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A feud between two families |
Abi felt her stomach turn as she watched the raging fire destroy her home, especially as she realized her younger sister was in the house. "Violet" she heard herself scream, but she couldn't move to help. She watched as her brother, Nick, ran toward the house, but was pulled back by the neighbours who were standing around watching the blaze, but did nothing to help. She could hear the sirens a few streets away, and willed them to get closer, hoping her sister could be saved. Finally, the fire crew had arrived, and were moving closer to the house, with their hoses shooting water. The water pierced through the flames, but they seemed as though they would never die down, in fact, they seemed to be getting worse. - Matthias Cane stood next to his father watching the orange-red flames intently as they rampaged through the house. Matthias looked up to his father, who had a big smile on his face, before looking back at the blaze. "Come on son," the older man said, finally breaking the silence between them. Matthias nodded and followed his father as he walked off. - Abi pulled on the black jacket that had been laid out neatly on her bed, and did up a few of the buttons. She combed her shoulder-length hair, and tied it up with a blue ponytail, which contrasted beautifully with her golden blonde hair. She took a quick look in the mirror, and frowned at the sight of her tear stained face. Nick had told her repeatedly to be strong, to not let the others win, but she just couldn't. It wasn't that easy. Abi went into Nick's room, he was wearing a black suit, and looked very mature and grown up. He, himself, was being very strong. He had found them a new home, and was now preparing for their little sister's funeral as though it was just any other day. But she knew him better than that, and knew that secretly, he was plotting his revenge... - Matthias stood next to his sister Elisheva, quite a way back from the cemetary where the crowd was gathered. The pair watched as the coffin lowered into the ground, and a wreath of purple flowers, which spelt out the word "violet" was layed next to the grave. Matthias looked at his sister, as she continued to stare at the crowd. After a while, the crowd had dispersed, leaving two people alone - a dark haired guy, and a blonde haired girl, who Matthias and Elisheva both knew as Nicholas and Abigail Archer. Matthias could he see that the girl was crying, but even though he was partly responsible for the days events, he felt no guilt about the fact that a twelve year old girl was dead. - Nick was seething. He ha known Matthias Cane would probably have turned up at the funeral. Who wouldn't want to see the end results of their work? But he was still angry. The truth was, he felt pretty bad about his sister's death. He should have protected her. He should have got her out of that fire. But he didn't, and now, he was going to ensure that those responsible would be made to pay for what they had done. - As soon as Nick and Abi got home, Nick got straight to work, formulating a plan. He knew exactly what he had to do. For Violet. Abi sat watching her older brother. She could almost see the cogs turning in his head. She knew what he was thinking. She knew that he was formulating a plan, and plotting his revenge. She knew exactly what was going on inside his head, but she did nothing to stop it. There was no point in trying to calm him down, making him think rationally about the situation. A part of her knew that Nick was stubborn, and once he had put his mind to something, it was near impossible to stop him, or make him change his mind. The other part of her, however, wanted Nick to do whatever it was he was planning. She knew that those who would be on the receiving end deserved it. They had murdered her sister, and therefore, they deserved whatever they got. - Nick looked down at the firework in his hand, trying to justify to himself that this was necessary. Telling himself that he could do this. That he had to do this. He thought about what his father had always told him, "Always take care of your sisters, Nicky. You have to protect them. Protect your family Nick". Nick had promised his father that he would always keep his sisters safe, but he hadn't kept to his word. His little sister, Violet, was dead. He hadn't protected her, and now a twelve year old girl was dead. Nick felt all his anger came flooding back. He didn't need to justify what he was doing any further. He had a reason, Violet, Violet was enough reason for him to never feel guilty for what he was about to do. He ran across the road, lit the fuse of the firework, and threw it in through the open window of the office block, he had spent the last hour staring at. As soon as he let go of the firework, he ran across the road, so he could watch his work from safety. The building was soon on fire. Nick felt a sense of pride as he watched the destructive orange flames against the backdrop of the night sky. He was proud of himself for avenging his family. Wyatt Cane, Matthias' father was working late in his office, when he heard the firework go off. He looked around from where he was sitting, trying to decide where it had come from. "Damn kids," he muttered to himself. He was, of course, as yet, completely unaware that the firework had gone off in the back room of his own office building. He would of course, soon be made very much aware. - Nick stood, mesmerized by the blaze. This was exactly what Wyatt Cane and of course, Matthias deserved. They had killed his sister, and now, Wyatt was going to die, and Matthias would be made to feel the same loss that Nick and Abi had felt ever since Violet had died. - - This is the first part of my story. Tell me what you think, and how to improve. Thanks |