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Lucy had doubts that her husband stopped loving her after marriage. Was she correct? |
Lucy was married to Robert for more than a year. They had celebrated their first anniversary last week. He presented her with a modest gift of a golden necklace. Lucy thought he would be more romanting and take her to the most romantic dinner but she was disappointed. That day Robert prepared the dinner and invited her friends. He kept his own friends out of it. He wanted to make her day special. But Lucy was a little saddened. She felt that her husband does not love her much. Before marriage he used all his energy and time to woo her. But nowadays she felt he was not interested in her. She started feeling insecure. But she knew that he is loyal to her and she means lot to him. But she was very much confused. One Fine day while she was going to buy some groceries, she looked at the bookstore. There was an advertisement in their billboard about a bestseller. "Does your husband love you?" By Dr. Ashley John. In an instant she brought the book and went through it. It consisted of series of question and based on the score, we were supposed to judge if husbands loves their wife or not. Lucy went through the list of question and felt more frustrated. Robert did nothing that this book said a loving man should do. E.g. does he bring Red roses when he comes back from work? Does he massage your legs? Does he say "I love you" every morning? Does he allow himself to watch soap operas instead of soccer? And so on. Lucy was convinced that her marriage was failing but she didn’t want to confront him yet. Lucy cried and cried and walked towards her house which was 3 blocks way. Suddenly a car hits her and drives away. She was lying in the road with pain and luckily a good Samaritan called 911 and admitted her in hospital. Finally when her husband reached hospital he was informed that her shoulder was fractured but it was nothing serious and so she could be normal in a month or so. He took her to their house and placed her in the bed and called office about his unavailability for a couple of week. Lucy was crying both in pain and agony As hours, days passed, she realized that she was totally wrong about her Robert. One night she moaned in pain whenever Robert twisted in the bed causing it to shake, so he slept in the floor. He never went to another bedroom to sleep. Whole Night she was unable to sleep because of pain and she realized that every one hour Robert got up and checked her if she was fine. Also before starting his day he kissed her on her forehead and said "Lucy Juicy". This was how he addressed her when they were dating couple of years ago He did this everyday and then she realized that he used to do it daily but she was unaware of it as she was a sound sleeper. Robert took over a perfect house maker while she was in bed. He juggled his work from office and home with perfect.He made it sure that she was very comfortable. He never showed any irritation and was always smiling. She started believing that Robert is perfect and only she was confused and imperfect. So she wanted to make amends. So one night after their dinner, she said "Honey, You have to write down 10 most irritating thing about me so that I can correct it." "No. I won’t write it down" He said. "Please. Please" she begged. "Ok I would write it down if you also wrote it down about me" He said And so both wrote it down and exchanged it across. Robert looked and smiled at his wife list. It was funny 1. Always keeping the toilet seat down 2. Watching football even if its 10 years old match 3. Always laughing when I cry watching operas" 4. Making fun of my waist. 5. One minute shopping 6. Always eating same menu at all hotels 7. Sleeping in the hall while watching Movie 8. Bathing with door open 9. Mixing the colored and white laundry 10. Seeing 10 channels in 10 seconds. " When Lucy read what he wrote she started crying. He wrote” I don’t remember anything that makes me irritating about you. May be u never irritated me. But I know few things that really cherishes my day. I always liked your small expression of your nose, eyes when you are angry at me. I love to watch your head go up in desperation as though talking to god when I switch channels each second. I loved to see you nose twitch when I say you are getting fat. I love to see your eyes twinkle when u see me bathing. I always love to see your amazement when I always order Haiwan chicken salad whenever we eat out .I love to see u cry more when u see me laughing when u cry seeing operas .I love to hear the tone of anger "Robert, you are dumb and our children will idiot" when I mix colored socks with white laundry. I love to hear your murmur when I see soccer match in which I itself don’t know which team is playing. And my most beautiful thing is to start the day when I see you hitting my photo in irritation when I keep the toilet seat down. So Honey, I find you more loving and never irritated .I know very well that what I love in seeing you comes from the task which irritates u. If u want to me to correct it then it means I cant love u more and so I will come with another few irritating things so that I will love the same way" Lucy saw up with moist eyes and said "Robert will u ever leave me?" He said. "Of course, for your happiness. If you love anybody more than me" and winked. She Jumped from the couch and hugged him after a long time |