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The continuing adventures of Bruce, Susan & Linda. A tiny man living with 2 giantesses. |
MORE CHOICES CHAPTER I: An Abusive Choice Bruce slumped back in his new "home" totally dejected. Save for two holes punched in the tightly fastened lid, he was trapped in a three inch in diameter, three and three-quarter inch high hex shaped jar. After a while he thought he might be able to turn the jar on its side using his weight but the jar would not budge. It was just no use. Bruce lay on his side and tried to get comfortable. There was very little room for him to maneuver in the jar and the best he could do was draw his knees into his chest and lay on his side. Unlike the tank there were no comfort facilites so when he had to go he would just have to go. Hardly an appealing thought but the loss of his freedom was a far more daunting and terrible prospect. When he signed the papers to be shrunk he also agreed to make Linda his legal guardian so he could expect no help from anyone. Outside of Linda and Susan no one even knew he had been shrunk. Clearly the outlook, at least in the short term, was grim. Hours passed by as Bruce thought of what had happened to his relationship with his wife Linda to enable her to do this to him. It was bad enough that she had betrayed him, but to turn him over to Susan. Maybe he had been harsh on Susan but he still felt nothing he had done to her could justify shrinking and kidnapping him. Susan had always been an annoyance for the most part but one he could tolerate. It was just that she was so lacking in self-esteem that she would do anything to try to get people's attention. That was what irritated Bruce the most. But when she was having a good day she could be as pleasant as anyone. Bruce lay in the jar for hours. A couple of times Susan or Linda passed in the distance which raised his hopes for release but they just kept walking past him. It was the late afternoon, nearly six o'clock before either of his two giant wardens turned their attention to him. Bruce had fallen fast asleep but awoke when he felt the jar moving. Opening his eyes he could see that the jar was being held by a giant hand. From the width of the fingers he knew it had to be Susan. Susan carried the jar containing Bruce into the kitchen where she set it down on the table. Opening it up she placed it on its side and ordered Bruce out. Bruce climbed out, moving slowly as his body was a bit stiff from his inability to move very much inside the jar. As Bruce got out of the jar he couldn't help but notice that Susan had spread some interesting items on the table in front of her. There was dental floss (uh-oh), tape, a scissors, a glass of water and an eye dropper. It didn't take him long to realize that nothing good could come of this. Then he seized his chance. Susan, who had been standing, pulled out the chair right in front of where he stood on the table in order to sit down. When she did, Bruce leapt onto the chair and then onto the floor. It was a gamble but one that looked to be paying off. If Bruce could get back to the foyer there was a small crack in the wall next to the staircase which led into the bowels of the house. It was his best chance at escape. Amazingly Bruce ran right through Susan's legs and into the foyer. He could taste his victory over his giant captors. Unfortunately for him Linda was just descending the stairs when she spied Bruce's entrance into the foyer. He never saw her foot before he ran into it knocking him flat on his back and leaving him dazed. It also left Susan plenty of time to collect Bruce and put him back in the jar. "Well mister, it seems that you need to be slowed down. This ought to do it" said Susan as she turned the jar on its side and started spinning it. Susan knew from a cruise the entire family had taken several years ago that Bruce suffered greatly from motion sickness. She kept the bottle spinning for nearly four minutes. Inside, its tiny contents was losing its lunch, breakfast and anything else that was still in its stomach. When she opened the jar the second time Bruce was covered with vomit and his own urine. Unable to even stand now, let alone run, he was an easy mark for Susan's next planned activity. Susan picked up the dental floss and quickly tied Bruce's hands behind his back and then ran the floss around his body which held his arms fast to his back. Slowly she worked the floss down his body until he was totally trussed up. Then things got interesting. Picking up the eye dropper she dipped its tip in the water on the table and squeezed. Releasing the pressure the dropper filled with water. With her right hand she held Bruce down on the table and used her thumb and index finger to spread apart his buttocks. Slowly but firmly she inserted the dropper and squeezed the water into his rectum. She repreatedly the process several times until Bruce was practically bursting. Then she truly got cruel. "Do you remember Bruce" she said as she held him down and worked the dropper tip as far in his ass as it would go. "Do you remember the time you told me to shove something up my ass. How does it feel? How does it feel to be bested and beaten by me" she asked. "It feels pretty good from where I'm sitting. You're gonna remember today as long as you live" she said as she took the scissors and cut off the tip of the dropper, leaving a big chunk of it in his rectum. Squeezing his rear closed she took a piece of tape and placed it on his rear end. His cheeks were firmly shut. Bruce couldn't answer Susan's question. He was too busy screaming in agony. Susan could only imagine the pain Bruce was in. Bruce didn't have to imagine. He was in agony. Susan got up for a second and retrieved an aluminum pie plate which she placed Bruce in. Nearly beside himself in pain, Bruce writhed and wiggled his way around the pie plate as Susan looked on with much amusement. Screams of "mercy" came from his mouth but Susan sat watching for nearly 30 minutes as a nearly unbearable pain shot through Bruce. Susan thought back to a time when she was constipated and couldn't even pass gas. The pain was excruciating and she ended up in the hospital for an enema. Nearly delirious Bruce begged her to kill him. That would be too easy she thought. After the 30 minutes passed she took Bruce into the bathroom and put him in the wash basin. Removing the tape which held the dam in place she let forth a gusher from Bruce's anus. When he was done she turned on the water and cleaned him off. When she was satisfied he was clean she picked him up and took him back to the table where she placed him in a jar identical to the one he had been in all afternoon. Again, just before she sealed the jar, she put it up to her mouth and ran her tongue all over Bruce. Heaven forbid Bruce would think she was getting soft on him. Done, she placed Bruce back on the shelf and walked away. As she climbed the stairs to the nedroom she way staying in a thought creased her mind. "It's good to be a giantess. It's good to be in control. Suffer the little people unto me" she thought, giggling as she walked. Tomorrow held so much promise. CHAPTER II: Given Choices Bruce was fractured, absolutely fractured as he curled up again in the jar. He was soon fast asleep. When he awoke the next morning it seemed that light was just making its way over the horizon and slowly streaming into the house. "Why hadn't Linda at least looked in on him" he wondered and, more important, what did the upcoming day hold? Maybe an hour or so after he awoke he saw Susan approaching. In a flash she picked the the jar and carried it to the tank where she opened it and let Bruce out. As he stretched after a long night in the jar he was astonished to see a pile of food, some freshly cooked, in front of him. "I figured you were hungry" she said. "Thank you" he said as he slowly walked ot the food. "It's okay, it's not a trap. You can eat." Aside from the food there was something else. He was shocked that Susan had awoken so early in the day to feed him. On top of that she had apparently "dolled" herself up. With her contact lenses in and her hair done up the way he liked it, she looked pretty fetching. On her body she wore a bustier which did its best to show off her womanly charms. It was quite a sight and Bruce did not know what to make of it. Susan lingered for a few minutes and then left. As she did she wished Bruce a "good day." And then she was gone. "Who was she" he wondered. Could this be the same monster who tortured him the night before? "She tortures me to the edge of sanity and is now as nice as humanly possible." No it didn't make sense but he was about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The day passed pleasantly for Bruce. Bruce ate almost non-stop, enjoying breads and fruit as well as iced tea. Neither Susan nor Linda made an appearance all afternoon. About six o'clock he heard the door to the bedroom open. It was Susan wearing a night shirt and carrying something in her hand. It was a jar. Bruce didn't know what to make of it all but he soon found out. Without a word Susan picked up Bruce and put him back in the jar and closed it tightly. Walking down the stairs she held the jar at her side. Inside the jar Bruce squirmed to get as comfortable as he could. He needn't have worried. He would only be in it for a short while. Susan descended to the basement where she placed the jar on a work table and opened it. Bruce popped out, happy for the moment to be out of the jar until he saw the same assortments of items arrayed on the table that Susan had used to torture him the night before. "Would you like to go back in the jar for a spin" she asked. Bruce shook his head no. "I didn't think so" she said as she grabbed Bruce and held him down exactly as she had done the night before. Bruce screamed as she inserted the dropper into his rectum withdrawing it only to refill it with water. When she was satisfied his body was full, she once again snipped off the tip of the dropper and taped it in place inside his body. Holding Bruce in place she grabbed a large plastic item that lay on the table. It was a salad spinner. Bruce was placed inside and Susan started the spinner in motion. For five minutes the spinner turned round and round. By the time it stopped Bruce had vomited everything in his stomach. Covered in his vomit Bruce was lifted by the foot by Susan and placed in a wooden holding pen of sorts that she had built and put on the basement floor. Susan said nothing as Bruce writhed around the pen for more than an hour as his body involuntarily tried to expel all the water in his rectal cavity. Trussed up as he was there was precious little he could do to ease his agony. It would soon prove even more difficult. After an hour Susan picked up Bruce and cut his arms loose from his back. With a few more strands of floss she stretched Bruce out on a piece of wood lengthwise, tying him down so he couldn't move his hands or feet She then wrapped a piece of string around his body and the wood so that save for his head, he was totally immobile. Susan placed the wood and Bruce back on the table top and picked up a book that lay on the table. She read while Bruce screamed for mercy. When that failed he screamed obscenities until she took a piece of tape and closed his mouth shut. One half hour more passed before Susan finally took mercy on Bruce and cut loose his bonds and took him to the bathroom upstairs where she allowed the water impounded in his body to escape. After she had once again cleaned him off she took him back to the tank where he fell asleep bedraggled and exhausted. The next morning Bruce awoke to find Susan looking down on him. She looked about as hot as she could with her hair done up and her large frame once again shown off in a bustier. With no glasses and a smile, her face looked quite pretty. Susan indulged herself and reached down and picked up Bruce laying him out in her right hand lengthwise. With her left hand she began to play with his penis and testicles. "Who is this woman" Bruce wondered. "Was she two different people or was she just crazy" he thought to himself. Then she spoke. "You know Bruce I've been thinking. It seems a pity for you to have go through our sessions every day. I mean, there are so many more enjoyable things for us to be doing together. Linda has no use for you anymore. I know she hasn't told you that yet but trust me, she's done with you. The question is what to do with you?" "What to do with me? How about making me normal sized again." Susan burst out laughing at Bruce's idea and continued speaking. "You know the night you met both of us. Since then I've always dreamed of being with you. It's not too late Bruce. And..." she said drawing out her words, "It's not like you have a lot of choices." Bruce looked down not knowing what to say. Susan continued her massage, stopping just short of bringing Bruce to an orgasm. "Well Bruce, what do you think?" "Listen Susan it's not that I'm not grateful to you for the offer. It's just that I wasn't planning on being seven inches tall for the rest of my life. Can't you understand?" If she could understand she didn't want to. "I see" she said. With that she closed her fingers around Bruce and took him down to the basement. Susan dropped Bruce roughly onto the work table and when he got to his knees he could see the implements once again lined up for Susan to use on him. "No" he screamed. "Please no. Please please please" he screamed. "I'm listening" she said. "I'll do whatever you want just please don't..." his voice trailing off. Picking Bruce up she took Bruce back to the bedroom where she lay down on the bed. "Now where were we" Susan began. "You were about to tell me how grateful you are to me for giving you another chance. Weren't you?" "Yes Susan." "And you were also about to tell me how from here on out you will be totally compliant and totally devoted to providing for my needs. Isn't that right?" "Yes Susan." "I thought so. Now for starters there is to be no mention of my sister anymore. You will not see her and she will not see you and you will not mention her. Understood?" Bruce shook his head up and down to indicate that he did. "Second, whatever I ask you for or to do is to be done instantly without hesitation or questions. The only question you may ask is if you do not understand my command. Then you must ask permission to ask a question. Let's see how that works. Tell me how much you want to be with me." Bruce began to speak immediately. "You are a goddess Susan. You are ravishingly beautiful. I must have blind all these years not to see this. I wish to be with you more than anything. More than life itself do I desire you." Bruce kept talking for a full 10 miuntes until Susan told him that was enough. "You've done well little one. Now it is time to pleasure your goddess." Bruce moved quickly and did as he was told. For nearly an hour he worked to bring Susan pleasure she had never even dreamed of before. As she lay flat on her back the sounds she emitted told of a pleasure that she had been longing for but had never quite found. When she finally climaxed Bruce felt the earth moving as if the seismograph had gone off the chart. After a while she grabbed up Bruce and placed him on her left breast where he lay contentedly. As he lay there he began to wonder if this wasn't what he really wanted; to be dominated and controlled by a woman. Wasn't that what the giantess fantasy was all about? As he lay comfortably on Susan's breast he slowly drifted off to sleep. In the coming days he would have much to think about. CHAPTER III: A Bad Choice Hours passed as Susan lay on the bed with Bruce asleep on her breast. When she finally awoke she gently woke Bruce and cleaned him very carefully in the wash basin. After he was made to be squeaky clean Susan took Bruce to the kitchen where they both ate to their heart's content. Bruce was done eating when Susan asked him a question. |