Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1012536-Evolution
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1012536
The X-men's Beast undergoes some changes, Weight Gain involved.
By Wolfgang Wolfe

“And so ends our class for today. Any questions, comments? No? Ok then, I will see everyone in here tomorrow!” Dr. McCoy said to his class, the rowdy teens left his class quickly, laughing and talking out the door. He sat at his desk and smiled a bit, jotting down some final notes for the day.
To his students, he was Dr. Hank McCoy, but he was better known as Beast. How he acquired this name? The dense blue fur which covered his Stocky yet muscular body, the fangs which protruded slightly from his lower jaw, the oversized hands and feet that made it possible for him to perform the amazing acrobatics that he did, ensured him the title. Despite his name and outward appearance, he was a genetic genius, outdoing even the best in the field. There was seldom a time when he wasn’t found reading, teaching, or researching. But lately, there was a change going on in him that even he couldn’t identify, a change that had the potential to be for the better, but if unmonitored, could quite definitely be for the worse.
Looking at his watch a bit he noticed the time, “My word! That late already!” He exclaimed and rose to his feet, packing all his stuff into his shoulder bag and quickly dashing down the halls, making surprising time and speed for the apelike lope he was known for. Being late for any sort of meeting was not usually his style, but he especially hated missing this kind. Luckily for him, he had known the Xavier’s mansion like the back of his hand, it was huge and quite easy to get lost in. He made it to the elevator and walked inside.
“Please identify yourself.” The elevator demanded as he stepped inside, a panel slid out from the wall with a large scanner for his hand. He placed it softly and with a whirr and a buzz, the computer identified him.
“Good afternoon Dr. McCoy.” It said in a “happy” tone, the doors closing and taking him instantly to the depths of the mansion, where only the certified members of the X-men gathered. With a PING the doors slid open and he took off once more down the metal plated corridors, cameras turning quickly to try and keep up with the blue blur.
Another door slid open at the end of the hall, and he was greeted with a sight that always brought a smile to his face. Dinner.
“Ah, so you’ve decided to join us?” Xavier laughed, sitting at the head of the table. The others laughed a bit, with the exception of Logan of course.
“Terribly sorry Professor, I was caught up in my work.” He laughed a bit himself and hung his bag on a chair just beside the large table, draping his lap coat over it as well. His figure was quite impressive, and huge muscles were hardly hidden beneath his blue fuzz, especially since he wore little more than a pair of tight black undies while in the mansion. He loped over to the chair at the opposing end of the table in his usual fashion, but surprised everyone a bit when he flipped over it and sat.
“Wow, looks like you’ve got a bit more energy than usual huh Doc?” Cyclops laughed some, sitting a few seats down.
Beast laughed a bit but was himself a bit surprised by doing that, sure it was easy to do, but why had he done that rather than just sit.
“I suppose so…what’s on the menu for tonight?” He asked, tying a napkin around his thick neck. (It was terribly annoying trying to pick little crumbs of food out of his fur) Almost as If on cue, Jean Grey hovered into the room, several pans of food floating around in her in a pretty wide circle.
“I’m glad you asked beast! I really think I’ve outdone myself this time!” She smiled a bit and hovered over to her usual seat beside Cyclops, making the large platters and pans land in the middle of the table softly.
Beast’s nostrils flared as he smelled the delicious scents, inhaling deeply and digging his clawed feet into the ground in anticipation. Jean closed her eyes once more, and made several portions of food hover to everyone’s plates. Given their mutant abilities it was very important that they ate to keep up strength, and even then, Beast always got a larger portion than the rest. They all dug into their food instantly as it came to them, laughing and chatting in their usual manner, all except for Professor Xavier and Beast. Beast was eating, but he was particularly, or rather, uncharacteristically silent. Usually at dinner he would spend the time discussing new theories and formulas with the professor but tonight he just stuffed his face in a sort of frenzy. The professor kept his eyes locked on beast as he saw his ravenous consumption, his utensils barely receiving attention as he began to pick up his steak in his hands, stuffing the entire portion of meat into his mouth before chewing it to bits and gulping loudly, bits of meat and gravy stuck to his chin and his napkin as he continued to gorge.
But he hadn’t caught the attention of anyone else until he lifted up his plate and dumped its contents into his jaws, barely missing a bit and then licking the plate clean to ensure the deal. The chattering had died down and all attention was on the beast, who didn’t even realize what he was doing until then.
“Oh, uh, forgive me…I had a light lunch…” He laughed a bit and wiped his mouth, trying to regain some degree of poise… but a loud, deep BURRRRRP made sure that wouldn’t be attained. Jubilee, rogue and Iceman chuckled to themselves a bit, but not so much as to be noticed. The elder members of the X-men just sat and tried to continue eating; Jean rose and walked over to him slowly.
“You know Doc, there is more if you’d like some, and you’re apparently hungry.”
“No no, it’s quite alright, I’ll just excuse myself from the table. Superb food though.” He said and stood, pulling his napkin from his neck and dropping it on his plate, he left the room before another word could be said and returned to his lab. Jean looked a bit concerned and followed him.
Upon entering the lab, she found him looking through some rather old books on genetics, as he usually did.
“Are you ok Hank?” She asked, placing a gloved hand on his shoulder.
“Oh yes Jean, quite alright. Just haven’t been that hungry in a long time I suppose.” He laughed and looked over at her.
She nodded slowly and smiled some, “Well ok then, but if there’s anything at all, feel free to tell me. Ok?”
“Of course Jean. Don’t worry about me though; I’ll be heading off to bed in a bit.”
“Ok Hank, good night.” She replied and left his lab once more, the steel doors shutting behind her. He sat there and thought for a bit…why had he suddenly felt the need to gorge himself like that? Why WAS he so hungry lately? He rubbed his forehead a bit as sleep was soon upon him, causing him to yawn a bit.
“Hmm, I suppose I should do some tests in the morning.” He said, walking out of his lab, the lights shutting off for the night. He was tired the entire way back to his quarters and was barely able to climb into bed once he got there, but he was sleeping soundly within minutes.
Unfortunately though, his sound sleep was disturbed…by his own hunger. He tossed and turned in the bed and clutched his middle, he was sure he had a full plate of food before he went to bed but now he was FAMISHED! He rose from his bed with a yawn, walking down the quiet hallway to the kitchen. Still a bit groggy, he yawned once more, opening the fridge door and taking a look inside. He once again groaned in pain as his stomach churned angrily, the familiar hunger returning from earlier that night until he was overcome. He quickly began to unpack the contents of the fridge, stacking the pots of food on the counter beside him, accompanied by a few cakes that had been made for desert, the remaining drinks and sodas, and a number of other snack foods and leftovers. He had nearly cleaned out the fridge and it took him 3 trips back and forth to his room just to get it all there! But this didn’t bug him in the least, as a matter of fact, it felt more natural.
The desk where he once did late night calculations before bed was now a mini buffet, the trays and other foods laid out nicely before him, he removed the lid of one and inhaled deep, the food was still slightly warm and he was still insanely hungry. He wasted no time in hefting the remaining plate of steak up and bringing it to his mouth, letting the contents and the gravy all slide in, loud gulping and slurping sounds heard as he downed the entire thing, licking his lips clean before grabbed an entire ham from another platter and gnawed on it ravenously, stripping the juicy meat from the bone completely and moving onto his next victim. Mashed potatoes, lamb, turkey, biscuits, potato salad, a few pies, a few cakes, several gallons of juice and soda disappeared down his throat and reappeared in his middle, his once ripped set of muscle now little more than a tight blue ball that hung before him, and still he didn’t stop. He ate EVERYTHING he brought up to his room that night and then returned to bed, truly satisfied with his self.
He awoke rather groggily the next day, his head spinning a bit as his eyes opened, a stream of sunlight hitting his face directly from his window. The night before was somewhat of a blur, he recalled waking up, he recalled being hungry, but everything beyond the fridge was a blur. He felt heavier somehow and opened his eyes completely and was confronted with a very surprising image. His once muscled chest and belly was no more, his pecks still retained their shape but were made softer by a layer of fat, his gut didn’t protrude as much as the night before, but it was only made to sag as he digested the volley of food he binged on the night before. He sat up in bed with a bit of difficulty, his tight underwear even tighter now as his belly hung well into his laps, his once chiseled jaw bone now gave way to chubby cheeks as he looked in the mirror at his bedside.
“h-how could I have consumed so much in one night?” He said in shock, prodding his middle. He himself was surprised a bit at how good it felt, he knew that fat had more nerve endings than muscle but he didn’t suspect he would be that way any time soon. He touched his face with his free hand, feeling his chubbier features a bit before both his hands were now steadily stroking his thick furred gut in his lap, he blushed a bit (which really stood out on him) as his nearly 10 inches of maleness stirred a bit with his rubs. Was he finding this…erotic?
He shook his head quickly and stopped right there, his students would be expecting him soon but he was in no shape to do that today, he had to find out what was going on and why he was suddenly so hungry! He rose from bed, feeling his middle bounce a bit as he did and quickly tugged on his lab coat, if it was his intention to hide his girth, he did very little than make it more pronounced, the coat tightly hugging his frame as his belly fur poked out through it.
Opening his door he stood face to face with Jubilee and he jerked back a bit in shock.
“Oh, you startled me Jubilee. Is there anything I can help you with?” He asked, trying his best to stay upright, but that just made his gut stick out more.
“Yeah Doc, about the HW you gave us yesterday it…”She began to speak but then looked down at his middle and smiled a bit.
“Whoa doc, you’re letting yourself go huh?” she laughed and lightly punched his gut; he blushed a bit and tried to find a way out of this.
“Yes, uh, I suppose. Don’t worry about the HW I wont be in class today anyway.” He said and closed his door behind him, bounding down the hallway to the elevator anyway.
“What was that all about? Oh well, a day with excused HW can’t be a bad one!” she laughed and headed off. Beast pushed the elevator button frantically, hoping it would come before anyone saw him, but a group of his students were coming around the corner just as it came.
“Hey, Doc McCoy, Aren’t you coming to class today?” One of them called out.
“Uh No, I, I’m not feeling very well today!” He called back as the doors closed, breathing a sigh of relief that they hadn’t gotten a good look at him. The same PING alerted him to get off the elevator and he bound down the hallway once more, his gut swaying back and forth as he did, making it to his lab once more with no one but the security cams to see him. The door locked soundly behind him and he immediately got to work on running a few diagnostic tests on himself, punching keys into his computer quickly as he did. The chair in the middle of the room spun to face him and he walked over to it, ready to get a full scan, but just then another smell overtook his sense. He sniffed about gently, completely forgetting the test before he walked out of his lab, following the smell once more to the much larger cellar in the basement of the complex. He walked in, barely able to keep himself from drooling as he entered, there were slabs of beef as big as his muscled arms and all sorts of other goodies they stored down here, mostly junk food for the teens. Hefting up one of the thick slabs of beef he began to munch at it vigorously, lucky for him he had a strong enough digestive system to eat the meat raw. In no time flat he had finished one and moved onto another like a zombie, his gut steadily growing outward and downward as he consumed mound after mound of beef, nearly an entire cow in his gut by the time he stopped. Walking, or rather waddling, to the other section, he began to down several economy sized containers of punch and drink, his gut swaying a bit now, so full of food, the tight blue ball projecting out in front of him. His frame could barely handle it, though he was 6 ft tall dully standing, he was usually much shorter because of his walk.
The cellar fell prey to him and was quite ravaged after a while, he lied, nearly unconscious with food in the back, half eaten packages of food strewn across the floor, his tattered shorts just beneath him as he lied there and cradled his massive girth, using his claws to lightly soothe the tight ball, that same sleepiness falling upon him. It was different this time, he couldn’t fall asleep, and he felt as though he was undergoing some sort of change.

And then it happened.

He growled a bit in pain as his whole body felt odd, his bones felt like they were trying to shift and pull themselves away from one another. His skin crawled and burned, his whole body racked with pain as he lied there, no longer in the bliss of rubbing his middle, but the pain of some sort of…transformation. As he roared out in anguish, his once human like face contorted, his mouth pushing forward to form a snout, his nose growing wider, more animalistic, his fangs lengthening and blunt teeth were now replaced with sharp catlike ones, his ears rose to points and his short hair grew to a dark blue mane of hair.
His shoulders pushed upward and grew in muscle mass, a large powerful back grew into an even more enormous structure, his arms grew massively and if he wore a shirt it would be no more, his chest grew wider and more muscular, and his belly processed the large amount of food, the gut did not disappear, however, it only grew to a more manageable shape, now with muscle hidden in with the girth, making his belly rock hard.
Continuing to roar and growl in pain, his hands and feet grew larger, his claws lengthening significantly and his leg muscles growing massive to accommodate his new weight, he almost passed out from pain though, as his leg structure changed to that of a feline, his once human feet growing to become more like that of a large cat.
Lastly, and quite possibly the most shocking change was that which occurred to his fur, it all began to fall out simultaneously, exposing his crawling dark blue skin, he growled and clawed at himself a bit, feeling his new darker fur sprout all over his body, almost midnight blue in color. After nearly a half hour of pain, he was through, his body had taken on an entirely new look, like some odd cross between man, ape, and lion. He lied unconscious now, panting heavily and jerking in pain every few seconds…

His mind raced in this state, thinking of everything he knew about genetics…the increase in hunger, sudden fatigue… it was possible for a mutant to further mutate… but the process should have taken hundreds of thousands of years…
He awoke to a bright light in his face, the room was blurred and colored blotches focused into shapes, he was lying in his lab on the diagnostic table, Jean and Professor X looming over him.
“Unngh, what-what happened?” He asked as he sat up a bit, his head still throbbing, but it all became clear when he heard his voice, now a gruff raspy growl. The memories of his painful transformation rushing back.
“I don’t know Hank. For lack of better words…you mutated once more.” Jean said, holding up a mirror to him, he was a shadow of his former self. In fact, the only thing that remained the same was his blue fur and his IQ. He was face to face with a dark furred Feline Beast…and to him, it was an improvement.
“I see…what have you been able to deduce from this.” He asked Jean, setting down the mirror and turning to sit on the edge of the table, his newly grown, lion like tail swaying back and forth now.
“Well,” jean replied, looking up some things on her computer, “We ran some tests and it seems like your entire bone structure has all but rearranged itself, other than the obvious physical changes though, you’re metabolism has taken a startling increase in this form, Hence why you need to eat so much, I don’t think you could lose the gut even if you wanted, as the excess wait helps you better store your energy, but with that metabolism, it doesn’t look like you’ll have to worry about gaining anymore either. Your muscle mass has reached phenomenal levels and your legs have greatly improved your vertical leap...” She continued, reading off various other readings.
“Thank you Jean, I think the rest I would like to discover on my own.” He growled a bit lowly, and stood, also noticing other “changes” below the waste. The professor chimed in and cleared his throat.
“Yes well, as you can see, it would be useless to dawn your old costume any longer, we have a new one in the works as we speak. But beast, do be careful, we don’t even know the extent of your capabilities now.”
“Don’t worry Professor, I just need to… rest for a little longer.” Beast replied and made his way silently back to his quarters.
As he lie in bed, which seemed even too small for his 7ft frame now, he let his paw run briskly over his gut, purring now more than ever. He had somehow managed to evolve further, and it couldn’t have been any greater. Looking at a picture of himself on the wall doing a flip he laughed some.
“Hank McCoy, you haven’t done anything yet.”

The End

© Copyright 2005 Wolfgang (bigbadwolfe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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