Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1006993-Where-the-mind-wonders
Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Drama · #1006993
Campfire for Marquise and Magenta only.
Alright. This campfire is for Marquise and Magenta. It's simply a random wandering of our minds, who knows where it will take us.
"Fuuuuuuck." I grumbled. "Late again."
I never meant to be late for school, I really tried. But I was awaful with time. That, and I like to sleep and took ungodly amounts of time to get ready. I put on my blood-red lipstick in my car's mirror and ran into the school. Rushing into my first period english class, I slid into my seat just as the last bell rang. My teacher laughed. "Nice to see that you're on time today Andrei."
She was too nice to me. She could have written me up a thousand times by now but she never did, she said it was because she could see that I was trying. I think it was just because she liked me. Mrs. Durant had seemed a little weirded out by me at first, most teachers had, what with my long black hair, dark makeup, and weird clothes, to to mention that everyone knew I was gay. But when I had approached her after class one day asking her to edit some of my poetry she had quickly taken a liking to me. She said I was a good writer.
I heard some snickers behind me and I tried my best to ignore them. I always thought that they would have gotten used to the way I dressed by now, I had been at this school for two years, but every day I still got laughter and worse, teasing and fights. I focused on Mrs. Durant's voice and then on our assignment for the day, cinquains, a form of semi-structured poetry. The first line was to be a one word subject, then two adjectives for line two, then three verbs, a four word phrase, and a one word conclusion. I came up with:
deadly, toxic
consuming, seething, piercing
The fury we unleash
When class was over I shuffled out into the hall towards my locker. I was lost in thought and found myself suddenly stumbling back a step after bumping into someone. Before I knew it there was a sharp pain in my back and I was against the lockers. The guy I had bumped into was in my chemistry class later in the day. He hated me. He looked down at my knee-length plaid skirt and laughed. "Watch where your fucking going faggot!"
I watched with amusment and disgust as the much larger and tougher guy pushed the smaller one against his locker. I threw my cigarette out and walked into the hall right up to them, my high-heeled vinyl boots clicked loudly in the hall despite the noise.

"Hey, if you want to fuck around with someone then go find a whore but until then I suggest you leave him alone before I shove this heel up your ass and I don't think you'll like that too much," I said lightly as if it were nothing. I knew that he wouldn't take me seriously considering I was about the same size as the boy that he had pinned and also I was a girl. I had short brown hair, dark red lipstick, my ears pierced four times in each ear, a low rise skirt of dark red vinyl, a Ramones baby-T topped off with my knee high black vinyl boots. I may have looked delicate but I knew that I could take him down easily. I may not have known this guy but I wasn't going to let him be pushed around just because he was gay. I had to stand with my fellow rainbows because there were only so many of them around this school thats why it was so hard to find a decent girl to date.

He took one look at me and smirked arrogantly.

"Looky here, you've got dykes standing up for you too." He let the boy go and stepped towards me trying to use his size to scare me. I was so used to defending myself that it didn't faze me. I looked straight up into his gaze and dared him to try anything. After a moment he gave a sneer and pushed past me.

I stared after the ignorant boy with strong distaste then brought myself to introduce myself to the boy I had just defended.

"Hey, I'm Cadence. I've seen you around school but never got to introduce myself." I extended my hand to him.

I stared at her for a moment the extended my hand and shook hers. She was pretty, for a girl, and looked tough as hell. "Uhh... thanks for your help Candence. My name's Andrei."
I smiled at her politly. She seemed cool, though a bit frightening, and I sure could use a friend at this school. She smiled too, I took that as a good sign. "You're welcome. What the hell is that guys problem?"
I laughed. "You see the skirt? That's the problem. Stupid close-minded pricks."
We talked for a moment then both went our seperate ways towards our classes. I grabbed my psychology book out of my locker and ran to class. When I settled into my seat next to Iris, my best friend, truly one of the only friends I had. Immediatly I began raving about Candence. "She was awsome! She just came up to this guys and stared dead at him and he just backed off! She's scary but she's really nice. She's punk too! Like real punk. It's cool!"

I went to class and followed the usual school day schedule. When the bell rang saying that we were free from Hell I bolted from my math class and headed for the student parking lot.

In the corner of my eye I saw Andrei walking with someone I knew was Iris. I didn't know either of them very well but I figured since I had just got done saving Andrei's pretty face from being smashed up then I could afford to approach.

"Hey, hows it goin?" I said walking along side them. Andrei smiled at me.

"Not bad," he answered, he turned to his friend. "This is the girl that saved my ass today. Cadence this is Iris."

"Hey," I greeted. A sudden idea then hit me. "I have a great idea. Why don't you guys come with me tonight to our local hangout. The front is a cafe and not that much to look at it but its a backway entrance to an awesome dance club. They don't care of you're under 18 or 21." I fished some paper out of my backpack, scribbled down the address and also my cell number if he needed it then went on my merry way.

That night around seven I got a call double checking that I'd be going.

Me: "Yeah, I'll be there. Better yet, you want me to pick you up? I don't care as long as you cough up some money to buy me a drink or some gas later on."

Andrei: "Uh, okay, sure. Let me give you directions."

I took down his directions carefully because I hated to get lost anywhere, it was just one of those pet peeves I had. I said my goodbyes and that I'd be there promptly at 8:30. That gave me plenty of time to get a shower and get dressed.

I walked out the door around eight, waving bye to my too-busy-to-notice mother, in a delicately chosen neon blue fisnets over a sparkly black tube-top, tight black vinyl pants tucked into my boots and dark blue makeup to match. I always dressed to impress, I even had slightly spiked my short brown hair. Hopefully I'd get lucky tonight although I doubted it. I was just too punk/goth/retro/awesome for some. I arrived at Andrei's house and honked the horn not feeling like going up to the door because parents usually had bad reactions to cigarettes and lesbians.
I showered and dressed carefully. I liked to look nice. I dressed like I wanted, somehow I didnt think the people at this club could be too close-minded if Cadence went there. I sliped on a black skirt that twirled when I spun, a fishnet shirt, my favorite boots with 5 inch platforms. I sat down infront of the mirror and painted myself up. Neon green and pink eyeshadow went onto my eyes, black lipstick to my lips, and then dark blush. I stood, fliped my head over, and grabbed the hairspray. When I stood straight again my hair was teased perfectly. I looked into the mirror, I looked like a hooker.

When I heard the honk of a car horn outside I jumped up, grabbed my bag, and headed out. "I'm going out!" I shouted to my older sister, my mom wasnt home yet.

I sat down next to Cadence and smiled, she looked nice and I told her so. She laughed. "I thought you were gay."

I laughed too and then we were on our way. From the front the place didn't look like much but when we got inside the back door my jaw dropped. There was more counter culture people here than I had know there were in the entire town. I looked around, Cadence laughed again at the excitement on my face.
"I take it that you've never seen this many gays in one place before. This is where all the freaks come out to play," I laughed at him. He looked like a kid lost in a candy store. If he could walk out of here with a phone number then I would be impressed because I had been coming here for three years and I hadn't any real luck yet. Then again, maybe one day... "How long have you lived here?"

"About two years," he stammered, wetting his lips as I led him through the mass of bodies. The dance floor was to the right cornor complete with loud speakers, lights and a tiny stage in case someone wanted to strut their stuff which happened a lot actually. To the left was a long bar with a metallic purple surface and blacklights underneath it. The bartender had only a vest on made that sparkled purple like the counter top, a simple pair of black jeans and about three piercings in one eyebrow. I usually ended up talking to him for about an hour everynight seeing as I could never get a date which I had come to accept by then.

"Over here." I directed him toward a booth covered in black leather seats and a clear table top with blacklights underneath it. He was still looking around with wide eyes and he was kinda cute, too bad I didn't like penis.

I turned away from my friends and noticed them sitting at the bar. They hadnt been there a moment ago. He was dark haired and dressed like a girl, she looked tough enough to be a boy. By the way he was looking around and every sweaty bit of male flesh, I assumed they wern't together. Her blue fishnet shirt and tube-top showed just enough flesh and man she was beautiful. I wondered if she was a lesbian and decided to take my chances. If she wasnt and wanted to start something, well, I was looking for a good fight anyway. I had never been the kind of person to deny what I wanted, and I certainly wanted that pretty piece of punk flesh. I turned back to my friends. "Well, see you later fuck-heads. I'm going to go try to get some pussy."

I approached the bar and suddenly found myself thinking 'I hope I don't look too intimdating.' I was wearing too much vinyl; a black vinyl half-shirt, short vinyl skirt, and thigh-high vinyl boots with seven inch heels. A cat of nine tails hung from one side of my belt, a pair of handcuffs from the other. My lips and nails were painted the same shade of blood red. It all contrasted with my dreadfully delicate looks. My features were fine and I was small and thin. My naturally bleach blonde hair was pixie-cut; short in the back then slanting towards my chin in the front. My eyes were cat-like green. I sat down on the bar stool next to her's an slipped an arm boldly around her waist. "Hello there beautiful." I purred, my voice still showing traces of my native Russia.


My eyes slanted toward the new-comer who had appeared out of no where and invaded my personal space. I couldn't complain much because she was stunningly beautiful, how I had missed her was beyond me. She was drowning in vinyl with a whip at her side and an accent. Wow, some of the major turn ons that I could ever find in one woman. For a moment I thought about discarding her because of how quickly she had approached, she had to want something and it didn't seem to be a love connection either but hell beggars can't be choosers.

I gave her a nice seductive smile.

"Why hello there, Sexy," I answered. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"If you like," she answered in that almost husky accent that she made so feminine. Her arm stayed where she had put it before but I didn't make a move to remove it, not yet.

I ordered her whatever drink she wanted and Tank, the bartender, slid it over.

"Ew, lesbian love," Andrei's voice popped out of no where. I had totally forgotten that he was there and shot him a smile.

"Aw, poor boy, you're probably mortified. Here, let me make it all better." Not really understanding why the hell I was doing it I turned to our vinyl drenched vixen and planted a deep kiss on her plush mouth. She smelled like leather and sex, what a great combination. I knew that I was fucking bold but damn...I couldn't recall a time where I just randomly started making out with a hot girl with a sexy accent but I sure as hell was not complaining.
Even I was a bit shocked. By the look she had given me I wouldnt have thought her so bold. But I certainly didn't complain. Her lips were soft and I kissed her back passionatly. I was tempted to let my hands wander when I heard. "Ewww... girl kisses," and giggiling.

I pulled away from the pretty girl. "My name is Irisa by the way."

"I'm Cadence." She replied.

It was a lovely name. I smiled at her sweetly then turned to the boy. I wanted him to leave us alone. "Go find a cock to suck."

He looked at me as if in shock and stuttered an incomprehensable response. Oh great, so he was a shy type. I sighed and grabbed a good friend of mine as he passed. "Hey doll. Entertain the flammer while I talk to this lovely lady, would you?" my voice was sweet but my gaze said 'do it or I'll hit you', not that I thought he'd care.

I heard the skirted boy make a slight noise of objection to being called a flammer but I ignored him.


I stared at Irisa for a moment like she was insane but I of course complied. I looked at the boy that I was taking guardianship of for the evening while Irisa fucked around. He was cute in a drag goth queen sort of way but I had seen so much more extreme than him. He was cute though with his makeup and teased hair. I usually wasn't much of one to just socialize out of nowhere but I guess I was going to have to make a special place for it at the moment.

I extended my hand to the boy and he looked at me hesitantly.

"I don't bite," I said. He looked at me still like I had four heads. "Come on."

Finally he glanced at Irisa and her new playtoy, as I knew thats what she would be, and took my hand. His cheeks were flushed. He was embarressed and it was quite adorable. I gave him a slight smile to let him know that I was nothing like my bold and vulgar friend. He seemed to relax a bit.

I took him away from the girls who were batting eyelashes all ready. "Lesbians..." I thought to myself with amusement.

"So, whats your name, Kid?" I questioned the moment we sat down.

"Uh...Andrei," he said softly, glancing away from me.

"My friends call me Kyoshi," I introduced myself with a light handshake. "Don't be so nervous, not all of us are like Irisa."

He was so innocent and almost frightened looking that a part of me seemed to want to take him under my wing but I knew that was a stupid idea. Letting anyone get really close to me was always a stupid idea.

"So, Andrei, how old are you?" I started the small talk to get him to relax because chances were he'd be here for a while if his ride was the punk back at the bar.

"Um...my 17th birthday is next week," he answered, finally glancing at me. I wondered if he was just too embarressed to look at me which made me curious as to why, I didn't think that I was attractive. I certainly didn't look anything like most of the people in the club with their flashy see through clothes and beyond-what-can-be-comfortable-for-a-man's-crotch pants. The only thing that I had taken care in really to look decent umong the crowd was a bit of black eyeliner to make my hazel eyes stand out and braided my long dirty blond hair back that fell to my waist. I wore simple clothes of green long sleeves and comfortable black jeans tucked into regular combat boots. I could've looked impressive if I had wanted to but the inspiration to look good was no longer a necessity seeing as I was not looking to attract anyone, it only led to trouble.
I tried to smile politely and I tried not to stare. He, Kyoshi, was pretty. He was naturally handsome, unlike most of the boys here, including myself, that were painted and fake. But I was shy and I didn't really know what to say. I was never much of a people person, and even less of one now after all these years of abuse. I knew that here no one cared how I dressed or about my sexuality, but not talking had become a habit, one that wasnt easy to break. Eventually I managed, "So...uh... Kyoshi, that's a pretty name. Does it mean anything?"

"It means quiet." he replied gently.

I smiled. He was very pretty, in a masuline way. He didn't look gay at all, not that it matter because I certainly wasnt going to flirt. I hadnt had a boyfriend in years and I didn't casualy date or sleep around. I didn't even flirt. I was too shy. I carefully avoided the subject of myself and instead tried to talk of Cadence and Irisa. "Those two seem to uhhh like each other, don't they? Irisa seems umm... interesting. So,... where's she from? And uh.. where are you from? You have an accent too."

I watched the boy stutter and smiled.

"She is from Russia. I am from England despite my name. Its really only a nickname but its what I go by," I answered him. I watched in intently. For some reason it bothered me that he would not look at me while he spoke. "Hey, you can look at me while you're talking. Its okay, honestly. Its nice being able to talk to people sometimes although usually I'm not too social myself."

I saw him start to hesitantly move his eyes to look at mine. He blushed even more but I didn't mind. Even though I wasn't looking for any type of relationship it was still flattering to have someone blush over you. Plus, I was much older than him anyways. I had six years up on him which was quite a leap.

"Yeah, I'm kinda shy sometimes," he said, glancing at me more now.

Something about his eyes caught my attention suddenly. Without thinking I reached out and put my hand under his chin staring into his dark saphire blue eyes. I felt my aura spring to life and reach over to touch his, brining it to life as well. In that aura I saw flashes of things that had scarred him. I could only see bits and pieces but it was enough to understand why he was not very talkative. Very roughly I pulled myself away and sprang up from the table.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered. "I can't seem to...fuck!"

I turned and started for the door. Fuck what Irisa wanted me to do I had to cover myself. I knew that something would happen. I still couldn't control it after all of these years. I headed towards the door with people instinctively moving out of my way. My head was starting to hurt too. Damn! I knew that going out had been a bad idea.
I was shocked. What had I done? What had I said? He had run away so suddenly. I stared after him and blinked back tears. What was wrong with me? I stood and walked quickly back to the bar, sat back down next the Cadence and ordered a strong drink. I tried to avoid looking at her, afraid that she'd see tears in my eyes. I could never do anything right!

I downed my drink quickly. I heard Cadence ask what was wrong but it was distant. I didn't answer her. I could never do anything right! Then I heard Irisa curse and say she was going to look for Kyoshi. I opened my mouth to tell her not to bother but no sound came out.

Why did I care so much that he left like that? I barely knew him. Was it just because I knew I could never do anything right? Because I always screwed up things and that was why I had no friends?

The look on Andrei's face worried me. It worried me even more when Irisa took one look at him and panicked.

"I've got to go find Kyoshi," she has said while getting out of her seat quickly.

"Wait, are you coming back?" I asked panicked. I actually was starting to really like her, I couldn't let her slip through my fingers so easily just because some guy ran out on Andrei.

"I do not know," she answered flustered. She reached into her shirt and brought out a piece of paper that apparently she has already written her number on in the hopes of getting lucky. She shoved it into my hand and leaned in to kiss me as she did it. "Call me tomorrow."

With that she disappeared in the crowd. I looked down at the number in shock but in happiness. I had actually gotten a number? I forced the shock from my face and stuffed the paper down the only tiny pocket the pants contained then focused myself back on Andrei.

"Hey, are you all right? What happened?" I questioned but he didn't answer me. His eyes were distant...too far away. I wondered briefly what could have happened between the two men to cause one to leave and the other to go into a fucking vegetative state.

Finally I got up and took Andrei by the arm. I led him through the place to the back door and out through the tiny cafe. I found my car and placed him in it. I came to the conclusion that he was drunk so I didn't bother him anymore. I started taking him home but thought better of it, I was sure that his parents wouldn't have been happy if he came home like that. So, I turned around and headed toward my house. My mom wouldn't care because she'd be alseep by the time I'd reach the house and we'd be asleep by the time she got up to leave for work. So, it all worked out.

I pulled up in my driveway beside my mom's silver cruiser. He didn't need much help moving around except I had to push him in the right direction. I pushed him finally into my room and onto my bed. I took off his shoes and let him go at it. Within seconds of his head hitting my pink carebear pillow he was out.

"You're going to owe me big ones for this you little brat," I whispered, not meaning it in a bad way at all. I actually had grown fond of the boy within just a day. Wow, this was my lucky day wasn't it? I got a girl's number and a new friend that I could to babysit. Better than being alone I supposed.

I started undressing and slipped into a large dark blue shirt that was one of those random things you find at thrift stores and think that they'll be comfy. Since I knew he was gay and I was gay I didn't mind sharing a bed with him because I'd be damned if I was gonna give up my comfort and sleep on the floor.

I fell asleep thinking of vinyl clad vixens with soft lips and intoxicating words of seduction. I hadn't been that fanciful of a girl since I was 15.
I caught up with Kyoshi just outside the door. I grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him to face me. All thoughts of yelling at him disappeared when I saw his face though and instead I just hugged him. I could never stand to yell at Kyoshi. "He's alright." I answered his unasked question. "What did you see Kyoshi? What did you see with the boy?"

He shook his head and sighed. He never wanted to talk to me about this kind of thing, but I knew him too well to let him stay silent. "I just blew that girl off to come after you, you are at least going to tell me what happened?" I laughed to let him know I was kidding, that I wasnt angry with him. "What did you see? Why did you touch him?"

I sighed. I wasn't very sure how to answer her but I did the best that I could. "There was just something in his eyes...I couldn't control myself I had to touch him, I had to look into his eyes. I only saw fragments...and I hope that I never see the whole. I hate this Irisa! I hate it!" I took a deep breath to regain my composure. She might have looked like a complete bitch and hard-ass but she really was a great person and I loved her dearly. As much as a gay man could at least.

She hugged me tight. "It's okay. Maybe you should try controlling it rather than running away from it?"

I snorted at the idea but I wished it with all my being that I could control my curse.

"Don't you make that sound at me. I'm serious, Kyoshi. Maybe you should try giving in? Maybe things will get better?" she suggested.

"You don't understand. I see people's deepest secrets, sometimes even things that they don't even remember anymore. I can't live like this, I'll go even more crazy. I just want it all to be normal again, like it used to be before all of this shit started happening...but I have a feeling thats not going to happen," I said, still hugging her. A realization then came to me. "Damn, Irisa, I'm sorry. I made you run out on that girl and also freaked that poor kid out. He was cute too." I attempted a light note in my voice.

"Really, now? That little flammer? Why doesn't that surprise me?" she laughed but not cruelly. She liked to antagonize me a lot but she had never been harsh with me really. She had been there for me for the past few years and I was grateful to her. If she wasn't a lesbian, or a woman, I would've screwed her a long time ago but as nature would have it that wasn't going to happen.

I just gave a little laugh and we made our way back to the car. I briefly considered going back in and apologizing to the poor boy but decided not to. I had a feeling that he would keep his distance from me now. The thought made my heart feel a little bit heavier but what could I really do?
I woke the next morning with an awful headache. I was surprised to find that I was not in my room and even more suprised to find myself lying next to Cadence. She was awake. "Uhh... What am I doing here?"

"You were wasted last night so I just brought you here."

"Yeah..." As the drowsyness went away I remebered.

Last night had been weird, I had drank to much and when that cute boy had run out on me I had just freaked. I'd been pretty depressed anyway and that had just been more than I could take. After all that was going on at school I was really upset. I was afraid I was going to have to switch schools again and I wasnt sure if I could handle that, I was just begining to feel at home at that school. My mom was even considering having me home schooled or, even worse, sending me to live with my dad, who would send me to military school. I was begining to feel unwanted everywhere so I had just paniced when Kyoshi had run out.

I drug myself out of bed and Cadence and I had lunch and talked for a while. I could tell that she was trying to avoid the talking about last night, and I was thankful. After lunch I asked her if she was going to call the crazy Russian dominatrix-looking girl she had met. She laughed and picked up the phone to call.

I picked up the phone a bit nervous as I munched on some chips. The phone rang quite a few times before someone answered groggily.

"Привет?" Irisa's voice answered.

"Hello Sunshine," I smiled. I felt like a fucking giggly school girl.

"Cadence?" she questioned. I could hear her stretching.

"Yep, thats me," I answered.

"I'm glad you called. You want to go out tonight? You can bring your little flamer friend too because Kyoshi wants to meet him again." I assumed that Kyoshi had been the guy that had ran out on Andrei but what they did was their business.

"I wouldn't mind at all and I can bring Andrei too. Where?" She gave me directions and another number in case I got lost. She told me to be there around eight and I agreed, it was Saturday so what else did anyone have to do?

When I hung up the phone Andrei was looking at me curiously.

"Hope you don't mind going out again because you've been invited to go along too," I told him.

"Umm...is Kyoshi going to be there?" he asked with his head down.

"Yep," I answered, popping more chips into my mouth.

"I-I can't..." he began but I interupted him.

"Yes you can and you will. You need to learn how to be bold and take care of yourself. Since obviously no one has taught you that then I will. Step one: stop running away from things even if they don't work out the first time." I looked at him sternly. I knew that he wasn't going to fight back so I just waited for the nod of his head.

"I better call my house and tell them I'll be gone this weekend," he sighed. I pushed the phone towards him with a triumphant smile. Damn, I was good.
"Kyoshi!" I called out happily. "You're coming out vith me tonight!"

He came into the room rubbing sleep from his eyes. After the incident at the club last night I had invited him to my aparment for a few drinks and a good long talk. He had ended up just staying with me. "доброе утро" I greeted him good morning.

"Yeah, good morning. Where are we going?"

I was grinning. "We are going out with Cadence... and Andrei."

The look on his face was wonderful, whether it was good or bad I could not tell, but it was wonderful. I laughed. "You are coming with me whether you like it or not. I'm sure Cadence is telling Andrei the same thing right now."

He sighed and I laughed. Kyoshi needed to be more social and, so it seemed, did Andrei. What better way to make both talk to people than to make them talk to each other? "Дорогая моя, Ты такая чудесная."

He looked at me in confusion. He understood basic Russian phrases that I used often but I didn't think he understood that. "My dear, you are wonderful."

"I didn't say I was going." He replied.

"Oh dearest, but you are." I smiled.

I sighed heavily knowing that I wouldn't be winning today no matter how hard I tried.

"You're a bloody pain in the ass when you want to be Irisa," I sighed, stretching out on her bed.

"Why, thank you, Dearest," she smiled.

She got up and began brushing her hair. I watched her silently.

"Do you really think that its a good idea for me to see that boy again? I don't want something else to happen like last night, I think that I've already scared him," I said, propping myself up on my elbow.

"I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Don't worry so much, Kyoshi, it causes wrinkles," she stated, putting her brush back down. "Now, you're going out with me tonight. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah..."
"But why do I have to go?" I complained as we dressed.

"Because, I said so." Came her reply, once again.

"That's not a reason!" I insisted.

"Because if you don't I'll hurt you."

That was a good enough reason for me. I didn't want to go, but I did not doubt Cadence's ability to hurt me. I dressed in silence after that. We had gone to my house earlier in the day to pick up some clothes for the weekend and a few other things I needed. I slipped into a pair of incredibly tight lime-green vinyl pants and equally flourecent fishnet and vinyl shirt. To contrast the bright clothes, all my makeup was black. I pulled my long hair into a pony tail at the top of my head so that it fell down around my head like a fountain. Finally I turned from the mirror. "How do I look? And where are we going?"

I was nervous and felt kind of sick. I hoped nothing bad happened tonight but I couldnt see how it could be avoided. I didn't want to have to deal with anything else. I didn't want to go, to face Kyoshi. Quickly I added. "And why do I <i> have </i> to go?"

"Stop complaining before I kick your ass," was the only response that I gave. I knew that it wasn't my place to give a lecture. I was just suppose to force him into things and hope for the best.

We piled into my car after I left a note for my mom. We stopped for some food then were on our way to meet Irisa and Kyoshi. I found myself growing very excited as we neared the place. They were both much older than Andrei and myself so they knew all the good places so they could easily get us in. Butterflys were in my stomach by the time we parked at the large flashy place. I had heard of it but I had never bothered to check it out.

I could spot Irisa and Kyoshi already. I had to struggle with Andrei some to get him out of the car because apparently he had seen them too.

"Come on chicken shit, we don't have all day now get out of the fucking car," I demanded. Finally he got out and began following me.

I came up to Irisa and slipped an arm around her waist smiling at her.

"Hey there sexy," I greeted.
"Darling..." I purred and kissed her. "You look lovely."

She smiled. Andrei and Kyoshi were standing next to us. Andrei looked terrified. I pulled away from Cadence momentarily. "Andrei. You remember Kyoshi, I assume." He nodded, his eyes still had that deer-in-the-headlights look. "And Kyoshi, don't you have something to say to the boy? An apology maybe?"

With that I pulled Cadence into my arms and walked through the door, leaving the boys alone with each other. I thought it would be the easiest way to force them to talk with one another to take away the oppurtunity to talk to us girls. Once inside I turned to Cadence. "So, sweetheart. Let me buy you a drink and you can tell me about yourself."

I walked through the crowd and they parted for me, every one knew me here. I laughed and blew kisses at a couple of people. After we had our drinks I sat us at a small table in the corner. "So, baby, talk to me."

I glanced at the boy really not wanting to be here or do any of this but I knew that I'd have to or Irisa would never let me live it down. I was careful not to look him in the eyes as I stepped closer to him.

"You wanna stay out here or go inside?" I decided to question. I wouldn't have minded being outside but I would be comfortable in either environment.

"I don't care, whatever you want," he answered timidly. He was quite adorable even though he was a drag queen. I wondered briefly what he'd look like without all of the flashy stuff.

Careful not to touch him I led him through the door and into the club. A few people waved to me and I of course waved back but avoided talking to them. I led him to a small table near the door so we could get out easily without any notice if we chose to.

We sat there in silence for a few moments before I finally broke down.

"Hey, look, I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk or anything. I just have some personal issues that I have a hard time controlling so I hope you don't think that it was because of you that I left," I said, looking at my hands which I had lying on top of the table. I had actually bothered to paint my nails at Irisa's. Once again I hadn't dressed flashy like everyone else around me. I was happy in a snug My Chemical Romance T-shirt, dark blue jeans, my combat boots, and my hair pulled back in a pony tail. I hadn't bothered with any form of makeup tonight. I glanced up at him wanting to know his reaction.
I was careful not to look into his eyes as I nodded slowly. I knew he was just trying to make me feel better, and probably because Irisa had told him to. But I didnt want to argue so I nodded and kept my head down. I didn't want to talk. I felt sick again. Being nervous always made me feel ill. My white foundation covered up how much I was blushing. "I-It's okay... I-I... It's okay..." I forced out despite the lump in my throat.

I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. Why did I feel this way? What about this boy was making me panic? Was it just because he had run away from me? That I could tell he didn't want to be here near me? I blinked back tears, feeling ridiculous. I was over-emotional. I could just ignore him, go get a drink and go flirt and talk. I was shy but I wasn't phobic around people like this. The only people I feared were the normal ones. But for some reason I felt compelled to sit at that table under his inquisitive (or maybe that look was just disgust...) eyes. I bit my lip and waited for him to speak to me, I was sure if I spoke I would say something wrong.

I could feel his uncertainty. I watched as his aura came into my view but I only probed at it lightly trying to control a tiny portion of my abilities. He was so very insecure and believed me to be telling lies. I could feel his pain from things that had never healed and I had an instinct to fix it. I wanted to reach out and hold this boy, to comfort him.

The next thing I knew my hand was reaching across the table toward him. I stopped it halfway there and let it fall back to the table. He looked up at me for a moment.

"Look, I'm not doing this because Irisa made me. I wanted to apologize to you last night but you had already left. I'm not very good with people and I'm sure as hell not good with starting friendships, relationships, or whatever but...what I guess I'm trying to say is...that I wouldn't mind if we could just start over again and at least be friends. Looks like we'll be around eachother a lot anyways thanks to our carpet muncher friends," I said. He smiled at that one. One of the joys of being a gay man was making fun of lesbians.
I laughed at hearing the girls refered to that way. Joking and laugher was the quickest way to get me to relax. "I think Cadence would hit you if she heard you say that. But yeah, let's start over. Hi, I'm Andrei." I smiled at him timidly and he smiled back and laughed.

"My name is Kyoshi."

I could feel my body relaxing, my breathing becomeing less shallow. I didn't feel on the verge of panic anymore. I just hope nothing went wrong. "So, Kyoshi, uh..." I tried to think of a casual topic to start out conversation with. "What kind of music do you like?"


I smiled at the simple question but it was a start.

"All kinds of music. I'm not that picky," I answered. We then proceeded to talk about bands like Led Zepplin to The Cure to Cradle of Filth. Once that subject tired out we went on to another. I found out that surprisingly we had a lot in common. We for the most part liked the same band, the same ice cream, the same kind of BBQ sauce, movies, drinks, food, stores and even the fact that we both liked guys. He had seemed a bit surprised that I was into guys. He had blushed saying that I had seemed kind of normal compared to what he was used to. He seemed so fragile and shy, I found it adorable. I found myself wondering what he thought of me in return. He was making complete eye contact with me now unlike before and was smiling a lot. I seemed to have hit something that turned the alive button on and I was glad that Irisa had forced me out of the house.

"Hey, how about I go get us some drinks," I offered. "On me of course."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind a straw in mind either," he called after me.

At the bar I spotted Cadence and Irisa who were now holding hands but talking away. I could tell that the both of them were pretty close to being wasted which meant that they'd probably be having sex soon if Irisa was involved. I couldn't really tell if she was actually into this girl because if she was then she wouldn't jump straight into things. I hoped that things worked out for her, she needed to find real love not just a fuck buddy.

I ordered our drinks and brought them back to the table. A tropical drink for him and an Iced Tea for me.

"There you go," I said.

"Thanks," he replied, popping the straw into the drink.

"I like your outfit, do you usually dress like this?" I said, realizing that I was actually flirting. A part of me yelled and said that I was being stupid because I'd only hurt him and myself but I pushed it away. For the first time in a while I was having fun.
I smiled. "Yeah. Well, not always exactly like this, but always pretty extreame. Even though it gets me in a lot of trouble. I love bright colors and skirts and stuff."

"Trouble?" He questioned.

"Yeah... well... the kids at my school don't exactly feel comfortable around boys in skirts. But I like skirts, and makeup, and all the other things I wear. So I just dont bother with them."

He smiled. "Teenagers are like that."

I nodded in agreement. But the way he said 'teenagers' made me wonder. "So, uh.. how old are you?"

"I am twenty-two."

"Wow. You're a lot older than I thought you were. Thanks okay though, older men are sexy." I hadn't been thinking when I was talking and I was shocked when I heard myself say that. I blushed.

I laughed out right at his statement but it made me feel good.

"Why thank you." His blush deepened as he sucked on his straw. My eyes followed his lips but I shook them away, I really didn't need to start thinking like that.

"Umm...so...what kind of guys are you into since I already embarressed myself," he said timidly still sucking at his straw.

"All kinds. I'm not too picky really but I haven't dated someone in a little over two years now," I explained. His eyes widened at that one. I could see his next question but he hestiated in asking so I just went ahead and answered it. "The reason being he became afraid of me. I didn't want him too and I thought that he'd understand the problem that I have. We had known eachother since we were 15 but that didn't seem to matter. So, he left me. He promised to keep my secret but he refused to be with me after that. So there you go, you have my story of woe now." I downed a large gulp of my drink enjoying the way it burned my throat.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered.

I knew that he had to be thinking something awful. I almost considered telling him and just getting it over with so he could run from me now rather than later after we already got attached to eachother.

"Nah, don't be sorry. Things happen, you just have to learn how to pick yourself up and keep going as best you can," I said. I needed to follow my own damn advice sometimes.

I fought the urge to ask him what was so strange about him that it would drive someone away. Instead I looked down. "I understand how you must feel. I havent dated anyone for a long time either, a couple of years actually. My last boyfriend, my first boyfriend really, freaked out on me and told my entire school that I was gay."

Why had I just told him something about myself? Was it because he had opened up to me? Before he could say anything I changed the subject. "Let's go check on our horny lesbian friends before they strip each other in the middle of the place."

I walked quickly towards Irisa and Cadence. They were staring at each other as they talked and Irisa looked as if she wanted to rip Cadence apart, in a good way. I sat down next to Cadence and stole a sip of her drink, to which she protested and threatened me. And Kyoshi sat down next to Irisa, who was clad this evening in a skin tight red catsuit and black stripper heels, the whip and handcuffs still with her as if she anticpiated using them. "So, girlies, what's up?" I asked cheerfully.

I was a bit disappointed at his reaction. I had felt pretty good when he had shared something personal with me. Maybe there was hope yet with him although I couldn't really understand why I had told him the truth about why Darren had left me. Well, I had told him a half truth. Now I knew Andrei would think that I had some kind of mental problem. Had I told him then on purpose in an attempt to push him away instinctively before something happened? I tried to just stop thinking. I had asked for us to be friends anyways, nothing more.


I scowled at the two men that had invaded our space. We had been having a lovely time, in my opinion anyways. We had shared some stories about our past and she was quite an interesting person. I would love to accompany her to Russia if she ever went back.

"So, how has your not been?" Kyoshi asked us.

Irisa smiled at him and put her hand on his cheek. "Wonderful, now why don't you two be good little boys and continue what you were doing. We were in the middle of a very nice personal conversation," she said dropping major hints to go the fuck away.

I watched her and was still amazed. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her personality clashing with her delicate features but I liked it. She was sexy and mysterious. I knew that sex with her would be kinky and completely wonderful. I knew instantly that we could have an intimate relationship but we hadn't begun to venture to the other parts of a relationship yet with our talks.

I looked at Andrei who seemed to be enjoying my drink quite a bit.

"So, things going well?" I asked, ordering another drink.

I tried to smile. "Things are going quite well. Kyoshi and I have been talking quite a bit."

I sipped on Cadence's drink as another one was brought to her. "You and Irisa seem to be getting on well Cadence. What have you girls been talking about?"

I mistakingly let my eyes fall on Kyoshi where he sat next to Irisa. He seemed increasingly exquisite in my increasingly drunken state. He was very pretty, his normality seemed suddenly endearing, his lack of makeup seemed charming, his snug shirt and jeans seemed just sensual enough. I was flirty when I was drunk, and I was a light-weight when it came to drinking. My small size and inexperiance in drinking, thanks to the fact that I had grown up under my Dad's watchful military eye, a few drinks got me drunk. I didn't hear a word Irisa said to me.

"Hello!" I exclaimed. "Why ask a question if you are going to ignore the answer just to stare at Kyoshi? Snap out of it."

He heard me then. He blushed and looked down as quickly as he could. Cadence and I laughed. Kyoshi had another of those vague, unrecognizable, looks. I laughed again. "Well, beautiful boys, I think that Cadence and I are going out on the dance floor. Maybe you two should do the same?"

Kyoshi shot me a glare that said simply 'I do not dance' but he didn't say it outloud. I grabed Cadence's hand and, despite her half-hearted protests, drug her into the middle of the dance floor. I loved to dance and I was a sensual dancer. Her body pressed against mine turned me on more than I could have imagined. She was such a fucking beautiful woman.

I watched to two girls in amazement. They moved well together but women were made for such things and I sure as hell was not. I watched them for a few minutes then decided to turn my attention back to the man I was entertaining. As I turned to face him I noticed all eyes on were lingering up and down my body. I suddenly felt a bit self-conscious but I tried to ignore it. I thought about saying something then decided against it. Instead I let my eyes explore him as he was doing to me. He was small in frame, with beautiful dark blue eyes, luscious lips that appeared to be oh-so kissable, and sexy legs that would be perfect to wrap around my body. I shook my head, I should not be thinking like this...but I was and my mind would have it. He had slight curves and his tight clothes did not cover anything. His hair fell down around his face in a sexy spray of black. I could tell it was dyed though.

"Hey, what is your natural hair color?" I questioned.

"Um...red. How'd you know?" he responded.

"I could tell," I shrugged.

His cheeks were flushed to a rosy red. He had had a lot to drink. I came to the conclusion that it didn't take long for him to get drunk. That could be a good thing or a bad thing.
I smiled up at him, I was feeling bold. Liquor gave me courage. I licked my lips slowly. "So... Kyoshi." I took another long drink.

My head was spinning. Alcohol warmed my body and calmed my mind and nerves. I thought Kyohsi was handsome, hot even, why shouldn't I act on that? 'Because' I reminded myself 'It's only the liquor making me feel this way.' "Yeah?" his voice was steady, inquisitive.

I grinned suddenly, leaned over the small table, and kissed him right on his pretty, pouty lips. I was still grinning when I pulled away. That is, until I saw the look on his face, the shock and the disgust I saw in his eyes. Suddenly, the liquor didn't seem to be having the same effect. Suddenly I felt all to aware of what I had done, and what was going on. I had made a big mistake, letting myself get drunk and flirt. I was shaking, on the verge of panic. What had I done? I had ruined everything because of a couple of drinks.

"I-I.. ummm... I didn't mean t-to. I..." I couldn't speak, I could barely breath.

I suddenly wished that I had brought my inhaler with me. I felt like I was going to have an asthma attack. I stood and ran away from the table, pushing through the crowd as I struggled for breath. People seemed far to close to me and I was scared, my fear of people was completly overwhelming me. I threw open the doors and colapsed against the wall outside, trying desperatly to get air into my lungs. I felt myself starting to black out from lack of oxygen.
His lips on mine caused me to freeze. I hadn't been expecting it at all. At first I had been afraid that I'd see things again but nothing happened, only a kiss. When he had pulled back he looked terror stricken as I had stared at him dazed. Then he had bolted. I stared after him for a moment feeling something was not right with him and bolted after him. I pushed people out of the way violently throwing an apology over my shoulder. I ran outside and looked around frantically. I couldn't really see him. I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and let my aura spring to life. Carefully I stretched out with it searching for his. Our auras just seemed to be attracted to one another's so I knew that it would work. I hit him quickly enough and followed it feeling that something was very wrong with him. I began to panic hoping that he was all right.

I found him curled up in a ball struggling for breath. I delved into his aura enough to understand what was going on. An asthma attack.

I went to my knees beside him but was careful not to touch. I had a good idea of what to do with my voice and I kept my aura touching his trying to sooth him.

"Shh...its okay, Andrei. Calm down, calm down. Just try to take slow even breaths. Come on, you can do it but you have to calm down. Just calm down. Good, good. Now, try to take slow breaths, you can do this, I know you can. Slow even breaths. You're all right. You're okay. It's okay, Andrei."

Finally he was breathing again. He still had his eyes closed tight and was clutching his chest but I knew that he would be okay. I pulled him into my arms hoping that his thoughts did not invade me. I had a feeling that the images would not come, things were too frantic. I held him to me lightly.
I saw Andrei run through the crowd and then, a moment later, Kyoshi go running after him. I sighed. When two people ran away from each other this often, there had to be something between them. I looked at Cadence. "Andrei just ran outside looking scared to death. I think we should go check on him, alright?"

She agreed and we followed the boys out, though not nearly as quickly. I wanted to give Kyoshi a moment to talk to Andrei.

I breathed slowly, deeply, at first. I spaced my breaths evenly like I was instructed by Kyoshi to do. His arms around me felt comforting, as if somehow deeper than just an embrace. It felt almost as if he was touching my mind as well. I had never been talked out of an asthma attack, or a panic attack. I normally required my inhailer.

I let him hold me and, somehow, I didn't panic. My eyes closed and I relaxed, still trying to refill my lungs. I shook a little but not nearly as badly. I pressed my face against his chest, letting the touch and darkness calm me. Kyoshi was going to think I was crazy, that I had issues, and maybe I did. I had kissed him, then paniced so badly I had an asthma attack, and run away from him. I didn't want to think about how he was going to react when he realized I was alright and didn't need saving anymore. I wouldn't blame him for walking away from again. But I tried not to think about that at the moment, instead I just focused on my breathing and the scent of his clothes.

But I found myself thinking once again: Why did Cadence have to bring me here? Couldn't she go on a date alone? If Kyoshi walked away again, would I be able to face him next time?

"What happened?!" I heard Cadence ask.

"He had a bad asthma attack." Kyoshi explained.

"Oh my." came Irisa's voice, I still did not look up. "The poor thing. What did you do Kyoshi?"

"He didn't do anything..." I muttered against Kyoshi. "It was my fault."

I looked down at him. Whispering a great sigh of relief that he was okay. I had never really done that before and I was so glad that he was alright.

I pressed him to me tighter afraid to let him go. I was afraid that if I let him go then he wouldn't be all right anymore.

"Are you okay now?" I whispered softly. He only nodded.

I looked up at Cadence and Irisa.

"We're okay. Don't let us ruin your fun. Go back inside and sex eachother up, right now," I smiled at them.

They looked at me then at eachother.

"Are you sure?" Cadence checked.

"Yes, now go have fun. We'll be fine," I reasured. They turned and went back inside hand in hand.

I looked down at Andrei and smiled.

"You probably think that I'm some kind of freak," Andrei said, attempting a light tone.

"Not at all," I answered. I wavered on telling him my own problem. I debated with myself for a good long while. "Actually, I have problems too. Its much different than yours but I have a problem. Its okay though. I'm starting to not mind it."

My answer was a bitter laugh. "What could possibly be wrong with you? You seem to perfect."

I started to pull out of his embace and was surprised when he held on to me, not allowing me to run away. "I have problems too Andrei." he said softly.

I let myself be held there, if I had struggled he would have let me go. But I didn't want him to let go. I relaxed again against his chest. "You don't have to tell me about it. I understand. No one likes to talk about their problems."

I was comfortable there in his arms and I hoped he wouldnt want to go inside soon. The fresh air made it easier to breath and him hold me made it easier to keep calm. I sighed contently. Maybe this night wasnt a waste after all.

"There is no perfection without imperfections," I quoted to him. "You'd be surprised how many people talk about their problems, Andrei. You seem to be the one running away from them."

He looked up at me with startled blue eyes. I only gave him a smile and brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. Once again I had that curiousity of what he would look like without all of the make-up and extreme clothing. He didn't respond to my words though, at least verbally.

Suddenly I was overtook by visions again. I was sucked into him. I saw throug his eyes as he laid there on the ground in broad daylight with a group of people that looked fairly young, I wanted to say around 13 or 14, gathered around him. Some had sticks that they had picked up from the ground and some had just their bare hands. The children started an assault on him with full force, cursing him and calling him nasty things. He just took it all never screaming out or protesting, he knew that it wouldn't have mattered anyways. The image switched again to two adults that I registered as he his parents fighting. The man was tall and was a military looking man. He was screaming at the woman as tears streamed down her cheeks. The man stormed out of the room and pushed Andrei down onto the floor hard uttering nasty words to him. Another image, Andrei crying in a room that had to have been his feeling guilty as more screaming went on...I had to force it all to stop. I pushed at it. It took all the mental strength that I had to force it away. These were his memories and his alone I had no right to them.

When I finally came back into reality I was aware of my body shivering and cold sweat covered my body, a headache was also starting to pound at my temples.

"Kyoshi?" Andrei said concerned. Apparently he had been calling my name for a while. I just looked down at him and couldn't help myself. I bent down and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"I'm okay," I whispered.

I slowly helped him sit up then sat away from him a little bit. I didn't need to be touching him again for a little while. I tilted my head back and looked to the stars.
As he stared at the sky I stared at him. He looked so calm, so perfect. I wondered what had happened the moment before, what had made his entire body turn cold. I had the feeling that he saw through me and I hated it. I felt as if he knew everything about me. And I knew nothing about him. He accused me of running from my problems, and maybe I did, but so did he.

He was lovely though; tall and handsome with bright eyes and pouty, totally kissable, lips. The memory of his lips against mine made me tremble. I glanced up at the stars that seemed to be so completly holding his attention. I loved the stars. I remebered suddenly all the nights I spent in the back yard staring at the stars because outside was the only place I couldn't hear my parents yelling. After a few moments I turned back to Kyoshi. He was watching me.

"Kyoshi... what happened? Are you sure you're alright? Would you like to talk about it? You don't have to, I'm just asking..."

I found myself for the third time considering on telling him. If I continued to just freak out on him like I did then he'd come to really worry or dislike me for my 'problem'. Last time I had told someone that I thought I could possibly trust with my heart they had turned on me...but I couldn't look at everyone as if they were Darren.

I heaved a great heavy sigh still looking up at the stars. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to do this.

"I...My problem isn't what you'd think really. The only person that knows about it really is Irisa. The last person I told ran away from me...I..." I took a deep breath.

"It's okay, you don't have to," he interrupted.

"I want to. I have special abilities, powers I guess you could almost call them. I can see and read auras. Sometimes with physical contact I can reach into a person's mind, into their memories mostly the ones that they don't want people to know. I don't mean to do it, it just happens. I'm trying to learn how to control it but I'm afraid to. I hate it. I have to be careful with touching people and who I get close to. It started happening with I was 18 when I had recovered from a motorcycle accident. I'm a freak. I can understand if you don't want to be around me anymore. I know more about you than I know you want me to. I can even see things that the person themself doesn't remember." I kept my eyes on the stars as I spoke. My headache getting worse as I wrapped my arms around my legs and clutched them tightly to my body.
I was slightly taken aback. Could see things? If this was true... I was frightened suddenly at what he might have seen in me. Was that why he had run away from me the night we had met? Could he have seen my past? I was trembling. But as I looked at him, he looked so scared. Curled up in a ball like that, he looked pitiful and sad. I wanted to turn away from him before he could learn anything more about me with his gifts. But I could not.

I reached out and touched him gently. He was cold, but not like he had been before. Not the dead cold that he had been, but simply cold. "Kyoshi..." I whispered, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." His voice was so soft I was scarcly sure I heard it.

"It's alright Kyoshi. I can't say I understand but... I'm not going to run away from you because of it."

Slowly I wrapped my arms around him, fighting my own terror to comfort him. "Calm down."

After a moment he looked up at me and I smiled at him reasuringly. He seemed to relax a bit when he saw that I had no intention of running. I held him for a moment longer and then let my own fear drive me to let him go and step back. I watched him after I moved away though, worried if he was alright.


I could see through his attempt at being okay with me. I could sense the fear in him. I did like how he was trying though, it meant something to me but I still could not ask someone to put up with me out of pity. I sighed heavily fighting back the heavy sadness that threatened to settle itself upon me. As hard as I fought it I knew that it would do no good.

"Thanks for trying, Andrei. I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll go now so you don't have to be afraid anymore. You can call me though if you like, I can't see anything through phone lines," I turned to go.

"No, don't leave, Kyoshi, please," his voice called softly. I stopped the two feet I had taken and glanced back at him.

"You're afraid of me, Andrei," I stated, as if that was reason enough for me leaving.

"No, I'm not. It's just different, thats all. Really, don't go," he appeared to beg. Did he really want me around? He probably just wanted to say it to be nice.

"Andrei, you're lovely. I already adore you thats why I would rather you know that about me now rather than find out too late. I'm a freak of nature. I'm an outcast from society. Irisa is the only one thats not afraid of me because I already know everything about her. My powers are so used to her that they don't work with her like they do with everyone else. You don't have to be nice to me because you think you should," I replied, looking up at the stars again.

"Stay, Kyoshi. At least to talk with me," he said quietly.
He hesitated for a moment. I was fighting panic but I couldn't let him leave like this. The truth was, I adored him too. And so I fought my panic so that I could convince him to stay. He was so lovely. I was shocked that he had said that he adored me. I couldn't imagine why. He should hate me, be disgusted by me, like everyone else was. Especially now that I knew he had briefly glimpsed my past, or at least I hoped it had been a brief glimpse.

"Kyoshi... I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid because of your powers. I am afraid because I don't want you to see my past and hate me. You're not a freak, you're special. You could do wonderful things with a gift like yours. Irisa isn't afraid of you because she understands. And I'm trying to understand... Please don't leave Kyoshi. If you leave I might never see you again, and I don't want that."

I was surprised with myself for being brave enough to say what I was thinking. But as I waited for him to respond by bravery began to fail me. I was trembling so hard I could barely stand. Tear stung my eyes. I was tempted to run away too, but I couldn't. I stared at him for a long time and I wanted to reach out and hold him but I was too afraid to even move.

I stared at him curiously. Hate him for his past? That was absurd.

"Andrei, I can't hate you for your past. Its not your fault. Your father was an ass, a narrow-minded asshole that couldn't see beyond the nose on his face. Some people are like that, plus, your parents were having problems before your incident you just are choosing to forget that part. You never should have been treated like that. You deserve better than that. Don't worry about your mother, she'll be fine. She knew before then that something was going to happen. And these powers are not a gift. If it was a gift then everyone would love me for it but when I tell someone they usually want to get as far from me as possible. I don't want to live like that...of course, it doesn't matter now does it?" I said, attempting a smile.

He looked at me wide-eyed. I guess he hadn't thought that I had seen much. I saw more than he probably wanted me to. I took a heavy sigh and sat back down onto the ground looking at the ground this time while wrapping my arms around my legs.
"I-I..." I bit down on my lip hard.

I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. He'd seen all that? He knew that much about me? I tried to force the tears to stop but could not. I looked at him through blurred vision. He looked upset still and I didn't want to upset him more. I wanted to help him. I couldnt stop crying but still I knelt next to him and wrapped my arms around him. For some reason I no longer feared being near him like I had even before he had told me.

Now that he had told me this and showed that he trusted me, I no longer looked at him as a stranger. My intense fear of people was normally around strangers. Now I kind of saw Kyoshi as a friend. I held him tightly, trying to comfort him. "Andrei, why are you doing this?"

"Because, you're my friend. I don't want you to be upset. Even if I'm a little afraid of what you can see in me, I not afraid of you, and I don't want to stop being your friend Kyoshi."

I turned and pulled him into my arms. His words had released some sort of tension in me that I had been holding. I wiped the tears from his cheeks delicately. His eyes were still beautiful even surrounded by so much eyeliner and hideous eye-shadow. His tears had smeared a good deal of the eyeliner though. I took the edge of my shirt and pulled it up to wipe the wetness away. I notice his eyes on my exposed flesh and laughed. He saw one of my hobbies, working out, and probably the scar that ran across my side. It was still dark pink after all these years but I had come to accept it. I had actually learned that some guys found it attractive so I was okay with it.

"Is that from the accident you told me about?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I'm lucky to be alive," I answered, pulling my shirt back down. "So, no more tears, okay? Everything will be okay, right?"

"Yep, they'll have to be," he answered. He was still at my side, still touching me. I hoped that was a good sign.


I stumbled from the dance floor with Irisa at my side. She was an intense dancer and so very sexy. I was already wet just from dancing with her. I could only imagine what being in bed with her would be like. I guessed it would be amazing.

I stumbled over to my bar stool and barely made it onto the seat. I hadn't been this fucking drunk in forever. Despite my good mood I was still slightly worried about Andrei though. I really hoped that the boys were getting alone because from what I had heard they both needed it.

Finally Irisa suggested we go find them and get Kyoshi to drive us all to her place considering both of us were too plowed to drive anywhere but to the ground face first or ontop of eachother.

I laughed when I saw the boys wrapped around each other. I never expected to see Kyoshi touch the boy. They looked up at me when they heard me laughing. "I'm sorry to break up this... loving... moment." I slurred adding some drunken gesturing. "But get in the fucking car, we're going home because I'm horny."

I threw my keys to Kyoshi and watched as he reluctantly released Andrei and stood up. I led Cadence by the hand to the car and slid into the back seat, pulling her along with me. When the door closed behind her I pushed her down and kissed her deeply. Andrei and Kyoshi sat in the front and chatted but I was to drunk to pay attention to what they were saying. All my attention was on the spinning of my head and the lips of the girl laying beneath me. We finally stopped and I pulled Cadence up to Kyoshi and I's apartment. I fumbled with the keys and after dropping them a couple of times Kyoshi took them from my hands and unlocked the door. "We'll be in my room. You boys have fun tonight." I laughed and lead Cadence towards my room.

I locked the door behind us and smiled mischieviously at her. "Baby, you and I are going to have a wild night." I purred.

My eyes flicked nervously up at Kyoshi once we were inside. The girls had run off again, leaving us alone. But the comfort I had felt around him disappeared again now that we were in such a private setting as his home. But when he smiled at me I could feel some of the fear start to melt away. His eyes gleamed when he smiled and I stared into them for a moment before he broke the gaze. "How about we grab some snacks and stay in here for a little while? My room is right next to Irisa's and we're certain to hear them moaning if we go in there."

I nodded, smiling. I was certain I would be much more uncomfortable alone in his room with him. Staying in the living room sounded nice to me, we could talk without it feeling too ackward. I followed as he led me into the kitchen for drinks and snacks.

I watched him as he moved around the kitchen and suddenly found myself feeling odd. It wasn't fear or nervousness like it had been before and it took me several minutes to realize what I was feeling. I thought back to outside of the club before Irisa and Cadence had interupted. I missed having his arms around me...

As soon as the door closed Irisa fell on top of me, kissing me passionately. I wrapped arms around her back and began pulling at her shirt drunkenly. We struggled with eachother's clothes and our own for a while before finally we fell against eachother completely naked. She was slim and pale and beautiful. I cupped one of her firm breasts and began sucking at it. She rolled her head back and ran her fingers through my hair. I made my way to the other one, licking slowly and lazily. Eventually she flipped me over and began nibbling down my body, her fingers exploring me confidently.

"Oh god," I moaned, writhing beneath her expert touch.


I was glad that Irisa had finally found someone that she liked but she had absolutely no coothe. I watched Andrei as a faraway expression came into his eyes. I wondered what he was thinking about and feeling. Did he feel happy to be here with me? Or was he nervous and frightened? I knew that it would be easy to just reach out with my aura and touch his to find out but I felt like I had invaded on him enough in the past night. Instead I offered him a coke and some chips which he took greatfully. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was almost 2 in the morning.

"So, wanna watch some TV? or a movie? Whatever you want just help yourself. I'm gonna go change," I said, heading down the small hall to my room.

Of course, I heard moaning but it didn't bother me much. I stripped out of my shoes and shirt then went for my pants, changing into some black silk pajama pants that were a bit low on my hips and baggy. I usually didn't wear a shirt while sleeping or relaxing so I didn't bother then. I walked about of the room and joined Andrei in the livingroom. He had turned the TV on and adultswim was on. I took a look at him and decided that he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"The bathroom is down the hall if you want to get freshened up and comfortable. You can barrow a pair of my sweats too if you like. I'd hate to sleep in those clothes," I said.
I looked up when I heard his voice and was awed. He was so fucking beautiful. The scars that ran across his body in stark contrast to his skin gave him even more of a masculine appeal. I was shocked into silence. After a long moment I stammered, "Y-Yeah..."

He smiled and retrieved for me a pair of sweat pants. I took them graciously and went to the bathroom, trying hard not to look at him as I passed by him. Once in the bathroom I sighed and collapsed against the wall. I breathed slowly, willing away the erection that the meer sight of him had caused. After a few minutes I changed my clothes and searched through the cabnents. I easily located Irisa's makeup remover and spent ten minutes removing all my makeup. I folded my clothes and left them on the counter I wore nothing but the sweat pants. When I left the bathroom I had gotten my physical reactions to go away, though I wondered how I would help them spending the entire evening with him out there like that. I walked back into the living room and sat down beside him.

He came out of the bathroom in a pair of my pants, his hair down and his face scraped of any makeup. He was absolutely beautiful. My breath caught in my throat as he sat so close to me. I looked at him and smiled.

"What?" he asked curiously, almost innocently. I began to feel the starting of an arousal which I pushed against to furiously that it hurt.

"Oh, nothing much, you're stunning, that's all," I answered with a smile. "I've been wondering what you would look like without your make-up."

He blushed heavily but smiled in return. I could tell that he was satisfied and I hoped that he didn't notice the movement in my pants, he would think that I was some sort of pervert or something.

"Uh..thank you," he stammered. How the hell was I going to do this? We both were going to be up for quite some time because I doubted that we would be able to sleep with all of the hot lesbian action going on in the other room.

Stunning? He thought I was stunning? My blush still hadn't gone away. No one had ever called me stunning before. Very few people had ever told me that I was good looking. I looked over at him with a shy smile on my lips. Somehow it seemed the more I was near him, the more I was comfortable with him.

I knew I was staring, but he was so lovely, how could I have helped it? I shifted uncomfortably, afraid he would notice how my body reacted to how attractive I found him. I may have been shy but I was still a guy. I flashed him another smile and then tried to focus on the television.

I shot small glances at him now and then and found, to my surprise, that he was often glancing at me as well. After a short time of uncomfortable silence I glanced at him and this time niether of us looked away.

His hazel eyes were piercing and intense. Before I knew what was happening he had closed the small gap between us and his lips were pressed eagerly to mine. I found myself kissing him back just as eagerly before I even had time to think. My arms moved, seemingly of their own accord, to circle his neck.

Kyoshi's lips were velvet, his body burned against mine. His kiss was soft, not too pressing. I surprised myself when I deepened the kiss and sliped my tongue into his warm, sweet mouth. It seemed that it startled him almost as mush as it did me that I had been so bold but he did not resist.
He recieved my kisses eagerly and when his tongue slipped into my mouth I knew that we were going to be a little bit more than just friends. I was no longer afraid of my powers seeping into his small frame as I pressed our naked chests together while pushing him lightly onto his back on the couch. It seemed forever that we kissed, exploring eachother's mouths and throats while our hands softly massaged the spots that they occupied. He was so soft and delicate. I found myself occupying thoughts of making love to him, not just a quick fuck but a true session of gay man love making but I refused to push any farther. All decisions were his to make, he was far more injured than myself so it was all in his hands.

My body had definatly sprung into action and I didn't try to hide it this time seeing as my raging hard on was pressed into him. I could feel his as well. So, that confirmed that there was the potential of some great sex there and possibly even more. I could see myself falling completely for this young boy.

"Kyoshi," he whispered my name as I nibbled lightly on his earlobe. Tiny shivers shook his body underneath me. I could also feel my aura springing to life and calling forth his own. I waited for the usual steady flow of memories but instead I felt more alive and connected to him than I ever had with anyone. Our auras twisted together and it was hard for me to tell where mine ended and his began.

I pulled away with a slight gasp. He looked up at me curiously. Did he feel it too?
'Be careful' I thought to myself as I stared down at Cadence. 'You could love a girl like her.'

She was beautiful; handcuffed to my bed, naked and writhing. Her skin still showed the bright red welts that the soft leather of the whip had left. My hands traveled down her body gently, teasing her light pink nipples and continueing down. I spread her legs and smiled at her deivently before lowering my face. The scent of her arousal drove me crazy and I pushed my tongue quickly into her sweet warmth. Fuck she tasted good...

The combination of his now intense kiss, his hot flesh against mine, his weight on top of me and the press of his body against my erection was driving me wild. I imagined momentarily how amazing it feel for him to make love to me. But I supressed the idea, I wasn't that much of a slut.

The feeling came upon me so suddenly that I was shocked. I tried desperately to push it away but when he drew away from me in shock I had the sudden feeling he had felt this strange feeling too. "A-are you okay Kyoshi?"

"Yeah... I just..." he trailed off as if he too were confused.

"I uhhh...What was that Kyoshi? D-did that have something to do with your powers? I've never felt that before."

"I don't know."

I stared down at him in wonder. If this was one of the things that my powers were capable of then I was eager to learn what other pleasures I could create. Even though I had pulled away from him slightly our auras still meshed together making a bright glow of blue and green. I had never really taken the time to observe auras to see that they had colors but now that I noticed I liked it.

"Did you see anything?" he questioned carefully.

"No, I didn't," I answered, soothing him. I decided to enjoy this sensation before it decided to fade. I leaned back down to his lips and began kissing him again. Lightly at first but it didn't take long before the more passionate kisses were forming. Our auras sprung to life once again, shining even brighter, it was almost blinding. I felt myself being opened up and a piece of me seemed to float between us and was then joined by a piece of him as well. Our souls entwined and my whole body tingled. What was happening? It didn't turn my body into a cold sweat or make me want to wretch so it couldn't have been bad. I knew that he felt something too because his body reacted the same as mine. Our bodies moved against one another almost urgently. Riding on a power high like this I knew would end in a bond that would never go away between us even if after tonight we decided not to do become an item. The moment I realized that my fingers were beginning to search the top of his pants I knew that this had to stop or things might end where it shouldn't. We had only known eachother for a few days. Maybe things worked out for Irisa and Cadence that way but not with me.

I stopped abrubtly and rolled from the couch onto the floor with a thud. My breath was heavy and I could hear Andrei panting heavily as well. My body tingled still.

"Kyoshi? What was all of that?" he said, sounding almost frightened.

"I don't know. My powers have never done that before...but it felt so damn good," I mummbled in a daze. My body was still at attention and was protesting greatly the fact that it hadn't gotten any release. I let it scream at me but I did reach my hand up and grasp Andrei's hand. I didn't want him to think that I was turning him away or running from him.

"This...this is all a little weird, Kyoshi," he breathed. "I felt you somehow. I don't know, its really hard to explain but...I kinda saw some..things..."

I looked at him curiously. Did he mean that he had seen into my mind?
"It.. it..." I didn't know quite how to explain it. "It was... beautiful. There was all this light, blue and green and sort of swirled together like tye-dye. And it looked like you were glowing, like an angel..." I blushed when I let that thought slip from my lips but continued anyway because I could see that he was curious. I was surprised by the awe in my own voice. "It looked like the green was coming from me and the blue from you and just meeting and twisting into each other. It felt... well... really good. It felt safe. It felt like being under warm water but still being able to breath. I-I just cant get over how safe it felt, like nothing could touch me except you or hurt me at all. Wi-will it feel like that every time we kiss?"

"I don't know." he said softly. "I hope so."

"Umm... Kyoshi..." my voice sounded so timid, I wasn't sure if I should tell him this or if it would bother him.


"I-I s-saw something else. I saw y-you. I-I mean, I saw a boy that looked like you. In-in England somewhere. I-I could tell by the way the people spoke. The boy was j-just walking down the street by himself and looked so sad... I..." I bit down on my lips out of nervousness.

I was so afraid he'd hate me for having seen into his mind like that, if that had indeed been what it was. And I was frightened. I had never seen anyone's thoughts or memories and the look on the boy in the vision's face was so sad it made me want to cry just remembering it. It was such a different feeling than what I had felt when I had seen the colors. I wished I had just seen the colors.

For a moment I looked down at the carpet remembering what he had seen. It almost didn't surprise me that he had shared my powers for a moment but I wondered why when someone looked into someone else why they always saw the bad things.

"Yeah, that was me. It was after my parents died..." I said. I really didn't want to revisit those times but I guessed that it was only fair since I had seen so much of him already. "And those shining lights were our auras. I see them when my powers open up."

I glanced at him and realized that he didn't really look frightened like I thought he would. He looked a little worried though.

"It's okay, Andrei. I don't mind that you saw something. It's only fair after all," I said. I got to my knees and leaned toward him placing a soft kiss upon his delicate lips.

"Were you alone a lot, Kyoshi? When you were England?" he asked suddenly then he blushed. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer. It's none of my business."

"It's okay, I don't mind. Yes, I was alone I guess you could say, until I met Irisa," I answered, brushing back a strand of his hair. He was so beautiful to me. Not even Darren could measure up to Andrei.


I laid there in the dark, finally having been released from the handcuffs. I now was wrapped in Irisa's arms still naked. I had never been with a woman like her before. She was so intense.

I lifted my head and stole a kiss from her soft lips.

"Mmm...that was wonderful, Irisa. We should definately do this again sometime," I smiled.

I had only just met her but I could tell that I something was growing there.
His eyes were sad but there was a smile on his lips. I suddenly felt the urge to reach out an hold him. I didn't resist. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him gently against me. I held him against me and his arms found their way around me as well. I smiled too. Kyoshi was so beautiful, so amazing. My ex-boyfriend, A.J, had been nothing like Kyoshi. Kyoshi was somehow different than anyone I had ever met and I was sad that his life had been hard. It seemed to me that he should have been a prince, or an angel, someone that had no hardships at all. He deserved that.

I kissed the top of his head lightly. "Kyoshi?"


I smiled and turned his face up to mine. My lips met his gently and I guided him onto his back on the couch. We kissed for what seemed an eternity and when we finally pulled away I laid my head on his chest and curled up against him. I was so comfortable in his arms. I looked up into his eyes with a big smile. "I'm not scared anymore..." I whispered.

I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his soft dyed black hair.

"Hey, why don't we go to my room? There is more room there and you've got to be exhausted. I know I am," I said.

"Okay," he answered.

So, we slowly got up from the couch and I led him to my room where I stopped to turn the light on and let him go ahead of me. I could still see our auras very clearly although it seemed like they had finally floated back to us although I could still see a slightly blue tinge to his. I didn't quite understand what this meant but I didn't spend much time trying to analize it.

My bed was definately large enough to fit even three people in it. It had been my parent's bed back in England, I had always loved it. He crawled ontop of it and scooted towards the wall side. He looked up at me expectantly so I took the invitation, sliding onto the bed beside him. I reached for him and then suddenly happened...

"Hey, Mr. Charles. Dad isn't home yet. He should be home in like an hour though," Andrei said, staring up at the big navy man that stood in the doorway.

"That's okay, I'll wait for him if you don't mind. I know your mother isn't here either," he said. There was an odd look in his eyes.

"Umm...sure, you can come in." He opened the door wider letting in the 5'9" muscle bound man with short buzz cut blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

He stepped into the house and closed the door behind him quietly. Andrei turned to go up the stairs to go back to his room but then suddenly felt hands grab him from behind around the waist. He looked back at the man that had a hold on him. That look in his eyes intensifying. Andrei's heart began to race wildly. He didn't like being held by this man that had a crazy look in his eyes. The next thing he knew Charles had him slung over his shoulder roughly and was making his way into the guest room towards the back of the house underneath the stairs. A tiny Andrei struggled, he couldn't have been more than 11 really, but his struggles proved only to make Charles more angry.

The large man threw the boy down onto the floor and he scrambled to his feet backing up as far as he could get from him.

"You can't get away from me, Boy," he growled. He grabbed hold of Andrei's pants and ripped at them. Andrei didn't say anything, only whimpered. Charles held the small boy with one hand against the wall then reached down and unbuttoned his jeans pulling out his large erection. Andrei saw this and started screaming although no one could hear him.

"Shut up or I'll kill you!" Charles bellowed and Andrei fell to whimpers. Tears gushed down the small boy's cheeks.

Charles took the boy and threw him to the ground belly first, pulling his pants down the rest of the way. Andrei only cried knowing that it wouldn't do him good to try and get away. He wasn't sure what was happening really but he felt something being rubbed on his from behind then suddenly there was something large and painful invading him. Then he struggled but the large man held him still and continued to push his penis into the tiny channel. The pain that filled the boy was large and he screamed out and begged for him to stop but he didn't. The pain was just too much but he couldn't get free, he just wanted it to stop. The large man began thrusting into him harshly and Andrei cried out with each movement. He kept begging for him to stop. It didn't take long before a hot burning liquid shot into him and Charles pulled out of him. The liquid burned as it seeped into the wounds that the man had caused inside of him. He laid there on the floor and cried. Finally Charles picked him up not to kindly and took him to the bathroom to clean him up. Andrei sat there in a daze as the man cleaned him off, wiping off all evidence of the act that had just been performed. When everything was done and he had pants on again Charles bent down and stared into Andrei's eyes with a threat that if he ever told anyone he would kill him. Andrei believed him...

I screamed, tearing myself from Kyoshi's grasp. I was shaking, my breath coming in ragged gasps, tears stung my eyes and I couldnt stop their flow. Charles... the rape... the threats... all that pain... It was all coming back to me now, all those memories I had fought so hard to forget. I had locked it all away in the back of my mind and it had been like it had never even happened. I couldn't bear to remember.

I crawled desperatly away from the bed and found myself in the corner of the room, my knees drawn up to my chest. The whimpers I heard didn't even seem to be my voice, but I knew they were. I couldn't breathe. My lungs burned with every attempted breath. I felt dirty, violated again just by remembering.

Charles, the rape, the pain... I had felt disgusting, shameful, and guilty. As if I had done something wrong to deserve it. And I found myself feeling all those things again now. I hadn't remembered at all, hadn't thought of it in so many years. I hadn't known it had happened until suddenly it was at the surface of my mind again. And Kyoshi had seen it all...

My vision, already darkened by tears, was blackening. My throat and lungs burned with the effort to force air into them. With the last bits of air in my lungs I heard a scream that seemed distant somehow...


Tears streamed down my face. I was numb as I watched the innocent boy crawl from me. Guilt gnawed at me. This was my fault. If only I hadn't trusted that nothing was going to happen.

I crawled towards him but made sure not to touch him. He was having problems breathing again and I panicked because he still did not have an inhaler with him. Through my own tears I fought to calm him.

"Andrei, shhhh...please. It's okay now. You're here, with me. You're safe. Everything is all right now. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I'm here, I'll protect you. You've just got to breath. Come on, please, don't go away, come back to me. Listen to me, just breath. Everything will be okay if you just breath," I coached. He didn't open his eyes but I could hear his breathing change although he clung to himself like a small child. "Andrei...I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm sorry." He didn't say anything. The tears just gushed down his cheeks as he made small whimpering noises. I wanted to hold him and comfort him but I was fearful to touch him. I knew that he wouldn't want me to touch him anyways. This was why I could not afford to let myself love someone, I always found a way to hurt them. I silently made the decision not to see him again after this night no matter how much it hurt me to do it. I couldn't let him continue to get hurt because of me. He would have been able to live the rest of his life without that memory resurfacing. I had hurt him...the one thing that I didn't want to do.
No one is going to hurt you anymore. I'm here, I'll protect you.

I remebered that feeling, the feeling when we kissed, that had left me feeling so safe. I'll protect you. And I knew that he would. I threw myself into his arms, holding onto him desperatly. He held me tightly, pretectively. "I didn't remember Kyoshi... I didn't know..." I sobbed agaisnt his shoulder.

"Shh... It's okay Andrei. Just breathe. Shhhh. It's okay. It's all okay now. I'm here Andrei." his voice was soothing, calm.

He just let me cry, whispering to me softly and holding me. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore and then I just curled against him, as if I could just disappear into him. I wanted just to disappear. "Kyoshi... I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"It's okay. It's alright Andrei!" he insisted immediatly. But it wasnt. It wasnt alright. And it wasnt fair, not to him at least.

"It's not alright. I'm so pathetic, so whiny. How can you even put up with me? You're so perfect and I'm... I'm fucking pathetic! I don't deserve you... I'll never deserve you. I-I... I hate myself Kyoshi. It's not fair to you that you have to put up with me. I-..." I fell into sobs again.

I tried to pull away from him but he held me tightly. I struggled but he wouldn't let me go, wouldn't let me leave, run away. He held me close to him until I stopped struggling and just cried. And I could feel myself falling in love...

I slipped carefully from the bed after a few minutes after hearing the sudden scream from the other room. Irisa was dead asleep next to me and I didn't want to wake her. The alcohol was still lightly thrumming through my veins but it wasn't too bad. I found my pants and grabbed a random shirt, not bothering with trying to grope for a bra. As quietly as I could I went of the room and found Kyoshi and Andrei's voices floating through the cracked door to my left. I went to it and knocked timidly just in case they were..doing anything although I doubted it.

"Yeah?" Kyoshi's voice called out. When I opened the door and saw them huddled together on the floor I was instantly worried. Why was I being so protective over this little squirt?

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I questioned, looked at Kyoshi seriously.

"Everything's okay, Cadence," Andrei sniffled. "I just had another asthma attack."

I sighed heavily. "Kid, next time don't forget an inhaler. You're going to worry everyone to death," I said.

"Yeah, I'll try not to forget," he said. I could tell that something else had been going on before the 'asthma attack' but it honestly wasn't my business to pry.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" I asked again.

"Yeah, I think we'll be fine," Kyoshi answered in his crisp British accent. There were tears in his eyes too.

"Hmm...well, I'm gonna go invade your kitchen for some coffee if that's okay," I said.

"Sure, make yourself at home," Kyoshi answered, still cradling Andrei to his chest. Andrei looked so helpless and yet he appeared to be in the arms of a guardian angel. I could've sworn that for a moment I saw him glow but it was just my imagination.


I watched her retreating back and then back down at the boy in my arms. He was lucky to have made a friend like her. Despite her outward 'bad girl' personality she was a very good person and I knew that she would protect him from here on out.

I carried him from the floor to the bed and laid down next to him. Even though my touch was what caused him so much pain he insisted upon having it. I whispered to him as I felt his muscles starting to relax. Softly I sang a song that I remembered my mother singing to me when I ran to her with a bad dreams at bight. It was at least an hour until I finally followed him into sleep.
When I awoke it was still dark. The glowing numbers on the alarm clock read a quarter after five. Kyoshi's arms were still wrapped tightly around me. I smiled and snuggled closer against his chest. I breathed in his scent deeply. I loved the way he smelled. His skin still held the phantom of the cologne he has worn out combined with sweat and just his indefinable smell. It felt wonderful to have his warmth next to me.

I laid there completely still and silent. Could I really be falling in love with this boy after so short a time? I had sworn to myself last time that I would never date again. Love just led to pain. But it seemed now that I had never really loved A.J. Even after the two years that I had known him and the six months we had dated, the feelings I had for him didn't even begin to compare to what I felt for Kyoshi after only two days. But if I hadn't loved A.J, then I didn't know what love felt like. So how could I tell if I loved Kyoshi? Maybe what I felt was just physical attraction combined with this weird sense of companionship and protection. He certainly did make me feel safe.

I found his lips as if by instinct in the darkness and kissed them gently. The feeling of connection had lessened a bit but had not gone away since it had first come on, even when we wernt even touching I felt this odd connection to him. Like somehow we were one. I kissed him again, just as lightly and was surprised when I felt his arms tighten around me and him kiss me back. I hadn't meant to wake him up.

I was a light sleeper as it was so when I lightly felt lips touching mine I woke. A tingling sensation running through me. There was a heaviness to my limbs that still suggested great exhaustion but I ignored it while I softly kissed Andrei back. It was pleasant waking up next to him in my arms. I briefly thought of how I could spend the rest of my mornings like this but I pushed it away. The idea was absurd. I was at least 5 years older than him and plus, after he leaves the apartment I had plans to not see him anymore for his own good and mine. He deserved better.

It was still dark out so I knew that it was before 6 in the morning but I didn't mind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered.

"I don't mind," I smiled even though he couldn't really see it.

He kissed me again and I let him. I would let him kiss me all he wanted too. A voice popped into my head then "You're falling for him." I laid there kissing this beautiful boy and realized that it was true. After only a few short days I was allowing myself to fall for him despite the pain from past, present and future. Could we handle that? Could I really say that I was falling for him after all that I had endured while thinking that I was in love? Did love even exist? Or was I thinking this because I had a great feeling of protection for this little lamb? I didn't know what to take from it but I knew still that I could not love him, it would do no good for either of us.

"Are you okay? You got tense there for a second," Andrei whispered against my cheek, his arm thrown over my waist.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said and drifted back to sleep with my mind haunting with questions.
When I woke up everyone else was already in the living room. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I slipped on a long t-shirt, not bothering with a bra or undwear or anything. The shirt covered enough as to not offend the boys. I ran a hand through my short, straight hair and headed into the living room. "доброе утро," I muttered.

Cadence kissed me lightly. "Russian is sexy."

I laughed. I could say anything to her and she wouldnt understand it, and she'd still like it. "Good moring." I repeated in English.

I looked over to the couch where two adorable gay boys sat cuddling. Andrei was on Kyoshi's lap with his arms around Kyoshi's neck. My roomate held the little flamer around his waist. "Well, it seems the two of you got better aquainted last night. Did I pass out before all the butt-fucking or what? Cause I know we wern't loud enough to drown you guys out. Andrei seems like a screamer to me."

Andrei blushed and Kyoshi, with his normal playfullness finally returnign, threw a couch pillow in my direction. "What did I say?" I asked innocently. "Oh, was their not gross man love then? Is that why you're irritated and throwing things Kyoshi? Didn't get any?"

Even Andrei laughed and this time the pillow that was thrown hit me. I tossed it back at Kyoshi lightly and teased. "I got soooome!" With that said I pranced off to the kitchen for my morning (well, afternoon) coffee.

I watched Irisa skip from the room and Cadence follow her into the kitchen, no doubt for good morning kissing. I turned to Kyoshi. "Well, she's quite blunt isn't she?"

He laughed. "Yeah. She's blunt, if that's what you want to call it. I tend to think of her more as rude."

"That too." I smiled.

Her suggestion, no matter how rude, had gotten to me a bit though. And again I found my mind wandering to what it would be like for Kyoshi to make love to me. I could feel myself getting hard at the thought. "Andrei... Andrei..."


"You were daydreaming." Kyoshi said with a grin.

I shifted a little in his lap to attempt, rather unsuccessfully, to hide my erection. 'Damn tight pants!' I thought.

I turned and kissed him lightly and then stood to follow the girls only to find myself pulled back down into his lap again.

"Mmm...don't go anywhere," I almost growled. Seeing his erection had in turn gotten me aroused. This was not healthy at all to have so many hard-ons and not being able to do anything about it. I kissed the back of his neck.

"Uh..okay," he said.

I had grown to love his scent. It lingered in the back of my mind constantly now. He smelled of lavender and hair spray from the night before. He was soft too, I wondered if he used lotion or was just naturally like that.

I could here giggling from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes. I hadn't heard Irisa giggle in forever, she must have something for this little punk girl.

"I'm kinda glad that I didn't go in there now," Andrei said making a sour face.

"Why do you think I stopped you?" I laughed, holding him closer.

"Do you think that they'll love eachother?" he asked suddenly.

"It's very possible," I answered. I had never heard Irisa say that she loved someone in a relastionship. Maybe the punk would change her mind.

When he pulled me back down onto his lap I could feel his erection press against me. I smiled slightly but tried to ignore my own erection and have a short conversation with him instead. I hoped Irisa and Cadence stayed together, or even fell in love. They seemed to make each other happy. And, selfishly, I found myself thinking that if they ended up together then I would get to see Kyoshi a lot.

I shifted slightly in his lap to get confortable and smiled when I heard him gasp and bite back a moan. I giggled. His gasp served to arouse me even more. Boldly, I rubbed against him. The moan escaped his throat this time and he pushed up against me. The feel of him grinding against my ass made me moan too. I wondered how it would feel to have him inside me instead of through layers of clothing. His lips trailed up the back of my neck and then nibbled my ear lightly. "mmm... Kyoshi..." I sighed.

"So my sweet, Ласковая моя, you're not going home tonight are you? Stay with me." I purred in her ear.

"I have school tomorrow." she said sadly.

"Awww... that's too bad. I forgot that you were in school. Don't tell me I'll have to wait until the weekends to see you darling." I didn't want to wait a week to see her again.

I found myself wanting her not to leave, wanting to hold her and not let her go. 'Be careful,' I reminded myself again. 'You could fall in love with this one.' But why not? Why shouldn't I let myself fall in love with this one? She was wonderful. It wasn't hard to remember. 'I'm not a one woman girl.' I said to myself. 'I enjoy my freedom to much for love. I don't want to be held back. I'm too much of a free spirit, I'm too young for love.' I had even left the S&M show back in Europe because I had felt it was holding me down. 'But,' I thought, 'I'm not eighteen anymore. And I've been in this town for a while, settling down a little with Kyoshi. Maybe I'm ready for a change.'

She looked at me affectionatly. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing darling." I replied.

We looked at each other tendly for a moment and I smiled. Yeah, I could fall in love with her. She really was perfect for me. I kissed her deeply and pinned her against the counter. "Ты быть принадлежащий мне"

"What's that mean?" she asked.

"Nothing important." I grinned and kissed her again, determined to make her forget I had said anything at all.

I remembered my first girlfriend and thought of how I had come so far since that time. I thought that I'd never be able to even convince myself that I was in love with another woman. I wouldn't say that I was in love exactly but I knew that I could be. Irisa was sexy and sassy. Not to mention that she was so intense in bed. I found myself not caring that I had to go home. I just wanted to stay here with her even if it meant that I would have to get up early in the morning to go to school. My mother wouldn't go for it even if she hardly noticed that I existed anymore.

I ran my hands over her body as she kissed me and we wait for coffee to finish making. I realized that she didn't have anything on under the shirt at all. I groaned with the thought. I slipped my hand underneath the shirt and began to gently massage her thighs making my way up to her clit. She kissed me more urgently as I cupped her and began to softly move my fingers in circles. She gave a soft moan and began pressing herself more urgently towards me. I smiled as our lips were still locked. She spread her legs farther for me and I was able to slip a finger inside of her then two while still massaging her clit with my thumb. It didn't take long before she was gasping loudly her release and she began juicier with her cum. I pulled my fingers from her and licked them clean. She tasted so very good and last night I had been to restrained to be able to taste her.

"Mmm...there is nothing like a good orgasm in the morning," she smiled, planting a ruthlessly passionate kiss upon my lips.

"I agree," I purred against her ear. She maybe have been the dominant one but I was by all means not powerless myself. "Looks like the coffee is done. Just in time."


His ass moving against me so boldly and provocatively was driving me crazy.

"Andrei..." I breathed. "If you're not careful we're going to end up back in the bedroom and this time there won't be any tender moments. It's been way too long since I've had sex, please don't tempt me."

He seemed to giggle although I knew that his cheeks would be crimson.
I poured myself a cup of coffee, still basking in the after glow of my first orgasm of the day. If Cadence was going to be spending the day with me, I suspected that it wouldn't be my last. I turned to her after taking a sip of the strong coffee. "So, what did you say in Russian?" she asked.

I laughed. "You really don't forget things, do you?"

"Nope. Tell me?"

"No!" I insisted playfully.

She took the cup gently from my hands and set it on the counter. I then suddenly found myself pinned against that counter. "Really?" she playfully asked. "You're not going to tell me?" I shook my head no and she laughed. "Ticklish?"

It took me a second to realize what she meant. "N-" I was cut off my her tickling my sides ruthlessly. "Yes!" I giggled, trying to squirm away from her.

"Okay! Okay!" I screeched, giving in. Tickling was my weakness. I could stand whips and cutting and all sorts of pain, but I could never handle tickling. "I said..." she had stopped tickling me and I used the oppurtunity to switch our positions (I was stronger than I looked) and pin her against the counter. I placed a ravishing kiss on her lips and then growled. "I said, You. Are. Mine." I stressed every word.

I hadn't had sex in a long time either. Actually, I hadn't had sex with many men before at all. I had only slept with a few men and only one woman (when I was still in denial). But I found Kyoshi incredibly irresitable. I had never been so attracted to anyone. And I was more aroused than I had ever been. I was feeling bold, arousal did that to men, even shy ones like me. And I was so comfortable around Kyoshi now that I didn't feel very shy at all. I turned to him with a devient smile. I was really sexual when I was with men I was comfortable around, it just took me a long time (normally) to get comfortable with me.

"I haven't had sex in a long time either. You wanna?"

Was he completely serious? He kept rubbing against my erection and it was driving me crazy. I crushed my lips to his to keep me from thinking about my choices. I wanted to because of my burning attraction to the boy but I couldn't because it would be even worse to have sex with him and then leave him. Things were going to be bad enough without the sex...but damn he was so sexy and seemed so willing. I turned him around in my lap setting him where our erections rubbed against each other and kissing was easier this way too. My arms tightened around him. One hand I let slide down into the back of his pants to cup one of those perfectly round globes. Using this new handle I pulled him closer to me and he curled his legs around me. We grinded our hips together sending electric shocks through my body. I was in the perfect position to lift him up and carry him to the bedroom without missing a step. I invisioned it so detailed that I groaned as I imagined plunging my very hot and insistent erection into him. I even moaned into his mouth softly.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Irisa said with a smirk.

We jumped and Andrei crawled from my lap. She went and took a seat on the small love-seat across from me. The smile on her face actually made me blush because even though we had been friends for quite a while I had never been sexual with anyone around her. I liked to keep things private really so I felt like I had just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar but I also felt like wringing her neck for interfering. We hadn't bothered her when she was having kitchen sex.

"You're a bitch," I almost pouted. I had to shift to try and cover my erection. I ended up having to take one of the couch pillows and cover my crotch. She laughed at this. Cadence came in too then with a cup of coffee.

"Doing the naughty on the couch?" she laughed.

Andrei only blushed and cast his eyes to the floor where he was sitting.

"I take it that no one got any butt-sex last night then?" Irisa smiled sipping at her coffee. "Aw, why are you blushing Kyoshi? I don't think I've ever seen you blush so intensly."

"Well, I've never been caught dry-humping someone either," I retorted. She only laughed and turned her attention to placing a kiss on Cadence's cheek before flipping through the TV channels. It struck me as odd that Irisa did that one tiny gesture of affection. Usually she didn't bother with such things once she got some from someone. Maybe there really was some hope left for her humanity.

I reached down and grabbed Andrei's hand, helping him onto the couch beside me. I didn't let go of his hand. His cheeks were crimson just as I knew they would be. He was so easily embarressed but I found it strange that he had been so bold before with me. Was he starting to see me differently?
I kind of felt bad. I certainly would have been angry if someone had walked in on me, that or just kept going. But I knew Kyoshi too well and I knew that this wasnt best for him. He was becomeing attached to Andrei too quickly without any physical connection, I could only imagine that sex would make things even more complicated. Kyoshi barely believed in love and Andrei was a timid but hopeless romantic from what I had seen. I suspected that they would push each other away several more times before, or if, things worked out. Sex would make the times they pushed eachother away a lot more difficult. To Kyoshi, and to Andrei, sex wasn't as casual as it was to Cadence and I. I looked at him sadly as if to apologize.

Andrei was blushing furiously. He was so shy, even I found it adorable. I hoped Kyoshi would treat him well. They were great for each other. I had seen that the first time they had met. I glanced over at Cadence and then stood, my empty coffee cup in hand. I took her hand and kissed it lightly, immediatly wondering why I had done it. "I'm going to get some more coffee. What any Kyoshi? Andrei?"

Kyoshi declined and Andrei agreed, asking for cream and lots of sugar. I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table for a moment, giving myself a moment to think.

I stared after Irisa as she made her way back towards the kitchen. My eyes lingered over her swaying hips until she passed out of sight. It was almost odd how she was treating me. When I had first met her I honestly expected her to be more crude and take what she wanted then leave but she was still placing soft kisses upon me and doting. I found myself missing her presence in the room already.

I had to peel my mind away from the sexy piece of Russian female that was only in the next room and concentrated on the boys in front of me. I briefly wondered what last night had really been when I had gone to check on them. Something was different about them though but I just couldn't put my finger on it.


I had caught the apology that Irisa had sent me and I felt much better then. I knew that she did things with only my interest in heart. Sometimes she knew me all too well but maybe it was for the better. I glanced at Andrei longingly but didn't let myself regret anything for the time being. I wanted to enjoy what I could with him until he had to go home.

Suddenly there was a ringing of a cell phone and Cadence popped up from the love-seat quickly and went in search for it. She came back with the phone and handed it to Andrei.

"It was your mom, she wants you home no later than five," she said. "But she wants you to call her back anyways."

He got up and took the phone into the kitchen where Irisa was making his coffee. I stared after him and then leaned back all the way on the couch. What the hell was happening to me? This was crazy! I couldn't even let the word love seep into my head...and yet I could still feel him as if he were a part of me somehow. The feeling would probably melt away though once I was no longer around him. Did I really want it to?
"Yeah Mom, yeah. Five, got it. Yeah. Oh... alright. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah. See you later. Love you too."

I hung up the phone. Irisa was staring at me. "Something wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah... It is."

"Is your mom mad at you?"

"No. I'm fine Irisa."

I went back into the livingroom and handed Cadence the cell phone. I sank down onto the couch next to Kyoshi. "Is something wrong?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I guess. My dad is in town for some reason and is coming by tonight to have dinner with us and see me and my sister. He probably wants to talk more about sending me to military school. He wants me to join the Navy as soon as I turn eighteen, he figures it will straighten me out, so to speak." I sighed. "Fucking asshole. I don't know why he keeps pushing this, I told him I don't want to join the military."

I watched Andrei leave, wondering what was wrong with him. He had looked concerned. But I had my own problems to worry about. Normally one weekend was the most I spent with someone, but I found myself wanting to see Cadence again. I didn't feel I could just leave her as suddenly as I normally left woman. I sighed and stood to fix the coffee. I just didn't want to think about this right now.

I looked over at Andrei, concern filling me. I knew what his father was like and I didn't like the thought of his father being around him. I felt protective. If that man found a way to hurt him then I would give him something that he would never want to feel again. Somehow I'd make that man suffer with my powers.

"Why does your mother let him see you?" I questioned.

"I don't know. He probably forces her to," he snarled. "I hate him."

"As you should," I answered, lacing my fingers through his. He looked up at me with an uneasy smile. I thought to the incident from the night before and I knew that that particular memory was going to make things even more uncomfortable for him tonight. I wanted to be there to protect him just in case.

We all spent the rest of the day watching movies, things such as Dirty Dancing and Pretty in Pink which were pretty good movies. I had never bothered much with movies so I enjoyed myself. Four-thirty came along too quickly and we all found ourselves having to say goodbye. I walked Andrei to the door after he put his shoes on and then wrapped him in my arms. I concentrated and let our auras spring to life, meshing together letting that accidental feeling rush over us. I bent down and pressed my lips against his almost urgently. We were forced to pull away when the girls came out from Irisa's room holding hands. There was something different in Irisa's eyes. I would have to talk to her later.

"Okay, ready to go, Andrei?" Cadence questioned.

"Not really but I have to," he answered smugly. I stole one last kiss from him and Irisa went out with them to take them to get Cadence's car which we had left at the club. As soon as the door closed behind them I leaned my back against the door and fought off the heavy feeling in my chest. I would not let myself get that attached to someone again. I did not believe in love, it only bit you in the ass...
Saying goodbye to Kyoshi had been a lot harder than I had realized. I touched my lips where the feel of his still lingered. "So, what's up with you and Kyohsi?" asked Cadence.

"Nothing, really. Nothing. We're just... friends. I guess. I... To tell you the truth, I don't really know. He kissed me and holds me and all that but sometimes I get the feeling that he doesn't even want to be near me. He hasn't mentioned anything about a relationship though, and even if he had I'm not sure I would go for it. I guess it's just friends with benifits."

"Why wouldn't you go for it? Seems like you two really like each other."

"Cause, dating sucks. Just gets you hurt. Plus, I don't think he'd want to date me. It's got to be just a sexual thing, I can't think of any other reason he'd want me."

She sighed and shook her hear. She opened her mouth to speak up we were already and my house. Instead she just hugged me and told me goodbye.

I walked up my driveway with a sick feeling. My dad's car was there. I walked into the house and called out. "I'm home Mom!"

She walked in, my dad not far behind her. I inwardly cringed when I saw him. No hug, not 'hey kid, how ya been?', not even a smile. He took one look at me and demanded. "Get upstairs and change into something normal boy. And get that makup off. Men don't wear makeup."

Mom looked at me pitifully. But, like always, she didn't stand up to him. She never had been able to, except for when she had finally had enough and divorced him. But even since then she never stood up to him when he was around. Sighing, I went upstairs and walked into my room. I peeled myself out of my vinyl and slipped into a plain pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I scrubed the makeup off my face, it was some of Irisa's makeup that I had put on this morning (I had felt odd, almost naked, without makeup on.) I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, hoping that would stop his complaints about the length of my hair. Last time I had seen him he had told me that I needed to cut it now and get used to it being short because they didn't allow long hair in the military. He was obsessed with the idea of me going into the Navy, being just like him.

I treked sadly back down the stairs. It was going to be a long night.

I placed a hand on Kyoshi's shoulder when we were back inside. He looked sad. I kissed his cheek in a motherly way. "It's okay darling. I'm sure you'll figure everything out in time." I didn't even bother to ask what was wrong, I could see it in his eyes.

He nodded slightly. I could tell he had a lot on his mind, and he could tell I had a lot on mine. I went into the kitchen and came back with two bowls of ice cream. Together we settled onto the couch with our ice cream to thinl.

"Irisa?" I said around my ice-cream.

"да?" she answered, slowly licking her spoon full of chocolate ice-cream.

"What's up with you and Cadence? Are you thinking about seeing her again?" I questioned. We both had been sitting there for a while now eating away at the cold dessert.

"да, I do," she answered. "She is quite charming. She may prove to be more interesting. I might just go see her sometime during the week. What about you? Decided what you're going to do with that little flamer yet?"

I sighed heavily and swirled my spoon around in my bowl. I knew what I had to do but I didn't want to do it. I could still feel Andrei next to me, inside of me, all around me. His smell lingered in my room and on my skin. It was driving me crazy. The thought that he was sitting at home right now with that...that thing pushing him around. Suddenly I jumped up from the couch startling Irisa and myself. I discarded the bowl into the sink, grabbed the keys and found Cadence's phone number scribled on a piece of paper in the kitchen. Cadence was surprised to hear my voice over the line but I asked her for Andrei's address and took it down quickly. I gave her proper parting words and hung up. Irisa looked at me curiously when I came out with the keys to the car.

"Going after him so soon?" she questioned.

"Something like that I guess," I answered. "I'll be back later."

I left in search for Andrei. It took me about forty minutes but I found a house that had two cars in the driveway and figured that I'd take my chances. I took a deep breath and walked up to the door then rang the doorbell.
I heard the doorbell but ignored it. My sister probably just forgot her key again. I turned back to my father, the heat of the arguement, and the rage I felt. My mom politely excused herself, a weird sound in the midst of all this yelling, and went to get the door. "Why can't you just be fucking normal Andrei!? I didn't raise you like this!"

"You didn't fucking raise me at all, asshole! You never did anything for me!"

"I took care of your ungrateful ass! You need to learn some respect boy or..."

"Or what? What will you do? Force me to go off to military school? huh? I'll just get myself kicked out. Gonna force me to go into the Navy? They don't allow gays in the military. It's don't ask, don't tell but I think I'm a little too obvious for their tastes. Even if my dad is an officer. And what will all your friends think of you cause your son's a FAG?" I spat the word at him, that word had sparked this enitre arguement. I loathed that word.

"You ungratful little brat!" He stepped towards me threateningly.

My mom cleared her throat. "Andrei, someone is here to see you."

I turned to see Kyoshi standing behind her. My jaw dropped. I certainly hadn't expected this. It took me a moment to recover from my shock and then I ran to him and hugged him. I was so happy to see him. I felt my anger melting away. "Kyoshi! What are you doing here?"

Before he could answer my dad's voice broke through my happy moment. "So you're the bitch fucking my faggot son, huh?"

I turned quickly. He would not speak to Kyoshi that way. But Kyoshi's hand on my shoulder stopped me.

Rage raced through me but I wouldn't let it get the best of me. I knew that rising to his anger would do no good but I held onto Andrei's hand.

"You can think what you want to, Sir, but I don't think that you should be treating your son this way," I said calmly. All of those years in England paid off in manners even if the Americans did not appreciate them.

"Oh, so you're a British fag? Even fucking better. You don't have a right to say what I do with my son! I want you out of here and away from my son! You're the one corrupting him!" the Navy man spat at me. I took it all and only grinned and held tighter to Andrei's hand.

"I think, Sir, that the only one corrupted here is you. Maybe if you had spent more time worrying about your son's well being rather than your reputation then you might realize that Andrei is a wonderful person. It is not wrong for him to love who he wants to, at least he'll know how to treat someone," I replied. I knew that I could say many more things that were far better than what I was throwing around but something was holding me back. A sudden thought occured to me. If I could make both Andrei and myself feel so wonderful with my powers maybe I could actually hurt him. I dug into my powers, all of the auras in the room springing to life before my eyes. I found that James' aura was dim and gray, there was almost nothing there at all. I reached out as he began speaking and wrapped my aura around his.

"Why, who the hell do you think you are coming in her-"

My aura squeezed around his. The words hurt, pain, crush came to my mind and soon he was doubling over onto the floor grasping his throat and chest. I was in a void of my own, only dimly aware of the hand I was grasping. Finally I pulled away as that hand that I was connected to began pulling at me frantically. Quickly I brought my aura back to my own body and pushed at my powers to make them hide. I stared down at Andrei and he looked back up at me with amazment...no trace of fear in his eyes. I watched as the man on the floor began groaning and pushing himself up.

"Now, Sir, I would suggest that you just pick yourself up off of the ground, because it is quite a nasty and degrading place to be, and leave this house. The next time that you want to contact this family I would do it once I've learned some manners," I said. Taking one look at his mother I grimaced. "And, Madam, I would suggest that you start standing up for yourself. It may do you some good. You don't need his kind."

I pulled Andrei by the hand and led him toward the door. As long as that man was in this house Andrei would not be.
I followed Kyoshi happily. Taking the time to yell back to my mom that I'd be home later. By the time I slip into the passenger seat next to Kyoshi i was giggling and still in awe. "Kyoshi that was wonderful! How did you do that? It was amazing!" I stole a brief kiss before he could answer.

"I just did it. I reached out my powers and thought 'hurt'. Are you alright Andrei?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, now. Thank you so much."

Soon we were pulling up at his place. Irisa ran outside to meet us. "Are you alright Andrei? What are you doing here?"

"He came with me until his dad leaves." Kyoshi explained.

"Ah, so he's that bad. Well, come in Andrei. I fix you a drink." she said.

I followed her inside and she went to the kitchen to make my drink. I collapsed into Kyoshi's arms and kissed him. I felt safe there, but before I could stop them there were tears rolling down my cheeks. "Kyoshi..." I sobbed.

He held me closer, whispering to me softly. "It's alright Andrei. It's okay now. I'm here babe."

I hated my father, my family. I hated that Kyoshi had seen that, and I felt weak because he had had to help me. I had rarely even yelled at my father before, I had inherited my mother's meekness. And I felt weak that I was crying again. Again I thought, 'how can he stand me?'

I held him close to me and let him wash himself of his pain. Each choking sob shot through me but I kept calm. I thought back on the scene that I had just performed. How had I known that I could do that? It had just been a random idea in the first place. What kind of power did I truly hold? It was frightening to think of all the damage I could do but I pushed those thoughts away from me. I only wanted to comfort and protect him.

"I'm proud of you, Andrei," I whispered against the top of his head. I knew that he was not one to raise his voice or stand up for himself. True that he continued to dress the way that he wanted to but he never raised a hand against anyone that wanted to push him around and back there in his house I had heard him yelling at his "father." I was proud of him.

"Why? I didn't do anything," he sniffled.

"Yes, you did. You stood up for yourself against him even if it didn't get you anywhere. I'm proud of you, it's more than what your mother has been able to do. I'll all be okay, Andrei," I said.

"There is nothing to be proud of at all. I hate my father and my family...and especially myself. I don't understand how you can deal with me at all, Kyoshi," he confessed.

I brought his eyes up to meet mine. I stared at him intensely. "Andrei, you are wonderful and beautiful. I don't 'deal' with you at all. I choose to be around you because I like it. I never ever want to hear those words come from you again. Do you understand? You are not nothing, you are wonderful," I said. I knew that he wouldn't believe me at first but in time I would make him see it. In time? Did I really believe that there would be that kind of opportunity? "Don't try and analize it right now or you'll drive yourself crazy."

Irisa suddenly came back in from the kitchen where she had been hiding with another bowl of ice-cream. I thought at first that she meant to have some more but I was satisified when she handed the bowl to Andrei. He stared up into her smiling face and slowly took the bowl.

"T-thanks," he stammered. I guess he was just so used to her being crude and sassy. I looked up at her and I saw a look in her eyes that I didnt' quite understand but I didn't want to analize it quite yet, it might scare me.
Kyoshi guided me gently to the coach. I sat down and ate the ice cream in silence. Kyoshi's arm was around my shoulders. We all sat quietly for a few moments until Irisa said suddenly. "You look funny."


"The clothes, no makeup, hair pulled back like that. It's not you."

"Oh yeah... my dad made me change and all..."

"You look nice Andrei." Kyoshi said softly and I could feel myself blush.

Soon we were all talking normally, as if nothing bad had happened. My anger and sadness had abated and I found myself smiling widely. My arms found their way around Kyoshi's waist and I kissed him again, deeply this time. Irisa turned her head in mock disgust and then laughed. "I think you boys need a few minutes to yourself. I'm going to go cook diner."

Kyoshi laughed, I guessed Irisa didn't cook often. But I was grateful to her for giving Kyoshi and I the time alone. As soon as she was gone I turned to him seriously. "Thank you Kyoshi. Really... thank you. You didn't have to come and you didn't have to stand up for me like that. I'm really grateful."

"There is no need to thank me, Andrei. I just had a feeling and went with it. I'm glad that I did because your family is not exactly...you know what I mean. I don't like you living like that," I siad. I contemplated for a moment over my plans of not seeing him again...and threw them out the window. I couldn't peel myself from the boy for even a few hours. I was also so very protective of him that it was frightening.

"You still didn't have to do that for me, Kyoshi," he said setting his head against my chest. We squeezed closer to eachother.

"Yes, I did," was my reply. I began thinking then about something that hadn't even popped into my head until now. I was really starting to like this boy despite everything. We now touched eachother constantly without fear of what might happen although it did linger somewhere. I found myself wanting to see him more in the near future.

After a while I got up from the couch and went in search of Irisa to make sure that she wasn't burning anything. Plus, I wanted to talk to her, she was my confidant after all. She had been the only one that I had grown close to since my parent's death.

"Irisa?" I said, popping up next to her.

"Yes?" she replied, stirring something in a large pot. She was probably making some kind of weird Russian thing.

"Do you think that I'm crazy for possibly falling for him?" I whispered.
I laughed softly, though not in a mocking way. "My love, I think you'd be crazy if you didn't fall for him."

He smiled at this. I had seen Kyoshi smile more in the past three days than I had in a long time. I liked it. Anything that made him this happy was a blessing. In the time we'd been together I had begun to see him almost as a brother. But I was still fiercely protective of him. I tried to keep men away from him that I thought were bad for him, or just using him. But I really liked Andrei. "He's perfect for you Kyoshi. He trusts you, and he's fragile. You need someone you can protect, someone that needs you desperatly. Andrei certainly needs someone. You're perfect for him too. You'll protect him and look after him, maybe even boost his self esteem a bit. Andrei is like a little flower, so much so that even I feel the need to protect him. I like flowers." I said with a smile.

He laughed. "You don't strike me as a flower person. You're fondness seems to lie in ferocious animals."

"Like Cadence?" I asked, reading his mind.

"Yes, like Cadence."

"Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about you."

He shook his head but granted my request. I kissed his cheek lightly. "Kyoshi, he's already fallen for you. And I already knew that you were falling for him, hard. I knew it the moment you walked out the door to go and get him; and I knew you adored him long before that." I patted his head with a soft laugh. "Just be careful. Both of you have the ability to hurt the other more than you know."

I turned back to the stove and my Borcsh. I hadn't cooked Russian food in a long time. And since I was stressed I figured a good meal might make me feel better. I turned away from Kyoshi to start working on the Zharkoye.

I sat there on the couch alone, rather than following him. I needed the moment to myself. I put my head in my hands and let my mind wander. I didn't want to go home tonight. I knew my mom would be upset if I didn't, but I also knew that my dad would wait around, expecting me to come back. I felt bad for just walking out on mom like that. And I still felt bad for being such a bad son, even after all these years of mental abuse from my father, I still felt bad because I couldn't live up to what he wanted me to be.

I shook my head. I didn't want to think about my father. Instead I turned my thoughts to Kyoshi. Sweet, beautiful Kyoshi. I really didn't understand why he was so kind to me, but I was certianly happy that he was. He made me feel safe, even wanted. I had never really felt wanted before. Kyoshi made me feel special. He called me wonderful... And he was wonderful. He was handsom, smart, kind. I sighed.

I may not have known exactly what love was, but what else could this be? I was falling for the cute little Brit.

I treked back towards the livingroom. I stopped at the doorway and stared at Andrei for a moment with his casual jeans, sneakers, regular black T-shirt and his hair pulled back exposing a clean face. He looked stunning.

"Hey, Andrei?" His head snapped up to look at me.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"You wanna come with me to my room?" I made my way towards my door. I knew that he'd follow.

Once I had him in my room I closed the door behind us and sat him on the bed while I went to the closet. I pulled down a box from the top shelf that I kept hidden most of the time because inside was the remnants of my old life before I had come to America. I brought the box back to the bed and handed it to Andrei. If I was going to have him in my life and know so much about him then it was only fair for him to know more about me too. He looked up at me curiously but slowly removed the lid. Inside were pictures, pictures that my parents had owned before I was even born but they were all of my long dead family. He looked up at me confusion in his eyes.

"Why are you showing me these?" he questioned.

"I know so much about you and yet you don't know anything about me at all. You don't even know my real name," I replied. I picked up a photo that had been taken of me and Darren. Back then I had had shorter hair and a lot more goth apparell.

"Kyoshi, I don't need to know anything more about you than I already do. I know that you are wonderful and beautiful and that is all I need," he tried to argue.

"No, there is more. I've never shared much of my life with anyone. Irisa is the only person that I have ever really been close to, I want to share this with you," I said. Pulling out another picture that was me when I was around thirteen. My mother had taken the photo. We had gone on a day trip to the local shopping strips that day and my mother had taken a lot of pictures of me and my father, who I looked a lot like. On the back was written "Charlie and Thomas". "My name is really Thomas."
"Thomas..." I whispered.

It was lovely. But why was he telling me all this? Why was he showing me these things? Why could I possibly need to know about him and what did this new trust of me mean? Was it possible... I shook the thought from my mind. Of course it wasnt possible. But I still didn't understand. Eventually I decided that maybe it was best that I didnt.

After a long moment, looking through the pictures in silence, I spoke. "Kyoshi... I'm honored that you would show me all this. Thank you."

He smiled and sat down beside me as I looked through the rest of the pictures. He was an adorable child and I told him so. He laughed. "No really, you were a cute baby. A lot cuter than I was, I was an ugly baby. Awwww!" I exclaimed when I came upon an unbearably cute baby picture.

When I was finished looking through the pictures I set the box aside carefully and hugged him tightly. The words 'I love you' were on my lips but I bit my lip and never said them.

I hugged him back with a small smile on my lips. Now that I had shared some of myself I almost felt naked now but I tucked that feeling away. I took the box and put it back up in the top of the closet where I had gotten it from. We laid there on my bed for a while just talking about simple things like what it was like in England. I had always thought that it was beautiful even when it was constantly raining. We laid there until Irisa called out dinner. We both rushed in there having been driven crazy by the smell of the delicious foriegn food.

After all of the food was gone I took up the plates and washed the dishes quickly. Even though he was small Andrei could pack a good deal of food in him which was good.

After all of the cleaning up was done Irisa retreated to her room with the telephone and Andrei and myself planted ourselves on the couch.

"So, are you actually going to go home tonight? Or do you think you should stay here for tonight? I can take you to school tomorrow if you want," I offered. He chewed his lip for a moment as he thought deeply about his options. I wanted him to stay with me, I hated the thought of his father still being there at that house waiting up to lay into Andrei. Rage started to simmer in my stomach. I truly did hate that man. "Andrei?"
I thought for a moment. I should go home, as to not worry my mother. But I didn't want to talk to my father, and the idea of spending a night in Kyoshi's arms was irresistable. A small smile spead over my lips. "I'll stay here... but only if you'll let me sleep with you." I didn't know where the words came from and I blushed when I realized I had said them but he only laughed.

"Of course." he grinned.

"Yay!" I pounced on him and knocked him onto his back on the couch and hugged him tightly. He laughed again and held me to him.

But I could tell that something was wrong. His muscles were tight. "Kyoshi... are you okay?"

"Yes. I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"I really don't want you going back home until it is safe and your father isnt around. I'm worried about you." he admited.

I felt myself blush. I had never had someone protect me like this. It felt good. Again I could almost feel those deadly words on my lips. The words I could never say, that I feared. Instead I smiled embarrassedly. "I'll be okay Kyoshi." I assumed him. "My dad's never actually hurt me. But thank you... for protecting me... I-I don't know what to say.

I sat in my room with the phone in my hand for a while. I wondered if calling Cadence right now would seem obsessive, or stalker-like. After a while I put the phone down. Instead I took out a pen and paper. I sighed and thought carefully. After a long moment I began to write. I had been several months since I had written to her, she was probably starting to worry.

'Mamma,' I began, in Russian of course. 'I think I am in love.'

I sat in my room with The Ramones playing loudly from the stereo sitting on top of my dresser. My mother wasn't home, she usually wasn't. She hadn't even called me over the weekend to see where I was. Yeah, she was really fucking concerned. I turned my thoughts from my mother to the beautiful woman that I had just practically spent a whole weekend with.

Irisa was everything that I wanted in a woman. She knew how to take care of herself so I wouldn't have to worry about always having to cover her ass. She was a complete vixen with a heart. I could tell by the way she treated me that she would not just use me like so many others had. I guess that so many see the bad-ass exterior that they think that I have no heart but I did.

I sighed heavily and stared at the phone. Would calling be a good idea already? Maybe tomorrow after school I would call her, I didn't want to be too overbaring, scaring her away before I got anywhere really would not be good.

I grabbed the phone anyways though but didn't dial her number. Instead I dialed Micheal's number. He had been my best friend since I had been eight years old. He was two years older than me so he had already moved out of state for college and so I only got to talk to him. He was the perfect person to talk to about all of the things flying around in my skull.


We passed the rest of the night away by snuggling on the couch watching The Munsters re-runs. I soon became tired though for some unexplainable reason so I turned the TV off and grabbed his hand leading him to my room with me. I wanted to fall asleep with him in my arms. He didn't complain if he was tired or not, he just followed me. I pressed the button on my stereo and the low throb of Depeche Mode thrummed over the speakers. I wasn't sure who fell asleep first but I prayed that my powers wouldn't go wacky like they had last time we had been in this position. My powers had been behaving quite nicely for the whole day, they were letting me control them. Maybe things were truly looking up.
I woke the next morning early and snuggled closer to Kyoshi. I didn't want to get up, it was so comfortable here with him. But after a while he woke up too and we had to get out of bed. Irisa was still asleep when we left. He took me to my house to change clothes and get my backpack. Luckily my father wasnt there. Kyoshi dropped me off at school and we relectantly said our goodbyes. I kissed him as I got out of the car. As soon as he drove away the teasing started. A group of boys had seen me kiss him.

"That your boyfriend faggot? Fucking sick."

I ignored their yells and walked towards the school. I spent my day doodling on my notebooks and found by the end of each long and boring class my folders were covered in little hearts. Eventually I took out my sketch book and began to draw. At lunch time I found Cadence and sat down with her. "Hey." she smiled. "How are you?"

"Better. I spent the night with Kyoshi."

"Really? Why?"

"My dad was being a jerk."

We sat and ate and talked. I took out my sketch book and showed her a cartoon I had drawn in Economics of her and Irisa. The cartoon depicted Irisa as a crazy split personalitied Russian femdomme (sometimes ver dominating and then quickly loving and almost motherly) and Cadence as the bad ass punk resisting Irisa's commands and was titled 'The L word'. Cadence laughed hystericly and told me it was good. She glanced through my book, commenting on some of my pictures. The last one was a half-finsihed and very detailed picture of Kyoshi with angel wings and a halo. "I want to see that when you are finsihed. It's really good." she said, I blushed and agreed to show her.

The rest of the day passed quickly and then it was time to go home. As I left the building I passed by the boys who had seen Kyoshi and I kiss that morning. I tried not to even look at them but as I passed one of them grabbed my shoulder and spun me to face him. "Where you goin' queer?"

"Just let me go..." I said softly, I didn't want a fight.

But I wasnt lucky enough to avoid one. Rather than continueing with the taunting like they normally would I was answered with a hard punch. I staggered and fell back. When I didn't quite fall to the ground I was met with another punch. Before I could even cry out or try to fight back (which I knew I wouldn't have done anyway) I was on the ground. A kick sent pain flodding through my body. There were four or five guys kicking me and finally I screamed. The answer to that was a quick kick to the head. Pain seared my brain and my vision blackened. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Cadence's voice screaming at the boys. 'Cadence...' I thought but couldnt force out the word.

I had had to stay back and finish up a missed lab so as I made my way toward the student parking lot I heard it. The sound of a struggle. I walked out to see Andrei on the ground with what seemed like five guys pummelling him with feet and fists. One of the guys had been from the day I had met Andrei.

I dropped my stuff and ran in heels yelling at the stupid boys. They all turned as one to see me running toward them. Only the boy from before knew who I was so only he looked worried. I threw myself on one of the boys that had short blonde hair and baggy clothes. We tumbled to the ground and I came up punching and kicking at knee-caps.

"I guess you dumbfucks didn't expect a girl to beat your ass. So think next time when you want to beat up on a gay boy because you just got your ass kicked by a lesbian," I sneered at them. This was why I hated men.

One of them had the balls to stand back up and take a swing at me. He connected with my jaw and I could taste the blood in my mouth. I flicked my tongue over the wound and kicked him in the crotch with the heel of my vinyl boots. They started running and limping away. I went to my knees beside Andrei. His face was bloody and he was going to have several majoy bruises. I lifted him in my arms with slight difficulty only from the angle and my own injured knee from when I had falled with the blond. I took him to my car, which thankfully wasn't that far from the site of the inccident. I ran back to get my dropped belongings, threw them in the back seat and sped off toward my house where I could take care of him. I realized then that I was going to have some trouble with getting him the house but once we were there I laid him out on the kitchen floor and set to work with warm towels and lots of alcohol. Blood was pooling some on the tiled floor. Further inspection found a lump and a half moon cut from one of the boy's shoes. He was still unconscious which I knew was not good when you had a head injury.

I began to panic because I wasn't sure exactly what to do anymore. I rushed for the phone and dialed the first number that popped in my head.

Irisa answered quickly. I gave her my address precisely and told her to bring Kyoshi and that was all. I didn't have time to fully explain just yet. They had to get here to help me quickly because I couldn't take him to the hospital.


"Kyoshi! Hurry up and get your ass in the car! We've got to go!" Irisa yelled from the front door. I laced my shoes and headed after her not having a clue what was going on. I didn't ask until we were driving.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Cadence called and said that she needed us," she answered simply. I could detect an edge of panic in her voice.

"That was all?" I said.

"да," she responded.

Irisa sped all the way to Cadence's house. When we pulled up she rushed out of the car and went straight to the door quite sure that we had the right house, which of course it was.

Cadence answered the door and in a hurry. She pulled us both into the kitchen and what I saw froze the blood in my veins.

I fell next to Andrei's side. My heart going wild. I couldn't really understand what Cadence was saying, the only thing I heard was 'fight'. My aura instantly sprung to life searching his. I felt the wound in his skull like a prick to my own. I wasn't even aware of what I was doing but I began imagining the would closing and healing. The words heal...sew flashed through my head. My concentration was solely on the boy in my arms. All of my energy went into him, I could see his aura become more blue than green being full of my essence. I didn't give a second thought to it hurting me, I didn't care. Somehow I knew when it was all done, all that I could do. I pulled my hands from him and tried to pull back my aura but my vision spun, my head splitting open like it had the first time I had ever used my powers and collapsed on the tile next to the boy I had risked my life to save.
"Ahh!" I turned from Cadence to see Kysohi lying on the floor next to Andrei.

I rushed over to him went to my knees beside him. "Kyoshi! Kyoshi wake up!"

I was panicing. What had happened?? I swore I would never turn my back on that boy again, even for a second. It was like taking care of a child. I checked him for injuries first, out of instinct. It took me several paniced minutes to realize what must have happened.

I turned to Andrei and checked the wound to his head, it had closed up considerably. Kyoshi must have used his powers to help him. "Dammit Kyoshi, you're going to fucking kill yourself. Cadence, help me get these two into a bed or something."

She helped to take the boys to a room (a lot easier with Andrei than with Kyoshi). I sat there for a moment, stroking Kyoshi's hair and praying he would be alright, then Cadence and I set to cleaning Andrei's wounds and getting bandages on them. He was going to be bruised everywhere. I checked him for broken bones and found a cracked rib that could wait until he woke up. When he woke we would take him to the hospital. At least his head seemed to be doing better. "I swear if I ever get my hands on the boys that did this to him..." I mutter, surprising myself at the protective tone in my voice.

The kid was not my problem, but I found myself worring about him. But I worried about Kyoshi constantly so I figured it wasn't too odd that I worried about the boy Kyoshi loved. "I beat the hell out of them already." Cadence informed me.

I smiled and kissed her. "Dangerous little thing arn't you."

When I woke I could barely remeber what had happened. I remebered the boy grabbing me and then being punched, but I had no idea how I had gotten where ever I was. And I hurt, everywhere. Especailly my head and ribs. I reached up and tenderly touched my head and then my face to discovered my face was bruised as well. "Oh great..." I muttered. "As if I didn't look bad enough already."

I was surprised to find Kyoshi asleep beside me, but I was pleased. I turned to the side that didn't hurt too badly and curled against his and was soon back asleep.

I had called my mother about an hour after laying the boys in my bed and sitting at the kitchen table sipping iced tea after having cleaned up the mess Andrei had left. She wasn't going to be home tonight anyways so she didn't care as long as no one made a mess. I figured that she wouldn't but I did try once and a while to extend myself out to her but she was always too busy.

Irisa sat across from me with a glass of water staring at the table top looking worried still but not as much. I had seen a side of her like I just had, it added to her diverse character and I liked her even more for it. I couldn't understand though how she could be so calm though. I hadn't understood anything. Nothing had physically happened to Kyoshi so the only conclusion that I could make was that he had fainted or something. I really didn't know. When I first inquired about it Irisa would not tell me anything. She only answered with something like 'it's not my place to tell' or whatever. It was aggravating but I couldn't do anything about it which made me irratated.

"Calm down, Darling, being angry won't help anything at all," she said.

"Heh, that's really gonna happen. I don't know what the fuck just happened in my own kitchen, my knee hurts like a son-of-a-bitch and my lip is still bleeding. I don't know what the hell to do and you're telling me to calm down? This is crazy, Irisa, it's fucking insane!" I huffed. I stood from the chair and began to pace.


Visions passed from one to the other without any pause. Sometimes they meshed together. They were visions of my own past but also the things that I had seen from other's minds as I had touched them. Most were chaotic so my mind churned in an unhappy place but I couldn't get away from it. I could not force myself to wake. The battles seemed to go on forever and I lost hope of escaping from it all when finally I felt them lightening and I was dimmly aware of my surroundings.

I was in a strange place but someone was laying against me. Without having to look I knew that it was Andrei. I couldn't see any one else in the room but I felt Irisa was close somewhere. I knew that I was in for a bitching for sure. I had never done that before. I didn't even know that I was capable of something like that at all, just like when I had hurt Andrei's father. I was discovering new things everyday it seemed and I was slightly controlling my powers too. I felt like shit too but I didn't want to take the time to worry about me. I wanted to make sure that he was all right.

Slowly and with a lot of trouble I managed to turn toward the warm body next to me. I had a feeling that I was going to get a full night's sleep tonight whether I wanted to or not. I didn't understand how I was so drained this time when I hadn't been before when I had unleashed my power on James. I didn't want to think on it, my head hurt already.
I felt him stir and opened my eyes. "Good morning." I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" was his immediate question.

"Mmmhmm. Just bruised, I think. My ribs hurt a lot though. Worst thing is, I look like shit." I still hadn't seen my face but I knew it must be pretty bad.

"You look fine." he said reassuringly and I laughed. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm not dead. Cause if I was dead and this was Heaven, you'd be naked." I had a bad habit of joking when things were serious.

He smiled and pulled me, gently, closer to him. I grinned and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his scent. "Thank you." I muttered against him.

"For what?"

"I don't know. But when I was out I just knew you were here, I could feel you, and it was comforting."

I sighed. I was far from calm myself, but for her sake I was trying not to snap at her, I had anger problems and didn't deal well with people when I was angry, it was one of the things that made me an effective domme but didn't help at all in regular situations. But how dare she yell at me about all this. It certainly wasn't my fault. I watched her pace for a moment until it got to annoying to bare. "God damn it Cadence! Sit the fuck down!" I yelled.

She looked at me as if shocked for a moment and then looked angry. 'Let her be angry.' I thought. 'Her fucking fault for snapping at me. No one fucking snaps at me.'

I stared at her for a moment shocked but it didn't last because I was angry again.

"I don't want to fucking sit down. I like pacing thank you very much," I retorted and continued pacing. Her cheeks became a shade darker.

She stood up from her chair abruptly and the next thing I knew the side of my face was stinging.

"Don't snap at me like it's my fault! I won't stand for you to talk to me so like that!" she snapped.

My instant reaction after being hit was to slap her back which I did instantly. "This isn't any easier on me than it is on you! And who the fuck do you think you are? You think that I'm some weak little bitch that's going to follow you to the ends of the earth with puppy dog eyes? Well, you're fucking wrong! I fight back and if you don't like that then you need to just get the fuck out of my house and I don't want to see you again! Got it?" I growled.

There was a piercing silence that followed my words as we stared at eachother intensely. I realized that I hadn't meant those words. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted a woman that could take my blows and fight with me just as hard as I fought.

Suddenly her hand was wrapped around my throat applying just enough pressure to make me a little light headed and to pull me to her then push me against the wall and shove her tongue into my mouth. I melted into her dominance. It hadn't meant that she had won but it meant that knew how to deal with me. I had always wanted something that could deal with me. I was not the easiest person to deal with at all, which was probably the reason why I had such a hard time finding a girlfriend.

After a moment she pulled her hand away but crushed her body to mine and I wrapped my arms around her waist, still kissing. Maybe she had won...I couldn't tell anymore.

I found myself laughing against her lips. She had slaped me. No one had ever slapped me before, and I told her that. "Yeah well," she retorted. "You hit me first."

I laughed again. She fought back and that amused me. Good submissives were always so boring, the pleasure was in breaking subs. It seemed to me she'd be hard to break if I ever broke her. And I loved it. I kissed her again, more gently this time. "Let's go check on the boys." I whispered.

We walked slowly upstairs. When we opened the door the boys were awake and talking. "Ah, you're awake. How are you both feeling?"

Andrei attempted a smile but it came out more as a grimice. "I'm fine."

I could tell he was trying not to worry Kyoshi. Kyoshi too said that he was alright, obviously trying not to worry Andrei. "Well, Andrei. Now that you are awake I think we should take you to the hospital."

"What!? No!" he exclaimed. "Why?!"

I was surprised by his reaction. "You're rib is broken, you need to go to the doctor." I said slowly.

Kyoshi looked worried. "You should go to the doctor Andrei." he stated softly.

"No! I'm fine! I'd know if it was broken, it's not, I'm okay. And I'm not going to the doctor!"

I ignored his protests and approaced Kyoshi instead. "And how are you feeling darling?"

He looked at me closely for a moment. "FIne, but what happened to your cheek? It's red."

I laughed. "Cadence slapped me."

He looked shocked.

I had never known anyone to slap Irisa for any reason. She was the Dom...always. She only smiled at me and slipped a glance of affection at Cadence who was checking on Andrei's head.

"Andrei, I think that you should go. If you don't get that taken care of you're going to regret it. Please, go," I said gently. I couldn't heal it for him just yet. I knew that it would take another sleeping session and good nutritious food before I was up to using my powers again.

"No, I'm fine," he protested again.

"How about this," Cadence said, "we're taking you to the fucking hospital and you're going to stop being a fucking baby about it. I saved your ass from any further damage so I think you it owe to me to do as I ask. So, stop your bitching and get over your fucking phobia. You're going to the hospital."

Now I could see why the two women were great for eachother.


He still gave small protests but Irisa and I helped him out to her car since it was bigger and propped him into the back passenger seat. Then we made another trip to go get Kyoshi. He wasn't passed out this time so it was a little easier to help him out. We put him in the back with Andrei where Andrei could lay his head in his lap.

Irisa drove and we were speeding off toward the hospital where we hoped they could help him without a parent considering he was under age. Maybe they'd make an exception considering we had two adults with us.
I laid in Kysohi's lap, unable to protest. I was frightened. Hospitals were such awful places. I whimpered and snuggled closer against Kyoshi for comfort. I closed my eyes and my thoughts wandered back in time.

I woke in a dimly lit room that smelled of disinfectant. There was the steady beat of a heart moniter somewhere in the room. Somewhere close were voices, harsh but muttering as if forcing themselves not to yell.

"It's your fucking fault April! If you had let me raise the boy like I wanted to he wouldn't be a faggot and he wouldn't have gotten into this mess!" My father's voice, harsh and commanding.

"I don't care about his sexuality James. I just want to find out who did this to my little boy. He's hurt James, and all you can worry about is that he likes men? James, he might not wake up." my mother's voice, meek and submissive but choked with sobs.

"It matters April! No son of mine is going to be gay! And if he was a real man this wouldn't have happened."

I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I didn't want them to know I was awake and I didn't want to know where I was. The last thing I remebered was walking home from school and then running into those boys, the ones that made fun of me. They had been standing in the middle of the road, seven or eight of them, some with baseball bats or lead pipes. I remembered all the shouting and the first swing of a pipe, then there was nothing. But that was the least of my concerns. My father knew now about my sexuality, and I knew I would never hear the end of it.

My eyes fluttered open to chase away the memories. I didn't want to go to the hospital, they scared me so much. I'd spent too much time in hospitals before. I didn't want to go back even for a short period of time. I'd spent a month there aa couple of years ago when those boys had beaten me up, I'd nearly died. The doctors and surgeries and needles... I shivered. I didn't ever want to go back.

"Kyoshi..." I whispered. "Please make them turn around. Please don't make me go to the hospital. Please..."

I had felt his memory as it had come over him. I understood that he was scared. He was terrified but he needed to go. It wouldn't take that long to get him wrapped up. We didn't have the supplies needed to fix him up so the hospital was the only choice. I hoped that I had energy enough to go with him when we finally got there.

I ran my fingers lightly through his hair and reclined my head back against the seat. I wanted my powers back so I could soothe him but I knew that I'd hurt myself if I tried doing something again so soon.

"It'll be all right, Andrei. We all have to face our fears at some time. You can do it, I'll be here the whole time," I whispered.


"Shhh...rest now," I said, closing my eyes.

The next thing I knew Irisa was shaking me gently awake. We were already at the hospital and Andrei's eyes were wide like a frightened rabbit. Cadence had gone to go get a wheel chair so the girls didn't have to carry him. They got him out of the car carefully and Cadence started taking him toward the entrance. Irisa turned to me to help me. I knew that she wouldn't let me just stay in the car so I wrapped an arm around her and found that I could find my feet better than I had so I didn't have to depend on her as much. My strength was returning quicker than I had expected. By the time we hit the doors I was walking more on my own but I kept an arm around her waist just in case.

In about twenty minutes we were in a room and Andrei was being helped. He was breathing heavily and was still wide eyed but he seemed to be doing good. He was given a medicine prescription and a check for the visit. I took the papers and soon we were on our way to the pharmacy. I was still exhausted but I knew that I'd be all right by the next day.

I walked into the pharmacy with Irisa while the other two staid in the car. I had my own personal bank account full of money that was left to me by my parents. There was enough in the account that I wouldn't have to get a job for the rest of my life seeing as it was both of their retirement funds. I gladly paid for the hospital bill and for the medication. I would do whatever was necessary to take care of Andrei.

Once we had everything Cadence dropped me and Andrei off at my house. The girls escorted us inside and we laid down in the bed. Andrei had calmed down considerably, probably a lot thanks to the medication.

The girls then left to go get Irisa's car. I laid there with Andrei, the weight of my exhaustion laying down on me heavily.

"Kyoshi...thank you," Andrei whispered.
The medications made me light headed. It was like being high. The hospital had been awful but I had tried to remain calm for Kyoshi. He had held my hand the whole time. It was cute, and had kept me calm. I just couldn't focus on the doctor or the room when he was so close to me. All I had been able to think about was the feel of his hand in mine, holding hands was such an intimate gesture. It was loving.

I smiled and leaned up to kiss him. When I pulled away I was giggling though I had no idea why. He looked at me strangly. "Must be the meds." I laughed. "Pain pills mess with me cause I'm so small and normally don't need as much as a normal sized person would. So they always make me act funny."

He laughed too and patted me on the head like I was a child. I playfully nipped at his hand when he did but he pulled it away before I could bite him. If there was one good thing about drugs with was that they opened me up and I didn't act so shy. "What are you now, a dog?" he asked with a grin.

"Nope!" I giggled. "A cat." I nibbled at his ear and purred.

He shivered and I laughed. I meowed at him, crawled on top of him, and captured his lips for a deep kiss. I flicked my tongue into his warm mouth and sighed. He tasted good.

I was quite surprised and even though I was so very tired my body reacted to him instantly. I kissed him back, letting his tongue explore my mouth. My arms snacked around his waist as he sat on top of me.

"Mmmm..." I moaned into his mouth and he giggled. He wriggled his hips against mine. I didn't have that much energy left to resist and moved along with him. He nibbled along the side of my neck then went back to my earlobe. Needless did he know that was one of my major turn-on spots. A brief thought flashed in the back of my mind about if we should be doing this, but I pushed it away.

He began kissing down the side of my neck and stopped where the shirt started. Almost frustrated he began lifting it to get it away from my body. I smiled and helped him remove it. He began to place kisses down my chest, around my nipples and down to my navel. His mouth torturing me.
I let my tongue play over the curves and lines of his muscles. I wondered to myself if we should be doing this, because I knew if I let it get much farther I wouldn't be able to hold back. But I wanted him so much. I knew it was wrong, we hadn't known each other long and we wern't even dating, but I wanted him. The sight of him lying there, occasionaly emiting soft moans in response to my mouth, was so hot.

I flicked my tongue across his nipples, he moaned my name and I was too far gone to think about right and wrong. I kissed him again and as I did let my hands move down to rub against him through his pants. He moaned into my mouth. I kissed him harder. I was so aroused and wanted him so bad, my kiss showed that desperation.

(b} Irisa-
Before we left to head back to my place I had a brillent idea. I wanted some more time to talk with Cadence and get to know her. "Hey baby. The boys will be asleep for a while. What do you say the two of us grab some coffee while we're out? There's a cafe between here and my place."

"Alright." she agreed.

When we got there I grabbed a cornor table and ordered a cafe au lait. She ordered her drank and we sat staring at each other for a moment. "So babe," I said. "Talk to me."

In my dazed little world I was in Heaven, his hands all over me. He was driving me crazy. His fingers traced me through the jeans. I was as hard as a freaking rock. I groaned half in pleasure and half in agony because I knew that I was going to have to stop him soon.

I captured his face in my hands and brought his lips to mine in a crushing kiss. I pulled his body to my own and rolled to the side, pressing him towards the wall still kissing him. We got immersed in the deep kiss and I unwrapped his legs from my waist. I wanted him badly but not yet. It could not be like this. It had to special, that was what he deserved. I realized that I didn't even know if he was a virgin or not. I wasn't going to ask, I was sure that I'd find out eventually. Plus, we were not dating...yet.

"Andrei," I breathed along his cheek, holding him to me. We laid there, still in eachother's arms. Soon I felt his body completely relaxing and my own following. Soon we were on the brink of sleep. "I'll make it special for you but not now. Go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake." Those dangerous words were on my lips but I bit my tongue back. Those were very dangerous words.


I sipped at my hot french vanilla cappocino, staring at the woman sitting across from me with great interest and yet confusion. She looked wonderful in her tight black jeans and dark red speghetti strapped shirt. Her lips were clean of lipstick but she had managed to put eyeliner on. She didn't need makeup at all to look beautiful.

"Why didn't you turn away from me back there in my kitchen. I thought for sure that you would hate me after that," I said.

Her question shocked me. How could she think I would hate her? But then again, why didn't I hate her? Or at least put her in her place? I was a domme, no one dared hit me. Yet she had. And I had let her. Sure, I had hit her first though I knew it was unlikely she would stand for it. Truthfully, the slap had amused me. It had been the words that hurt. I was silent for a moment, gathering my thoughts. When I spoke my voice was level, clear and without emotion.

"I couldn't hate you Cadence. I hit you first and you had every right to defend yourself. I may not be used to people defending themselves against me, but you were right. You are not some weak little bitch. And that only attracts me to you more. True submisives are so boring, the fun is in the chase. I'd actually prefer to be with someone that doesn't give in completly to my domination, someone that will fight me every step of the way, because I can't respect someone that is that submissive. As for what you said to me, that hurt Cadence. I wont lie to you and say that it didn't. You telling me that you didn't care if you never saw me again really hurt. But we were both angry, and I know better than anyone that people dont always mean what they say when they are angry. And even if you had meant it, I would not have left. Because I refuse to give up this chase." Her eyes were surprised, but they would have been shocked and quite possibly appaled had I said what I nearly did.

I had to learn to be careful. With dangerous words like 'I love you' in my mind, it was easy to accidently let them fall from my lips. I had never allowed those words to stain my lips before, and I wouldn't now. She and I weren't even dating yet, I truthfully barely knew her. Hopefully all that would change though. I had high hopes with her. For once in my life I found myself wanting someone to be mine, but not wanting to own them. My heart beged for a relationship, a girlfriend instead of a slave. But could I allow myself to do that...?

I was drifting quickly into sleep in his arms. But I fought it, desperatly trying to stay awake. The meds were begining to wear off and some of the pain was returning to my ribs, I ignored it as best I could. I didn't want to get up to go get more pain pills. I didn't want to move at all. I wanted to stay in Kyoshi's arms.

When he had pulled away from me I had wondered if it had meant he didn't want me. The thought had scared me. I had also wondered if maybe I was just moving to fast, something I wouldn't normally do, and he had been bothered by it. But when he had continued to hold me to him, so close that every inch of the fronts of our bodies were touching, and had whispered softly that he'd make it special for me, I had realized that my worries had been absurd. He had pulled away from me for a reason far more romantic than anything my paranoid mind would have been able to conclude. Just when I thought I couldn't care about him any more than I did he said something that made my heart feel like it would explode for love of him.

But did it mean he cared about me too? Or did it just prove again how nice of a guy he was? I wondered what he had meant. Did 'not now' simply mean that he wouldn't take me when I was drugged up and possibly unsure of what I was doing? Or had he really meant it in the most wonderfully romantic way, that it had to be special for us? I snuggled closer against him, burying my face in his chest so that I could just breath in his scent. I would worry about it in the morning. He had told me he would be here when I woke, that was good enough for me. So I let myself drift off into sleep, to dreams of the boy that held me.

I stared at her in silent suprise. I hadn't really expected her to be so honest with me. Hardly anyone ever told the truth anymore, they were always half-truths, "little white lies" or just flat out lies, to avoid any kind of real confrontation. I found myself shocked and yet very pleased that would actually trust me enough to share what she was really thinking. I almost felt guilty for hurting her feelings but she had deserved it in my opinion.

Also, I actually liked the idea of being a submissive for her. I had always been interested in that kind of thing and I would definately not deny her her life style because I had a feeling that I would do a lot just to keep this one.

I reached across the table and took her hand in mine, not giving two rat's asses about the people around us.

"I'm glad that you didn't go away. I really wouldn't have let you leave anyways, or, at least not for a long time. Plus, I think you're growing on me," I gave her a smile. I had a feeling that if she ever tried to walk away from me she wouldn't get far because I knew that I was already in deeper than I wanted to realize.

I leaned over the small round table and put my lips gently to hers, being careful not to knock the coffee over with any appendages.


I was the first to wake, I usually was no matter what. Carefully I rolled out of bed to felt a glass of water and his pain killers. I knew that he was in an immense amount of pain, I could tell by the way he was breathing in his sleep.

Luckily my strength had returned to me. I did not like the sensation of not having access to my powers at all. I guess my abilities had grown on me a bit. Now that I was learning how to use my powers more I didn't mind them so much, although I did have a killer headache. The headache would go away in time, I was used to them.

I glanced at the clock and realized that I had only been sleeping two hours. I assumed that Irisa wasn't back yet or else she would have come to check on us which would have woken me some. I hoped that she was making things work with the adorable punk girl.
I felt him climb back into bed, thought I hadn't felt him leave it, and I stired slightly. I reluctantly let my eyes flutter open. He smiled at me sweetly when he noticed I was awake. I tried to smile back, but I hurt so badly. He must have noticed because he handed me a glass of water and a couple of pills. "Thank sweetheart..." I muttered sleepily.

Wait. Had I just called him sweetheart? I bit my lip nervously, unsure of how he was going to react to me addressing him with a pet name. But he didn't say anything about it and simply asked me how I was feeling. "Not so good." I admited. "But I'll be alright. How are you?"

"Fine." he smiled slightly. "Just a headache is all. I'm more concerned about you."

I took the pills with a grimace, I hated swallowing pills, and sat the glass aside so that I could snuggle up against him. He put his arms around me and I pressed my face into his chest, I was addicted to his scent, and closed my eyes. I was exhasted and as the pain started to melt away I drifted back off into sleep.

I was surprised when she kissed me. Even more surprising had been her confession of 'I think you're growing on me.' It wasnt I love you, but it was a start. I kissed her back, oblivious to the stares I knew we were getting. And when she pulled away and I looked into her eyes my self control snaped, I could actually feel it break, and I pulled her back to me and crushed my lips to hers.

Immediatly I shoved my tongue into her mouth, ravishing her lips. After a long, intense kiss, I drew back just far enough to whisper, "Cadence, be my girlfriend." It wasn't a question, because I didn't intend to give her the chance to say no.

All of the air left my lungs and my stomach twisted in knots but I couldn't help but smile as she crushed my lips to hers again in an almost bruising kiss. When we finally pulled away from eachother I was still smiling widely even though I was a bit scared. I had never been good in relationships but hell, I'd give it a try with this steamy dominatrix.

"Damn right I'll be your girlfriend," I laughed out of excitment.

We left the place hand in hand and made our way back to my house to get Irisa's car. My mother was home for some strange reason when we got there so I left Irisa outside near her car and went up to my room to grab some clothes and my cigarettes. I wanted to keep an eye on Andrei and also to be with Irisa, not like my mother would even notice. I shouted a goodbye to the house and was out the door.

I followed Irisa back to her house and dropped my stuff in the livingroom. Then, I head straight for Kyoshi's room to see how Andrei was doing. We found them cuddled closely on Kyoshi's bed, although Kyoshi was not asleep. Irisa made her way to check on them while I stood at the doorway. I watched the way she moved and how she was so careful with Kyoshi in an almost motherly way. The hardcore bitch definately had a soft side and I adored her for it all. I could tell that nothing would ever pry her away from Kyoshi, only death could separate them. So, that meant that they always had eachother to fall back on if something went wrong. I realized in that moment that if things didn't go right then I would be back to being alone again without a shoulder to lean on. I tried to shake those thoughts from me though.

I was thrilled. I was still in a great mood when we reached my house. My mood became even better, if that was possible, when I saw that Kyoshi was awake and feeling better. I tended to him quickly and gently. The look in his eyes told that that he knew something was up. I simply smiled at him as enchantingly as I could. "So, darling, are you feeling better?"

He nodded. "Just a bit of a headache. I'm alright."

"And how is our sweet little flamer boy?" I said with a grin, I was feeling uncharacteristicly bubbily.

"He's better. He woke up a little while ago and I gave him some more pills. He's still in a lot of pain though, he'll be a little better after some more rest."

"Thats good." I noticed Candence still standing in the doorway. "I'll be right out, Cadence darling. Let me finish tending the boys." She nodded and walked out of the room.

"So, now are you going to tell me what is going on? You seem awfully happy." his eyes were suspicious and I laughed.

"I have a new girlfriend."

"Really now?" he asked with a grin, I knew he was happy for me.

"Yes. Now what about you? Have you gotten any farther with Andrei? You should you know, I can tell how much you adore him."

He shook his head with an odd look on his face. He loved Andrei so much, so obviously. I didn't understand why he couldn't just tell him so (all though that made me a hypocrite, because I wouldn't tell Cadence I loved her) or at least ask him out. But the look on Kyoshi's face made me suspect something may have gone on while we were out.

"Yes, I do find myself having a growing affection for him, but I don't want to hurt him, Irisa. And I don't want to hurt myself either. Although, I seem to have this feeling to protect him... Things are very confusing in my head right now but I am very happy for you though. It's about damn time you find someone that actually makes you happy," I smiled. I grasped her hand in my own and pulled her to me in a gentle hug. There was no doubt that I would always love this woman, she was very much like my sister and sometimes my mother.

"You will figure it out in time, just don't take too long, he might get away from you and I have a feeling that you don't want him out of your life just yet," she said and planted a kiss on my cheek. With that she hugged me again and left the room leaving me alone with the beautiful boy and my contorted thoughts.


I went out into the livingroom and took a relaxing seat on the couch. I had a feeling that the boys would be all right in time. I did hope that Kyoshi would hurry up and make something of their relationship, Andrei seemed to need a boyfriend. I thought that Kyoshi would be the perfect fit for him too.

I found that I couldn't think on them long though considering the fact that I finally had a real girlfriend and not just some random girl that was a regular fuck buddy. This girl I was actually serious about and she seemed pretty earnest too.

There were tears in my eyes... I could hardly stop myself from trembling with sobs. I tried to be quiet, not to make a sound. I didn't want him to know that I had been eavesdropping. But damn it was hard not to fling myself into his arms and cry. I wanted to hold him and swear that I would never hurt him and beg him just to love me. But did he love me? He said that he had affection for me, or that he was begining to have affection for me. But affection could mean anything, from friendship to responisbility to love. And I couldn't risk bearing my soul when he could just mean friendship.

But that thought brought a sob from my throat that was very nearly audiable, and shook my body. Curled up as I still was against his chest, I was certain he could feel it. And I fought to still myself before he noticed. But damn he was perceptive. I could feel him shift beneath me, turning to look at me completely. "Andrei..." he said tenativly. "Are you alright?"

I tired to ignore him, I tried to pretend I was asleep, but I couldn't hold back the audible sob that escaped me under his gaze. The problem was, I couldn't even figure out why I was crying. Was I miserable because he may care about me only as a friend, or overjoyed because maybe, just maybe, he cared about me as more?

I felt his body jerk with the sob that I was pretty sure I had heard erupt from his throat. I was psychically drained so my abilities were not as sharp as they usually were but I could still feel a strong wave of emotion coming from him. I saw our auras spring to life and twine together like they had before, I breifly wondered yet again why that was happening. Maybe it meant something... I pushed at that, it could wait until another time. For now that strong urge to shelter and protect him came back to me.

"Andrei? What is wrong? I know that you are awake. Please, tell me what it is. Let me help," I said, hugging him tighter to my body while raking my fingers gently through his hair. I wasn't sure if it was something being brought on by the drugs or if he was upset. I hoped that he was not in pain despite the medicine.

What could I say? I certainly couldn't tell him that I was listening to his conversation with his best friend and that I was crying because I wanted so desperatly for him to love me as completely as I loved him. And yes... I did love him, and I was finally admiting that to myself. I loved him with all of my heart, I felt safe and sure of myself only when I was in his arms, I needed him and felt surely that I would die without him... but I couldn't say a word of that to him.

I looked up at him, tears staining my cheeks. My mind franticly searched for excuses and pulled out the simplist one that came to it. "I... It's nothing... I just... I hurt, that's all..." But when that painful look of concern came into his face I immediatly regreted my lie.

But what I could I say now? That was the only probable excuse. Somehow though the look in my eyes must have screamed that I was lying, I was such an awful lier. The look on his face when he realized I was lying was ever more heart wretching, if that was possible. "Andrei...? What's really wrong?" he asked softly.

"I...I..." I stumbled over my words and was embarrassed, I hated the stutter I got when I was nervous. "I... h-heard you t-talking..." I couldn't lie to him, but I couldn't tell him the truth either. What was I going to do?

Heard Irisa and I talking? That meant that he had heard what I had said about him and my feelings towards him. Although, I really didn't understand the tears. Maybe if I had had my powers to fall back onto.. but I didn't so I was stranded as being normal for the time being.

I heaved a very heavy sigh. I knew that this had to be talked about sometime. I guess that time was now.

"Andrei, listen, I do like you. I feel like I should never leave your side... but as strong and brave as I seem... I have insecurities too. I told you about the person I told about my powers and how that resulted. I know that you don't mind too much... but I don't want to be hurt or hurt another again. I don't think that my heart could go through that lose and rejection again," I confided. I kept my eyes closed as I spoke to him, I could feel a small trickle of emotion from him but I couldn't interpret it. Maybe he had been crying out of guilt...

I sat up, away from him suddenly, my lip trembling from barely restrained tears. "Re-rejection?" I managed to force from my lips.

Rejection... to hear my deepest fear voiced so clearly, and from another's mouth... Was I not the only one who feared it? But how could he ever imagine that I would reject him? I loved him so completely, I would NEVER even consider abandoning him. But how could he know that? I had never told him. I forced the words from my mouth, barely able to breath as I did it. I was so afraid I feared I might faint.

"K-Kyoshi... I would n-never, never reject you. Never. I-I c-care about you to m-much for that. P-please... Kyoshi... Just give me a ch-chance, let me prove to you that you can tr-trust me. Just give me a chance Kyoshi! Please..." I was so shocked, I couldn't believe I said it.

I had finally said it, well, not all of it. I hadn't told him all of what I felt, but I had said more than I ever expected I would be brave enough to say. I wanted to reach out for him, I felt suddenly very insecure, very afraid and unsure of myself, but I couldn't even look at him, much less touch him. I could feel myself blushing, tears were dripping down my cheeks. I cried both from insecurity and fear. Would he turn me away? And if he did... what would I do?

I stared at his back with my heart beating frantically in my chest. Was I willing to take the risk of hurting us? Well, he had practically just said that he too contained feeling for me other than a physical attraction. He was willing to take all of those risks with me?

My hand went out, timidly at first, and ran my fingertips across his shoulder. I didn't want him turned away from me, I wanted him in my arms, I suddenly felt empty without him close. Was this a feeling of... love? I would come to that when I had to.

I wrapped my arms around him tenderly and leaned him against my chest. I placed a light kiss on the side of his throat.

"Andrei... If you will have me then I would very much like to give it a chance. We've only known eachother for a few days but maybe it can work. Our auras seem to have taken a liking to eachother that's for sure," I said with an attempted smile when the truth was my heart was pounding hard in my chest. I was so frightened, I felt as if my heart was going to burst.

Suddenly I was struck with panic. I should have been happy, and I was, I though. But what if he hurt me? What if he abandoned me, like every other person in my life always had? I didn't think I could handle that kind of pain. Everything I had just said, and so surely, about chances, about trust, suddenly didn't seem so sure.

I couldn't find the words to express my fears so I turned into his arms and kissed him with every bit of desperation I felt. His embrace felt safe, the only thing I was sure of. He kissed me back, softly at first because of his shock but soon with as much intensity as I was kissing him with, but with none of the desperation. I wondered if he could feel the desperation in my kiss. And I was desperate, desperate for some kind of assurance that I could trust him with my scared heart. I didn't have a choice though, he already held my heart. I had never had to give it to him, he had stolen it.


"You belong to me, you know that don't you?" I asked with a smirk as I paced at the foot of my bed.

She laughed, making me grin even wider. Damn she was beautiful, handcuffed like that to my bed, her full breasts pressing forward as she arched slightly off the bed when my whip lightly touched her flesh, just hard enough to turn the skin pink. Only her panties stopped me from seeing her entire lovely body.

I couldn't shake from my mind the look on her face when I had cuffed her there. She had been kissing me quite deeply when she found herself suddenly and unexpectedly unable to move. One of my greatest talents had always been stealth. Her eyes had gone wide and a frown had just begun to crease her mouth before turning quickly into a lusty smile. God... that smile..

"I said: You belong to me , just know that, don't you?"

She nodded slowly as I brought the whip down across her thighs a little harder this time.

Damn. She was so fucking sexy. She drove me absolutely crazy with that whip and that look in her eyes. She brought her whip down on my flesh again and I arched into the delicious stinging. A small moan escaping from my lips. If she didn't touch me soon I was going to burst from such pent up anxiety. My electric blue thongs were soaked between my legs and my nipples ached to be touched, ah, fuck, how I wanted her to touch me but I'd be damned it I begged, there was more to it than that.

"I may be yours, Darling, but you have not captured me completely just yet," I purred. I was looking for a good challenge, I loved this game.


I was drowning in his kiss. He was being so intense that my lips were tingling. Damn, my lips were going to be bruised even, but I didn't really care. He had not been this earnest in kissing me before.

I could feel his emotions suddenly. He was afraid, so very afraid and full of so much doubt. Flashbacks of emotion flooded through us from his mind. He had been hurt too many times and so did I. Didn't that make us perfect for eachother? Or were we both heading into something tragic? Fuck it! I didn't want all of this doubt and pain!

I pulled away from him, the both of us breathing heavy.

"Andrei, I'm tired of doubt. I'm tired of pain. Will you be my boyfriend? Put everything else out of your mind. Do you want to or not? If you say no I'm not going to push you away but please, please say yes. We both deserve happiness."

Put everything else out of my mind... I repeated over and over again to myself. Put the doubt and fear and panic from my mind. Did I want to or not? Did I want to or... Of course I wanted to! I couldn't think of anything in the world I wanted more. His boyfriend... I smiled at the thought.

He was right about one thing, he deserved to be happy. But would I make him happy? Or would I hurt him? It seemed that he wanted me to say yes, and that he'd be upset if I said no. And I would certainly be happy with him, not like that mattered truthfully. "Yes..." I whispered after a long moment. "Yes, of course I will. I'd love to."

He smiled and pulled me into his arms, kissing me gently, almost... lovingly. And I kissed him back just as tenderly, tears blurring my vision because for once I was happy and I loved him so much.

My heart was pounding so hard it felt like I had just run a mile when in fact I had hardly moved at all. Maybe I had trapped him with my words but I knew that we would just go on doubting and fearing and possibly one day drifting apart just because we had not said anything. I already had that tenderness in my heart that said that I was in deep, that I possibly already...

I pulled away from him smiling, his eyes were even glossy with tears of what I hoped was joy. He was beautiful with his innocent, wide eyes and delicate features. We must have appeared to be such opposites for one another but at that time I didn't care.

"So," I said, still smiling widely. "I take it that you have heard the news then about Cadence adn Irisa?"

"Yeah," he answered. "I can hear them right now." We both enjoyed a laugh.

© Copyright 2005 Marquise, Magenta, (known as GROUP).
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