fighting him?" "…Because I love Warren." A small mumble came from behind Alex. "I never thought that I would hear those words again,” mumbled Warren. "Alex, move out of the way!” said AJ angrily. "No!" Just at that moment Ally walked into the living room and he looked at her in shock. "Leave them alone AJ." "and who are you?” asked Dave. "Ally Kavanof, Alex's twin." AJ couldn't seem to speak. Kestrel looked at her in surprise. "But you're dead. Jack killed you." "No he didn't Kestrel. Warren’s dad Daniel killed her!” shouted AJ. They started arguing and Ally butted in. She explained everything to AJ and after a while he believed her. While everyone was talking Alex put Warren on the settee and stroked his forehead tenderly. "I thought that I'd lost you,” whispered Warren gazing at her.” I’m so sorry for what I said." "I know. I think that I can try to forget that if you'll take me back." Warren smiled. "I love you. Of course I'll take you back and I'll never doubt you again." Alex kissed him tenderly and felt the ice that was wrapped around her heart melt away. Warren sat up and they hugged. She felt like she could never let go of him again. Dave watched the two of them warily. "This explains why he was calling you Romeo," said Dave quietly. He looked at them with disgust. How can he love a Kavanof he thought? After all that they’ve done. "Warren, are you insane?” he asked. Everyone went silent and looked at Dave. "What are you talking about?” asked Warren letting go of Alex. "She's a Kavanof! Er dad killed your mum and dad. Her dad killed my brother. How can you love her?" Warren felt an anger rise inside him. "I love her because of who she is. She’s nothing like her dad and she never will be. She would rather die than be like him. I know that now." "How can you look at her without seeing Jack?" Jeannie interrupted. "She's my best friend and I won't let you compare her to HIM." "I can't stand listening to this anymore!” shouted Alex. She got up and stormed off into the kitchen. She was sick of listening to people argue. Warren came after her and hugged her. They didn't say a word but just held each other. Warren stroked Alex's face and smiled at her. They kissed passionately as if they hadn't kissed in years. Two days had felt like two years to them. They knew then that they had to stay together. They needed each other. That night Alex and Warren were alone in the chapel. The glow of hundreds of candles filled the chapel and it was much warmer than the last time Alex was there. They stayed the night feeling glad to be back together. "I really missed you,” said Warren smiling at her. "I missed you too." They started kissing passionately and Alex held onto Warren as he cupped her face. Suddenly Alex pulled away and looked at him. "What? Why have you stopped?" Alex gazed at him and whispered in his ear. "I want more." "What?” asked Warren in confusion. "I want more." Alex looked deep into his eyes in a way that told him what she wanted. "Oh..."He pulled a small packet out of his pocket. Alex stroked the side of his face gently and leaned towards him. "You know what I want to do,” she whispered. Warren grabbed her and kissed her madly. They had just got each other back and they weren't going to ever let go of each other. Alex tore Warren's shirt off caught up in animal passion and lust. As they undressed each other they could sense each others minds. They were completely open to each other and Alex began to see what had happened after she had shouted at Warren the night before. She saw Warren walk home and felt the pain he had felt. She saw him shut himself in his room and felt his rage. He had hated himself for hurting him and for doubting her. He had picked up a chair and threw it across the room. Then Jeannie had ran in and put her arms around him. “I broke her heart. I hurt her,” he’d sobbed. “I’ve ruined everything. I was so stupid. How could I ever think that she was evil?" I wish I had never spoke to my dad that day. I should have just let him take me thought Alex. Warren could hear her thoughts as clearly as his own. You weren't to know that I was listening Alex. At that moment Warren began to feel how Alex felt when she was at the chapel the night he had accused her. He could feel her pain and how afraid she was. I'm so sorry Alex. I was just confused. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's okay that doesn't matter now. They were now both completely naked and were sliding their hands all over each others bodies. As they began to have sexual intercourse and arouse each other they lost all sense of control. All they felt was the need to be as close as possible and satisfy their sexual cravings. They moved their bodies faster and faster increasing that feeling they both had. They were so close that it was incredible. Just to have Warren inside her made Alex feel ecstatic. For once in her life she didn't feel alone. As they reached their climax Alex gasped and felt as if a great power had been unleashed in her. Then it was over. Warren kissed her once and stroked her cheek tenderly then lay down next to her. She snuggled up to him feeling safe in his arms. They didn't say a word. They didn't need to. They could understand most of what each other felt and could see most of what each other saw. As Alex lay sleeping in Warrens arms she had a drama’s face flashed into her mind. She saw AJ following someone through the forest. She saw a young girl. AJ sneaked upon the girl and grabbed her from behind. The girl didn't scream though she just gasped in fright. “You’re going to pay for what you did to my grandmother Kestrel. You’re going to die just like she did," snarled AJ. I'm seeing the past thought Alex. This is what happened a year ago. "You don't understand,” whispered Kestrel. “We had no choice but to kill them. They were evil." "You're lying. Dad told me that they never hurt anyone." "He can't face up to the fact that his parents were monsters. He won't believe me when I say that his parents were murderers. His mother killed my parents and brother. He was just four years old." Kestrel’s voice was full or rage and loss. AJ looked at her in disbelief. He loosened his grip for a moment and she turned around. His expression softened when he saw how frightened she was. Alex jumped up in surprise. She had presumed that AJ had accidentally let Kestrel go but something told her that this wasn't the case. Had he let her go on purpose and lied to his dad? If so why? Warren was still asleep beside her, so Alex snuggled up to him and tried to go back to sleep. In the early hours of the morning Alex began to dream again. She saw AJ and Kestrel meeting in the forest. "What did you tell him?” asked Kestrel. "That I cut off your head. Dad doesn't suspect a thing." Kestrel looked up at him as if she was about to say something. AJ asked her what was on her mind. "Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? Why did you let me live?" AJ didn't answer at first. He seemed to be preoccupied with something. "I've been asking myself that very thing. It’s just that I'm confused. I don't know who's telling the truth and I couldn't kill you knowing that you might be innocent. Besides I don't enjoy killing despite what people say. I only kill when I think its necessary." "You're not as bad as your reputation. Your dad loves killing but you're different." AJ grinned and grabbed her roughly. "I'm still a bad boy though,” he whispered looking into her eyes. He kissed her quickly and passionately. When he pulled away Kestrel's face was flushed. She seemed to be fighting to keep in control. "Why did you do that?” asked Kestrel pushing him away. "…Because I like girls who are more than just a pretty face. We both know about the dark side of life." "But we're enemies." AJ just grinned again. "That's what makes it so much fun. I’m just guessing here but maybe a wild love affair is just what you need." Alex jumped awake. She was shocked. AJ and Kestrel were seeing each other! No wonder AJ had let her live. He had a crush on her. Alex drifted back into her deep sleep and saw AJ and Kestrel lying on the floor of the forest kissing. AJ stopped and looked at Kestrel who was only half dressed. He smiled at her in a sweet way that Alex had never seen before. It was much nicer than his usual manic grin. "Why are you looking at me like that?” asked Kestrel quietly. "…Because you’re beautiful and sexy." "Thanks." Kestrel blushed and AJ kissed her softly. "It's weird. I’ve slept with hundreds of girls and that's all they were to me, just girls, but with you it's different. It’s never felt like this before. Kestrel gazed at him. "You can be really sweet when you want to be,” she whispered. Alex woke up again and turned to see if Warren was next to her. She found that he wasn't there. "Warren!" Warren was in the next room of the chapel and rushed back to Alex. "What?" "There's something I've got to tell you." Chapter 8 Later that day Alex and Warren went to find Ally to tell her about AJ and Kestrel. She wasn't in Alex's so they tried Warren's house. Dave, Charlie, Jeannie, AJ, Ally and Kestrel were all there. Alex and Warren sat down on a two seated chair across from the settee were AJ, Ally and Kestrel were sat. They watched AJ and Kestrel carefully to see if they made eye contact or tried to flirt. "Where have you two been?” Charlie asked them. "Around,” they both answered. "And what have you two been doing?” asked Ally. "Nothing,” they both said. "Why are you both talking?” asked Jeannie in confusion.” Only one of you needs to answer." They glanced at each other and Ally looked at them as if she had just realised something. AJ and Kestrel kept glancing at each other. "I’m just going to the shop?” said Kestrel nervously. "I need to get something." AJ made an excuse and left too. They both rushed off out the front door obviously going somewhere to be together and leaving Alex and Warren looking at them suspiciously. Dave meanwhile was glaring at Alex. Charlie just said nothing for once. Alex was beginning to wonder what Warren had thought of the night before. He hadn't mentioned it at all. Warren seemed to be thinking about something. "There was a lot of excitement last night wasn't there,” said Warren glancing at Alex. Alex looked away nervously. Ally and Jeannie were looking at them suspiciously now. Alex felt like everyone was watching and like everyone knew what she had been doing the night before. "Yes. It was very exciting,” said Charlie.” I think we've got much more excitement to come yet." Warren looked at Alex again as if he was expecting her to say something. "So, Alex...What did you think of last night?" Warren stared at her waiting for an answer that would tell him what he wanted to know. Alex was so nervous that she was sweating and her heart was beating really fast. "Well um... it was...Last night was...You know what I need a drink. I’m just going to get a glass of water." Alex flew into the kitchen feeling relieved to be away from everyone. Warren came in after her. "I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that." Warren scratched the back of his neck like he did when he was nervous. "Why did you say that then? What did you want me to say?" Warren looked down at his feet then looked up at Alex apologetically. "I wanted to know if you regret last night. I mean you lost your virginity. You must wonder wither you should have done it or not. You must wonder if you were ready. I remember how weird I felt after my first time with Cara." Alex smiled. “Is that what you wanted to know?" She moved closer to him and rested her arms on his shoulders, half-embracing him. She spoke softly in his ear. "I don't think about any of those things. I’m glad we slept together. I felt ready. I love you and I wouldn't change last night for anything." Alex suddenly wanted to explain to him the strange feeling that she had felt while they were having six’s didn't know quite how to explain it. She had felt some sort of release. "Warren, about last night, there was something else… I felt strange like…" "I can't believe you Warren!" Dave was stood in the doorway of the kitchen with a look that could scare even the bravest of people. “You had sex with her!" Alex felt terrified knowing that everyone had heard him. She didn't want them to know. It was something private and personal. Warren tried desperately to make Dave be keep his voice down, realising how sensitive this was. "Dave please doesn’t do this..." "You slept with a Kavanof!" "Please keep your voice down. I can explain everything!" "What's to explain? You should have known better." A sharp pain hit Alex's stomach as he shouted. She clutched it wishing that the earth would swallow her up. Everyone had come into the kitchen and was looking at her and Warren. "Calm down Uncle Dave," said Charlie trying in vain to control him. "You're a traitor. The Kavanof's are monsters." The pain got worse for Alex the more he shouted. Jeannie noticed this and rushed over to help her. "Dave I think we should talk about this later,” she interrupted feeling uneasy. "No! I won't talk about this later. She’s a Kavanof so she's evil!" The pain was now unbearable. Alex cried out in gut-wrenching agony which made everyone turn to see her. Then she just went ballistic and started screaming and screaming like she was being attacked. Warren didn't know what to do and asked her what was wrong franticly. "What is it Alex? Tell me what's wrong. Please talk to me." Alex felt her mutating into something inhuman. Butt it wasn't a vampire. She felt herself changing and remembered her vision of Jack being cursed. She felt hair rapidly growing all over her body and her canine teeth stretching out. Her insides felt like they were burning and her body were turning into something completely different. The pain was slowly fading and Alex ran into the dining room to get away from everyone. I don't want Warren to see me like this! I don't want anyone to see me like this she thought. Once in the dining room she looked up and saw herself in the mirror. She looked like an overgrown wildcat. She was being punished for what the man who looked like Jack had done thousands of years before. Alex screamed as she saw her reflection. She looked like an animal. She was disgusted with herself and broke down into hysterical tears. Warren ran over and held her in his arms as she sobbed loudly. He was completely freaked out but he just hugged her realising that if he was freaked she must have been really scared. "I'm a monster!" "No, you're not" "I'm disgusting! I’m an animal!" "No Alex." "Why me? Why did this happen to me? It’s not my birthday yet. The curse was supposed to happen the day before my birthday and that's not for half a year. Why me?" "I don't know Alex. All I know is that I love you and I'm never going to stop loving you no matter what happens to us." "This is all my dad's fault. It’s his fault I've got this stupid curse." Alex was full of anger and hatred and was half-hysterical. No one knew what to do, least of all Warren. "What do you mean Alex? What are you talking about?” asked Warren nervously. Alex picked up a chair and threw it across the room in a rage. "I hate him! I’m going to kill him!" Alex knocked the table over and threw more chairs over. "All of this pain because that bastard murdered a few wildcats! I hate him so much!" "Alex..!" Warren tried to calm her down now really scared and confused. "He knew that this was going to happen! That’s why he didn't just take me with him! He was playing games with us." AJ and Kestrel were now back from their escapades and walked in to see what all the screaming was about. "He could sense that it was building up in me! He wanted it to happen. I hate him! I wish he was dead!" Alex had destroyed half of the dining room by now but the mirror was still standing. AJ looked shocked at Alex's appearance and behaviour. Alex glared at him. "It should have been you!” she shouted pointing to him. “I don't deserve this. I didn't do anything wrong. It’s okay for you. You don’t care. You can just go and fuck Kestrel and leave me to all the emotional hell." Kestrel and AJ looked shocked. "We've never. I mean. We haven't um," Kestrel didn't know what to say. AJ just looked down at the floor in shame while Ally put her hands on Alex's shoulder and told her to calm down. Alex pushed her roughly and Ally fell to the floor. "Don't tell me what to do!" Ally felt disappointed. She had hoped that Alex would be the only one in the family to be good. She had prayed that Alex hadn't inherited the Kavanof temper. Alex looked down at her feeling powerful and strong but then she realised something. She wanted to hurt Ally. She wanted to hurt AJ and Kestrel and most of all she wanted to hurt her dad. Alex looked in the mirror at her fur-covered face and her sharp canines and saw a monster. She had changed. Her eyes weren't even the same at that moment. They were flashing a brilliant green and hatred was flaring behind them. Alex picked up a chair and threw it at the mirror. The sound of the glass breaking almost deafened her brilliant new sense of hearing and Alex watched the glass shatter. She looked at everyone's shocked faces and realised how Warren must be seeing her. Suddenly, Alex ran desperately out of the house with tears streaming down her face. She kept on running until she reached the chapel in the woods. Alex curled up in the quilt she kept there and lay her head on the pillow sobbing. I’m a monster she thought. I want to hurt people. I can't let anyone be close to me. I’m too dangerous. Although in an emotional state Alex managed to send a psychic message to Ally telling her not to follow her. She tried not to let Ally feel her pain but it was incredibly difficult. Alex cried her to sleep feeling such incredible hurt and pain. She was confused and angry with herself and only certain of one thing. That she must hide the pain. That she must close herself off to the rest of the world and push everyone who mattered away. If she didn't she would hurt people and she couldn't do that. She couldn't let them see that she was weak either. She must be strong. She had to be strong. That night a dark figure stood at the door of the chapel. He stared at the sleeping girl knowing that he would have her soon. Jack grinned his evil grin then did what he came to do. Meanwhile Warren was sitting in his house with his entire world crashing down around him. Everyone who had witnessed Alex's mutation was there in the living room except for Jeannie. Kestrel had her arm around AJ and Ally was letting tears fall slowly down her cheeks. Warren just stared, deep in thought. He knew that it was no use running after Alex. She would just tell him to go away. "Are you gonna be okay Ally?” asked AJ. Ally wiped away her tears and nodded. "It's just that I thought she was different to us. I really believed that she was better." "She is,” mumbled Warren. "It's a terrible thing. She really doesn’t deserve this,” Charlie said glancing at Warren. Warren looked up at AJ angrily. "No she didn't." AJ looked down at the floor shamefully. He knew what Warren thought of him. It was him that had turned her. He had probably speeded up whatever curse Alex had been ranting about. "Well it just proves what I thought,” said Dave. "And what's that?” Ally asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "That she's just as bad as the rest of the Kavanof’s. They're all natural born killers." Dave was on risky territory with two Kavanof’s being in the room but he didn’t care. But he wasn’t prepared for Warren’s reaction. Warren couldn't stand it any longer. He couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore. He stood up quickly and shouted at Dave. "This is all you fault. Charlie thinks that this curse that she was raving about was brought on early by stress or something. If the curse wasn't supposed to happen until just before her birthday we could have done something about it. But you had to go shouting your mouth off, telling everyone that we had slept together. It’s your fault she's like this." Warren looked at AJ. "And it’s your fault too for turning her.” He turned back to Dave. “But at least he seems to feel guilty about it." Dave stammered trying to defend himself. "But her dad killed my brother. I can’t forgive that." "Yes and her dad killed my mum and my dad but she shouldn't get blamed for it. She only found out that she had a dad a couple of months ago. She didn’t know. She’s innocent of his crimes." Everyone stared at Warren. "You all sit here talking about her, acting like you know her. You don't know her at all. You look at her and you see Jack. The only person who even bothered to get to know her was Jeannie. Okay at first she judged her but she got over that and realised that she has nothing in common with Jack. But you were all waiting for her to snap. The pressure was just too much. Not one of you had faith in her." Everyone started to feel a bit guilty but Warren still wasn't stopping. He had something to say and no one would stop him saying it. They were damn well going to hear him out. "Have you ever listened to her talk about how magical the night feels? Have you ever listened to her talking about when she was a kid? Have any of you ever danced with her or heard her tell you she loves you? Have any of you laughed with her? Have any of you any idea how much she's afraid of being like her dad? Have any of you ever listened to her telling you what weird things she imagines or about her psychic dreams?" "She has psychic dreams?” Ally said in surprise. "Yeah. She does. That’s how she knew about AJ and Kestrel. She saw what happened when AJ went to kill Kestrel." "I guess I don't really know her that well. I wish I had gotten to know her before she changed,” Ally replied. "You're talking like she's dead or something. Ally she brought you back to life. I can't believe you're giving up on her so easily. It’s like you're saying `Oh well. I can't save her now. I’ll just let it happen.’ Well, I'm sorry but I can't give up on her so easily. I refuse to, after all her and Jeannie risked their lives rescuing me from the club. I couldn't save Cara from becoming a monster. I couldn't save Alex from becoming a cursed vampire. But I will save Alex from becoming a killer. It would destroy her and all the good things she believes in." Warren started to walk out of the living room but stopped suddenly. He looked back at everyone and said one final thing to complete his speech. "You people aren't her real friends or family. None of you really know how much pain she's in right now and none of you really care." Meanwhile Jeannie was in a dark, underground shelter. The room had no light but had one arm chair, a coffee table, double bed and many, many books. A young man sat on the chair reading while Jeannie was sat on the floor searching through books, leaning her elbows on the coffee table. "Found anything yet?” asked the man in a deep voice. "Not yet”, replied Jeannie. "Tell me again why it's is so important that we find out about this curse?" Jeannie turned to him. "Because my friend need's my help." "She must be some friend, huh?" "She is." Jeannie yawned and lay her head down on the table in exhaustion. "What's this friend like?" Jeannie sat up. "Alex? She’s kind and innocent and quite brave. She doesn't treat me like a monster even though I'm a killer. Alex and Warren seem to really love each other." The man smiled at her. "Yeah they do." Jeannie looked at him in surprise. "You've met her." "I knew about her and Warren before you did. Warren needed to tell someone about her but he didn't think he could tell you and Charlie." "I can't believe you never told me." Jeannie gave him a dazzling smile and there was a brief silence. "I'm glad you have a good friend,” said the man in a very sober voice. “I've got you haven't I." The man grinned. "But I'm not really a friend am I?" Jeannie went over to him and sat on his knee smiling seductively. "No Nathan you're not." Jeannie and Nathan kissed as if they were trying to swallow each other whole letting their hands wander free. Jeannie pulled away and they looked at each other. "What are you thinking about?” he asked. "Alex might try to kill Jack. I’ll have to get to him before she does. She couldn't handle the guilt." "And if you don't kill him I will." Jeannie grinned at him. "Good. It doesn't matter which one of us kills him. He deserves to die. Just watch you don't get killed." "I never do." Chapter 9 Alex woke up the next day in the chapel. She sat up remembering what had happened to her and looked around. She looked in front of her and there was a message from Jack written in blood. She sniffed the air. It was fresh animal blood. The writing was thick, dripping, a horrible dark reddish brown colour and read: Soon my little girl. Luv, Daddy. Alex glared at the writing. Great she thought. Now I'll have to wash that writing off and find a way to keep him out. She got up and looked at her reflection in her pocket mirror. Ugh she thought what do I look like? She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was scruffy, her teeth needed a good brush and her blue jeans and black t-shirt were torn from her mutation. She had presumed that vampires were naturally beautiful and didn't have to work at looking good. She had obviously been mistaken. I’ve got to get me some new clothes and fast she thought. Alex thought to herself for a minute and then grinned. Her magic! She could use her magic. If she could bring someone back to life then she should be able to conjure up some good clothes. Alex closed her eyes and imagined a full-length mirror with a solid gold frame. When she opened her eyes one appeared but it disappeared again. She tried again but harder and it didn't work at all. Maybe I'm trying too hard she thought. Alex emptied her mind as best she could. She concentrated only on a mental image of a mirror. Instantly a mirror appeared. Alex reached to touch it and the mirror glowed a reddish colour the moment she was even close to it. "This is very strange,” she thought out loud. Alex looked at her scruffy reflection in the mirror and tried to image her hair becoming blonder. It was such a dull kind of blonde naturally. A lighter kind of blonde took over her hair and she concentrated on her yellow teeth next. They became pearly white. Next she imagined her hair actually having a style rather than just hanging uselessly. Next Alex looked at her clothes and shook her head. "These have got to go,” she said to herself. Alex imagined her wearing black knee-length boots and a short black skirt. She imagined herself wearing a skin tight, lilac sweater with a white top underneath and a short black coat over the top. Alex admired her clothes in the mirror. They looked nice on her. She looked sexy but not tarty. Last of all she conjured up a lilac shade of eye-shadow and some mascara. When she was done she was quite impressed with the way she looked. "Now that's better. What next?" Alex decided that she would have to get some weapons if she was going to kill Jack. But she shouldn't use magic to get all of her weapons. She didn't want to end up unarmed if Jack knew how to take away her magic. I’ll steal some of Charlie's she thought. "Now to find a spell to keep Jack out of here. Then all that's left is to kill him." Alex grinned at the mirror with a deadly smile. "Where is she?” demanded Warren pacing about his house.” She’s been gone all night. It’s not like her to just run off." Jeannie and Nathan glanced at each other. They were at different sides of the settee. AJ was in the dining room and Kestrel was sitting on an armchair. "It's not like her to turn into a giant hairy wildcat either but she did," said Nathan sarcastically. Suddenly Alex appeared after having used magic to transport her there. "Hi Ally,” said Warren who glancing at her.” I didn't hear you come in." "Er Warren,” interrupted a surprised Jeannie.” That’s not Ally." Warren turned around and saw Alex. He hugged her and she froze. "You look great,” he said in a relieved voice.” Are you okay?" "Fine,” replied Alex. Warren went to kiss her but she pulled away. "Not now Warren. I’ve got things to do" Jeannie and Nathan looked at each other suspiciously. Alex was acting strangely. AJ looked into the room and she glared at him. Paying no attention to anyone else she walked up to Kestrel and stood over her. "Kestrel, how do you do a spell to keep an evil bastard out of your chapel?" Kestrel didn't look at her. She wasn’t giving any information to her. She had obviously been trained not to. "I don't know of such a spell." "Don't lie." "I'm not." Kestrel stood up to leave the room but Alex threw her down again roughly. The others protested. Alex ignored them. "Tell me witch. I can sense that you’re lying." Kestrel said nothing. Alex started to walk around the chair like a vulture circling its prey. "Listen up Kestrel. I know that you were a witch. I know that your sister was a witch and I know that my bastard of a father took away your powers." Kestrel looked down at the floor. AJ was glaring at Alex from the dining room door. "So witch. Would you consider yourself to have been quite powerful?" Kestrel shrugged shaking with fear. She’s gone mad she thought. "Would you consider you and Raven to be powerful?" "I guess,” she mumbled. "And how about hundreds of witches put together?" "Of course." Alex grinned just like Jack usually did. Warren stared at her in disbelief. Alex grabbed Kestrel by the scruff of the neck and picked her right up off the chair. AJ watched trying to restrain himself. He knew that Alex had a reason to be so aggressive. "Well I am much more powerful than you. I have the magic of thousands of witches inside me and fucking Warren seems to have allowed me to use it without collapsing from exhaustion though I have no idea why. So you had better find me a spell, write up the details and leave it on top of this fireplace by tonight." Alex felt so powerful and so in control. Yeah she was acting a bit cruel but people were afraid of her and she was afraid of nothing or so she thought. Warren was facing her when she turned around pretending to be only interested in the matter at hand. "I need some of Charlie’s weapons. I can't have all magic ones,” said Alex not even trying to hide her sarcasm. "No. I don't trust you with them." "Oh but isn’t trust the foundation of every good relationship. Oh wait a minute that's sex isn’t it? Course can’t expect you to trust me can I?" Warren glared at her. Why am I saying this? thought Alex. "Alex, stop trying to push me away. It won't work." "I don't want to push you away. I want to get some weapons and then in return I'll give you some red hot loving, just like you want. You’d like that wouldn't you baby." "You know it wasn't like that Alex. Alex moved closer towards him and walked behind him. She started to kiss his neck seductively and Warren struggled to keep control of himself. He eventually pulled away and turned to face her. She laughed at him. What am I doing? Alex was being very manic but she was struggling and she was acting on impulse. She had to be the one in control or she would just lose it altogether. "I thought you said it wasn't like that. You didn't pull away too soon." Warren just wiped his neck angrily. "Sorry I can't play some more but I've got to get some weapons, with or without your help." Alex closed her eyes and could see in her mind a locked cupboard. She imagined the cupboard being unlocked and saw swords, crossbows, metal knives and wooden knives inside. One sword caught her eye as the handle was solid gold. But she knew that it had been Warren's father’s sword and left it alone. She conjured up one crossbow, one long silver-handled sword, two metal knives with jewelled handles and one wooden knife. A sports bag full of all the weapons appeared. "Alex please doesn’t do this,” pleaded Jeannie.” I’ll kill him for you. I’ll do it." Warren looked at Alex with a painful expression that softened Alex for a moment though she hid it well but she snapped out of it instantly. "Got to go sexy. Don’t go getting yourself killed or anything without me." Warren looked up at her realising that she really meant it. Alex grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her. She kissed him desperately knowing that she couldn't be alone with him. He weakened her. He kissed her back passionately wanting her even more than ever. Alex knew that she couldn't fight the need to get close to him but she couldn't let herself be close to anyone. It was too dangerous. Eventually she pulled away not wanting to leave and tried to disappear. She had to try three times before she managed to go. Warren watched her go knowing now what he had to do. It might get him hurt and it might not work but he had to try. He had seen her desperation and how vulnerable she was behind that cold exterior. Later that night everyone including Ally was sat in the same house talking. Warren was upstairs in Charlie's room looking for something’s that had belonged to his parents. He pulled out of a wooden chest a long black cloak and a rose that had been bound by a spell so that would never die. Everyone else was in the living room. He put the cloak on over his black clothes. His eyes and face would now be the only features he had that weren't black. His outfit and his black hair brought out his bright blue eyes that his mother had also had. His hair was as black as his fathers. The cloak had been his fathers and the rose had been his mothers. Sometimes he had suspected she had dabbled a little into the same sort of things as Kestrel and Ally and of course Alex. He knew everyone was talking about her. She had surprised everyone even him. "You should have seen her Ally. She was crazy. She picked Kestrel up by the scruff of the neck and demanded to have the spell. She was kissing Warren’s neck and making out with him in front of us and talking about sex and she was..." Jeannie was interrupted by Alex appearing. "And she was what?” asked Alex grinning. Jeannie suddenly went quiet. "Go on Jeannie. Say it. I was acting just like Jack. Well the main difference is that I know what I'm doing and I have a reason. He’s just out to get a buzz by killing everyone. I only want to kill him." Ally looked up at her feeling disappointed. "My God, what's he done to you?" Alex was about to answer when the light was dimmed and Warren came down the stairs dressed all in black. He looked very mysterious with the cloak on and hid the rose under it. Alex couldn't help but stare at him. He just looked so dark and sexy. Everyone was looking at him wondering what he was up to. Warren leaped over the stair banister and landed in front of Alex. He grabbed her waist quickly and kissed her. Alex was too surprised to know what to do and she was enjoying it way too much. Warren pulled away and whispered in her ear while stroking her back. His cape was now completely around her and he was moving his hands to places on her body that the others couldn't see. "If you want to be a bad girl I accept that. But could you handle me being a bad boy?" "I...um...I...er..." Alex couldn't find her tongue and wondered if it was still in Warren's mouth. Her heart was beating very fast and she couldn't think about anything but what she wanted to do to Warren. "I know that you're hurting and I know that you like to hide in the darkness and I get that you want to feel in control. That’s alright. But if you want to hide in darkness why don't you hide with me? I grew up in darkness. I live in darkness. I know you want me and you know that I want you? I want to touch you, I want to kiss you, and I want to make love to you like we did before. You remember what we did before or maybe you need reminding." Alex still couldn't speak. Her heart seemed to have stopped very suddenly. He's so sexy she thought. Warren smiled at her seductively and handed her the rose. Alex’s hormones were wreaking havoc on her body. Warren started to whisper something and Alex was glad the others couldn’t hear. She was sure she was blushing. "But...but..."Alex tried to say something. She knew that the rose had been his mothers and so did everyone in the room who wasn't a Kavanof or Kestrel. "Warren. That was your mothers rose,” protested Dave." You can't give it to her." Warren kissed Alex's hand and whispered one last thing and her heart melted. He let go of Alex and left so fast that he practically flew out of the front door. Kestrel handed Alex the details of the spell that Alex had asked for. Alex just stared at the door. Everyone turned to look at Alex who was trying to gain control of herself again. She had butterflies in her stomach and an aching for his touch. Alex tried to imagine herself back at the chapel but she couldn't see anything in her mind but Warren. She put her hand on her stomach to try and contain her feelings but she ached even more. She raced out of the house feeling flushed and started off for the chapel. When she walked into the door of the chapel it was lit by candles and rose-petals were scattered everywhere. Alex shut the door and Warren who was behind it grabbed her by the waist. Alex screamed in surprise. Warren put his hand over her mouth and started to kiss her neck. "What are you doing Warren?” asked Alex. "Only what you did to me." "I mean you're acting weird." Warren turned her around and backed her up against the wall. "I'm acting weird because you're acting weird. Everything you do affects me. The way you walk,” Warren whispered kissing her neck. “The way you talk, your eyes, your smile... Even when you act like a maniac it affects me. Guess I'm just love's bitch. But I like it that way." Alex felt an aching in her stomach again and couldn't breath again as he kissed her neck. She just wanted to tell him... "Warren...?" He didn't stop kissing her. The aching grew stronger but she had to tell him... "Warren...?" He carried on making her feel dizzy. She needed to tell him... "Warren please... “ Warren lifted his mouth from her skin and looked at her. "What is it?" "I... I'm afraid. I... I…keep saying things... doing things... It scares me." Warren felt relieved. He had known that she hadn't completely changed but he had still had his doubts. "It's okay. I’m here for you now." "But it's so hard to fight. What happened to me yesterday... It terrified me. One part of me is afraid of losing control... afraid of being a monster again and another part wants to kill Jack." Warren hugged her. "I know it's hard. I know that's its scary. But it's not you. It’s the curse. It’s changing you." Alex shook her head at him. "But you don't understand. Part of me enjoys being powerful. I quite like being dangerous. I’m so tired of being weak... I'm tired of relying on people." "I want to help you Alex. But you have to trust me. You have to stop pushing me away. I can't help you if I can't get close to you." Alex pushed him off of her. "You can't help me and I can't get close to you! I can't get close to anyone!" "Why not? Alex please tells me why?" Alex hesitated. She couldn't say it. She just couldn't get the words to her mouth. She could say it easily before but now things had changed. She had changed. "Warren I... “ "Just tell me!" "I love you too much to let you get hurt! I can't let anyone get close to me because I'll hurt them!" A tear slid down Alex's cheek although she had almost choked trying to fight her tears. Warren moved over towards her and Alex felt too drained to push him away. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. He seemed to be forcing his words out. He looked like he could break at any moment and was desperate to reach her. "Alex it hurts me more to see you and not be with you.... It hurts me more to have you push me away than anything else. If you changed and I was trying to stop it, I would still be glad to have been there with you. I do know what you’re going through. It’s called hate. I hated Jack for a long time. I even tried to kill him and AJ myself once but Jeannie wouldn't let me do it. I hated them so much that I would have done anything to kill any Kavanof but you changed that. When I met you I was too busy thinking how beautiful you were and how amazing you were to even think about anything else. Then I was too busy falling for you to care. I would have killed AJ if it wasn't for you. I know now that it's not the answer to my problems. The only answer to any of my problems is you. If you let me help you I will be there when you're in pain, I will be there to help you fight the anger and I will be there to stop you if you become a monster. But I know that you could never be like that. Whatever you feel now, you could never bring yourself to kill. You’re too human in that way. Maybe I am as well." Alex let the tears stream down her face. All she wanted was to be human and to be with Warren. She hugged him and kissed him with a desperation that she had never felt before. It made all of her previous encounters with Warren seems trivial. Whatever she had felt for him before, she felt ten times more strongly about him now than ever. "I do need your help,” she whispered. "Then I'll do everything I can even if it kills me." Warren knew that Alex would still act differently in front of everyone else. He knew that she would still pretend to be mean and in control and push him away when other people were there. But at least now he could help her when she really needed it. At least now he could hope for the best. That night they made love again and Alex curled up into Warren arms all night. She dreamt of him for most of the night and felt safe again. The next day she woke up feeling safe and warm beside him. Warren was still fast asleep. Alex kissed him on the cheek and went to get up. As she sat up she saw in horror that Jack had written a message for her again in blood. Alex felt the rage burning inside of her. She jumped up and started to rip up the chapel benches in rage. She lashed out blinded by her rage. Warren awoke with a jump as a wooden bench crashed to the floor. He looked up at the writing which read: `Soon! My little girl. Soon!' …then he sighed. "Oh we forgot about the spell,” he groaned. Alex picked up another bench and attempted to throw it at a stained glass window. Warren jumped up and grabbed her by the waist. Alex dropped the bench and it hit Warren's foot with a thud. He bit his bottom lip in pain and struggled to keep hold of Alex who was kicking and screaming. "That bastard! I'm gonna kill that bastard!" Warren was surprised at how strong Alex was but kept hold of her. His foot was throbbing with pain and he had made his lip bleed. "Alex calm down. You have to calm down." Alex stopped struggling. "Why me?” she shouted. “Why me?" Warren pulled her closer towards him. Alex felt breathless as her pain suffocated her. The pain was taking over. Her curse was starting up again. She was changing physically. Fur was taking over her arms and face and her nails had become claws. Alex screamed and held her aching sides. Warren just held her tighter and kissed her the blood on his lip tasting like copper because she didn't crave it. As soon as they kissed the pain subsided and Alex changed back and held tightly onto Warren. When they stopped kissing Alex just gazed up at Warren with pleading eyes. "I don't want to be a monster but it's so hard to fight." Warren hugged her. "I know it's not easy,” he whispered. “I know." Jeannie stormed into the kitchen of her house where Charlie was. "So what’s the situation? What do we know about Alex just now?" Charlie was pouring himself a drink of whisky. "Not much,” he mumbled. Jeannie glared at him. "You must know something about this curse!” Charlie picked up his glass and took a big gulp. Jeannie grabbed the glass and slammed it down on the table. The whisky spilled over. "Damn it Charlie. Tell me!" Charlie went to the door miserably and checked if anyone was around. "There's nothing we can do for her. We can't stop it." "Why not? There must be something we can do!" Charlie poured himself another drink. "Only she can stop it. It’s her anger, her fire. It feed's the curse. Sorry we can’t help her." Jeannie looked down at the floor then looked up at Charlie angrily. He was so weak. He just gave up without a fight. "If you won't do anything then I'll have to help her. If she wants Jack dead then I'll kill him for her." Jeannie's teeth grew into fangs and her eyes flashed violet. "I'll rip him to pieces for her,” she snarled. Charlie shook his head as Jeannie left. He suspected it wasn’t just going to be for Alex. Jeannie had her own reasons for wanting revenge. He downed the rest of his drink and poured another one. There was nothing he could do now. Meanwhile Alex walked into her house with Warren and looked around. Warren held her hand and asked her what she was thinking. "It's funny. Nothing seems quite the same. I’ve lived in this house for seven years and I always felt so at home here. But now... “ "What?" "Now it's just a pile of bricks. It’s not my home anymore. I don't have a home." Warren reached for her hand but Alex jerked away defensively. The closeness... the intimacy... It was too much for her to handle. Warren just took the hint and took a step away from her. "What is it we've come here for again?” he asked looking down at the floor. "I need to see Ally. She knows about Jacks weaknesses. It will help me when I go to kill him." Warren felt disappointed and sick by Alex's sadistic expression. She had a beautiful smile when she smiled. But she wore a twisted grin that was far too much like Jack’s. Alex suddenly felt ashamed of herself and turned away from Warren. "You think I'm crazy,” Alex said coldly. "No... I think killing Jack is crazy." Alex turned to face him angrily, "Well you can either accept me or you can fuck off because this is who I am now!" Warren nodded. "I can accept it. No matter how much I hate it he thought. Alex’s manner was sarcastic and defensive. She was emotionally and mentally exhausted and wasn't in the mood to mess about. Alex sat down on the settee and Warren sat down beside her. There was a big space between them. Warren and Alex looked at each other desperately. Alex suddenly doubled over in pain. She choked for air and every cell in her body ached. Her fangs grew and her eyes flashed. "Warren? What’s wrong with me? It hurts so much!" Warren checked her pulse in panic. "You're due for a plasma injection." "So give me one!" Warren started to work up a sweat but tried stay calm. "I... I can’t. Charlie was due to get some more tonight; none of the others are due for theirs. Alex couldn't bear the pain. She needed to stop the pain. "Warren do something!" Warren moved towards her and tilted his head so that his neck was in front of Alex's mouth. "Drink my blood again." "No!" she forced the words out. "Drink!" "Never. I won’t do it again,” she argued back weakly. Alex stared at his neck. She craved the thick red, blood so much that it hurt her just to look at him but she couldn't do it. She couldn't hurt him. "Please Alex. You'll die if you don't." Alex felt so dizzy at the thought of drinking his blood again. She grabbed his neck ferociously and ripped into Warren's throat, going straight for a vein. She drank and drank becomingly increasingly light headed. His blood tasted so passionate, he was so full of love, so strong, so overwhelming. Warren pulled her off weakly before he passed out and Alex felt incredibly strong again. Warren struggled to keep from collapsing. He was so weak and tired. Alex lay him down on her as his blood raced through her veins and he rested there. She stroked his hair as he passed out and Alex realised that he did a lot for her. He put up with all of her problems and mood-swings. She also realised that she couldn't imagine living tomorrow without him. Just one day without Warren was too painful to even think about. Alex put her feet up and lay beside him. "Thank you," she whispered. Warren opened his eyes slightly. "I'm glad I haven't lost you. I couldn't bear losing you," he choked as he spoke. "Sh... Rest now Warren." Alex kissed him very tenderly brushing his hair back from his forehead and then they fell asleep very suddenly. Alex didn’t feel tired but she seemed to just black out. Ally walked into the house later and saw them curled up together with blood all over them. She was at first a bit curious as to why they had blood on them but then she smiled at the sight of Alex looking sweet and vulnerable. She walked up the stairs and Alex watched her pass through one open eye. Alex felt all confused. She had been certain that killing Jack was the answer but she was starting to doubt that. She was starting to doubt everything that she believed in. Alex huddled up closer to Warren and tried to forget about it. He was very warm and she felt very comfortable next to him. He’s in danger because of me she thought. Or because of Jack… Whether I like it or not Jack has to die. I have to kill him before he kills Warren. If I don't... Alex shuddered at the thought which made Warren grunt then she just fell asleep again holding him. Chapter 10 Alex awoke the next morning before dawn and started to prepare her weapons. She had decided that she would kill Jack that day. No more waiting for him she thought. I’ll go and find him myself. He’ll probably be at the Rox. Ally walked in from the kitchen and saw Alex checking the weapons in her bag. "What are you doing? Where are you going?” she asked in a concerned voice. "I'm going to the Rox." Ally searched her face for an answer. "Why?" Alex wouldn't look at Ally. "I'm going to kill Jack." "Alex, don't…! You'll only regret it. Everything will change." Alex glanced over at Warren. "Maybe but it's got to be done. I wouldn't forgive myself if he hurt Warren because of me. I couldn't stand it." Alex picked up her bag and set off. Ally shouted after her down the street. "But, Alex! You can't go alone. You’ll get yourself killed." Alex marched off to the Rox and soon arrived at the entrance of the secret tunnel. She was just about to enter as she heard a noise behind her. She drew out the wooden knife from her boot and turned around ready to attack whatever had followed her. Jeannie was there holding a large stake with raised hands. "Whoa. Down girl. It's only me." Alex lowered the knife and sighed. "What are you doing here? You can't stop me doing this." Jeannie grinned. "Stop you? Why would I do that? I came to help you kill the bastard." Alex grinned back at her. Jeannie was just as determined for Jack to die as she was. "Come on then. Let’s go." They entered the passage with Alex leading the way. Jeannie seemed to be very tense behind her. Last time it was Alex that had been the scared one. Now Jeannie was the one shaking with fear. At the end of the passage Alex stood outside the club door and took the sports bag off of her shoulder. She pulled out the large wooden sword that had belonged to Warren's father which she had took the liberty of taking while Warren was asleep and gave Jeannie a crossbow and another wooden knife. "You're really going to do this aren't you?” Jeannie whispered. Alex replied without looking at her. "Yep. I can't let him hurt people anymore." Alex took a deep breath and opened the club door. Many other vampires were there dancing to hypnotic music and the pair walked through them. Some of them said hello to Jeannie. All of them stared at Alex and she knew what they were thinking. They were thinking about how much she looked like Jack. Alex walked around trying to pick up Jack's scent. As she did the music was turned off and the room fell silent. Everyone backed away from her and Jeannie was shaking even more with fear. "So, you finally came to see me,” a voice came from behind the large black speakers. “You never phone. You never write. You never visit. I’m your dad and it just breaks my heart." Alex struggled to stay calm. "Come out and show yourself then you bastard!” Jack strolled out from behind the speaker. "Mind your language. You shouldn't speak to your father like that. I might have to spank you." "Fuck you!" Alex hated that stupid grin so much. She wanted to rip it right off of his face. But Alex knew that Jack wanted her to lose control. He wanted her to change so that he could admire what he had created. "Where's you little boyfriend now? I could do with a good kill." "How about I murder you then?" "Awfully big words for a weak little girl." Alex drew her sword and Jack revealed one that he had been holding behind his back. He ran for her and threw his sword at her chest. She blocked him with her sword and threw him back. They both fought ferociously. Thrust, block, thrust, block. He swung for her head; she ducked, twirled around and hit the back of his leg. The sword bowled him over and he crashed to the floor. Alex grabbed his sword, threw it away and raised her sword ready to strike it through his heart. Jack grinned even more stupidly. "So you are like me. I knew you had it in you." "I'm not like you. I’m doing this for a good reason,” she snarled. "You'll still be a murderer. Go on then." Alex raised the sword even more but was hit from behind. She turned around feeling extremely dizzy and saw a blurred red-head holding Jack's sword. "You bitch." She said sleepily. Alex fell to the floor backwards, her legs collapsing from beneath her and Jeannie now stood over Jack seething with hatred. "Remember me Jack?" "How could I forget? You tried to kill me after sleeping with me. You were lucky to escape. It’s a pity I woke up before you could kill me isn't it." Jeannie glared at him vengefully and pointed the crossbow at his heart. “We’ve played long enough. It’s time you got what you deserve…!” Meanwhile Warren was woken up by Ally shaking him roughly. Everyone was there. "What? What?” he mumbled. Warren realised that Alex wasn't there and knew instantly that something was wrong. He looked at Ally searching her face for an answer. "She's gone to kill Jack,” Ally’s voice ached. Warren jumped up and he raced out of the door without saying a word. He ran as fast as he could to the Rox his heart pumping as he raced; his thoughts a blur. He just hoped that he wasn't too late. If she had killed Jack, if she had become as evil as Jack... Warren tried to shake off the thought. He didn't even want to think about that. He just wanted to get to the Rox as fast as possible. When he did get there he burst into the club and saw Jack attacking Jeannie. He was kicking her in the stomach and face and she was on the floor trying to get up. Warren charged at Jack and knocked him over but Jack stood up and turned on him. Jack picked up one of the swords and threw it at him but Nathan flew in front of him and grabbed the sword. Ally, AJ and Kestrel all arrived at the club after following Warren and Nathan and Jack shouted for help. Charlie and Dave were still at Alex's hoping to God that no one would get hurt. Back at the club everyone was fighting hard except Jeannie who was too hurt to move and Alex who was still unconscious although she was beginning to wake up. They were fighting a losing battle though as they were out numbered greatly and soon were all captured. Jack had them locked into a room and had two vampires guard them. They were in a cold small room that was clearly just a store room. There was no furniture, no windows and not even a carpet. Alex shivered, still unconscious after having blacked out again shortly after regaining consciousness. "Is she going to be okay?" AJ asked Warren. "Yes," he snapped clearly trying to convince himself more than AJ. Warren was stroking Alex's bloody face as she started to wake up. His forehead was bleeding from the fight, Jeannie was awake now and covered in blood, Ally’s right arm had been broken and was bandaged by someone's sweater, Kestrel had a few small cuts and AJ was slightly bruised but healing fast. The room was lit dimly and was very cold. "Warren?” mumbled Alex. "I'm here." Alex looked at him and sat up. Her head was throbbing. She looked around and saw Jeannie. "Why did you knock me out?” she asked quietly. Alex wasn't angry at her just confused. "I couldn't let you do it. I know what the guilt would do to you? You would be disgusted with yourself like I was when I first killed." Jeannie's voice was breaking. "You hate me now,” Jeannie choked.” I’ve betrayed you." "I don't hate you. You thought that you were doing the right thing." Tears slid down Jeannie's cheeks. It was the first time Alex had ever seen her softer side. Nathan was very close to her, Alex noticed. She glanced at Warren and noticed the blood dripping down his face. "You're bleeding Warren. Are you okay?" "I’ll be fine. You're bleeding as well. In fact everyone's been hurt.” "Where are we?" Warren and AJ glanced at each other. AJ spoke. "We were attacked and caught by Jack's vampires. Many of them were supposed to be my friends. We’re locked in and there’s guards at the door." "Bummer,” Alex replied still feeling groggy. Alex suddenly remembered something and stared at Jeannie. "What?” asked Jeannie? Jeannie was very confused. Alex felt a sick. "Did I hear right? Did Jack really say that you had... that you two..." Alex couldn't even repeat what Jack had said. Jeannie put her head down in shame. "Yes. We did. But I was trying to kill him." Everyone looked right at Jeannie. Nathan and AJ seemed to already know. AJ’s expression was very grim and Kestrel looked at him demanding an answer then looked back at Jeannie. Warren seemed to realise. "You didn't Jeannie.” he said suddenly feeling ill. "I thought that if I got close enough I could kill him." "You didn't have sex with him! Did you?" Jeannie started to sob now burying her face in her hands. "I'm a bad person I know that." "No you're not,” said Alex. “You’ve just had it rough that’s all." "I'm a slut and a murderer. How much worse can I get?" Nathan hugged her and she buried her face in his shoulders. "We all do things that we're not proud of. That doesn't make you bad." Alex felt very sorry for Jeannie. Jeannie had been brought up in her dark world and had no way of escaping it. She had been doomed from birth just like everyone else in the room. Of all the people she knew Jeannie had probably been through the worst. "What are we going to do?” asked Warren. "I don't know but we should all get some rest for a while. We’ll figure a way out of here later. But for now let’s all just settle down. We can’t fight again until we’ve recovered a little. Everyone agreed. They had all been exhausted from the fight and needed time to heal so they all lay down on the cold, hard floor and tried to rest. Later Alex awoke in Warren's arms and looked around. Jeannie was asleep on Nathan's chest, AJ was curled up in Kestrel's arms and Ally was shivering in her sleep and curled up in the corner of the room. It suddenly occurred to Alex that they were all just as vulnerable as she was, maybe even more. Jeannie was a confident, beautiful killer but she was ruled by her heart. Nathan always seemed to be with Jeannie but barely ever showed his feelings. AJ was a badass vampire but he seemed to adore Kestrel. Kestrel kept her feelings to herself but Alex could see so much misery and pain in her eyes that she knew she was suffering. Ally was the most vulnerable of them all because she was all alone. She didn't have any real friends, she didn't have a lover and her family hadn’t exactly been there for her. She didn't really have anyone. But on the other hand, thought Alex. Maybe that makes her the strongest. "Maybe,” whispered Warren. "Are you listening to my thoughts again? I didn't know that you could still do that." "I can't when you won't let me in your mind." Alex turned slightly and gazed up at him. "What are we going to do about these? They’re all in pain. They’ve all been through many more than normal teenagers. They need our help." Warren gazed down at her. "We are going to get through, that’s what we’re going to do." Alex just hoped that she would know what to do when the time came for her to do the right thing. Warren hoped for the same. They kissed each other gently. So much had changed since the first time they had kissed. They had changed a lot too. But one thing still stayed the same. They still wanted each other more than ever and now they needed each other as well. Alex pulled away and whispered to him with her eyes still closed. "Warren what will we do when this is all over. I mean, if we survive I'll still have this curse." Warren smiled at her. "We'll do whatever you want to do." Alex smiled back then yawned and lay her head down. She fell asleep and started to have a vision about Warren's parents. She pictured a woman with red hair and blue eyes. She was older than Jeannie and just as beautiful. The woman was sitting in a park that Alex didn't recognise. The sun was shining and she was smiling in the way that Warren often did. She seemed to be waiting for someone. Suddenly a man with black hair and brown eyes walked towards her and sat down next to her on a picnic spread. He picked up an apple and took a huge bite. "Daniel what took you so long?” asked the woman. Her voice was very seductive and low. Alex had always thought that she would have had a very high-pitched, musical voice like Jeannie. "I ran into a little trouble with some of Jack's bonehead vampires." Daniel had a very deep but cheerful voice. “Well next time don't expect me to wait for you." Her voice suddenly went like Jeannie's and Daniel flashed her dazzling smile that Jeannie had also inherited. "With you Mary-Jane I don't know what to expect." He leaned forward and kissed her. They were kissing madly when suddenly Daniel pulled away. "What?” asked Mary-Jane? "I can’t stop thinking that we should tell Dave?” Mary-Jane looked at him in confusion. "What? Tell him that I'm pregnant or tell him that I'm a witch? I can't believe that he thinks I'm a vampire." "Well you are very strong and very beautiful." Alex awoke with a jump. That’s the reason she thought why sleeping with Warren helped me use the witchcraft. His blood must have helped as well. He’s half witch and he doesn't even realise it. Alex drifted into a deep sleep again and this time saw Daniel struggling to fight off Jack. He was losing and Mary-Jane dragged Jack away. She was very strong and furious with him. She fought him back and soon he was on the floor. "Remember me Jack." "How could I forget?" Mary-Jane held a wooden sword and stood over him. She was the image of he daughter in her fury. "You're going to pay for what you’ve done." She raised the sword but Daniel grabbed her. "No. Don’t stoop to his level. Let him live with the pain." "I don't feel any pain you moron!” Jack laughed. Daniel and Mary-Jane looked at each other and smiled. Then Mary-Jane stared at Jack and started to chant. She chanted a spell to raise a curse. It was a spell that only a Kavanof who was innocent could break. Something she had thought would never happened. It was also a spell that could only be broken if Jack was murdered. Mary-Jane's eyes flashed brightly and the spell was cast. Daniel was close by her side and spoke to Jack very calmly. "You tried to influence us and make us think that we saw our children die. You have used your ability to make them believe that we are dead. We're going to leave and go somewhere far away. We’ll won't come back until your daughter finds us and the vision comes true. Then we’ll know that you're dead. Don’t try to find us. You can't stop the spell and neither can we. It’s in place now.” Mary-Jane knocked Jack out swiftly with the weapon in her hand and she faced Daniel. Tears rolled down her cheeks and Daniel hugged her, holding her close to him. They had been very much in love. "I know that you don't want to leave but you know that we have to. It’s what's meant to be. We’ll see our children again someday. If we stay we'll just be in the way. They have to fight him alone." They kissed and Alex awoke again. Her mind was still in a blur and she felt very confused. She decided not to tell Warren until later. So his parents were really alive. Jack had given Warren, Jeannie and Charlie a false memory. Alex was the only one who could find them and she would be the one to kill Jack. "Warren?" Alex noticed that he was awake. "What?" Alex hesitated for a moment. Maybe it was too painful for him to talk about. "Alex what is it?” he whispered. "I was just wondering... You never talk about your mum and dad. What were they like?" Warren glanced at her then looked away. He started to speak, occasionally glancing back at her. "My dad was great. He was always joking around. He always got away with everything because he just made them laugh and they would forget they were even angry. He was very brave. He was never afraid to show he cared and he loved my mum very much. But who could blame him." Alex touched his arm. He was smiling but she could sense his pain. "Was she very special?" Warren took hold of her hand. "Yes, she was. My mum was very independent and very strong. She wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her. She wasn't like my dad. She didn't like showing affection or weakness. My dad was always quite wild and reckless but she was always in control. She could be wild too if it suited her but she preferred to be in control. I think that my dad was the only person that she ever showed her softer side, except me and Jeannie of course. She always seemed to know just what to do. There was one time when Jack sent some men to kidnap us. Mum made us hide in a cupboard until she got rid of them. I don't what she did but they were gone when we came out." He squeezed Alex's hand. "It still hurts to think about them doesn't it?" Warren's jaw stiffened and he looked down at the floor. "It does,” he mumbled. “It really does." Alex hugged him and rested his head on her chest. Sometimes he felt such pain that he felt like crying but he couldn’t. He had only cried once since the day that his parents had died and that was when he had almost lost Alex. But now at least he had Alex. She seemed to numb the pain. They stayed like that for a while then fell asleep again. Meanwhile Charlie and Dave and some of the SS were all waiting for the others to return. Dave paced about while the others sat down. "I hope Alex and Warren are okay,” said a younger member of the SS "We all do,” Charlie said comfortingly. Dave stopped pacing and glared at Charlie. "Well I hope that all the Kavanof's are dead. Alex can rot in hell for all I care. He wouldn't be out there if it weren't for her." Charlie glared at him and stood up to face him ferociously. "I won't let you keep talking about her that way, Dave" It was the first time he had ever stood up to his older brother. Charlie poured another drink. "You know Dave there's something I've just realised about you." "And what's that?” snarled Dave defensively. "You are an asshole. You are always going on about how Alex isn't right for Warren and how evil she is. You claim that you are only thinking of Warren but the truth is that if you really cared about him you would let him be happy." Dave snapped back at him instantly. "He'll be happier when she's a rotting corpse." Charlie took a huge gulp of his drink. His body was loose with the alcohol and he spoke quite slowly and loudly. "You really are one stupid fucker aren't you? You just don't get it. If Alex dies Warren will be devastated!!!" Dave turned his nose up at the idea. "He got over Cara. He'll get over her." "Listen carefully you ignorant bastard. He didn't really love Cara you and I both know that. That was just a crush. She was just his first serious relationship. He loves Alex. He lives and breathes Alex. She’s the most important person in the world to him. He would turn his back on his family, his friends and anyone else who tried to hurt her. He would die for her and I know that she would do exactly the same for him. He’s the only person keeping her sane just now. I don't know what he did when she starting acting crazy. But somehow he managed to get her to trust him and not push him away." Dave stayed quiet but Charlie made one last comment. "And for your information dickhead, Alex only went off to kill Jack because she doesn't want Warren to get hurt! Yeah she hates Jack but Ally said that Alex told her that she didn't have a choice! She said that she couldn't let Jack hurt any more people! So fuck you and your stupid opinions!" Dave said no more and Charlie carried on drinking. When everyone was awake they all tried to think of a way of escaping. "What if you try to trick Jack?” asked Ally. “You can ask the guards if you can speak to him and pretend that you want to join him." Alex shook her head. "No. He won’t fall for any of my tricks. Besides he knows that I won't join him." "Why don't you use a spell and try to transport us all?” Kestrel suggested. “Then we can get some supplies and some backup." "Yeah. That’s a good idea." AJ seemed to be proud of Kestrel for suggesting this. He was clearly smitten with her. Alex wasn’t sure if they were in love or just seriously in lust. "I don't know if I'm strong enough yet. I’m still weak from being knocked out and I'm not used to using it yet." "Well it's worth a shot,” Warren said quietly hugging her. Alex looked at him and then realised something. Warren could help her. "Warren. I need to tell you something. Your mother... Well she wasn't a vampire." Jeannie stared at her in surprise. "What? But Charlie and Dave always told me those us that she was. How do you know anyway?” Jeannie was baffled. "Charlie and Dave were never told. They presumed that she was a vampire because she was strong and tough so she let them think it. I know because I had another vision." "Was she human?” asked Jeannie quietly. Alex wasn't sure how much she should tell them. "She was a witch." Everyone went quiet and Jeannie couldn't seem to take it in. "But that means... that means.” Jeannie looked at Alex searching her face.” That means that I'm half witch." Alex just nodded. Warren didn't seem too shocked which Alex found it interesting. Had he seen her visions? "What else do you know?” asked Warren. "Your mum caused my curse to re-surface. It had been dormant for years. She awakened it as a punishment to Jack." Warren looked down at the floor. Jeannie refused to believe it. "No... Why would she do that? She wasn't like that. She wasn't a bad person. Please tell me why, Alex? Why did she do it?" Alex couldn't look at Jeannie and her pleading eyes so she looked down at the floor. "To get rid of Jack. She chanted that a spell and a sort of prophecy. The only way I’ll get rid of this curse is to kill him. Jeannie still didn't want to believe it. "She wanted you to kill Jack?" Alex nodded. "But it doesn't make her a bad person. She knew what was going to happen to me before she cast the spell. She was just making sure that everything turned out okay. “Does that mean that it’ll all be alright?" Jeannie asked. "That depends on how strong her spell is. Spells can only do so much. But there's a good side to all of this." Warren looked up at her. "And what's that?” he asked. "You can help me. You seemed to have helped me already." Warren frowned for a moment deep in thought. "What could he do though?" AJ said what everyone was thinking. Warren realised and started to look at Alex or rather Alex's neck. "I know,” he said. Alex realised what he was thinking. "No Warren. I won't do it again. I won't feed off of you. I’ve already done that twice now." When? thought Jeannie. When did she feed off of him again? "If I drink a lot of your blood then you take some more of mine you will have had a complete blood exchange with me and you'll be stronger. It will help you use your powers better. But we'll both have to drink quite a lot for it to work." Alex shook her head silently, She really didn't want to. She wasn't even craving blood. Maybe Warren was starting too crave her blood. Alex wondered when he had last been given plasma. Maybe he was hungry for it. "I hate to say it Al but it's our only hope,” Ally chimed in. Alex looked at AJ and then the others for support but their faces told her that they all thought the same. "Okay let’s do it. But get it over with." As Warrens teeth sank into Alex's flesh she kept waiting for her neck to ache. She kept expecting the agonizing pain that she had felt when AJ had drank her blood to take over. She could feel Warren's lips on her neck and his teeth inside her but it didn't feel painful. It felt tender and warm. As he drank more and more of her blood Alex started to feel dizzy. Her head was spinning madly and she couldn't see anything. All she could hear was her heart tapping slowly and weakly and Warren's strong heart beating quickly. Her mind started to wander and soon she couldn't even feel her body. Warren? Her thoughts sounded like a whisper but echoed loudly in her mind. She could sense Warren's spirit and she could hear his thoughts answering hers. Alex? What’s going on? I can't feel anything. Where are we? Warren and Alex weren't entirely in their own world. They seemed to have drifted off somewhere in their telepathy. It wasn't like this last time Alex told him. It hurt when AJ did it and nothing like this happened. They were overwhelmed by the feel of each others spirit. Warren could sense how afraid she sometimes felt and how soft she was. Alex could sense Warren's softness as well and his desperation. What if you take too much? Asked Alex. I'm not drinking you blood anymore, you’re drinking mine. Am I? I think so? We had better go back or try to snap out of this before we get too carried away. Alex felt Warren's laughter. I think it's too late for that. We’re already gone. As comfortable and as relaxed as they felt they knew that they had to return. They tried to remember the room that they were in and the people surrounding them. They tried to picture the outside world and eventually came back to reality. Alex started to see a blur of colours and shapes until things came into focus again. She was kneeling and drinking Warren's blood. She pulled away and glanced down at her hands. She was able to feel them again and move them. Warren groaned and fell to the floor. Alex still felt very weak herself as Warren's blood took up a large percent of the blood inside of her. She looked at Jeannie unable to hear her words and slowly began to understand what she was saying. "What the hell just happened? That was so... weird. It’s like you two were stuck in a trance. I just kept shouting at you to stop but you couldn't hear anything." Alex said nothing and sensed Warren's exhaustion. She suddenly realised her own exhaustion and lay down beside him. "Hey Alex. Tell us what happened,” said Jeannie.” What was it like?" Ally shook her head at Jeannie and put one finger to her lips telling her to be quiet. "Sorry,” Jeannie whispered. “I’ve never had a blood exchange. I just wanted to know how it felt." "It was incredible...” mumbled Alex. “Incredible." Jeannie smiled and Alex rolled closer to Warren. Ally gazed at them longing for the closeness that they had, that she had never had. She wasn't even close to Alex. They hardly knew each other. In a way Ally was jealous of Alex although she was proud of her strength. Alex had everything that she had never had; friends who cared about her, a normal life for a little while and a loving boyfriend. She’d had a mother. Ally wished more than anything that she could have her mother, that she could know her mother. Alex who was asleep now heard her wish in her mind and would remember it. Chapter 11 "Are they here yet?” Jeannie asked Charlie who was pacing about the living room in their house. "Not yet,” he shouted into the dining room. They were all back at Warren's house after Alex had been able to transport them. She was sat on the settee next to Warren and Ally, while all of the others were scattered around the living room and kitchen. Alex was deep in thought. Warren was reading her thoughts and smiling as she could no longer shut him out of her mind and found that she no longer wished to. Ally was still thinking about her mother. The front door opened and Kestrel and AJ came in through it followed by many witches, vampires and a couple of vampire slayers. It was a strange sight to see so many enemies in the same room. The vampires were hated by the witches and the vampire-slayers but her they all were joining together to fight Jack. Jeannie came to greet some of the vampires that she knew but was hesitant to go near the rest. She knew what they thought of her. Dave was being surprisingly nice to Alex and Charlie was sober for the first time in a few days. AJ and Kestrel got a few dirty looks from the slayers and witches when they kissed in front of them. They seemed happy that their affair wasn't a secret anymore and AJ was pleasant for once. Nathan seemed as wary of the slayers and witches as Jeannie did. They both stood near each other quietly. "I still can't believe that Jack's own children want him dead. Especially AJ," said one of the slayers "Poetic Justice,” said Jeannie quietly. "How did you escape?” asked a strong warrior-like man with red hair and an American accent. "Alex transported us,” replied Kestrel.” She’s quite the witch now." "But it would take at least five witches to transport all of you." Alex just smiled. They didn’t know about the crystal and just where she had got the majority of the power. She glanced at Ally as AJ started to explain. "Well Warren and Jeannie's mother was a witch so when Alex and Warren got their together and when they had a blood exchange, Alex was able to use her magic properly. She’s also psychic. Hey Warren if you two get married it'll be like we'rebrothers. That would be so cool. I don't have a brother." Alex laughed. "We're a long way off getting married." All of the people that had come to help were looking at Warren, Alex and AJ in surprise. Kestrel was pleased that AJ was cheerful and Nathan and Jeannie also smiled. "One thing that does appeal to me as far as marriage is concerned,” Alex said smiling.” Jeannie would be my sister in-law. Now that would be cool." Jeannie blushed. AJ joked about this comment. "So we're all agreed then. Alex and Warren get married. I bags being the best man. Jeannie, Ally and Kestrel can be the bridesmaids and Charlie can give the bride away." "I don't like that phrase `give the bride away’. It sounds like you own me and I'm just a prize that you’re giving away." Warren smiled. "You're just what I wanted.” The strangers that filled the room looked at the pair curiously. The red head warrior spoke. "I must admit. At first I didn't believe the rumours about you two. You must admit it's pretty unbelievable.” Dave was staring at Alex. "Yes it is,” he mumbled. “But I guess it was meant to be." Alex glanced at him. She didn't think that he would ever accept her. But he finally had. Alex turned to Warren and whispered. "I'm going to bed for a little while. I’m still tired." Warren smiled at her. "Maybe I'll join you." Warren took Alex by the hand and they walked upstairs without saying a word to anyone. Once in Warren's room they started kissing madly on Warren's bed. Warren stopped suddenly and gazed down at Alex. "What is it?” she asked.” What are you thinking?" "Can't you read my mind?" "No my head hurts." Warren brushed her hair back from her face thoughtfully. "I was just wondering if you still wanted to kill Jack." Alex and Warren sat up. Alex looked down for a moment and Warren smiled. "You don't want to. I can sense it,” he whispered. "It's not about what I want anymore. I can't let him hurt people anymore. If the only way I can stop him is to..."Alex could hardly even say it. She looked up at Warren again. “What I'm trying to say is..." "You'll kill him if you have to." "Does that bother you?" "A little. But I'm glad that you don't want to do it out of hate anymore. At least I know that you'll do it only as a last resort." Alex looked away for a moment. The dark blue of the night filled the room and moonlight shone through Warren's black curtains. Alex looked back at Warren and saw him looking back at her through his loving eyes. So much has changed she thought since we first met but one thing has stayed the same. We know that we belong together. They had known it from the first time they looked into each others eyes and seen something other people didn't see. They had denied it to their selves at first but secretly they had always known. Warren kissed Alex on the forehead. "Whatever happens,” he whispered. “We stay together now." Alex couldn't agree more. She had never been more certain of anything in her life than she was of her relationship with Warren. "What do we do in the meantime?” she asked. Warren grinned. "There's only one thing I can think of." Alex grinned at this and they started kissing again. Warren lay Alex down and they started to undress each other unaware of anyone or anything else in the world other than each other. They fell asleep together afterwards. As Alex slept she had her recurring dream. She wasn't scared of falling into the black mud and she didn't sink when she touched it. Warren was waiting for her at the nightclub door and they walked into the club holding hands. She saw that the club was empty this time. She turned around and saw her father Jack holding Warren by the neck. He asked her to choose between him and Warren. "What's it gonna be? Me or him?" The next night they all prepared for the battle. Alex met Warren in the old chapel. They embraced when they saw each other and it was a few minutes before they let go. "I just had to be alone with you,” whispered Alex. "I know. I felt the same. Are you scared?" Alex gave him a feeble smile. "I'm terrified but I'm glad you're here." He kissed her gently. They spent the day in the chapel not knowing what was going to happen when the battle was over. For just one day they managed to put it out of their minds but the uncertainty of the future still hovered over them and Alex knew that when tomorrow was over she would never be the same again. Chapter 12 Alex, Warren and all the others, including the slayers, witches and vampires all stood outside of the entrance to the Rox waiting for Alex's command. She had her ear pressed to the oak door and was listening to Jack preparing his vampires. With a deep breath Alex opened the door and charged in knowing that this was the last time she would fight Jack. If she lost she would die and if she won Jack would die. There way to avoid it. Jack turned and smiled at her in admiration. "Well, well aren't we popular?” Jack remarked glancing at the slayers. "And prepared to take you down,” she replied her voice quivering. Jack's grin spread across his face. "You have no idea what you're getting into." Alex charged at him and the others followed behind her. Jack’s vampires attacked and the final battle began. The slayers fought back hard with stakes, swords and crossbows while Nathanial and Jeannie were doing it without weapons. Alex was thrown across the room by Jack and she hit the wall hard. This released the curse and she mutated .She pounced on Jack ferociously, snarling and clawing at him. Jack was overpowered for a moment but rolled over and threw her backwards. He leapt for her but she moved and threw him into a room. The animal inside her was enraged. She picked up a wooden sword and leaped for him. She sat on top of her dad holding the sword over his heart. "You were a lousy dad!” she growled.” You never loved me! You deserve to die! You're a monster!" Alex raised the sword to kill him but Warren shouted form behind her. "Alex don’t! You’ll never be the same again! This is what he wants!" Alex looked deep into his eyes and asked him one last question. "Did you ever love me?" Jack was too hurt from her attack to lie. "I always loved you,” he whispered in a moment of weakness. “You were my little girl but we can't both live and I WILL kill you." Alex raised the sword but she couldn't do it. She couldn't kill her own dad no matter how evil he was. She wasn't strong enough. She dropped the sword in disgust and walked away with a lump in her throat. Warren watched her and saw Jack getting up behind her and picking up the sword. He was going to kill Alex and she didn't even care. Warren ran as fast as he could towards Alex and knocked her out of the way. The wooden sword ran straight through his right shoulder and he fell to the floor in agony. Alex was now frozen as her dad pulled out the sword and fought with Warren. They rolled closer to her and she picked up a wooden stake that one of the slayers had dropped. Jack overpowered Warren and raised the sword to strike his heart. The pounding of Alex's heart blocked out the noise of the fighting that went on in the next room as Alex was completely at loss what to do. Suddenly the realisation of losing Warren hit her. She had a choice to make and she made it fast. "Warren!” she screamed. Alex did the only thing that she could and drove the stake right through Jack's heart. He gasped and staggered back off Warren crashing out onto the floor. Warren looked up at Alex who was staring at Jack in horror. She had killed her own dad. She had become a monster like him. His body lay on the floor in front of her decaying at an excessive rate as Warren tried and failed to console her. "Alex, it’s not your fault. You did what you had to do." Alex didn't listen but instead knelt down and looked into Jack's eyes as his body started to grow old. He tried to speak but only a faint whisper came out. "I knew that you were strong enough. I knew that you were the one." Alex didn't understand. "I knew that if I made you chose you between us you would have Warren live." "What? What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Jack smiled. His hair was now going grey and his face was full of dark lines. "Now I can't hurt anyone else. Now I'm free." Alex choked as tears streamed down her cheeks. Now she understood. He had been what she feared the most. He couldn't stop himself from killing all those people. He had lost control after his parent’s deaths and turned. But now she realised that he had hated himself too and she was gripped with sorrow and guilt for what she had so long known was inevitable. Jack’s body disintegrated before her and she sobbed loudly. "What does he mean?” asked Warren. Alex wouldn't look at him. She choked out the answer. "He wanted me to kill him. He hated himself so he pushed me to this. He wanted to do, but he wouldn’t let one of his enemies do it out of pride so he made me chose over you knowing what I would do." Warren held Alex until her tears dried which seemed like hours. They looked at each other uncertain of the future. Alex felt changed forever. She couldn't just go back to school and back to being a normal girl. Everything was different now. The world seemed so much darker and colder. Her only warmth was Warren's arms. Alex remembered then what she was supposed to do next. She had to find Warren's parents. "My parents...?"Warren asked. “Are alive..." Alex nodded the sobs subsiding slowly. "And I know that I can find them. It’ll take a long time." "How long?" Alex shrugged. "Maybe a few months, maybe a year... Who knows?" Warren was both overjoyed and terrified at the thought. "What about school, what about your life?" Alex looked down for a moment. Could she really just leave? Her mother was due to return later that night. But then she could always re-sit her exams. Alex realised something suddenly. "Jack’s spell on my mum will be broken. When a vampire or witch dies any spells that they have cast on humans wears off so my mum will remember Ally and AJ." Warren smiled still holding her tight. "What are we going to do?” he asked. A few weeks later Jeannie received a letter. She was scared to open it. The final battle had been won and the Jack's vampires had retreated. Jack had been found dead and Warren and Alex had vanished. No one had seen them leave and Jeannie wasn't sure who had killed Jack. She was scared of the truth about who killed him. Alex’s mother remembered everything about Jack and had been told the whole story. Ally now stayed with her mother in Alex's room hoping for the day that Alex would walk back into the house. AJ had taken it pretty hard and had searched everywhere. Jeannie wasn't quite as foolish. She knew that no matter who killed Jack the pain of his death would have drove Alex to leave and Warren would have followed her faithfully. Jeannie opened the envelope and read the letter. It was from Alex. "What is it?” asked AJ. He was sitting with Kestrel and Ally on the settee. "It's from Alex." Jeannie read the letter and tears started streaming down her cheeks. "What does it say?” asked Ally. Jeannie looked at them, her face drained of any colour. "My parents are alive..." Dear Jeannie, I'm sorry it took me this long to write. I’m safe and so is Warren though he is recovering from an injured shoulder. You are probably wondering what happened. I couldn't phone you because it's too hard to say over the phone but I killed my dad. Don’t be upset about this. I’m not like him because I didn't do it out of rage or hate. I had a choice. It was Warren or him. I had to choose. My dad knew that I would choose Warren. I didn't realise before that he wanted me to kill him. He couldn't kill himself and he didn't want to keep living as a monster. I truly hated him before but now I don’t. It was easier for me to make him into a monster, to believe that he was true evil. He wasn't either of these things. He was someone who couldn't control what he was. So he decided someone to end it for him. Ally would never no matter what she claims she would do and AJ couldn't defeat Jack but I would. Not out of hate but out of love. I'm trying to put it all behind me. I wish I could tell you where we are but you would only follow us and we need someone to watch things. We trust you to take care of everyone while we are gone. There's one last thing you need to know. Jack fooled you and your whole family. Your parents are very much alive and my visions will lead me to them. I have no idea when or where I will find them but when I do I'll return. Don’t worry about me. I’ll make it back. Warren sends his love. Look after everyone. Your best friend Alex Kavanof. Somewhere miles from home Warren and Alex lay together under the stars. "Alex, are you feeling better now?" She gazed at him. "Much better now that we can finally be alone…" Warren smiled at her. "…No one to tell us how wrong we are together, or judge us by our families. We can go anywhere and no one will know who we are." "It's going to be good to travel for a while." "Yeah and we can..." Warren gave her a sly smile and she raised one eyebrow at him seductively. They didn't know where they were heading or what they would find but they were certain of two things. They loved each other more than ever and that they had not reached the end of their story. This was only the beginning of their lives together. They kissed as they had done so many times. Their entire lives had changed in just a few months but they had stayed together through it all and they were still alive and ready for their next challenge. |